NITED NATIONS~~~ ~~ Distr. E V E L O P ME N T GENERAL DP/INF/BI/Rev.I ROGRAMME ~~~ 7 August 1981 ENGLISH/FRENCH/~PANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL Twenty-eighth session New York, 9 June to i July 1981 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES Chairman President H.E. Mr. Frank Owen ABDULAH Presidente (Trinidad and Tobago) First Vice President Premier Vice-Pr@sident Mr. Per 01e JODAHL (Sweden) Primer Vice-Presidente Second Vice President Deuxie~e Vice-Pr@sident Dr. Hassan GADEL HAK (Egypt) Segundo Vice-Presidente Third Vice President Trolsmeme¯ °. V1ce-Pres~dent° J ° H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict FONSEKA (Sri Lanka) Tercer Vice-Presidente Rapporteur Mr. Anton BARAMOV (Bulgaria) Secretary Secr@taire Mr. Oner KIRDAR Secretario 81-2037h DP/INF/31/Rev. i Page 2 ARGENTINA Representantes: S.E. Sr. Juan Manuel FIGUERERO-ANT~QUEDA, Subsecretario de Relaciones Econ6micas Internacionales S.E. Dr. Juan Carlos M. BELTRAMINO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Representantes Alternos: Lic. Jorge BONNESSERRE, Director General de Cooperaci6n T~cnica Internacional de la Secretarfa de Planeamiento St. Jorge Hugo HERRERA VEGAS, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Misi6n Permanente Asesores: Sr. Julio C~sar FREYRE, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente St. Hugo GONZALEZ, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto AUSTRIA Representative: Mr. Erich SCHMID, Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Miss Doris MUCK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dietmar Hans $CHWEISGUT, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission BANGLADESH Representative: Mr. A.M.A. MUHITH, Secretary, External Resources Division, Government of Bangladesh Alternate Representatives: Mr. Lutful-la-hil MAJID, Joint Secretary, ExternaIResources Division Government of Bangladesh Mr.
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