2013 - 2014



About the School ______1 Highlights of the Year ______2 Outreach and Events ______5 PhD Defence Topics and Supervisory Committees ______12 Board of Directors ______14 Faculty, Staff and Fellows ______15 Masters Students ______18 Graduates ______19 Publications ______20


About the School

The Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA) is an institute for advanced research, education, and outreach in the fields of global governance and international public policy.

As a hub in a global network of scholars, practitioners, and students, BSIA aims to develop new solutions to humanity’s critical problems, improve global governance now and in the future, and enhance the quality of people’s lives around the world.

Founded in 2007 by philanthropist Jim Balsillie, BSIA is an equal collaboration among the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), the University of Waterloo (UW), and Wilfrid Laurier University (Laurier). The collaborating institutions bring to BSIA different but complementary strengths, so they have different roles and responsibilities. The two universities employ BSIA faculty and offer BSIA’s academic programs, while CIGI, as a think tank, uses its in-house expertise and its worldwide network of practitioners to help inform and guide BSIA’s outreach and collaborative research.

The unique integration of the collaborating institutions’ approaches and cultures gives BSIA an unmatched ability to promote vigorous engagement across boundaries of discipline and practice, to connect today’s experts with tomorrow’s leaders in critical debate and analysis, and to achieve—in all its work—the highest standards of excellence.

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Highlights of the Year

The 2013-14 academic year was a year of milestones for the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA). The School was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in August 2013; the Canada Revenue Agency granted the School charitable status at the start of its 2014 Fiscal Year. The School was successful in its first grant application--in conjunction with the Centre for Security Governance and Wilfrid Laurier University-- gaining support from the International Development Research Centre for an e-series on contemporary debates in peace-building and state-building. The School was one of four Canadian institutions chosen by the French embassy to be a strategic partner for its Saint-Simon Initiative. We signed a five-year internship agreement with CIVICUS: The World Alliance for Citizen Participation. We entered into a partnership with the local Rotary Clubs who are funding Rotary Peace Scholarships for our students. The School also hired its first employees.

Meanwhile, it was an exceptionally productive year for the School’s faculty and graduate students. The faculty continued to receive national and international recognition for their work. Among the notable honours this year was the award by the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) of its Sir John William Dawson medal for excellence to Rhoda Howard-Hassmann for her contributions on the social science of human rights. James Walker was named Fellow of the RSC for his outstanding research in the areas of Canadian and international human rights. Jennifer Clapp was one of four Canadians awarded a Fellowship by the Trudeau Foundation. Jonathan Crush received a multi-million dollar grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for his project on global cities. Jorge Heine was appointed Chile’s ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

Faculty publications in the year numbered more than 300 (see Faculty Publications list below). These included books with Cornell University Press, MIT Press, Oxford University Press, the Press, Polity, McGill-Queens University Press, and UBC Press. Faculty also published in leading journals such as the The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, British Journal of Social Psychology, Ethics and International Affairs, Foreign Affairs, International Journal of Sociology, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, The Lancet, Philosophy of Science, Political Research Quarterly, Review of International Political Economy, and Third World Quarterly. Faculty also contributed op- eds in a variety of national and international newspapers including The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and the Huffington Post. Faculty were also in great demand for interviews for radio and TV.

The School hosted more than 65 events in the year involving more than 120 speakers, details of which are listed under Outreach and Events.

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Graduate Programs

The School’s exceptional multi-disciplinary graduate programs continued to attract high calibre students. The popularity of the programs is seen in the high number of applications and the very high acceptance rate of our offers. For the PhD in Global Governance program, only nine offers were made to fill the eight places available. For the MA Global Governance (MAGG) program, 25 offers were made to fill 18 places. The Master of International Public Policy (MIPP) Program received 67 applications and admitted 16 students.

Our PhD students were awarded approximately $600,000 in external funding this year. Awards included a Vanier, Trillium and Canada Graduate Scholarship. Three incoming MA Global Governance students were also awarded external funding, totaling $50,000 (two SSHRCs and an OGS), and one MIPP student received an OGS.

During the year, our PhD students presented papers at 20 academic conferences in Canada and internationally. Four PhD students published articles in refereed international journals. Seven PhD students successfully defended their theses during the year. Of these, two obtained tenure-track positions in universities, one received a prestigious post-doc, one was hired at a think tank, and three are contract researchers.

In June, the MIPP students attended the annual meeting in Ottawa hosted by former Canadian Permanent Representative of Canada to the , Paul Heinbecker. While in Ottawa, the students met with various government officials, politicians and several former Canadian ambassadors. Once again, they were kindly hosted by Ambassador Cees Kole at the Dutch Embassy Residence.

Five of the Masters students (two from the MAGG and three from the MIPP) presented papers at the annual conference of the Academic Council of the UN System in Istanbul in May 2014. CIGI has published three junior fellows briefs from this year’s cohort to date and a further five are in the pipeline.

Our students undertook internships in Frankfurt, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Ottawa, , San Francisco, Washington, and San Francisco.

Collaboration with CIGI

The School continued to benefit in multiple ways from its partnership with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). The CIGI Junior Fellowship supported thirty-two students in the Masters programs. Jim Balsillie opened the annual CIGI Junior Fellowship Symposium at which students presented their draft policy papers. Ambassador Joseph Caron, Canada’s former High Commissioner to and former ambassador to China and Japan, was the keynote speaker at the event. CIGI and the School co- sponsored a substantial number of events. Funding from CIGI enabled the School to provide support for

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additional workshops in the second half of the year. Two School faculty, Patricia Goff and Hongying Wang, were appointed Senior Fellows in CIGI’s Global Economy program, and David Welch was appointed a Senior Fellow in CIGI’s Global Security program. David Welch and Andrew Thompson co-hosted CIGI’s Inside the Issues weekly podcast throughout the year. Tad Homer-Dixon and Alan Whiteside each received major grants from CIGI to support their research. CIGI and the School co-hosted a well-attended reception at the annual convention of the International Studies Association in Toronto in March. The establishment of CIGI’s International Law Program in May 2014 offers exciting opportunities for extending collaboration in new directions.

Areas of Research Excellence

As part of its strategic planning exercise, the School has identified the areas where it intends to concentrate its resources in the coming years. They are:

Conflict and Security Environment and Resources Global Political Economy Migration, Mobilities and Social Politics Multilateral Institutions Science and Health Policy

John Ravenhill Director

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Outreach and Events

China and the G20: Goals, Strategies and Agenda June 23, 2014 Alex He, CIGI Visiting Scholar, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

How (well) are we adapting to the water-related impacts of climate change? June 19-20, 2014 Water and climate change experts in a workshop format

Staying in the Game: The UN and Humanitarian Trends May 30, 2014 Catherine Bragg, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Rohinton Medhora, President, Center for International Governance Innovation George Somerwill, Former Director of Public Information, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UN Mission in Sudan

PhD Dissertation Workshop in Global Political Economy May 30-31, 2014 PhD Candidates from Ontario and the US

CIGI Junior Fellowship Symposium May 30, 2014 Joseph Caron, Former Ambassador to the People's Republic of China Introduction by Jim Balsillie Presentations by Master's students

The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance after the 2008 Meltdown May 29, 2014 Eric Helleiner, Faculty of Arts Chair in International Political Economy, UW

Governing (in)Security MRP Seminar May 23, 2014 Master's students

Science, Technology & Experiments in Democracy May 22, 2014 James Wilsdon, Professor Of Science And Democracy, SPRU

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Science-Policy Interface: International Comparisons Workshop May 21-23, 2014 Scholars and practitioners of science policy issues from Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. in a workshop format

How to Design Better Policies Using a System of Systems Approach Seminar May 20, 2014 Michele Bristow, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University Opening remarks by Keith Hipel, University Professor of Systems Design Engineering and Coordinator of the Conflict Analysis Group, UW

The Rise of the Financial Stability Board: Explaining the Strengthening of the FSB May 13, 2014 after the 2008 Financial Crisis David Kempthorne, CIGI Research Fellow

Through Egyptian Eyes Book Workshop May 5-6, 2014 Egyptian authors and scholars in a workshop format

Ecological *versus* Environmental Economics? May 1, 2014 Roundtable format

Pathways to RMB Internationalization April 25, 2014 Barry Eichengreen, Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley Greg Chin, Associate Professor, Political Science, Domenico Lombardi, Director, Global Economy Program, CIGI

Getting Published in a Competitive Environment: A Workshop for Students and Faculty April 4, 2014 Debora Van Nijnatten, Associate Professor, Laurier Daniel Quinlan, University of Toronto Press Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change, Laurier Bessma Momani, CIGI Senior Fellow and Associate Professor, UW Jay Thistlethwaite, CIGI Fellow

A Conversation with Elizabeth May April 4, 2014 Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada

It’s About Time: Explaining Change in United Nations Environmental Institutions April 1, 2014 Michael Manulak, Fellow, Balsillie School of International Affairs

Global Health, Market Foster-Care and the New Washington Consensus March 31, 2014 Matthew Sparke, Professor of Geography and International Studies and Adjunct Professor of , University of Washington

Coffee with Tzeporah Berman March 26, 2014 Tzeporah Berman, Environmental Activist and Author

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Anti-mobility, Politics and Tactical Migration: Visibility, Legibility and Suspension March 24, 2014 Michael Collyer, Senior Lecturer in Geography, University of Sussex

Afghanistan 2014: In Transition or Stalemate March 18, 2014 Omar Samad, Senior Central Asia Fellow at New America Foundation, former Ambassador of Afghanistan to France and Canada

Book Launch: Universal Foreigner: The Individual and the World March 12, 2014 Robert Cox, author Eric Helleiner, Faculty of Arts Chair in International Political Economy, UW William Coleman, Professor, Political Science, UW Antulio Rosales, PhD Candidate , BSIA

Global Child March 7, 2014 Ziba Vaghri, Assistant Professor, Human Early Learning Partnership Institute, University of British Columbia

Medicalization & Weapons Control February 28, 2014 Ritu Mathur, Banting Post-Doctoral Fellow, McMaster University

Global Chains: Human Trafficking Hits Home Conference February 28, 2014 Workshop format

Security Studies Symposium "Knowing (in)Security” February 13, 2014 Benjamin Muller, Associate Professor, Political Science, Western University

Accommodating Rising Powers Peacefully February 11, 2014 T.V. Paul, Professor, Political Science, McGill University

Assessing Kaplan's Coming Anarchy: Twenty Years Later February 8, 2014 Geoff Dabelko, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, Ohio University Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change, Laurier Kevin Dunn, Department of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges Lucie Edwards, PhD Candidate, BSIA Elizabeth Hartmann, Population and Development Program, Hampshire College Thomas Homer-Dixon, CIGI Chair of Global Systems, UW Cleo Paskal, Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University, India

Kaplan's Coming Anarchy: Twenty Years Later February 7, 2014 Cleo Paskal, Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University, India

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Perspectives on the Euro Crisis: A BSIA Roundtable Discussion February 7, 2014 HE Marie-Anne Coninsx, EU Ambassador to Canada Eric Helleiner, Acting Chair, Department of Political Science, UW Pierre Siklos, Director of the Viessmann European Research Centre, Laurier

Capitalism Against Markets: Why Everything will not be Commodified February 6, 2014 Derek Hall, Associate Professor, Political Science, Laurier

Climate and Human Migration: Past Experience and Future Challenges January 31, 2014 Jenna Hennebry, Director, International Migration Research Centre, Laurier Robert McLeman, Associate Professor, Laurier Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change, Laurier Alison Mountz, Canada Research Chair in Global Migration, UW Gabriel Williams, MAGG Student, BSIA

The 4th Stage of the Arab-Israeli Conflict January 27, 2014 Alan Dowty, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

CIGI Junior Fellowship Program: How to Write a Policy Brief January 24, 2014 Carol Bonnett, Managing Editor, Publications, CIGI

The Case for Climate Engineering January 22, 2014 David Keith, Professor of Public Policy,

The Parliamentarian and Foreign Policy January 8, 2014 Peter Braid, Member of Parliament for Kitchener-Waterloo

Who Reveals? Transparency and the IMF's Article IV Consultations December 5, 2013 Martin S. Edwards, Fulbright Research Chair in Global Governance, BSIA and Visiting Fulbright Scholar at CIGI

International Government Information December 2, 2013 Laurier Library

The Arab Spring, Turkey and Beyond: Religious Dimensions of Governance in November 29, 2013 Turbulent Times Paul Freston, CIGI Chair in Religion and Politics in Global Context, Laurier Eid Mohamed, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Binghamton University Bessma Momani, CIGI Senior Fellow and Associate Professor, UW Gavin Brockett

The Stabilizing State: State Capitalism as a Response to Financial Globalization November 20, 2013 Richard Carney, Australian National University

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Brazilian Foreign Policy: A BRIC in the Contemporary World November 19, 2013 Rodrigo Freston, candidate for the Brazilian diplomatic service

Does IMF Transparency Matter? Evidence from Emerging Markets, 1997-2008 November 19, 2013 Martin Edwards, Visiting Fulbright Fellow

Data November 18, 2013 Laurier Library

The Contribution of Export Processing Wages to Migration from Mexico to the November 15, 2013 United States and from Morocco to Spain Kathy Kopinak, Sociology, King’s University College

Migra/Policia: Automobility and Immigrant Policing in US South November 13, 2013 Mat Coleman, Department of Geography at Ohio State University

Policy Research November 11, 2013 Laurier Library

Putting Up With the Russians: Can Another Cold War Between Russia and the November 8, 2013 West be Averted? Sergei N. Khrushchev, lecturer in Slavic Studies at Brown University Mark Garrison, founding director, Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, Brown University

Emerging Logics of Expulsion & Surveillance: Where Does it Leave Democracy? November 8, 2013 Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University

Is Democracy Still Rising? November 4, 2013 Jeremy Kinsman, Former Canadian Ambassador to Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia and the European Union and Director of the project the Handbook for Democracy Development Support

How to Write a Resume and Cover Letter November 1, 2013 Centre for Career Action, UW

A Crisis in Global Governance October 30, 2013 John Ravenhill, Director, Balsillie School of International Affairs

The Alphabet Soup of Preferential Trade: CETA, TTIP, and TPP October 28, 2013 Terry Collins-Williams, Senior Associate, Centre for Trade Policy and Law in Ottawa John Ravenhill, Director, Balsillie School of International Affairs Patricia Goff, Director of the PhD Program in Global Governance, Laurier

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Citation/Research Management October 28, 2013 Laurier Library

What is Climate Change? October 25, 2013 Jean Andrey, Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, UW and President of the Canadian Association of Geographers John Baez, mathematical physicist Marisa Beck, PhD Candidate, BSIA Sarah Burch, Asst. Professor, Geography and Environmental Management, UW Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair in the Political Economy of Climate Change, Laurier Radoslav Dimitrov, Faculty member, University of Western Ontario Lucie Edwards, PhD Candidate, BSIA Susan Elliott, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, UW Matt Gaudreau, PhD Candidate, BSIA Mike Hulme, Professor, Department of Geography, King’s College London Sara Koopman, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral fellow, BSIA Jatin Nathwani, Ontario Research Chair in Public Policy for Sustainable Energy James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Laureate (1999) and CIGI Chair in Global Health Governance, Laurier John Ravenhill, Director, Balsillie School of International Affairs Chris Russill, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University Vanessa Schweizer, assistant professor, Centre for Knowledge Integration Dan Scott, Canada Research Chair in Global Change and Tourism Byron Williston, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Laurier

The Public Life of Climate Change October 24, 2013 Mike Hulme, Professor, Department of Geography, King’s College London

Off Balance: International Institutions and the Global Financial Crisis October 23, 2013 Paul Blustein, CIGI Senior Fellow

Peace Studies between Tradition and Innovation October 17, 2013 Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Laureate (1997) James Orbinski, Nobel Peace Laureate (1999) and CIGI Chair in Global Health Governance, Laurier George Roter, Engineers Without Borders Rhoda Howard-Hassmann, Canada Research Chair, International Human Rights, Laurier Sylvia McAdam, Idle No More Deborah Ellis, Author Howard Zehr, Eastern Mennonite University

Advanced Database Research October 7, 2013 Laurier Library

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Currency Wars: The Global Economy and Reform of the International September 26, 2013 Monetary System Dr. Bergsten, Senior Fellow and Director Emeritus Rohinton Medhora, CIGI President

Scholarship and Grant Writing Part 2 September 26, 2013 Laurier Writing Centre

The Evolution of the Responsibility to Protect: Securing Individuals in a September 25, 2013 World of States David A. Welch, CIGI senior fellow, Chair of Global Security, BSIA and Professor of Political Science, UW Jennifer Welsh, Professor, International Relations, University of Oxford and co-director of Oxford's Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

The Prevention of Mass Atrocity Crimes: Targeted and Systemic Approaches September 25, 2013 Jennifer Welsh, Professor, International Relations, University of Oxford and co-director of Oxford's Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

The Dogs Are Eating Them Now: Our War in Afghanistan September 20, 2013 Graeme Smith, Senior Analyst, International Crisis Group

Workshop: Regimes of Calculation and Global Governance September 19-20, 2013 Stuart Elden, Professor, Political Theory and Geography, University of Warwick Twenty-six panelists from Laurier, UW, Carleton, Ottawa, Michigan, Northwestern, East Anglia, Belfast, and Bristol Universities

Solution and Symptom: Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Bio-Technological September 18, 2013 Fix Mark Davis, Senior Lecturer, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University

The Real Story of the Iran Hostage Crisis September 17, 2013 Ken Taylor, Former Canadian Ambassador

The Political Theologies of Climate Change and Migration September 16, 2013 Andrew Baldwin, Lecturer, Human Geography, Durham University

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PhD Defence Topics

Michael Stevenson January 17, 2014

“Agency Through Adaptation: Explaining The Rockefeller and Gates Foundation’s Influence in the Governance of Global Health and Agricultural Development”

Supervisor: Jennifer Clapp, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, UW Supervisory Committee Members: Andrew Cooper, Political Science, UW Dan Gorman, History, UW Derek Hall, Political Science, Laurier Tim Shaw, external, UMass Boston

Warren Clarke December 11, 2013

"Institutional Density Reconsidered: States, International Organizations, and the ‘Governance Space’”

Supervisor: Patricia Goff, Political Science, Laurier Supervisory Committee Members: Eric Helleiner, Political Science, UW Veronica Kitchen, Political Science, UW Chris Anderson, Internal/external, Laurier Tony Porter, External, McMaster University

Vic Li November 21, 2013

“On Again, Off Again: Domestic Political Origins of China’s Financial Opening”

Supervisor: Derek Hall, Political Science, Laurier Supervisory Committee Members: Eric Helleiner, Political Science, UW Sonny Lo, Hong Kong Institute of Education Chey Hyoung-kyu, External, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan

Crystal Ennis August 20, 2013

“Rentier 2.0: Entrepreneurship Promotion and the (Re)Imagination of Political Economy in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries”

Supervisor: Bessma Momani, Political Science, UW Supervisory Committee Members: Kathryn Hochstetler, Political Science, UW Nathan Funk, Peace and Conflict Studies, UW

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Stephen Quilley, Internal/external, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, UW Toby Jones, External, History, Rutgers University

Manjana Milkoreit July 18, 2013

“Mindmade Politics: The Role of Cognition in Global Climate Change Governance”

Supervisor: Thomas Homer-Dixon, Faculty of Environment, UW Supervisory Committee Members: David Welch, Political Science, UW Paul Thagard, Philosophy, UW Daniel McCarthy, Internal/external, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, UW Steve Rayner, External, Oxford University

David Kempthorne July 16, 2013

“Governing International Securities Markets: IOSCO and the Politics of International Securities Market Standards”

Supervisor: Eric Helleiner, Political Science, UW Supervisory Committee Members: Andrew Cooper, Political Science, UW Bessma Momani, Political Science, UW Jean Guillame Forand, Internal/external, Economics, UW Randall Germain, External, Political Science, Carleton University

Ola Tjornbo May 17, 2013

“Complexity and Social Media: The Role of Virtual Social Networks in Supporting Democratic Responses to Complex Global Problem"

Supervisor: Thomas Homer-Dixon, Faculty of Environment, UW Supervisory Committee Members: Randall Wigle, Economics, Laurier David Welch, Political Science, UW J.M Weber, Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre Matthew Hoffman, External, University of Toronto

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BSIA Board of Directors

Dr. Deborah MacLatchy, Chair

Dr. Deborah MacLatchy is the Vice-President: Academic and Provost at Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr. MacLatchy, a distinguished zoologist with extensive experience in research, teaching and administration, served as dean of Laurier’s Faculty of Science from 2007 to 2009. Prior to joining Laurier, she worked for 13 years at the University of New Brunswick, where she was dean of science, applied science and engineering, and director of the university’s international office. Dr. MacLatchy holds an honours BSc from Acadia University and a PhD in zoology from the University of Manitoba. She is a founding fellow of the Canadian Rivers Institute and is currently the chair of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV). Dr. MacLatchy has also served in a number of professional organizations, including a term as president of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.

Mr. Mark Menard, Treasurer

Mr. Mark Menard joined CIGI in 2010 and serves as the organization's Vice President of Finance. Mr. Menard has over 19 years of senior financial business experience in both the private and public sectors. Prior to joining CIGI, Mr. Menard led the financial restructuring and development of two of Ontario’s newly amalgamated Community Care Access Centres, overseeing an average annual budget of $140 million. Before that, Mr. Menard was the controller for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in the Ontario government. He also served as treasurer for two of the Ministry’s agencies. He has also held other senior positions within the Ontario government, including senior manager risk and assurance for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, and senior manager risk and assurance, Corporate Audit Cluster in the Ministry of Government Services. Mr. Menard is a chartered accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. In addition, he also holds a master of business administration and bachelor of commerce degree, with distinction, both from the .

Dr. Douglas Peers, Secretary

Dr. Douglas Peers is a Professor and the Dean of Arts at the University of Waterloo. Dr. Peers joined the University of Waterloo in July 2011 as Dean of Arts and Professor of History. Dr. Peers was previously Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Associate Vice-President, Graduate at York University from 2007 to 2011. In 2009, he was elected president of the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies, and in 2014 he was re- elected to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The author of two books and co-editor of four collections, Dr. Peers has published more than twenty articles and chapters on the intellectual, political, medical, and cultural dimensions of 19th century India, with a particular interest in the military and colonial governmentality.

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BSIA Members

Staff Name Title Affiliation Tiffany Bradley Administrative Manager BSIA Kelly Brown Program Officer, MIPP & PhD Laurier Terrence Levesque Associate Director, BSIA Laurier Bruce Muirhead Associate Director, BSIA UW John Ravenhill Director BSIA Justine Richardson Project Manager, 2030+ Group Laurier Mayura Stratopoulos Administrative Assistant Laurier Andrew Thompson Program Officer, MAGG & PhD UW Joanne Weston Administrative Assistant BSIA April Wettig Graduate Program Assistant, MAGG & PhD UW

Faculty Name Title Affiliation Derek Armitage Associate Professor UW Fredrick Bird Research Professor UW James Blight CIGI Chair in Foreign Policy Development, Professor UW Gerard Boychuk Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and UW Sustainability, Professor Jennifer Clapp Professor UW William D. Coleman CIGI Chair in Globalization and Public Policy, Professor UW Andrew F. Cooper Professor UW A. Neil Craik Director School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, UW Associate Professor Jonathan Crush CIGI Chair in Global Migration and Development, Professor Laurier Simon Dalby CIGI Chair in Political Economy and Climate Change Laurier

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Michael Desjardins Professor Laurier Timothy Donais Associate Professor Laurier Heather Douglas Waterloo Chair in Science and Society, Professor UW Paul Freston CIGI Chair in Religion and Politics in Global Context, Laurier Professor Patricia Goff Director, Joint PhD Program in Global Governance, Associate Laurier Professor Daniel Gorman Associate Director of the PhD Program in Global Governance, UW Associate Professor Jasmin Habib Associate Professor UW Derek Hall Associate Professor Laurier Jorge Heine CIGI Chair of Global Governance Laurier Eric Helleiner Faculty of Arts Chair in International Political Economy UW Jenna L. Hennebry Director, International Migration Research Centre, Associate Laurier Professor Kathryn Hochstetler CIGI Chair of Governance in the Americas, Professor UW Thomas Homer- CIGI Chair of Global Systems, Professor UW Dixon Susan Horton CIGI Chair in Global Health Economics UW Rhoda Howard- Canada Research Chair in International Human Rights Laurier Hassmann JingJing Huo Assistant Professor UW Suzan Ilcan Director, Master of Arts in Global Governance Program UW Ken Jackson Assistant Professor Laurier Veronica Kitchen Associate Professor UW P. Whitney Lackenbauer Associate Professor UW Jean-Paul Lam Assistant Professor UW janet Lang Research Professor UW Alex Latta Associate Professor Laurier Terrence Levesque Associate Dean, School of International Policy and Laurier Governance Rianne Mahon CIGI Chair in Comparative Social Policy, Professor Laurier Paul Maxim Director, Master of International Public Policy Program Laurier Shelley McGill Assistant Professor Laurier Bessma Momani CIGI Senior Fellow, Associate Professor UW Alison Mountz Canada Research Chair in Global Migration, Associate Laurier Professor Bruce Muirhead Associate Vice President, External Research and Professor UW Alain- Nimubona Assistant Professor UW Desire James Orbinski CIGI Chair in Global Health Governance Laurier

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Ian Rowlands Professor UW Horatiu A. Rus Assistant Professor UW Kim Rygiel Associate Professor Laurier Tammy Schirle Associate Professor Laurier Mark Sedra Assistant Professor UW Yasmine Shamsie Associate Professor Laurier Pierre Siklos CIGI Senior Fellow, Professor Laurier D. Scott Slocombe Professor Laurier Tracy Snoddon Associate Professor Laurier Larry Swatuk Director, International Development Program, Associate UW Professor Debora Van Associate Professor Laurier Nijnatten James Walker Professor UW Margaret Walton- Associate Professor Laurier Roberts Hongying Wang Associate Professor UW David Welch CIGI Chair of Global Security UW Alan Whiteside CIGI Chair in Global Health, Professor Laurier Randall M. Wigle Professor Laurier

Postdoctoral Fellows

Yehonatan Alesh Abel Chikanda Sara Koopman Steven Mock Liam Riley Jola Ajibade

External Fellows Title Pierre Lizée Chancellor’s Research Chair in Global Studies, Brock Cetta Mainwaring Assistant Professor in Sociology and Legal Studies, UW Michael Manulak Hassan Masum Carrie Mitchell Assistant Professor in the School of Planning, UW Mark Tovey Affiliate Researcher at the Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, UW

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Masters Students

Master of Arts in Global Governance Master of International Public Policy

Justin Anstett Andrew Adams Raluca Ardelean Stephanie Fauquier Suhani Bhushan Melisa Foster Sean Brouse Busra Hacioglu Cory Campbell Virgil Haden-Pawlowski Elizabeth Fraser Tim Hatton Tanzeel Hakak Lyne Maheu Scott Janz Andrew McCauley Jesse MacLean Dustin McDonald Kieran McDougal Shawn Neil Malambo Moonga Patricia Njinkeu Emily Newcombe Alina Shams Rebekah Pullen Johanna Wilkes Aliina Vaisanen Nicholas Zebryk Amy Wood Mengyun Zhang Ruiqian Zhang

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PhD in Global Governance

Michael Stevenson Warren Clarke Vic Li Crystal Ennis Manjana Milkoreit David Kempthorne Ola Tjornbo

Master of Arts in Global Governance Master of International Public Policy

Sarah Allen Maissaa Almustafa Alison Bottomley Meredith Giel Samantha Bradshaw William Grass Skylar Brooks Monique McCallum Manuelle Chanoine Laurel Reid Kyle Harris Nabeel Sheiban Evan Cinq-Mars Simone Stawicki Aleksandar Djerik Kathryn Teeluck Dustyn Lanz Lauren Webber Heather Pryse Keegan Williams Marie-Helene Ratel Hyla Zeifman Matthew Redding Caitlin Reid Tamara Simao Gabe Williams Clara Yoon

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Faculty Books

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Faculty Publications

James Blight and janet Lang

Blight, James and et al. Becoming Enemies: U.S.-Iran Relations and the Iran-Iraq War, 1979– 1988. (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012). Paperback 2014.

Blight, James and janet Lang. The Armageddon Letters: Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro in the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012). In Korean 2014.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “What if Kennedy Had Lived: With a Second Term, JFK Would Have Diverted the U.S. From a Series of Catastrophes.” The New Statesman, pp. 23-25.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “Acts of Agony”. The New Statesman, p. 25.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “Lessons From Vietnam,”The New York Times, 2013.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “Black Swans/White House: Why JFK Matters a Half Century After Dallas”. CIGI Papers Series, November 2013.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “JFK's Weak Body and Strong Spirit”. The Daily Beast, November 2013.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “What if Kennedy Had Lived?” Guelph Mercury.

Blight, James and janet Lang. “Donald Rumsfeld Hasn’t Learned a Damn Thing”. Politico, April 2014.

Gerald Boychuk

Boychuk, Gerald. “Territorial Politics, Federalism and Income Redistribution.” In John Myles and Keith G. Banting, ed., The New Politics of Redistribution in Canada (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013).

Boychuk, Gerald. “Social Protection as Legal Rights?: The ILO’s Global Social Protection Floor Initiative, the United States, and the American ‘National Context.’.” Global Social Policy, 2014.

Jennifer Clapp

Clapp, Jennifer. “Financialization, Distance and Global Food Politics”. The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 41, 2014.

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Anderson, Molly, Robin Broad, Jennifer Clapp, Frances Moore Lappe, Ellen Messer, Thomas Pogge and Timothy Wise. “How We Count Hunger Matters”. Ethics and International Affairs. Vol.27, No.3, 2013, pp251-59.

Clapp, Jennifer and Sophia Murphy. “The G20 and Food Security: A Mismatch in Global Governance?” Global Policy, Vol.4, No.2, 2013, pp. 129-138.

William Coleman

W.D. Coleman and Alina Sajed, Fifty Key Thinkers on Globalization (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. viii, 258.

William D. Coleman, World order, globalizations and “global governance”, China Governance Review, No. 3, 2013. (In Chinese).

William D. Coleman and Theresa McCarthy, "Critical Mass, Global Mobilities and the Haudenosaunee: Struggles for Cultural Autonomy" in Suzan Ilcan, ed. Mobilities, Knowledge and Social Justice. (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013), pp.277- 299.

William D. Coleman, “Business, Labour and Redistributive Politics” in Keith Banting and John Myles, eds., Inequality and the Fading of Redistributive Politics. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2013, 93-115.

Andrew F. Cooper

Cooper, A.F. Co-editor of Africa’s Health Challenges: Sovereignty, Mobility of People and Healthcare Governance. (Ashgate, 2013). 257.

Cooper, A.F. Co-editor, Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). 953.

Cooper, A.F. Co-editor, The Diplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and Resilience (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). 272 (paperback version, 2013).

Cooper, A.F. with Jorge Heine and Ramesh Thakur. “Introduction: The Challenges of 21st Century Diplomacy” in Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013,). 1-35.

Cooper, A.F. “The changing nature of diplomacy,” in Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). 35-53.

Cooper, A.F. with Timothy Shaw. “Small states in a world of crisis & divergence: more/less vulnerability or resilience?” in The Diplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and Resilience. 2013 (paperback edition), 1-18.

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Cooper, A.F. with Bessma Momani. "Re-balancing the G-20 from Efficiency to Legitimacy: The 3G Coalition and the Practice of Global Governance," Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 20, 2, 2014, 213-232.

Cooper, A.F. with Asif Farooq. “BRICS and the Privileging of Informality”, Global Policy Journal, 4, November 2013, 428-433.

Cooper, A.F. “Squeezed or revitalized? Middle Powers, The G20 and the evolution of global governance,” Special Issue of Third World Quarterly, “Foreign Policy Strategies of Emerging Powers in a Multipolar World,” 34, 6 2013, 963-984.

Cooper, A.F. with Daniel Flemes. “Foreign Policy Strategies of Emerging Powers in a Multipolar World: An Introductory Review”, Special Issue of Third World Quarterly, ‘Foreign Policy Strategies Of Emerging Powers in a Multipolar World,’ 34, 6 2013, 943-962.

Cooper, A.. F, “Middle Power Leadership and the evolution of the G20,” Global Summitry Journal, 1, 1 2013, 1-14.

Cooper, A.F. “Civil Society Relationships with the G20: An Extension of the G8 Template or Distinctive Pattern of Engagement?” Global Society, 27, 2 2013, 179-200.

Cooper, A.F. The Guardian rodman-north-korea-celebrity-.

Cooper, A.F. “Room for Debate”. New York Times.

Cooper, A.F. “A reversal of economic fortune may consolidate the BRICS – and the G20,” Indian Express, 13 September.

Cooper, A.F. with Asif Farooq. “The BRICS after Durban: A transformative progress or still a struggling feat?”, Express Tribune (Pakistan), 25 April.

A. Neil Craik

Craik, Neil. “Principle 17: Environmental Impact Assessment” in Jorge Vinuales (ed.) The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: A Commentary, Oxford Commentaries on International Law (Oxford University Press, 2014).

Craik, Neil with Blackstock and Hubert. “Regulating Geoengineering Research through Domestic Environmental Protection Frameworks: Reflections on the Recent Canadian Ocean Fertilization Case” (2013) Carbon and Climate Law Review, v.7 (2), 117-124.

Craik, Neil and Debora Van Nijnatten. “Designing Integration: The System of Climate Change in North America” in Craik, Studer and VanNijnatten (eds.), Climate Change Policy in North

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America: Designing Integration in a Regional System, (University of Toronto Press, 2013), 5- 34.

Craik, Neil. “Regional Climate Policy Facilitation: The Role of the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation” in Craik, Studer and Van Nijnatten (eds.), Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration, (University of Toronto Press, 2013), 213-245.

Craik, Neil and Debora Van Nijnatten. “Conclusion” in Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration, Craik, Studer and Van Nijnatten (eds.), (University of Toronto Press, 2013), 333-352.

Craik, Neil. “Post-Morton: Environmental Federalism and the Emergence of ‘New Governance’ in Finfish Aquaculture in Canada” in Culver and O’Doherty (eds.) Fishing and Farming Iconic Species: Cod and Salmon and Social Issues in Genomic Science, (Captus University Press, 2013), 45-68.

Jonathan Crush

Rudolf Anich, Jonathan Crush, Susanne Melde and John O. Oucho (Eds) A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South (New York: Springer and Geneva: IOM, 2014).

Jane Battersby and Jonathan Crush, “Africa’s Urban Food Deserts” Urban Forum 25 (2014): 143-51.

Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar, “City Without Choice: Urban Food Security in Msunduzi, ” Urban Forum 25(2014): 165-75.

Wade Pendleton, Jonathan Crush and Ndeyapo Nickanor, “Migrant Windhoek: Rural–Urban Migration and Food Security in ” Urban Forum 25(2014): 191-206.

Jonathan Crush, “The Prevalence of Urban Food Production and Food Insecurity in Southern African Cities” Acta Horticulturae 1021(2014): 227-38.

Bruce Frayne, Jonathan Crush and Milla McLachlan, “Urbanization, Nutrition and Development in Southern African Cities" Food Security 6(2014): 101-12.

Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera, “Medical Xenophobia and Zimbabwean Migrant Access to Public Health Services in South Africa” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(2014): 655-70.

Roxane de la Sablonniere, E. Auger, Donald Taylor, Jonathan Crush and David McDonald, "Social Change in South Africa: An Historical Approach to Relative Deprivation" British Journal of Social Psychology 5(2014): 703-25.

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Abel Chikanda and Jonathan Crush, “Diasporas of the South” In R. Anich, J. Crush, S. Melde and J. Oucho, A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South (New York: Springer, 2014), pp. 65-88.

Susanne Melde, Rudolf Anich, Jonathan Crush and John Oucho, “The South-South Migration and Development Nexus” In R. Anich, J. Crush, S. Melde and J. Oucho, A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South (Dordrecht NL: Springer, 2014), pp. 1-20.

Jonathan Crush, “Approaching Food Security in Cities of the Global South” In Susan Parnell and Sophie Oldfield, eds., A Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South (London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 543-55.

Jonathan Crush and Abel Chikanda, “Forced Migration in ” In Elena Fiddian- Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 554-70.

Jonathan Crush and Bruce Frayne, “Feeding African Cities: The Growing Challenge of Urban Food Insecurity” In Susan Parnell and Edgar Pieterse, eds, Africa’s Urban Revolution (London: Zed Books, 2014), pp. 120-132.

Ines Raimundo, Jonathan Crush and Wade Pendleton, The State of Food Insecurity in Maputo, Mozambique, AFSUN Urban Food Security Series No 20, African Centre for Cities, Cape Town, 2014.

Jonathan Crush, “Linking Migration, Development and Urban Food Security” International Migration 51(2013): 61-75.

Jonathan Crush, “South Africa As Dystopia: Diaspora Views from Canada” Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 51(2013): 189-209.

Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera, “The Perilous Trek: Zimbabwean Child Migrants and Access to Education in South Africa” In Leslie Bartlett and A. Ghaffar-Kucher, eds, Refugees, Immigrants, Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion (New York: Routledge, 2013), pp. 54-69.

Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda and Belinda Maswikwa, “North-South and South-South Medical Tourism: The Case of South Africa” In Ronald Labonte, Vivienne Runnels, Corinne Packer and R. Deonandan, eds., Travelling Well: Essays in Medical Tourism (Ottawa: Institute of Population Health, 2013), pp. 43-61.

Jonathan Crush, Wade Pendleton, Abel Chikanda, Cassandra Eberhardt, Mary Caesarand Ashley Hill, “Diasporas on the Web: New Networks, New Methodologies” In C. Vargas-Silva, ed., Handbook of Research Methods in Migration (Edward Elgar, 2013), pp. 345-65.

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Jonathan Crush, Sujata Ramachandran and Wade Pendleton, “Soft Targets: Xenophobia, Public Violence and Changing Attitudes to Migrants in South Africa After May 2008”, SAMP Migration Policy Series No 64, Cape Town, 2013.

Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, Wade Pendleton, Mary Caesar, Sujata Ramachandran, Cassandra Eberhardt and Ashley Hill, “Divided Diasporas: Southern Africans in Canada” CIGI Special Report, Centre for International Governance Innovation and Southern African Migration Program, Waterloo, 2013.

Jonathan Crush, “Between North and South: The EU-ACP Migration Relationship” CIGI Papers No. 16, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, 2013.

Simon Dalby

Dalby, Simon. “Rethinking Geopolitics: Climate Security in the Anthropocene” Global Policy. 5(1). 2014. 1-9.

Dalby, Simon. “The Geopolitics of Climate Change” Political Geography. 37. 2013. 38-47.

Dalby, Simon. “Biopolitics and Climate Security in the Anthropocene” Geoforum 49. 2013. 184-192.

Dalby, Simon. “Climate Change: New Dimensions of Environmental Security” RUSI Journal, 158(3). 2013. 34-43.

Dalby, Simon. “Security” in Carl Death (ed.) Critical Environmental Politics (London: Routledge, 2014). 229-237.

Dalby, Simon. “Climate Change as an Issue of Human Security” in Michael Redclift and Marco Grasso (eds) The Handbook of Climate Change and Human Security (London: Edward Elgar, 2013). 21-40.

Dalby, Simon. “Human Security in the Anthropocene: The Implications of Earth Systems Analysis” in Karen O'Brien, Johanna Wolf and Linda Sygna (eds) The Changing Environment for Human Security: New Agendas for Research, Policy, and Action (London: Earthscan, 2013). 27-33.

Dalby, Simon. “Global Environmental Security” in Robert Falkner ed. The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). 163-178.

Dalby, Simon. “Realism and Geopolitics” in Klaus Dodds eds, The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013). 33-47.

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Dalby, Simon. “Environmental Dimensions of Human Security” in Rita Floyd and Richard Matthew eds. Environmental Security: Approaches and Issues (London and New York: Routledge, 2013). 121-138.

Dalby, Simon. “Challenging Cartographies of Enmity: Empire, War and Culture in Contemporary Militarisation” in Anna Stavrianakis, Jan Selby and Iraklis Oikonomou (eds) Militarism and International Relations: Political Economy, Security, Theory (London: Routledge, 2013). 33-44.

Dalby, Simon. “Geopolitics in the Anthropocene: A Reply to Clark, Kahn and Lehman” Political Geography 37. 2013. 56-57.

Dalby, Simon. “Peace in the Anthropocene” Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 25(4). 2013. 561-567.

Dalby, Simon. “What Happens if We Don’t Take Nature for Granted?” in Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss (eds) Global Politics: A New Introduction. (London: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2014). 39-60.

Dalby, Simon, Ryan Katz-Rosene and Matthew Paterson. ‘From Environmental to Ecological Political Economy’ in Ronen Palan (ed.) Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories, second edition. (Oxford: Routledge, 2013). 237-249.

Dalby, Simon. “Climate Change and Environmental Security” in Paul D. Williams (ed.) Security Studies: An Introduction, second edition. (Oxford: Routledge, 2013). 311-323.

Dalby, Simon. “Emancipating Climate Security” Contribution to a book forum on Matt McDonald’s Security, The Environment and Emancipation (Routledge 2012) International Studies Today November/December 2013 p. 23.

Dalby, Simon. “Canadians Aren’t Prepared for Disasters” Toronto Star 31 December 2013.

Dalby, Simon. “400ppm: Anthropocene Geopolitics” Society and Space Open Forum, July 2013.

Dalby, Simon. “Obama, unlike Harper, heeds climate message” Toronto Star 26 June 2013.

Michel Desjardins

Desjardins, Michel. The World is my Classroom: Priorities for Globalizing Canadian Higher Education, co-edited with Joanne Benham Rennick. (Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press, 2013).

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Timothy Donais

Donais, Timothy. “Power Politics and the Rule of Law in Post-Dayton Bosnia,” Studies in Social Justice 7:2 189-210. 2013.

Donais, Timothy. “Bosnia,” in S. Berglund, J. Edman, and K. Deegan-Krause (eds.), Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013). 481-522.

Donais, Timothy with G. Burt. “Vertically Integrated Peace Building and Community Violence Reduction in Haiti,” CIGI Papers No. 25. Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2014.

Donais, Timothy. “Towards Vertically-Integrated Peacebuilding: Bridging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches”. Report from October 2013 Workshop held at Balsillie School for International Affairs, January 2014.

Heather Douglas

Douglas, Heather. “Pure Science and the Problem of Progress” (2014), Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 46, pp. 55-63.

Douglas, Heather. “Weighing Complex Evidence in a Democratic Society” (2012), Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, vol. 22, pp. 139-162.

Douglas, Heather. “Valuing the public in science advice,” August 28, 2014, The Guardian (UK).

Douglas, Heather with Tad Homer-Dixon and Lucie Edwards. “Fix the link where science and policy meet,” June 23, 2014, The Globe & Mail.

Douglas, Heather. Environmental Ethics from the Roots Up: An Introductory Anthology, preliminary edition. (Cognella Press, 2013).

Douglas, Heather. “The Moral Terrain of Science,” Erkenntnis, October 2013.

Douglas, Heather. “The Value of Cognitive Values,” Philosophy of Science, 2013. vol. 80, pp. 796-806.

Douglas, Heather and P.D. Magnus. “State of the Field: Why novel prediction matters” in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 44. 2013. pp. 580-589.

Douglas, Heather. “Canadian Science Under Attack,” The Scientist, April 2, 2013.

Douglas, Heather. “Science and the Public Square,” Science Progress, March 29, 2013.

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Alistair Edgar

Edgar, Alistair. “The Academic Council on the United Nations System”, in Takeo Uchida (ed.), International Organization: Theory and Practice (Tokyo: JAUNS, 2013). pp. 306-307 (in Japanese translation).

Edgar, Alistair. ‘The Academic Council on the United Nations System: Fostering Excellence and Innovation in Scholarship and Practice”, United Nations Studies, Japan Association for United Nations Studies, No. 14, June 2013.

Paul Freston

Freston, Paul. “Pentecostal Power: Expressions, Impact and Faith of Latin American Pentecostalism”, Mental Health, Religion & Culture, vol. 16, issue 10, 2013.

Freston, Paul. “Studying Global Pentecostalism: Theories and Methods”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 28:3, 549-551. 2013.

Freston, Paul “Martin, David: The Future of Christianity. Reflections on Violence and Democracy, Religion and Secularization”, PentecoStudies, vol 12.1, 2013. pp. 131-133.

Freston, Paul. “Mutações do Protestantismo Brasileiro”, in Carreiro, Gamaliel da Silva; Santgos, Lyndon de A.; Ferretti, Sergio F. & Santos, Thiago Lima dos (Eds.). Todas as Águas Vão para o Mar: Poder, Cultura e Devoção nas Religiões. (São Luis: EDUFMA, 2013). pp. 17- 31.

Freston, Paul. “The Future of Pentecostalism in Brazil: The Limits to Growth”, in R. Hefner & P. Berger (orgs.), Global Pentecostalism in the Twenty-First Century. (Indiana University Press, 2013). pp. 63-90.

Freston, Paul. “Pentecostals and Politics in Latin America: Compromise or Prophetic Witness?”, in Donald E. Miller, Kimon Sargeant & Richard Flory (eds.), Spirit and Power: The Growth and Global Impact of Pentecostalism (Oxford University Press, 2013). pp. 101-118.

Patricia Goff

Goff, Patricia. “Plumbing the Ideational Depths of Governance,” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Symposium on Governance 19:3, 2013.

Goff, Patricia. “Cultural Diplomacy,” in The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, edited by Andrew Cooper, Jorge Heine and Ramesh Thakur. (Oxford University Press, 2013).

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Daniel Gorman

Gorman, Daniel. "Geographic Indications, Mobility, and Identity," in Suzan Ilcan, ed. Mobilities, Knowledge and Social Justice. (Montreal-Kingston: Queen's-McGill University Press, 2013). 227-52.

Jasmin Habib

Habib, Jasmin. "Boyce Richardson: Reflections on Activism and Filmmaking Among the Crees of Northern Quebec." Anthropologica, 55(1): 211-218. 2013.

Habib, Jasmin. “On the Matter of Return: Autoethnographic Reflections”, in Fran Markowitz (ed), Ethnographic Encounters in : Poetics and Ethics in Fieldwork. (University of Indiana Press, 2013).

Habib, Jasmin. "Encounters and the Diasporic Art of Africa: An Interview with Allyson Purpura, Curator of African Art, Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois." Anthropologica. Pp. 229-238. Vol. 56 (1):229-238. 2014.

Derek Hall

Hall, Derek. Land. (Cambridge: Polity, 2013).

Hall, Derek. “Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab”, Third World Quarterly 34(9). 2013. 1582-1604.

Bush, Simon and Ben Belton, Derek Hall, Peter Vandergeest, Francis J. Murray, Stefano Ponte, Peter Oosterveer, Md Saidul Islam, Arthur P.J. Mol, Maki Hatanaka, Froukje Kruijssen, Tran Thi Thu Ha, David C. Little and Rini Kusumawati. “Certify Sustainable Aquaculture?”, Science 341. 9 September 2013. 1067-8.

Hall, Derek. “Where the Streets are Paved with Prawns: Crop Booms and Migration in Southeast Asia” in Philip F. Kelly, Migration, Agrarian Transition, and Rural Change in Southeast Asia. (London and New York: Routledge, 2013). (Reprint of 2011 Critical Asian Studies article).

Jorge Heine

Cynthia Arnson and Jorge Heine (eds.), Reaching Across the Pacific: Latin America and Asia in the New Century. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2014.

Heine, Jorge with Andrew F. Cooper and Ramesh Thakur. The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).

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Heine, Jorge. “Les relations avec l’Amerique Latine: une opportunite manqué?”, in Isabelle Vagnoux (ed.), Obama et le Monde: Quel leadership por les Etats Unis?. Paris: Editions de l’Aube, 2013, pp. 289-301.

Heine, Jorge. “The Poet as Vanguard: Pablo Neruda and the Politics of the Global South”, India Quarterly, 69: 3, September 2013. pp. 283-298.

Heine, Jorge. “Latin America Goes Global”, Americas Quarterly, 7:1, May 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Brazil has stalled but not crashed”, The Toronto Star 22.7. Canadian Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Catholic Church sets southward course for the future”, The Toronto Star 15.3. Canadian Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Hugo Chavez: the leader and his legacy”, The Toronto Star 7.3. Canadian Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Canada re-engages with Latin America”, The Toronto Star 22.2. Canadian Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge with Sergio Bitar. “Chile y y el Acuerdo Trans-Pacífico”, El Mercurio 15.11, Chilean Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge with Sergio Bitar. “Chile y lo que esta en juego en Siria”, El Mercurio 21.9, Chilean Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “La paradoja de Twitter en diplomacia”, Apuntes Internacionales, Chilean 2.6, Chilean Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Chile y los desafios de la ‘indovación’ ”, El Diario Financiero 7.2, Chilean Press 2013.

Heine, Jorge. “Beyond the Brazil-US spat”, The Hindu, 1.10, International Press.

Heine, Jorge. “The death of a poet”, The Hindu, New Delhi 12.4, International Press.

Eric Helleiner

Helleiner, Eric. Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making of the Postwar Order. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014).

Helleiner, Eric. The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance After the 2008 Meltdown. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).

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Helleiner, Eric and Jonathan Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014).

Helleiner, Eric. "Back to the Future? The Social Protection Floor of Bretton Woods" Global Social Policy 14(3), 2014.

Helleiner, Eric and Jonathan Kirshner. “Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations” in E. Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014).

Helleiner, Eric and Bessma Momani. “The Hidden History of China and the IMF” in E. Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014).

Helleiner, Eric. “Did the Financial Crisis Generate a Fourth Pillar of Global Economic Architecture?”. Swiss Political Science Review 19(4), December 2013.

Helleiner, Eric. “Financial officials as : Evolving issues, actors and techniques since the 1920s” in A.Cooper, J.Heine, and R.Thakur, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

Helleiner, Eric. “Financial Stability Board” Global Financial Governance and Impact Report, 2013. Washington: New Rules for Global Finance, pp.9-12.

Helleiner, Eric and Lesley Wentworth. “Banking Regulations” in “Financial Stability Board” Global Financial Governance and Impact Report, 2013. Washington: New Rules for Global Finance, p.14.

Helleiner, Eric. “Reluctant Monetary Leaders: The New Politics of International Currencies. The BRICS and Asia, Currency Internationalization and International Monetary Reform”, Paper No.6. Waterloo: CIGI, July 2013. 19 pages.

Helleiner, Eric. “International Political Economy and the Greens” in Abla Amawi and Darel Paul, eds., The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy. (Oxford U Press, 2013).

Jenna Hennebry

Hennebry, J. “Falling Through the Cracks: Migrant Workers and the Global Social Protection Floor Initiative.” Global Social Policy, August 2014.

Hennebry, Jenna. “Transnational Precarity: Women’s Migration Work and Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Migration to Canada.” Thematic Issue on ‘Gender and Migration in the Global Economy,’ International Journal of Sociology. Fall, 2014.

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McLaughlin, Janet, Jenna Hennebry and Ted Haines. “Paper versus Practice: Occupational Health and Safety Protections and Realities for Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers in Ontario.” Pistes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Work and Health. April 2014.

Walton-Roberts, Margaret and Jenna Hennebry (eds.), Territoriality and Migration in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall. Springer Series: International Perspectives on Migration, Vol. 5, VI, 2014.

Hennebry, J. and K. Williams. “Temporary Migration Policy, Trends, and Ontario’s Economy: 2000-2012.” Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI) (17 pages).

Hennebry, J. and K. Williams. “The Economic Relationships between Temporary Foreign Workers in the Labour Force and Economic Outcomes, 2000-2012”, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI) (25 pages).

Hennebry, Jenna. and Bessma Momani. (Eds). Targeted Transnationals: The State, The Media and Arab Canadians. (UBC Press, 2013).

Hennebry, J.L. Kopinak, K., R. Soriano, P. Hondagneu-Sotelo. “From “Hedema” to “Zemegria” (from workers to migrants): Morocco’s Role as “Migration Hub” for the EU,” In M.Walton- Roberts and J.Hennebry (eds.), Territoriality and Migration in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall. Springer Series: International Perspectives on Migration, Vol. 5, VI. 2013.

Hennebry, J. and M. Walton-Roberts. “The new realities of European migratin management: What does it mean for insiders and outsiders?” in M. Walton-Roberts and J. Hennebry (eds.), Territoriality and Migration in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall. Springer Series: International Perspectives on Migration, Vol. 5, VI. 2013.

Hennebry, J. and B. Momani. “Introduction: Arab Canadian Migration & Globalization” In Hennebry, J. and B. Momani (eds.), Targeted Transnationals: The State, The Media and Arab Canadians, UBC Press. 2013.

Hennebry, J. and Z.Amery, Z. “Far From Monolithic: An Historical Perspective on ‘Arab’ Migration in Canada.” In Hennebry J. and B.Momani (eds.), Targeted Transnationals: The State, The Media and Arab Canadians, UBC Press. 2013.

Hennebry, J. “Conclusion: From Targeted Transnationals to Transnational Citizens.” In Hennebry J. and B.Momani (eds.), Targeted Transnationals: The State, The Media and Arab Canadians, UBC Press. 2013.

McLaughlin, J. and J. Hennebry. “Pathways to Precarity: Structural Vulnerabilities and Lived Consequences for Migrant Farmworkers in Canada.” In L.Goldring and P. Landolt (eds.), Precarious Migratory Status. University of Toronto Press. 2013.

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Hennebry, J. and McLaughlin, J. “The Exception that Proves the Rule: Structural Vulnerability, Health Risks and Consequences for Temporary Migrant Farmworkers in Canada.” In Christine Straehle, and Patti Lenard (eds.), Legislating Inequality: Canada's Temporary Migrant Worker Program. McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2013.

Preibisch, K. and J.Hennebry. “Buy Local, Hire Global: Temporary Migration in Canadian Agriculture.” In Christine Straehle and Patti Lenard (eds.), Legislating Inequality: Canada's Temporary Migrant Worker Program. McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2013.

Hennebry, J. and K. Williams. “Temporary Migration Trends – Interprovincial comparison.” Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI) (60 pages).

Margaret Walton-Roberts, Jennifer Guo, Keegan Williams and Jenna Hennebry. “Immigration policy changes and entry to practice routes for Internationally Education Nurses (IENs)” Report prepared for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Knowledge Synthesis. (33 pages).

Kathryn Hochstetler

Betsill, Michele, Kathryn Hochstetler, and Dimitris Stevis (eds.). Advances in International Environmental Politics, 2nd edition. (Palgrave Macmillan , 2014).

Kathryn Hochstetler and Manjana Milkoreit. Emerging Powers in the Climate Change Negotiations: Shifting Identity Conceptions. Political Research Quarterly 67(1): 224-235, 2014.

Kathryn Hochstetler. “The Changing Face of Brazil as an International Donor – From Lula to Dilma Rousseff”. Commentary for the Centre for International Governance Innovation. Online at —-lula-dilma-rousseff, 2013.

Kathryn Hochstetler. Snapshot: #MudaBrasil. Foreign Affairs. Online at, 2013.

Kathryn Hochstetler and Alfred P. Montero. The Renewed Developmental State: The National Development Bank and the Brazil Model. Journal of Development Studies 49(11): 1484-1499, 2013.

South-South Trade and the Environment: A Brazilian Case Study. Global Environmental Politics 13(1): 30-48, 2013.

Civil Society. The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, ed. A. Cooper, J. Heine, and R. Thakur. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). 176-191.

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Kathryn Hochstetler, Eduardo Silva, and William C. Smith. The Road Traveled. In Transnational Activism and National Movements in Latin Americas, ed. E. Silva. (New York: Routledge, 2013). 186-206.

Peter Newell, Globalization and the Environment: Capitalism, Ecology and Power. (Cambridge, UK and Malden, MA, Polity Press, 2012). International Studies Review 15: 628-630, 2013.

Snapshot: #MudaBrasil. Foreign Affairs, 2013.

Thomas Homer-Dixon

Homer-Dixon, Thomas, Milkoreit, M., Mock, S., Schröder, T., and Thagard, P. “The Conceptual Structure of Social Disputes: Cognitive-Affective Maps as a Tool for Conflict Analysis and Resolution”, SAGEOpen, 2014.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas, Leader Maynard, J., Mildenberger, M., Milkoreit, M., Mock, S., Quilley, S., Schröder, T. (lead author), and Thagard, P. “A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology: Cognitive-affective Structures and the Dynamics of Belief Change,” Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Vol. 1(1): 337–363, 2013.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas. “The Tar Sands Disaster,” The New York Times, April 1, 2013.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas. “How the Oil Sands Industry is Distorting Canada’s Democracy and Economy,” Toronto Globe and Mail, June 3, 2013.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas. “No Trains, No Keystone XL,” Toronto Globe and Mail, July 11, 2013.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas with Andrew Weaver. “Climate Uncertainty Shouldn’t Mean Inaction,” Toronto Globe and Mail, October 7, 2013.

Homer-Dixon, Thomas. “We’re Fracking to Stand Still,” Toronto Globe and Mail, December 30, 2013.

Sue Horton

Mannar, V. and S. Horton. “Impact that lasts a lifetime.” Editorial, Ottawa Citizen, June 7 2013.

Bhutta, Z. A., J. K. Das, A. Rizvi, M. F. Gaffey, N. Walker, S. Horton, P. Webb, A. Lartey, R. E. Black for Lancet Maternal and Child Nutrition & Interventions Review Groups. “Evidence based interventions for improving maternal and child nutrition: what can be done and at what cost?” Lancet 382 (9890): 452-477, 2013.

Black, R.E., H. Alderman, Z.A. Bhutta, S. Gillespie, L. Haddad, S. Horton, A.Lartey, V. Mannar, M. Ruel, C. G. Victora, S. P. Walker, P. Webb, Maternal and Child Nutrition Study

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Group members. “Maternal and child nutrition: building momentum for impact.” Lancet 382 (9890): 272-375, 2013.

Hoddinott, J., H. Alderman, J. R. Behrman, L. Haddad and S. Horton. “The economic rationale for investing in stunting.” Maternal and Child Nutrition 9(S2): 69-82.

Horton, S. and R.H. Steckel. “Malnutrition: global economic losses attributable to malnutrition 1900-2000 and projections to 2050.” In B. Lomborg (ed.) How much have global problems cost the world?. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Rhoda Howard-Hassmann

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda. “A Defense of the International Human Rights Regime,” The Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2014. pp. 613-22.

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda. “Reconsidering the Right to Own Property,” Journal of Human Rights, vol. 12, no. 2. 2013. 180-97.

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda. “Historical Amnesia, Genocide, and Rejection of Universal Human Rights,” in Mark Goodale, ed. Human Rights at the Crossroads. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013). pp. 172-82.

Adrian L. Jones and Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, “Under Strain: Human Rights and International Law in the Post-9/11 Era,” in Bethany Barratt, ed. Human Rights in the Post-9/11 World. (New York: IDEBATE Press, 2013). pp. 41-53.

Suzan Ilcan

Ilcan, S. 2014. “Activist Citizenship and the Politics of Mobility in Osire Refugee Camp”. In Engin Isin and Peter Nyers, Eds., Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies. (London: Routledge).

Lacey, A. and S. Ilcan. 2014. “Tourism for development and the New Global Aid Regime.” Global Social Policy. In Press.

O’Connor, D., K. Brisson-Boivin, and S. Ilcan. 2014. “‘Building Back Better’: Development Aid and Audit Culture in Haiti”. Conflict, Security and Development.

Ilcan, S. 2013. “The Paradoxes of Humanitarian Aid: Mobile Populations, Biopolitical Knowledge, and Acts of Social Justice in the Osire Refugee Camp.” In S. Ilcan, Ed., Mobilities, Knowledge and Social Justice. (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press).

Basok, T. and S. Ilcan. 2013. Issues in Social Justice: Citizenship and Transnational Struggles. (Toronto: Oxford University Press). 208 pages.

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Ilcan, S. Ed. 2013. Mobilities, Knowledge, and Social Justice. (Montreal and Kingston: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2013). 608 pages.

Ilcan, S. and A. Lacey. 2013. Special Journal Issue: “Networks of Social Justice: Transnational Activism and Social Change.” Studies in Social Justice. 7(1).

Connoy, L. and S. Ilcan. 2013. “Township Tourism and Camp Biopolitics in Katutura”. Journal of Namibian Studies: History, Politics, Culture. Volume 13.

Ilcan, S. Osire Refugee Camp as a Site of Refugee Activism. Acts: The Archives Project. (Open University, UK). May 19, 2013.

Ken Jackson

Jackson, Ken. "Public Goods, Diversity and Distribution", Journal of African Economies, 22 (3), 437-462, 2013.

Jackson, Ken. "Contract Enforceability and the Evolution of Social Capital" Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 29 (1). 2013. 60-77.

Veronica Kitchen

Kitchen, Veronica, and Kim Rygiel. "Privatizing Security, Securitizing Policing: The Case of the G20 in Toronto, Canada." International Political Sociology 8.2. 2014. 201-217.

Dunton, Caroline, and Veronica Kitchen. "Paradiplomatic policing and relocating Canadian foreign policy." International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis. 2014.

Kitchen, V., Review of Colleen Bell, The Freedom of Security, Canadian Journal of Political Science 46(1). 2013. p. 231-233.

P Whitney Lackenbauer

Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. The Canadian Rangers: A Living History. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013). xviii, 618 pp.

Alex Latta

Latta, Alex. Locating nature's citizens: Latin American ecologies of political space. Citizenship Studies, 17(5): 566-580, 2013.

Latta, Alex. Los Desastres Planificados: Megaproyectos y Trauma Socio-Ambiental, el Caso de HidroAysén (Planned Disasters: Megaprojects and Socio-Environmental Trauma, the Case of HidroAysén). Sociedad Hoy, 20: 111-129, 2013.

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Rianne Mahon

Mahon, Rianne, B. Aufenbacher, B. Riegraf and H. Theobald (eds.). ‘International Organisations’ “Advice” on Childcare Policy and Latin American Experiences’, Care, 2014 for Soziale Welt.

Mahon, Rianne. ‘Social Investment According to the OECD/DELSA: A Discourse in the Making’, Global Policy 4:2, 2013.

Mahon, Rianne. ‘State structures and the politics of childcare: Australia and Canada’ (first author, with Deborah Brennan) Publius 43:1, pp 90-108, 2013.

Mahon, Rianne. “Child Care, New Social Risks and the New Politics of Redistribution in Ontario” in The Failing Redistributive Politics edited by Keith Banting and John Myles. UBC Press Sept 2013.

Bessma Momani

Momani, Bessma and St. Amand, Samantha. Central Bank Independence in North Africa”. CIGI Policy Brief Series (March 2014).

Momani, Bessma and Lanz, Duztyn.“Shifting IMF Policies since the Arab Uprisings. CIGI Policy Brief Series (March, 2014).

Cooper, Andrew and Momani, Bessma (2014) Re-balancing the G-20 from Efficiency to Legitimacy: The 3G Coalition and the Practice of Global Governance. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations: April-June 2014, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 213-232.

Momani, Bessma and Jenna Hennebry (eds.). Targeted Transnationals: The State, the Media, and Arab Canadians. (UBC Press, 2013).

Momani, Bessma. “China at the International Monetary Fund: Continued Engagement in Its Drive for Membership and Added Voice at the IMF Executive Board” in Journal of Chinese Economies Vol. 1, Issue 1. December, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. “Whose authority? Exporting Canadian urban planning expertise to Jordan and Abu Dhabi” with L. Khirfan & Z. Jaffer in GeoForum, Vol. 50. December 2013.

Momani, Bessma with L. Khirfan. “Explaining the Use of Planning Consultants in Ontario Cities” in Canadian Public Administration. Vol. 6, Issue 3. September 2013.

Momani, Bessma. “Management consultants and the United States’ public sector” in Business and Politics. August, 2013.

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Momani, Bessma. “The Arab Spring Can Bring a Demographic Dividend: That is Good for Business and Investors" in the Global Policy Journal. August, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with C. Ennis. “Shaping the in the Midst of the Arab Uprisings: Turkish and Saudi Foreign Policy Strategies” in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 6. July, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with Teresa Kramraz. “The Knowledge Bank Testing the Limits of a Legitimate Global Knowledge Actor” in Review of Policy Research, Vol. 30, No. 1. July, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with L. Khirfan. “(Re)Branding Amman: the values, the image and the making of place" in Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Feb. 2013.

Momani, Bessma and J. Hennebry (eds.). “Introduction” in Targeted Transnationals: The State, the Media, and Arab Canadians. (UBC Press). April,2013.

Momani, Bessma. “Putting FSB concerns back on the IMF- World Bank Annual Meetings Agenda” in Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group & IMF. CIGI Policy Brief Series. October, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with Skylar Brooks, Warren Clarke, Michael Cockburn and Dustyn Lanz. “Strengthening the Early Warning Exercise: Enhancing IMF and FSB coordination” in World Economics, Vol. 14, No. 3. July-September, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with M. Qayyum. “MENA’s Public Sector Not a Sector for Growth: An Internal Strategy Requires Transitioning Civil Servants out through Intrapreneurial Practices” in Gulf Business. July, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. “Supporting Arab countries in the Deauville Partnership” in The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013 edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch. (Newsdesk Media Group and the G8 Research Group). May, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with Agata Antkiewicz and Padrig Landy. “Canada’s Economic Interests in the Middle East” Canadian Arab Institute Policy Brief Series. April, 2013.

Momani, Bessma with Warren Clarke, Dustyn Lanz, Michael Cockburn, and Skylar Brooks. “Coordination Critical to Ensuring the Early Warning Exercise is Effective” CIGI/BSIA. April, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. The Toronto Star, “15-minute phone call cause for hope in U.S.-Iran relations.” October 1, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. The Globe and Mail, “Obama is losing the hearts and minds of the Arab World”. September 9, 2013.

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Momani, Bessma. The Toronto Star, “App- powered protests put democracy in peril”. July 12, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. The Economist “The economics of Tahrir”. July 9, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. The Globe and Mail, “The myth of political Islam has been exposed in Egypt”. July 3, 2013.

Momani, Bessma. Ottawa Citizen, “Egyptian coup is nothing to celebrate”. July 3, 2014.

Momani, Bessma. The New York Times “Room for Debate, With Progress Comes Dissent: Give Erdogan Space”. June 5, 2013.

Alison Mountz

Coddington, K & A Mountz. “Countering isolation with use of technology: how asylum-seeking detainees on islands in the Indian Ocean use social media to transcend their confinement”. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 10(1): 97-113. 2014.

Brunner, L, J Hyndman, A Mountz. “Waiting for a wife:” Transnational marriages and the social dimensions of refugee ‘integration.’ Refuge 30(1). 2014.

Mountz, A & N Hiemstra. “Chaos and crisis: dissecting the spatio-temporal logics of contemporary migrations and state practices”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(2): 382-390. 2013.

Mountz, A. “Political Geography I: Reconfiguring geographies of sovereignty”. Progress in Human Geography 37(6): 829-841. 2013.

Mountz, A, K Coddington, RT Catania, J Loyd. “Conceptualizing detention: Mobility, containment, bordering, and exclusion”. Progress in Human Geography 37(4): 522-541. 2013.

Mountz, A. “Shrinking spaces of asylum: vanishing points where geography is used to inhibit access to asylum”. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 19(3): 29-50. 2013.

Mountz, A & R Kempin. “The spatial logics of migration governance along the southern frontier of the European Union”. M. Walton-Roberts, J. Hennebry (eds), Territoriality and Migration in the E.U. Neighborhood: Spilling over the Wall. (Dordecht: Springer, 2013). pp. 85-95.

Mountz, A. “On mobilities and migrations”. D. Moran, N. Gill, D. Conlon (eds), Carceral Spaces: Mobility and Agency in Imprisonment and Migrant Detention. (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013). pp. 13-18.

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Mountz, A. “Carceral society on Guam and Saipan: US territorial struggles over asylum, entry, and exclusion in the margins”. Society and Space – Environment and Planning D. 2013.

Alain-Desire Nimubona

Nimubona, Alain-Désiré and Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné. “The Pigouvian Tax Rule in the Presence of an Eco-Industry”, Economics Bulletin, 33(1): 747-52. 2013.

James Orbinski

Orbinski J. (2014). “Introduction” in Ashbindu Singh, Zinta Sommers, Eds. Reducing Disaster: Early Warning Systems for Climate Change. Springer Press. 2014.

Orbinski, J. (2014). “Global Health, Justice and International Law”. In Michael Freeman, Sarah Hawkes, and Belinda Bennett, Eds. Law and Global Health Current Legal Issues Volume 16. Oxford International Law Series. Oxford University Press. 2014.

Rachlis, B. Cole, D. van Lettow, M. Escobar, M. Muula, A. Ahmad, F. Orbinski J. Chan A. (2014). “Follow-up Visit Patterns in an Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)” Programe in Zomba, Malawi. (Peer Reviewed). PLoS ONE 9(7):e101875. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101875

Orbinski, J. (2013). “An Introduction to Global Health Ethics”. In Pinto, A. D., & Upshur, R. E. (Eds.). (2013). An Introduction to Global Health Ethics. Routledge.

Rachlis, B. van Lettow M. Escobar M. Ahmad F, Orbinski J. Cole D.C. (2013). “Predictors of losses to follow-up (LTFU) and a return to care in an antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme” in Zomaba, Malawi. (Peer Reviewed). American Journal of Epidemiology. 2013. Vol. 177, pp 165-177.

Rachlis, B., Sodhi, S., Burciul, B., Orbinski, J., Cheng, A., and Cole,D. (2013). “A taxonomy for community-based care programs focused on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care in resource-poor settings”. Global Health Action. 2013, (Peer Reviewed).

John Ravenhill

Ravenhill, John. “The Political Economy of Asia-Pacific Trade Agreements” in Inderjit Kaur and Nirvikar Singh (eds.), The Economics of the Pacific Rim (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014): 314-32.

Ravenhill, John. “Global Value Chains and Development”, Review of International Political Economy 21, 1 (2014): 264-74.

Ravenhill, John. “Regional Trade Agreements” in John Ravenhill (ed.), Global Political Economy [4th edition] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) pp. 139-70.

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Ravenhill, John. “The Study of Global Political Economy” in John Ravenhill (ed.), Global Political Economy [4th edition] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) pp. 3-24.

Ravenhill, John. “The Future of Asian Regional Institutions” in Miles Kahler and Andrew MacIntyre (eds.) Asian Regional Institutions (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013): 245- 63 [co-author Andrew MacIntyre].

Ravenhill, John. Global Political Economy [4th Edition] (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014 [editor and contributor] pp. xxvii + 465.

Ian Rowlands

Jennifer Clapp and Ian H. Rowlands. “Corporate Social Responsibility”, in Jean-Frédéric Morin and Amandine Orsini-Bled (eds), Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (London: Routledge/Earthscan, in press).

Ian H. Rowlands. “Deploying the Smart Grid Across Borders in North America”, in Neil Craik, Isabel Studer, and Debora VanNijnatten (eds), Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013).

Ian H. Rowlands, Briana Paige Kemery and Ian Beausoleil-Morrison. “Managing Solar-PV Variability with Geographical Dispersion: An Ontario (Canada) Case-Study”, Renewable Energy (in press).

Guy R. Newsham, Anca D. Galasiu, Marianne M. Armstrong, Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Frank Szadkowski, Jeremy M. Sager, Andrea J. Pietila and Ian H. Rowlands. “The Zero-Peak House: Full-Scale Experiments and Demonstration”, Energy and Buildings (Vol. 64, 2013), pp. 483- 492.

Ian H. Rowlands. Smart Energy Networks: The 2013 Leadership Event and Beyond (Waterloo, ON: Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy, November 2013), 30pp.

Nicholas Belanger and Ian H. Rowlands. Smart Energy Networks: Progress and Prospects (Waterloo, ON: Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy, June 2013), 33pp.

Kim Rygiel

Baban, Feyzi and Kim Rygiel. “Snapshots from the margins: Transgressive cosmopolitanisms in Europe”. European Journal of Social Theory. Published online before print February 17, 2014.

Kitchen, Veronica, and Kim Rygiel. "Privatizing Security, Securitizing Policing: The Case of the G20 in Toronto, Canada." International Political Sociology 8.2. 2014. 201-217.

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Kim Rygiel. 2014. “In Life Through Death: Transgressive Citizenship at the Border.” Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies. Engin Isin and Peter Nyers eds. New York and London: Routledge. 62-72.

Kim Rygiel. 2013. ‘Mobile Citizens, Risky Subjects: Security Knowledge at the Border”. Mobilities, Knowledge, and Social Justice. Suzan Ilcan, ed., Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 152-177.

Kim Rygiel. 2014. “Border Control Politics as Technologies of Citizenship in Europe and North America.” New Border and Citizenship Politics. Helen Schwenken and Sabine Ruß-Sattar, eds. New York: Palgrave. 141-155. (In Press).

Mark Sedra

Sedra, Mark. "Security sector reform." Routledge Handbook on Peacebuilding. Roger MacGinty ed, (London: Routledge, 2013).

Tammy Schirle

Ariizumi, H., Y. Hu and T. Schirle. "Stand together or alone? Family structure and the business cycle in Canada" Review of Economics of the Household. 2013.

Schirle, T. "Senior poverty in Canada: A decomposition analysis." Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 39(4) 517-540. 2013.

Pierre Siklos

Siklos, Pierre. “Communications Challenges for Multi-Tasking Central Banks: Evidence and Implications”, International Finance 17 (Spring): 77-98.

Siklos, Pierre. “Inflation Forecasts in Asia and the Pacific: Performance, Disagreement, and Spillovers”, BIS Paper No. 77 (March): 5-30. 2014.

Siklos, Pierre. “Central Banks and the Global Financial Crisis: Canada at the Forefront and in the Shadows” (with Domenico Lombardi), in Crisis and Reform: Canada and the International Financial System, edited by Rohinton Medhora and Dane Rowlands (Waterloo: CIGI). 2014.

Siklos, Pierre. “The Global Financial Crisis and Central Bank Speak”, in Communication and Language Analysis in the Corporate World, Edited by R.P. Hart (Hershey, PA: IGI Global), pp. 293-314.

Siklos, Pierre. “A Failure to Cooperate? Raising the Risks and Challenges of Exiting Unconventional Monetary Policies”, CIGI Policy Brief No. 35 (March 2014), with Domenico Lombardi and Samantha St. Amand the C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 402, March 2014.

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Siklos, Pierre. “Reforming Finance: Macro and Micro Perspectives”, CIGI Policy Brief 33, February 2014.

Siklos, Pierre. Central Bank Transparency, Decision-Making, and Governance: The Issues, Challenges, and Case Studies (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 2013), co-edited with Jan Egbert Sturm.

Scott Slocombe

Clark, D., L. Workman, & S. Slocombe. “Science-Based Grizzly Bear Conservation in a Co- Management Environment: the Kluane Region Case, Yukon”, pp. 108-39 in S. Clark & M. Rutherford, eds., Large Carnivore Conservation: Integrating Science and Policy in the North American West. (University of Chicago Press, 2014).

Larry Swatuk

Larry A. Swatuk and Joanna Fatch. “Water Resources Management and Governance in Southern Africa: toward regional integration for peace and prosperity”, Global Dialogue 15/2 (Summer/Autumn). 2013.

Corrine Cash and Larry A. Swatuk. “The Boschendal Initiative: Planning for Present Needs in the Long Shadow of History”, In C.S. van der Waal, ed., Winelands, Wealth and Work: Transformations in the Dwars River Valley, Stellenbosch, (Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press, 2014). pp. 100-119.

Debora Van Nijnatten

Robert G. Healy, Debora L. Van Nijnatten and Marcela López Vallejo. North American Environmental Policy: Capacity, Approaches and Transboundary Issue Management. (University of Toronto Press 2014).

Neil Craik, Isabel Studer and Debora Van Nijnatten (eds.). North American Climate Change Policy: Designing Integration in a Regional System. (University of Toronto Press, 2014).

Debora L. Van Nijnatten. “Environmental Policy in Canada and the United States: Climate Change and Continuing Distinctiveness” in David Biette and David Thomas, eds. Differences That Count 4th ed. (University of Toronto Press, 2014).

James Walker

Walker, James. "2013 - “Decoding the Rights Revolution: Lessons from the Canadian Experience,” in David Goutor and Stephen Heathorn, eds., Taking Liberties. A History of Human Rights in Canada. (Oxford University Press). 29-58.

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Margaret Walton-Roberts

Norton, W., and Walton-Roberts. M. Cultural Geography 3rd edition (OUP, 2014).

Walton-Roberts, M., and Hennebry, J. (eds). “Territoriality and Migration Management in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall”. Springer International Migration Series. 2014.

Chilvers, S., and Walton-Roberts, M. “Introduction: Deconstructing the (Re) construction of South Asian Identities in Canada,” Diaspora Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies. 17, 2: 121–129. 2014.

Walton-Roberts, M. “European Education Regionalization and its impact on the global migration of nurses.” Territoriality and Migration Management in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall. Edited by Margaret Walton-Roberts and Jenna Hennebry, Springer International Migration Series.49-64. 2014.

Hennebry, J., and Walton-Roberts, M. “The new realities of European migration management, what does it mean for insiders and outsiders?” Territoriality and Migration Management in the E.U. Neighbourhood: Spilling over the Wall. Edited by Margaret Walton-Roberts and Jenna Hennebry, Springer International Migration Series, 3-12. 2014.

Walton-Roberts. M. “Diasporas and divergent development in Kerala and Punjab: Querying the migration-development discourse.” Global Diasporas and Development: Socio-economic, Cultural, and Policy Perspectives. Edited by Sadananda Sahoo and B.K. Pattanaik, Springer. 69-86. 2014.

Bhutani, S.,Gupta, P., and Walton-Roberts, M. “Nursing Education in Punjab and Its Role in Overseas Migration” in Readings in Population, Environment and Spatial Planning. Edited by Sharma, K.D., Mangat, H.S. and Surjit Singh, K. Institute for Spatial Planning and Environment Research, Panchkula. 203-214. 2013.

Walton-Roberts, M., and Rajan, I.S. “Nurse emigration from Kerala: ’Brain circulation’ or ‘trap’?” India Migration Report 2013. (Routledge: New Delhi, 2013).206-223.

Walton-Roberts, W., Beaujot, R., Hiebert, D.,McDaniel, S.,Rose, D., and Wright, R."Why do we still need a census? Views from the age of 'truthiness' and the 'death of evidence." The Canadian Geographer 58,1: 34-47. 2014.

Walton-Roberts, M. Introduction to the special issue on South Asian Diasporas in Canada. South Asian Diaspora 5,1. 1-5. 2013.

Kataure,V., and Walton-Roberts, M. “The housing preferences and location choices of second generation South Asians living in ethnic enclaves” South Asian Diaspora 5,1.57-76. 2013.

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Walton-Roberts, M. “Competitive Learning communities: Australia and Canada in the race for international students.” Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, 11, 5, May, 40-42. 2013.

Hongying Wang

Hongying Wang. “Debating International Institutions and Global Governance: The Missing Chinese IPE Contribution,” with Zhongying Pang, Review of International Political Economy, 2013.

Hongying Wang. "Middle Range Powers in Global Governance." Third World Quarterly vol. 34, no. 6 (July 2013): 985-999.

Hongying Wang. “China’s Participation in Global Governance in Comparative Perspective,” with Erik French, Asian Policy, no. 15 (January 2013): 89-114.

David Welch

Welch, David A. “The political volcanoes threatening East Asia,” in Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds., The G7 Belfast Summit (London: Newsdesk, 2014) pp. 130-1.

Welch, David A. “The Yawning Gap between Threat and Threat Perception in Northeast Asia (and How to Bridge It),” The 11th Canada-Japan Symposium on Peace and Security Cooperation (Ottawa, ON: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development, 2014), pp. 20-8.

Welch, David A. “The Cuban Missile Crisis,” in Cooper, Andrew F., Jorge Heine, and Ramesh Thakur, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013) pp. 836-829.

Welch, David A. “What Is ‘Governance,’ Anyway?,” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3 (December 2013), pp. 253-258.

Welch, David A. “Discourse, Politics, and Authority: (My) Reply to (Our) Critics,” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3 (December 2013), pp. 265-267.

Welch, David A. “What’s an ADIZ? Why the United States, Japan, and China get it wrong,” Foreign Affairs (Web) (9 December 2013).

Welch, David A. Review of David Barrett and Max Holland, Blind over Cuba: The Photo Gap and the Missile Crisis (College Station: Texas A& M University Press, 2012). Political Science Quarterly 128:3 (Fall 2013), 587–8.

Welch, David A. “Strengthening Security within East Asia,” in Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds., The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013 (London: Newsdesk, 2013) pp. 216– 17.

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Welch, David A. “Enemy wanted: apply without,” e-International Relations (28 May 2013).

Alan Whiteside

Whiteside, A. “South Africa’s Key Health Challenges” in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 652(1). 2014.

Root, R. and Whiteside, A. “A qualitative study of community home-based care and antiretroviral adherence” in Swaziland Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16:17978. 2013.

Whiteside, A and Quinlan, T. “HIV/AIDS and the MDGs” in Pallotti, A. and Zamponi, M.eds. HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: Challenges, Policies and Actors. (Villa Veruchio: La Pleve Poligrafica Editore, 2013).

Gow, J., Strauss, M and Whiteside, A. “The State of Health Economic Research in South Africa” in PharmacoEconomics 31(3) 251-253. 2013.

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