NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

ANE BRUN LIVE AT STOCKHOLM CONCERT HALL www.anebrun.com DetErMine DEMCDDVD 01 7320470116906 Live DVD + CD med ANE BRUN! DVD’en inneholder 25 låter, bl.a. konsertfavoritter som coverene True Colors og Big In Japan, samt materiale fra ANEs storselgende studioalbum, inkludert en flott liveversjon av Lift Me med SIVERT HØYEM på scenen sammen med ANE. CD’en inneholder 16 av låtene fra samme konsert + en studioversjon av låta My Baby’s Arms. Blant bandmedlemmene på denne konserten, innspilt 3. oktober 2008, er pianist MARTIN HEDEROS (THE SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES m.fl.) og backing-vokalist NINA KINERT. I tillegg løftes opplevelsen av THE VERY SPECIAL CHOIR, som bl.a. består av ANNA TERNHEIM, LISA EKDAHL, JOHANNA & KLARA SÖDERBERG (FIRST AID KIT) og REBEKKA KARIJORD. ANE gjør 13 konserter i Norge i løpet av oktober! ØSTLENDINGEN VG, DAGSAVISEN CD+DVD

GOGOL BORDELLO LIVE FROM AXIS MUNDI SideOneDummy SD 1407 0603967140729

De som har sett GOGOL BORDELLO vet at de leverer et forrykende liveshow. Og her får du dem i sitt rette element. CDen inneholder 6 låter live fra BBC, 3 låter live fra Irving Plaza, New York og en tidligere uutgitt låt fra Super Taranta-inspillingen. DVDen er tatt opp live over to kvelder i Irving Plaza, med alle fanfavoritter inkludert. Og jaggu er det ikke en bonusDVD her også som inneholder over en time med liveopptak, intervjuer og videoer. Snadder.

http://www.myspace.com/gogolbordello CD+2DVD

REBEKKA KARIJORD THE NOBLE ART OF LETTING GO Headstomp LFRCD 01 7320470116852 Tredje fra geniforklarte REBEKKA KARIJORD, og det første på hennes eget selskap! REBEKKA turnerer i høst land og strand, både solo og som oppvarmer for ANE BRUN. Flere av låtene på The Noble Art Of Letting Go blir å finne på soundtracket til MARGRETH OLINs kritikerroste nye film, Engelen. The Noble Art of Letting Go er varmere og mer nedstrippet enn hennes foregående album, og låtene er klart de beste hun noensinne har laget. Dette blir en favoritt i mange hjem når høstmørket trenger seg på…!

CD www.myspace.com/rebekkaandthemysterybox

EGIL OLSEN NOTHING LIKE THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU http://egilolsen.com/ Iknowwhatyoudidlastrecords UIREC 006 7090001911996 EGIL OLSEN slipper nå sitt nye album, nothing like the love i have for you. Siden sist har han gjort utallige konserter, gitt ut plate i Asia, vunnet pris for beste norske musikkvideo, hatt sommerjobb i NRK p3 med å covre hip hop-klassikere i radioprogrammet Pia, og selvfølgelig jobbet med sitt nye album. Han har i tillegg nettopp giftet seg, sett en del film, hørt på musikk, blitt ranet på turne, hoppet i fallskjerm, begynt å spille fotball og gått turer og kost med hunden og konen sin. EGIL OLSEN produserer og spiller de fleste instrumenter selv, men har med seg flere musikere på bl a blås, stryk, kontrabass, trommer og steelgitar. Han har også med THOM HELL på noen låter og JENNY HVAL aka ROCKETTOTHESKY jobber sin magi på låten hard work and fate, som i følge EGIL OLSEN sin far er et kunstverk av en låt. Han har varmet opp for bl.a. MARIT LARSEN, MARIA MENA, SUPERFAMILY og BIG BANG, spilt på flere festivaler og gjorde tidligere i år en fabelaktig konsert på by:larm til et overstappfullt lokale. CD EGIL OLSEN vil fortsette å gjøre så mange konserter som mulig og vil alltid spille. Over alt.

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

VAIPING INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD Karisma KAR 048 7090008310488 I likhet med VAIPINGs første album The Great Polar Expedition (KAR025 - 2007) er dette et konseptalbum. Fyrbøter-tematikken fra forrige plate er nå byttet ut til fordel for et industriarbeiderimage, men det er fremdeles tungt, suggerende, industrielt og ekstremt fengende på typisk VAIPING-vis. Men, denne gangen med mer vokal, litt mer mangfoldig og variert, og en anelse mer tilgjengelig. For fans av artister som KRAFTWERK, ULVER, TOOL, MASSIVE ATTACK, DEPECHE MODE og LEFTFIELD for å nevne noen.

CD http://www.myspace.com/vaiping

THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION SIX Temporary Residence TRR 157 0656605315720 Six er det første albumet til THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION siden det foreløpige karrierehøydepunktet The Spell i 2006. Foreløpig fordi Six uten tvil aspirerer til den tronen. For de uinnvidde kan vi si noe om det lydbildet BHP opptrer i: mørk, storslagen, halvgotisk, nattevennlig og hjemsøkende rock noe i nærheten av det THE GUTTER TWINS, NICK CAVE og SMOG bedriver. Det universelt mørke i lyden av Six vil også appellere til folk som synes WAITS, CASH og COHEN er topp. Meget bra saker.

CD http://www.myspace.com/theblackheartprocession

MEGAFAUN GATHER, FORM & FLY http://www.myspace.com/megafaun Crammed CRAM 152 0876623006077 Da forlot det som da var DEYARMOND EDISON, dro på hytta og byttet navn til , dro de andre medlemmene til North Carolina, satte på gamle THE BYRDS-plater, og byttet navn til MEGAFAUN. Gather, Form & Fly er bandets andre album og folk er tydelig imponert: Rolling Stones DAVID FRICKE triller en sjelden og sier: ”… a group vocal that sounds like a hitchhiking Burrito Brothers. Megafaun’s roots are familiar: their bloom is uniquely theirs”. Pitchfork, Popmatters og A.V. Club er også imponerte og slår til med hhv.

CD 8.1, 8/10 og A. Tungt anbefalt folk med andre ord.

SHRINEBUILDER SHRINEBUILDER http://www.myspace.com/shrinebuildergroup Neurot NR 070 0658457107027 Dette er ikke et engangsopplegg men første kapittel i historien om en aldri så liten supergruppe. SHRINEBUILDER er møtet mellom musikalske monolitter og legender fra den bytunge delen av musikkhistorien. SCOTT “WINO” WEINRICH (SAINT VITUS, THE OBSESSED, SPIRIT CARAVAN) på gitar, AL CISNEROS (OM, SLEEP) på bass, DALE CROVER (MELVINS) på trommer og SCOTT KELLY (NEUROSIS) på gitar. Og dessuten alle fire på vokal. Vi sier rett og slett ikke mer, bare bøyer oss i støvet. “This is something like a stoner-metal Mount Rushmore, and the album is probably going to make us want to celebrate by going out and killing a lion and then using the lion’s skull CD to make a bong.” PITCHFORK

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

BASSEKOU KOUYATE & NGONI BA I SPEAK FULA Outhere 933542 4047179335423

Nytt fantastisk album fra maliske BASSEKOU KOUYATE og bandet hans NGONI BA. Hans forrige album, Segu Blue (836042) ble kåret til årets world music-album hos BBC 3, og Kouyate tok også hjem prisen for årets artist. I Speak Fula har blitt vel et vel så sterkt album, og folk som KASSE MADY DIABATE, TOUMANI DIABATE og VIEUX FARKA TOURÉ bidrar. “…a contender for African album of the year” UNCUT

CD http://www.myspace.com/bassekoukouyate

SUFJAN STEVENS / OSSO RUN RABBIT RUN Asthmatic Kitty AKR 049 0656605604923 I 2001 fulgte Sufjan Stevens opp debutalbumet, A Sun Came, med Enjoy Your Rabbit, en serie av fjorten instrumentaler inspirert av dyrene i den kinesiske astrologien. Mye senere, i 2006, foreslo Bryce Dessner fra The National at Sufjan burde rearrangere hele Enjoy Your Rabbit for Osso, strengekvartetten som bidro på Illinois og My Brightest Diamonds Bring Me The Workhorse. Resultatet er Run Rabbit Run. http://www.asthmatickitty.com/run-rabbit-run CD

CATE LE BON ME OH MY http://www.myspace.com/catelebon Irony Bored BORECD 001 0602527150987 Walisiske CATE LE BON er første artist ut på den nye labelen til GRUFF RHYS fra SUPER FURRY ANIMALS. Den små-avantgardistiske chanteusen har et visst NICO-aktig preg over både vokal og låtarrangement, og har blitt beskrevet som en krysning mellom BOBBIE GENTRY, STEPHEN MALKMUS og, nettopp, NICO. Vi slenger like gjerne BAT FOR LASHES inn i mixen, så da bør hipster-kredibiliteten være behørig sementert. Artrocker påstår at hun ble oppfostret hos en ulvefamilie med en kickass platesamling, og hvorfor ikke? CATE var for øvrig gjestevokalist på NEON NEON-singelen I Lust You. ”…Me Oh My has that can’t-put-your-finger-on-it oddness that makes CD for great pop music” MOJO

EUGENE MIRMAN GOD IS A TWELVE-YEAR-OLD BOY WITH ASPERGER’S Sub Pop SPCD 806 0098787080629 Sub Pop har lang tradisjon med å gi ut stand up-komikk og andre humorøse eskapader, mest kjent de siste årene er selvsagt FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. EUGENE MIRMAN har turnert som support for FOTC, men startet karrieren på NYCs alternative stand up-scene og ble kjapt en ledende figur der. Han foretrakk ofte å opptre som support for band som YO LA TENGO, MODEST MOUSE og THE SHINS fremfor komedie klubber, og skaffet seg på den måten et stort publikum. God is a twelve… ble spilt inn i 2008 i Chicago (byen hvor Abe Lincoln mistet dyden, ifølge Eugene), og er ”possibly offensive, but most likely charming”. CD http://www.myspace.com/eugenemirman

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

THE GATES OF SLUMBER HYMNS OF BLOOD AND THUNDER http://www.myspace.com/thegatesofslumber Rise Above RISECD 119 0803341311374 Forrige album, Conqueror (IHRCD 050), ble #5 på Decibel Magazines kåring av årets album 2008. Doommetal-trioen fra Indianapolis leverer den pureste form for doom inspirert av klassikere som BLACK SABBATH, ST. VITUS, , THIN LIZZY, RAINBOW og MERCYFUL FATE. Cover av fantasy-artisten VEBJØRN STRØMMEN. Anbefales! “It’s a herculean stride towards the summit of Mount Metal that’ll make you want to grow a mullet and a moustache in sheer bloody-minded defiance of corporate tastemakers and their unspoken tyranny .” 9/10 DECIBEL MAGAZINE (US) CD “Look, if you like metal, just get this, ok?” 8.5/10 TERRORIZER (UK)

THE FEW AGAINST MANY SOT Pulverised ASH 063CD 4000168063882

Feiende flott svensk dødmetall med CHRISTIAN IVESTAM (ex-SCAR SYMMETRY) i spissen. Her synges det på svensk, og MIKAEL STANNE (DARK TRANQUILLITY) og JONAS RENKSE (KATATONIA/BLOODBATH) bidrar på tekstsiden. Og her er strukturene så presise og arrangementene så avanserte at det bare er å henge seg på for fans av teknisk og progressiv metal også.

“Definitivt noe å sjekke ut.” - SCREAM MAGAZINE

CD http://www.myspace.com/thefewagainstmany

KARL BLAU ZEBRA K Records K 205 0789856120529 Eklektikeren KARL BLAU, født og oppvokst i Twin Peaks-land, trent hos CALVIN JOHNSONs Dub Narcotic og av MOUNT EERIEs PHIL ELVERUM, og er influert av all verdens lyder og musikk. I hans egne ord: “As of late, I am “finding my voice” in imitating sounds of men of African descent vis-à-vis Toots (of Jamaica), Abdullah Ibrahim, Sun Ra, Ornette Coleman, the Meters, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, to name a few. I am thinking of myself as a sound mirror to this con- tinent and its many voices distributed throughout the earth. Zebra = nydelig plate.

CD http://www.myspace.com/karlblau

IDLEWILD POST ELECTRIC BLUES http://www.myspace.com/idlewild Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 501 0711297490121 Sjuende album fra skotske IDLEWILD, som med årene har beveget seg bort fra indie-punken fra de første platene, og bedriver nå flott poprock med bråkjekke gitarer og 70-tallsinspirerte synther. Dette albumet vil treffe hos fans av bautaer som R.E.M, FLEETWOOD MAC, WILCO og POSIES.

”…an extremely well accomplished album…” 4/5 SUBBA-CULTCHA ” This is a confident, astute, concise guitar pop record…” 4/5 THE LIST “…the outlook is far from bleak for the band” 4/5 THE SKINNY CD ”Fans will find plenty to love…” 7/10 THE MUSIC MAGAZINE

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009


Deilige saker fra Kranky som til tider gir oss assosiasjoner til PORTISHEAD.

“Highlights are almost to innumerable to mention. Put simply, this is a triumph.” 8/10 ROCK SOUND (UK)

http://www.myspace.com/tokillapettybourgeoisie CD

WE INSIST! THE BABEL INSIDE WAS TERRIBLE Exile On Mainstream EOM 42 0811521010429

Franskmenn som har latt seg inspirere av all verdens stilarter. Rock, frijazz, avant-garde, psykedelia, matterock, punk og metal. En slags miks av TOOL, QOTSA, AT THE DRIVE-IN, PRIMUS, KING CRIMSON og Dischord-band.

“Proggy French avant-garde rockers twist and turn marvelously.” KERRANG! (UK)

CD http://www.myspace.com/weinsistband

BELLINI THE PRECIOUS PRIZE OF GRAVITY Temporary Residence TRR 155CD 0656605315522

Punka matterock fra mann/kone-duoen Giovanna Cacciola og Agostino Tilotta med venner.


http://www.myspace.com/bellini CD

THE DEVIL’S BLOOD THE TIME OF NO TIME EVERMORE Van Records VAN 029CDB / VAN 029CD 0884860012122 / 0884860010023 Da er den limiterte versjonen endelig i lager folkens. “In an age when so many bands regard as disposable vehicles to promote one or two decent tracks, this is a delight. An album in the truest sense. One with definition, depth, clarity and vision. One with beautifully realised and fulfilled melo- dies. One with formidable musicanship, complexity yet a clear-sighted application. A stunning debut that’s unafraid to be intellectual yet accessible. Among the great albums of the 21st Century.” MALCOLM DOME / CLASSIC ROCK MAGAZINE (UK)

CD “Rosemary’s Baby i rockutgave!”- DAGBLADET

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

MARC ALMOND ORPEHUS IN EXILE SFE / Cherry Red SFE 001 5013929841123

MARC ALMOND tar her for seg sanger av VADIM KOZIN, en høyt elsket sanger fra Sovjet-tidens Russland. KOZINs tolkninger av sigøyner-folketoner og russiske klagesanger gjøres for første gang på engelsk av ALMOND, med hjelp fra produsent og arrangør ALEXEI FEDOROV og Russlands mest kjente folk-ensemble ORCHESTRA ROSSIYA.

Uncut CD

APPLETREE THEATRE PLAYBACK Rev-Ola / Cherry Red CRREV 287 5013929458727

Psykedelisk popalbum fra 1968, beskrevet av JOHN LENNON i samme år som et av hans favorittalbum. For fans av BEACH BOYS, FAMILY TREE, THE SMOKE og THE MILLENIUM.

Uncut CD


THE MOJOS er best kjent for Everything’s Alright, regnet som en av de klassiske Merseybeat-låtene. Også covret av DAVID BOWIE på albumet Pin-Ups. Her er alt fra karrieren (1963-1967) samlet på en CD.

Mojo CD

THUNDERCLAP NEWMAN HOLLYWOOD DREAM Esoteric / Cherry Red ECLEC 2149 5013929724921

Engelsk klassiker fra 1970. Inneholder singelen Something In The Air som herjet på internasjonale hitlister i 1969. Nå remastret og med seks bonuslåter. Produsert av PETE TOWNSEND fra THE WHO.

Mojo CD

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

BILLY BRAGG BOX SET VOL 1 Cooking Vinyl BRAGGBOX 001 0711297320152

En av Englands mest elskede singer/songwriters slipper nå på nytt sine 4 første album i et svært begrenset opplag. Denne lekre boksen inneholder totalt 7 CD’er og 2 DVD’er med mange rariteter og uutgitte spor. Denne boksen ble opprinnelig sluppet i 2006, og har vært borte fra markedet siden da. Et virkelig samleobjekt for alle BRAGG-heads! BOX


Det er 30 år siden Quadrophenia-filmen kom ut, og denne DVDen tar for seg britiske mods med hovedvekt på THE WHO. Inkluderer masse klipp og intervjuer tonesatt av musikk fra THE WHO, men også fra artister som THE JAM, BOOKER T AND THE MGS, GEORGIE FAME og mange flere. DVD


DAVE MATTHEWS BAND er gigantiske i USA, og her får du hele historien via opp- og nedturer, konserter og plateutgivelser. Eksklusive intervjuer, sjeldne opptak og en drøss med andre features. DVD

MUSE BURNING SKIES Chrome Dreams SGDVD 004 0823564901824

MUSE har fått sin plass i rockehistorien, og er aktuelle med nytt album i disse dager. Denne dokumentaren tar for seg veien til suksess, festivaler og arenaer rundt i verden, og gir oss mengder av fakta og informasjon om bandet. DVD

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009

NO AGE LOSING FEELING Sub Pop SP 835 0098787083514 Tolvtommer med fire splitter nye låter (Losing Feeling, Genie, Aim at the Airport, You’re a Target) fra vårt favorittband, NO AGE. Slippes kun på vinyl og digitalt. http://www.myspace.com/nonoage 12”


Vinylversjonen av BLITZEN TRAPPERs 9-spors “EP” Black River Killer. LP

SUFJAN STEVENS / OSSO RUN RABBIT RUN Asthmatic Kitty AKR 049LP 0656605604916

Limitert dobbel gatefold-versjon av Run Rabbit Run. 2LP

JOHN VANDERSLICE TOO MUCH TIME Dead Oceans DOC 035 0656605133577 Limitert syvtommer med Too Much Time, mest sannsynlig den beste låta fra mannens siste album, Romanian Names, og den ikke tidligere utgitte låta Moon Rocks.

7” http://www.johnvanderslice.com/

KARL BLAU ZEBRA K Records KLP 205 0789856120512

KARL BLAU på vinyl. LP


Konseptuelt og tungt limitert (200 ex) album fra THE HORNS OF HAPPINESS.

http://www.myspace.com/thehornsofhappiness LP

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 12. OKTOBER


Selveste (NEW ORDER, JOY DIVISION) er tilbake med nytt band! Detaljer følger…

CD http://www.myspace.com/badlieutenantmusic


W.A.S.P. BABYLON Demolition DEMCD 165 / DEMLP 165 5060011191659 / 5060011198658

CD / Gatefold Vinyl Picture Disc

W.A.S.P. the multi-platinum US rockers return with their strongest CD to date “Babylon”!! Themed around the biblical visions of “The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse”, Blackie CD/LP Lawless and his crew have created a metal masterpiece that will leave fans both old and Tracklist new craving for more!! 1. Crazy 2. Live To Die Another Day 3. Babylon’s Burning W.A.S.P. live in Norway : 4. Burn 5. Into The Fire 6. Thunder Red 26/10 Bø i Telemark, Kroa i Bø 7. Seas Of Fire 27/10 Stavanger, Folken 8. Godless Run 28/10 Haugesund, Byscenen 9. Promised Land 29/10 Kristiansand, Kick 30/10 Oslo, Sentrum Scene 31/10 Jevnaker, Glassheim 01/11 Trondheim, Samfundet

“Repeat-knappen må være forberedt på hardt arbeid fremover.” – SCREAM MAGAZINE

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 12. OKTOBER


The Megaphonic Thrift redefinerer grensene mellom støy og melodi, og befinner seg i et slags skjæringspunkt mellom pop, rock og shoegaze som gjør at de uten tvil er et av Norges mest innovative og kompromissløse band. Noen av låtene bygges nøysommelig opp til utløsning i form av store kaskader av gitarstøy, men det er alltid den gode melodien som CDEP ligger i bunn. De mest naturlige referansene er Sonic Youth, Built To Spill, Guided By Voices Tracklist og My Bloody Valentine. 1. Acid Blues 2. Exploding Eyes På tross av sin korte eksistens har The Megaphonic Thrift gjort seg godt bemerket i både 3. Every Time (Oxygen) Norge og i utlandet. Bandet var i Urørtfinalen 2009, gjorde en god figur på by:Larm har spilt 4. Mad Mary 5. Son of J festivaler som Spot, Roskilde, Storås og Øyanatt. Denne høsten står bandets eget 6. A Thousand Years of Deconstruction bestillingsverk på Ekkofestivalen samt gigs på Iceland Airwaves, CMJ og Europa/Norgesturne på programmet før fullengderen ser dagens lys like over nyttår.

Denne første EP’en er en forsmak på albumet som kommer i februar 2010.



DIVERSE ARTISTER NICK CAVE’S JUKEBOX Chrome Dreams CDCD 5029 0823564613529

While Nick Cave is a highly original and talented songwriter in his own rite, in common with many of the musical heroes he holds most dear, he rarely misses a chance to both acknowl- edge the influence and cover the music of those who have provided him with sonic inspiration CD over the years. This 24 track compilation collects together some of the most potent influences on Nick Caves enormous and ever-growing body of work. From the drone-blues of John Lee Hooker to the wild guitars of Jimi Hendrix, and from the punk-folk of the Pogues to the gothic- country of Johnny Cash - all via classic rock n roll, country blues, murder ballads, trad-jazz, one off novelties, Neil, Bob and Elvis.

TRACKLIST 1. Cat Man / Gene Vincent 2. Gotta Serve Somebody (Live) / Bob Dylan 3. I Put a Spell On You / Screaming J. Hawkins 4. Rye Whiskey / Tex Ritter 5. Hey Joe / Jimi Hendrix 6. Black Betty / Lead Belly 7. I’m Gonna Kill That Woman / John Lee Hooker 8. Wanted Man / Johnny Cash 9. Man in Black (Live) / Johnny Cash 10. Bottle It Up and Go / Tommy Mc- Clennan 11. Blue Suede Shoes / Elvis Presley 12. I’m Gonna Run to the City of Refuge / Blind Willie Johnson 13. Helpless (Live) / Neil Young (Neil Young) 14. Fever / Little Willy John 15. How Long, How Long Blues / Leroy Carr 16. The Body of An American / The Pogues 17. Down in the Willow Garden / Everly Brothers 18. Stack O Lee / Mississippi John Hurt 19. Knoxville Girl / Louvin Brothers 20. Henry Lee / Dick Justice 21. King Kong Kitchie-Kitchie Ki-Me-O / Chubby Parker 22. Mack the Knife / Louis Armstrong 23. Grinder Man Blues / Memphis Slim

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 12. OKTOBER


With golden voice and silver-dipped pen Grant-Lee Phillips presents another milestone in a career brimming with the like. Little Moon, his first album since 2007’sStrangelet , is track after track of well-anchored classic American music – rock and folk swirl under clouds of cinematic CD strings for a primer on the art of the timeless tune. His legendary well of melody is in full dis- play on Little Moon, with even the most lilting piano ballad standing comfortably on a thick, Tracklist powerful trunk (‘Older Now’). Long one of Los Angeles’ most sought after songwriters, 1. Good Morning Happiness Grant-Lee meets Little Moon with positive inspirations including the birth of his daughter 2. Strangest Thing Violet (‘Violet’) and a creative calm that saw the songs well up organically from earlier live 3. Little Moon collaborations with drummer Jay Bellerose, producer bassist Paul Bryan and keyboardist 4. It Ain’t the Same Old Cold War Harry Jamie Edwards. Captured live in the studio with limited overdubs, the album keenly chronicles 5. Seal It with a Kiss the sunny day feel of the songs and that ever-elusive in the moment groove of a finely-tuned 6. Nightbirds band working out equally finely-crafted material. 7. Violet 8. Buried Treasure 9. Blind Tom 10. One Morning 11. Older Now 12. The Sun Shines on Jupiter


THRICE BEGGARS Vagrant VRUK 101CD 5060100667270

“I’m really excited about this record,” said vocalist/guitarist . “Beggars is more visceral and more raw – both in the songwriting and in the overall sound. It moves with a different energy than any of our past records. It was born out of us playing together in a room, almost as a backlash to the

CD giant headgame that was The Alchemy Index.”

Drummer Riley Breckenridge added, ““With The Alchemy Index, I think we broadened the scope of Tracklist what we can do as a band, and while the writing and recording of the four EPs was a great learning 1. All The World Is Mad experience, it was definitely an arduous, and at times, fragmented process. Beggars was a chance 2. The Weight for us to apply the things we’d learned and push ourselves to create something more cohesive. At the 3. Circles root of that, was the four of us getting back in our studio, focusing on jamming song ideas out until 4. Doublespeak they felt right, letting ‘happy accidents’ happen, and building on the energy of the four of us being in 5. In Exile the same room together playing live.” 6. At The Last 7. Wood & Wire Immediately after finishing Beggars, performed a few high-profile shows including Bamboozle 8. Talking Through Glass Left and the first eight dates of the Vans Warped Tour. The quartet will be rejoining the Warped tour 9. The Great Exchange in August to perform on the last five dates in California. While on the road, Thrice debuted two new 10. Beggars songs from Beggars, “All The World Is Mad” and “The Weight”. “All The World Is Mad” will be avail- BONUS able to fans exclusively on July 23 via the Vagrant Records Track Pack for Guitar Hero® World Tour. 11. Answered 12. Red telephone Beggars is sixth album from legendary scene band Thrice. Available with 5 bonus tracks exclusive to 13. Heleter Skeleter this European CD version. 14. All The World Is Mad (Free The Robot Mix) 8/10 ROCK SOUND (UK) 15. Circles (Textual Remix)

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 19. OKTOBER

CONVERGE AXE TO FALL Epitaph EPIT 70352 8714092703528

With classic metal enjoying resurgence as bands like MASTODON introduce a new generation to the majestic riffage of SABBATH and ZEPPELIN, it is only right that one of the bands responsible for that resurgence, CONVERGE, should offer up their most CD accessible album to date. With their new album, Axe to Fall, coinciding with their US tour with MASTODON, CONVERGE are set to find the wider audience that the band, as pioneers of Tracklist post-hardcore, so richly deserve. Formed in Salem, MA, in 1990, CONVERGE are to Dark Horse modern metal what THE RAMONES were to punk, with albums like Jane Doe and You Fail Reap What You Sow Me considered touchstones of the genre. Axe to Fall takes the band’s maverick attitude to Axe To Fall new highs; with leader JACOB BANNON finding searing melodies amidst the chaos of chords Effigy Worms Will Feed that is their hallmark, while the band’s sound finds richer textures and deeper hooks than Wishing Well ever before. Nothing of the old CONVERGE is sacrificed everything is gained, in what may Damages come to be considered the band’s masterpiece. Losing Battle Dead Beat Cutter Slave Driver Cruel Bloom Wretched World


FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS I TOLD YOU I WAS FREAKY Sub Pop SPCD 800 / SP 800 0098787080025 / 0098787080018 There is so much that could be said regarding Flight of the Conchords. How they hail from New Zealand, the island nation with multiple postal services. Or that, after winning a Best Comedy Album Grammy for The Distant Future in 2007, they were nominated for a second Best Comedy Album Grammy in 2008, but were actually relieved not to win again—-because meaningless trophies really do seem important when you only have one, and have to fight over who gets to keep it. And that during the recently-completed second season

CD/LP of their popular HBO television series, fans could download new songs immediately after they debuted on- air. Or that this same popular HBO television series (conveniently also called Flight of the Conchords) was Tracklist recently nominated for what-sure-seems-like-a-record-breaking 6 Emmys. Hurt Feelings Sugalumps But all that is mere background, fact-based information that, while, granted, is largely true, impressive, and We’re Both in Love with a Sexy Lady odd, doesn’t really allow us to serve up the steaming plate of rich, delicious and hopefully irresistibly per- I Told You I Was Freaky suasive description for which we (or our hired writers) are somewhat known in certain circles. And so: While Demon Woman Flight of the Conchords hammered out their reputation from behind the relative safety of acoustic guitars, Rambling Through the Avenues of blithely billed as a “folk comedy” act, nowadays their musical style runs rampant, unchecked. Judging from the Time range displayed here on I Told You I Was Freaky, Flight of the Conchords have yet to unearth a genre which Fashion Is Danger can withstand their artistry. Unflinching in their lyrical stance, sophisticated with their arrangements, crafting melodies which always lodge firmly in the frontal lobe: Flight of the Conchords have created 13 best-selling Petrov, Yelyena and Me ringtones, humbly masquerading as songs. Their rhymes are fearless, their thesauruses dog-eared. Only cool, Too Many Dicks (On the Dance confident specimens of manhood such as these could drop three-dollar vocabulary busters like “dungarees” and Floor) “pantaloons” while still mesmerizing the ladies with their undulating “Sugalumps.” Vivid imagery? Check: The You Don’t Have to Be a Prostitute ardent “Angels” should spur listeners to think twice the next time they consider catching a snowflake on their Friends tongues. Better still, the amorous odyssey of the album’s zenith, “We’re Both in Love with a Sexy Lady,” unfolds Carol Brown before the listener’s very ears in real time; Flight of the Conchords are making history, and You! Are! There! Angels I Told You I Was Freaky is, among a great many other things, a genre-tripping tour de force and includes three songs from the second series of the show which are otherwise as yet unreleased (“Rambling Through the Avenues of Time,” “Too Many Dicks (On the Dance Floor)” and “You Don’t Have to Be a Prostitute”).

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 19. OKTOBER

ALEC OUNSWORTH MO BEAUTY Anti EPIT 270462 8714092704624

Mo Beauty is the debut solo release from celebrated singer/songwriter ALEC OUNSWORTH, who earned acclaim with his band CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH. The album was produced by veteran musician/producer and fellow Philadelphian STEVE BERLIN (LOS CD LOBOS, BLASTERS, JOHN LEE HOOKER, THE REPLACEMENTS), who initially suggested a New Orleans setting for recording. Working with some of that city’s most storied musicians, including GEORGE PORTER of THE METERS on bass, OUNSWORTH has crafted a col- lection of songs that pick up where CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH leave off. Mo Beauty carries on that band’s vein of quirky humor, unashamed melody, and sonic experimentation, but with the weight of New Orleans and its history hovering over the recording, OUNSWORTH has dug deep on songs like Holy, Holy, Holy Moses (song for New Orleans), while tracks like South Philadelphia groove in a whole new way. Fans of CYHSY will love Mo Beauty and OUNSWORTH’s singular voice, while a whole new audience will respond to the bedrock foundation of the new songs


PELICAN WHAT WE ALL COME TO NEED Southern Lord LORD 110 0808720011029

Never content to remain stagnant over the course of their almost decade long career, 2009 findsPelican has shifted gears once again.

CD What We All Come To Need is Pelican through and through and the apex of their creative aspirations. It is the album that straddles most confidently the fine line between adherence Tracklist to roots and the mining of the unexplored. 1. Glimmer 2. The Creeper As punishing as it is calming, What We All Come To Need is Pelican at their most inspired 3. Ephemeral and sonically adept, delivering 50 minutes of weighty riffs and textured progressions in the 4. Specks Of Light momentous succession. This isn’t maturation as much as it is confidence and purpose, and 5. Strung Up From The Sky the latter are stamped on every note. 6. An Inch Above The Sand 7. What We All Come To Need Guest performances on the record include Greg Anderson (Sunn0)))), Aaron Turner (Isis), 8. Final Breath Allen Epley (Shiner, Life and Times), and Ben Verellen (Helms Alee).

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 19. OKTOBER

SUFJAN STEVENS THE BQE Asthmatic Kitty AKR 278 / AKR 278LP 0656605627823 / 0656605627816

Sufjan Stevens is proud to present The BQE, a cinematic suite inspired by the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and the Hula-Hoop. Commissioned by Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM),

The BQE was originally performed in the Howard Gilman Opera House in celebration of the CD+DVD/2LP 25th anniversary Next Wave Festival in October of 2007. The BQE is available as a double- Tracklist disc format (CD/DVD), which includes the original 16mm/8mm film (in widescreen “triptych” 1. Prelude on the Esplanade (2:56) display), the original motion picture soundtrack, a 40-page booklet (with extensive liner notes 2. Introductory Fanfare for the Hooper Heroes (1:07) and photographs), and the stereoscopic image reel (playable in all View-Master® viewers). 3. Movement I—In the Countenance of Kings (5:19) The limited edition vinyl (5000 WW) is available as a double gatefold and includes the 4. Movement II—Sleeping Invader (4:34) soundtrack on 180-gram vinyl, a large-scale 32-page booklet with liner notes and photographs, 5. Interlude I—Dream Sequence in Subi Circumnavigation (3:33) and a black-and-white version of the 40-page Hooper Heroes comic book. 6. Movement III—Linear Tableau with Inter- secting Surprise (4:09) • Film will be touring major art institutions in the fall 7. Movement IV—Traffic Shock (3:24) • Gorgeous CD packaging includes a viewmaster reel plus extensive color booklet 8. Movement V—Self-Organizing Emergent Patterns (3:45) • Double gatefold LP packaging includes a comic book written by Sufjan Stevens 9. Interlude II—Subi Power Waltz (0:28) 10. Interlude III—Invisible Accidents (0:54) 11. Movement VI—Isorhythmic Night Dance with Interchanges (3:17) 12. Movement VII (Finale)—The Emperor of Centrifuge (3:51) 13. Postlude—Critical Mass (2:59)


TINGSEK RESTLESS SOUL World Of Its Own WOIOCD 001 7320470117705

Svenske TINGSEK slipper sitt fjerde album, og nå er han ”hjemme” igjen, både musikalsk og labelmessig. Mannen har sjarmert mange nordmenn og –kvinner, og leverer her 13 herlige, myke soulpop-låter akkurat slik vi vil ha det! Turné og promo bookes i disse dager. CD


Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 FORHÅND 26. OKTOBER

KATATONIA NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY Peaceville CDVILEF 271X / CDVILEF 271 0801056827227 / 0801056827128

Nytt album med våre svenske venner. Mer info kommer.

NB! Kun 400 ex av limitert versjon med bonuslåt for Norge! CD

SPECIAL EDITION PACKAGING Tracklist Classy 20 page digi-book (spot varnish) Forsaker Original album + bonus track The Longest Year 20 page booklet on heavy weight 170g paper Idle Blood Onward Into Battle Liberation NB! Spiller support for Porcupine Tree på Sentrum Scene i Oslo 23. oktober The Promise Of Deceit Nephilim New Night Inheritance Day & Then The Shade Ashen (bonus track) Departer



MARTHA WAINWRIGHT stamps her je ne sais quoi on a beautiful selection of rare and acclaimed Edith Piaf songs, passionately sung and romantically interpreted by MARTHA on her stunning album Sans Fusils, Ni Souliers, A Paris. Martha Wainwright’s Piaf Record, out CD November 9th.

The album was recorded over three intimate performances in New York’s Dixon Place Theatre in June. Produced by HAL WILLNER (MARIANNE FAITHFULL, LOU REED, ALLEN GINSBERG), MARTHA WAINWRIGHT assembled a unique band of musicians including long-time collaborator BRAD ALBETTA, who produced MARTHA’s first two albums, pianist THOMAS BARTLETT and electric guitarist/multi-instrumentalist DOUG WIESELMAN to capture the French chanteuse’s venerable catalogue, beautifully coupled with Martha’s incredible, evocative and characterful voice.

Cautious of avoiding the cliché of looking sad, pretending to be drunk with a glass of absinthe on the table, MARTHA creates tension and urgency on this charming 12-track record - delivered with paralleled emotion conveying EDITH PIAF’s mystical vulnerability. Highlights include Adieu Mon Coeur, Vieux Piano, Une Enfant and a transfixing version of Le Foule.

Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 41 - 2009 SJEKKLISTE HARDROCK/METAL POP/ROCK & DIVERSE ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR

1349 Revelations Of The Black Flame CANDLE 284CD Airbag Identity KAR 046 Absu Absu CANDLE 220CD Akron/Family Ser ‘Em Wild, Set ‘Em Free CRAM 144 All That Remains Overcome 10067 CD Antony & the Johnsons Antony & the Johnsons SC104 Anaal Nathrakh In The Constellation Of The … CANDLE 285CD Band Of Horses Cease To Begin SPCD745 Audrey Horne No Hay Banda DOG003 Beirut March Of The Zapotech POMP 001CD Aura Noir Hades Rise CDVILEF173 Benson Brendan My Old, Familiar Friend VVR 711270 The Metal Opera Pt 1&2 AFMCD 150-9 Bird Andrew Noble Beast BELLACD 190X Benea Reach Alleviat TABU028 Blank Amanda I Love You VVR 709214 Big Business Mind The Drift HH 666175 Blk Jks After Robots SC 197 Bigelf Cheat The Gallows PAGE 008CD Bloc Party Intimacy WEBB 185CDI Grand Feast For Vultures CANDLE 249CD Brimstone Solar Radiation... Smorgasbord KAR 050 Burzum Lord Of Darkness - Anthology BOB086CD Bronx The Bronx (III) WEBB 197CD Carburetors Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever BDM 0138726 Brun Ane Sketches DEMCDD 09 Clutch Strange Cousins From The West WM 009CD Cassidy,Eva Somewhere G210190 Resplendent Grotesque TABU 027 Calexico Carried To Dust SLANG 1051258 Darkthrone Dark Thrones & Black Flags CDVILEF 237X Chairlift Does You Inspire You KAN 342 Devil’s Blood The Time Of No Time Evermore VAN 029CD Chatham County Line IV YEP2157 Doro Fear No Evil AFMCD 233-9 Chesnutt Vic At The Cut CST 60 Dødheimsgard Supervillain Outcast FOGCD037 Cribs Ignore The Ignorant WEBB 220CD El Caco Heat BLNCD 014 Crowell Rodney Sex & Gasoline YEP 2187 Electric Wizard Witchcult Today RISECD100 Danielson Trying Heartz - The Best Of SC 180 Emperor Live Inferno Box CANDLE 272BOX Eagles Of Death Metal Heart On VVR 950269 Enslaved Ruun TABU022 Eels Hombre Lobo VR 537COOP Ghost Of A Thousand New Hopes, New Demonstrations EPIT 70152 Explorers Club Freedom Wind DOC007 Greymachine Disconnected HH 666188 Farmers Market Surfin’ USSR IPC101 Griftegård Solemn. Sacred. Severe. VAN 032CD Felice Brothers Yonder Is The Clock TL 39 Ihsahn Angl CANDLE218CD Fever Ray Fever Ray RABIDJ 039 Illusion Suite Final Hour LMP 0908109 Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes/Sun Giant BELLA2CD 167 Insomnium Across The Dark CANDLE 256CDS Ford Jim The Unissued Capitol Album BCD 16978 Isis Wavering Radiant CORE 078 Gano Gordon & The Ryans Under The Sun YEP 2210 Jorn Dukebox AMFCD 211-2 Grand Archives Keep In Mind Frankenstein SPCD 803 Katatonia The Great Cold Distance CDVILED128 Hayseed Dixie Golden Shower Of Hits COOKCD 470 Keep Of Kalessin Armada TABU019 Henry Joe Blood From Stars EPIT 70262 Khold Hundre År Gammal TABU029 Iron & Wine Around The Well SPCD 808 Kylesa Static Tensions 10071 CD Japandroids Post-Nothing PRC 184-2 Lamb Of God Wrath RR 78865 King Crimson In The Court Of The Crimson King DGM0501 Lumsk Det Vilde Kor TABU 023 Lama Look What You Made Us Do STACD 011 Madder Mortem Eight Ways CDVILEF 246 Louie & The Lovers The Complete Recordings BCD 16394 Masterplan MK II AFMCD 148-2 Low Anthem Oh My God, Charlie Darwin BELLACD 202 Melvins Nude With Boots IPC105 Magnolia Electric Co. Josephine SC 185 Mistur Attende MIR 001 Mariachi El Bronx El Bronx WEBB 219CD My Dying Bride For Lies I Sire CDVILEF 245 Mos Def The Ecstatic VVR 706844 Assassins CANDLE217CD Mstrkrft Fist Og God VVR 714894 Neurosis Given To The Rising NR050 Mum Sing Along To Songs You Don’t ... MM 092 Obituary Darkest Day CANDLE 232CDS N.A.S.A. The Spirit Of Apollo EPIT 70012 Opeth Still Life - Special Edition CDVILED 183X Oberst Conor Outer South WEBB 212CD Orcustus Orcustus LORD 102 Of Montreal Skeletal Lamping PRC 160 Pantheon I Worlds I Create CANDLE 228CD Okkervil River The Stand Ins JAG 124 Sabaton The Art Of War BLOD055CD Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix VVR 702468 Satyricon Nemesis Divina FOGCD012 Pink Mountaintops Outside Love JAG 136 She Said Destroy This City Speaks In Tongues TABU 030 Prodigy Invaders Must Die HOSPCD 001X Sunn O))) Monoliths & Dimensions SUNN 100 Rancid Let The Dominoes Fall EPIT 68432 Susperia Attitude CANDLE 277CD Richmond Fontaine We Used To Think The Freeway… DECOR 016CD Stryper Murder By Pride FRCD 422 Sainte-Marie Buffy Running From The Drum COOKCD 493 Svölk Svölk SVOLK 01 Skambankt Hardt Regn DOG 008 Taake Taake KAR 043 Soulsavers Broken VVR 710895 Theatre Of Tragedy Forever Is The World AFMCD 212-9 Staff Benda Bilili Trés Trés Fort CRAW 51 Throne Of Katarsis Helvete - Det Iskalde Mørket CANDLE 271CD Ungdomskulen Bisexual US 002 Thundra Ignored By Fear EP 024 Vaselines Enter The Vaselines SPCD 810 U.D.O. Dominator AFMCD 258-9 JAG 156 Ulver Shadows Of The Sun TRICK041CD Welcome Wagon Welcome To The Welcome Wagon AKR 045 Windir Valfar, Ein Windir TABU006 Wintersleep Welcome To The Night Sky OFS 005CD Wolves In The Throne... Black Cascade LORD 103 Wovenhand Ten Stones SF 020 Zeromancer Sinners International TRI 359 Yacht See Mystery Lights DFA 2218 DVD VINYL ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST TITTEL BEST.NR Clutch Full Fathom Five WM 002DVD Band Of Horses Cease To Begin SP 745 Emperor Live At Wacken Open Air 2006 CANDLE 231DVD Devil’s Blood The Time Of No Time Ever... VAN 029V Enslaved Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO TABU014 Eagles Of Death Metal Heart On IPC 111LP FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006 IPC102DVD Earth Radio Live LORD 104LP Gluecifer Farewell to The Kings Of Rock MIG 011 El Caco Heat BLNLP 008 Isis Clearing The Eye IPC80DVD Feilice Brothers Yonder Is The Clock TL 39LP Jackson Michael Never Surrender SGDVD 028 Grand Archives Keep In Mind Frankenstein SP 803 Jorn Live In America FRDVD 020 Iron & Wine The Shepherd’s Dog SP 710 Kaada/Patton Live IPC96DVD Isis Wavering Radiant CORE 078DBLLP Miller,Steve Band Live From Chicago CHS10035 Lukestar Lake Toba GNR 004 Ministry Adios…Putas Madres THPDVD 012 Magnolia Electric Co. Josephine SC 185LP Nocturno Culto The Misanthrope DVDVILE7 Pelican Ephemeral LORD 105LP Opeth The Roundhouse Tapes DVDVILE 11 Rancid Let The Dominoes Fall EPIT 68431 Rock Rob The Voice of Melodic Metal - Live AFMDCS 252-7 Taake Taake HOEST 001LP Smashing Pumpkins If All Goes Wrong CHS 10036 Theatre Of Tragedy Forever Is The World AFMLP 212-1 Whitesnake Live - In The Still Of The Night CHS10033 Ungdomskulen Bisexual US 002LP Windir Sognametal-A Windir DVD TABU011 Wolves In The Throne Room Black Cascade LORD 103LP Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com DCLXVI