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NITED NATIONS Distr. EVELOPMENT GENERAL DP/1982/ZN?/7 ROGRAMME 27 Nay 1982 ENGLISH~FRENCH~SPANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL Special Meeting and Twenty-ninth session Geneva, 24 May to 21 June 1982 9ROVISIONAL LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE PROVISOIRE DES REDRESENTANTS LISTA PROVISORIA DE REgRESENTANTES Chairman President Mr. Douglas LINDORES (Canada) Presidente First Vice President Premier Vice-Pr~sidente H.E. Mr. Mohamed MEMMI (Tunisia) Primer Vice-Presidente Second Vice President Deuxi~me Vice-Pr~sident Mr. B.M. OZA (India) Segundo Vice-gresidente Third Vice President Troisi~me Vice-Pr4sident Mr. Anton BARAMOV (Bulgaria) Tercer Vice-Preisdente . Fourth Vice President Ouatri~me Vice-Pr4sident H.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ (Ecuador) Quatro Vice-Presidente Secretary Secr4taire Mr. Uner KIRDAR Secretario Corrections should be submitted in writing to the Secretariat of the Governing Council, Room E-I052, extension 4348. Les corrections doivent 6tre soumises par ~crit au Secr4tariat du Conseil d’Administration, Bureau E-1052, poste 4843. Toda correcci6~ que sea necesaria hacer sobre esta lista debe ser presentada oor escrito a la Secretarfa del Consejo de Administraci6n, Oficina E-IO52, extensi6n 4348. ir "~ ir-,~ DP/1982/INF/7 Page 1 ARGENTINA Representante: S.E. Sr. Gabriel O. MARTINEZ, Embajador, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Representante Alterno; St. Jorge BONNASERRE, Subsecretario de Planificaci6n y Programaci6n St. Alberto L. DAVEREDE, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra Sr. Jorge PEREIRA, Secretario de Embajada, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra St. Juan J. ARCURI, Secretario de Embajada, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra Sr. Juan SOLA, Secretario de Embajada, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra AUSTRIA Representative: Mr. Erich M. SCHMID, Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs, Director for Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Mr. Wernfried KOEFFLER, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva ° Mr. Ralph SCHEIDE, Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, Geneva BARBADOS H.E. Mr. Barley S.L. MOSELEY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Ricardo Randolph BROWNE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York BELGIUM Repr4sentant: S.E.M.A. ONKELINX, Ambassadeur, Repr4sentant Permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve Mme. S. VERVALCKE, Directuer d’administration, Chef du Service de la Coop4ration multilat4rale ~ l’Administration G4n4rale de la Coop4ration au D4veloppement Repr4sentants suppl4ants; Mlle. G. VAN DEN BERGH, Attach4, Mission Permanente, Gen~ve Mlle J. HARROY, Attach4, Mission Permanente, Gen~ve BHUTAN Representatives: H.E.I/ Mr. Dasho LAM PENJOR, Deputy Minister of Planning Commission Mr. Achyut BHANDARI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Alternate Representative: Mr. Sonam T. RABGYE, Under Secretary, Ministry of Foreign DPI19821I~17 Page 2 BRAZIL Representatives: H.E. Mr. George ALVARES-MACIEL, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the united Nationst Office, Geneva Alternate Representatiyes: Dr. Jos~ FLAVIO PECORA, Secretary-General, Planning Secretariat Dr. Garry SOARES DE LIMA, Coordinator International Technical Co-operation Planning Secretariat Mr. Adhemar Gabriel BAHADIAN, Counsellor of Embassy Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Enio CORDEIRO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Paulo Roberto CAMI~IA DE CASTILHOS FRANCA, Division of Technical Cooperation, Ministry of External Relations BULGARIA Representative: S.E.M. Methodi POPOV, Ambassadeur, Chef du D~partement dconomique, Minist~re des Affaires dtrang~res Mr. Anton BARAMOV, Conseiller, Conseil des Ministres Alternate Representatives: Mr. Ivan KOTZEV, Premier Secr~taire, Mission permanente, Gen~ve Ms. Nanka TOMOVA, Deuxi~me Secr~taire, Ministate des Affaires 6trang~res Adviser: Mr. Petar BIALKOV, Conseiller Principal, Ministate des Affaires 4trang~res CANADA Representatives: Mr. Marcel MASSE, President, Canadian International Development Agency1/ Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Vice President, Multilateral Programmes, Canadian International Development Agency Alternate Representative: Mr. N. HARE, Director General, UN Programmes Division, Canadian International Development Agency Advisers: Mr. John J. NOBLE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Charles Richard MANN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York DPII9821INFI7 Page 3 Ms. Anne SUTHERLAND, UN Programmes Division, Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Carolyn McASKIE, UN Programmes Division, Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Elizabeth RACICOT, UN Programmes Division, Canadian Development Agency Ms. Lucie EDWARDS, Development and Export Financing Policy Division, Department of External Affairs CHINA Representatives: Mr. SHI-Lin, Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade_~ Mr. CHEN Xlngnong, Adviser of the Department of Relations with International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. ZHAO Gongda, Deputy Representative to the united Nations’ Office, Geneva Alternate Representatives: Mr. WANG Jinren, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. ZHANG Guanghui, Chief of ist Division, Department of Relations with International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. FAN Huishun, Deputy Chief of 2nd Division, Department of Relations with International Organizations, Ministry of ?oreign EconomicRelations and Trade Ms. DU Yong, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Advisers: Mr. JIA Wensheng, Projects Officer, Department of Relations with International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Ms. LIANG Dan, Projects Officer, Department of Relations with International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade DENMARK Representatives: H.E. Ambassador Bent HAAKONSEN, Deputy Under Secretary of State for International Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign~ Affairs-- Mr. Erik FIIL, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Page 4 Alternate Representatives: Mr. FI. Bjork PEDERSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs MS. Birte POULSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Finn Norman CHRISTENSEN, First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Frits CHRISTENSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ernst LAURIDSEN, Adviser on Populatin Programmes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ECUADOR Representante: S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Misi6n Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York Representantes Alternos: Dr. Alfonso LOPEZ, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente, Ginebra Srta. Jeannette NUNEZ, Tercer Secretarfo, Mission Permanent, Ginebra FIJI Representatives: Mr. JOhn SAMY, Director of Economic Planning, Central Planning 0ffice_~ Mr. Rajendra KUMAR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York FRANCE Repr4sentants: S.E.M. Jean Pierre COT, Ministre d~14gue, Minist~re de la CooperationI/ et de developpement! M. Andr4 LEWIN, Directeur des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales, MiniSt~re des Relations Exterieures Repr4sentants suppl4ants: M. Jean-Claude FAURE, Conseiller Financier, Mission permanente, New York M. Claude JOLIF, Directeur adjoint, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales, Minist~re des Relations Ext~rieures Conseillers: Mlle Nicole COURSON, Premier Secr4taire, Mission permanente "New York M. Antoine MERIEUX, Attach~ Financier, Mission permanente, New York DP/1982/INF/7 Page 5 M. St~phane GOMPERTZ, Secr~taire des Affaires 4trang~res, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales, Minist~re des Relations Ext4rieures M. Jean-Louis BIDAUT, Charg4 de mission, Minist~re de la Cooperation et du D4veloppement Mlle Sylvaine CARTA, Deuxi~me Secr4taire, Mission, Permanente Gen&ve M. Le Professeur FEUER, universit4 Paris V GABON Repr4sentant: S.E.M. Andr~ MANGONGO-NZAMBI, Ambassadeur, Repr~sentant permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Representatives: Mr. Gebhard KERCKHOF?, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Gert-Robert LIPTAU, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Alternate Representatives: Mr. UWe NEUBAUER, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Gesine WACUP, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Wilhelm SUDEN, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Eberhard KILLINGER, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Michael yon HARPE, Federal Ministry of Finance Adviser: Mr. Johann WENZL, Permanent Mission, Geneva GUINEA INDIA Representative: Mr. B. OZA, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance Mr. T.C.A. RANGACHARI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Alternate Representatives: Mr. Satyabrata PAL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. P.C. JAYARAMAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. G.K. SHARMA, Attache, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. K.B. KAIHAR, Attache, Permanent Mission, Geneva DP/1982/INF/7 Page 6 ITALY JAPAN Representatives: H.E. Mr. Wateru MIYAKAWA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Mr. Tartsuro KUNUGI, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Alternate Representatives: Mr. Hiromi SATO, Director, Specialized Agencies Division, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yukio TAKASU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Advisers: Mr. Yuji KUMAMARU, Official, Specialized Agencies Division, United Nations Bureau,