Western Plant Diagnostic Network1 First Detector News A Quarterly Pest Update for WPDN First Detectors Spring 2015 edition, volume 8, number 2 In this Issue Page 1: Editor’s Note Dear First Detectors, Pages 2 – 3: Intro to Plant Plant viruses cause many important plant diseases and are Viruses responsible for huge losses in crop production and quality in Page 4: Virus nomenclature all parts of the world. Plant viruses can spread very quickly because many are vectored by insects such as aphids and Page 5 – Most Serious World Plant Viruses & Symptoms whitefly. They are a major pest of crop production as well as major pests of home gardens. By mid-summer many fields, Pages 6 – 7: Plant Virus vineyards, orchards, and gardens will see the effects of plant Vectors viruses. The focus of this edition is the origin, discovery, taxonomy, vectors, and the effects of virus infection in Pages 7 - 10: Grapevine plants. There is also a feature article on grapevine viruses. Viruses And, as usual, there are some pest updates from the West. Page 10: Pest Alerts On June 16 – 18, the WPDN is sponsoring the second Invasive Snail and Slug workshop at UC Davis. The workshop Contact us at the WPDN Regional will be recorded and will be posted on the WPDN and NPDN Center at UC Davis: home pages. Have a great summer and here’s hoping for Phone: 530 754 2255 rain! Email:
[email protected] Web: https://wpdn.org Please find the NPDN family of newsletters at: Editor: Richard W. Hoenisch @Copyright Regents of the Newsletters University of California All Rights Reserved Western Plant Diagnostic Network News Plant Viruses 2 Ag, Manitoba Photo courtesy Photo Food, and Rural Initiatives and Food, of APS Photo by Giovanni Martelli, U of byBari Giovanni Photo Grapevine Fanleaf Virus Peanut leaf with Squash Mosaic Virus tomato spotted wilt virus Viruses are infectious pathogens that are too small to be seen with a light microscope, but despite their small size they can cause chaos.