Church Unity Exemplified in Pnpnl Byinntine Mnss the REGISTER
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Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register N a t io n a l N a t io n a l Church Unity Exemplified S e c t io n S e c t io n In Pnpnl Byinntine Mnss THE Vatican City. — In a pre-Ecumenical Ukrainians and Ratbenlans of the Byantina Rita real- Imparted all benedictions in the ceremony with the dent in Waitam Europe, w u caletNant Cocaiebranti exception of the final apostolic blessing. I Council show unity b etw ^ the Church with him ware pralatea rapresentlng the Maicbltea, Several coinddencaa somniidbig the ceremony REGISTER I of East and Wert John XAiil pre* Roaslani, Ukrainians, Rutbenians, Romaniani, and eenblned ta emphasise tba East-West, unity o f the (Name Ragivtarad in U .8. Patent OfOee) sided at the celebration of the Byontine Greeks. Charch and to relate tin ceromoiii to the tortbeom- MSMSSK OP AUDIT SUaUU OP CIBCULATIONa ing Ecamenlcal ConndL Thta Psp«r Is CewMCtad with NCWC fftsblnstaa Nsvs HssCqosrUn by lU Owe U m ti Win, Ess Its Own I l^te Liturgy (Mass) this past we^ in St Special Alfor Ereclcd* .First, the Mass wu celebrsted on tbe Feast of Spaeltl SsrviM, lUUshns Nswt asntos. Mlistcw gsrrtess. n^lakKii Wswi Photos «sd HCWC Wstnrs asrrtcs I "«rHw| tha fint dm is m m tbtn S t John Chrysostom (Greek and Syrian date), a A special altar was oacted in- front o f tha main UK» TM ii that a Pc((dtf bad OMd tba OM B k m it product of tbe Eastern Church and a doctor of the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 altar d tba Basillea with smaller tables on either I toogoa 1b a Utnitkal eamaay. Universal Church. Second, the following day the side. While a eocaleteant prepared for tba liturgy Tba Ua( raeaHad iBataaee e l aoeb a e e e m u Ecomenical Council's preparatory commissions which at one of the smaller taUas, the officiating clergy, I VM bsr Popa Adrian II in 887. had aawmbled in Rome were received in audience by mcfflban o f the College df Cardinals, and the Pontiff DUTIES OF FATHERS OF FAMILIES Aa tba Ortastal and Lada BMaa m t in ccm wb tbe Pontiff. It w u tbe Feast of S t Joupbat a martyr watabb^ P tm John, auprem hand of all Bttaa, actad tssemUad in the pt^lco o f the Basilica and than for Christian unity. • made their procesalonai entnmee. The Oriental prel* I aa pcariidant o f tba Utargkal rite. AU the principal The liturgy used w u that of S t John Chryaostom, ■tu preceded Pope John up the center aisle of the I Utnrglct) acts e t boocr and of Jsriadlctloa wan with a few changes in' tbe ceremonial established In BL^ca to tba pUca of cenmony. I tbarabp r iw m d to bba. As praaldoDt ba raqm ded 1906. It wu celebrated in Old Slavonic with the to tbo ritual formnlaa in tba (Md SlaroDle tODfne. After an had taken’ their places, the Cardinila, exception of the cmuecration which wu read in l i ’ Ib a eaUbcant and eoealafaruts of tba Man np- the ealet»ut, and the coceletm ts made their obal* Gre(^ and tbe secret parts of tbe Maas which were I raaantad tba fraatar pari o( tba Oriantal amreb. unca to the Pope. Then the Pontiff took tba snail recited by tbe coeelebraota in their own langnagu. AitMibop Mm Rtd[0 , ApoatoUc Viiltar o f tha cross, ^ c tl c i tha Oriental liturgy, with which ha {HCWC Radio and Wire] 2 N D MIRACLE BEING Millions Being Denied EXAMINED IN CAUSE ion OF VEN. TEKAKWITHA Vatican City.—Tbe butlflca- Esterl is said to have accepted tion procedure t o tbe cause of Christianity then. She lived tbe p n feaav argBaa Out 6,000,000 0 Tbere exists no toterut Hiliraukee.—(Special) the Ven. Eateri Tekakwiths h u life of s Christian virgin despite iDdepaodaBt acbool childKn and group cspekle of hsmesitog the been Qieeded up by beginntog attempts to force her into ma^ I -^America’s indep^dent .patents are notn repre- positive political influence of t t an examinatioD o f a seeoad pos riage. She w u baptized at 18 f -''tonsocrencoUi!v to our tbe millioni of dtiteos of every V IsdiocJ (duldren are de*. sible miracle ettributed to her by Father Jacquei de I^ber- Aji'i'.'«' d«Boentic preceam” because: religious belief who believe to I Died eosgressonal pro- totereeesion. If the miracle is vlUe, SJn when he arrived to \ • Tlwra exlsti no intfereat freedom of mtod and freedom of ai^iroTed, it could tike le a than take charge of a^nearby mis I taction d their civil group constantly engaged to tbe reiigioii, in academic freedom in a year to call her ‘‘Blessed.” sion. I rights bacaoM thair parents aaaanttol.wotfc of molding puMic the pnnuit of truth. have b*MBo "pobtkal noneotl- Authorities of the Sacred Con- To her tribe Eateri became a 7 ofdBian faroraUa to tba agnal • Tbere extsts no Int^eet Oh , ■icoM,’* had bave no n t o gregstioD r i Rites announced foreigner. She fled ecron the of cblkltea ragodlass of gteap thst systematically usu I In tearralnlng psriUc poliey, this procedure In the ciuse of St. Lawrence River to Caughna- bbliaft. tbe mass m edia'to counteract Fathu VfrfU C. Bloa, 8J., the 17to-centuty American In wags, a settlement of the Iro tbe persistent efforts of secu I d k trte i in tba Norembar lane • Tbara '«xM> no iQterest dian woman, '^ e approval of quois Christien refugees to I o f tha BomOetk md Pmtonl group caaatanlly aogagad in larists to aecuie tbe eatsblisb- two miracles is required before Southern Quebec. Tbere she ment of seculiriim u the reli I Acvtew. “loUbing at Qie grpu roots'* to the steps leading id canonixi- took a vow of virginity, the first gion of the natioD and to an- **nM voting of politldana k enato bnod pufaUe support tor tion can be completed. of her race to do so. torea its acceptance upon all giwtUy infrusmed, if not deter- oqual waUata beoafita fdr all In 1680, when she w u to pe^ idsildfac, toduding noncontono- dtlzens. 1ST NATIVE HONORED odiMd, by \h» political acUvitiu VeneraUe Kateri's process feet beilth and only 24, Eateri litt. Father Blum notes one u of powerful pfeuure groopa,” w u introduced at tbe Vafican to told her frienda ahe would die Father Blum explains. • There exiits no interest oeptlOD to h b charge that these to Holy Week. Her prediction group eomtaDtly engaged in en- parents "cDOstitute the disen May, 1939, after the Councils V no i N m E s r g r o u p to Quebec and Baltimore pe- came tn e . g i n e ^ g popular eonsent to franchised estate of American VEN. MOTHER SETW But, ba adds, “Uten exists democracy.” Citizens for Educa tion^ her canonlatlon to tbe leglslstive mesauru that dis* Only last December Mother I M p ^ ta iotarast 'group, o^ tional Freedmn, a non-denomlna- 10th century. One miracle per tribute welfare benefits to all Elizabeth Seton, who founded gaohad witUn tbe framework of Uonal group to S t Louis, is or formed through her toterees- children regaidleu of tbelr the Daughters of Charity to tbe our dauieera^, that ^aaks with tbougbri and ballefs. ganized for effective action. sion was approved several years I tbe authority and waigb^of pa^ ago U.S., became the second native' eats lAo hm an bteaat to Tb» decree declaring her a Azaerican to be called “l^en- tndapendant adneattoD.” *1i^enerable Servant of God” was erable.” Pope Jdin X X in mode Tba Uamaetta UaiTaraity issued Jtn. 3, 1043, thus mskiiig the proclamation at a ceremony ............................. her the first nstto of what to attended by three U.S. Cardi new tbe UB. to be called “Ven- nals. A convert from the I^iicopal V Worker Misfioa erable.” 41 Born to 1666 ta tbe Mitoawfc Church, Mother Seton could be trfbe r i vdiat is now Aurtee- come the first native dtlxen o f ' fn France Has vllle, N.Y., E a tol w u orphaned the U.S. to be beatified. Mother ERTRUSTED WITH IMPERISHABLE TREASURES It the kge of four. Her mother Frknda Xavier Catotoi, canon I t Is easy for a father te have chOdien,” authority hy fathers e i fandUes, smBy ef the w u a Christian Algonquin. Ka- ized by Piui Xn to 1 ^ wu Pope John kkin b reported as saying, *lHit present-day IDs ef family Ufa are attrihitod. Mach Progress terl w u adopted by a pagan the first Ajoerican citizw to difficult for chlldreB to have a geed father.” Pathen e f fa ille s have sarious dotiw to ' liDa, Fiance. — Caorilnal uncle, and her ffrri real contact be canonized. Boro to Italy, she Pins x n warned fathers ef fandllet net te regart to the seob utnmted to their ears. Acfaine Liuart, Btobop of with ChrlsttoRity came when, became a Ufi. citiK a {NCWC he ”fergetfnl er rwgleetfnl . o f tbe im- Thb b a doty oerhtps first ef aO of dbdNtoe, XJHe, set tq> a Dlocattn Cous> she w u about 11, iriien three Radio a i^ Wire] perlshaUe tieantss which Ged has entnsted whhdi fans span the tether and lAteh cU for tba Worker MIsdon. French misriooarles spent sev to yea to (he aools ef your chUdres.” b so negleetod by many today.