Applications of Electrical Resolvers
Downloaded from MI1-HDBK-218 1 June 1952 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TM 700-5990-1 MILITARY STANDARDIZATION HANDBOOK APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICAL RESOLVERS m Downloaded from HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WAS1llNGTOS.25,D,C.,17 ~U@ 1.96%’ T.M 700-5990-1ispublishedfortl]eme of Illconcerned. IIYORDEROF THE SECRET+W OF ml~ AImY: “G.H. DECKER, (+xwa[,UnitedStatexArmy, WJici,l]:~ Clli.fof.Staff. .J.C. Ii.iMBERT, ., Major (%wnd, UnitedStatesArmy, TILe.4djutmtGeneral, ● Downloaded from M1’L-ROBK-218 ● 1 June 1962 DEFENSE SUPPLY AGENCY WASRTNGT2N 25, D.C. I MIL-RDBK Appliostionsof Electrical Reeolvers 1. This handbook hae been approved by the Department of Defense for uee by the Departmentsof the Arqy, the Navy, and the Air Force. I 2. Th accordancewith establishedprocedure,the Standardization Division has designatedOrdnance Corps, &reau of Naval Weapons, and Air Reeearch and Development Comnand, respectively,ae Aq-Navy-Air Force CuL+tOdimSof this handbook. 3. This handbook ie intended ae a guide to promote use of standards end etendardpractioes in the applicationof electrical resolversby the Departments of the Army, the Navy, end the Air Force. b. Recommendedcorrections,additions,or deletioneshould be addressed to the StandardizationDivision, Defense Supply Agency, Washington 25, D.C. ● Downloaded from MCL-WDBK-218 ,0 1 June 1962 I FOREWORD ,- This hemdbook is intended to help implementthe Department of Eefense standardizationprogrsm as it affects precision electricalreaolwn%. Re- solvers, their designationsewi terminologies,are defined in accordance ,. with militery specificati0n9. With eventual complianceby manufacturersto the proposed specifications,this handbook should serve as a guide to the standardizationof resolver applicationsand practices;to this end, the I fundamentalsand tlheoryof resolvers are briefly reviewed,providing engi- neers end designerswith a convenientreferenceto the mltiple capabilities of the resolver.
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