Mcet's Challenge Test Requirements Senate Gives ASMSU Media, Security $42,250
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McET's challenge test requirements By CLIFF STOCKTON tioned by Gibson is completion of an Leg/a/al/ve Reporter accredited curriculum in engineering. Public interest would not be served if Gibson, who is also the dean of engi- a bill allowing engineering technolo- neering at MSU, was careful to separ gists to take an Engineering in Training. ate his concerns about the EIT exami EIT, examination we re passed, accord- nation as a professional engineer with ing to the Board of Professional Engi- his role as a dean. "It is more of a neers and Land Surveyors. political and licensing issue than an Dave Gibson, a member of the academic issue," he said. board, brought up the spectre of the Freed stated in an interview that accident by Union Carbide in Bhopal, anyone can take the CPA examination India in opposing the measure. ' and if they pass become a CPA. House Bill 99 , sponsored by Dorothy Not according to state law, Gibson Bradley, D-Bozeman, would allow stu- said. CPAs, he said, must also pass a dents enrolled in a engineering tech- four year course in business with an nology field to take the EIT examination emphasis in accounting. upon graduation. Currently only stu- Gibson also pointed out several dents enrolled in an engineering field other problems with allowing engineer are allowed to take the examination. 1ng technologist to take the EIT exam. Technologists must wait four years One argument was that engineering while working in a related field befor~ technologists. take geared-down they can take the examination. courses, specifically in mathematics The measure, which was approved and physics. Allowing technologists to by the house, is scheduled for hearing take the examination would put them before the Senate Education Commit- on the same footing as students who tee on Monday, 1 p.m. take the more rigorous courses. "The Tom Freed, a mechanical engineer- profession feels that this is a back door ing technology student, who is lobbying approach to becoming an engineer," for the measure stated, "the way the Gibson stated. law reads now we have to wait to take Of the fifty states, ten do not allow an academic examination. Other pro engineering technologists to take the fessionals, CPAs for example, can take EIT examination. And eight states that their examinations upon graduation." do allow technologists to take the Gibson testified against the measure examination upon graduation have a during House Education Committee waiting period of four to eight years hearings. In an interview Gibson before they are allowed to take the pro explained, "the purpose of licensure is fessional engineering examination. to protect the public." He went on to One effect of making 1t easier to take point out that engineers frequently work the EIT examination 1s other states' with materials and construction where recognition of Montana's license public saftey is paramount. "There is a possibility that our licenses "The view of the profession is that would not be recognized by other the test 1s just one of a set of criteria," 1 states," Gibson said. Like wow, bitchin' stated Gibson. Another criterium men- Bryan Adams thrills the teeny bopping hordes. Story page 12. (Photo by Dave Smith) Senate gives ASMSU media, security $42,250 By TIM LeCA/N ''I'm just asking for what you would Smith said he came forward now so She also said that a marketing study will be funded from the ASMSU reserve Staff Writer normally give me," said Smith, if the that next year the book will have a had been done in cooperation with the fund which currently has about Through appropriating a combina budget had been done correctly in the sound financial basis and be able to business school to help increase sales. $250,000 in it. The reserve fund is only tion of reserve, capital and supplemen first' place. receive supplemental funds from the Through posters, contests and articles to be used in emergency cases and is tal funds, the ASMSU Senate spent ASMSU Business Manager, Tammie senate. in the Exponent, Ainsworth said they made up of student fees and profits about $42,250 in student funds during Carlyle, agreed that the budget had "I'm going to leave them with a fair would try to sell all 500 copies. returned by ASMSU organizations. last nights meeting been miscalculated last year and 1f the deal next year, and that's what 1t comes In the past few months some sena Also given out were supplemental The largest expenditure approved Montanan did not receive its request down to." tors have questioned the magazine's ·funds which are given out for special was for the ASMSU Montanan which there would soon be a ~uge deficit. Smith also said he is working to value to the students activities which were not budgeted for received about $17,835 from the But some of the senators wondered increase sales of the book in order to During a previous meeting of the For example, the Exponent received ASMSU reserve fund. what had gone wrong with last year's prevent any cost over-runs. He said he ASMSU Finance Board, a motion to about $2 ,500 so that four editorial Dave Smith, who took over as editor budgeting to bring about such a had tried to get yearbook orders printed recommend the senate give the maga 1members of the staff can make a trip to of the yearbook last fall after Dennis mistake on the MSU registration forms but said zine the $7 ,000 did not get a second a news convention in California. This Henry resigned, told the senators that "How can you misbudget $17,000 ?" that the Reg istrars Office wouldn't do it. and died. But the ASMSU Media Board was approved without much debate. the money was needed to finish the asked Sen. Jerry Malmo. "Maybe we But, there will be order forms in the had previously recommended that they However, a proposal to give the book shouldn't give it to them and put the fear bookstore and with pre-reg1strat1on be given the money. ASMSU Student Security director a ret- Smith pointed out that mistakes were of God into them next year." materials, and they maybe inserted in Hill encouraged the senators to roactive stipend for work done this made in budgeting last year and the No one attending the meeting was text-books sold next quarter. 'appropriate the money, regardless of school year with supplemental funds, Montanan was only actually appro sure how such a mistake had been Also in financial trouble was MSU's any future action they might take met with over two hours of dabate. priated one dollar Apparently 1t was made, but ASMSU President Diane Hill fine arts magaZ1ne Infinity, which against the magazine, so that it could 1, It was proposed that Jim Kelley be thought that the book would be able to said 'the editors are supposed to be received $7,000 from the reserve fund. be finished. Igiven a stipend of $2,764 for work done somehow generate sufficient money specialists at what they're doing. When Betsy Ainsworth, editor of the maga "If you don't like Infinity this is not the as Student Security director last Fall on its own through advertising and they came forward last year we trusted zine, said she needed the funds if the night to vote against 1t," said Hill. and through this Spring. sales. them." planned 500 issues are to be printed. Both the Montanan and the lntinity (continued on pa~ 2) 2 EXPONENT Friday. January 25. 1985 Building fees may fund complex Fifth Ace Saloon By CLIFF STOCKTON pro1ects such as married student housing Leglslstl•e Reporter During hearings before the Long My concern s that student fees ·Fri. & Sat. A bill. introduced in the legislature Range Building Program Committee, don t go up." Hill stated aua Grasa 5 would fund the Engineering and Phys 1· and a tnp to MSU legislators have rec· Hill met with members of the State W•tarn Swing Mueic 25th & 26th 9-1:30 cal Sciences Building cs·ng student onized the need for the building The Legislative Committee. which gives bu1ld1ng fees for the orOfect only problem has been funding instruction and policy advice to the House Bill 325. introduced by Jack HB 325 states. "The board of ASMSU Lobbyists, to discuss HB325 "I Moore. A-Great Falls. would fund the Regents shall make the payments talked to the committee and they didn't r 13 million dollar facility by raising stu required from available revenue think that students should fund class dent building fees. currently $41 a derived from student bu1ld1ng fees .. room building," said Hill EXPONENT quarter Using student building fees to fund Another method of funding the bu1ld- CLASSIFIEDS "We're glad for th e suppo'I of the academic buildings 1s not new. Por 1ng came from Jack Ramirez, R 5¢ word - Students building. but we don't want 1t to go tions of Reid Hall, Renne Library and Billings, using the permanent coal tax through on the backs of th e students," Wilson Hall were funded by the fees fund for financing, a move that the gov ASMSU President Diane Hill stated This would be the first time student fees ernor has opposed The proposed engineering complex would fund the entire pro1ect Hill will be in Helena tomorrow to plan did not make the the governors list of Currently, student building fees are policy with ASMSU IObbyists Bruce recommended long range building used to fund ongoing building pro1ects Scrattord and Michelle Wing -----------------~ACTIVE ELECTRONICS I Presents competent, conscientious I repair and maintenance of I ..