Centers.Pdf (660.5Kb)
About the CGIAR-Supported Future Harvest Centers Founded: 1993 Turkey; Montevideo, Uruguay; Harare, Joined the CGIAR: 1993 Zimbabwe. Regional Offices: Belem-Para, Brazil; Focus: CIMMYT is an international, non- Harare, Zimbabwe; Yaounde, Cameroon; profit, agricultural research and training CIAT—Centro Internacional de Costa Rica. center dedicated to helping the poor in Agricultura Tropical Focus: CIFOR was established in 1993 as low-income countries. CIMMYT helps allevi- (International Center for Tropical part of the Consultative Group on Interna- ate poverty by increasing the profitability, Agriculture) tional Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in productivity, and sustainability of maize response to global concerns about the and wheat farming systems. Work concen- Headquarters: Cali, Colombia social, environmental, and economic conse- trates on maize and wheat, two crops Director General: Joachim Voss quences of forest loss and degradation. vitally important to food security. These Board Chair: Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen CIFOR research produces knowledge and crops provide about one-fourth of the total Founded: 1967 methods needed to improve the well-being food calories consumed in low-income Joined the CGIAR: 1971 of forest-dependent people, and to help countries, are critical staples for poor peo- Regional Offices: Quito, Ecuador; Awassa, tropical countries manage their forests ple, and are an important source of income Ethiopia; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Nairobi, wisely for sustained benefits. This research for poor farmers. Kenya; Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic takes place in more than two dozen coun- Republic; Lilongwe, Malawi; Managua, tries, in collaboration with numerous part- Nicaragua; Pucallpa, Peru; Arusha, Tanza- ners. Since its founding, CIFOR has also nia; Bangkok, Thailand; Kampala, played a central role in influencing global Uganda.
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