Unedited Transcript
UNEDITED TRANSCRIPT THE PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS MET IN BARRINGTON DISTRICT OFFICE, 1 FENTON STREET, DEVONPORT, ON WEDNESDAY, 15 AUGUST 2001. REECE HIGH SCHOOL - INFRASTRUCTURE AND ESTABLISHMENT COSTS FOR THE REBUILDING OF THE SCHOOL Mr TIM GOURLAY, Mr SIMON BARNSLEY, Mr LYLE CATLIN, Mr MICHAEL WILKINSON, Mr ERIC RICHARDSON, Mr PHIL McKENZIE, Mr CAREY McIVOR, AND Mrs DEBBIE RICKARDS WERE CALLED, MADE THE STATUTORY DECLARATION AND WERE EXAMINED. CHAIR (Mr Wing) - Who would like to lead the presentation? Mr GOURLAY - Mr Chairman, if I could, thank you. By way of overview and background, to the evidence submitted to this committee, I introduce the report and give some comments and then we will lead through. We will take the submission, the evidence as presented an printed as read but we will elaborate on various aspects of it. Following the disastrous fire of 5 December, the department reacted fairly promptly and swiftly and the first imperative of course was the relocation of the displaced students from Reece High School. The initial efforts and energies and funds were directed towards the immediate site clean-up at the Reece High School site and the arrangements for relocation of the students and after considering a number of options, a decision was taken that they would be rehoused on the Devonport High site with some supplementary facilities brought into range. A port folio of works was identified as being necessary to facilitate that co-location and those works were quickly documented and arranged and undertaken in accordance with departmental and government procurement requirements. The co-location has been in operation for the whole of this year to date and is working satisfactorily.
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