




SKETCHES, Facts and Figures,



What I Remember of Early Chicago;

a lecture,

Deliveked in McCormick's Hall, Januaey 23, 1876,

( Tribune, January 24th,) By T^ILLI^IM BROSS,

Ex-Lieut. Governor of .

CHICAGO JajSTSEN, McClurg & Co., Booksellers, Publishbes, etc.

1876. - 1?.-> ?

Entered accordiug to Act of Congress, in the year 1876,


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

Note. —The cuts now inserted (August, 1882) were not in the copies issued in 1876. They represent buildings now standing, some of which have since then been com- pleted.

Errata.—Page 30. Mrs. Calhoun states, it was Saturday, July 12th, not "11th," when the Schooner Illinois arrived, the first vessel that ever entered the harbor. Page 31. Read, middle paragraph, 1835, instead of " 1833."


E. M. CWMW AU:M0R!AL Lll5i

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The records from which I prepared the " History of Chicago " for the

Democratic Press, in the wiuter of 1854, were all burned in our great fire of 1871. Though at first sight this history may not seem to be of much importance, it may interest somebody "a hundred years hence" to read what was recorded by our earliest settlers. They may like also to see the names of our pioneers, who in spite of every discouragement made their homes in Chicago. For several years the Democratic Press published

its anmially an exhaustive review of our railway system and progress ;

also of the Commerce of the city, and other matters tending to illustrate its growth and future prospects. From those which I prepared myself I have made a few extracts, simply to show facts as they then existed. The^ brief addresses are inserted for the same purpose. In that at Des Moines,,

Jan. 22, 1873, will be found a short description of the proposed Georgian

Bay Canal. I believe I have the only complete file of the paper in which

these articles were published ; the others having been destroyed by the

fire of 1871. This is another reason for republishing them ; and, besides,,

as I said in my recent lecture, " I recognize the duty of placing on record —as myself and others doubtless have often been urged to do—what I know personally of the history of Chicago. Though this may require a too

frequent use of the personal pronoun, if each citizen would do it, Chicago

would have what no other city has—a history from its earliest times by

its living inhabitants." Need I make any further apology for any appa-

rent egotism that may appear in the following pages ? W. B. Chicago, March, 1876. CONTENTS

FASE Address at Montreal—Opening of the Grand Trunk Railway 74 Canadian Water Routes—Address, etc 88 Commercial Statistics, 1852 5 Commercial and Railway Statistics, 1853 8 Commercial and Railway Statistics, 1857 77

Commercial Statistics, 1875 _ 108 Commercial Crises 113 Georgian Bay Canal 66, 104 Grain—Greatest Primary Port in the World, 1854 59 Great Fire of 1871 91 Interview of New York Tribune 94 Chicago's Needs—Address before New York Chamber of Commerce 99 Growth of the West, (Address) OS History of Chicago, 1854 11 Yankee Clock Peddler 13 Illinois and Michigan Canal 13, 33 Massacre of Chicago 15 Black Hawk War 19 P. F. W. Peck 23 Sumptuary—Price of Whisky, etc 24 Taxes in 1832 27 First election, 1833 28 Indian Treaty 30 Census of 1837 32 First "Loafer" 35 Historical and Commercial Statistics, 1853 36 Real Estate... 37 Churches 39 Banks 41 Labor 42 Water Works, Improvements, etc .48—57 Manifest Destiny 57 History of Chicago—Address Jan. 23, 1876 115 Mayors of Chicago 126 Population of Chicago 126

Railways, etc. , 1855 63 Railways, etc., 1856...... '. 71 Ray, Dr. Chas.H... 83 Scripps, John Locke 81 Topography of Chicago, etc. 60 Transportation, cheap—Address at Des Moines, 1873 102 Trade of Chicago—Its Extent, etc., 1875 -- 109 What I Remember of Early Chicago, 1876 115 Chicago in 1846 115 Traveling in 1848 116 Building Stone 117 Water Supply 119 Johns. Wright 121

Democratic Press i 123 Old Citizens, eic 124 TRIBUNE BUILDING.


18 5 2.

The past has been a year of unexampled esting statistics on this subject, which, prosperity, and our city has shared largely although not as full as could be wished, in the general progress of the country. In are yet highly satisfactory in the absence no former year has so much been done to of more definite statements. Through the place its business upon a permanent basis, politeness of T. Hoyne, Esq., we have and extend its commerce. By the exten- been placed in possession of a memorial sion of the Galena Railroad to Rockford, to Congress, prayiug for an appropriation we have drawn to this city the trade of for the improvement of the Chicago har- portions of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minne- bor, embodying statistics from 1836 to 1842, markets inclusive. We also find in the Repoit of sota, that hitherto sought other ; and when our roads reach the Father of the late Judge Thomas, made in compliance Waters, as two of them will within the with a resolution of the River and Harbor present year, we may expect an avalanche Convention, which assembled in this city of business, for which we fear all our in 1847, the fullest collection of the com- wholesale houses will not be prepared. mercial statistics of Chicago from 1836 up The opening of the Rock Island Rail- to 1848, that, we presume, is extant. From road, Oct 18th to Joliet, Jan. 5th to Mor- these three sources we compile the fol'ow- ris, Feb. 14th to Ottawa, and to La Salle ing facts, which will be read with interest March 10th, has brought customers during by every one identified with the prosperity the winter from a different direction, and of our city. made an unusually " lively winter " for Up to the year 1836, provisions, for do- our business men. The extension of this mestic consumption, were imported along and other roads must tend to add to our with articles of merchandise; and indeed, activity and permanent prosperity in an many articles of necessary food continued increasing ratio. to be brought in for several years later. In In order that the files of the Democratic 1836 there were exported from the port of Press may be perfect as a source for fu- Chicago, articles of produce of the value ture reference, we avail ourselves of the of $1,000.64. We have felt a great curi- labors of one of its editors while connected osity to know what articles constituted with another paper, and republish a state- this first year's business, but have sought ment prepared by him, of the business of in vain for any other record save that which the city prior to the 3''ear 1851. gives the value. The next year, the ex-

The press of the city, previous to the ports had" increased to $11,065 ; in 1838 year 1849, neglected to publish connected they reached the sum of $16,044.75. In statements of the business of the city 1839 they more than doubled the year pre- ; but we are nevertheless not without some vious, while in 1840 they had increased to recorded facts of the past, which will serve what was then doubtless regarded as the to show how rapid has been the growth of very large sum of $328,635.74! This was Chicago, how great the increase of her progressing in a ratio very seldom equalled commerce. In some of the earliest "Di- in the history of cities, and must have rectories," we find collected various inter- caused no little exhilaration among the HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

business men of Chicago, as well as ad- Grounds for the depot were leased a short vanced the views of fortunate holders of distance below Twelfth street, on the lake water and corner lots. shore. The buildings are temporary, as We are informed in Judge Thomas' Re- it is intended to establish the depot for this port, that a " small lot of beef was shipped road and the Illinois Central, between the from Chicago as early as 1833, and was foot of Randolph street and the south pier. followed each successive year by a small Hence no permanent buildings have been consignment of this article, and also of put up where the depot now stands, and pork." Some idea of the extent of the no very considerable addition has been first consignment may be formed from the made to the city in that vicinity. fact that three years after, the total exports In the summer seasbn, both these lines of the place were valued at $1,000.64. It furnish a direct steam communication with was truly a small beginning, and gave but the cities on the seaboard. About the 1st slight promise of the great extent to which, of January last, all the railroad lines along as the sequel will show, this branch of the south shore of Lake Erie were com- business has grown. The same authority pleted, and these, with the Erie Railroad informs us that the first shipment of wheat and the Michigan Southern, give us a di- from this port was made in the year 1839. rect railroad line to New York. This has In 1842 the amount shipped reached 586,907 formed an era in the history of Chicago, bushels, and in 1848, 2,160,000 bushels were which will always be regarded with inter- shipped out of the port of Chicago. Since est. Our merchants who, in the depth of that period there has been a material fall- winter, were obliged to consume some two ing ofT until the past year, in the annual weeks in staging through Canada mud " up exports of wheat, owing to a partial fail- to the hub," in order to purchase their ure of the crop each succeeding year, and goods for the spring trade, can now go from the fact that farmers are paying more through, and enjoy the luxury of a com- attention to other products. fortable railroad car, in two days. In the CITY IMPROVEMENTS. course of the year, the Canada Railroad, connecting Detroit with Buffalo, will be Our time and limits will not permit us finished—when we shall have a choice of to enter into a detailed ^statement of the routes to the East, at all seasons; and within improvements made for the past year. two or three j'ears, the Fort Wayne and Suffice it to say, that more progress has Logansport Railroads will open two other been made than at any former period. routes. Elegant residences have been built in all parts of the city, splendid blocks of stores CONCLUSION. have been erected on our principal streets, The facts above given, we think, will and the limits of the inhabited part of the convince the most skeptical, that the march city have been greatly extended. of improvement at the West is onward. On the 20th of February, 1852, the Mich- They show an increase in population, igan Southern Railroad was opened to this wealth and resources, which must prove city. The depot is located near Gurnee's exceedingly gratifying to all our citizens. Tannery, on the South Branch. The Rock They will serve to extend the conviction, Island Railroad have built their depot di- now almost universal, that Chicago is des- rectly opposite. A year since, there were tined to become the great commercial cen- only a few old buildings in that neighbor- tre of the Northwest, and among the first, hood, and it was considered far "out of if not iJie first, city in the Mississippi Val- town." Now nearly the whole of Clark ley. Her position at the head of a thousand street is built up as far south as the depot, miles of lake navigation, gives her a com- and there has been an important addition manding influence. She has no levee to made to the city where, a year since, it be inundated, causing the destruction of was open prairie. millions of property. Neither is she situ- The Michigan Central Railroad was ated upon a river, whose navigable capac- opened to Chicago on Friday, May 21st. ity the clearing up of the country will be HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

liable to aflFect. She is subject to no floods Milwaukee and Madison, Wis.,—with Du- nor inundations. To the north, west and buque and Council Bluffs, Rock Island, south, almost boundless prairies and groves St. Louis, Cairo, New Orleans, Mobile, are inviting the toil of the husbandman Savannah, Ga., Charleston, S. C, Rich- to develop their treasures and yield a rich mcrod, Va., Washington, Baltimore, Phil- reward to honest industry. In all the ele- adelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, ments of wealth, their resources are ex- and " the rest of mankind." A bright fu- haustless. The mineral treasures of Lake ture is therefore before the "Garden Superior will soon pay tribute to Chicago; City." Let our merchants and mechan- and our railroads in a few months will ics, our artisans and business men gener- have reached the lead regions of the Gale- ally, understand the advantages which our na district. The Rock Island and the commanding commercial position affords. Illinois Central Railroads will soon pene- Let them, with becoming prudence, but trate the most extensive coal field in the with far-seeing, intelligent views as to United States, and in fact in the world, what the spirit of the age and the stirring and our commerce, and more especially times in which we live demand, gird them- our manufactures, must increase in a ratio selves for the work of making Chicago far beyond what has hitherto been realized. the great commercia) emporium of the Within the next five years the railroads Mississippi Valley. The prize is within that will be completed and centre in this their grasp; let them show the world that city will extend more than three thousand they are worthy, and the rich commerce miles. If we should add the extensions of of the prairies and the lakes will most these trunk lines to their limits, certainly crown their efforts with success. their aggregate lengths would amount to —From the Annual Review of the Demo- tens of thousands. "Within five years we cratic Press, for the year 1852. expect to be in railroad connection with

The figures emhodied in tliis review have been quoted in every succeeding document of the kind, and being accessible in the Board of Trade Reports every year, need not be repeated here. :



winter of 1854, I prepared, In the Chicago and Galena Air Line, Chicago to Ful- published four articles on the ton City , 135 and Lyons Iowa Central, Fulton to Council business and progress of the city for Bluffs 308 Chicago, St. Charles and Mississippi Air Line the year previous. Of these articles, to Savanna 130 Chicago and St. Charles Branch to Galena . 30 in pamphlet form, we sold 15,000 Galena and Minnesota 250 Iowa Central Air Line 325 copies, besides an immense edition Chicago and Aurora Railroad to Mendota . . - 89 Central Military Tract Railroad 84 of the paper containing them. Our Peoria and Oquawka, Western Division 40 Burlington and Missouri Railroad 220 citizens scattered them all over this Northern Cross Railroad, Galesburg to Quincy 120 country and Europe, and it was be- Hannibal and Missouri 205 Chicago and Rock Island Railroad 181 lieved at the time that they had a Mississippi and Missouri, 1st Division 300 2d " 300 marked effect upon the growth and " " 3d " Mus- catine to Cedar Rapids 50 prosperity of the city. The first one, Peoria and Bureau Valley Railroad 47 Peoria and Warsaw Railroad 90 entitled Peoria and Hannibal Railroad 120 Peoria to lUinoistown, opposite St. Louis . 180 Peoria and Ocjuawka, Eastern Division 50 CHICAGO AND HER RAILROADS, Chicago and Mississippi, Alton to Chicago.. 265 Great Western, Naples to Springfield 65 was issued January 31st. The fol- Alton, Illinoistown and Murphysboro' 114 Illinois Central Kailroad 704 lowing extracts are from the closing Wabash Valley Railroad 360 Chicago and Logansport Railroad to Cincin- paragraphs of that article : nati 280 Fort Wayne and Chicago 145 As tlie mathematician, after he has Mich. South, and North. Indiana 242 Cincinnati, Peru and Chicago Railroad 70 wearied himself amid the intricacies of Michigan Central Railroad 282 Albany and Salem Railroad 284 long, difficult theorems, at length arrives New at the summation of the series, so it re- Total— 14 Trunk and 34 Extension and Branch Lines 7,803 mains for us to give a synopsis of our arti- But lest any venerable " croaker,^* cle, that our readers may the better be " with spectacles on nose," should still be able to comprehend the great railroad in doubt as to our commercial facilities, system that has its centre in Chicago. we submit one more list. The following is the total number of The following table exhibits the num- roads in process of construction, with the ber of railroads that are now in operation, proposed extension and branches of each leading into this city, with the number of MILES.

Chicago and Milwaukee 90 miles that are now completed : Milwaukee and Fond du Lac 60 MILKS. Racine and Beloit Railroad 65 Illinois and Wisconsin, to Deer Grove 32 Illinois and Wisconsin to Janesville 88^ Galena and , to Freeport 121 Fond du Lac Branch, Janesville to Fond du Beloit Branch of the Galena 20 Lac 78 Galena Air Line, to Lane, Ogle Co 75 Madison Branch 35 Chicago, St. Charles and Mississippi Air Line.. 10 South Wisconsin, Janesville to Dubuque... 98 Chicago and Aurora 89 Galena and Chicago Union, Chicago to Free- Chicago and Rock Island 181 port 121 Chicago and Mississippi, Alton to Blooming- Fox River Valley Railroad 34 ton 132 Wisconsin Central IM Great Western, Naples to Springfield 65 Beloit Branch of the Galena 20 Illinois Central 252 Boloit and Madison Railro.id 47^ Mich. South, and North. Indiana, to Toledo ... 248 Milwaukee and Mi?sissippi, Western Divis- Michigan Central 282 ion, Madison to Prairie du Chien ft6 New Albany and Salem 284 Miidison and St. Paul Hailroad 300 Milwaukee and . Western Division IKO Total-10 Trnik and 3 Branch and Exten- Madison and Lake Superior 275 sion Lines 1,785


On these roads there will be daily cautious to estimate. The railroads will leaving and entering the city, on the first certainly be finislied, but we shall not of May next, forty-six trains, making, in hazard an opinion as to the population of all, ninety-two trains per day over the the city or the price of real estate on the- roads, to accommodate our travel and first of January, 1856. We hope to be commerce. Here is a fact, which, had wiser then, and we know our readers will, " we time, it would be worth while to stop if we and they live to see that happy and contemplate. A fact of still greater new year." Time will show. significance is, that less than two years There is another most important fact ago we had only one railroad entering the that should be considered, in speaking of city—the Galena and Chicago Union—and Chicago, as a grea\ railroad centre. She that was finished only a few miles. Now has not, in her corporate capacity, invest- we have 1,785 miles, counting only two ed a si'ftf/fe dollar in any of them. While States from our own, and by the first of the bonds of other cities are hawked December we shall have 2,979^ miles. about in Wall street to build railroads that

Can it be wondered at that our city has in turn are expected to build the cities in doubled its population within the same which they terminate, Chicago has. time, and that the price of real estate and prudently kept aloof from all such dan- business of all kinds have increased in a gerous speculations. All our roads have corresponding ratio. Splendid fortunes been projected and will be built by pri- have been made in two years. Men who vate enterprise. This shows that capital- were trading in small seven-by-nine ists have placed abundant confidence in wooden tenements, now find a splendid our commercial position, and the result is brick store too small to accommodate their demonstrating most clearly that thej^ have customers. Real estate in the suburbs of the judged correctly. We refer to this mat- city that could have been bought five years ter with peculiar satisfaction, and we are ago for fifty dollars per acre, is now worth sure it will have an important bearing in five thousand, and many fortunate specu- shaping the future destiny of the city. lators have realized splendid fortunes. It may be answered, that the city The rise in real estate is by no means con- would have made large sums by investing fined to a few shrewd operators. From her credit in railroad stocks. It is true the first our citizens generally have been that Galena stock, and that of several of determined to have a home of their own. our other roads, sell at prices that aston- Generally they would purchase a lot ish Eastern capitalists, who are ignorant of eighty feet front, and often four or even the resources of the Central States, and. ten times that amount. The rise in the the cheapness with which our roads are value of their homes, so much larger than built. The stock, however, sells for no was necessary in a city, has placed many more than it is really worth, and we a family in easy circumstances. should not be surprised to see it attain a But will some cautious wiseacre ask. much higher figure. But experience haa Are these things to continue? We will shown that, where cities become in- not stop to answer the question, but will volved in extensive schemes of internal simply say, on the first of January next improvement, corrupt demagogues gener- we shall have 3,000 miles of railroad lead- ally find means to fatten upon the public ing into the city, and by a year from that treasury, and, in the end, bring ruin and time it will be entirely safe to add an- disgrace upon the community whose con- other thousand. How much it will aug- fidence they had Aanaged to secure. ment the business of the city, and appre- From all such dangers Chicago is entirely ciate the value of real estate to double the free. She has, it is true, issued her bonds miles of railroad centreing here, and to to construct the waterworks, and she has, double the population of the city, and in addition, a small floating debt. But also of the magnificent country which is the water works will, in a few years, liqui-

tributary to it, we shall leave the ultra date the debt contracted for their con- 10 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

struction, and she can, without serious in- past is certain. To the future let us look,

convenience, pay all her other liabilities and gird ourselves for the work that is

in, at most, three or five j'ears. The im- before us. From almost every place in portant fact is worth repeating, that Chi- the Union, and from across the wide At- cago, a city that will have three thctusand lantic, the industrious and the enterpris- miles of railroad in operation centreing in ing are seeking a home in the " Garden it, on the first of January next, does not City." Let us give them a warm-hearted, OWE A SINGLE DOLLAR FOR THEIR CON- generous welcome. Along our broad STRUCTION. streets, or upon our wide-spread, beautiful Our task is accomplished. We ask prairies, we have ample room for them our citizens to contemplate the magnifi- all. Let them come and identify them- cent system of public works that has selves with the great central commercial been completed in two short years. The city of the Central States! HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 11


After we published our article on along the Illinois gave the French explo- " Chicago and her Railroads," Jan. rers to understand that they were real men. 31st, it occurred to us that a short sketch They said 'leno,' or 'leni.' " The termi- of the history of Chicago would not prove nation "ois" is undoubtedly of French unacceptable to our readers. At first we origin. As all strange and uncouth sounds intended merely a brief notice, to show are liable to be mis-spelled, it is very easy her rapid growth, in connection with our to see from the above how the beautiful Annual Review of the business of the name which our State bears was formed

city. The more we studied the subject, from the language of the first monarchs and consulted those who have been here of the soil. since the wolves were accustomed to visit The "Illini," or Illinois Indians, occu- every part of the city in the night, and the pied all the territory north of a line drawn wigwam of the painted savage dotted northeast and southwest through the city the prairie on every side, the more have of Ottawa, extending east to the Wabash, facts accumulated upon our hands, till and west to the Mississippi river. The now our only difficulty is to know what to term was also applied to an indefinite ter- reject. The rapid growth of the city ritory west of the Mississippi. within the last eight years—her immense The first white men who ever visited this increase in wealth and population—the region were Marquette and Joliet, two proud position she has assumed among the Jesuit missionaries, who explored this commercial cities of the Union, and the section of the Mississippi Valley in the certainty that her march will l)e onward, years 1662-3. Hennepin and La Salle fol- till she yields in importance only to New lowed a few years later, and as a conse- York, have created a very general desire quence of these several explorations and among a portion of our own citizens, and discoveries, a magnificent scheme was especially in the Eastern States, to know formed by France to extend her posses- more of her past history as well as her sions from Canada to New Orleans, and present resources and future prospects. thus having embraced the entire inhabited The history of Chicago is intimately con- portion of the Western Continent, to ad- nected with the settlement and growth of vance eastward, and secure the authority the other parts of the State, and it will over the vast empire which her eminent be equally interesting to notice in a few statesmen even then foresaw must ere paragraphs some facts in relation to the long occupy this magnificent country. settlement of this part of the Mississippi The plan was well arranged, and its ac- Valley. complishment constantly kept in view for The origin of the term Illinois is given nearly a hundred years by the adventurous in the " Western Annals," edited by Rev. sons of La Belle France, but it was com-

' J. M. Peck, as follows : ' The name Illinois pletely overthrown by the gallant Wolfe

is derived from Leno, ' man.' The Dela- on the plains of Abraham, on the 13th of ware Indians call themselves Lenno-Le- September, 1759. As a consequence of nape, which means 'original, or unmixed that victory, Canada fell into the hands men.' The term nnanly men, to distin- of the English. The war of the Revolu- guish themselves from mean, trifling men, tion transferred the northwestern posses- would convey the exact idea. The tribes sions of the British to the United States, 12 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

and the purchase of Louisiana by Mr business matters. Not a laicyer nor an attor- Jefferson from the French in 1803, gave ney is found on the list of names. They us the possession of the entire Mississippi deliberated like sensible men—passed such Valley. The wisdom of that purchase laws as they deemed the country needed; though strenuously opposed at the time made no speeches, had no contention, and

is acknowledged by all parties. after a brief session of some ten or twelve Early in the Revolutionary war, Col. G days, adjourned." We are sorry to say, R. Clark had formed the design of attack that this good example has had too little ing the forts of the British at Detroit and influence upon succeeding Legislatures. in Southern Illinois, and laid his plans be- In 1815, Hon. Nathaniel Pope was elect- fore the Virginia Legislature. On the 2d of ed as Representative of the Territory in January, 1778, he received authority from Congress. The north line of the Territory, Patrick Henry, then Governor of that as originally defined, ran due west from State, to raise troops and to march west- the south bend of Lake Michigan to the ward on his bold and hazardous enterprise. Mississippi. Judge Pope, seeing the im- This expedition was successful, and as a portance of having a lake front in the consequence, Virginia laid claim to the future State of Illinois, procured the pas- territory north and west of the Ohio river. sage of an act extending that line north to This claim was acknowledged by the the parallel of 42 degrees and 30 minutes, other States, and Illinois was organized thus securing a most important portion of as a county of Virginia in October, 1778. territory from our sister State of Wisconsin. The act was practically inoperative, as we Congress passed an act in 1818, approved can not find that any one in behalf of that by James Monroe, April 18th, authorizing State carried the law into effect. From the people to form a State Government

that time till 1784 there was no legal au- provided it should be ascertained that it thority in the State. The people were contained 40,000 inhabitants. All ac- " a law unto themselves," and to the credit counts agree in estimating the total

of the earlier settlers, the annalist adds, number of people at about 30,000 ; but that " good feelings, harmony and fidelity the different marshals, by accidentally to engagements prevailed." counting the emigrants, who were coming In March, 1784, Virginia ceded to the in or passing through the State several United States all her claim to the territory times, made out the full number. Dele- northwest of the Ohio; and in 1790 Gov. gates to form a constitution were elected, St. Clair organized the county which bears who met at Kaskaskia in July, 1818, and his name. From the year 1800 to 1809 having completed their labors, they signed Illinois was attached to the Territory of the constitution, and adjourned on the 26th Indiana. In February of the latter year day of August. The constitution was Congress passed an act establishing the adopted by the people, and the first Legis- Territory of Illinois, and appointed the lature convened at Kaskaskia, on the first Hon. Ninian Edwards, then Chief Justice Monday in October following. Shadrach of Kentucky, Governor of the Territory, Bond, of Kaskaskia,was elected Governor, and Nathaniel Pope, Esq., of Kaskaskia, and Pierre Menard, of the same place, Secretary. The Territory was organized Lieut. Governor. by Judge Pope, in March, and Gov. Ed- It will be seen from the above, that it is wards arrived in June, and assumed the not yet thirty-six years since our State duties of his oftice. Government was formed; a State which The first Territorial Legislature con- has now more than a million of inhab- vened at Kaskaskia on the 25th of Novem- itants, and whose principal commercial inhabitants, ber, 1812 ; the Council, or Upper House, city has more than 60,000 consisting of five, and the Assembly of and 1,785 miles of railroad completed, con- seven members. The author of the tributing to Its prosperity. By tlie first of " " Western Annals says of this body : January next it will liave 3,000 miles fin- "They did their work like men devoted to ished and in operation. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 13

We have found a great deal that is both Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan, and instructive and amusing in the early legis- down that river to the Mississippi. What lation of the State, but we have room for a route ! How stupendous the idea ! only a single incident. It must be borne How dwindles the importance of the arti- in mind, that the first settlements were ficial canals of Europe compared to t?iis made in the southern parts of the State, water communication. If it should ever by emigrants principally from Virginia, take place—and it is said the opening may Kentucky, and some of the other Southern be easily made—the Territory (of Illinois) States. Many of them had a sort of " holy will become the seat of an immense com- horror" for that ubiquitous, ever-trading merce, and a market for the commodities sharper, "the live Yankee." To guard of all regions." against his depredations, a law was passed, How strange to us appear some of the February 14th, 1823, duly enacting, that expressions in this paragraph. Then, all "No person shall bring in and peddle, or west of Ohio was an unbroken wilderness sell, wooden clocks in this State, unless inhabited only by savages, with here and they first take out an extra license ;" for there a fort or trading post, and a few which the price was $50. The penalty for small French settlements along the Miss- violating the law was fixed at the same issippi. Little did the writer think that sum. This "said sum" would make a in only thirty-four years his "stupendous sad inroad upon Jonathan's profits, and idea" would become a common-place hence, under the impulses of his "higher reality, and that in less than forty years a law " notions of the value of money, he city of more than sixfy thousand people pursued his " chosen calling" without would be reposing in quiet dignity at the any regard to the majesty of the law in northern terminus of that canal ! What * " " ' such case made and provided." He was an immense commerce that city has en- of course arrested, and in due form ar- joyed the past year, the sequel of this raigned before the court of Fayette county. article is designed to show. The fact of "selling''' was not denied. At the first session of the Illinois Legis- Taut it appeared in evidence that one Yan- lature in 1818, Gov. Bond brought the kee brought them "^ft" across the river subject of a canal from Lake Michigan at St. Louis—and another 'sold'' them. to the Illinois river prominently before The counsel for the prisoner—our fellow- that body, and his successor, Gov. Coles, citizen, Wm. H. Brown, Esq.—contended in 1822 devoted a large space in his mes- that it must be shown that the prisoner sage to the elucidation of the same topic. did both '• bring in and j^erf^fe or sell." By an act passed February 14th, 1823, a Jonathan, as usual, escaped, and went on Board of Canal Commissioners was ap- his way "peddling" and "selling" his pointed, and in the autumn of that year a wooden wares. We believe his ''Yankee- portion of the Board, with Col, J. Post, ship " has always, since the failure of of Missouri, as Chief Engineer, made a thatlawto "headhimoff" been permitted tour of recounoisance; and in the autumn to exercise his peculiar habits without of 1824, Col. R. Paul, an able engineer, '' let or hindrance." residing at St. Louis, was also employed. The history of our city is very intimate- Five diiTerent routes were surveyed, and ly connected with that of the Illinois and estimates made of the cost of the canal. Michigan Canal. The idea of a canal The highest estimate was $716,110. connecting the waters of the Lakes with At this time, 1823, only thirty-one years those of the Mississippi, was suggested as ago, the Sangamon river and Fulton early as 1814. In Niles' Register of Au- county were the northern boundaries of gust 6th the following paragraph may be civilization, and in that region there were found : only a very few inhabitants. The whole " By the Illinois river it is probable that northern portion of the State was still Buffalo, in New York, may be united with under the dominion of the wolf and the JVew; Orleans by inland navigation, through savage, with no prospect of its settlement ,


for an indefinite time to come. The lead- commanding position among the oldest mg idea of the citizens of the south half States of the Union. of the State, where the population, was The list of families residing here in the then concentrated, was to open a water autumn of 1829, as given by Judge Lock-

communication for them by the Lakes wood, is as follows : John Kinzie, the and the Erie Canal with New York City, father of our present excellent Alderman, On January 18th, 1825, an act was John H, Kinzie, resided on the north side, passed to "incorporate the Illinois and a little west of McCormick's factory. Michigan Canal Company, with a capital West of Mr. Kinzie's, near the site of the of $1,000,000." As the stock was not tak- Galena Railroad's freight depot, east of en, a subsequent Legislature repealed the Clark street, lived Dr. "Wolcott, son-in-law

charter. In the meantime, our Senators of Mr. Kinzie ; Dr. "Wolcott was. at the and Representatives in Congress were time, Indian Agent. Near the forks of urging upon that body the passage of an the river, a little west of where Steele's act grantmg to this State lands to aid in warehouse now stands, John Miller kept the construction of the proposed canal. a ^'' log tavern.'''' On the south side, near The Hon. Daniel P. Cook, from whom the present residence of James H Collins, this county Is named, has the credit of Esq., a little south of the old fort, was leading in this movement Accordingly, the house of John B. Beaubieu. Besides on the 2d of March, 1827, Congress grant- these, there were some three or four Indi ed to the State of Illinois every alternate an traders living in log cabins on the west section in a belt of country extending six side. miles on each side of the canal. Owing There were, of course, the officers and to financial embarrassment, nothing effec- men connected with Fort Dearborn. Per

tual was done till January 22d, 1829, when haps we may as well pause here and the Legislature passed a law organizing a notice the building of the fort, and some Caual Board, and appointed Dr. Jayne, of other facts connected with our earlier Springfield, Edmund Roberts, of Kaskas- history. It was built 'by the Government kia, and Charles Dunn, Commissioners. in 1804, and manned with a company of These Commissioners were empowered, about fifty men and three pieces of artii among other things, to locate the canal, lery. Everything remained quiet till 1813 lay out towns, to sell lots, and to apply when the war broke out with Great Brit the proceeds to the construction of the am, and our Government, apprehensive canal. that so distant a post among the savages In the autumn of 1829 the Commission- could not be maintained, ordered it to be I

' ers came to Chicago, having employed evaauated. The commander was required

'; James Thompson to survey and lay off to distribute the government properly

• the town. His first map bears date Au- among the Indians, and to march with gust 4th, 1830. It is in the Recorder's his troops to Fort Wayne. oflice. The fort was at that time well su'">plied Hon. S. D. Lockwood, now a resident with provisions and military stores, and of Batavia, Kane county, came up with might have maintained a siege for a long the Commissioners in the autumn of 1829. time against any force that the Indians

"We are indebted to him and to Wm. H. could have brought against it ; and nearly Brown, Esq., for much valuable informa- all the officers remonstrated against carry- Capt. Hcald tion in reference to the early history of ing out the instructions ; but the State. Both these gentlemen are determined to obey to the letter the orders among the oldest citizens in Illinois, as of his superiors. The Pottawatomies they landt'd at Shawncetown in 1818, the were well known to be hostile, but Capt. same year the Constitution was adopted. Heald called a council on the 12th of We have the men among us who have August, 1812, and laid the propositions of seen the State in her infancy, and now the Government before thcni, asking in look upon her with pride, assuming a return, an escort to Fort Wayne. Tins HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 15 the Indians promised to give. The distri- was the leader, motioned Capt. Heald to bution was to be made the next day. approach. They met, and Capt. Heald During the night, lest the guns and ammu- agreed to surrender, on condition that the nition which tliey -would necessarily be lives of the prisoners should be spared. forced to leave, might prove a dangerous The troops delivered up their arms, and gift to the savages, the powder was thrown were marched back to the fort. The loss into the well, and the guns were broken in the actios, and in the subsequent mas- and destroyed. The liquor shared the sacre—for the Indians did not fully com- same fate. The cannon were thrown into pi}'- with their agreement—was twenty-six the river. of the regular troops, twelve—being the The next day the Indians came together entire number of the militia—two women to receive the presents, but their counte- and twelve children—in all, fifty-two. nances betokened anger and deep-seated The children were placed in a baggage revenge when only the goods of the Unit- wagon, and fell victims to the tomahawk ed States factory were distributed among of a single merciless savage, after the them. They charged the whites with bad troops had surrendered. Capt. Wells was faith, and left with feelings aroused to among the slain. Capt. Heald and his the highest pitch of resentment. In the wife were also wounded, as also were afternoon Capt. Wells, the brother of Mrs. Lieut, and Mrs. Helm.

Heald, arrived from Fort Wayne with fif- The next day the fort was plundered teen friendly Miami Indians, to act as a and burnt, and the prisoners were distrib- guard in the retreat that was to follow. uted in various directions. The family On the morning of the 15th of August of Mr. Kinzie were taken across to St. the troops took up their line of march for Joseph in a Mackinaw boat, and subse- Fort Wayne. Capt. Wells, with the quently to Detroit. In due time the pris- friendly Miamis, acted as the advance oners were ransomed, and found their guard : and a band of Pottawatomies, way to their Eastern friends. No effort according to the stipulations made three was made to re-establish the fort during days previous, followed at a short distance the war. In 1816 it was rebuilt under in the rear. They had proceeded in this the direction of Capt. Bradley. It order along the Lake shore about a mile continued to be occupied by a company of and a half, to a point near the residence troops till 1837, wlien, the Indians hav- of Mrs. Clarke, when they were suddenly ing left the country for a long distance attacked by a party of Pottawatomies, west of us, it was abandoned, On a part who lay in ambush behind the sand hills of the grounds of the fort our magnificent upon the right of their line of march. Marine Hospital now stands. The build- Capt. Heald immediately ordered his men ings occupied by the olficers are most of to form and charge the enemy, which them standing. To us the object of great- movement was scarcely effected before est interest is the old block house, and we they received a volley of balls from their wish here to put in an earnest plea that it savage foe. The troops did not flinch for may be preserved as long as one log will ' 'lie a moment, but charged and dislodged the upon the other. " It is about the only relic " Indians iii front ; but their great numbers of "hoary antiquity in our city worth enabled them at once to turn the flanks of preserving. It was built thirty-eight years thfc troops, and to gain possession of the ago, when the whole country was filled horses and baggage. At the first fire the with savages. Let it be surrounded with Miamis galloped ofP, and could not be in- a neat iron fence, that we may be able to duced to join in the action. Capt. Heald, illustrate to our children the nature of the confident that further resistance was en- defenses which the early settlers of Chi tirely vain, withdrew his troops to a small cago were obliged to adopt. Let the giant elevation, and awaited the movements of arm of modern improvement, if necessary, the enemy. They held a council, and soon sweep away every other vestige of Fort their chiefs, of whom Black Partvirlne Dearborn, but let the shrill scream of the 16 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

locomotive, as it brings up its long train of So far as we have been able to learn, cars from the Gulf of Mexico, or rests the " oldest inhabitant " horn in Chicago, from its labors after the mighty race of a and now living here, is a lady—we beg thousand miles from the Atlantic seaboard, pardon for saying it—she is an unmarried age after age, echo around this humble, lady. Be not amazed, ye spruce, anxious but significant monument of the past. bachelors, and if you can count your gray Our " oldest inhabitant," at least in one hairs by scores, stand aside, for we are view of the subject, is our excellent fel- quite sure there is no chance for you. low citizen, Alderman John H. Kinzie. She is not only an unmarried lady, but a He was born in Canada, nearly opposite YOUNG LADY, Only tweuty-two years of Detroit, and when an infant only a few age, as she was born in Fort Dearborn in mouths old, was brought to this city by the early part of 1832. "We have not the Ills parents in 1804. He is a son of John pleasure of her acquaintance, and at the Kinzie, mentioned above as an Indian peril of incurring her displeasure, we trader. Mr. Kinzie settled here in that venture to state that the '' oldest native capacity in 1804, when the fort was first inhabitant " of Chicago, a city of more l»uilt. Our fellow citizen, Gurdon S. Hub- than 60,000 people, is Miss Ellen Hamilton, bard, Esq., .came here in 1818, and was then the daughter of our good friend, Col. R. in the employ of the American Fur Com- J. Hamilton. pany, at the head of which was John Jacob In 1818, when Gurdon S. Hubbard, Esq., Astor. He frequently was in the town for came to Chicago, there were but two white several days or weeks at a time, but neither families here. John Kinzie lived on the Mr. Kiuzie nor Mr. Hubbard were settled north side, a little west of where Mc- here permanently till 1833 or 1834. Mr, Cormick's factory now stands. Antoine Kinzie spent his boyhood here, but was Oulimette, a French trader, who had mar- afterwards located at Mackinaw and on ried an Indian woman, lived near the the Upper Mississippi for many years. ground now occupied by the Lake House. Our oldest permanent resident in the The fort was occupied by a detachment of city is Col. R. J. Hamilton. In this view troops under the command of Captain of the case, he is certainly entitled to the Bradley The American Fur Company ' " posts honor of being the ' oldest inhabitant. had trading at convenient distances He came here April 9th, 1831, and this all through this country. At that time lias been his home ever since. G. W. Dole, only a single schooner of 30 or 40 tons Esq., came here May 4th, 1831, and P. F. was sent around from Buffalo with pro- W. Peck, Esq., July loth of the same year. visions for the fort, during the summer But though not living in the city limits, season. A. Clybourne, Esq., has been identified In the fall of 1828, the Winnebagoes, with it, or rather with the place that be- who inhabited the territory west of us, came Chicago, since August 5th, 1823. became restless, and threatened the de- He has resided since that time on the west struction of the fort. Our fellow citizen, side of the North Branch, about three Gurdon S. Hubbard, Esq , went alone on miles from Lake street bridge. The city horseback to the settlements on the limits extend north of his residence on "Wabash, and procured reinforcements. the east side of the river. We have given He was absent only seven days. The the dates when each of these gentlemen Indians were pacified by the presence of •came to Chicago, and some of the cir- a large force under General Atkinson, and cumstances connected with the claims of very little mischief was done, beyond the each to the important distinction of being murder of a few travelers. the "oldest inhabitant," and here we Col. R. J. Hamilton came to this city, leave the decision to our readers, satisfied as above stated, in April, 1831. Cook that neither of them would have dared to county had been orgajiizcd tlie month pre- predict even ten years ago what Chicago vious. He soon obtained a high position would be in the vear 1854. among his fellow citizens, and at that HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 17

time, young and full of energy and vigor, Near the garrison, and immediately and not the man to south sliriuk from responsi- on the property sold by James II. bility, we wonder that he was Collins' not crushed Esq., to the with Illinois Central Railroad the weight of the " blushing honors " Company, was the residence that fell to his share of J. B of the spoils in the Beaubien and family, who was connected new county of Cook. In the course of with the American Fur the year, he became Company in the Judge of Probate Indian trade. He had near his Recorder, County Clerk; residence discharged a store, containing such .ods gratuitously the duties g as were of Treasurer, and suitable to that business. A short distance was Commissioner of Schools. The 'good south of him on the lake was a house, Colonel would find his hands full were he then unoccupied. to fulfill the duties of all these offices On the north side at the present of the river and im- time. We have availed our- mediately opposite the garrison, selves of his early stood the and accurate knowl- old " Kinzie House," as it was edge of events for most of commonly the facts which called, which was are contained also then unoccupied, in some half dozen of the and in a very dilapidated succeeding paragraphs. state. A short distance above, The on the main branch i* the county of Cook, in 1831, embraced river, and on the grouncfnow all the territory now occupied by included in the theChicagoandGalenaRailroad counties of Company, Lake, McHgnry, Dupage, Will stood what had been the Government and Iroquois. At that time Fort Delrborn Agency house, and " was occupied known to the oldest by two companies of U. 8. inhabitant" as " Cobweb Castle." Infantry, under the That command of Major was then Fowle. unoccupied. Dr. Wolcott, the The resident citizens were Mr. Government Agent, having died the Elijah Wentworth and family, fall occupying before. a In its vicinity were several small house partly log and partly frame, log buildings for owned by Mr. James the accommodation of Kinzie, and situated the on blacksmith, interpreter, and others the ground now occupied by Mr. Nor- connected with the Agency. The black- ton as a lumber yard. Mr. W. kept a smith then occupying tavern, the one of the buildings best in Chicago. In the vicin- was a Mr. McGee, now living in ity of this tavern resided Mr. Dupage James Kin- county. Billy zie and Caldwell, the principal family, Mr. William See and chief of the Ottawa, family, Mr. Alexander Pottawatomie and Robinson and Chippewa Indians, occupied another. He family—now living on the Des Plaines— was then Interpreter for the Agency. and Mr. Robert A. Kinzie, who had a Col. Thomas store J. V. Owen, who had been composed of drygoods-a large por- the wintfer before appointed tion of them Indian goods— to succeed groceries, etc the late Dr. Across Wolcott, had not then taken the North Branch of the Chicago up his residence in Chicago ; G. Kerche- river, and nearly opposite Mr. Went- val, who was then sub-Agent, was worth's tavern, resided Mr. Samuel then Miller here. Dr. E. Harmon, and family, and with the father of C. L. them Mr. John Mil- Harmon, and James Harrington of ler, a brother.. Mr. Miller Gen- also kept eva, Kane tavern. county, had taken up their On the east side of the South residence here, and were making Branch, and immediately above claims the junc- on the lake tion with shore—Dr. Harmon where the North Branch, resided Mr Mrs. Clarke now lives, and Mr. H. Mark Beaubien and family, imme- who also kept diately north and tavern and adjoining. ; a short distance above him Here we have on the South some dozen families in Branch resided a Mr Bour- the spring of 1831—only twexty-tiikee isso, an Indian trader. Between Mark TEARS AGO—constituting, with Beaubien's tavern and the officers Fort Dearborn and soldiers there were no in the fort, the entire popula- houses, except a small log tion of Chicago. Now, the city cabin, near the foot of numbers Dearborn street more than and used sixty thousand, and its blocks as an Indian trading house' of splendid stores, its fine churches, its 18 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

railroads, and extensive commerce, are into the lake near the foot of Randolph the wonder and admiration of all. We street. The "Marengo" was commanded have never spent much time in reading by Captain Stewart, a veteran sailor who works of fiction, but if there is anything had long been in the employment of Mr. in that dreamy literature more astonish- Newberry. The Telegraph, which arrived ing than these facts, we certainly have in July, and the Marengo, were the only never seen it. arrivals during the season, except the one In June following, the garrison, by that transported the troops to Green Bay. order of the Secretary of War, was aban- The principal part of the population of doned by the troops, and left in charge of Chicago during the winter of 1831-2 oc- Col. T. J. V. Owen, the Government cupied the quarters in the garrison, and Agent of the Ottawa, Pottawatomie, and were ministered to, in the way of creature Chippewa Indians; and by September, the comforts, by our estimable citizen, Geo. fort, together with the old Kinzie House W. Dole, who was the only merchant then and the one on the lake shore (formerly in Chicago, except Mr. R. A. Kinzie at vacant), were filled with emigrant families. ''Wolf Point," which was the name given' In t*e latter part of September, the pay- to the " settlement " at the junction of the ment of the Indian annuities was made North and South Branches, where Mr. by Col. Owen. There were present on Norton's lumber yard is now located. that occasion about four thousand Indians, The winter was Jong and intensely cold, and among them was a deputation of eight and the population of the surrounding Sauk and Fox Indians belonging to the country so sparse, that no traveler could band of the celebrated Black Hawk. be found suflJciently reckless to traverse Their object was to induce the Ottawas, it. There were then no mail routes, post

Pottawatomies and Chippewas, to join roads nor post offices at Chicago, and the them in their contemplated invasion of the only means its inhabitants had of knowing Rock River country, and to wrest it from anything of the world was by sending a the whites, who, they alleged^had ob- half-breed Indian once in two weeks to tained it fraudulentl3^ Had it not been Niles,inMichigan,to procure all the papers, for the influence of Billy Caldwell, both old and new, that could be had. little doubt was entertained of the success '' Great caution," sa3'^s Colonel Hamilton, of the mission. Caldwell was well ad- " was exercised in reading the old Jirst, vised of the weakness of the Indians, and that we might be properly advised of events the strength of the Government, and by in the world as they occurred. The trip his influence and representations, pre- was made on foot, and usuallj'^ occupied vented the alliance. After the payment, a week. The arrival of " the m,aiV' was a scene of drunkenness, debauchery and an event of quite as much interest then as

' violence occurred, such as is never wit- it is now ; but notwithstanding our exclu- nessed, except at an Indian payment. sion from the world, we were not unhappy, ' During the fall, in the month of No- and doubtless enjoyed ourselves as well as vember, the schooner Marengo, belonging its inhabitants now do." to Oliver Newberry of Detroit, arrived. " A debating society was formed, com- She had been looked for with much anxiety posed of most of the male inhabitants of for some weeks. She encountered a heavy the fort, over which presided our venerable gale on Lake Michigan, which was just fellow-citizen, J. B. Beaubien, with much subsiding on her arrival. There being no efficiency and dignity. Although not very harbor, she anchored out in the lake, more conversant with ' Jefferson's Manual,' he than half a mile from the shore, nearly in had no occasion to use it, as every member front of the fort, where she remained was disposed to be orderly and behave until the lake had become suflicieutly calm himself; and each and all felt bound to to unload. This could only be done by contribute as much as possible to the gen- the aid of small boats, crossing the bar at eral sum of knowledge and usefulness. the mouth of the river which then emptied To vary the amusement, a dance wns oc- ,


casionally got up at the house of Mark until they arrived at the Kishwaukie, a Beaubien, Esq., and for those who had no tributary of Rock river, where they made taste for such amusement, a religious a halt. An expedition was organized meeting was held generally once a week under the command of Major Stillman, in the Fort, by the late Mark Noble, Jr. of Peoria, from the counties of Tazewell and his wife and two daughters, and Mrs. and Peoria, principally with the object, as R. J. Hamilton, who were all members of then understood, to watch the movements the Methodist Episcopal Church." of the Indians and protect the few settle- These early meetings had a most happy ments on the extreme frontier from their effect upon all within their influence. Mrs. depredations; but with the further under- R. J. Hamilton, first wife of Col. H., standing, that they were not to strike the contributed very much to their interest, first blow. They proceeded up Rock riv er as she was a lady of great intelligence, until within a few miles of the Indian en- enlarged views, and devoted piety. She campment, and by some want of discipline was for many years among the first in and caution, an action was brought on all religious and benevolent enterprises. against a portion of the Indians, which Col. Hamilton pays a just tribute to the resulted in a disastrous defeat and total zeal and piety of Mr. Noble. He was the rout of the whole of Major Slillman's principal speaker at all these meetings, and force. Almost immediately after the de- his exertions in the cause of truth were feat of Major Stillman, the Indians, in greatly blessed. He was a man of prac- bands, made a descent on the settlements tical common sense, and large experience, on Fox river, at Hollenback's and Holder- and was fitted for a "standard bearer" man's Grove, and at other points on the on the borders of civilization. It will be river where there were settlements, burn- seen that the Methodists were here, as ing the houses and destroying the prop-

almost everywhere, the pioneers in Chris- erty, and had it not been for the friendly tianity. They did not, however, establish interposition and warnings of Shabbo-nee,* the first church, as will be seen further on an Ottawa chief, who, till within a few in our sketches. years, lived at Shabbona's Grove, many Thus passed the winter of 1831-2. On of the people must have been massacred. the approach of spring, it was announced Some barely escaped, being suflBciently that "Black Hawk," a Sauk chief, was near to witness the smoke ascending from moving up Rock river, with about five their burning houses—what few inhabi- hundred Sauk and Fox Indians, with tants were in the surrounding country demonstrations of a hostile character, un- made their way to Chicago, to seek safety less he could be permitted to remain on in Fort Dearborn, and by the 10th of May the lands formerly ceded to the United the Fort contained a population of near States. The rumor was confirmed by the seven hundred souls, two-thirds of whom arrival of the Hon. Richard M. Young, at 'were women and children. This great Fort Dearborn, who was then one of the disproportion of women and children was Circuit Judges of the State, and within occasioned by the male heads of families whose judicial district Chicago was at that taking their provisions and whatever else

' time. Judge Young was accompanied by they could muster to drive their stock into Benj amin Mills, Esq. , then a leading mem- the settled parts of the country, mostly on ber of the Illinois bar, and our late fellow- the Wabash. Col. Owen, the government citizen. Col. Strode, all from Galena. agent, was then in charge of the Fort, and They had come by the way of Dixon, no effort on his part was spared to accom- and from the conduct of the Indians as- modate all that came. He had himself a sembled there, were convinced of their * I often hostile intentions. Before the adjourn- saw him in the streets of Chicago. He

was not very tall ; but he was a broad-shouldered, ment of the court other intelligence arrived stalwart specimen of the Indian. He died a few confirmatory of these statements. The years ago, and was buried in the cemetery at Morris, Indians continued to move up Rock river Grundy county. s

20 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. large family and occupied the comman- Indians retired for a few minutes, and then der's quarters, but lie confined himself to returned presenting their hands to Col. a single room, and gave up the rest to Owen, declaring their friendship to the those who came in from the country. Government, and offering to furnish a Gholson Kercheval and CoL Hamilton hundred braves to march against Black- were appointed quartermasters to arrange hawk, if desired. Thus terminated tliis quarters equitably among the people, and council; small and insignificant as it may in many cases fifteen and twenty occupied noAV seem to have been, yet it was produc- a room that would not more than com- tive of important results. To the unwa- fortably accommodate a family of four or vering friendship of Caldwell, and the five persons. bold, energetic conduct of Col. Owen be- Information was again received through fore the council, the inhabitants of Chicago " Billy Caldwell," by Col. Owen, that the were indebted f.)r their safety in the con- hostile chiefs were tampering with the test which followed. Ottawa, Pottawatomie and Chippewa In- Late in tlie mouth of May, 1832, a small dians belonging to his agency, and that in force consisting of twenty-five men, was consequence of the success in the fight at organized in the fort under the command Kishwaukie, many of the young men were of Capt. J. B. Brown, with Capt. Joseph strongly inclined to join them. It was Naper and Col. R. J. Hamilton, for the with difficulty the chiefs could restrain purpose of securing the frontier on Fox them. A consultation was had with Messrs. river, and to ascertain from personal ob- Robinson and Caldwell, both influential servation the exteitof the depredations chiefs among the Indians, who advised an committed on the property of the inhabit- immediate council with the principal chief ants. It was also intendad to render aid together with some of their young men, to the inhabitants settled on the Dupage at which Col. Owen was to address them, river, who had assembled at Mr. James and let them know distinctly that if they Walker's where Plaiufield now stands, and formed any alliance or connection with erected a small fort for Iheir protection. Black Hawk, or furnished them men or After leaving the fort on the Dupage, where aid of any kind, the Government would they had remained a day, rendeiing such hold them to a strict accountability for it, assistance as was desired, the expedition and would punish them severely. The proceeded to Holdermau's Grove. The In- council was held at or near the place where dians had but recently left it after having the Rev. Mr. Richardson's church now destroyed all the personal property found stands, in the North Division of the city. in the house and around the i^remises, and There were present a number of the chiefs scattered the fragments about the yard. of the United Nations, including Caldwell The provisions which were not taken away and Robinson, and Col. Owen, and Col. were destroyed. R. J. Hamilton on the part of the Govern- On the thi- d evpning after their departure ment. The council was opened by a few from Fort Dearborn the compa-iy encamp- remarks from Caldwell to the chiefs. ed about three miles from Ilohlermau's Blackfoot, a chief of considerable influ- Grove, in the direction of Holleuback's ence and power, then addressed the council. Grove, on Fox river. Some time before He recounted many of their grievances, daylight, Mr. G. E. Walker, of Ottawa, and charged the Government with gross arrived at the camp and stated that a man injustice towards them, and concluded by had arrived at that place (Ottaw;i) and remarking that now was a good time to reported that considerable firing had been redress them. His speech was evidently heard on Indian creek, about fii'teeu miles well received by the young men. Col. from Ottawa, at the residence of a Mr. Owen followed him, and his boldness, Davis, where the families of Davis, Hall energy, and the scathing rebuke he ad- and Pettigrew had assembled for mutual ministered to Blackfoot changed the whole protection, and a short time afterwards a current of feeling against the chief. The young man, a son of Mr. Hall's, arrived HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 21 and confirmed the statemeut. He also was hailed, who had just come alone from stated that he was at work in the field Chicago, and was on his way to Ottawa. about a mile from the house, heard the The dangers of the route were made firing and saw the Indians. known In him, and efforts were made to Upon receiving this information, Capt. retain hi a with the expedition. He, how- Brown immediately marched the company, ever, announced himself an ambassador with all possible dispatch, to In iiau creek of God, and said he would be safe from where the firing had been heard. Some any attac kby the Indians. It was evident five or six, a part of whom had joined he wa^jKirtially insane, and he could not the expedition on the route, left it and be induced to change his purpo.se. He returned to afford protection to their had a long flowing beard, and venerable respective families. The company ar- appearance. He was probably killed the rived at Mr. Davis' residence between same day, as his head was found two nine and ten o'clock, a. m. The scene weeks afterward stuck on a pole in the there, as described by Colonel Hamilton, prairie, and his body some half mile dis- was the most painful that could well be tant from the head. Our fellow-citizen, imagined. Some thirteen dead bodies, Giirdon t5. Hubbard, Esq., was in the composed of the families of Davjs, Hall party that found him. Major Bailey and and Pettigrew, lay in the house and about his command encamped the same evening the yard, consisting of men, women and at the fort on the Dupage, and started children, who had been shot, speared, early the next morning with the families tomahawked, scalped and mutilated in the in the fort, and all their movable eff"ects most cruel manner. Davis was a black- that could be transported in ox and horse smith, and apparently a very athletic man. teams, and arrived late in the evening at At the* moment of the attack he was in Chicago, after an absence of ten days. his shop, and started for'the house about The fort was immediately organized as a seventy-five or a hundred yards distant, military post, and placed under the com- for the purpose, no doubt, of assisting to mand of Major Bailey. protect the families there. He was at- Two young ladies, by the name of Hall, tacked a short distance from the shop, were captured at Indian creek, and retained and from every indication a severe contest for some two weeks, when they were given ensued. up by a party of friendly Indians to Gov.

By liis side, or near him, lay a large Ken- Dodge, of Wisconsin. They were treated tucky rifle, which had been fired, and after- with great kindness and respect wliile they ward used in a hmd-to-hand fight, as its were captives. The massacre of the people stock was much shattered, and its breech of Indian creek occurred on the 21st of broken. The bodies were collected and May. buried as well as they could be, under the In the meantime, three thousand militia circumstances, after which the expedition were ordered out from Peoria and the went to Ottawa, where the}^ fell in with counties south of it, and marched to Rock where they were joined by a detach- Major Bailey, with a company from Taze- I river, well Co.,whohadbeenin the late disastrous ment of regular troops from Fort Arm- | Stillman expedition against the Indians at strong, under General Atkinson. A party Ivisliwaukie, a par^ of winch, together with of one hundred and fifty militia under the Major Badey, joined Capt. Brown. The command of Major Dement, fell in with a whole detachment proceeded to Chicago detachment of Indians, commanded by under the command of Major Bailey. On Black [lawk hims' If, somewhere between the route to Chicago, the guide to the ex- Rock river and Galena. An action en- pedition, a half-breed Indian, reported at sued, m which the Indians were routed.

several points large fre-h Indian f

Oa the 21st of July, General Henry, the first white settler upon its present commanding an advanced party of the site. army, came up with the Indians between Mr. Peck left New York City in the the Blue Mounds and the Wisconsin river. month of May of that year (1831), with a The troops were formed into a hollow small stock of goods for a ^'market,'" square, and all attempts to break the line having previously determined upon a by the sava;^es were in vain. A general western home. Accidentally becoming charge was finally made by the troops, acquainted with Captain Joseph Naper, when the Indians were forced to jetreat, at Bufi'alo, at which place the schooner with the loss of between fifty and sixty of was then loading for "Fort Dearborn," their number. (Chicago), that gentleman, with character- The Indians continued their retreat istic frankness, invited Mr. Peck to em- ' to the northwest, crossed the Wisconsin bark with him and seek a home in that river, and moved up the east bank of the remote region, then but little known.where Mississippi. About fifty miles above Capt. N. had previously determined to Prairie du Chien, they were again over- remove with his family. Mr. P. readily taken and completely routed, with the loss accepted, and left Buffalo with Capt. N. of one hundred and fifty warriors. This about the 1st of June, A. D. 1831, and victory completely broke the power of arrived at Chicago after a passage of two Black Hawk, and ended the war. He was months from the city of New York. captured by a party of Winnebagoes, and Probably many years prior to this ar- delivered up to the officers of the United rival, no structure of any kind had been States at Prairie du Chien, on the 27th of added to the small number of log cabins August, 1832. which, with the buildings of the garrison,

Early in the season General Scott was constituted the town of Chicago ; and the ordered to leave the seaboard and gather only addition to its growth during that up all the troops on his route westward, year was a small log store for Mr. Peck, and repair to Chicago. The Indians were shortly after his arrival, and which he entirely defeated before he was able to owned and occupied until late in the fall join the army. of that year. It was built near the garri- On the 21st of September, 1832, all these son, a few rods northwest of the land on difficulties were arranged by a treaty made which Col. Beaubien formerly resided, at Fort Armstrong, (Rock Island,) by and which James H. Collins, Esq., recently General Scott and Governor Reynolds, sold to the Illinois Central Railroad Com- with the Sauk and Fox Indians, by which pany. they relinquished all their claim to Eastern It was after some deliberation and ad- Iowa, and agreed to move west of the vice, that Mr. P. determined to locate in Missouri. Annuities were to be paid to the "the lower village," instead of at "the

several bands, and a reservation of forty Point," (West Side, ) which latter sl ttlemen t miles square was made to the principal was then, bethinks, rather in the ascendant. Chief, Keokuk, and a portion of his fol- Rival feelings, to some extent, existed at lowers. the time between the people of' those lo- We are indebted to P. F. W. Peck, calities, both contending that they pos- Esq., for the facts contained in several of sessed superior advantages for the site of

the succeeding paragraphs : the future village of Chicago. In July, A. D. 1831, the schooner Tele- Shortly before Mr. Peck's arrival, the graph, of Ashtabula, Ohio, Captain Canal Commissioners had subdivided into

Joseph and John Napcr, arrived at Chicago town lots part of Sec. 9, (the Old Town) with a number of families, their own and given titles to a few of the lots to among the number, who soon after left diff'erent purchasers. "Fort Dearborn" and settled the place now known as (fractional section 10) was not then subdi- Naperville. The village took its name vided, and much uncertainty existed as

from Captain Joseph Naper, he being to the time, and under what auspices it HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 23

would ultimately be done. These circum- Hennepin, and now a resident of this city, staaces very much promoted the interests and one of the oldest and most respect- of land owners at " Wolf Point." able settlers of Northern Illinois. He Mr. P. says that his young and fertile thinks the store above mentioned was the imagination presented before him as pos- first frame building built on the south side sible to be built up within a reasonable of the river; but G. W. Dole, Esq., time, the village church, schoolhouse, doc- assures us tliet his old warehouse, on the tor's and lawyer's office ; a tavern, more southeast corner of Dearborn and South fashionable than that kept by "Jolly Mark," AVater streets, was completed and occu- a blacksmith, shoemaker, and tailor's shop, pied by him in the fall of 1832. Mr. and: a tew painted stores and dwellings; Dole then lived in a small log building, and that his newly found home would be- now covered with siding, which stands come a respectable consolidated village, at two or three doors east of the old ware- one or the other of these two extreme stttle- house on Water street. The warehouse meiits, for then no intermediate lots were has for some years been occupied for considered to be'of much importance. dwellings. Late in the fall of 1831, Mr. Peck re- In the rear of this building, and in ceived from New York, via the Lakes, a front of the Tremont House, Mr. Dole stock of goods with which, and the small slaughtered, in the fall of 1832, the first stock he had previously in trade, he re- lot of cattle, in all two hundred head, moved into Naper's settlement, and unit- ever packed in Chicago. They were ed in business with Capt. Joseph Naper, driven from the Wabash Valley, and cost and remained with him until the spring him $2.75 per cwt. He also slaughtered of 1833, when the Sauk war drove the in the same place and packed 350 hogs people into Chicago. from the same locality, for which he Mr. Peck has ever since resided in Chi- gave $3 per cwt. Here was the nucleus cago, having immediately after the ter- of the immense "packing" business now mination of Indian hostilities resumed done in Chicago. It cannot amount to mercantile business in a building then muchlessthan .$1,500,000 per annum, and owned by S. Miller, Esq., North Side, at the Chicago beef has obtained the first place junction of the North and South Branch- in the markets of the world. es, which for several previous years had Mr. Peck has also shown us his original been occupied by Messrs. Miller & Cly- document for the purchase of Lot 4, Block bourne, as a store for Indian trade. Dur- 18, in the Old Town of Chicago. It is as ing the fall of 1832, and while occupying follows : the building before mentioned, Mr. P. CmcAGO, Aug. 15, 1831. caused to be raised the frame of the Eeceived of P. F. W. Peck, eighty dol- building now owned by him, and situated lars, in full for Lot No. 4, Block 18, in the on the southeast corner of South Water and plan of the town of Chicago, and in full LaSalle streets, which was finished and for all claims to this date. occupied by him early in May, A. D. 18o3, W. F. Walker. a5 appears by vouchers for its payment This lot is at the southeast corner of which he has exhibited to us. It is built South Water and LaSalle streets, fronting of black walnut and oak lumber. The 80 feet on South Water and 150 feet on La- lumber was hauled from Walker's mills Salle street, and entire is now valued in —now Plainfield—forty miles southwest our table at $42,500. Mr. P. retains a part fr^m Chicago, and is believed to have of the lot only, having sold the largest been the first lumber ever sawed in Cook portion of ii soon after his purchase. He county. Plainfield is now in Will county. has also exhibited to us a receipt of his In this building Mr. Peck continued taxes for 1833, signed S. Forbes, Sheriff, business until the fall of 1835, at which amounting to $3.50. The books of the time he disposed of his entire stock in proper officers will show that he has paid, trade to Thomas Hartzell, Esq., then of for general and special assessments, for :


the past year, about $5,000. Mr. Peck is of property, to wit : On town lots, on but one among a score in our city whose pleasure carriages, on distilleries, on all taxes would show as large, and some of horses, mules and neat cattle above the them even larger figures. age of three years ; on watches, with Early in 1832, Chicago received quite their appurtenances, and on all clocks." an addition to her citizens. Among those Elijah Wentworth and Samuel Miller now residents of the city, w« remember were licensed to keep a tavern in the Dr. Maxwell, G. W. Snow, Philo Carpen- town of Chicago, and taxed therefor the ter, S. "Wright, John and Dr. Kimberly. sum of |7 and $5 respectively. The fol- Goiag back to 1S31, we find that the lowing financial measure, the second Commissioaers' Court, under the act or- recorded in the history of Chicago, was ganizing the county, was opened March also adopted, and as one of the "quorum" 8th of that year. The first record we on this occasion wa^ also one of the pros- have is that "Samuel Miller, Gholson pective "tavern keepers," we have aright Kercheval and James Walker, Commis- to presume that the tariff was fairly ad- sioners for Cook county, were sworn into justed. ofiice by J. S. C. Hogan, Justice of the " Ordered, That the following rates be Peace. William See was a^jpointed Clerk allowed to tavern keepers, to wit of the Commissioners' Court, who, after being duly sworn and giving bonds Each half pint of wine, rum or brandy 25 cents. Each pint do Ziy^ " ' according to law, the Court proceeded " half pint of gin 18% " " pint do 3H4 " to business.' Archibald Clybourne was " gill of whisky ej^ " " appointed County Treasurer, and " half pint do 1214 an " "• pint do. ... ; ]8Ji order passed that the ' S. W. fraction of For each breakfast and supper 25 " " dinner 37^ " Sec. 10 in T. 39 N., R. U East of the " horse feed 25 " " third principal meridian, be entered for Keeping horse one night 50 Lodging for each man per night V2}4 " County purposes.' At the next meeting, For cider or beer, one pint " " 63i " quart t'i^ " March 9th, the Treasurer is authorized to borrow one hundred dollars, willi wliich The first licensed merchants in Cook to enter the land before mentioned, and county, as appears from the licenses he is directed ' not to give more than six granted at this time, were B. Laughton, per cent, interest.' It is also ordered that Robert A. Kinzie, Samuel Miller; and the

Jesse Walker be employed to enter the first auctioneer, .James Kiuzie. Russell E. 1

land, that .Jedediah Wooley be nominated Heacock was licensed to keep a tavern at I to the Governor for County Surveyor, and his residence. that tliere be three precincts in the county Initiatory steps were taken for the es- of Cook, to wit : 'the Chicago Precinct,' tablishment of a ferry across both the 'Hickory Creek Precinct,' and the 'Du- branches of Chicago river, at the forks, page Precinct.' The boundaries of these over which the people of Cook county, three precincts were established. Judges with their " traveling apraties " were to be of Election appointed, and the times and passed free. Rates of ferriage were speci- the places of holding the same. Grand fied for outsiders, and a ferry scotv^ was and Petit Jurors were selected,'and some purchased from Samuel Miller for sixty- other minor business transacted, when the five dollars. At the next meeting of the " ' Court adjourned until Court in course.' Court, Mark Beaubien filed his bond for April 13th, 1831. —A special term was $200, with James Kiuzie as security, and " held. The record says : Court was having agreed to pa}' into the Treasury called at the hour of ten o'clock in the fifty dollars, and "to ferry all citizens of morning, and Samuel Miller and Gholson Cook county free," became the first ferry- Kercheval being present, formed a quo- man of Chicago. rum, and proceeded to business. During vacation of Court, permits to ^'Ordered, That there be a half per sell goods were obtained from the clerk cent, levied on the following description by Alexander Robinson, John B. Beaubiea —


and Madore Beaubien, thus adding by so er on the Dupage river, and so on to the many to the number of Cook county west line of the cou;ity, and that Elijah merchants. Wentvorth, R. E. Ileacock and Timothy At the next term of Court, June 6th, B. Clark be the viewers." The other is a Jesse Walker, who had been commissioned road "from the town of Chicago, the near- to enter the hmd selected for county pur- est and best way to the house of the widow poses, reported that he had been refused Brown, on ' Hycory creek,' and that permission to enter tho same, and paid James Kinzie, Archibald Clybourne and

back the money put into his hands for II. E. Heacock be the viewers." What that purpose. would widow Brown now say were she to The fees received by the members of count from the cupola of Ihe Tremout the Commissioners' Court during this House the eighty trains of cars that daily period were, as appears from appropria- arrive and depart f^om this city? And for tions made them, at the rate of $1.50 per aught we know she may have done so, day, for actual term time, and were paid for it is only twenty-three years since her in county orders. Joseph Leflenboys was house was made the terminus of the to list of also, added the merchants ; "original survey" of one of the first ave- Mark Beaubien and O. Newberry. nues from Chicago. Certain blocks and lots having been The vexed question, whether our pres- " given to the county by the Canal Com- ent splendid Court House, with all its missioners," it was thought proper to dis- roomy and convenient public ofllces,

pose of them, with the exception of the stands on a " square " or a "skew," is re- Public Square, and accordingly a "sail of solved into a matter of insignificance, lots"—we use the spelling of the record when it is remembered at how recent a was advertised to take place on the first date, as the archives inform us, the Sher- Monday in July following. This semi- iff was authorized "to provide, on the nautical proceeding was probably the first best terms in his power, to secure a prison of the speculative and numerous land sufficient to hold prisoners for the time sales of which Chicago has since been being," or when, as in tlie present instance, the theatre. In return, probably, for the the "court adjourned until court in course, " liberal donation received from the Canal to the house of William See

Commissioners, and, as also perhaps con- The aflfairs of the county appear to- sidered the best aad only method of ex- have been managed during these primeval tending to them the " hospitalities of the times with commendable prudence, econ- county," it was "ordered that the county omy and good faith, for we find subse- pay the Canal Commi'^sioiiers' ferriage quently that Jas. Kinzie, having, in his. during their stay at Chicago on canal official capacity, disposed of the laud* business," all of which ferriage, according given to the county by the Canal Com- to Mark Beaubien's account, afterwards missioners, was allowed a count}^ order presented and paid, amounted to the for |14.58f , being at the rate of 2^ per enormous sum of seven dollars and thirty- cent, for the first $200, and one per cent, three ceQts. In these days of paved streets for all over that sum, for his services as and present and prospective plank roads "auxineer"—we use the spelling of the and railroads, it is also interesting — to record "in the sail of . lots" elsewhere glance at another order, having in view mentioned. the opening of the first two highways of The mercantile corps of Cook county which any definite history has come down was meanwhile increased by the addition to us. The first provides for the viewing of four new firms, viz.: Brewster, Hogan of a road to the west boundary of the & Co., Peck, Walker & Co., Joseph count}^, in a direction toward the mouth Naper and Nicholas Boilvin. It, per- " of Fox river, as' follows : From the town haps, ought not to be omitted, that Mark of Chicago to the house of B. Laughton, Beaubien, who, from all accounts, was not from thence to the house of James Walk- an unworthy pioneer to Chicago enterprise 26 HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. and ambition, not satisfied with being al- conferred upon him, and never called out ready chief fenyman, as well as a mer- his forces. He is the first, and still is the

<;hji.nt, or with having experienced the highest officer of the Cook county militia. clemency of the Court, in the shape of a The first mention we find of the Circuit remittance of a fine of ten dollars, "as- Court is contained in the minutes of sessed to him for a fracas " with John G. September 6th, 1831, providing that it be Hall, also applied for and received a held in "Fort Dearborn, in the brick license to "keep a tavern," being charged house, and in the lower room of said therefor the moderate sum of six dollars. house."

As an offset to these various evidences of It is worthy of remark, that notwith- iavor, he well nigh met with a worse fate standing the low state of the county finan- than old Charon, for he was " ordered" to ces during this period, the sick or disabled ferry the citizens of Cook county " from strangers and travelers, or unfortunate daylight in the morning until dark, with- residents, were uniformly provided with out stopping. '" proper nourishment, medicine, and care- The reason for this stringent order, as ful attendance at the public expense. given by Dr. Kimberly, was, that Mark Several instances are on record of appro- at the time kept two race horses, and he priations from the treasury for these and had such a passion for the sports of the like purposes. It is equally in evidence, turf that he would, every day, if possible, that amid all the impositions and irregu- get up a race with some of the Indian larities attending the first years of a new "bloods," and sadly neglect his duty to settlement, the administration of public ferry the good citizens of Cook county affairs rested in the hands of cool and im- free, according to the law in such case partial officers, who were not to be easily made and provided. deceived or imposed upon, and who had a An incident in the history of the Beau- single ej'e to the general good. As an in- bien family should be duly recorded. stance, we notice that when the first road The military commandant of the State was located from the Public Square to the gave orders in 1834 that the militia of Cook west county line, it appears that some or county should be duly organized and all of the viewers were influenced by officers elected. Like the immortal Fal- some selfish purpose, and hence we find

staff , there were some gentlemen who did that their "report is rejected, and the not fancy that kind of company. As viewers shall have no pay for their ser- usual, there were several aspirants who, vices.'^

if elected, would carry out the law ; but The population and business of the

over all these it was determined to elect town steadily increased from month to John B., Colonel. The election was to be month, and with it many changes oc- held in the house of a Mr. Laughtou, who curred which it is beyond our limits to kept tavern near where Lyousville now notice. s'ands, on the southwestern plank road. Richard J. Hamilton was appointed The town turned out en 7nasse, taking Clerk of the Court, in place of William with them a keg of brandy, four packages See, resigned, and entered upon the of loaf sugar and six dozen of lemons. duties of his oflice on the second day of John Avas elected over all opposition, and April, 1833. Much business of more or

it was determined, of course, to have "a less importance was transacted at this time." At the base of the bluff, near the special term. More roads and streets house, is a fine spring. A dam was made were authorized, and Commissioners ap- across the outlet, and the brandy, lemons pointed to decide their location; election

and sugar were all emptied into it, and precincts and magistrate districts were set of being duly stirred up, each one drank till apart, described and named ; judges he could drink no more from this novel elections appointed, etc., etc. From a "punch bowl." Colonel Bcaubien was statement returned by the SherifT of Cook " entirely satisfied with the " the Jionor county, April 4th, 1832, it is shown that HISTORY OF CHICAGO, 27

the amount of the tax list on real and adopted. Archibald Clybourne was reap- personal property, for the year ebding pointed Treasurer for the ensuing year. March 1st, 1832, was !5;14S.29; and that the The SherifE Avas authorized to procure a non-resident delinquent tax list amounted room or rooms for the April term of the to $10. 50. Of this amount there had been Circuit Court at the house of James Kin- paid into the treasury $142.28. The zie, provided it can be done at a cost of Treasurer's report for the same period not more than ten dollars. sliows that the amount received from We find several "items" upon the licenses "tokeeptaveran," sell goods, etc., record, among whicli we notice that John was $225.50; taxes paid in, as per Sheriff's R. Clark was the first Coroner. The first report, were $132.28— total, $857.78. To in(iuest wa^held "over the body of a dead balance this amount, the Treasurer reports, Indian." The second was on "William license tax delinquencies to the amount of Jewett, a passenger who was found dead." $88.50. Paid out for County Orders, The first street leading to Lake Michi- $252.35—leaving balance in the treasury gan was laid out April 25th, 1832. This of $15.93. street commenced at what was then called Thus stands the account current of the easi end of Water street, and is de- Cook county in the spring of 1832, only scribed by Jedediah Wooley, the surveyor, " twenty-two years ag'-if The total receipts as follows : From the cist end of Water of taxes and moneys from all other street, in the town of Chicago, to Lake

sources, is the enormous sum of $357.78 ! Michigan. Direction of said road is south How stands the account now ? The total 88i degrees east from the street to the amount of moneys collected by the City Lake, 18 chains, 50 links." Said street Treasurer for the year 1853, is $135,752.03; was laid out fifty feet wide. The viewers and by the County Treasurer, $245,057.07 on this occasion " also believe that said —making the total amount of taxes col- road is of public utility, and a convenient lected last year in Cook county, $380,809.10. passage from the town to the Lake."

' Those who have leisure may ' cypher up" The first public building of which any the ratio of increase in the short space of mention is made, was an "EstrayPen," twenty- two years. erected on the southwestern corner of the The whole assessed value of the per- public square. The lowest bid for the sonal property of the city for the past contract—$20—was put in by Samuel Mil-

year is $2,711,154 ; real estate, $13,841,831 ler, but upon the completion of the edifice, —total, $16,841,831. The entire valuation the Treasurer was directed to pay there- for Cook county is, personal property, for but $12, on account of its not being

$4,450,630 ; real estate, $18,487,627—total, finished "according to contract." $22,937,657. Every one knows that the At the March term, 1833, the Road Com- assessed does not represent one-fourth of missioners reported their survey of a State the real value of the property in the road leading from Chicago to the left county. It is entirely safe to .set down the bank of the Wabash river, opposite Vin- value of the personal and real property cennes. Various other roads in different of Cook county at the lowest estimate at directions were surveyed and laid out dur- ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OP DOLLARS. ing the spring and summer of 1833. It will be noticed by the above that The next public building erected after several of the tavern keepers or merchants the "Estray Pen," was the Jail. The first

failed to pay for their licenses, and it was contractors failed to fulfill their contract, accordingly ordered by the Court that and a suit for damages was instituted hereafter all taxes for license "shall be against them. The Jail was finally built paid before the issuing thereof." The in the fall of 1833, "of logs well bolted tax of one-half per cent, was extended to together," on the northwest corner of

include all personal property of whatever the public square. It stood there till last kind or description, and other measures year, when the new Court House and Jail

suggested by time and experience were having been completed, it was torn down, . ;


and no vestige remains to tell where once John Miller received 20 votes. stood " this terror of evil doers." E. S. Kimberly " 20 " The minutes of the first meeting of the And so were elected Trustees of the citizens of Chicago, without date upon Town of Chicago. the records, are as follows : At this election there were in all twenty- voters " '* "At a meeting of the citizens of eight in the Town of Chicago Chicago, convened pursuant to public on the 10th day of August, 1833. "Can- notice given according to the statute for vassing" at elections did not require quite so much labor, and there was far less incorporating Towns, T. J. V. Owen was spent then there is chosen President, and E. S. Kimberly money than now. Two was chosen Clerk. The oaths were then of the first Trustees, Dr. Kimberly and G. administered by Russell E. Heacock, a Jus- W. Dole, Esq., are still residents of the tice of the Peace for Cook count}^ when city. The "Town of Chicago" has not, arrived the following vote was taken on the pro- therefore, at the full age of twenty- one years. those -who priety of incorporating the Town of Chi- To have not become familiar with such facts, they are more cago, County of Cook, State of Illinois : wonderful than the ANildest dreams of a For Incorporation—5ohn S. C. Hogan, "poetic fancy." They are, however, C. A. Ballard, G. W. Snow, R. J. Hamil- plain sober history—such history, how- ton, J. T. Temple, John Wright, G. W. ever, as can only be found in the annals Dole, Hiram Pearsons, Alanson Sweet, E. of the American people. S. Kimberly, T. J. V. Owen, Mark Beau- The Trustees held their first meeting bien—12. at the Clerk's office on the 12tli day of Against Incorporation—Russell E. Hea- August, 1833. The limits of the corpora- cock— 1

tion were defined as follows : Beginning We certify the above poll to be correct. at the intersection of Jackson and Jeffer- [Signed] T. J. V. Owen, President. son streets; thence north to Cook street, Ed. S. Kimbekly, Clerk.''' and through that street to its eastern ex- Dr. Kimberly informs us that the meet- tremity in Wabansia ; thence on a direct ing was held some twenty days before the line to Ohio street in Kinzie's Addition; election which followed. thence eastwardly to the Lake shore The first election for five Trustees of the thence south with the line of beach to the Town of Chicago was held at the house of northern U. S. pier ; thence northwardly Mark Beaubien, on the 10th of August, along said pier to its termination; thence 18J3, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and to the channel of the Chicago river ; thence the polls were closed at 1 o'clock. The along said channel until it intersects the following are the names of the voters, eastern boundary line of the Town of elected and those on that occasion ; Chicago, as laid out by the Canal Com- Voters—E. S. Kimberly, J. B. Beaubien, missioners ; thence southwardly with Mark Beaubien, T. J. V. Owen, William said line until it meets Jackson street ; Ninson, Hiram Pearsons, Philo Carpenter, thence westwardly along Jackson street

George Chapman, John Wright, John T. until it reaches the place of beginning. Temple, IMatthias Smith, David Carver, The 26th of September, 1833, is a mem- James Kinzie, Charles Taylor, John S. C. orable day in the history of Chicago. The Hogan, Eli A. Rider, Dexter J. Hapgood, Pottawatomie Indians, to the number of George W. Snow, Madore Beaubien, Ghol- 7,000, had been gathered here for the pur- son Kercheval, Geo. W. Dole, R. J. Ham- pose of making a treaty with the United ilton, Stephen F. Gale, Enoch Darling, States. On that day the treaty was signed W. H. Adams, C. A. Billard, John Wal;- on the part of the United States by T. J. kins, James Gilbert. V. Owen, G. B. Porter and Wm. Weather- T. J. V. Owen received 26 votes. ford, and by a large huniber of Indian Geo. W. Dole " 2G " chiefs, by which the Indians ceded to the " Madore Beaubien 23 " United States all their territory in North- \i:m




era Illinois aud Wisconsin, amounting to During the summer of 1833, Chicago, about twenty millioa acres. The treaty- as has already been intimated, grew rap- was made in a large tent on the North idly. Attention had been called to the Side, a little north of the Lake House. place by an appropriation of $30,000, The largest part of the Indians were en- made in the spring of that year by Con- camped in the woods on the North Side. gress, to build a harbor here to accommo- Two bands from Coldwater, Mich., en- date the commerce of Lake Michigan. camped under a large cottonwood tree, The harbor was pushed forward rapidly which then stood in the rear of I. Speer's during the summer, and in the following JeAvelry store, near the corner of Lake spring there was a great freshet, which and State streets. There were a large carried out the sand from between the number of speculators and others present, piers, and opened the harbor to the Lake and there were scenes enacted which it commerce. would be no credit to humanity to narrate. So late as 1834, only twenty years ago, Quite a large number of our present citi- there was but one mail per week from zens were here at the time of the treaty. Niles, Michigan, to Chicago, and that was Oa the 26th of November, 1833, the carried on Jtorseback. On the 11th of first newspaper ever pVinted in Chicago, January of that year, a large public or Northern Illinois, was published by meeting of the citizens of Chicago was our friend, John Calhoun, Esq. The held at the house of Mark Beaubien, at bound volumes of that paper for two which, of course, "speeches were made," years are before us. The perusal of its and a memorial was drawn up and sent pages has filled up some of the most in- to the Postmaster General, stating the teresting hours in our study of the "an- grievances under which the citizens la- cient history " of Chicago. It has since bored, and the pressing necessity there fallen into other hands, and merits no was for increased mail facilities. The notice from us. In this first number, Mr. contrast presented by the present post- Calhoun strongly urges " the commence- ofiice busiaess is truly astonishing. The ment and completion of the long-con- Chicago post-office is now sending out and templated canal to connect the waters of receiving fourteen daily mails, besides Lake Michigan with the Illinois river," several weekly and tri-weekly. The re- and adds, that " even with the present ceipts of the office for the quarter ending limited facilities of navigation, goods Jan. 1st, 1854, were over $130,000. have been transported from New York to The number of letters passing through St. Louis in the short space of twenty- the office averages over 30,000 daily, and three days!'''' Thanks to our railroads, there are 75 bags containing 45,000 news- goods can now be sent through by express papers. The average number of letters in three days ! received by our citizens, aud sent out The second number of Mr. Calhoun's from this office, is about 5,000 per day. paper, issued on the 3rd of De-ember, We gather the following items from our 1833, contains the names of the following friend Calhoun's paper. On the 16th of persons as. advertisers, who are still resi- April, 1834, there was still but one mail gives as an excuse for dents of Chicago : S. B. Cobb, John S. per week, and he Wright, Walter Kimball, Philo Carpen- not having more news, that for that week ter, P. F. W. Peck, R. M. Sweet, A. Cly- it did not arrive. The same week he bi^urne, John Bates, Jr., G. W. Dole, B. commences a marine list, noticing the ar- Jones, Star Foote, C. Harmon, E. S. Kim- rival of one schooner from St. Joseph's, berly, Jolin H. Kinzie, S. D. Pierce, and and the departure of two for the same R. J. Hamilton. We think this fact is port. On the 30th of the same month he worthy of notice by those who have been says that emigration had fairly com- led to believe that Chicago is an un- menced, as more than "a hundred 'h&d. healthy city. Never was there a more arrived by boats and otherwise within the

gratuitous or unfounded assertion. last ten days:' Astonishing ! an average 30 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

of ten persons per day ! "What would our bor, and in the night they would visit all two great Eastern railroads say to such an parts of the town. Excited by their suc- amount of travel ? On the 4th of June cess against poor Bruin, the citizens man- Mr. Calhoun announces with great satis- fully determined to give the wolves no faction "that arrangements have been quarter. They therefore formed several made by the proprietors of the steamboats parties, and at night it was found that on Lake Erie, whereby Chicago is to be they had dispatched forty of these mid- visited by a steamboat once a week till the night marauders. We simply make a 25th of August." This was certainly an note, that on the spot where Chicago now era in the history of the " Town of Chi- stands, less than twenty years ago, a cago." On Saturday, July 11, 1834, the "great hunt" was gotten up, and one schooner Illinois entered the harbor, and bear and—probably within the present sailed up the river amid the acclamations city limits—forty wolves were killed in a of tlie citizens. She was the first large single day. vessel that ever entered the Chicago river. Mr. Calhoun was present at the Indian The bar between the piers was worn out payment in 1834, and has handed us the by a great freshet the spring previous. following account of it. He says : • Before this, vessels were obliged to an- "On the 28th of October the first an- chor outside the bar, and received and nuity was paid to the Pottawatomie and \ discharged their cargoes by means of other Indians under the treaty which waa , scows and lighters. The Illinois was the made the year previous for the purchase pioneer of the immense commerce which of their lands in Michigan, Illinois and now finds its centre in Chicago. In the Wisconsin. About $30,000 worth of same paper, of the 6th of August, we goods were to be distributed. They as- find the whole number of votes polled in sembled to the number of about 4,000. Cook county, which then embraced the The distribution took place by piling the present counties of Will and Dupage, was whole quantity in a heap upon the prairie 538. During the summer of 1834 Chicago on the west side of the river, near the grew very rapidly, for we find Mr. Cal- corner of Randolph and Canal streets. houn stating, on the 3d of September, The Indians were made to sit down upon "that one hundred and fifty vessels had the grass in a circle around the pile of discharged their cargoes since the 30th of goods—their squaws sitting behind them. April previous." The half breeds and traders were ap- We must not suppose, however, that pointed to distribute the goods, and they Chicago was "out of the woods," for leisurely walked to the pile, and taking in there was a fine grove of timber along the their arms an armful of goods, proceeded river on the east side, extending south to throw to one and another of those sit- from Madison street. Some of these trees ting on the grass, and to whom they were are still standing, and we present a plea appointed to distribute, such articles as

in their behalf, that they may be spared they saw fit, and then returned to the pile the " remorseless axe." On Monday to replenish. Shortly the Indians began morning, Oct. 6th, the citizens of this to show an anxiety not to be overlooked quiet town were startled by the announce- in the distribution, and at first got on their ment that a large black bear was safely knees, vociferating all the time in right domiciled in this " strip of timber." All lusty Indian 'gibberish.' Then they the town of course turned out to give rose on one foot, and soon all were stand- Bruin anything but a generous welcome. ing, and then they began to contract the He was soon found, and following his circle, until they finally made a rush for i ancient custom, " took to a tree." This the pile. I saw then a manner of dispers- was of course no security, and he was ing a mob that I never saw exemplified shot near the corner of Market and Jack- before nor since. The crowd was so great son streets. In these woods multitudes of around the pile of goods that those who prairie wolves were accustomed to har- were back from them could not get to HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 31 them, and the 'outsiders' at once com- ''Resolved, That the President order menced hurling into the air whatever two engines for the use of the Corpora- missiles they could get hold of, literally tion, of such description as he shall deem tilling the air, and causing them to fall in necessary, and also 1,000 feet of hose, on the centre where the crowd was the most the credit of the Corporation." dense. These, to save a broken head, The first lawyer's bill we find on the rushed away, leaving a sjiace for those records was paid to James H. Collins, who had hurled the missiles to rush in for Esq., on the 16th day of August, 1834. a share of the spoils. The Indians were Some differences had arisen in reference paid their annuities for two years after to the right of the city to lease certain the treaty, before they were removed west water lots. Mr. Collins was applied to for of the Mississippi. These Indians were a an opinion, for which he charged and re- degraded set, and did not inspire a person ceived $5. On the 7th of October, 1835, with any respect for the prowess and sav- John Dean Caton's bill against the Corpo- age character which our forefathers had ration for counsel fees and services ren- to encounter. A number were killed here dered during the years 1833-34 was paid. at everypayment in their drunken brawls." The amount of the bill was $75. Our On the 9th of September, 1833, our fel- friends, the lawyers, manage at present low citizen, Col. J. B. F. Russell, adver- to get a much larger slice from the public tises for forty ox teams, each team to be loaf. composed of two yoke of oxen, to remove On the 13th of February, 1836, notice the Indians to the country "allotted to was given that the " Trustees of the them "West." On the first of October Town of Chicago will not hold them- " Colonel Russell started with the forty selves accountable for any damages which ox teams," containing the children and may arise to any person by reason of baggage of the last remaining remnant of crossing the bridges over the Chicago the Red Men, about 1,500 in all, and was river, or over the north and south branch- twenty days in reaching the Mississippi. es thereof, the said bridges being con- They were twenty days more in reaching sidered dangerous, and the said Trustees the land allotted tothemwestof Missouri. not having funds out of which to repair It is not, therefore, nineteen years since the said bridges." Rather a sad state of Chicago was surrounded by Pottawatomie affairs that.* Indians. On the 26th day of October, 1836, initia- In Mr. of Calhoun's paper November tory steps were taken towards obtaining a 25th, find the first of the 1835, we census City Charter. The town being then in town of Chicago, and the county of Cook. three districts, the President of the Board town then the The contained 3,265, and of Trustees invited the inhabitants of county 9,773 inhabitants. Mr. Calhoun each district to select three persons to speaks of this as a very encouraging in- meet with the Board, and consult upon crease, as the contained only county a the expediency of applying to the Legis- very few inhabitants when it was organ- ized in 1830. As late as the 20th of Janu- * The bridges over th'^ Chicago river in 1848, when. ary, 1836; he regrets to learn that Will I came here, were a curio.-ity. One end was fixed on a pivot in the wooden abutment, and the other county is to be set oflF from Cook, as it was placed upon a large square box or boat. When will probably "lessen our political influ- it was necessary to open the bridge for the passage ence in the State." On Thursday, May of vessels, a chain, fastened on or near the shore

18, 1836, the sloop Clarissa, the first ves- on the side of the pier at some distance from it, sel ever built in Chicago, was launched. was wound up by a capstan on the float-end of the bridge, thus opening it. It was closed in the It was an occasion of much interest. same manner by a chain on the opposite aide of it. The Fire Department organized was on Our present excellent pivot bridges were, if I mis- the 19th of September. 1835, as appears take not, introduced, and I think invented, by Mr. by the following resolution passed by the City Superintendent Harper, about 1850, or soon after that year. Board of Trustees on that day : 32 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. lature for a City Charter, and to adopt a was elected City Attorney. The total draft to accompany such application. number of votes, as appears from the The district meeting was held, and the canvass for Mayoi-, then in the city, was following delegates chosen : 703. From 1st district—Ebcnezer Peck, Wil- The first census of Chicago was taken, liam Stuart, E. W. Casey. July 1st, 1837. From 2d district—J. D. Caton Chadwick, W. Forsyth. Wards. From 3d district—John H. Kinzie, W. L. Newberry, T. W. Smith. The above delegates met with the Board on Friday evening, November 25th, at the Trustees' room, opposite the Mansion

House, and it was resolved "that it is expedient for the citizens of Chicago to petition the Legislature for a City Charter. Also, that a committee of five, consisting of one delegate from each district, and two members of the Board, be appointed by the chair to prepare a draft of a (Jity Charter, to be submitted to this conven- tion. Whereupon the chair (E. B. Wil- liams) appointed Messrs. E. Peck, District

No. 1, J. D. Caton, District No. 2, and T. W. Smith, District No. 3, and from the Trustees, Messrs. Bolles and Ogden. The committee met again, Dec. 9lh, and through E. Peck, Esq., presented their draft of a City Charter. After some dis- cussion and amendment, it was adopted for presentation to the citizens, and 500 copies were ordered to be printed. The charter was passed by the Legisla- ture, and approved March 4th, 1837. The city of Chicago is therefore not "out of her teens." She is a buxom maiden of only SEVENTEEN summers, and what she is destined to be when she becomes a matron of sixty, we dare not venture to predict. The first election for city officers was held on the 1st Tuesday of May, 1837. It

resulted as follows : Wm. B. Ogden, Mayor. J. C. Goodhue, Alderman 1st Ward. J. S. C. Hogan, " 2(1 " " J. D. Caton, 3d " " A. Pierce, 4th " " B. Ward, 5lh "

,S. Jackson, " 6th ''

John Shrigley was elected High Con- stable, and at tlie first meeting of the Council, May 3d, 1837, N. B. Judd, Esq.,

HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 33 reorganized, and an act was passed au- distance of twenty-eight miles, is only thorizing a loan of half a million of dol- from six to eight feet above the level of lars to construct the canal. Ground was the Lake, and as originally planned, this broken at Bridgeport, on the fourth of level was to be fed from the Lake, thereby July, 1836. practically making a sonthern outlet to At the session of the Legislature in Lake Michigan by the Illinois and Missis- 1836-7, the State entered upon a splendid sippi rivers. The depth and^width of the scheme of "internal improvements." The canal gave it a capacity sufficient to admit State was completely chequered with rail- the passage of large sail vessels. About road projects, and many millions were one-half of the summit level was com- squandered. The total length of the roads pleted in accordance with these plans be- 1842.* to be at once completed was some thirteen fore the work was abandoned in hundred miles, and five millions of dollars * It should have been stated in the text that the were expended in locating and grading summit was supplied with water in the spring and them. Amid the general financial embar- wet seasons, mainly from the Calumet through the rassment which followed those years of " Sag," by damming the river near Blue Island. To madness and folly, the credit of the State provide for any deficiency, pumping works of great went down, and bankruptcy and a general capacity were built at Bridgeport, which, when the supply from the Calumet failed, not only furnished suspension of the public works were the the canal with water, but pumping the stagnant the total State in- consequence. In 1841 liquid from the river rendered it pure, for its place debtedness amounted to fifteen millions of was supplied from the lake. dollars. By lS(i5 the population of Chicago had increased to 178,900; the city had inaugurated and completed It is worthy of remark, however, that an extensive system of sewers, most of which statesmen of that pe- the only mistake the emptied into the river. For perhaps nine or ten riod made, was to embark the State in a months of the year it had no current, and hence it general system of internal improvements, became the source of the foulei-t smells that a suf people were ever forced to endure; and, be- and in addition to this, their plans were fering sides, it was evident that something must be done in advance of the times in which they effectively to cleanse it, or the city would soon be- lived. Twenty years will accomplish by come so unhealthy as to be uninhabitable. Accord- private enterprise for the State of Illinois ingly, on the 1.5th and 16th of February, 1865, the much more than the statesmen of 1836-7 Legislature passed Acts authorizing the city of Chi- cago to lower the summit of the canal, as originally expected to realize. Extravagant as their proposed, so that the pure waters of Lake Michigan schemes then appeared, in another year would flow south, thus cleansing the river and dis- we shall have more than twice as many pensing with the dam on the Calumet and the miles of railroad in operation as their plan pumping works at Bridgeport. Authority was borrow to do this work, and embraced. They deserve, therefore, more granted to $2,000,000 with Col. R. B. Mason, of this city, and Wm. Good- credit than they have been accustomed to ing, of Lockport, added to the Board of Public receive, for the result has shown that their Works, the work of lowering the summit of the calculations were based upon a proper ap- canal was commenced, and it was completed June of the gates preciation of the immense resources of 15th, 1871. On that day the hoisting at Bridgeport was made known thioughout the city by our glorious Prairie State. the merry ringing of the bells, and jo» pervaded all But to return to the canal. The funds circles and all classes of citizens. borrowed for the purpose of completing Thenceforward Lake Michigan has contributed a portion of its waters to the Illinois river, and the canal were kept separate ; but it shared thence it has flowed on to the Gulf of Mexico. the fate of being in bad company, and all On Tuesday, July 25th, the Common Council, work was abandoned in 1843. Tlie con- with a large number of guests, made an excursion tractors had large claims against the State, to Lockport— other fluids besides pure Lake Michi- and in 1843 a law was passed to settle the gan water contributing largely to the hilarity of the except in exceptional claims of the contractors and liquidate party. The South Branch, cases, has since been filled with pure water; and the damages, provided the sum should not the North Branch is to be made so, by the Fullerton fifty thousand exceed twp hundred and Avenue conduit. dollars. The summit level of the canal, Toe State reserved the right to resume coHtrol of extending from Bridgeport to Lockport, a the canal at any time, by paying the city the money

\^ -\ «^


our citizens, it In the session of the Legislature of 1848-4, additional burdens upon will all be paid off in a few years. It is a bill providing for the completion of the that when the canal on the "shallow cut" was passed, worthy of special remark, formed in 1847, a the substance of which was, that the hold- New Constitution was in it which, if ers of the canal bonds should advance clause was introduced by tax of $1,600,000 to complete the work. Tlie approved by the people, a special canal lands j^et remaining unsold, and the two mills upon the dollar was levied, and the canal itself, with the revenue to be derived was to be applied to extinguishing principal of this debt. The people in 1 848 from it, were placed in the hands of three trustees, two of whom were chosen b^/ the voted upon this provision separately, and bondholders, and one by the State. There adopted it by ten thousand majority. were in all about two hundred and thirty This, so far as we know, is the first in- thousand acres of land, and several hun- stance in which the people of a State de- Ottawa, dred lots in the cities of Chicago, liberately taxed themselves in order to pay the line LaSalle, and the towns along an old and burdensome debt. It is a fine placed in the hands of the trustees. The compliment to the integrity of the citizens bondholders, money was advanced by the of Illinois, and has done much to establish and the canal was completed and went into her character in commercial circles, both gave operation in the spring of 1848. It in this country and in Europe. and pros- an impetus to the commerce There are some interesting facts in ref- the anticipa- perity cf Chicago far beyond erence to the topography of Chicago, only and tions of its most sanguine friends, a few of which we have space to give. On rapidly, since then Chicago has grown very the south side of the river there were two having more than trebled her population sloughs between the Garrison and "the in the short space of six years. point." The first emptied into the river sale These lands have been offered for at the foot of State street. It ran a little every six months, and owing to the en- north of the Sherman House, crossing hanced value which the rapid increase of Clark street near the Post Office, thence population in this part of the State has crossing Lake street nearly in front of the given them, the loan of one million six Tremont House. The "old Tremont hundred thousand dollars was all paid off House" was on Ihe northwest corner of last fall, and quite a large amount is still Lake and Dearborn streets, and as late as due on the lands sold, and no inconsidera- 1834 sportsmen would sit in the door of ble portion of them is still in the hands of the "Tremont" and shoot ducks in the the Trustees. The finances of the State, slough. The other slough entered the as shown in the recent message of His river at the foot of LaSalle street. The Excellency, Governor Matteson, are in a store built in 1831-2 by P. F. W. Peck, very prosperous condition. Though the Esq., at the southeast corner of LaSalle debt is still large, without imposing any and Water streets, was situated on a "high

It had expended in deepening the canal. In accord- point of land," formed by a bend in this ance with th^ noble spirit which seemed to pervade slough. Poles were laid across these great fire on the whole world, immediately after our sloughs, on which the people going east and the 9th of October, 1871, the Legislature, on October west crossed for want of a belter bridge. 20th, passed a law to refund to the city the amount she had expended, (iu all, $2,955,340 principal and The dwelling now occupied by Mrs. interest,) and to again assume the control and own- Wright, at the corner of Michigan avenue ership of ine canal. In her dire necessity after the and Madison street, was built by John fire, this was a great boon to the city. It need only Wright, Esq., in 1839. Then it was "way be added here that the National and State Govern- the prairie." Randolph -^ments are building a scvjes of lock» and dams on out of town in the Illinois river, which, when completed a very and Washington streets were not even few years hence, will give us one of the finest water " turnpiked," and there was nothing to in- lines of transit in the world. The connection be- dicate their " local habitation " save only tween the Lakes and the (iulf of Mexico, and also here and there a few stakes driven eight with the Mississippi and all its tributaries, will be complete. years previous by Surveyor Thompson and HISTORY OF CHICAGO. his assistants. There were a few scattered the city, and only three years previous houses along Lalie and South AVater streets. there was but one mail from the East per

The first deed on record is made by Gov- week, and that was brought from Nileson ernor Rej'nolds, in behalf of the State, to horseback. The changes which have been Robert Kinzie, assignee of B. B. Kerche- wrought in seventeen years are truly val, and couvej^s lots 5 and 6, block 29, amazing. Original Town, for the sum of |109. It is The question naturally arises, what will recorded December 2, 1831, by R. J. Ham- the next seventeen years accomplish ? ilton, Recorder. The first will on record With less than the ratio of her past in- is that of Alexander Wolcott, filed April crease of population from the time she first 27, 1831, before R. J. Hamilton, Judge of became a city, she will, in 1871, contain Probate. more than Jiulf a million of people. Few, It is a feature of our citj'', more noticed perhaps, would dare to predict such a re- by strangers than by ourselves, who are sult ; but let us look at a few facts, and accustomed to it, that we are a community leave each one to draw his own conclu- of workers. Every man apparently has sion. We are now in direct railroad con- his head and hands full, and seems to be nection with all the Atlantic cities from- hurried along by an irresistible impulse Portland to Baltimore. Five, and at most that allows him neither rest nor leisure. eight years, will extend the circle to New An amusing evidence of this characteristic Orleans. By that time also we shall shake of Chicago occurs in connection with the hands with the rich copper and iron mines first census of the cit}'-, taken July 1st, of Lake Superior, both by canal and rail- 1837, when the occupation, as well as road ; and long ere another seventeen names and residences of every citizen were years have passed away, we shall have a duly entered. In the record of the popu- great National Railroad from Chicago to lation of four thousand one hundred and Puget's Sound, with a branch to San Fran- seventy, among the names of professors, cisco. Situated in the centre of one of the mechanics, artisans and laborers, appears, most extensive and the richest agricultural singularity, entry, in unenviable the regions in the world ; at the head of our "Richard Harper, loafer," the only repre- magnificent inland seas, and holding the sentative of the class at that time in the key to their commerce on each side for city. From this feeble ancestry the de- fifteen hundred miles ; with the certainty scendants have been few and unimportant; that she must become the great central and we believe there is not a city in the city of the Continent, where the produc- Union where the proportion of vagabonds tions of Asia, Europe and America must and loafers is so small as in Chicago.* concentrate for exchange and distribution "We might extend our sketches at pleas- throughout the Mississippi Valley, with ure, but we have already greatly exceeded unrivalled facilities for manufactories of first the limits we at assigned them. It is all kinds ; and with railroads centering not yet quite seventeen years since the city here from every principal city upon the government was first organized. Then it Continent—he must be dull indeed who contained only four thousand one hundred can predict anything but a glorious future

and seventy inhabitants ; now it has over for the Garden City. We have given but there a sixty thousand. Then was not the outlines of the picture ; time, we are canal, railroad or plank road leading out of satisfied, will fill it up with colors more vivid and glorious than the most sanguine * It gives me pleasure to state, that I have since imagination would dare now to contem- learned that Harper was very respectably connected plate. results of the past in the city of Baltimore; that he made his way back The seventeen to his native place, and ftiat he was one of the six years are now matters of history, and we Washingtonian reformers who started the great leave the editors of the Democratic Press temperance reformation which spread all over the in 1871 to prepare the record—may be we country sometime about the year 1840, and subse- be spared to do it of what the next seven- quently. A great many inebriates were reformed, — and a great deal of permanent good was the result- teen years shall accomplish. 36 HISTORY OF CHICACxO.



The River and Harbor Convention, Michigan Southern and Michigan Central which commenced its sessions in this city Railroads in 18.j2, added much to tlie on the 5th of July, the 1847, gave second prosperity of the city ; and the com- great and permanent impulse to Chicago. mencement of the Rock Island Railroad After the disastrous speculating mania of in the spring of the same year, its rapid 1836—7, the city gradually sunlc in pub- progress and immense busiuess, and the lic favor till 1843, wlien the lowest point fact that Chicago is one of the greatest was reached, and business began to revive. railroad centres in the country, have all The progress of the city, however, was tended to increase oar population at the slow, till its advantages were in some rate of fifty-seven per cent, during the measure appreciated and made known by past year—a ratio never before witnessed the intelligent statesmen and business in the United States, except in California. men from every part of the Union, who With these improvements there has were present at that Convention. To the been a corresponding change in the busi- editors who were present is Chicago ness of the city. In the fall of 1847. specially indebted for extending a knowl- when we first saw Chicago, the business edge of her commercial position. The of our merchants was confined mainly to opening of the Illinois and Michigan the retail trade. Tlie produce that was Canal, in the spring of 1848, gave a shipped from this port was all brought to marked impetus to our trade, and tended the city by teams. Some of them would still farther to attract the attention of the come a hundred and fifty miles. Farmers country to the Garden City. On the 2Jd would bring in a load of grain and take of January, 1850, the Galena Railroad back supplies for themselves and their was opened forty-two and a half miles to neighbors. Often has it happened that Elgin, and in a very few months demon- they would get "sloughed," or break strated the important fact that, owing to their wagons; and between the expense the cheapness with which railroads could of repairs and hotel charges, they w-ould be constructed in Illinois, they would pay find themselves in debt when they got a large dividend to the stockholders. home. During the "business season" Eastern capitalists saw that the Missis- the city would be crowded with teams. sippi Valley was the place to make profit- We have seen Water and Lake streets able investments, and in 1851 the charter almost impassable for hours together. of the Illinois Central Railroad turned the The opening of the canal in 1848 made attention of the whole Union to Chicago, considerable change in the appearance of and made her future pre-eminence im the city, and when the Galena Railroad longer doubtful. The completion of llu was finished to Elgin, the difference was HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 37 very striking. The most of those old about to give will be scarcely credible. familiar teams ceased to visit ns, and we They are, however, plain, sober truths, heard some few merchants gravel}' express which, if any one doubts, he can verify the opinion that the canal and railroads at his leisure. Real estate in Chicago would ruin the city. The difference they now has a positive business value, below have made is simply that between a small which it will never be likely to sink, unless some great calamity should befall and a large business ; between a retail and a wholesale trade. One of the prin- the whole country. cipal Jewelry and Gold and Silver estab- Like Jill Western cities, Chicago has lishments in the city in 1S45 did a busi- had her reverses. In 1835-6, real estate had a fictitious value. The whole country ness of $3,000 ; last year the same house sold goods to the amount of $120,000. was mad with the spirit of speculati(m. Drug stores, whose sales eight years ago When the crash came, in the latter part were from five to six thousand dollars, of 1837, hundreds in this city found them- now do a business of from fifty to a hun- selves bankrupt. Real estate went down dred thousand'. The Hardware, Dry to a very low figure, reaching "do^tom" Goods and Grocery business will show in 1842. Since then, it has been steadily similar, and some of them still more re- rising with the increasing prosperity of markable results. We have made repeat- the country, and if the judgment of our ed efforts to get at the exact figures in most cautious, far-seeing business men each department of trade, that we might can be trusted, it will never be any less. make comparisons between the last and That judgment is based upon an array of preceding years, but we are sorry to say facts, the accuracy and influence of which, that man\' of our merchants are very re- upon the growth of Chicago, cannot be luctant to give us any figures, lest the doubted. In only one year from the first extent of the commerce of Cliicago should of January next, we shall have four become ku'wn, and merchants from other thousand miles of railroad centering in cities should come here and divide their this city, counting in most cases their profits. A more narrow-minded, injuri- extension only in a single State beyond ous policy, in our judgment, could not be our own; and what is of more importance, adopted. they penetrate one of the finest agricul- The transactions in produce, since the tural regions that can be found in any opening of the canal and railroads, make country. By that time the Sault Ste. but little show in the streets, but they are Marie Canal will be done—opening to our immense. We can name five houses, each commerce the rich mines of Lake Supe- of whose business foots up to from eight rior. The iron and the copper of that hundred thousand to a million and a half region will here meet the coal from our of dollars per year. To see these gentle- State, and build up the most extensive men in the evening, quietly chatting on manufactories upon the Continent. One the state of the markets, at the Tremont, of the finest canals in the world connects one would hardly suspect that their pur- us with the Illinois and Mississippi rivers; chases tor the day had amounted to five and in addition, to all this, Chicago holds or ten, and sometimes perhaps to fifty the key to the commerce of our magnifi- thousand dollars. cent lakes, giving us a coasting trade, We have some interesting facts and when Lake Superior is opened to us by figures to present, and commence with the Ste. Marie Canal, of three thousand miles. The most sagacious statesmen, REAL ESTATE. and the ablest commercial men in this The appreciation in the value of real country and in Europe, have, therefore, a estate in Chicago is truly amazing. To broad basis for the opinion that Chicago those who have always lived in towns and is soon to take rank among the three cities on the seaboard, that w^ere "finished'^ largest cities, and ere long as the second before they were born, the facts we are city upon the American Continent. HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.

The rise in real estate, and the prices at which it is now sold in view of such facts, are easily explained. The following table, made up from the records of the original sales in this citj^ will be found very in- teresting. The last column, showing the present value of property, is the average of the prices at which they would now sell, as given us by three of our oldest and most reliable real estate houses in this city. Many of the owners, we presume, would not sell at these figures, and we have no doubt should any of this property be put in the market, it would readily command at least the estimated value given in the table. The price of " the lands " may appear enormous, but four of the parcels are now in the thickly inhab- ited parts of the city, and the valuation is probably below, rather than above the mark. HISTOKY OF CTTICAGO. 39

worth, at a low estimate, $:],000,000. Anj- number of jgimilar instances might be given of the immense appreciation of real estate in Chicago. From the great appreciayon which these figures show, many may be led to sup- pose that no more money can be made on real estate in Chicago. Exactly the reverse is true. As compared with their original cost, lots near the centre of the city can not be expected to appreciate so rapidly as in years past; but that they will steadily advance, there can scarcely be a doubt. Let any business man study carefully the

facts contained in these articles ; let him remember that within the lifetime of thousands who read these pages Chicago will contain her hundreds of thousands of

people ; and then let him calculate, if he has the courage, what real estate will then be worth in the commercial centre of the jMississippi Valley. The following table exhibits the total valuation of real and personal property in_ Chicago, as taken from the Assessor's books, for a series of years. It must be remembered, however, that property is

a&sessed at far below its real value :


The first Catholic church in Chicago gan avenue. It is now washed away. was built by Rev. Mr. Schoffer, in the The school consisted of thirteen children. years 1833-4. It was located somewhere It was held during the fall of that year in State street. It now stands in the rear and the next season above the store of P. of St. Mary's Cathedral, and is used by F. W. Peck, Esq., at the southeast corner the Sisters of Mercy as a school room. St. of LaSalle and Water streets. Rev. Mr. Mary's is the oldest Catholic church in the Porter also preached in the same place. city. It was opened for divine service on In the fall of 1832, Charles Butler, Esq., of the 25th of December, 1843. Its pastors New Tork, presented the Sunday School then were Rev'ds Fischer and Saint Pai- with a library, and it soon increased to lais, now Bishop of Vincennes. The house forty or fifty members. was completed by the late Bishop Quar- The first Congregational church was or- ter, and consecrated by him December ganized on the 22d of May, 1851, on the 5th, 1845. west side of the river.

St. James is the oldest Episcopal church The following is the present list of in the city. It was organized in 1884. The churches and ministers in Chicago : following were the first members : Peter Johnson. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL.

Mrs. P. Johnson. Trinity Church—Madison, near Clark street; Mrs. Juliette A. Kinzie (wife of J. H. Rev. W. A. Smallwood, D.D., rector. Kinzie, Esq.) St. James' Church—corner of Cass and Illinois streets; R. H. Clarkson, rector. Mrs. Francis Magill. W. Church op the Atonement—corner of Wash- Mrs. Nancy Hallam. ington and Green streets, West side; Dudley Ciiase, Mrs. Margaret Helm. rector. St. Paul's Free Chapel—Sherman, near Harri. The first Baptist church was organized son street; J. McNamara, rector. by Rev. A. B. Freeman, on the 19th of Grace Church—corner of Dearborn and Madison October, 1833. The following were its streets; C. E. Swope, rector. first members : St. Ansgarius Church—corner of Indiana and Rev. A.B. Freeman. Willard Jones. Franklin streets; Gustavus Unonius, rector. S. T. Jackson. Ebon Crane. PRESBYTERIAN. Martin D. Harmon. Samantha Harmon. First Presbyterian Peter Moore. Lucinda Jackson. Church—comer Clark and Washington streets; Harvey Curtis, pastor. Nath'l Carpenter. Betsey Crane. Second Presbyterian Church—corner Wabash John K. Sargents. C. Freeman. Hannah Avenue and Washington streets, R.W.Patterson, Peter Warden. Susannah Rice. The first church erected by this society Third Presbyterian Church—Union street, between Randolph and Washington streets, West was built on North Water street—the pre- side; E. W. Moore, pastor. cise time we cannot give. In 1843-4 the North Presbyterian Church— corner Illinoii society built a large brick house on the and Wolcott streets, North side; R. H.Richardson, lot now owned by them on the south side pastor. of the public square. It was burnt down Reformed Presbyterian Church—Fulton St., corner Clinton street, West side; A. M. Stewart, in October, 1852. A new church is now in pastor. process of erection, which will cost at least $25,000. CONGREGATIONAL. The first Sunday School in Chicago was First Congregational CnuRCH—Washington established by Philo Carpenter, Esq., and street, between Halsted and Union streets, West side. Capt. Johnson, in August, 1832. Mr. Plymouth Congregational Church— corner Carpenter, in company with G. W. Snow, Dearborn and Madison streets; N, H. EgglcstonJ Esq., arrived here on the 30th of July, pastor. 1832. The school was first held iu a frame, New England Church—corner Wolcott and Indiana J. Holbrook, pastor. not then enclosed, which stood on ground streets; C. South Congregational Church—There is a short distance northeast of the present preaching regularly by Rev. E. F. Dickenson, at the residence of Mrs. John Wright, on Michi- church near American Car Company's Woiks, at HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 4L

half past 10 o'clock a. m., every Sabbath. Also at UNITARIAN. Congregational Meeting House, 3r. M., at the New Unitarian Church -North side of Washington! and Taylor streets, near the South- corner of Clark street, between Clark and Dearborn streets; R. R. Depot. ern Michigan Railroad Shippen, pastor. LUTHERAN. UNIVERSALIST. Norwegian Church—Superior, between Wells Universalist Church—South side of Washing- and LaSalle streets; Paul Andersen, pastor. j ton street, between Clark and Dearborn streets; L. German Church— LaSalle, between Indiana and B. Mason, pastor. Ohio streets; J. A. Fisher, pastor. German Church—Indiana street, near Wells; JEWISH. Augustus Selle, pastor. Stnagogue—Clark 'Street, between Adams and. BAPTIST. Quincy streets; G. Schneidacher, pastor. First Church—Burned down, now worshipping in the old Presbyterian Church, on Clark, near COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, ETC. Madison street; J. C. Burroughs, pastor. Tabernacle Chitrch—Desplaines, between The Common Schools of Chicago are Washington and Madison streets, West side; A. the pride aud the glory of the city. The Kenyofl, pastor. school fund is ample, and every child in METHODIST EPISCOPAL. the city can obtain the elements of a good English education free charge. Clark Street Church—corner Clark and Wash- of We ington streets; J. Clark, pastor. have now six large Public School edifices^ Indiana Street—between Clark and Dearborn two in each division of the city. From streets; S. Bolles, pastor. three to seven hundred children are daily- Jefferson Street—between Madison and Mon- j gathered in each. roe streets. West side; E. 11. Gammon, pastor. Owen Street— corner Owen and Peoria streets. Besides these, we have a large number West side; S. Guyer, pastor. of private schools and seminaries, where Clinton Street—between Polk and Taylor those who wish can educate their children. streets, West side. We have an excellent Commercial Col- Harrison Street—near State street; F. A. Reed, pastor. lege, at the head of which is Judge Bell. German—Indiana street, between Wells and The Catholics have a College, and the LaSalle streets; C. Winz, pastor. Methodists are also about to establish and German—Van Buren street, corner of Griswold, endow a University. We have also a A. Kellener, pastor. most excellent Medical College. METHODIST PROTESTANT. The educational facilities of Chicago^

Methodist Protestant—corner of Washington may therefore be regarded as of a very and Jefferson streets; Lewis R. Ellis, pastor. high order CATHOLIC. BANKS, BANKING, ETC. Cathedral op St. Mart's—corner of Madison street and Wabash avenue; Patrie Thomas McEl- Had we space to write out the history hearne and James Fitzgerald, pastors, of Banking in Illinois, and especially in St. Patrick's—corner Randolph and Desplaines street; Patrick J. McLaughlin, pastor. Chicago, it would present some interest- Holt Name of Jesus—corner Wolcott and Su- ing topics for the contemplation of the perior streets, North side; Jeremiah Kinsella, pas- financier. We have had two State Banks. tor. The first was established early in the his- St. Peter's—(German)—Washington, between tory of the State, and though the most Franklin and Wells street; G. W. Plathe, pastor. St. Joseph's—(German)— corner Cass street and extravagant expectations were entertained Chicago avenue. North side; Anthony Kopp, pastor. of its influence for good, its bills sooa St. Louis— (French)— Clark, between Adams and depreciated very rapidly, and for the Jackson streets; I. A. Lebel, pastor. want of silver change, they were torn in St. Michael's-comer North avenue and New Church street; E. Kaiser, pastor. several fragments and passed for fractions St. Francis Assisium—West side; J. B. Wei- of a dollar. It soon became entirely camp, pastor. worthless. The second State Bank was. NEW JERUSALEM-SWEDENBORGIAN. chartered by the session of the Legisla- Place op Worship coruer of Dearborn and ture in the winter of 1834r-5. In July of

Randolph streets; J. R. Hibbard. pastor. 183.5, it was determined to establish a 42 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.

branch here; but it was not opened till The following is a list of the private December of that year. In the financial bankers and brokers doing business in embarrassments of 1837, the bank stopped Chicago : specie payment, but continued business R. K. Swift. J. M. Adsit. till 1841, when it finally suspended. For Jones & P.^trick. F. G. Ad.\ms & Co. the ten succeeding years we had no banks Sheldon & Co. N. C, Roe & Co. of any kind in the State. These were Davisson, McCall-\ & Co. dark days for Illinois. She annually paid E. H. Huntington & Co. banking institutions of other States im- Geo. Smith & Co. mense sums of money in the shape of Several of these firms are doing a large interest for all the currency she used. business. R. K. Swift is doing a very Tired of this system, a general bank- extensive business in foreign exchange, ing laW; modeled after that of New York, and has arrangements to draw on every was passed, and on the 3d of January, principal city in this country and Europe.* 1853, the Marine Bank in this city com- We have tried to obtain the figures menced business. The law is regarded showing the actual amount of exchange as rather too stringent by our bankers, and drawn on New York and other American cities, the cities of hence they do not procure bills for a tithe and Europe ; but some of the capital they employ. The follow- of our bankers, like a portion of pur busi- ing table shows the number of banks in ness men, are unwilling to furnish such this city, and the amount of bills they facts, lest, as v,e infer, other capitalists should send their money here for invest- have in circulation : ment. Their narrow policy, we trust, will BANKS. BILLS IN CIEC'N. be of no avail in that regard, for they will Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & Co $50,000 always have as much business as they can Marine Bank 215,000

possibly do ; and the fact that the legal Baukof America 50,000 Chicago Bank.. 150,000 rate of interest is te?i per cent., and that Commercial Bank 55,000 the money market has never yet been fully Farmers' Bank 50,000 supplied, together with the certainty that Union Bank 75,000 Chicago will not be ''finished" for the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank 54,T00 next century at least, will induce a still City Bank _ 60,000 larger number of Eastern capitalists to in- The capital of these banks is, in some vest their money in Chicago. There is instances, half a dozen times the amount not in the wide world a city that furnishes of their circulation. The banking capital opportunities for safer investments than the business of actually employed to do Chicago—whether the money is employed the city must amount to several millions, in banking operations, oris loaned on real and yet so rapid is the increase of trade, estate security. that money within the last six years has never borne less than ten per cent, inter- PRICE OF LABOR.

est. This is the legal rate established by In a city growing as rapidly as Chicago,

the laws of Illinois. Most ot the time labor is always in demand. Especially is money can be loaned from one to two per this true where every department of busi-

cent, per month, by those who are willing ness is equally active and increasing. In to take advantage of the opportunities dull times, and in citieswhichhavc passed which are constantly offering. We pre- the culminating point of their prosperity, sume that hundreds of thousands of dol- master mechanics can select their journey- lars could be safely invested at any time men, and do somewhat as they wish. For within a week or two, at the legal rate of interest. "We have never seen the money * It is a significant commentary npon the risks and instability of banking, that of all the banks market of Chicago fully supplied at the and private bankers in ChiCi-go in 1853, only one,

regular legal rate, : viz ten per cent, per J. M. Adsit, IS now, March 1870, here, and doing annum. the game business. WATER AVORKP.


the last year or two, so great has been tlie dred feet from shore. From this crib a demand for labor, that those mUo worked wooden inlet pipe, thirty inches interior by the day or week were tlie real masters, diametei-, laid in a trench in the bottom of for good mechanics could command al- the lake, conveys the water to the pump- most any price they chose to ask. well. This well is placed under the En- The following tal)le, carefully prepared, gine House. The end of the inlet pipe is shows the price now usually paid to jour- of iron, and bends down to the bottom of neymen in this city. The range is large, the well, which is twenty-five feet deep, but is not wider than the difference in the and at ordinary stages of the water in the skill and capacity of different men in lake contains fourteen feet of water. The every occupation: pipe acts as a syphon. The water flows by its own gravity into EARNINGS PER WEKK ANDFOK the well, whence it is drawn by the pump- OCCUPATIOX. PIECE AND JOB engine and forced into the and WORK. ing mams, thence into the reservoir in the South Di- Blacksmiibs itlron \vk $1.2.7;?: $2. 00 Blowers and Strikers.. .88® 1 00 vision, from which it is distributed into Butchers 1 3.00 Om the distribution pipes in the various parts Choppers and Packers 1 25(;?. 2 00 Carpenters 1.50® V of the city. Cabinet Makers 1.00® 2.00 $ 9 00@?^18.0a ENGINE. Upholsterers , 9 00® 18.00 Coopers 9.00®. 12.00 Day Laborers 1.00® 1.50 The engine is located in the main build- Hatters, House Painters.. l]25@'l'.'r5 ing. It was built at the Morgan Iron HarnessMkrs & Sadd ers 6.00® 15.00 Works, in New York, and is a first class Masons and Plasterers 1.50® 2 00 Marble Cutters 1 75® 2.00 engine, low pressure, of two hundred Machinists 1. 00® 2.00 12 00® 18.00 Printers.comp 30c^l,000 16- 13.00® 18.00 horse power. lis cylinder is fort3^-four Rope Makers 1.50 inches in diameter, and has a pision with StiipCarpente's &Joiners 1 50® 2.25 Ship Caulkers 3.25® 2.50 a nine-foot stroke. The fly wheel is an Stone Cutters 1.7.5@ 2.00 Shoem.'ikers 6.00® 12.00 immense casting of iron, twenty- four feet Trunk Makers 8. now, 15 00 in diameter, and weighing 24,000 pounds. Tailors 7.00'^^- 11.00 Cutters 10.00® 16.00 The working beam is of cast iron, thirty Tanners Curriers 9.00® 12.00 feet long and four feet deep. It is sup- Wire \Vorkers& Weavers 1 00(^ 1.50 14.00® 15.00 ported by a hollow iron column instead Wagon&CarriagpMak'rs 1.2.-® 2.00 " " Paiuiers 1.2 @ 2.00 of the usual gallows frame, four feet in diameter, and forming also an air vessel CHICAGO WATER WORKS. for the condenser. There are two water A supply of pure water is essential to pumps, one on each side of this centre col- the health, and therefore to the prosperity umn, of thirty-four inches bore, six-foot of any city. The citizens of Chicago stroke. These pumps are furnished with have great reason to congratulate them- composition valves. The boiler, which is selves upon the near completion of one of located in the north wing of the building, the -finest specimens of engineering that is a marine boiler cf the largest size, being can be found in any city. The Chicago thirty feet long and nine 'feet in diameter, Water Works will very soon be the pride furnished with an admirable arrangement of all our citizens. No better water can of flues, and possessing an extraordinary

be found than Lake Michigan affords; and strength o"f draught. The consumption of

increased health and blessings without coal by the boiler is very small, and it number will attend its introduction proves very economical. The engine was throughout the city. put up under the care and direction of Mr. We are indebted to E. Witlard Smithy DeWitt C. Cregier, the steam engineer of Esq., resident engineer, for the following the company. The cost of the engine was

description of the works : oi)l3' twenty-five thousand dollars. This The water is taken from Lake 3Iichigan engine is capable of furnishing over three

at the foot of Chicago avenue. A timber million gallons dailj', which is a supply crib, twenty b}^ forty feet, is sunk six hun- for one hundred thousand persons. 44 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

DUPLICATE ENGINE. stone string course. The second story is At the opposite eud of the main build- faced with pressed brick and rustic quoins ing is a duplicate engine, of about one-half of cut stone. The architraves of the doors of the power of the other, which is kept in and windows are of cut stone. The main reserve in case of any breakage or acci- cornice is of cast iron, projecting four dent happening to the other. This engine feet from the face of the wall, and sup. was manufactured by H. P. Moses, of this ported by ornamental cast-iron consoles. This cornice forms a balcony, which is city ; it is a non-condensing or high-pres- sure engine. The engine pump works surrounded by an ornamental iron railing. horizonlally, on a heavy cast-iron bed The tank is supported by a bri( k column plate, supported by masonry. The steam and brick arches, and is capable of hold- cylinder is eighteen inches internal diame- ing five hundred thousand gallons of ter, with a piston of six-foot stroke. The water. pump is double-acting, and of the same The building when completed, with the diameter and stroke as the steam cylinder tank, will be about ninety feet in height.

and piston ; it is placed behind the steam This tank is designed to hold only a night cylinder. The steam piston passes through supply for fifty thousand inhabitants. As both heads of the steam cylinder, one end the population of the city increases, it is connecting with the pump, and the other proposed to erect similar reservoir build- with the crank or fly wheel. The fly ings, with tanks, etc., in each division. wheel IS an iron casting, twelve feet in The surface of water in the tank will be diameter. eighty-three feet above the lake. The ENGINE HOUSE. reservoir is situated immediately south of street and west of Clark. The engine house is built of brick ma- Adams sonry, in the modern Italian style. The RIVER PIPES. main building is fifty-four feet front and The river pipes conveying the water thirty-four feet deep, with a wing on each across the river are made of boiler iron side, each forty-four feet front and thirty- plates, riveted together, and are twelve four feet deep. inches in interior diameter. About thirty The main building is carried up two miles of distribution and main pipes are stories high, making an ek-vation of thirty laid in the streets, extending over a large feet above the principal floor. The wings portion of the city—connecting witli one are one story high. hundred and sixteen fire hydrants at the The roof is composed of wrought iron corners of the streets. trusses covered with zinc plates. In the centi e of the front of the main STANDING COLUMN. building a tower is constructed, fourteen The standing column is a cast-iron pipe, feet squai'e at the base, and one hundred twenty-four inches in diameter, placed and forty feet in height, surrounded by an vertically in the engine house tower. It is ornamental cornice of metal. This tower connected with the pumps and main pipes, forms a striking feature of the building. and serves as a regulator in keeping up a It also serves as a chimney for both boil- uniform head of water in the reservoirs. ers, and also has a chamber in the centre, OFFICERS. separated from the smoke flues, in which Board of Water Commis- IS placed the standing column. The present sioners consists of John B. Turner and RESERVOIR BUILDING. Alanson S. Sherman, Esqrs. Horatio G. resig- This building is two stories high. The Loomis, Esq. , has lately tendered his principal floor is placed three feet above nation of the office of Water Commission- the surface of the street. The exterior er, and his successor is John C. Haines, for the first story, (fifteen feet above the Esq. William J. McAlpiue, Esq., is the principal floor,) is made of cut stone, Chief Engineer of the Water Works, and with rustic joints, surmounted by a cut Mr. E. Willard Smith, Resident Engineer; HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 45

Mr. Benjamin F. Walker, Superintendent; closed and rescued from the dominion of Mr. Henry Tuclier, Treasurer; and Mr. the lake, is about thirty-three acres. Upon De Witt C. Cregier, Steam Engineer. this area the Illinois Central Railroad pro- It is proper to say in this connection poses to erect, first, one passenger station that the plans for the Water Works were house, four hundred and fifty feet long, by furnished by Mr. McAlpine, and the archi- one hundred and sixty-five wide, including tectural designs for the several buildings a car shed. The northwest corner of this above described, by Mr. Smith. building will be occupied exclusively for The cost of the work will be three hun- ofiices and passenger rooms, and will be dred and sixty thousand dt)llars. Tht; forty by one hundred and twenty feet, and same work wo\ild now cost four hundred three stories high. A freight building six and twenty thousand dollars. hundred by one hundred feet; grain house The works are now calculated to supply one hundred by two hundred, and one a population of fifty thousand persons with hundred feet high, to the top of the ele- thirty gallons of water each, every twenty- vators, calculated to hold five hundred four hours, which is equal to one million thousand bushels. Three tracks will run

five hundred thousand gallons daily. The into the freight house ; eight tracks into work is so planned as to be easily extended the passenger house, and two tracks into to meet the wants of one hundred thousand the grain house. The basin lying between population by laying more pipe, and build- the freight and grain houses will be five ing more reservoirs. hundred by one hundred and seventy-eight feet and will open into the river. these BREAK-WATER AND DEPOT BUILD- All buildings are to be constructed of stone, INGS OF THE ILL. CENTRAL R.R. obtained from Joliet. The cost of the This great work commences at the South breakwater will be not far from five hun- Pier, four hundred feet inside of its ex- dred thousand dollars, and of the build- treme east end and extends south one ings not far from two hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and fifty-seven feet thousand dollars. The work was com- into the lake; thence west six hundred and menced in December, 1852, and will be seventy-five feet on the north line of Ran- finished during the year 1854—Mr. Mason dolph street; thence southwest one hun- having been detained as much by legal dred and fifty feet; thence to a point oppo- difficulties as natural obstacles. site the American Car Factory, making The extreme length of the pile bridging fourteen thousand three hundred and for the railroad track is two and a half seventy-seven—in all sixteen thousand miles. Of this, one and a half miles, par- four hundred and fifty-nine feet. From allel with Michigan avenue, is double the Pier to the engine house the break- track, and the remainder is single. For water is twelve feet wide ; thence down the single track, two rows of piles are to the Car Company's works half that driven inside the breakwater, and four for width. The upper portion of the crib the double track. These piles are well work is built of square timber twelve by braced and bolted together, and form a twelve, locked together every ten feet, very substantial structure for the railroad and the intermediate space filled by stone, track. piles being driven on the outside to keep It will be impossible to give anything it in place. The first piece of crib work like an accurate description of the Com- in building the break-water, has a until are sunk, pany's works they completed ; very stout plank bottom. The water line for as day by day the great commercial, of the crib work, south of Randolph street, promise of Chicago brightens, the extent is six hundred feet east of the east side of and breadth of the Company's works will Michigan avenue, and the outer line of the be increased in proportion, er at least so crib work, between Randolph street and far as their depot accommodations will the river, is one thousand three hundred allow them. What was estimated to be and seventy-five feet. The area thus en- suflScient a year since, has now been found 46 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.

inadequate. And the next six months large their engine house and machine will develop further change and increase. shops, at an estimated cost of twenty The Michigan Central Railroad either thousand dollars. rent the privilege of using the road of the Several of our other roads are maturing

Illinois Central in entering the city, or, their plans to erect depots ; but they are

what is more probable, share the expense not sufficiently complete to allow us to of building the breakwater. The works make a notice of them. planned on a magnificent scale, but are COOK COUNTY COURT HOUSE. they will not do more than accommodate the vast business of the two companies This fine building stands on the public which occupy them. We have very in- square. It was completed during the last definite ideas of the amount of business summer, and is an ornament to the citj'. which the opening of the Illinois Central One hundred and ten thousand dollars, R R. will bring to Chicago. As soon as expended in building it, were borrowed

it is finished, a daily line of magnificent on the bonds of the county having from steamers will be put on the Mississippi seven to eighteen years to run, at ten per river to run regularly between Cairo and cent, interest, payable semi-annually. New Orleans. Till the roads crossing th^ Sixty thousand dollars of these bonds Illinois Central are completed east to Cin- were taken by Col. R. K. Swift, of this cinnati, almost the entire travel between city, and the balance of the money was New York and New Orleans will pass furnished by Eastern capitalists. through Chicago—and it will always be a TELEGRAPHS. favorite route between the North and the South. We might present a large number of statistics in regard to our Telegraph hues,

MICH. SOUTHERN & ROCK ISLAND but it is suflScient to say that we are in R. R. DEPOT. telegraphic communication with all the These Companies are preparing to build principal towns and cities in the Union, a splendid depot between Clark and Sher- The important incidents that occur in man streets, near Van Buren street. All Washington, New York and New Orleans, the plans and arrangements for the build- up to six o'clock in the evening, or the ing are not completed, and we therefore foreign news when a steamer arrives, may are obliged to omit a description in detail. be found the next morning in the columns It will cost at least sixty thousand dollars. of the Democratic Press. GALENA & CHICAGO UNION RAIL- OMNIBUS ROUTES. ROAD DEPOT. The two principal omnibus proprietors This Company within the next week or in the city are S. B. & M. O. Walker, and all eight two will put under contract a new freight Parker & Co. There are in building north of the present depot and routes, on several of which each company » east of Clark street. Its dimensions will be has a line of omnibuses. The total length three hundred and forty by seventy-five of the different routes is twenty-two and feet, and two stories high. It is expected one-half miles. The number of omni- to cost twenty-five thousand dollars. Still buses now running is eighteen, making another freight building is to be imme- four hundred and eight trips per day, and diately erected east of the present freight eight hundred and two miles run by the depot. It is to be two hundred and fifty different omnibuses. The proprietor of by sixty feet, and two stories high. The the Bull's Head Hotel, also runs an omni- upper part of the building is especially bus regularly to State street market. designed for storing grain. It is to be During the summer several other lines are finished in the best style, and will cost to be established, and many more omni- about fifty thousand dollars. buses will be employed. Parker & Co, The Company are also preparing to en- have eleven omnibuses engaged in carry- HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 47

ing passengers from the hotels to the set, at a cost of seven thousand three different railroad depots. hundred and thirteen dollars and twenty- six cents—making the total amount BRIDGES, SIDEWALKS, ETC. twenty-one thousand seven hundred and There are bridges across the Chicago uiuety-four dollars and twentj'-three cents. January 1st, 185u, there five river at the following streets : Clark, were Wells, Lake, Randolph, Madison, Van hundred and sixty-one private consumers, Buren, North Water Railroad Bridge, during the last year two hundred and Kinzie and Chicago Avenue. A new and seventy-nine have been added, making a elegant pivot bridge, similar to that across total of eight hundred and fort}^ with an the river at Lake street, is to be built at aggregate of seven thousand five hundred Clark street during the present season. and thirty-two burners. There are two It will be a great and much needed im- hundred and nine public lamps, which provement. have consumed during the year, one million three hundred and sixty-six thousand one The total length of the sidewalks with- hundred and fortj^ cubic feet. in the city is one hundred and tift3^-nine Extensive improvements have been and miles, and of planked streets twenty-seven are being made at the works. The new miles. There are four miles of wharves, gas holder will be finished in the spring. and six miles of sewers already put down. The tank is one hundred and four feet in We think these facts show a laudable diameter, twenty feet deep, and con- degree of enterprise in a city not yet quite structed of heavy masonry. The holder seventeen years old. These improve- will be telescopic, in two sections, and ments will be greatly extended during the will hold three hundred and fifteen thou- present summer. sand cubic feet. The amount expended CHICAGO GAS COMPANY. during the year in enlargements and im- provements at the station is fort5^-two We have a very efficient Gas Company, 'thousand eight hundred and nineteen dol- and now that the city is well lighted dur- lars and eleven cents, and the total ing the night, our citizens would be very expenditure on account of station works unwilling to plod along in darkness, as to date is one hundred and thirty-five in former years. From the recent report thousand seven hundred and seventy- of the company it appears that during four dollars and twelve cents. The total the last year there has been laid in the amount expended for real estate to date city twenty-one thousand two hundred has been twenty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-five feet of four inch, four and five dollars and fortj^-seven cents, of thousand two hundred and ninety-nine which twenty-one thousand five hundred feet of six inch, and three thousand eight and forty-two dollars and seventy-five hundred and fourteen feet of ten inch cents have been expended within the last pipe, making, in all, five miles two thou- year. sand nine hundred and seventy-eight feet; The amount of coal used last year ex- and the total amount laid throughout the ceeds that of the preceding by six hun- streets of the city is thirteen miles six dred and fifty-eight tons one thousand hundred and thirty-eight feet, the whole and ninety-four lbs. In 1852, eight mil- cost of which has been eighty thousand lion nine hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars and one hundred cubic feet of gas were made, three cents. Up to January 1st, 1853, and in the last year fourteen million four there had been placed with all the neces- hundred and twelve thousand three hun- sary connections, five hundred and seven- dred and eighty feet, showing an increase ty-four meters, at a cost of fourteen thou- of five million five hundred and one sand four hundred and eighty dollars and thousand two hundred and eighty feet. ninety-seven cents. During the last year, The receipts for the year have been as two hundred and seventy-nine have been follows : 48 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

Private Consumers $39,991 45 Consumption 198 Public Lamps 3,963 94 Teething m Coke and Tar 2,311 49 Scarlet Fever 34 "Rent and Sundries 175 94 Diarrhoea 30 Dysentery 59 Making a total of $46,442 82 TyphoidFever _ 27 Which sum exceeds the receipts of the

Deaths by accident or design : former year sixteen thousand and twelve Drowned dollars and sixt\'-four cents. 26 Killed 20 At the beginning of the last year, the Suicide 5

stock issued amounted to four thousand Poisoned 1 two hundred shares ($105,400): since then Found dead 1

four thousand one hundred and thirty-six Total 5.3 shares ($103,400) have been added to the We are willing that these figures should capital stock—making a total of eiglit be compared with those of any other city thousand three hundred and thirty-six in the Union. shares ($208,400). The number of stock- It should remembered that in the holders is sixty-six, of whom thirty-three be reside in Chicago, holding three thousand years 1849 and 1850 we had the cholera four hundred and sixty-nine shares in Chicago, and to that cause must be attributed bills of mortality .(186,725). The funded debt of the Com- the increased for years. pany is seventy thousand dollars, in bonds those bearing interest at the rate of seven per The statistics of the last year show a cent, per annum. mortality but a very small fraction above HEALTH OF CHICAGO. one in sixty. It will be observed that here, as in Eastern cities, that terrible Till within a few years it has generally disease, the consumption, claims the larg- been supposed that Chicago was a very est number of victims; but we think facts unhealthy city. There never was a more will bear us out in the statement that it unfounded assertion. Before the streets* is not a disease indigenous to this part of were thrown up, it was very wet and mud- the country. Most of those who die with

dy at times ; but since our main streets it in this city, come here with it from the were planked we suffer no more from this Eastern States, or have a hereditary taint cause than most other cities. The ground in their constitution. We heard Dr. Mott, on which the city stands is nearly level, of New York, then whom there is no few feet above the lake, yet and but a higher authority in this or any country, slope to drain the streets, there is sufficient express the opinion that in the centre of if efficient system of sewerage is and an a continent this disease does not generally adopted, trust it soon will be, this as we prevail. Our observation since residing objection, which has done so much to in Illinois, confirms this opinion. The will not have even a shad- injure Chicago, pure invigorating breezes, sweeping foundation. ow of over the broad bosom of our magnificent following table shows the compari- The lake for hundreds of miles, are a never- of deaths with the population since son failing source of energy and health to it appears that the past 1847, from which those who make homes in the Garden

been one of remarkable health : year has City. NO. OF DEATHS. POPULATION. PLANK ROADS. 1847 520 16,859 1848 560 19,724 We have several plank roads leading 1849 1.509 22,047 out of the city. The Northwestern com- 1850 1,335 28,620 near the Galena Railroiul Depot 18.M 843 mences 1852 1,649 38,733 on the West Side, and extends to the town 1853 1,207 60,002 of Maine, seventeen miles. Seven miles The diseases proving most fatal during from the city the Western road branches seventeen miles from past year are given as follows : ofi: and is completed HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 49

cost ten thousand dollars for ditch- the city. It is intended to extend this which ditches render the lauds road to Elgin. ing alone. These avenue The Southwestern Plank Road leaves the at all times dry and arable. The prairie is to be one hundred and city at Bull's Head, on Madison street, on the either side of wliich and passes through Lyousville to Brush twenty feet wide ; on by the owners, so Hill, sixteen miles. From Brush Hill the trees are to be planted " Oswego Plank Road extends fourteen miles as to make it a most beautiful drive" to Naperville. from the city. The Southern Plank Road commences The town of Brighton, at the crossing road, is to be im- on State street, at the south Ime of the of this and the Archer the erection of a city, and is finished to Comorn, ten miles proved this spring by other buildings. As by south of the city. We believe it is to be fine hotel and extended south to Iroquois county. this road, cattle can be driven to the city without danger of fright from locomotives, THE BLUE ISLAND AVENUE PLANK ROAD and as two of the principal roads entering the city meet at Brighton, with abundant Is a more recent, and on many accounts water at all times, and past ure and meadow a very important, improvement, and there- lands in almost unlimited quantities be- fore merits a description more in detail. yond, no one can doubt its favorable posi- It extends from the village of Worth, tion for becoming the principal cattle mar- or Blue Island, due north on the township ket of Chicago. range line between ranges 13 and 14 east of the third principal meridian, to the LAKE SHORE PLANK ROAD. city; t southwestern corner of the thence on This road was recently organized, is \ the diagonal street of the same name, or- now under contract, and commences at the dered planked by the City Council, it is north line of the city limits on Clark continued to the heart of the city on the street. It runs thence northwardly nearly west side of the river. It will be but parallel with the lake shore for about two about thirteen miles from Worth to the city miles, to the new^ and elegant hotel recently limits by this road, and being on a direct erected by Jas. H. Rees, Esq., of this city, line, it must command the travel coming and E, Hundley, of Virginia ; thence to Chicago from the south, nearly all of through Pine Grove Addition, and to Lit- which concentrates at Worth. This road northwestwardly to tle river ; thence is rapidly progressing toward completion, Hood's Tavern, on the Green Bay road, and as it runs through a region of country which IS in reality an extension of North heretofore without a road, it will have the Clark street. The whole length of the effect to add another rich suburban settle- road is about five miles. It will open up ment to Chicago. The lands upon the a beautiful section north of the city, in line of this road are the most fertile in the which will soon be located elegant resi- vicinity of the city, and to facilitate 1his dences, surrounded by beautiful gardens, improvement for gardening purposes, the furnishing one of the finest 'drives" owners of many of them bave cut them up from the city. There are some of the into ten and twenty acre lots, and are sell- most beautiful building spots on the line

, ing them to actual settlers and others very of the road that can'be found anywhere in

, low, and on good time. This arrangement the vicinity of Chicago. will secure a dense population on the line COOK CO. DRAINAGE COMMISSION. of the road, and make all of the lands along it very valuable, as it must be one Among the most important of the recent of the gardening sections of the Garden improvements affecting Cliirago, the drain- City. The very large ditches cut by the age of the neighboring wet lands should drainage commissioners along this road, not be omitted, as well in an agricultural furnish a very high and splendid grade, and commercial view, as from its effect made of the earth excavated, six miles of upon the sanitary condition of the city 50 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.

and its vicinity. This highly important ditches and other works, under the super- improvement is being effected by the intendence of an able and experienced ' Cooli County Drainage Commission," a engineer, with the most salutary effect upon body incorporated by act of legislature, a large extent of countiy. Houses are now approved June 23, 1852, in which Henry being built with dry cellars upon ground Smith, Geo. W. Snow, James H. Rees, heretofore covered with water. In one in- Geo. Steele, Hart L Stewart, Isaac Cook, stance, a quarter section which had been and Charles V. Dyer are named as Com- repeatedly offered for sale at five dollars missioners. Dr. Dyer, 28 Clark street, is an acre, brought one hundred and twenty- Secretary of the Board. five dollars after beingdrained, and a simi- They and their successors in office are lar rise of value in lands has been produced empowered to locate, construct and main- in other cases. The obj ects of the Commis- tain ditches, embankments, culverts, sion will be vigorously prosecuted during bridges and roads, on any lands lying in the coming summer, and it is hoped that townships 37, 38, 39 and 40, in ranges 12, the unsightly swamps which have hereto-

13 and 14, in Cook county : to take laud fore disfigured this and adjoining town- and materials necessary for these purposes, ships, will soon become " smiling gardens and to assess the cost of such improve- and rich fields of waving corn." ments upon the lands they may deem to be benefited thereby. MANUFACTURES.

Objection was made to the creation of What is presented under this head can this Commission, that the powers entrusted not be considered as exhibiting anything to it were too great, and might be abused, like a complete view of Chicago manufac- and the act was passed with some difficulty. tures. There are many branches, such as But it was seen that full powers must be the making of hats and caps, clothing, given to the Commissioners, in order that boots and shoes, fur goods, harness, their efforts for the benefit of the public trunks, saddlery, etc., etc., which are and a large body of proprietors might not omitted entirely, and others are sadly im- be stopped or impeded by a few short- perfect; but the fact arises from our ina- sighted objectors. Their powers, in effect, bility to obtain correct "data from those are simply those given to any railroad or engaged in the various departments of canal company, for the purpose of effect- business. We have repeatedly been prom- ing a specified object. ised facts and figures which have not The two years of their corporate exist- come to hand, and the publication of our ence have shown that the Commissioners article cannot longer be delayed. Enough have used their powers faithfully and effi- is shown, however, in what follows, to ciently. They have located and constructed establish the truth of the declaration that their works generally upon the petition of the position of Chicago is not less favora- the proprietors of the land to be drained, ble for a manufacturing than a commer- and it is believed that in every case these cial centre, and that capital invested in improvements have been followed by an manufactures is here sure to yield a large immediate and commensurate advantage profit. to the lands through which they pass. CHICAGO LOCOMOTn'E COMPANY. Their examination showed the Commis- sioners that avast body of land within the The attention of our business men was limits of the commission, which had be- called last September, to the importance fore been deemed valueless, lay in fact of establishing at this point the manufac- from four to twelve feet above the lake, ture of locomotives, an enterprise which and needed only a proper drainage to was demanded by the concentration of so make it available for purposes of agricul- many extensive and diverging lines of ture and occupation. railroads at this place; a company was at Acting upon this knowledge, they have once formed, with a capital stock of one expended some $100,000 in constructing hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and IIISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 61 the following gentlemeu chosen a Board exclusively from Eastern manufacturers. of Trustees : The G. & C. U. R. R. have rebuilt sev-

Wm. H. Brown. E. II. Hadduck. eral locomotives at their extensive ma- Thos. Dyer. J. H. Collins. cliiue shop, and within a few weeks they Geo. Steele. J. P. Chapin. have turned out an entirely new first class Robt. Foss. W. S. Gurnee. engine, which may properly be called a W. H. Scoville. Chicago locomotive, since the drafting and all the work was done at their shop, The company was fully organized by except the boiler and driving wheels. The the election of the following officers : ' ' compares favorably with Wm. H. Brown, President. Black Hawk" locomotives, and is doing W. H. Scoville, Treasurer. the best Eastern its builders, never hav- SiioLTO Douglass, Secretary. daily duty for yet ing been " behind time." E H. Hadduck, \ Robert Foss, \ Executive Committee. AMERICAN CAR COMPANY. Wm. H. Brown, ) The American Car Company com- Messrs. H. H. Scoville & Son, who had menced business in the fall of 1852, but been for several years extensively engaged did not get fully under way until the fol- in the construction of various kinds of lowing March, when all the various machinery, and the building of railroad departments of the factory were properly • cars, and had large buildings well located organized. Their works are situated on and adapted to the wants of the new com- the lake shore, in the southern part of pany, offered their establishment ; it was the city, about three miles from the mouth accordingly purchased, and is now the of the harbor, and the buildings, with the headquarters of the Chicago Locomotive necessary yard room, cover thirteen acres. Company. The Messrs. Scoville had al- The Michigan Central and Illinois Central ready commenced a locomotive, which Railroads pass by the factory, so that the was placed upon the track soon after the location is most favorable on many ac- organization, and was the first locomotive counts. They have a foundry where they built in Chicago. It was named the " En- cast wheels and boxes and all the casting terprise," and its entering into the service requisite for cars—in fact, they manufac- of the Galena and Chicago Union R. R. ture every portion of their cars from the was made the occasion of an appropriate raw matt-rial, except cloths, and such celebration. Since that time, the Loco- ornamental trimmings as belong exclu- motive Company have furnished the same sively to other branches of manufacture. road with another engine, the "Falcon," The American Car Company has construct- pronounced by all a first class locomotive. ed about seven hundred cars of all kinds, Their third locomotive will be put upon the great majority of them being freight the track in a few days, and will add to cars. Nothing can exceed the passen- the growing reputation of Chicago-built ger cars which they have furnished the engines. In a short time the company Illinois Central road for completeness of will employ about two hundred men at arrangement and perfection of finish. their works, and will be able to turn out The number of men employed at the two engines per month, every portion of works varies from two hundred and fifty which will be manufactured from the raw to three hundred. The value of finished material in this city. We are happy to work sent out from the factory up to the learn that the company are supplied with first of January, 1854, is a little beyond orders for sometime to come, and from four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. the arrangements they have made for the D. H. Lyman, Esq., is the able and ener- best material and most skillful workmen, getic Superintendent of the Company. together with an abundance of capital, it CAR WORKS. is certain that a short time will demon- UNION strate that it is no longer necessary for A. B. Stone & Co. are the proprietors railroad companies to order locomotives of this establishment. The ground it now 52 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

occupies was an unbroken prairie in Sep- ILLINOIS STONE AND LIME COMPANY. tember, 1852, when tliey commenced the This new Company was organized in erection of their buildings. In February, 'this city in December last, purchasing the 1853, they had their buildings and entire interest of Messrs. A. S. & O. Sher- machinery erected and turned out the first man in the celebrated stone quarry at car ; since "which time they have fur- Lemont, twenty-five miles south of Chi- nished two hundred and fifty freight, and cago, upon the Illinois and Michigan twenty first class passenger, ten second c:;nal, also the lime kiln property near class passenger, and ten baggage and post- Bridgeport. The following are the oflBcers office cars. Their machinerj^ is driven by of the company : a seventy -five horse iiower steam engine. S. GuRNEE, President. They have consumed in the past year W. C.Stearns, Secretary Treasurer. about one and a half million feet of tim- M. and A. S. & O. Sherman, Superintendents. ber ; six hundred tons of wrought iron ; The stone obtained at the quarry now one thousand tons of cast iron ; two hun- dred tODS of coal, and employed 150 men. worked by this company, is nearly a milk white They have the equipping of the C. & R. I. limestone, and forms one of the R. R. and the western division of the Ohio most beautiful building materials ,to be & Mississippi Railroad. In addition to found in the Western States. The Cilifices the iron work for their cars, they have which have already beeu completed with manufactured all the iron for Messrs. fronts of this stone, attract tlie atteniion Stone & Boomer, used in the construction and command the admiration of all who of bridges, turn-tables, etc. They have visit the city, and are pointed out with an enlarged their buildings and increased their extreme degree of satisfaction and even facilities sufficiently to enable them to pride, by our citizens. turn out five hundred freight and forty The existence of this quarry at so short passenger cars per year. a distance, of inexhaustible extent, and accessible by water communication, is a BRIDGE BUILDING, ETC. most fortunate circumstance connected Messrs. Stone & Boomer, builders of with the building up of our city. The

Howe's Patent Truss Bridges, Locomotive stone can be furnished where it is wanted, Turn-tables, Roofs, etc., occupy for their so that the cost of a T.all of this material framing ground and yard several lots ad- is only one-ihird greater than that of Mil- joining the Union Car Works. They have waukee brick with stone dressings, while had contracts the past year for bridges on in the beauty of the two styles there is twenty-four different railroads in Illinois, hardly room to institute a comfjarison. Missouri, and Wisconsin, embracing one The Company have been making, dur- hundred and fifty bridges, the aggregate ing the past winter, extensive prepara- length of which is thirty-seven thousand tions for the activity of the opening linear feet. season, having in their employ, at the This company has a capital invested of quarry and at the yards here, about three one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, hundred men. We are informed that and employ upon an average three hun- contracts have already been made for dred men. They have used two thous md furnishing fronts of this stone to twelve tons of iron, and five and a h;ilf million buildings on business streets, besides sev- feet of lumber. Bridges ^completed, eral private residences, all going up this ten thousand linear feet bridges ; not summer. The Company expect to in- completed, twenty-seven thousand linear crease the number of men employed to five feet. Turn-tables completed, nineteen ; hundred, also to increase their facilities not completed, twelve. Cubic yards of for transportation, and provide additional masonry—completed and not completed, machinery and .steam power, in order to nine thousand. Gross earnings, eiglit fuHy meet the demand upon their re- hundred thousand dollars. sources. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 53

MARBLE WORKS. ful in his own line, results in the produc- tion of articles finished in the best manner There are several establishments in the for the purpose at the lowest possible cost. city for dressing marble for cemeteries, It is a noMceable fact that the importation interior decorations for buildings, furni- at this place of vehicles from Enstern ture, and various other purposes, but we factories has almost entirely ceased, have only space to speak of one of the and is confined to buggies and light car- principal. Missrs. 11. & O. Wilson have riages, mostly destined for the interior. extensive buildings with necessary yard We have not space to speak of all the room, at the corner of State and Wash- wagon factories in the city ; large and ^mall ington streets, erected last summer. The they number neanly one hundred. We amount of business last year, exceeded therefore mention only some of the prin- fifteen thousand dollars. We mention as cipal. a single item, that one hundred marble B. C. Welch & Co. occupy an extensive mantles were sold by them last year. establishment on Randolph street, and BRICK YARDS. devote themselves entirely to the produc- tion of buggies, carriages, omnibuses and The subsoil of Chicago and vicinity is figures will give a blue clay, underlying the surface from coaches. The following of this house, three, to six feet and affording an exhaust- an idea of the business

the principal manufacturers of Jarick : G. the exclusiive manufacture of carriages,

; F. T. W. Penney & E. Sherman ; Elston ranging through all the styles from the

& Co.; Anthony Armitage ; Louis Stone. light open buggy to the heavy family and

livery carriages ; and they have already COACHES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. acquired an enviable reputation in their

The manufacture of vehicles of various line. Their establishment is in the West descriptions to supply the demand of the Division, at the corner of Randolph and city and country has kept pace with the Morgan streets. Their sales last year increase of other departments of business, amounted to fifteen thousand dollars. It and from small beginnings in board shan- is their intention to more than double their

ties, has takt'u possession of 1 irge edifices business during the present year, in doing of brick and stone, resonant with the which thej"^ will employ constantly from whirl of multiform machinery driven by fiftj- to sixty men. steam power, where the division of labor P. Schuttler has a l-^rge factory at the among the bands of workmen, each skill- corner of Randolph and Franklin streets, 54 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

where the business is confined exclusively sideration. The rapid growth of the city to the manufacture of lumber wagons. A is to be supplied, and the wide expanse of steam engine furnishes the motive power country penetrated by our railroads, filling for all requisite machinery, and about up with new settlers, while the old ones thirty-five men are constantly employed are increasing wonderfully in wealth and in the establishment, as carpenters, black- in wants. We have often paused in the smitlis, painters, etc. The number of railroad depots to notice the immense wagons made annually somewhat exceeds quantities of furniture accumulating for four hundred, and their value amounts to distribution in the interior, bearing cards nearly thirty thousand dollars. of Chicagrj manufacturers. J. C. Outhet has a factory on Franklin C. Morgan occupies a building on Lake street, from which he sold last year one street, twenty feet front by one hundred hundred and fifty wagons, besides numer- and sixty-three deep, and running up en- ous drays, carts and buggies, sales amount- tire five stories. The two lower floors are ing to about seventeeen thousand dollars. used to exhibit samples, and three upper The number of men employed here is devoted to the workmen. Although keep- about eighteen. Mr. Outhet proposes to ing a general assortment, Mr. ]\Iorgan is enlarge his establishment and introduce engaged principally in the manufacture of steam power, by which his business will chairs and the more expensive kinds of hereafter be greatly extended. furniture, embracing all the recent styles H. Whitbeck unites the manufacture of of pattern, finish and material. His sales wagons, buggies and carriages with that last year amounted to thirty thousand dol- of plows. Within the past year he has lars, the establishment affording employ- greatly enlarged his factory by the erection ment to over forty men. of a large brick building of four stories, for machinery, besides numei'ous smaller Ferris & Boyd have their show rooms shops for various purposes. The capital on Lake street, and their shop on Van invested in this establishment is in build- Buren street. In the latter their machinery ings and machinery, twenty thousand dol- requires -an engine of fifteen horse power, and the increase of their business has com- lars ; in stock, fifteen thousand dollars ; total, thirty-five thousand dollars. The pelled them to add forty feet of shafting amount of sales for the preceding year within a few months. They employ con- exceeded forty thousand dollars. The stantly about fifty men, while their ma- number of vehicles manufactured for the chinery does the work of twenty-five or same period is five hundred and eighty- thirty hands. Their manufactured articles nine, and the number of plows, one thou- are rather more in the common and useful sand. This establishment now gives em- line than the luxurious and expensive, ployment to from forty to fifty men, and while neatness of finish and elegance of it is the intention of the proprietor to in- style characterize all their productions. crease his business during the present year. They connect with their business the manufacture of frames for pictures and FURNITURE. mirrors. We believe it is the only estab- This forms another very extended de- lishment in this city where gilt frames are partment of manufacture in our midst, made to any extent. They turn out very and in which very many persons are en- fine work in this line; some of their frames gaged. Our limits will allow us to speak go as high as one hundred dollars each. of but one or two of the largest establish- Their entire sales last year reached fifty ments. Numerous as they are, and many thousand dollars. of them employing a large capital, tliey Among the other furniture manufactur- are ciilled upon beyond their power to ers in the city, doing a large business, we meet the demand, and there is probably mention the names of Boy.lou & AVillard, no other branch of manufacture more in- D L. Jacobus «& Bro. and Thomas Mana- viting at present, than the one under con- hau. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 55

CHICAGO OIL MILL. opportunity for the extensive manufacture Messrs. Scammon & Haven are the pro- of soap and candles. There are several liyge establishments in the city, besides prietors of this establisliment—the only numerous small factories. As we are not one in the citj'-. It is capable of manufac- turing one hundred thousand gallons of furnished with data for giving the total oil per annum. Owing to the difficulty of business of the city in this line, we take supplying themselves with seed, only forty one of the principal establishments, that thousand gallons were the product of the of Charles Cleaver, Esq., situated at mill during the last year. Cleaverville, upon the lake shore south of Before the commencement of this im- the city. The manufacture and sale by this establishment last year portant enterprise, in 1852, there was very was as follows: Candles, little flax raised by our farmers, and in the pounds 49.5,000 Soap, pounds .-682,000 spring of that year Slessrs. Scammon & Lard Oil, gallons 43,500 bushels Haven imported several thousand Tallow, pounds 884,300 and sold it to the farmers at cost, in order Lard, pounds, 334,341 that they might be able to supply their In connection with his business Mr. mill by the time it could be put in opera- Cleaver has imported within the year tion. They paid for seed during the past three hundred aud fifty tons of rosin, year from one dollar to one dollar twelve soda, etc., etc. and a half cents, and are now selling oil MACHINERY. at eighty-five cents. Before this mill was established, flax seed was scarcely known It is a source of gratification that Chicago in this market, and what did arrive sold is not only able to nearly supply the de- at sixty to seventy-five cents per bushel. mand for machinery within her own limits, It will be seen, therefore, that the amount but contributes largely to aid in the erec- of business done by this mill is a clear gain tion of mills and factories ai other locali- to Chicago, and the region of country that ties, some of which are far from being in is tributary to the city. It is a great con- our immediate vicinity. Engines, boilers, venience to our painters to be able to pur- and machinery of all kinds are continually chase a first rate article of oil in our city. going out from the shops, while the demand The neighboring towns and cities also find increases faster than the facilities for sup- it for their advantage to purchase theiroil plying it. As we stood in a boiler shop of Messrs. Scammon & Haven, as they are but the other day, the hammers were ring- sure to get an article of very superior ing upon the rivets of seven boilers, four quality. of which were for mills in Michigan, one

The machinery is propelled by an engine for a town in Indiana, one for Davenport, of fifteen horse power, and the processes Iowa, and one for Rockford. We have by which it is manufactured are exceed- gathered the following facts in relation to ingly interesting and curious. Between several establishments. three and four thousand barrels of oil cake Charles Reissig has a steam boiler fac- were sold in this city and shipped East by tory from which last year the finished work Messrs. Scammon & Haven during the sent out amounted to twenty-eight thou- past year. sand dollars and the value of material pur- Another important department of this chased was eighteen thousand dollars. establishment is the manufacture of putty. The number of boilers made at this shop About two hundred thousand pounds were last year was one hundred and seventeen, manufactured during the past year. which, together with the other blacksmith- The total amount of capital invested is ing, afforded constant employment to between twenty-five and thirty thousand about twenty-five men. dollars Messrs. Mason & McArthur employ at SOAP AND CANDLES. their works on an average forty men. They The large amount of packing at this build gasometers, purifiers, governors, and place, especially of beef, affords a good all the wrought iron work for the gas 56 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.

works; also steam boilers, water tanks, thirteen thousand eight hundred and nine- together with sheet iron work and black- teen hides, and the sales of leather smithing in all its branches. The amount amounted to sixty-two thousand dollars. of business carried on by them may be es- They employ upon an average thirty-two timated from the fact that they expended men in this part of their business. We last year for iron and labor thirty-eight mention here that the firm of S. Niles & thousand dollars. Co., in which they are partners, have

P. W. Gates »fc Co., proprietors of the manufactured since August 1st, 1853, Eagle Works, are large manufacturers of about eighteen thousand pounds of pulled railroad cars, steam engines and boilers, wool, taken from pelts purchased for and machinery of all kinds. They have a tanning. capital of fifty-five thousand dollars in- Another establishment which employs vested. The manufactured work of last twenty-five men furnishes us with the fol- year amounted to one hundred and ten lowing figures of their business for the thousand dollars, giving employment to last year : Number of hides and skins one hundred and fifty men. Among the tanned, 6,984 ; sides of harness leather, articles turned out by them were one hun- 3,395 ; bridle, 1,479 ; collar, 965 ; upper, dred and twenty-five railroad cars and 4,577 ; calf skins, 1,636 ; belting, 281. twenty steam engines. STOVES. H. P. Moses is the proprietor of the ^ We have but one establishment of long Chicago Steam Engine Works, on the standing, the Phcenix Foundry, of Messrs. South Branch, the oldest machine shop in H. Sherman & Co., which has been doing the city. He is confined to the manufac- a large business for several years, and be- ture of steam engines, mill-gearing, etc. come well known by the extent of its ope- Last year he constructed thirteen engines, rations and the quality of its wares. We ranging from ten to one hundred horse are not able to state how many stoves power, their value amounting to $55,000. were sent out from this foundry last j-ear, He employs sixty-five men, and his en- but the proprietors employ constantly fifty gines have a good reputation. There are men, and cast, dailj', six tons of metal. now in his hands nineteen engines which Connected with the sales room on Lake will be finished within the next three street is a shop for making furniture for months. We will remark here, that he is stoves, where, in the fall and winter, a now building one to run our presses, number of tinsmiths are employed. which will be a model engine of its size. Vincent, Himrod & Co. have established It rates in common parlance at ten horse a stove foundry during the year, from power, but with the boiler we shall put up which they are prepared to turn out from with it, its builder says it will run up to four to five thousand stoves per annum, twenty. and will, within a short time, enlarge their LEATHER MANUFACTUKE. works so as to manufacture double that number. In this department we are furnished with statistics of the operations of three AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. establishments. That of W. S. Gurnee In addition to the manufacture of plows, tanned last year eighteen thousand hides, already mentioned,' we have factories for out of forty-five thousand handled, in making threshing machines, corn shellers, which was consumed niarly one thousand fanning mills, and other farming utensils, eight hundred cords of bark. The tan- but we are witht)ut figures to exhibit the nery, with yards, drying sheds and other amount of business. buildings, occupies two acres on the South J. S. Wright has commenced here the Branch. The establishment employs fifty manufacture of Atkins' Self-Raking Reap- men, and a large steam engine is used to er and Mower. Last season, the first of the drive all necessary machinery. enterprise, he turned out sixty machines. Messrs. C. F. Grey& Co. tanned, last year, Ue has now in hand three hundred ma- IIISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 57

chines, which will.be finished in time for the can doubt for a moment that Chicago, coming harvest, and furnished at one hun- at no distant day, is destined to be- dred and seventj'-five dollars on time—one come the great central city of the conti- hundred and sixt}'- dollars cash. The estab- nent. In the centre of one of the most fertile agricultural regions on the globe lishment at present employs about seventy- ; five men, but will be greatly enlarged surrounded by exhaustless mines of lead, iron, during the year, as it is the intention of copper and coal ; having a water the manufacturer to build one thousand communication with the Atlantic and the machines in time for the following season. Gulf of Mexico, and holding the key to a McCormick's Reaper Factory has been coasting trade of three thousand miles, in successful operation for so many years, with more than a dozen railroads branch-

and the machines constructed have at- ing ofl:' for thousands of miles in all direc-

tained such a world-wide celebrity, that it tions, CYery element of prosperity and is unnecessary for us to more than briefly substantial greatness is within her grasp. notice it here. It occupies extensive She fears no rivals, confident that the en- buildings and grounds on the north side terprise and energy which have heretofore of the river, near the mouth of the harbor, marked her progress will secure for her a and the time was when its tall chimney proud and pre-eminent position among formed, perhaps, the most prominent land- her sister cities of the Union. She has to mark for vessels approaching the harbor. wait but a few short j-ears the sure devel- Now we have hundreds as large and high, opment of her "Manifest Destiny," like volcanic craters belching forth clouds

of smoke, suggestive of the mighty toil of the elements beneath. The number of The past has been an eventful Summer reaping and mowing machines manufac- for Chicago. The Spring opened with an tured and sold in 1853, amounted to a lit- unusual degree of prosperity. Improve- tle less than one thousand five hundred, ments of all kinds were going forward, which, at an average price of one hundred with great rapidity, and business of all and thirty dollars, gives one hundred and kinds was very active. So healthy was. ninety-five thousand dollars as the amount the city that the Board of Health had not of sales. The number of combined reap- thought it necessary to make regular re- ing and mowing machines turned out ports. daring the present year will be at least one The week succeeding the 4th of July thousand five hundred, furnished at one was excessively hot, and on Friday, Sat- hundred and fifty dollars eich. The num- urday and Sunday, July 7th, 8th and 9th, ber of men employed at the works is about the cholera came upon us like a thunder- one hundred and twenty. bolt. The most extravagant stories were

widi^ly circulated in reference to its fatality

in the city ; a portion of our citizens, with- out stopping to investigate the facts, [From our Commercial Review for fled in " hot haste," and for a or 1853, only the conclusion and the note ap- week two ever3'thing pended to the third edition of 5,000 copies was at a stand. of " Our Pamphlet " are here quoted.] When time had been allowed to investi- gate the facts, it was found that Chicago CONCLUSION. had not suffered so much from the disease It is scarcely necessary for us to reca- as some other neighboring cities. The re- pitulate the facts which we have already ports of the City Sexton showed that the stated. Business men will not be slow to total deaths on the days above named had draw their conclusions in reference to the averaged only from forty to forty-four^ prospects of Chicago. No one who has and thirty-six was the highest number that studied her unrivaled commercial posi- had died of cholera on either of th6 days tion, and the richness, beauty and extent above named. During several of the suc- of the country by which she is surrounded. ceeding weeks the deaths by cholera aver- .

58 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. aged from twelve to twenty. This, for a best informed men are satisfied that the city of seventy thousand inhabitants, is coming new year will find at least eighty not a large mortality. When the statistics thousand people in Chicago, and by an- for the year are made out, we are satisfied other year from that time the footings will that Chicago will fully maintain the posi- be very handsomely beyond a hundred tion she has heretofore acquired, of being thousand. one of the healthiest cities in the Union. We owe an apology to our friends for By the first of August business began to delaying this edition to so late a day in the revive, and it has been steadily increasing, season. The truth is, our job oflSce has been till we now find our streets crowded to so crowded with work that it was impossi- overflowing. Our merchants, our me- ble to get anything done for ourselves. chanics, and manufacturers of all kinds, Our presses now run by steam, and we have all the business they can possibly do. have otherwise largely increased our facili- Let those who love to work, and who ties to meet the wants of our growing city know how to do it, come to Chicago. The public may rest assured that no effort There is not a spot in the wide world shall be sp#ed by the editors and pro- where honest industry is so sure of a com- prietors of the Press to advance the inter- petence—we might -say, a fortune. Our ests and secure the commercial supremacy railroads are pouring an immense flood of of the Empire City of the Mississippi trade and travel into the city, and Chicago Valley. is making rapid progress in wealth, popu- lation and substantial improvement. Our Chicago, Oct. 7th. 1854. . — —



From our Commercial Review for 1854, statistics, gleaned from authentic sources, published early in 1855, the followiug ex- which confirm this statement, In the table whicli follows we have in all cases tracts are taken. They were written by reduced fiour to its equivalent in wheat, my associate, the late J. L. Scripps. estimatiiig five bushels of the latter to one of the former. 'J'he exports from the CHICAGO THE GREATEST PRIMARY European ports are an average for a GRAIN PORT IN THE WORLD. series of j'cars—those of St. Louis for the year 185;], those for Chicago and JVlil- A little over one month since, the Dem- waukee for the current year, and those ocratic Fress tiunouuced the important ft)r New York are for the first eleven fact that Chicago had already attained months of the same year. With these the rank of the greatest Primary Grain explanations we invite attention to the Tlie Port in the World. statement was following table : accompanied by figures and estimates the the Total, showing grounds upon which Cities. claim was based. That article has been bu. copied and commented upon throughout Odes^a.... 5,608,000 -- 1,440,000 7.040,000 the Union, and gone the rounds of Galatz&lbrelia 2,400,000:5,600,000 320,000 6.320.000 Dantzic 1,328,000 4,4(18.000 newspaper doubt, ridicvde and criticism. 3,080,000 St. Petersburg all Ijinds 7,200,000 We are now enabled to present our read- Archangel do 9 528.000 ers with the actual figures which establish do 4.000,000 that position beyond the reach of a doubt. St. Louis 3,082,000 1,081. 5.081,468 Milwaukee . . 2,723,574 841,650 3,787,161 From the published tables of grain re- NewTorli 6,812,452 3,627,883 9,430,3.35 ceipts for January 1st, 1855, we compile Chicago 2,644,860,6,837, " 3,419,551 12,902,310 the following statement of By comparing the exports of the differ- TOTAL KECEIPTS OF FLOUR AND GRAIN. ent places mention,. d in the above table,

Wheat, bu 3.038,955 it will be seen that the grain exports of Coru ..7,490.753 Chicago exceed those of New York by Oats... _ .4,194.385 3,471,975 bushels—those of St. Louis by Rve _ ». 85,631 than two hundred and fifty per cent. Barley 201,764 more —those of Milwaukee nearly four hun- 15,011.540 dred per cent. Turning to the great Flour (158,575 bbls.) into Wheat 7952,8;5 granaries of Europe, Chicago nearly doubles St. Petersburg, the largest, and Total .15,804,423 exceeds Gal at z and Ibrelia, combined, In like maimer may be presented the 4,582,810 bushels. shipments for the season, viz : Twenty years ago, Chicago, as well as Wheat, bu ..-.2.106,725 most of the country from whence she now Corn 6.a37,899 draws her immense supplies of bread- Oats. 3,229,987 Rye 41,153 stuffs, imported both flour and meat for Barley 148.421 home consumption 7ioto, she is the largest primary grain depot in the loorld^ and she 12,364;i85 leads all other ports the fco/id, also, in Flour (107,627 bbls.) into Wheat 538,135 of the quantit)/ and quality of her beef ex- Total 12,902,320 ports! ! We say the largest primary These figures leave a balance for City grain depot in the world, because it can- consumption, etc., etc., of nearly three not be denied that New York, Liverpool, centres, millions of bushels, of which it is not at and some other great commercial all improbable that some portion may receive more breadstuffs tlian Chicago have been si:iipped without representation does in the course of the year, but none of will her, as in our columns. But a small amount is them compare with we requisite to make up full thirteen millions liave shown above, in the amount collect- of bushels, actually exported, though this ed from the hands of the producers. is immaterial, as in either case the position What a practical illustration the above claimed is sufficiently established. That facts afford as to the wonderful, the there may be no ground for incredulity scarcely credible, progress of the West we proceed to lay before our readers the what an index it furnishes to the fertility 60 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. of her soil and to the industrious and cn^ of exceeding pureness and tenacity, and terpiisiug character of our people—what extends downward from twenty to one a pi'ophecy of the des*iny that awaits her hundred feet in depth. The calcareous when every foot of her long stretches of subsoil is far superior in quality to the prairie and her rich valleys shall have black soil above it, possessing, in fact, been reduced to a thoroughly scientific great resources for production if prop- tillage! How long, at this rate, will it be erly free from water, and aerified. Tiie before the centre of populalion .and of chief characteristic of the soil, mechanic- wealth will have arrived at the meridian ally considered, is its fineness. To this line of our city, and Chicago will have all its good and bad qualities are attached. vindicated lier right to be recognized as As a consequence, it is in the best con- the great commercial metropolis of the dition to promote an active grow^lh of United States? We verily believe such is vegetation, but packs closely, and holds the destiny that awaits her.* water with great tenacity, and resting as it does on a close subsoil, it must of necessity be wet until provided with a The following article was written for suitable drainage. It is to this mechanical the Deviocratic Press by Rev. J. A. Wight, condition of the soil that the region owes its character of wetness, and not to its for many years editor of The Prairie want of height above the Lake, or of Farmer, now of Bay City, Michigan. I variety in service, as will easily be seen insert it for the permanent value of the when another topic is considered. That is facts it contains. HEIGHT OP LAND. A TOPOGRAPHICAL OF CHI- VIEW The general idea of Chicago and vicin- CAGO AND VICINITY. ity is, that it is "low." " not higher than tlie Lake," and consequently undrained Capacity f.ir Drainage— Character of Soil, ami undrainable. The eye says that "it with its adaptaiion to Culture. is a dead le^el ;" and as the evidence of the eyes is considered beyond appeal, its character so passes. There is, however, The soil upon which Chicago is situat- an authority (m such subjects higher than ed, tiigether with tliat of its immediate tlie eye, and to that we resort. That au- vicinity, is, like that of the whole western thority is an iu'^trument called a " level," couniry, alluvial. Th? chief difference and as this instrument has traveled over which obtains between it and that of the every part of the region, and noted its rolling prairies inland, is the probable ob-icrvations in figures, we shall have no result of the fact, that it is of later depos- difiiculty in rejching correct results. ite, corresponiling in this respect to its Beginning then at a point four miles greater proximity to the LaliC Shore. It north of the mouth of the Chicago river on consequently exhibits marks of rawness, the Lake Shore, we find the l^ank of the as if, at no distant period, it had lain Lake varying wathin the compass of a half under water. The surface consists of a mile, from twenty to forty feet above the loam, varying not much in thickness from Lake. Starting thence due west on a one foot, of an exceeding fineness, as if section line, and going one-half a mile, ground in a mortar, generally black in we find the height—always above the color but possessing in its native state no Lake—to be twentj^-one and a fourth feet; very decided strength. thence still west to the bank of the North This soil is underlaid in some places branch of the Chicago river, the height with sand, especially along the Lake is six feet and thirty-nine hundredths. Shore, of from one to five feet in thick- Still west two and a half miles the eleva- ness, when we come upon abed of reddish tion is twenty-nine and a half feet. calcareous loam, extending downwards Taking another and parallel section to the blue clay, which underlies the lied li'ie, two and a half miles noith of the of the Lake, and all the country adjoining. mouth of the Chicago river, we find Near the rivers, and westward from the the Lake Shore elevated seven and a Lake Shore, the sand is mostly wanting, half feet; due west of this the river bank except in mixture with the loam, wliich is eight and a fourth feet; while at one latter is often eight or ten feet in thick- and a half miles still west w^e have a ness. The blue clay before spoken of is fraction less than twelve feet, and at two and a half miles twenty-seven feet eleva- * These facts did much to advertise Chicago. tion. Even then it would scarcely have been believed On the parallel section line half a mile that in successive years Chicago would be proved north of the mouth of the river, and to be the largest lumber, beef and hog market in whore that line crosses the city limit, the the world. Such has long since been the fact. elevation is twenty-three and a third feet. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 61

Coming south and taking Madison and said it was eighteen feet high, aud street, which commences about half a theditchthat followed the "level" agreed mile south of the mouth of the river, and with it. Mud Lake, which was of old the following it westward till it crosses the cradle of pollywogs and leeches, and city limit, the height is a little over leu swimming ground for ducks, is now tol- feet, and at a point three miles still west, erably fine ground, aud this brings us to it is twentj^-three aud a third feet. the next point. Following Twelfth street Avestward, the bank of the river is six ^nd a half DRAINAGE. fee!. At two miles west, the height is ten feet, and three miles, uit^eteenfeet. There are within ihe city four and a On the parallel section line commenc- half miles of sewers put down at a depth ing three and a half miles south of the of from "five to eight feet below the sur- mouth of the river aud at the southern face. These extend along our principal city limit, the elevation is fifteen and a streets, in the business portion of the fourth feet, and one mile still south it is city, and so far as the removal of sui'face sixteen and a half feet. water is concerned, answer, so far as they At the junction of the Southern Michi- go, a complete purpose. This may be in- gan aud Rock Island Kailroad, the eleva- ferred from the fads already stated in tion is twent3' feet, while the head of regard to cellars, since a cellar without a Blue Island is seventy-six feet. drain is only a pool or an eel pit. Before AVithin the city proper, the height of these sewers were put down, no cellar Michigan aud Wabash avenues varies could be dug either upon Lake or Water from ten to fifteen feet, while the bank streets except in the dryest of seasons. of the river is from five to eight feet. There was never perhaps a cily with fea- It is a truth, however, that there is an tures better fitted for drainage than this. ebl) and flow of the Lake, extending The peculiar shape of its river, with its through periods of from five to ten years, two branches, gives easy and short access equal to three or four feet. These periods to it from every section of the town ; of ebb and fiow correspond entirely with while there is, from every square rod of the succession of wet or drj' seasons which its surface, a gradual and sufficient in- prevail, and which succeed each other. clination to the adjacent bank. During the succession of five or eight These sewers only need to be extended j-ears of continued wet weather, there will as they have been begun to render the continued rise of the Lake, will be a which town as dry as is desirable. As they are, give way during a similar period of drouth. however, of a temporary and experimen- Our later buih stores and dwellings, all tal make, if they are also to be made have or cellars may have beneath them. channels of the filth of the town, they At present grades those along Lake and will require to be laid in a more perma- Water streets are from four to six feet, nent manner. but as the grade rises year by year, as The lands adjacent to the city are cor- new l)uildings arise, the height of cellars respondinirly better provided with drain- increases in a corresponding ratio ; and age than those witi)in the limits. A law there is no doubt that buildings on these instituting a commission for the drainage streets, erected five years hence, will have of wet lands in Cook County was passed six and eight feet cellars—a thing which in the Legislature of 1852 and im- might just as easily have been secured went mediately into operation, with Col. Henry five years ago as five years hence, had Smith, Dr. C. others proprietors and city functionaries been as V. Dyer and as Com- missioners, with Mr. J. L. Hanchett, quick to see forward as laterally and back- a competent and experienced engineer, as wards. Our dwellings might have cellars Surveyor. steadily of any height we desire. The work has been prosecuted until the present time, nor has From this view it will be seen»that our it yet been entirely completed. The as- reputation of being a wet city is not due sessments, so far, amount to above sixty to want of elevation. For all practical thousand dollars, and seventy-six miles purposes, we are as well off as New York of ditch have been excavated. All of it, or New Haven ; and in fact as well off the eight miles, as though lifted a hundred feet more into with exception of seven or the atmosphere. Had we a coarse gravely is made double: that is, it consists of two parallel ditches with the earth soil, our streets would be as dry'as our thrown up rivals say we ought to be. Five years between them so as to be used for roads if desired, in the end. since, if you walked out upon an adja- cent prairie, you might pass land which They are all upon section lines except- you would pronounce to be on a "level ing one of three or four miles ; and nearly with the Lake," " a dead level," and "in- all empty into the Chicago and Calumet capable of drainage." To-day it as dry rivers and their branches. as Rock Prairie. The "level" came along, The lauds drained are those lying im- 62 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. mediately adjacent to the city, extending times grown to the acre, and other vege- about four miles north, five west, and tea tables ill proportion. All the crops usual luxuriantly, south. to the Northern States flourish and of fruits, n^me refuse to ripen except CAPACITY FOR PRODUCTION.' such as are forbidden of the climate. At the same time grass is the more natural Every city is in a considerable degree product, and with culture can be grown for dependent on its immediate vicinity to any extent, either for pasturage or hay, vegetables artic]es of consumption. The in any direction landward from the town. consumed here have always, to a large extent, been produced here. There is, Of fruits, the apple and plum are more perhaps, no better soil for their produc- ni'.tural tot lie soil, among the larger fruits; tion than ours. The warm sauds of the while among the smaller, currants, goose- Lake Shore avail for all early products, berries, and strawberries, are most at and the strong loams on all sides, give home. Cherries, pears and grapes are these ample returns through all the season. The more or less cultivated, and have been suffi- soil exposed to the air, and supplied with ten years. They are all grown wirh manures, which may always be had in cient skill, but are more or less precarious abundance for the hauling, produces with everywhere on this side of the Lake, and remarkable luxuriance, and of superior some of them on all sides of it. Of the quality. No tiuer beets, or oninns, or large cities in this latitude, we know of cabbages, or pie plant, or asparagus, or no one which on the whole has the advan- celery, can anywhere be found. One tage of ours in respect to agricultural and thousand bushels of onions are some- horticultural productions. :



The railway article which 1 prepared the number will be at least from 110 to for 1855 was the last of the series of our 115. statistical reviews for that year. It coq- We know not how the earnings of our tains a condensed statement of all of roads will compare with those centering them. The following are the closing in other cities. Let them publish a table

paragraphs : showing their receipts and the public will RAILWAYS. be able to make the comparison. Here is ours. The following list embraces the trunk The following table shows the receipts roads and branches now actually in ope- of the railroa'ls centering in Chicago, for ration which have Chicago as their com- the year 1855: mon focus ?£ Chicago and Milwaukee miles, 85 Racine and Mississippi 46 3 i Chicago, St. Paul and Fond du Lac 82 Galena and Chicago Union -..121 Fox River Valley 32 Beloit Branch of the Galena 20 Beloitand Madison 17 Galena Air Line 136 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 210 Quincy Branch 100 Chicago anfi Rock Island _ .181 Mississippi and Missouri, 1st Division 55 2d " 13 Peoria and Bureau Valley 47 Peoria and Oquawka_ 44 Chicago, Alton and St. Louis 260 Illinois Central 626 Port Wayne and Chicago. 20 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana 242 Monroe Branch .30 Michigan Central 282 New Albany and Salem 284

Total miles of completed Road, 10 Trunk and 11 Branch Lines miles, 2,933

Taking the sections and branches of the above roads that are in the State of Illinois, and adding the lengths to the last four mentioned in our sketch, which run east and west through the State, we find that there are now in actual operation in the State of Illinois two thousand four HUNDRED AND TEN MILES of railroad. Four years ago to-day there were only ninety-five. The world has never before seen so much physical progress in so short a period. The total number of trains which now (mid-winter) arrive and depart from the city daily amount to fifty-eight passenger and thirty-eight freight trains, in all nine- ty-six. It is safe to add from 12 to 20 per cent, for the number as soon as the spring business opens, so that on the first of May 64 HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. the three previous years. We preseut here are the figures, sober, stubborn fig- the following ures, which cannot lie." Such figures are more potent and convincing than a thou- GENERAL SUMMARY. sand arguments, and while they afford an Total number of iniles of railroad cen- index to a just conception of what the tering in Chicago Feb. 16th, 1852 40 Total number of miles now completed West and its great commercial centre now and m operation 2,933 Increase in four years, or more than are, they point with unerring significance 700 miles per year 2,893 to a bright and glorious future. It has Total number of mike projected, to be completed in from five to eight years 6,449 been asserted that the kingdoms of Europe Total number of miles of railroad in operation in the State of Illinois Feb. were sifted of their most enterprising Ibth, 1S52, four years ago 95 and their noblest men to settle the Ameri- Total numbi^r of miles now in operation 2,410 Increase in the Htate in four y.ars 2,315 can colonies; and it may with equal jus- The total earnings of all the railroads all the States north of (40 miles) leading into the city during tice be said, that the year 1851, say _._ $40,000 Tennessee and the Carolinas, have sent Total earnings of tlie road leading into the city for the year 1855 $13,298,201.09 their most energetic, intelligent citizens, Increase in four years, thirteen and a untiring, quarter millions of dollars..-. $13,258,201.09 with a mighty host of energetic Total number of trains arriving and men from Europe, to settle and subdue departing now (mid winter) daily, 96. Add 12 to 20 per cent, when the t^priug that vast and magnificent country lying bui-ines^ opens and the number will be about. 110 between the western shore of Lake Michi- Number of points at which the Chicago gan and the Rocky Mountains. Could railroads reach the Mis^isf^ippi 8 Populution of Chicago in 1852 38,783 any other men and any other country Population of Chicago in 1855, or nearly results 150 percent, in three years 83,509 have produced such ? Total receipts of grain at Chicago for canvassing these results, it should be the year 1854 bushels, 15,804,423 In Total receipts of grain for 1855. In- remembered that twent}" years ago Chicago crease about 33 per cent bushels, 20,487,953 Total shipments of grain from the port was not a city. She was only an insignifi- of thicago for the year 1855.. bushels 16,633,813 at the southern end of Lake IMich- Total number of hog's handled in Chi- cant town cago for 1851-5. - 138,515 igan, and within that period, the wolves Total value of the beef packed in Chi- cago in 1855 - - $1,152,420.96 during the night roamed all over where "Receipts of lumber at the port of Chi- the city now stands. It is but little more ca"0 for 1855 - feet, 326,55.3,467 JSTow' laid up in the port of Chicago, than twenty-two years since the Indians steamers, propellers, Kail vessels, etc. 233 Total number of vessels arriving in Chi- were removed west of the Mississippi, cago during the la- 1 ye,« 5,410 under the direction of' Col. Russejll. The total tonnage of vessels arriving in this port for 1855 tons, 1,608,845 Twenty years ago only an occasional Amount of imposts received on foreign goods at the Chicago Custom House- $296,844.75 schooner of two or three hundred tons Total amouut of capital invested in visited Chicago ; two hundred and thirty- manufactures during the yea^ 1855 ; showing $2,075,000 increase over the three vessels are now wintering in her previous year - $6,295,000 Total number of men employed in man- harbor, and the arrivals for the past year (increase in 1855, 3,740) ... 8,740 ufacturing were five thousand four hundred and ten. Total value of manufactured articles, (mcrease in 1855, .¥3,161,491).. $11,031,491 Then Chicago imported most of her i^ro- Total amount expended in improve- ments, stores, dwellings, hotels, etc., visions; last year the beef packed in the $3,735,254 (increase in 1855, $ 1 ,396,344) city was worth $1,152,420.96. She ex-' Had we time and space we might be ported 16,633,813 bushels of grain, the tempted to dwell at length upon the glow- value of which must have been from ing picture, suggested by the facts iu the twelve to fifteen millions of dollars. She is above general summaiy. The figures are now acknowledged to be the greatest pri- themselves much more eloquent and ab- mary grain port in the world, and purchas- sorbing than any language at our com- ers from Europe find it f(U' their advantage mand. When the citizens of Chicago to buy largely in this market. The wheat and the State of Illinois are charged with that last year was grown on the prairies exaggeration by those who dwell in the of Illinois, is now feeding the far-ofl: sub- Jinishcd cities and States at the East, they jects of Victoria and Napoleon. During can point with confidence and pride to the last year the citizens of Cliicago man- the above facts, and say, "gentlemen, ufactured articles to the value of eleven HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 65

millions of dollars, and invested three, Does any one ask, ^are these things to millions seven liundred and thirty-five continue? Is the progress of the past thousand dollars in substantial improve- four years to go forward in the same ments. Her lumber trade reached the ratio? These are questions we dare not enormous amount of three hundred and answer. Reader, while perusing these twenty-six and a quarter millions of feet. paragraphs, place your map before you, When we contemplate our railroad system attend carefully to a few facts, and then the progress is still more marked and answer these questions for yourself. amazing. Four years ago we had only Between the western shore of Lake Michi- forty miles of road leading into the city; gan and the Rocky Mountains there are now we have 2,933 miles completed and 700,000 square miles of territory, enough in operation. Our lines reach the Missis- to make 14 States as large as Ohio. The sippi at eight diftereut points. Nearly a productions of 50,000 square miles of that hundred, and as soon as navigation opens, territory, certainly with not half its re- more than a hundred trains of cars will sources developed, have made Chicago

arrive and depart daily ; and, if possible, what she is in less than twenty, and built more astonishing than all this is the fact her thousands of miles of railroads in that, for the last year, the earnings of four years. Great and astonishing as these roads have reached the enormous have been the achievements of our sum of thirteen and a quarter millions of railroad kings, they have as yet merely dollars. The population of Chicago has penetrated the borders of this vast and increased, in the mean time, from thirty- magnificent country. For richness of eight to eighty-five thousand—nearly one soil, the character and extent of its min- hundred and fifty per cent, in the short eral treasures, for Aanufacturing and space of three j^ears. commercial resources, and capacity for And yet, for all these railroads, Chicago, sustaining a dense population, its supe- in her corporate capacity, has never ex- rior cannot be found upon the face of the pended a single doUar. Eastern and for- globe. eign capital, proverbially cautious, and The progress of the city for the last

even skeptical though it be, has done the four years has indeed been wonderful; mighty work. There has been no spas- but all intelligent men know that it has

modic effort to accomplish it. All has by no means been able to keep pace with growth of the country that is tributary been done quietly ; the wealth of soil, the

and the mineral treasures beneath it, to it. As fast as the resistless advancing affording a sure basis for a profitable wave of population rolls over this vast return for every investment. Compared fertile country, the railroad rushes onward with other cities, Chicago owes but a and pours its commerce and its wealth in-, mere nominal sum. Her principal debt to the lap of Chicago. Look at our mighty is for her water works, and the revenue inland seas. Suppose it to be May. Yon- derived from water rents will, ere long, der noble steamer is bound a thousand pay the interest, and in the end liquidate miles away to the head of Lake Superior; the debt,. She has now adopted a general that propeller making the harbor has just and it is believed an efficient plan of sew- arrived from Buffalo, a voyage of another erage, for which an additional loan will thousand miles; and that joyous barque be made, but the advantages to be derived loaded with wheat has cleared for Ogdens- from it will be a hundred fold more than burg, thirteen hundred miles, away be- the cost. Most of the streets yet remain yond Lake Ontario on the St. Lawrence. to be paved, from the necessities of the Four years ago the commerce of these case, plank having been heretofore iised; lakes had already exceeded in value the

but for this the adjoining property is entire foreign commerce of the whole taxed, and we see no occasion for an in- Union. And now with these facts before crease of her debt beyond the expense him, situated, as Chicago, is, at the head of the sewerage and the water works. of these vast inland seas and holdirg the —


key to their commerce; with. her railroads gf the route and attracted very wide at- piercing the vast country that is tributary tention to the project. to her in all directions; and with a ceas"- Probably the first knowledge that the less, ever-deepening stream of the vigor- people of Chicago and the Northwest ous, the intelligent and the enterprising ever had of the route for a ship-canal population of the Eastern States and of from the Georgian Bay to Toronto, was Europe, rolling over it with ever-increas- derived from a paragraph in an article ing power; with the achievements and by the late Andrew Harvey, signed the progress of the last four years before Alpha, on the Commercial Position of him, he would be a bold, almost an in- Chicago; published in the Democratic sane reasoner who should dare to predict Press, February 3rd, 1853. He described what the next ten years will accomplish. the route in a general way and gave a very correct estimate of the effect its Again our task is finished. The figures construction would have dnthe commerce which represent the commerce, the manu- of the citj"^, and of the Northwest. He factures and the improvements of our spoke of the project as having for a long city for the past year, and the condition time been discussed in Canada, but noth- and the earnings of our railroads, have ing had ever been done even to determine been placed before the readers of the whether the work was feasible. Democratic Press. If our labors, year by A few days after, while studying the year, in this regard have prdtnoted in map for some subject in relation to the anywise the interests of our city and our growth or the development of the North- great and glorious Northwest; if they west, I happened to notice Lake Simcoe, have reached the dwellers among the and the narrow strip of country between bleak and barren^hills, and the rock- it and the Georgian Bay on the one side, ribbed mountains of the Eastern and and Lake Ontario on the other, and re- the Middle States, and enticed the membering the article of Mr. Harvey, I more enterprising away toward the determined to find out all I could in refer- setting sun; if they have had, or ence to the feasibility of the route for a hereafter may have, any influence in ship-canal. Going down to Water street changing our broad prairies into fruitful I found Col. G. S. Hubbard, and Capt. fields, and in bordering our beautiful Mcintosh, who gave me the facts, from groves with ample farm houses—the which I prepared and published next homes of cpmfort, pleaty, intelligence, morning, February 10th, the following virtue and peace—though among the article. It was headed many millions who are soon to people this miglity valley our names should be for- SHIP CANAL FROM LAKE HURON TO gotten, may we not hope that we have TORONTO. contributed somewhat to the happiness Our correspondent "Alpha," a few the progress of our race. Let us be and days ago stated that the plan of a ship- assured of that, and we have obtained our canal had been proposed, several years greatest and most coveted reward. since, from Lake Huron through Lake Simcoe to Lake Ontario, at Toronto. The matter at once interested a large number THE GEORGIAN BAY CANAL. of our business men, as well as ourselves, and we have been making inquiries in re- Like all those who indulge in pets and gard to the practicability of the work. our fellow citizen. Guerdon S. pet measures, it is quite likely, that more Years ago Hubbard, Esq., came from Mt)ntrcal to space is given to the Georgian Bay Canal this city with a party of voyagers, by this as I still think the than it deserves ; but route. He expresses the conviction that vast commerce of the Northwest will in the work is entirely feasible. Yesterday, one of Mitchell's large maps of the some way be quite sure to force the build- with United States before us, we learned a distant day, I deem it ing of it at no variety of facts from Capt. David Mcin- best to preserve a record of the articles tosh, which will be interesting to oar and the measures that secured the survey readers. Capt. Mcintosh commanded a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

HISTOEY OF CHICAGO. 67 steamer running on Lake Simcoe for three miles south of Lake Simcoe, the necessi- years, and is perfectly familiar with the ties of commerce will fully warrant the whole country. expenditure. Captain Mcintosh thinks Lying to the northeast of Lake Huron, the whole expense of the work would be and generally included in the same name, far less than the cost of the Welland canal. is in fact another lake called Mauitouline, It will be of vastly greater importance to (Georgian Bay) nearly as large as lake our city and the entire West. Ontario. At the southeast end of this Let us suppose for a moment that the lake is Notawasaga Bay, into which a St. Lawrence is opened to our shipping, river of the same name enters. This and we have reciprocal free trade with river is navigable for some distance, and Canada. Our produce could be shipped from the head of navigation to Kempeu- direct to Europe with only a single trans- feldt Bay, an arm of Lake Simcoe, is a shipment at Alontreal, and that only from distance of only twelve miles. Capt. vessel to vessel. The trade that would at Mcintosh says this is one of the most once spring up between this city and beautiful lakes on the Western Continent, Europe no sane man would now dare to seventy miles long and twenty-eight broad. estimate. And again goods would be im- The country between the Notawasaga ported direct to this city from Europe and river and L ike Simcoe is free from hills Asia, and Chicago would become the and very favorable to the construction of great store-house aud distributing centre such a canal. This route, both Mr. Hub- of the whole Mississippi valley. Our bard and Captain Mcintosh think, would warehouses would rival those of the At- favorable for canal be much more a than lantic cities, and our merchants, in the to improve the navigation of the Severn, expressive language of the Scriptures, the outlet of the lake, as it is much more would be "princes." The advantages to direct, aud the canal could be built, with our Canadian neighbors would be equally much less expense. great. Montreal and Toronto, especially, Having arrived at Lake Simcoe, let us have an immense interest at stake in the see what obstacles are to be overcome in success of this enterprise. Has the pro- reaching Toronto. On the map a small posed route ever been surveyed? AVill river is put down as entering Lake Sim- ' " our Canadian friends ' agitate the mat- coe from the south, called the Holland ter and give us their opinions and give us river. This river Captain Mcintosh says what facts they may have upon its practi- is navigable twelve miles, aud from the cability? of this '' head navigation on stream to If nature has thrown inmrmountable" Toronto, tlie distance is only thirty-six obstacles in the way we give it up. What miles. This would give us at most forty- we of the West want is i'ree access to the eight miles of canal to build. ocean by every possible outlet. Our com- greatest difficulty that The occurs to merce and immense productions will tax us is the feeding of the summit level be- them all to their utmost capacity. tween Lake Simcoe and Mauitouline and Ontario. But from the appearance of The late George Steele, a sturdy Scotch- the map before us, and from the informa- man who had lived several years in Can- tion furnished us by Captain Mcintosh, ada, and one of the best business men this obstacle, it would seem, can be readily surmounted. The summit of the country Chicago ever had, sent marked copies of between Lake Simcoe and Toronto lies on the Pre»s containing this article to all the a low ridge about sixteen miles south of leading papers in Canada, and probably Lake Simcoe, and if the canal were put every one in the entire country pub- through this range, it could be fed from Lake Simcoe through to Lake Ontario. lished the article and had something to Lake Simcoe, so far as we can learn, is say upon the subject. We felt on this about 120 feet above Lake Manitouline, side that the route for the canal was in and 450 above Lake Ontario. Immediately their country, and it was not our place to at the north end of Lake Simcoe is a fall of some ninety feet. A dam might prob- offer any advice as to its construction or ably be thrown across the Severn above the means by which it could be accom- the falls, raising the level of the lake plished. It continued to be more or less very considerably so as to make it feed discussed, both summits. If it should not furnish and on June 12th, 1855, at the water sufficient to feed the canal, the close of a long article on IsrPROviNG the Trent, a large river running a few miles Navigation of the St. Lawrence, I east of the lake, can very easily be turned published the following paragraphs : into it, and will furnish any amount of water that may be necessary. We have another suggestion to make to Though the rutting should be one, two the commercial men of Toronto and Mon- or even four hundred feet for the first few treal, and to the Canadians generally, :


Tvhicli we think well worthy of their at- with committees of other cities. George tention. It is that instead of enlarging Steele, Thos. Richmond, B. S. Shepherd, the Welland Canal, they at once build one T. Jones, C. T. Wheeler, Hiram Wheeler, of sufficient capacity to pass our largest propellers from the head of the Georgian Wm. Bross, Thos. Steers, and R. S. Bay to Toronto. It will save at least 500 King, were the committee. August 1st, miles of lake navigation, avoiding the I published a column of extracts from St. Clair Flats, the Detroit river, Lake Canadian papers, and editorial on the Erie, and the Welland canal. We have understood from those who have examined same subject. Important information is the ground that the route is perfectly fea- added to what was then known in regard sible, and there are only forty-eight miles to the project. Finally, the Toronto of canal to build. Build this canal, and Board of Trade invited delegates Chicago is practically as near to Montreal from as it is to Buffalo, for so far as we can similar bodies in the lake cities to meet judge from measuring on the viap, there there on the 13th of September, 1855, to is not a hundred miles difference in the elicit whatever facts there might be bear- distance which a propeller would have to ing steam in making the two ports. It is true on the feasibility of the work. Geo. that the tolls on the canal would make the Steele, Thos. Richmond, and myself, were dearer than to Buffalo; freights to Montreal appointed delegates. Mr. Richmond but when you come to foot up the cost of could not go; Mr. S. and myself attended. transporting pork, beef, flour, and pro- duce to New York or to Europe, it would In order to show the Canadians the im- show figures vastly in favor of the Cana- portance of the work as best I could, I dian route. Will not our Canadian friends made the following address to the con- examine this subject and give us the re- sult of their investigations? vention : Tiie entire Northwest is deeply interest- Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Committee ed in the opening of all new lines to the seaboard, and in whatever will increase Mr. Crocker has presented you with the capacity of those now in operation, some very interesting figures in relation k^o rapid is the settlement of our magnifi- to the lessening of the cost of transporta- cent prairies going forward, and so vast tion, if facilities for using larger vessels are their agricultural resources, that every be afforded. Will you allow me to give line of communication is already taxed you some facts which may assist you, and almost to its utmost capacity, and five more especially that portion of the busi- years will find them all utterly incapable ness public who may not have examined to do the business which will force itself the subject, to appreciate the importance upon them. Let the Canadian capitalists of a ship canal from the Georgian Bay to build their canals as fast as possible, the Toronto, it is proposed to construct an- West will crowd them with business as other great highway for the commerce of soon as they are finished. the Upper Lalies to Lake Ontario, and thence to the ocean. Whether the labor The Pre>


that trade for the past J^ear; and if we con-, Let us now turn our attention to the sider the extent of the territory from country west of Lake Michigan and en- which that trade now comes, and the vast deavor to form some idea of its extent region from which it is to come, it will and resources, that we may estimate as enable us to form some idea of the impor- best we may what the trade of Lake Mich- tance of the proposed canal to the future igan is to be a few years hence. Let us commerce of the lakes. tike a .Mand-point at tlie mouth of the The territory which has built up the south fnrk of the Platte lliver, say city of Chicago, does not extend beyond nine hundred miles west of Chicago. the JMississippi, saj'' two hundred miles Draw a line through this point north and west, and a hundred milesnorth by a hun- south, aii'l, though we are a long way east dred and fifty miles south would mark its of the Rocky Mountains, call the rest of boundaries in these directions. This gives the country south of tlie Black Hills a us an area of fifty thousand square miles. desert. It will be ob.scrved that, all the Any of the gentlemen present, who may territory on the Yellow Stone and the have traveled over the country west of Upper Missouri lies west of this line. Chicago, know that its resources are but For our north and south line we begin very imperfectly developed. What was at or near Alton at about the thirty-ninth the trade of Chicago for the past year? degree of north latitude and go up to the She shipped 12,902,310 bushels of grain, northern boundary of Minnesota and making her the largest primary grain Nebraska. The total distance will not port in the world. 8he packed and shi]>- vary much from six hundred and fifty ped alive over 100,000 hogs. There were miles. This gives us an area of territory slaughtered 23,691 cattle, and 10,957 were of 585,000 square miles. Add to this shipped East alive. 115,000 square miles for the beautiful The lumber receipts amounted to country on the Upper Missouri and the 248, 3ii6, 783 feet. Yellow Stone and we have seven hundred The arrivals of vessels were 443 steam- tliousaud square miles of as fine country ers, 409 propellers, 114 barques, 436 brigs, as can be found upon the face of the earth, 3,049 schooners, and 70 sloops—total, whose productions and trade will swell 4,527. The total tonnage as registered in beyond the figures of the wildest fancy the Custom House, was 984,144 Ions. The the commerce of the lakes.* total receipts of the Custom House were It may be said that our north and south for line reaches too far south. All the trade 1854 S!575,802.85 as far south as Alton will not seek the lake 1853 2(i0,671.17 joute, but a large portion of it will; and ns Increase in a single year $315,131. tiS you extend the radius west, say to Independence, Missouri, the line becomes population of Chicago for a series The very direct through Quiucy to Chicago. of years will enable you to form some It is very easy to repeat the figures conception of its rapid growth, and the 700,000 which represent the number of development of the resources of the square miles contained in the territory we country west of it: have named; but it is a fardiflerent thing 1840 4,479 1849 23,047 to form a definite idea of the immense 1843 1850 28.2fi9 1S45 ...12.088 1852 38.733 c( )untry which yet remains to be developed 1810 14,169 1853 00.052 west of the Lakes. Let us make a few 1847 -le.ra) 18.54 ...... 65,872 comparisons to assist us in our estimate 1848 1855 20,023 83,509 of the future of the great Northwest. The figures for the present year as given It should be remarked, however, that in the above table include our marine there are many beautiful valleys in the population, which were not included in Rocky Mountains, capable of sustaining the amount as published in some of the a large population, and more fertile and papers: The total number without the beautiful than Switzerland, and enough marine is 80,028. The value of the manu- to form half a dnz* n such States. factured articles as given in the census Add up the number of square miles in just taken is $9,827,700. all tlie States east of the Mississippi, ex- These are a specimen of some of the cept Wisconsin, Illinois and Florida, and items in the trade of Chicago for the jiast you will find that you will have only year. What the trade of Waukegan, 700,000. If you are startled and can Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee was, we scarcely believe the figures, take a news- have no means of determining; but they paper and cut it in the shape of the terri- were of course very considerable, and tory I liave named east of the Mississippi, tended very materially to swell the trade and lay it on that west of Lake Michigan,' of Lake Michigan. It .'should be remem- bered that so far is as Chicago concernfd * This geojrraphical fact was, so far a" I know, her trade was gathered from about 50,000 first proved in a Ions nr\ 'e prepared by myself, square miles. June 2;th, of the same year. 70 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

and study the map m every possible form piercing this vast territory in all direc- and will be forced to.ihe you conclusioa tions. They now reach the Mississippi ;it that the Northwest contains a territory Cairo, Alton, Burlington, Rock Island and larger than the twenty-three older States Dubuque; and more than a hundred trains we have alluded to east of the Mississippi. a day arrive at and depart from Chicago. These States contain some 20,000,000 in- They will soon be extended through Wis- habitants. consin, Minnesota and Iowa, and no one again, But England, Irelam', Wales and can tell where they will end till they reach Scotland contain in all 115,000 square the Pacific. If the products of the West, miles, only one-sixth of the Territor}^ of gathered from only 50,000 square miles, the Northwest, and have a population of have built up a city of 83,000 people in 26,000,000. Were the territory we have the short space of eighteen years—for it named equally populous, it would con- is only a few mouths more than that since tain 156,000,000. Turkey, Austria and it was incorporated—who dares to esti- France, have in the aggregate 361, COO mate what the next twenty years will ac- square miles and a population of 84,000,000. complish ? I once heard Captain Hugunin, Need it be wondered at that in speaking a veteran sailor of our city, who com- of the Northwest, Western men aie menced liis eventful career oil Lake Onta- obliged to use terms which venera])le old rio in 181', after referring to the growth fogies regard as extravagant and even and the endless prospective value of the absurd? The simple fact is that this ter- pro'luctsof the West, say that " the great ritcny is l.irge enough to make fourteen God, when he made the mighty West, States of 50,000 square miles each, and is made also the Lakes and the 'mighty St. vastly more fertile and capable of sus- Lawrence to float its commerce to the t'.uning a population manj^ times larger ocean;" and I ?night add, as well attempt than all the older States of the Union. to lead the boiling current of Niagara to A few words as to the resources of the the sea in hose pipe, as to ship the pro- country under consideration. In minerals ducts of these 700,000 square miles to the it is especially rich. It contains the lai-g- ocean by the Erie and the Welland Canals, est and the richest deposits of lead and and all the railroads nov,- or hereafter to copi)er that are known to exist anywhere be constructed. The West needs the upon the globe. I need hardly say that I (^eorgian Bay Canal and every other ave- allude to the copiier mines of Lake Supe- nue to the ocean that can possibly be rior, and the lead district of which Galena opened. is the centre. Iron and coal are also found in great abundance. The result was the survey of the rente In speaking of its climate and produc- by Kivas TuUy, and Col. R. B. Mason, of tions, it should be known that the isother- Chicago, as consulting engineer. It was mal or climatic lines bend far away to the proved perfectly practicable but expen- north as we go west toward the Rocky sive, costing by their estimate at prices Mountains. If we mistake not, it is nearly as warm at the north bend of the Missouri then ruling, $22,170,750. The financial as it is at Chicago. Owing to this fact crash of 1857-8 stopped all further pro- and the richness of the country, the buf- ceedings in regard to it; but the charter falo range nearly up to the south line of British America. for the work passed into the hands of a The agricultural resources of these Company of which F. C. Capreol, Esq., 700,000 square miles are absolutely beyond is, and for a long time has been. Presi- the power of man to estimate. It is the dent. By his indefatigable labors the opinion of some of the best informed men enterprise has been kei)t before the public that the great plains over which the buf- falo now range in countless thousands, and its feasibility and great practical must after all become the great corn-grow- value to Canada and the Northwest has ing sections of the Union. There too been proved and thoroughly illustrated. will be leared the countless herds of cat- Pity it is that the work is r.ol likely to tle and the hogs, driven to Chicago, to be packed in beef and pork to feed tlie East- be completed in his lifetime. It will be, ern States, with an abundance to spare for when completed, in my judgment, to the all the nations of Euiope. commerce of the Lakes what the Suez And now, Mr. President and gentlemen, Canal is to that of Europe and the world. with the vast extent and the agricultural and mineral resources of the country' we.«t A brief statement of the character of of the Lakes before us, what is the com- the work will be found in an address made merce of these lakes to be in the next at Moines, January 22ncl, 1873, to twenty years? It is settling with most Des be astonishing rapidity. Our railroads are found towards the close of this volume. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 71


At the close of 1113' railway article for trains daily pour into the lap of Chicago 1856 I made the following synopsis of the can easily be appreciated by those who railways and the business of tlie city for are on the ground and Avill take pains to that year. examine the subject for themselves. The following list embraces the trunk The earnings of our different railway roads actually completed and in operation, lines during the past year have been of with their branch and extension lines, the most satisfactory character. We centering^ in Chicago: should like to see the receipts of the dif- Miles. ferent lines centering in other cities, that CMcago and Milwaukee 85 Eacine and Mississippi SB a comparison might be made. When it CMcago, St. Paul and Fond du Lac I'^l is remembered that five years ago Milwaukee and Mississippi, Western Divis'n 10.5 we had Galena and Chicago Union 121 but forty miles of railway, earning per- Fox Eiver Valley - 33 Wisconsin Central 6 haps $40,000, the contrast is truly amazing. Branch 20 Beloit present the Beloit and Madison 17 We following Mineral. Point 17 Galena (Fulton) Air Line 13>j Table, showing the Earnings of the Rnil- ( hicago, Iowa and Nebraska 13 roculs centering in Chica;jo, the year Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - '^lO for Burlington and Missouri --- 30 1858. Northern Cross -. -U'l Hannibal and St. Joseph 30 t- S?|S Hock Island.- 1.S3 o o o 5 g2 Chicago and '^ Of \ at Mississippi and Missouri, IstDivision _ 5'

do do 3rd do . 13 Peoria and Bureau Valley 47 s g 8 sn s Peoria .

11 Trunk and 17 Branch and Extension lines 3,G7b

Taking the portions of the above lines which lie in the State of Illinois, and add- ing the length of the different roads com- pleted in the central portions of the State, we find that Illinois now contains two § ? § T-\ ' O CO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY- ONE MILES OP COMPLETED KAILWAY. Five Z ^ years ago we had only ninet5^-five miles. These facts show a most gratifying pro- 5 «^ d ^ ^ ^ SI gress, of which every citizen of Illinois ^ 2 I may well be proud. 2; d d M S The total number of trains which now MOVEMENT OP PASSENGERS. (midwinter) arrive at and depart from Chicago daily is 104. Adding 15 per cent, The movement of passengers forms a for the number as soon as navigation new and interesting feature in our rail- opens, and we have 120. The amount of way statistics. The returns of the four freight, the number of passengers, and principal roads running west from the the wealth and the business which these city show the following — —. )


RESULTS. Januaiy hist, and we now give at a single glance the facts contained in WEST EAST. main all of them. We present, therefore, the Thro'. Way. Total. Thro'. W^y. Total. est. P. & F. 2,217 26,'<46 29,063 2,530 26,579 29,109 following G. &C. U 72,707 199,766 272,473 42,552 169,907 212,459 C.,B. & Q.... 31,433 100,540 131,973 25,492 95,940 121,431 GENERAL SUMMARY. C.& R. I 48,978 157,178 206.157 30,439 138,575 169,014 Total number of mile.? of railway cen- Total 155,335 4S4,330 639,666 101,013 431,001 532,013 tering in Chicago Feb. 20, 185a 40 Total iiumber of miles now completed This table shows that these four rail- and in operation.. _ 3,676 Increase in 1856 915 ways alone have taken west 107,653 pass- Total number to be completed in engers more than they brought back from fi\e to eight years . 6,929 Total number of miles of railway in people enough to redeem another sovereign the State of Illinois now in opei ation 2,761 Increase in 1856 351 State from the dominion of the pRnther (Only 95 miles were completed five and the savage, and add another star to years ago.) Increase in the State in five years, the banner of our glorious Union. Dur- (Over 500 miles per year) 2,666 Total earnings of all the railways cen- a large ing the early part of the year tering in Chicago for the year IBMi $17,343,242.83 they were only emigration found its way to Kansas and (Five years ago $40,0u0 Increase in five years.. 17,303,242.83 Nebraska over the Chicago, Alton & St. Increase of 1856 over 1855 4,045,041.74 Total number of trains arriving and Louis Railway, by land, and also on the departing daily (midwinter) 104 ; Ohio and other tributaries of the Missis- adding 15 cent, as soon as naviga- tion opens... 120 sippi. Many were also landed from the Population of Chicago in 1852 38,783 of Chicago Jan. steamers Populaiion 1, 1857, lower lake and the Collingwood estimate (in June, 1855, it was 83,509) 110.000 at Milwaukee and other cities north of us, Total receipts of grain in Chicago for the year 1855, bushels 20,487,953 so that there can scarcely be a doubt that Total receipts of grain— being the largest primary grain port in the at least 250,000 people found their way world—for the year 1856 (increase in west of the meridian of Chicago and 18.56 over 20 p . r cent. ) bushels 24,674,824 Total shipments of grain from the north of the southern line of Missouri port of Chicago for the year 1856, bushels -..- 21,583,221 during the past year. Tot:il amount of corn received in 1856 bushels 11,888,398 If the passenger movement on the Total amount of wheat received in 1856 Michigan Southern corresponds with that bushels 9,392,365 Total number of hogs alive and dressed on the Michigan Central, the above results received in Chicago for 18.55-6 308,539 number of shipments alive and agree with sufficient accuracy with those Total dressed -.-...... 170,831 of the four leading Western lines. They Averaging the weiglit at only 200 lbs. and the price at $5 per hundred, the would be as follows: value of the hogs i eceived would be $3,585,880 NumDer of barrels of beef packed in WEf5T. EAST. 1856 33,058 Receipts of lumber at the port of Way. Total. Thro'. Way. Total. Thro'. Chicago for the year 1856—being the Mich. Central.. 117,662 215,119 332,781 64,187 194,697 258,884 largest lumber market in the world M.S. (estimate) 117,662 215,119 332,781 64,187 194,697 258,884 -feet ^ 456,67.3,169 Receipts of lead for the year 1856, lbs. 9,527,506 665,562 128,374 389,394 517,768 Total 235,324 530,238 Now laid up in the port of Chicago, steamers and sail vessels 245 This table would show, on the above Total number of vessels ai riving in Chicago for the year 1856 7,328 hypothesis, that these two lines brought Total tonnage of vessels arriving in passengers west more than they this port for the year 1856 1,545,379 147,794 Amount of imposts received at the took back, leaving about 40,000 to remain Chicago Custom House on foreign goods for the past year $162,994.31 in this city or to find their way west of us Total a:uount of capital invesied in manufactures dui ing the year 1856 lines. If a fair esti- by other we make showing an increase of $1,464,400 mate for the movement of passengers on over 1855 $7,759,400 Total number of hands employed— the Milwaukee and St. Louis roads, from showing an increase over 1855, of 1,833 10,573 which no returns were received, the total Total value of manufactured articles, movement on the principal railway lines .showing an increase of $4.4S3..->7i, $15,515,063 Total aniDUiil invested during 1 lie year centering at Chicago would be about IS.Mi in improvcinonts, stores, dwell- ings, hotels etc.- showing an in- 3,350,000 passengers. crease ove r 18.-)5, of $ 1 .'.173.370 $5,708,624 passengers carried This is the last of four leading statisti- Total ininiber of west by fourpiiiicipal railway.-^ lead- cal articles published since the first of ing out of Chicago 0-39,666 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO. 73

Total number remainin? west above y ar she invested in magnificent stores, those who returned on these four many of them with superb marble and li.ies - 107.653 Total number of passengers moved iron fronts, elegant palatial residences and on all the roads ceuteriug in Chicago 3,350,000 other improvements, $5,708,624. And will be re- The above facts and figures wonderful as has been the progress of the special satisfaction by all our garded with city, it has not been able to keep pace North- citizens, and by the people of the with the improvements of the country by show a healthy, west generally. They which slie is surrounded. astonishing progress. but rapid and most The statistics of the movement of pop- whole his- It may be doubted whether the ulation westward show that people enough can furnish a tory of the civilized world found their homes west of Chicago during and rapid parallel to the vigorous growth the past year to form two entire States. of the country which has development Nor is this a movement of mere human metropolis. Chicago for its commercial l)one and muscle; it is a concentration years When it is rememb.-red that twenty upon our rich rolling prairies and amid ago she was not an incorporated city, and our beautiful groves of a vast host of less than a quarter of a century since, the active, vigorous, intelligent men, who Indians still had possession of the largest plant schools and churches wherever they portion of this magnificent country, these settle, and bring with them all the ele- facts, stubborn and incontestible though ments of an enterprising Christian civili- they be, seem more like the dreams of zation—a deep, controlling, ever abiding some vagrant imagination than sober mat- reverence for liberty and for law. They ters of realitj', which scores of men still are laying the foundations for an empire among us have themselves seen and real- of whose wealth, intelligence and power ized. the sun in all his course has never seen the Twenty years ago Chicago was an insig- equal. Ere the next quarter of a century nificant town at the southern end of Lake shall have rolled away, the beautiful val- 3Iicbigao, importing nearly all her pro- leys of the Upper Missouri, the Yellow duce from Western jSTew York and North- Stone, the Platte, and the Kansas, aye, ern Ohio. Last year she shipped and even that of the Red River of tiie 21,583,221 bushels of grain, and her total North, will all have been settled, and this receipts were over twenty-four and a half ever-deepening current of emigration will millions. Half a dozen years ago she meet an equally resistless stream from the had only a single railroad some twenty Pacific coast, and roll back in mingling miles long entering the city; now she eddies from the summits of the Rocky has 3,676 miles completed and in opera- Mountains. Fourteen States as large as tion, and the earnings of these lines for Ohio, but on an average more wealthy the last year amount to the enormous sum and populous, will have grown up on the of $17,343,242.83. The increase of earn- magnificent country between the Lakes ings during the past year is over four mil- and the Rocky Mountains, and how many lions of dollars. More than a hundred will repose upon the "Pacific slope" we trains of cars arrive and depart daily. dare not attempt to predict. Her trade in lumber exceeds by far that During the last year our steamers have of any other city in the world, amounting run without interruption to the bead of to 456,673,169 feet. Ten years ago her Lake Superior, and our exports to the manufactures were in their infancy and Atlantic seaboard have largely increased. were scarcely worthy of commendation. Nor is this all. The Dean Richmond was Last year the capital invested amounted loaded with wheat at the wharves of Chi- to $7,7o9,400, and the value of manufac- cago and Milwaukee and discharged her tured articles to more than fifteen mil- cargo into the warehouses of Liverpool. lions AND A HALF OF DOLLARS. Half a The practicability, and the profit too, of dozen j^ears ago Chicago w^as reproached direct trade with Europe have been dem- as being a city of wooden shanties; last onstrated; and as soon as navigation 74 HISTOKY OF CHICAGO.

opens, other vessels will follow in the and to celebrate their benign influence of in track of the Dean Richmond; and in the upon the happiness mankind the magic numbers of poetr^'. Next to judgment of those have most care- who Christianity itself, commerce has the most fully studied this subject, a very few years direct and powerful influence to bind to- will render the dei^arture of vessels for gether, in a community of interest and feeling, all the families of our race, and the grain-consuming countries of Europe to cultivate those kindlier sympathies so common as scarcely to excite remark. which teach man to recognize a brother in Our Canadian neighbors are becoming hisfelloW*man in whatever land or clime fully convinced that their best interests he may be fnund. This celebration is intended (o honor the require greater facilities for the transit of opening of another great thoroughfare western produce to the ocean—and the from the teeming prairies of the West to enlargement of the Welland Canal and the Atlantic seaboard. While others the construction of the Georgian Bay or have enjoyed the pleasing task of d'.vell- iug on tiie social themes suggested by this the Ottawa Ship Canal is now regarded as event, and believing as I do in the elo- a prime necessity of commerce. Our rail- quence of facts and figures, will you per- way lines are constantly being extended mit me. Sir, to notice its great commer- cial importance. Canadian enterprise through the magnificent country west of was never more wisely employed than us a country whose mineral, agricultural — when it devoted its energies to complete and commercial resources no man has yet another highway from the j\Iississippi to had the nerve to estimate. To the citi- Montreal and Quebec, and to Portland in Maine, the most eastern, as she certainlj- zen of Chicago who has at heart the is one of the fairest stars in our glorious material, social and religious welfare of galaxy of States. Permit nie, in this con- the millions who are to succeed us, every nection, to notice briefly the extent and aspect of the horizon east, west, north rapidity of settlement, and the resources of the magnificent country of which Chi- and south, is full of promise and joyous cago is the commercial centre, and which hope. Presenting our congratulations to you have bound to your city by iron bands the readers of the Press, we offer to them, by the completion of the Grand Trunk Railway. Let any one study carefully to all, the inspiring motto. Courage ! the map of the Northwest, and he w-ill Onward ! ! find within the. bounds of the United States, lying between Lake Michigan and the Rocky Mountains, and within the lakes south, The following little address contains reach of the trade of the say the latitude of Alton, 700,U00 square some facts which perhaps will excuse its miles of territory—enough to form four- insertion here: teen States as la'rge as Ohio. It is very ea.sy to repeat these figures, but let us EXTENT AND EESOURCES OF THE make some comparisons in order that we NORTHWEST, may form some just and definite concep- TRADE WITH CANADA, ETC. tion of their magnitude. All the States east of the Mississippi, except W^iscousin, Remarks of Wm. Bross, Esq., at the Great Railway Illinois Florida, contain only about c'elfbration at IMoutreal, Wednesday, Nov. IStli, and 18.5tj, in lesponsB to the io;is: " The City of Chi- 7(10,000 square miles. Again, England, cago," as reported in the Montreal Gazette, Nov. Ireland, Wales and Scotland, consiituting 13th. the British empire, leading, as her posi- "Wm. Bross, Esq., Editor of the Chicago tion is in tlie civilization, wealth and power 115,000 square Democratic Prtss, responded. He thani< ed of the world, contain only have a population of tlie last speaker for the llattering mention miles, and yet they countries of Turkej', that had been made of Chicago, and said: 36,000,000. The contain in the aggre- This IS eminently, Sir, a practical age. Austria and France square miles, and sustain a And while this is true, it is not wanting trate 861,000 in tho.se elements which appeal to and population of 84,0U0,000.« arouse the nobler auel more generous The climate of the region under con- emotions of the soul. The facts and the sideration is exactly fitted to produce a figures, which represent the onward pro- hardy and enterprising people. Its min- gress of our Christian civilization, so far eral deposits of iron, lead, coppci and from being dry and uninteresting, are coal are unsurpassed in extent and rich- themselves eloquent and ab.sorbing, and ness, and, unbroken by mountains, its even the most exalted genius has nut dis- agricultural resources are exhaustless and dained to embody them in our literature. truly amazing. It is said by competent \ HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 75

authority that every acre will maintain its IMPORTS. leu to each, within the man; but giving Vessels. Tons. next half dozen centuries, if peace and 18.54 ....5 l,lil3 £5,178 2 6 $24,855 prosperity crown the laud, it is destined 18.55 77 l

Y6 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. years before Montreal will secure the Stripes of our own glorious Union. Aye, lion's share of the trade of the West. I Sir, she has bound us, and may she con- am well aware, Sir, that these remarks tinue to bind us together in a community may be condemned, and perchance excite of interest and feeling, and accursed be the ridicule of my friends on the other the hand that would sever these bonds, so side of the hne. The far-seeing sagacity productive of everything that promotes of DeWitt Clinton planned, and New the onward proi:ress of Christian civiliza- York enterprise built, the Erie Canal, tion. I give you, Sir, m conclusion thus securing for a time for the great American metropolis the vast trade of " Montreal and Chicago — England, the mighty West. But, Sii', there is Canada, and the American Union ; "in all enough for them and for yuu. Com- efforts to promote the arts of peace, and merce knows no national lines. Protect to secure the advancement of our race in her, and she blesses alike the loyal sub- intelligence and Chnslian civilization, jects of the British Queen and those who may they be ' now and fokevek, one " recline proudly beneath the Stars and AND INSEPEKABLE. ' UNION DEPOT, VAN BUREN STREET, HEAD OF LA SALLE.




From our railway review for 1857, pre- a dozen miles either way. In 1850 Illinois pared by myself, the followiug synopsis had only 95 miles of railway completed.

IS takeu. Such a result in so short a period is a just The following list embraces the trunk cause of honest pride to every citizen of roads actually completed and in operation, our noble State. with their branch and extension lines, The number of trains arriving and de- centering in Chicago: parting daily does not differ materially Miles. from that of previous year, Chicago and Milwaukee 85 the when we Kenosha and Kockford 11 found them to be one hundred and twenty. Racine and Mississippi 86 Chicaso, St. Paul and Fond du Lac 131 There is not an hour in the day unbroken Milwaukee and Mississippi, Western Divis"n 1.30 by the screaming whistle of the locomo- Galena and Chicago Union 121 Fox Kiver Valley 34 tive, and some hours the screeching is Wisconsin Central 8 Beloit Branch 20 scarcely interrupted for a moment. Beloit and Madison _. 17 of railroads mineral Point 32 The earnings the centering Dubugue and Pacific 20 in the city, all things considered, it is Galena (Fulton) Air Line 13ti Chicago, Ibwa andl^ebraska 3() believed will fully meet expectations. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 210 When it is remembered that six years Burlington and Missouri 3.5 Quincy and Chicago 100 ago the earnings of all our railroads did Hannibal and St. Joseph 65 Chicago and Hock Island 182 not exceed $40,000, 40 miles of the Mississippi and Missouri, IstDivision 55 Galena road only being this do do 2nd do 20 completed, do do 3rd do 13 result is truly astonishing. No other Peoria and Bureau Valley. 47 Peoria and Oquawka 143 country in the world has ever witnessed Alton and St. Chicago, Louis.-. 284 such progress. Illinois Central 704 Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago 383 The following table shows the earnings Michigan Soul hern and Northern Indiana 242 Cincinnati, Peru and Chicago 28 of all the railways centering in Chicago Michigan Central 282 for the year 1857 New Albany and Salem 284

0( Tt* OS -^ t* ^ »ft irt 00 C^ t- Tf t- t- in t- CO ICO 05 Q O O 11 Trunk and 20 Branch and Extension lines 3,953 '<3' CO Oi Oi O lO O O TJ' J^ 00 iC t^ -^ iO Ot O: CO o lot )1000'^0'r-00:D-^ -^T^OS o joooooopc- -- The above table shows an increase to 00 3: S CC 1.-5 00 iO ! the Chicago system of railroads during year, of the past 277 miles. Though fall- inc-.intNioOTt- 'sotoco'^co cooqoojiii-io 'ooio^ffiOT ing very far short of the progress of each o'-ooot-^oiot-^ !o6o6t--'y*if5 ot>-Ti


Several new lines have been added to passengers more than they took east from the above list during the past j'ear, but in it. The figures of the four iDrincipal lines order that we may form definite ideas leading west from this city give the fol- of the aggregate effect of the panic on lowing our railways, we present the earnings of RESULTS.

the twelve roads then reported for each WEST. EAST. year. Thro'. Way, Total. Thro'. Way. Total. EARNINGS. C.,St-P. &F- 43,518 46,199 89,717 35,046 45,026 80,073 G&C. U 57,-86 196,802 254,786 37,724 178,880 916,010 18.56. 1857. C,B. &Q.... 16,091 183,610 199,701 C. & M..... $650,000.00 $ 522,7.31.92 14,205 182,577 196,882 C. St. P. & F 1.37,303.67 429,.305..39 C. & R. 1 31,784 171,073 207,857 25,851 156,407 182,259 G. & C. U 2,456,045.80 2,117,904.97 Total. 149,179 597,684 752,061 112,826 562,990 675,224 F. R. V 50,000.00 30,000.00 C, B. & Q 1,627,029.61 1,899,586.49 N. C, 6 m 215,222.79 347,3^.8'.) According to these figures, these four V. & R. 1 1,751,704.60 1,681,101.57 lines of railway carried west 7G,837 pass- C.,A. &St. L 1,000,000.00 998,309.48 111. Cent 2,469,533.67 2,293,964.57 engers more than they brought back to M. S. &N. I 3,114,756.06 2,186,124.97 Mich. Central 3,128,154.10 2,656,471.36 the city. If we estimate the immense N. A. &S 743.492.53 631.868.00 numbers that come down the Ohio river Total $17,343,242.83 $15,784,692.60 in steamers, and thence up the Missis- This table certainly affords us a most sipppi, at an equal number, and add a reasonable number for those gratifying result. Amid all the panic and who crossed disaster of the last year, with all the the State on the east and west lines soutli of Satanic efforts of certain journals m New this city, and also those who went west on the lines, further, 'York and other cities to destroy all rail- Wisconsin and remem- ber the vast numbers annually way values, the earnings of twelve rail- who emi- grate West in their own ways centering in this city for 1857, fell wagons, two short of their aggregate earnings in 1856 HUNDRED THOUSAND people at least, dur- ing the past year, $1,558,550.23, which is some ten per cent, found happy homes less than their receipts in a year of great west of Chicago. These people are the intelligent, the prosperity and progress. In all the dark enterprising, and the in- days through which we have passed, the dustrious, sifted out from the old station- of the Daily Press has steadily labored to in- ary communities Eastern States, the nations spire confidence and hope, and the results and from of Europe. All of careful comparisons in every depart- comment as to the rapidity with which ment of business show that our positions the Western States are growing in wealth, were correct. We have the satisfaction population, and power, is entirely unnec- also of knowing that our reasonings have essary. this is the last of our statis- saved many of our readers from despair As leading and utter rain. tical articles showing the business of tlie city for the past year, it may be well to MOVEMENT OF PASSENGERS. make a summation of the facts, that we The movement of passengers, as might may view them all at a glance. We pre- be expected, falls short somewhat of that sent, therefore, the following of the previous year; but the results show GENERAL SUMMARY. a steady and very large western move- railway ment. following Total number of miles of cen- The table shows the tering in Chicago Feb. 20, 1852 40 passenger traflic on our two great eastern Total number of miles now completed and in operation 3,953 lines: Increase in 1857 277 WEST EAST. Total number to be completed in from six to ten years 7,234 Thro'. Way. Total. Thro'. Way. ToUl Total number of miles of railway in M.S. AN. I... 106,310 19-2,211 279,581 64,621 182,347 836,968 the State of Illinois now in operation 2,775 Mlcb. Central.. 10S,!I95 178,630 286,416 64,746 169,227 233,973 (Only 95 miles were completed six years ago.) Total 214,.-i65 370,841 565,996 119,437 361,574 470,941 Total earnings of all the railways cen- tering in Chicago for the year 1857 $18,590,520.26 This table shows that our two great Incrcjisein six years 18,550,520.26 Total number of trains arriving and eastern lines brought to this city 94,998 departing daily 180


Total number of passengers carried It is a source of great satisfaction that west by four principal railwaj'S lead- is largcl}- ing out of the city - 752,001 the tide of popuhition and Total number remaining West above steadily westward. The change will in those who returned on these four lines 70,837 uimost every instance secure for the peo- Total number moved West on two Eastern roads above those who re- ple who emigrate a great increase of turned East 04,098 property, and thereby afford them the Population of Chicago in 1852 38,783 Total vote at the last municipal elec- means of greater physical comfort and a tion - 16,123 Estimated population from the above more generous expenditure for their intel- returns—allowance being made for lectual improvement and social elevation. the great numbers of of unnatural- ized people among us 130,000 Who can estimate the influence which the Total receipts of grain in Chicago for the year 1857—flour being reduced two hundred thousand people who sought to wheat, bushels 22,850,206 homes west of the Lakes during the past Total shipments of grain from the port of Chicago for the year 1857, year will have upon the social progress bushels .: - - 18,032,678 Total receipts of wheat for the year and the physical development of the 1857, bushels 12,525,431 Mississippi Valley? They are not the Total shipments of wheat for the year 1857, bushels.... 10,783,292 ignorant starveling serfs of grinding des- Receipts of corn for the year 1857, bushels 7,409,130 potism, nor yet the poor degraded "white Shipments of corn for the year 1857, trash " of the Southern States, but Intel- bushels 6,814,015 _ Total number of hogs alive and dressed ligent, energetic, honest freemen, who received in Chicago for the years 1856-7 220,702 plant schools and colleges and churches beef packed Numtier of barrels of in wherever they go. They bring with them 1857 42,100 Eeceipts of lumber at tlie port of skill, and strength, and capital too, and Chicago for the year 1857—being the largest lumber market in the world under their intelligent, ceaseless toil our -feet 459,639,189 magnificent prairies will be made to yield Total number of vessels, steamers, etc., in the port of Chicago during up their golden treasures as earth never the pist winter _ 250 Total number of vessels arriving in yielded them up before. Let the stream port of Chicago during 1857 the 7,557 of human energy continue to flow west- Toral tonnage of the vessels arriving in the port of Chicago during the ward with equal power for the next past year 1,753,413 Amount of capital invested in build- twenty years, and still there will be ample iugs, public improvements, etc., room for the succeeding score of years past year $6,423,518 for as many more to find rich, happy These figures are themselves far more homes between the Lakes and the Rocky eloquent than any mere human language. Mountains. The extent of our commerce, its rapid The recent season of panic and revul- growth and certain increase in the future, sion through which we have passed will are made apparent to the most skeptical prompt to greater caution, and therefore reader. Let such remember that it is not greater safety, in the future. With all its

twenty-one years since Chicago became a evil effects, it has clearlj' demonstrated

city. Let them contemplate our magnifi- that there is a solid basis for the pros cent system of railways, all the work of perity of our city and the West generally, the last seven years, and earning during and this fact will be of immense value the last year eighteen millions and a hereafter. It must inspire confidence in HALF OP DOLLARS. The lands along the the futute, and enable the West to com- line of these roads are but just beginning mand the means to provide highways for to be developed. And yet those lands the rapidly increasing commerce. The sent to this city, as a part of their sur- Georgian Bay Canal and the Pacific Rail- plus products, 12,524,431 bushels of wheat way are still to be built, and may we not and 7,409,130 bushels of corn. So rapidly hope the coming wave of prosperity, are they improving that Chicago received which must ere long roll over the land, the enormous amount of 459,639,198 feet will bear upon its bosom the means to of lumber to supply her own building accomplish these and similar improve- material and that of thi magnificent coun- ments? There is good ground to hope try by which she is surrounded. that, so far as the latter great national 80 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

highway is concerned, the solemn warn- are opening before them. With a large ing voice of a free people will ere long surplus of last year's crop still in hand, reach the ears of our tardy rulers—once the West is abundantly able to meet all proud of being called servants—at Wash- her liabilities, aud have sufficient means ington, commanding them to lay aside to make large and substantial improve- sectional strife, and to address themselves ments in the future. We are on the eve to the glorious work of binding together of a great, permanent and i)ropitious social the States of the Atlantic and the Pacific advancement, and let every Wesiern man by iron bonds, never, never to be broken, summon all his energy to act his part so long as the "star spangled banner" wisely aud well. With prudent*— but firm floats proudly step, let the watchword be " Forward!"*

" O'er the land of the free aud the home of the * After this 3'ear the Board of Trade issued a very brave." comprehensive review, and we ceased to publish In closing our sixth annual review, we our teveral statistical articles in pamphlet form. congratulate our readers on the bright Elaborate articles, howevtr, have been published prospects which it can scarcely be doubted every 1st of January, in advance of the Board. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 81



Illinois, an institution of the I deem it proper to extract from the Lebanon, Methodist denomination, with high honors, files of the Tribune the following tributes and immediately after his graduation took whose to the memory of my associates, the professorship of mathematics, in the names are above given. To me, and to same institution. His father was a promi- church, a fact which many others, their "memorj'^ is blessed," nent member of that had a powerful infiuence upon the whole for they were among the very best men I life of the son, although it was during ever knew. I take the extracts as written, his last sickness that he formally identi- from the paper. The first in relation to fied himself with the membership of that Mk. Scripps was published September organization. A short time after his graduation he 1866. 23rd, studied law and came to Chicago in 1847 The announcement of the death of to engage in its practice. In 1848 he John L. Scripps will be received, not bought one-third interest in the Chicago alone in this city, but throughout the Tribune, then published by John E. State of Illinois and the entire Northwest, Wheeler and Thomas A. Stewart. It was with feelings of profound grief by his at that time a Free-Soil paper, and labored liuge circle of friends and acquaintances. zealously for the election of Martin Van Although his health had been failing for Buren. Mr. Scripps was its principal a long time, from an afteclion of the writer and editorial manager. The press lungs it was not vintil last winter and of Chicago was then in its infancy, and immediately after the death of his wife, an infancy by no means respectable. that his friends became alarmed. He at He at once, by his dignified labor, gave once giwt^e up active business, but finding tone and character to it. He commenced that res* from care did not improve his writing up the financial and commercial health, he acted upon the advice of interests of the Northwest. He originated his friends, and went to Minneapolis, the first distinctive review of the markets Minnesota, hoping to find in the bracing air of Chicago, going about the city, ming- and salubrious climate of the Upper Mis- ling in daily intercourse with the mer- sissippi, that invigoration and strength chants of that day and inspiring confi- which medical skill, unaided, could not dence in the reports by their accuracy afford; but years of unremitting and and fidelity as well as respect and admira- patient toil, added to severe domestic afflic- tion for the editor. About that time, in tions which had visited him, had sapped company with William B. Ogden and the strong constitution past human help, John B. Turner, he canvassed Northern and, sustamed by an unfaltering trust in Illinois, in behalf of the projected rail- Providence, and a conscience void of road from Chicago to Galena. Mr. offence, he calmly passed away, at peace Scripps' careful analysis and research, with man and his Maker, at Minneapolis, furnished the statistics with which to Minnesota, on Friday, September 21st, appeal to the people for aid, while his pen 1866. did a great work in advancing the com- John Locke Scripps was born February pletion of this important enterprise. 27th, 1818, in Jackson County, Missouri, During his connection with the Tribune, a few miles west of Cape Girardeau. the Gem of the Prairie, a weekly issue of "While still young his parents moved to the former sheet, was started. It was Rushville, Illinois, and since that time the almost purely of a literary character and lamented deceased has been identified enjoyed a large degree of success, but with the growth and history of the State. was finally dropped and merged in the He graduated at McKendrie College, regular Weekly Tribune. Mr. Scripps' 82 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. literary abilities were of a high order, his soldiers of which company, who shared style very chaste, lucid and simple, his his hospitalities and enjoyed the comforts reasoning powers always strong and his attentions bestowed upon them, the cogent, his arguments well timed, con- sal news of his death will come with densed and straight to the point. His double force. invariably dignified and gentlemanly After his resignation of the ofl3ce of bearing, joined with these qualities, re- Postmaster, he disposed of his interest sulted in the elevation of the Chicago in the Tribune, and associated himself press, and formed the fouuddtion of the as senior partner in the banking firm of power it has since become Scripps, Preston & Kean, of this city. A In the winter of 1851-2 the Whigs of few days later he was seized with a sudden Chicago had a controlling interest in the attack of pneumonia, and for some time Tribune. Mr. Scripps was a Free-Soiler, his recovery was considered doubtful. with Democratic proclivities, and sold The disease turned, however, in his favor, out his interest in the paper Shortly when a sudden and terrible visitation of afterwards, in conjunction with Lieuten- Providence again prostrated him. His ant Governor Bross, he started a Demo- wife, Mary E. Scripps, who for so many cratic paper, under the name of the Demo- years had been his beloved companion cratic Press, the initial number of which and counsellor, on New Year's day, while was issued September 16th, 18.52. The in the midst of those graceful hospitali- Press was a Free-Soil paper, but sided ties she could so well dispense, and while strongly with Douglas and advocated his talking with friends, fell dead in an claims, until the question of the repeal of instant from an affection of the heart. the Missouri compromise came before the Mr. Scripps was at this time just conva- country. The paper then left Mr. Doug- lescent from his long illness, but the sud- las, and finally hoisted the Republican denness and severity of the blow fell flag in June, 1856, when the party was upon him with a terrible force, and for formally organized under the leadership some time it was doubtful whether he of J. C. Fremont. In the meantime, would recover. He rallied from it, how- through the unremitting labors of its edi- ever, sufficieutly to pay a few visits to his tors, the Press achieved a wide commer- relatives in this city and State, and then cial reputation, and labored earnestly to undertook his journey to ISIinneapolis, develop the resources of the Northwest. from whence came the sad tidings of his July 1st, 1858, the Press was consoli- death. His remains will leave St. Paul dated with the Tribune, itnder the name to-day (IVIonday), arriving here on Tues- of the Press and Tribune, and Mr. Scripps day. He leaves a son about 16 years of with his associate went into the new con- age, and a little daughter of 3 years. cern. In 1861 Mr. Lincoln (between whom In the death of Mr. Scripps, Chicago and Mr. Scripps existed a warm personal has lost one of her noblest men. No citi- friendship) became President, and shortly zen of this or any other community ever after Mr. S. Wiis appointed Postmaster of commanded a more hearty and tl|orough Chicago, a position which he filled with respect from his fellows than he. Candor, great ability for four years. It is not saying integrity and courage were the marked too much, nor is it injustice to the others traits of his character. He feared God, who have held that office, to say that he was but feared no man. He would no 'uore the best Postmaster Chicago ever had. have thought of compromising a principle His labors were constant and unremitting. or abating an iota of his personal honor, Although retaining his interest in the than he would have committed suicide. to official Tribune, his time was given his With a heart full of kindness for all men, duties, and not a day passed that did not with a lofty sense of the proprieties of find in his in the him accustomed place life and of intercourse with hi-* fellow men, Post Oflice. He rapidly comprehended a house ever open to the calls ^of hospi- the routine of the office, and his quick tality, and a purse which never failed perceptions suggested radical and imjjor to respond to the call of suffering, he was tant changes, both in and out of the office, the firmest man among ten thousand to which were adopted by the Department, the convictions of his conscience. A and have since proved of great value. mean act, an unworthy motive, fi cowardly During his administration the war was thought, had no room in his soul. He was in active progress. Mr. Scripps' sympa- not insensible to public approbation, but thies were actively enlisted on the side never for an instant would he resort to

< if freedom. He urged on the good cause the arts so common among politicians to with all the sagacity of his counsel and secure popularity. He avoided the very lavish contributions from his purse. appearance of evil. His uprightness of With his own means he organized, character and urbanity of demeanor had equipped, and sent to the war C-'ompany made him hosts of friends in citj' and C, of the 72nd Illinois regiment, well State, and it is not too much to say that, known as the Scripps Guards, to the in the meridian of his life, with his HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 83

ample fortune, his unsullied record and out of sight in machinery and expenses his talents, he might have conspicuous in six weeks, and not till January 1st, 1855, aspired to almost any position in the gift did either of us draw one cent from the of his fellow citizens. To those who have been associated with paper that we did not pay back. At one Mr. Scripps in the editorial profession, time Mr. Scrijjps would sell a piece of better than others the and who know real estate, put the money into the con- nobility of his character and the useful- cern and draw it out gradually as family ness of his life, the tidings of his death come with peculiar force and poignancy. expenses required, and I would do the No man ever labored more earnestly and same. Thus tin; paper grew and pros- effectively to impress right princi- more pered, but no two men ever toiled more ples upon the public mind through the medium of the press. A large sh^ire of earnestly or constantly in anj'' enterprise, the success achieved by the CJiieago than we did to achieve it. Tribune during his connection with it was The above article was written by Mr. due to his thoughtfulness, earnestness George P. Upton, with the exception of and unwearied perseverance. His works live after him. The seeds which he has the last two paragraphs, which were sown will continue to bear their fruit. A added by Horace White, Esq. They knew noble life, filled with good deeds, adorned Mr. Scripps very well, it is true, but it with the accomplishments of a C^hristian was not possible for them to know him as gentleman, has been garnered up in the treasury of the eternal kingdom. Though intimately as I did. In all the years of he be dead, he shall rise again. our intimacy as editors and proprietors, Every line and every word in the article we never had one word of dispute on any is true in every particular. A more hon- subject. Of course on matters of policy est man, a truer, nobler patriot, a sterner we sometimes judged differently; of right advocate of the right, never lived than never. Discussion soon convinced one or John Locke Scripps; and, withal, he was the other, and each addressed himself a most genial, accomplished gentleman. with all his might to the work. At our I first knew him at 171 and 171^ Lake perfect harmony of thought and action I street. We used the same front door and often wondered. He was born in Mis- hall in common, the Tribune on one side souri, brought up and educated as a Meth- and the Prairie Herald on the other. odist, with a thorough devotion to all the best principles—none of the bad—of the Deacon Wight, now Rev. . Ambrose Wight, of Bay City, Michigan, and my- Southern chivalry. One branch of his fam- self, printed our own paper and the ily came from an old English stock; after Tribune, for its proprietors, on an old one of them, the great logician and meta- Adams power press, the first ever brought physician, John Locke, Mr. Scripps was to the city, propelled by Emery's horse named. My ancestry were mainly of power, on which trudged, hour by hour, Huguenot origin, myself born and brought an old blind, black Canadian pony. Our up as a Presbyterian in the Delaware acquaintance soon ripened into friendship Valley, educated in a New England col- and he often urged me to buy out his part- lege, and yet we harmonized in all the ners and become associated with him in trying business and political times the Tribune. This I respectfully declined through which we passed, perfectly. The to do, and sold out my interest in the fact is one of my most pleasant and Herald to Mr. Wight, in the fall of 1857, cherished memories, its explanation I do and as slated in the article he sold his not care to discuss. He rests in peace, interest in the Tribune a few months later. and has—who can doubt it?—the reward He at once submitted his plans for a new of a good man and a life well spent, in Democratic paper, and we finally joined the mansions of the blessed. our fortunes in the enterprise. To start a newspaper even in that early day re- DR. CHARLES H. RAY. quired an abundance of grit. The $6,000 loaned us by friends, for which we gave The following article was written by them ample real estate security, all sunk Geo. P. Upton, Esq., now and for many 84 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

years one of the editorial writers of the himself and the latter, and which con- Tribune. It was published September tinued to exist to the time of Mr. Lin- coln's death. 25th, 1870. When the Legislature adjourned. Dr. Dr. Charles H. Ray is dead! The sud- Ray came to Chicago with the intention den and unexpected intelligence, i)riefly of starting a penny Republican paper. announced in our issue of yesterday, has During the Legislative session he had oast a deep gloom over his large circle of been the Springfield correspondent of the acquaintances and friends, and will come New York Tribune, and his masterly with all the force of a personal bereave- letters to that paper had brought him ment to the thousands of readers in the into extensive public notice as a writer. Northwest who have known him, for He wrote to Mr. Greeley on the subject of many years past, as a powerful, influen- a partner, asking him to recommend s me suitable tial, and successful journalist. It was person, to which Mr. Greeley only a few days ago that we talked with replied with a letter of introduction to him half an hour or more. He was un- , Esq., of the Cleveland usually hopeful of himself, and spoke so Leader, who was just about coming to encouragingly of his future prospects, Chiccigo with the object of connecting and had so many well laid journalistic himself with the press of this city. Mr. plans, that we were encouraged to think Medill airived in Chicago at about the he would, before long, be restored to his same time as Dr. Ray, and, after an inter- former usefulness and vigor, although he view, the former abandoned the idea of seemed to us as feeble as a child, com- a penny paper, and joined the latter in pared with his former robust and power- buying as much of the Tribune establish- ful phj'sical habit. We had an earnest con- ment of General Webster and Timothy versation with him upon the best means of Wright, Esq., as their means would allow. giving a higher standing and character to He had identified himself editorially with Art in Chicago—a subject in which he the Tribune in April, 1855, but did not was aJways deeply interested—and then assume his proprietary interest until June we parted. We missed him for a few of the same year, which he held until days, and then the shadow of death came November 20, 1863, at which time he sold between us, and he passed evermore from his interest and severed his editorial con- our sight. nection with the paper, to engage in other pursuits. Those pursuits not proving suc- Dr. Charles H. Ray was born at Nor- cessful, he returned to the Tribune, May wich, Chenango County, N. T., March 13, 25, 1865, as an editorial writer, and after 1821, and removed to the West in 1843. laboring ten weeks, he left the paper and He commenced his Western life in the embarked in another business. Two j-ears practice of medicine at Muscatine, Iowa, later, he wgs offered a favorable interest and subsequently settled in Tazewell in the Evening Post of this city, which he Count}^ 111., where he pursued his pro- accepted and retained until he died. fession for many years with success. With Dr. Ray's connection with the During these years he was married to Tribune, and his manly, straightforward, ' Miss Jane Yates Per-Lee. a most estim- and vigorous editorial conduct during the able lady, who died in this city, in June, Chicago riots, the excitements of the 1862, leaving, as the fruits of the union, Kansas war, the war of the rebellion, and one daughter and three sons, all of whom all the great events which culminated in are living. In the year 1851, Dr. Ray the election of Abraham Lincoln to the removed to Galena, and bought the Jef- Presidency, the public are familiar. His fersonian, a daily Democratic journal, writings were so sharp and trenchant, and conducted it with remarkable success, so eloquently denunciatoiy of wrong and until the time of the Kansas-Nebraska so searching in criticism, that they were struggle, when his strong impulses toward copied far and wide, and exerted a pow- freedom induced him to take open issue erful influence—alwa3'S upon the side with Judge Douglas, and eventually led of the right, and did much to establish its to the disposal of the paper and his iden- reputatitmasafearles?, outspoken journal. tification with the Republican party, then He wrote with an untiring vigor and with in the preliminary staL'e of organization. a searching analysis which went down to In 1854-55, Dr. Ray was Secretary of the the very heart and core of the matter, Illinois Senate, and presided as such whether he was exposing some iniqui- during the exciting canvass in that body, tous political scheme or moral wrong, or which elected Lyman Trumbull United was exhibiting some militaiy ofiicial in States Senator over his opponent, Abra- the light of his incompetency. There ham Lincoln. He gave his influence to was not a " conservative " drop of blood the former, but in such an open, manly in his veins. He always expected, and way that it never disturbed the close demanded, progress, both political, moral personal friendship which existed between and humane. He never needed any urg- HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. 85

ing in a radical direction; but, on the his old disease returned with twofold otlier band, liis zeal sometimes needed violence and resulted in death at a quarter restraint. He never consulted policy, past one o'clock on Saturdaj"- morning. for be bad no policy in bis disposition. It would be useless for us to say any- He never looked at consequences wben be thing further of Dr. Ray as a journalist. believed bimself rigbt, for be was abso- The pubic knows how well be has filled Jutely fearless. Wlien once settled upon that difiieult position during the past fif- a course, be would say to bis associates, teen or more years in tbis city; and bis Tbis is the rigbt course, and we must pur- able and vigorous editorials have always sue it to the end, regardless of conse- been a minor in which the public could quences. He cared for no pecuniary injury see the writer. It was impossible for the as the result of advocating an unpopular veriest dullard to mistake the meaning doctrine. Wben subscribers dropped off, of anything he wrote. In our profes- as a consequence, be would say, "Let sional association with him, which has them go. We are rigJit. Thej^ will all extended over many years, we learned to come back in a few weeks, and bring prize him as a man, and to hold bim dear others with them," and bis words were as a friend. He was not one, perhaps, more than once verified. to attract numerous friendships, for be AYben Dr. Kay left the Tribune, in 1863, was brusque and impetuous in his man- it was with the idea of acquiring a for- ner, and specially imi)atieut of anno}'ance. tune for bis cbildre-', and giving them and But those who knew him best, knew bow their education more personal attention genial he was at heart, how strong his than be could do while engaged in the affections were, and how almost faultless pres,si'ig demands of editorial duties. His be was in critical taste. He was intense speculations were at first very successful, in his likes and dislikes. He was bitter and he amassed a handsome competence. against an enemy, but be could not do too Shortly after, be married Miss Julia Clark, much for a friend. AVe have seen him a daughter of Judge Lincoln Clark, for a tairly crush insincerity with an exi»losion long time a prominent public man in Iowa, of his wrath, and then turn and relieve but then resident in Chicago, two daugh- the wants of a traveling beggar, and give ters beiug the result of tbis'second union. him kindly advice. He was the best Blessed with the deep and strong affec- friend a young man commencing news- tions of his family, and enjoying finan- paper life could have, for the reason that cial pro-^perity, everything seemed bright. be was chary of praise and never slow i\\ About the time of this marriage be wisely pointing out faults, and suggesting the concluded to settle on his wife and child- remedy. Perhaps the most striking feature ren half bis propertj^, which, through of his character was his hatred of cunt trustees, was invested in improA'ed real and sham. He recognized a hjpocrite in- estate in this city, and which has since stinctively, and he never stopped to select largely advanced in value and jnelds choice or elegant phrases in exposing bim. them a respectable support. AVitli the We cannot remember a man so plain- remainder of his means he embarked in spoken in denunciation of humbug or new enterprises, which proved, in the hypocrisy. He hit it with all his might, common decline of values, unsuccessful, and bis might was immense. And yet, and he resolved once more to return to tbis Samson was full of humanity, kindly the editorial profession, in which lie courte.sy, and noble, hearty manliness. worked with his old energy and vigor. With all his multifarious duties, private His excessive labor in the exciting canvass and public, which were often very per- in tbis county, last fall, superinduced an plexing, he found time to devote much attack of brain fever, in December last, attention to literature and art, and, in followed b}' many weeks of intense suffer- these directions, his taste was fastidious, ing and utter uiental and physical pros- and bis manner quick and resolved. He tration. -He at last recovered sufiiciently was as impatient of sham in a book, m a to go to Cleveland, where he received painting, or in the music room, as he was medical treatment. He then went to of a sham in life, and his criticism was Northampton, Mass., Mdiere be remained almost always just, even though it was for several weeks, returning to Chicago excoriating. ' The class of men who can early in the summer. He at once resumed not be politic enough to compromise with his position in the Post as editor-in-chief. hypocrisy is so scarce that it is refreshing Since that time, he has written but little. to recall this trait in Dr. Ray's character. But hjs articles showed the old fire, and It made enemies, of course, but that was some of them struck with the old force, of little account to bim. The nianwho but it soon became evident that the man has no enemies must be all things to all was wearying, that the pen was dropping men. He was a hard worker, and, in his from the reluctant fingers, and that the prime, was capable of an immense great brain could not much longer stand amount of labor, for he was physically the demands upon it. On Tuesday last very strong. Few men in the journalistic HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

profession, indeed, have combined sucli though really in the wrong, in some things power to labor, such keen perceptions, that I published. I acknowledged my fault such a nervous, trenchant style, and such and all was well. In all the years jnanly and vigorous grappling with pri- we vate and public evils. were associated together, the discussion of But the pen rests forever. The busy the question Is it right ? controlled the brain, so active that it wore upon itself, is policj" of the paper. Sometimes it re- silent. who are left behind, shall We quired a great deal of care and investiga- long miss his hearty welcome, his cheery, tion to it. outspolten voice, and his manly presence, determine For instance, I was of those who were identified with the with Prentiss' army on its march from Tribune in the early days of its existence, Ironton to Cape Girardeau, and became three are now gone Scripps, Ballantyne, — satisfied that Fremont, as a general, was a and Ray. Who next? His memory re- so mains with us, and that is precious, and failure, and wrote home to my asso- we can recall nothing in his long and ciates. Then Mr. Medill went with the useful career which did not bespeak the army to Jefferson City and came back man and the gentleman. May his rest be with the same report. Dr. Ray then went peaceful after the fitful fever of his life! down to St. Louis and got a great variety every With every sentiment and word of facts from his friends in that city, and of the above I most cordially agree. Dr. finally Mr. Scripps did the same thing ; Ray was one of the ablest, and in spite of and then after full consultation Dr. Ray the brusqueness to which Mr. Upton wrote a four or five column article in his refers, one of the best men I ever knew. most vigorous, trenchant style, calling for I first came to know him well, I think, in Fremont's removal, and giving the rea- editing the summer of 1854, when he was sons for it. It created a tremendous ex- the Galena Jeffersonian. The anxiety and citement, and cost us hundreds of sub- the hard work which the terrible on- scribers and thousands of dollars. The slauglits of Mr. Douglas and his friends course of the Tribune during and before made upon our paper for opposing the the war was the result of the matured repeal of the Missouri compromise, broke opinions of four independent thinkers, to give Mr. Scripp's health and he had up and hence it was always right. With two all writing and betake himself to his such honest, able, patriotic and scholarly home for two months or more before the men as Mr. Scripps and Dr. Ray, not to election, and for nearly as long after it. mention Mr. Medill, with his sharp, dis- Of course I had the entire management criminating mind, his wide acquaintance of the paper and was glad to get an ar- with men and things, and his acute jour- ticle from any friend that ofiered. Dr. nalistic and broad common sense, and Ray would sometimes come into the office with whatever I could contribute to the and volunteer half a column or more. common stock, is it any wonder the Tri- S 'me of the strongest and most effec- bune achieved a national reputation? It tive articles that appeared in the Demo- had the credit, and justly, of bringing out cratic Press or any other paper during Mr. Lincoln, and doing more than any that canvass were written by Dr. Ray. I other paper to secure his nomination, and These were only occasional favors, but of doing most effective work in his elec- they were always timely and most valuable. tion to the Presidency. During the entire

In 1858, we, J. L. Scripps, Dr. Ray, Mr. war it never flinched nor faltered for a Medill and myself, came together as part- moment. It led and guided public opin- ners and equal owners in the Tribune, Mr. ion in the Northwest; inspired confidence Cowles having then a smaller interest. amid defeat and disaster; always advo- For the five years that I was the most in- cated the most vigorous measures to put timately associated with Dr. Ray, we down the rebellion; drove the Copper- never had a word of dispute on any sub- heads to their holes, and to say the least, ject. Once, indeed, he gave me " a piece it has probably done as much as any other of his mind," rather emphatically, but it journal or influence in the country to was all on his side, fori was thoughtlessly, bring back the peace and the security HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 87

liberties," the unflinching foe ot whicli it now enjoys. With such men as of our and be ever Bcripps and Ray editing and inspiring all that is false and wicked ; its power their own journal, and through it giving ready to use all its influence and intellectual and right direction to the press of Ihc country, to promote the social, the " of the race. it will indeed ever remain the palladium the moral welfare 88 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.


From the Chicago Tribune, March 29th, 1871. with only eighty miles of canal and slack water navigation, and with the capacity to CANADIAN WATER ROUTES. pass vessels of a thousand or twelve hun- THE CHICAGO COMMITTEE AT OTTAWA, dred tons burden, and a corresponding CANADA. enlargement of the St. Lawrence Canals, is the only channel adequate to *he real The committee (Messrs. Bross, Holden, wants of the commerce of the country and McMullen) seat by a public meeting west of Lake Michigan. at the Board of Trade rooms to Ottawa, I can scarcely hope to state anything Canada, to represent to the Dominion new to this large assembly of learned and Parliament the importance of increased eminent gentlemen in regard to this sub- facilities of transit by the St. Lawrence ject; but I beg to introduce a few facts in route between the Upper Lakes and the relation to the growth of the Northwest seaboard, returned to the city yesterday. which we trust may be worthy of your They report the very best of feeling in consideration. I hold in my hand the Canada in relation to this important sub- report of the survey of the Huron and ject, and that their reception was of the Ontario Ship Canal, made by Mr. Tully, most cordial and friendly character. The as engineer, and Colonel R. B. Mason, Railway and Canal Committee of the now , as consulting en- Canadian Parliament is composed of some gineer, and published in 1857. In that fifty of the leading members, and other report there is a table showing what were gentlemen were also present when the then the population and resources of the Chicago Committee were invited to appear several Northwestern States, with an esti- before this large body, and to lay before mate of their probable increase, and of them any communication they might wish its effects upon the revenues of the canal to make. The following account of the for a series of years, based on an increase proceedings is taken from the Ottawa of 29 per cent, for every five years—1850 papers of the 24th: to 1855. In that table the population of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Mich- Increased Facilities of Transit for the Com- igan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, is merce of Hie Lakes to the Ocean. given, in 1857, at 3,090,000. On the ratio Remarks of Ex-Lieutennnt Governor Bross, of as above, they are estimated to bo, in 1870, before the Canal aivl Rtiihvay Com- Illinois, and in 1880, 9,980,776. The mittee of the Canadian Parliament, March 5,907,716, 23, 1871. census for 1870 shows that they now have a population of 10,759,981, nearly twice HonoraUe Chairman and Gentlernen of the Com- mittee: the estimate for 1870, and nearly a mill- ion more than the estimate for 1880. I thank you most cordially, in behalf of myself and associates, for your very kind So certainly are all the figures of our invitation to appear before you. We are boldest statisticians far exceeded by the here simply to express to you our deep in- actual facts as time rolls onward. Leav- terest, and that of our city and the West ing out of the account the population of generally, in the progress and develop- the two great States, Ohio and Indiana, ment of your great lines of internal improve- the remaining States above mentioned, ments, and to assure you that, in due time, for whose business the canal could legiti- the West will furnish them with all the mately compete, with the exception, per- business they can possibly do. The West haps, of the eastern half of Michigan, will be thankful for the use of any and which would be more than balanced by all the means of transit to the seaboard the trade of Nebraska, have now a popu- which you now have or may hereafter lation of 6,419,510. The city of Chicago, construct. Hence, we trust that you will in 1857, had a population of 130,000; it enlarge the Welland Canal, and open the has now 300,000. The shipments of grain Ottawa route; but, fmm our standpoint, in that year from Chicago were 18,483.678 knowing how rapidly the vast resources bushels; last year they were 54,745,903; of the Northwest are developing by the just about three times what they were extension of our railways, many of our thirteen years previous. The revenues of leading business men have come to the the canal, estimated from a careful analy- conclusion that the Huron and Ontario sis of till? commerce of the Lakes previ- Ship Canal, avoiding entirely the St. Clair ous to 1857, would have been in 1865, had Flats, Lake Erie, and the Welland Canal, it then been completed, $1,126,758, and CHICAGO RIVER, LAKE STREET BRIDGE.


for 1870, $1,453,577. As the population bating the rascality of Wall street; the of the Northwestern Slates from 1857 to benefits will be mutual and entirely recip- 1870 increased threefold, it will be safe rocal to the people of the West. We to double the estimates for the receipts of think we can safely assure you that a the canal for the last year. This would large majority of tlie West are in favorof ffive for last j-ear a l<.tal revenue of reciprocal free trade with Canada and $2,907,034; and b^ 1880 on the same with all mankind as well; and what is premises it would exceeil $4,000,000. more, they are dettjrmined to have it. If We are well aware that the construction our legislators now at Washington will not give it to us, the West will send men of this canal would cost a large amount of there who will. With the Lakes and one monej'. But the country to furnish it of the great rivers of the world to make with business is vast in extent, and un- their commercial relations close and almost bounded in resources. There are 700,000 speaking the same language, square miles of territory between Lake identical, and with the same progressive Christian Michigan and the Rocky Mountains, not civilization, Canada and the Northwestern counting j'our own rich fertile region in States of America have a common and an the valleys of the Red River and the Sas- absorbing interest in all that can elevate katchewan — enough to form fourteen and enoble our common humanity. States as large as Ohio. On an average I close, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, the land is richer and far more productive with an expression of the most cordial than the soil of that State. This country thanks for the very kind and courteous is now filling up with a hardj^, industrious, manner in which you have received us. enterprising population more rapidly than was ever before known in the history ot Hon. Mr. Holton thanked Mr. Bross for our Republic. Our city and the North- his able and eloquent speech. He believed west are greatly obliged to Canada for there w^as no division of sentiment on this the large number of excellent citizens she subject among parties in Canada. The has sent us. Through this vast fertile views which had been expressed coincided country railways are penetrating in all exactly with his own. There were ques- directions. The great central line is fin- tions, of course, as to the choice of route ished, and the cars run from ocean to of proposed canals, but he would assure ocean. The North Pacific Railway will, the gentlemen from Chicago that the undoubtedly, be done in five years, and views of the people were in unison with the extent of the commerce which all what had been so ably expressed by Mr. these lines will pour upon Lake Michigan, Bross. no sane man would dare to put down in Sir F. Hincks expressed his gratifica- figures had he the ability to do it. To tion at what he had heard, and agreed accommodate it, the West looks mainly generally with what Mr. Bross had said. to the Lakes and the mighty St. Lawrence. He tlierefore had much pleasure in mov- We know full well, to quote a remark I ing a vote of thanks to the Hon. Mr. Bross made years ago, "that national pride and the gentlemen who accompanied him and immense capital and the beaten for the information they had given and track of commerce are on the side of New the kindly sentiments they had expressed. York; but God and nature are stronger Mr. Sbanley said he had listened with, than all these, and let any intelligent man great pleasure to what had been said on

' in Canada compare tlie Erie ditch ' with the mighty this important subject. We St. Lawrence, and a canal to pass vessels had the great natural outlet for the im- of 1,000 tons burden from the Georgian mense trade of the West; our position on Bay to Lake Ontario, and he cannot doubt tliis continent was unequaled, owing to for a moment on which side the immuta- the St. Lawrence and the great Lakes, ble laws of commerce will decide the yet we had done but little to improve our contest." What the AVest wan'sarethe great natural advantages. This subject cheapest and the largest possible outlets had been spoken of for years, but had to the ocean. She cares not a rush for never found a more practical result than New York. While that city nurtures reports. such men as Vanderbilt, who waters the Hon. Mr. Anglin hoped the government stock of his railway two or three times would take this question earnestly in over, and then demands from the West hand, and should they do so they would full rates on the results of his "ways that have the support of the people of the are dark" and tricks that are villainous; Eastern Provinces in carrying it out. while Fisk and Gould flourish in that city, [Hear, hear.] the West is surely free to cultivate the Mr. Capreol then addressed the com- most intimate relations with their neigh- mittee. He pointed out the great advan- bors across the line. What if our com- tages of public works for promoting im- merce benefits Canada; what if it builds migration. up Toronto and makes another New York Sir A. T. Gait was glad to welcome the of I^Iontreal or Quebec, always we trust gentlemen from Chicago. The reason 90 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

why the route to the "West had not been Companj', who was, throughout, most opened up was the want of a good under- efficient in contributing to the comfort of standing with the United States, but he the committee and advancing the com- hoped tor a better state of things in the mercial interests of Canada and the West. future. He had much pleasure in second- ing the motion of Sir F. Hincks. The following article is from the Hon. Mr. Holden then rose and ex- Ottawa Times of Friday, the 24th: pressed his gratification on meeting the members of the committee. He hoped FROM LAKE TO OCEAN. the result of this meeting would be grati- fying to both parties concerned. He We direct the especial attention of our supported the views expressed by Mr. readers to the speech of the Hon. William Bross, and thanked the committee for the Bross, ex-Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, kind reception extended to them. on the subject of the transport of produce Sir G. E. Cartier said he was glad to from the Western States to the ocean. hear the clear and forcible exposition which The subject is one to which we have often had been made by the Hon. Mr. Bross, and alluded as being of the utmost importance, was happy to learn that the Western peo- and perhaps no one is more thoroughly ple pioperly estimated the influence of able to deal with it intelligently than the New York. The Treasury at Washington gentleman to whose remarks we refer. had pursued a policy calculated to build Whatever may be the views adopted by up the Atlantic cities at the expense of our government in reference to the exact the interior country. According to his nature of our canal policy, and whether views there was a natural commercial or not they may feel justified in agreeing bond between Canada and the Western to the propositions made by Mr. Bross and States, and a feeling of sympathy that we the other delegates from Chicago, we may were willing to cultivate if the United rely upon it that nothing but good can States Treasury would pursue a more spring from the visit of these American equitable policy. He thought the Wes- gentlemen to the Canadian capital, and tern people should consider our country from a free interchange of thought and their natural seaboard while we regarded opinion between them and our leading their trade and commerce a part of our public men. Our neighbors will find that own as their prosperity was, rightly, con- but one desire exists here, as far as our sidered, the prosperity of the Dominion. social and commercial relations with the [Hear, hear] The motion was then put United States are concerned, viz.: that and carried with applause. The com- they shall be of the most intimate and mittee then adjourned until noon to-day. friendly character—and without at the The committee were invited to break- present moment entering into a discussion fast on Friday morning by Sir Francis as to the respective merits of the various Hincks, and, by invitation, dined with canal schemes proposed, we feel justified His Excellency Lord Lisgar, Governor in saj'ing on behalf of the government General of the Dominion, on Saturday and people of this Dominion, that they evening. Thos. Reynolds, Esq., the Man- are thoroughly alive to the importance of aging Director of the Ottawa Railway, establishing a commodious water high- sent them to Prescott in his own car. At way from the Western Lakes to the Atlan- Toronto they spent half a day with F. C. tic Ocean, through the Valley of the St. Capreol, Esq., the indefatigable President Lawrence, and are di>;posed to work ener- of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal getically with that end in view. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 91


OCTOBER 9, 1871.

As the great fire of October 9th, 1871, ordinary rules that are commonly atten- is to be ever memorable iu the history dant upon even great fires, as the terms of Chicago, and as the most extensive are usually understood. In places the and destructive that ever occurred in heat could only be compared to that from any age or nation, it is well that each the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen citizen put on record his own obser- by means of the blow-pipe. In places it vations and experience, so that the future would strike great iron columns nearly historian can from them condense a true two feet square, and for four or five feet, account of that wonderful event. perhaps more, the iron would be all In the first place, the city had for six or burned up. No residuum would be left. eight weeks been preparing, under a Sometimes car wheels standing on the scorching sun and strong south and track would be half burned up. Safes if southwest winds, for that terrible fire. exposed to these jets of heat were of no " It* was probably the longest spell " of account whatever. Geo. C. Smith, Esq., that kind of weather the city had ever banker, told me that they had standing suffered. Scarcely any rain had mois- in a back ofiice a large safe full of ledgers tened a roof or lain the dust. The inter- and other books. That safe and its con- nal structures of the buildings, and in tents were all burned up. Not a vestige hundreds, perhaps thousands, of cases of it remained to mark where it stood. the frame work as well, were of wood, Many safes that stood where brick walls and under the burning sun for so many soon fell on and protected them were all weeks the whole city became virtually a right, and as usual the manufacturers the fire a tinder box. When broke out made great noise about them ; but in no among the wooden houses and stables in case that I heard of, if they stood in ex- the southwestern part of the city, a fierce posed positions were their contents pre- wind was blowing from the southwest, served. Brick vaults with safes inside which under the influence of the fire soon were all right. The Tribune vault among became a gale. Once fairly under way other things had a linen coat and a box of no fire department in the world could matches inside, which were not injured, stand before it. Under like circumstanceT and the painted figures on the safe door every other city in the United States were not even blistered. It should be would burn up, for every other city, like added, that the vault was near the centre Chicago, is mainly built of wood. Till of the building, north and south, and was more incombustible materials are used in protected by the south as well as its own this as they are in the old country, and until wall. Some of the freaks of the fire are rigid rules for building substantially are scarcely credible. Very reliable gentle- adopted and enforced, the cities of the men reported that they. saw jets of flame United States will never be safe from dart across an entire block and in an such calamities as befell Chicago. instant envelop the building it struck in a Some few incidents are inserted here winding sheet of lurid flame. The heat to show how terrible was the fire."—When of the burning city was felt far away on it had reached the business centre of the the lake, and I have been assured by gen- city it ceased to be governed by any of the tlemen on whose word I place implicit 92 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. confidence that so hot was the wind over an express wagon that stood at the door> at Holland, Michigan, a hundred miles or and I supi5osed that she had. We filled more northeast of Chicago, that some it full of goods and furniture, among parties there on the afternoon of Monday, other things, a valuable picture—a farm were obliged for some considerable time and animal scene—by Herring, the great to get down behind a hedge and let the English painter. The driver slipped off scorching blasts pass over them. They in the crowd and that was the last we were unable then to account for the heat, heard of that picture or any part of the and greatly feared that the time had come load. I met a man at my door, looking when "the earth and all things therein decidedly corpulent. "My friend," said would be burned up." I, "you havfe on a considerable invoice of The fire commenced an hour or more my clothes with the hunting suit outside. before midnight, near the corner of Jef- Well, go along, you may as well have ferson and DeKoven streets. Soon after them as to let them burn." These were starting it became a great river of fire, slight affairs compared with what many and from its central track at first not others suffered by the thieving crowd. more than a block or two on either side, ^Having got out all we could, about 11 swept directly through the business por- A. M. of Monday, the 9th, I sat down by tion of the city, reaching the water works my goods piled up indiscriminately on the and the old cemetery before daylight. lake shore. Soon I saw the angry flames But on either side of that track it kept up bursting from my home—the result of its destructive work till noon of Monday, years of care and toil. Quickly and and perhaps in some localities even later grandly they wrapped up the whole blqck than that. Along all great rivers there and away it floated in black clouds over are eddies, and it was these eddies of wind Lake Michigan. I know not how great charged with flame that enabled the fire calamities affect others; but for myself I to work westward in the heart of the city looked on calmly without any of those to the river, and eastward to Michigan deep emotions which one might be ex- avenue as far south as Congress street. pected to feel. The thing was inevitable; This comparison of the central track of I was no worse off than most of my fel- the fire to a great river and its eddies on low citizens, and indeed I felt grateful to each side of that track, will probably ex- a kind Providence that the homes of some saved, plain its action better than any other com- of my friends were where we could find refuge. I indulged in no useless sor- parison that could be made ,__ Following out the idea that each citizen rows, and, as I saw my home burn, simply should give the incidents happening to resolved as in the past, to do my duty himself or under his own observation, I each day as it came along as best I could. mention that never did friends toil more I had begun life with no patrimony, save loyally than ours did for us. They saved strong arms, willing hands, and I hope, again. most of our books, furniture, pictures, etc., an honest heart; and I could do so afternoon began to send that were left to us. Some that were not —^Early in the we friends helped themselves to whatever our goods south by teams, being careful struck their fancy when opportunity to have some friend with each load, and that been able to oflered. My coachman filled my buggy by sundown all we had with some harness, a bag of coffee and save was distributed among friends south evening other articles, and left it with his friends of Twelfth street. In the my on the lake shore. Some one coming little family of three, came together at L. Jansen, Esq., No. 607 along and finding it was my "plunder," the house of E. said he knew me; would put some more Wabash avenue, Mrs. B.'s brother, where goods in to take home and return the she and my daughter remained till we E. buggy to me. That was the last I ever heard were most kindly received by Dr. of the buggy or anything that was in it. Andrews and family. There was very My daughter supposed that I had hired little sleep that (Monday) night, for every- HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 93

" "body was in mortal fenr that what re- do you want?" All you can spare;" mained of the city would be burned up and he handed me $60. Not enough for Ijy the desperadoes who wei'e known to be the stove genius, but I walked rapridly to prowling about everywhere. his den, shook the greenbacks at him and I add a few incidents not reported in told him to hurry up, for I'd soon have the interview printed herewith. When I the balance. Came back to the oflice and arrived at 15 Canal street I found Mr. found a dozen or two more of our leadit g " Medill in the upper stories among the citizens like myself all strapped," till

types and printers, doing all he could to at last E. S. Wadsworth, Esq. , handed me get ready to issue a paper in the morning. $100. Messrs. Cowles and Wadsworth, I saw at a glance that my work was be- therefore, furnished the cash capital to low. The basement and main floor were start the Tribune the next day after the in. filled with boards, boxes and rubbish, and fire. But money soon began to flow these must be cleaned out at once. I Between three and four o'clock, our clerk, " placed a gang of men under the command Mr. Lowell, came to me and said, there of our cashier to clear out the main floor, are some people here with advertisements and another gang under a boss to clear for lost friends!" I said, "take them out the basement to receive a load of and the cash, registering in your memo- dirty old paper. I then went foraging for brooms, randum book;" and upon a box but the market was bare of that indispen- on the window sill for a desk, the Tribune sable article and I borrowed some of a at once commenced doing a lively busi- neighbor. Seeing that business was ness. A gentleman called me by name " going on lively, my next duty was to get and said, I haven't a morsel of food for up four stoves. For these I started west my wife and children to-night and not a " on Randolph street, but every store had cent to buy any; may I not paint Tri- It sold out, till I got to the corner of Hal- bune" over your door?" was soon

sted street, I think it was; I found here the done—bill $3.75; and thus a family was four I wanted: price $16 each. Told the provided for that night at least, and owner I wanted all his men to go to work another citizen started in business. at once to get the pipe ready; but fearing By four p. m. the stoves were up; Mr. if he did not know who had bought them "White was duly installed with the editors somebody with cash in hand might "jump in the rear of the main floor; the clerks my claim," I told him they were for the were taking ads., the paper was soon Tribune Company, that we had plenty of after going into the basement, arrange- money in our vault and in the bank, and ments were made to print on the Journal as soon as we could get at it he should press, our next door neighbor. Mr. have his pay. " I don't know about dat," Medill had his printers all in order, and said the worthy Teuton, "I guess I must a council was called; a list of materials have de money "^for dem stoves." The made out, and it was agreed that I should thing amused me at the rapid change the start for Buffalo and New York that even-

fire had wrought. On Saturday our note ing to get them. I hurried home, got would have been good for $100,000 and my satchel—alas, clean linen was not to on Tuesday we c^uld not buy four stoves be had—and back to the oflace. About and the fixtures on credit. In the best of eight I took the middle of Canal street humor I told him to come with me and mea- and went south to Twelfth ; thence east sure the height of the holes for the pipe in to Clark and thence south to sixteenth, the chimneys, and before he could get the and just saw the cars moving away. to be done but to return to articles ready he should have his money. Nothing was I have mentioned This he did, and then my first question, 607 "Wabash avenue. half joke, half earnest, to every friend I my route thus particularly to add that met was, "have you got any money?" The this was one of the most lonely and fearful tenth man perhaps, Hon. Ed. Cowles, of tramps of my life. No street lamps, few Cleveland, Ohio, said, " Yes, how much people in the streets, and there were good 94 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. reasons' to give them as wide a bertli as derfully accurate; and your map, show- possible. Another sleepless night, and ing the burnt portion of the city, is the best I have seen. in the morning as I sat sipping my coffee As to what I saw of the fire. About over some cold ham, I saw Sheridan's two o'clock on Monday morning, my fam- boys with knapsack and musket march ily and I were aroused by ]\lrs. Samuel of editor and pro- proudly by. Never did deeper emotions Bowles, the wife the prietor of the iSjyrinfffeld liepiiblicKn, who of overcome me. Thank God, those joy ha]ipened to be a guest in our house. We most dear to me and the city as well are had all gone to bed very tired the night safe, and I hurried away to the train before, and had slept so soundly that we were unaware of the conflagration till it Had it not been for General Sheridan's had assumed terrible force. My family patriotic action, I verily prompt, bold and were all very much alarmed at the glare believe what was left of the city would which illuminated the sky and the lake. have been nearly if not quite entirel}'' I at once saw that a dreadful disaster w;is impending over Chicago, and immediately destroyed by the cutthroats and vagabonds left the house to determine the locality who flocked here like vultures from every and extent of the fire. I found that it point of the compass. was then a good deal south of my house Southern and As soon as m\^ name was found on the and west of the Michigan Rock Island Railroad depots. I went hotel ^t Buffalo, Thursday morning, book home considerably reassured in half an some gentlemen came round, and tojk hour, and, finding my family packing me to the Board of Trade, where I gave things up told them that I did not antici- pate danger and requested them to leave the best account I could of the extent of off packing. But I said, ''the result of the fire, the relief that had been sent, and this night's work will be awful. At le^^st of the certainty that the city in a very 10,000 people will want breakfast in the j'ou prepare breakfast for one few years would rise from its ashes in all morning ; hundred." This they proceeded to do, its pristine vigor. but soon became alarmed and recom- Completing my business, I left for New menced packing. Suon after half past York in the evening train. My arrival in two o'clock I started for the Tribune oflice some way soon became known at the to see if it was in danger. By this time the fire had crossed the river, and that Tribune office, and Whitelaw Reid, Esq., portion of the city south of Harrison street sent two reporters to interview me. I and between Third avenue and the river insert what apjieared in the Tribune Sat- seemed in a blaze of fire, as well as on the Tribune office, urday morning, Oct. 14th, headings and West side. I reached the and, seeing no cause for any apprehension all, with only a very few verbal corrections. as to its safety I did not remain there Isaving STATEMENT OF EX-LIEUT. GOV. BROSS OF more than twenty minutes. On the Nevada Hotel THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE—SCENES DURING the office I proceeded to AND AFTER THE FIRE—WHAT CHICAGO (which is my property,) at the corner of Franklin streets. I re- HAS, WHAT SHE NEEDS, AND WHAT SHE Washington and watching the AVILL BE. mained there for an hour progress of the flames and contemplating Ex-Lieutenant Governor Bross of Illi- the ruinous destruction of property going nois, arrived in this city from Chicago, on around. The fire had passed east of yesterday morning. A Tribune reporter the hotel, and I hoped that the building called on him at the St. Nicholas Hotel, was safe; but it soon began to extend in a immediately after his arrival, and although westerly direction, and the hotel was Gov. Bross w^as suffering greatly from quickly enveloped in flames. I became fatigue and the reaction consequent on seriously alarmed, and ram north on Frank- the excitement of the last few days, he lin to Randolph street so as to head oflf kindly and cheerfully dictated the follow- the flames and get back to my house, ing statement of his experience during which was on Michigan avenue, on the the conflagration. Gov. Bross is well .«hore of the lake. My house was a part known as one of the principal proprietors of almost the last blbck burned. of the Chiaigo Tribune, and his statement will be read with the greatest interest. MAGNIFICENT APPEARANCE OF THE FIRE Before I begin to speak of the fire, I WHEN AT ITS HEIGHT. wish to say that I think the accounts of it, published in your paper are most admir- At this time the fire was the most grand- able. They have been, considering the ly magnificent scene that one can conceive, difficulties of obtaining information, won- the Court House, Post Oflice, Farwell HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 95

Hall, the Tremont House, Sherman Hciuse, and one of Babcock's Fire Extinguishers. and all the splendid buildings on La bulle The fire was soon put out, and we once and Wells streets, were burning with a more returned to business. The forms sublimity of eftVct which astounded m<\ had been sent down stairs, and I ordered All the adjectives in the language would our foreman, Mr. Keller, to get all the fail to convey the intensity oflts wonders. pressmen together, in order to issue the Crowds of men, women and children papers as soon as a paragraph showing were huddling away, running first in one how far the fire had then extended, could direction, then in another, shouting and be prepared and inserted. Many kind crying in their terror, and trying to save friends gathered round the ofilce and anything they could lay their hands on, warmly expressed their gratification at no matter how trivial iu value, while every the preservation of our building. Believ- now and then explosions, which seemed ing all things safe, I again mounted my almost to shake the solid earth would re- horse and rode south on State street to see verberate through the air and add to the v.-hat progress the fire was making, and terrors of the poor people. I crossed Lake if it were moving eastward on Dearborn street bridge to the west, ran north to street. To my great surprise and horror, Kinzie street bridge, and crossed over I found that its current had taken an east- east to the North side, hoping to head off erly direction, nearly as far as Slate street, the tire. It had, however, already swept and that it was also advancing in a north- nortli of me, and was traveling faster than erly direction with terrible swiftness and I could go, and I soon came to the conclu- power. I at once saw the danger so im- sion thai it would be impossible for me to minently threatening us, and with some get east in that direction. 1 accordingly friends endeavored to obtain a quantity of re-crosscd Kinzie street bridge, and went powder for the purpose of blowing up west as far as Desplaiues street, where I buildings south of the Palmer House. fortunately met a gentleman in a buggy Failing in finding any powder, I saw the who very kindly drove me over Twelfth only thing to do was to tear them down. street bridge to my house on Michigan I proceeded to Church's hardware store avenue. It was by this time getting on and succeeded in procuring about a dozen toward five o'clock, and the day was be- heavy axes, and handing them to my ginning to Itreak. On my arrival home I friends, requested them to mount the found my horses already harnessed and buildings with me and literally chop them my riding horse saddled for me. My down. All but two or three seemed uttei-ly family and friends were all busily engaged paralyzed at this unexpected change in the in picking up and in distributing sau.l- course of the fire; and even these, seeing wiches and coffee to all who wanted them the others stand back, were unwilling to or could si^are a minute to partake of make the effort alone. At this moment I them. saw that some wooden buildings and a BURNING OP THE TRIBUNE BUILDING AND new brick house west of the Palmer THE DWELLINGS ON MICHIGAN AVENUE. House had already caught fire. I knew at a glance that the Tribune building was I immediately jumped on my horse and doomed, and I rode back to the office and rode as fast as I could go to the Tribune told them that nothing more could be oflice. I found evt-rything safe; the men done to save the building, McVicker's were all there, and we fondly hoped that theatre, or anything else in that vicinity. all danger was passed as far as we were In this hopeless frame of mind I rode home concerned, and for this reason, that the to look after my residence and family, blocks in front of the Tribune building intently watching the ominous eastward on Dearborn street, and north on Madison movement of the flames. I at once set street, had both been burned; the only to work with my family and friends to damage accruing to us being confined to move as much of my furniture as possible a cracking of some of the plate glass win- across the narrow Park east of Michigan dows from the heat. But a somewhat curi- avenue, on to the shore of the lake, a dis- ous incident soon set us all in a state of tance of some 800 feet. At the same time excitement. The fire had, unknown to us, I sent my family to the house of some crawled under the sidewalk from the friends in the south part of the city for wooden pavement, and had caught the safety; my daughter. Miss Jessie Bross, wood work of the barber's shop which was the List to leave us. The work of comprises a portion of our basement. As carrying our furniture acro.ss the avenue soon as we ascertained the extent of the to the shore was most ditficult and even mischief we no longer apprehended any dangerous. For six or eight hours Michi- special danger, believing, as we did, that gan avenue was jammed with every de- the building was fire-jiroof. My associ- scription of vehicle containing families ates, Mr. Medill and Mr. White, were escaping from the city, or baggage wagons present; and with the help of some of our laden with goods and furniture. The employ(js, we went to work with water sidewalks were crowded with men, women —


and children, all carrying something. side, that • could probably be bought. I Some of the things saved and carried immediately started for the West side and away were valueless. One woman carried while making my way west through the an empty bitd cage; another, an old work crowds of people, over the Madison street box; another, some dirty empty baskets; bridge, desolation stared me in the face old, useless bedding, anything tliat could at every step, and yet I was much struck be hurriedly snatched up, seemed to have with the tone and "temper of the people. been carried away without judgment or On all sides I saw evidences of true Chi- forethought. In the meantime the fire cago spirit, and men said to one another, had lapped up the Palmer House, the "cheer up; we'll be all right again before theatres, and the Tribune building; and long," and many other plucky things. contrary to our expectation, for we Their pluck and courage was wonderful. thought the current of the lire had passed Every one was bright, cheerful, pleasant, my residence, judging from the direction hopeful, and even inclined to be jolly in of the wind, we saw by the advancing spite of the misery and destitution which clouds of dense black smoke.and the rapidly surrounded them and which they shared. approaching flames that we were in immi- One and all said, Chicago must and should nent peril. The fire had already worked be rebuilt at once. On reaching Canal so far south and east as to attack the street, on my way to purchase the print- stables in the rear of Terrace Block, be- ing office I had heard of, I was informed tween Van Buren arid Congress streets. that while Mr. White and I were saving Many fiiends rushed into the houses in our families and as much of our furniture the block and helped to carry out heavy- as we could on Monday afternoon, Mr. furniture, such as pianos and book cases. Medill, seeing that the Tribune office must We succeeded in carrying the bulk of it inevitably be burned, sought for and pur- to the shore. Much of it, however, is chased Edwards' job printing office. No. seriously damaged. There I and a few 15 Canal street, where he was then busy others sat by our household goods, calmly organizing things. One after another, all awaiting the destruction of our property hands turned up; and by the afternoon one of the most splendid blocks in Chi- we had improvised the back part of the cago. The eleven fine houses whicfh room into our editorial department, while composed the block were occupied by an old wooden box did duty as a business Denton Gurney, Peter L. Yoe, Mrs. Hum- counter in the front window. We were phreys (owned bv Mrs. Walker), William soon busy as bees, writing editorials and Bross, P. F. W. Peck, S. C. Griggs, Tut- paragraphs; and taking in any number of hiil King, Judge H. T. Dickey, Gen. Cook, advertisements. By evening several orders John L. Clarke, and the Hon. J. Y. for type and fixtures were made out, and Scammon. things were generally so far advanced that I left for the depot at Twenty-second THE APPEARANCE OP THE CITY AFTER THE street, with the intention of coming onto FIRE—ENTERPRISE OF THE TRIBUNE. New York. Unfortunately I missed the train till The next morning I was of course out and had to wait Wednesday morn- early, and found the streets thronged ing. We shall get along as best we can till the rebuilding of our edifice is finished. with crowds ot people moving in all direc- ruins tions. To me the sight of the ruin, Going down to "the 1 found a large though so sad, was wonderful; giving one secticm thrown out of the north wall on a most curious sensation, and especially Madison street. The other three walls are standing, but the east and west walls are as it was wrought in so short a space of srriously injured that the}'' time. It was the de.struction of the entire so must be pulled down. south wall is in business portion of one of the greatest cities The good in the world !4j^very bank and insurance condition. More of our office and the Post office remains standing than office, law omces, hotels, theatres, rail- any road depots, most of the churches, and other buildings that I saw. Our building many of the principal residences of the was put up to stand a thousand years, and for city, a charred mass, and property almost it would have done so but that awful beyond estimate gone. furnace of fire, fanned by an intense gale the windward side, literally melting it Mr. White, my associate, like myself, on had been burned out of house and home. up where it stood. He had removed his to of family a place THE LOSS $300,000,000—GRATITUDE OF s.'^fety and I h

cannot exceed $125,000,000. Now, accord- is most needed is to furnish the leading ing to our system of taxation in Illinois, business men of the city with capital, so this city tax list never shows anj^thiag that they can employ the laboring classes like the proper amount of the property in in erecting stores, warehouses, banks, the city. To my knowledge, houses hav- business blocks, hotels, churches, school ing $20,000 to $30,000 worth of furniture houses and manufactories of all kinds. in them are not rated at more than $2,000 How is this capital to be placed in their to $4,000. Stocks of goods were never hands? Let those who hold mortgages valued among us at more than one-fifth or taken for half the value of the property, one-tenth of their real value on the tax take a second mortgage of sufficient list. All our merchants had just filled up amount to defray the expense of erect- their stores with fall and winter trade ing a good building on the former site. stocks. From these and other facts I Such a structure will rent for a sufficient estimate the loss by the fire at consider- sum to pay the interest on both mortgages, ably more than $300,000,000; and if dam- and in the present demand for buildings age, depreciation of real estate and prop- will also pay a reasonable percentage to erty, and loss of business are considered, the owner of the property. A very large the loss would, in my judgment, exceed number of such mortgages, made to life $300,000,000. Besides this, there are the insurance and other companies and to in- family accumulations of centuries, such dividuals, were recorded on the burnt as heir-looms, the value of which cannot records of Chicago, and will be recognized be estimated in money. The collection by its business men. of the Historical Society, including the Furthermore, let those who know the Emancipation Proclamation, were invalu- leading business men of Chicago, honest, able, and cannot possibly be replaced. industrious, and determined to rebuild the The Chicago Library possessed many city, lend them money to start again the costly works, among which were the business in which they were engaged, records of the English Patent Office, in asking only pledges of honor, if they, 3,000 volumes. The destruction of the in their afflictions have nothing else to files of the Tribune is an immense loss to give. These men understand the business Chicago, and an irreparable one to the of the Northwest, and can of course Tribune. There was a duplicate copy, transact it with profit. Aided by the capi- but I unluckily presented it to the Histori- tal of others they can rapidly regain their cal Society. They contained a complete lost wealth, and amply repay those who and exhaustive history of Chicago from may assist them. Let the banks and busi- its first settlement. ness men of New York and other Eastern One of the most striking circumstances cities who have been connected by busi- to me, almost as astounding as the great ness with Chicago merchants, furnish all the money and goods they fire itself, is the grand and spontaneous them with outburst of sympathy, aid, and brotherly may require with which to re-establish love, which come to us from all parts of themselves. the world. It is a touching spectacle, York's duty toward Chicago. this man-to-man, shoulder-to-shoulder NEW way of standing by us. I have seen As a gentleman expressed it in my hear- strong men, accustomed to the wear and ing to-day, New York is the senior and tear of life, whom the loss of enormous Chicago the junior partner of the great fortunes could not bear down, stand at firm which manages the vast commercial the corners of our streets with the tears in interests of our nation. By a dispensa- their eyes as the kindly words came pour- tion of Providence which the wisest ing in upon them on the telegraph wires. could not foresee, the means in the They could only ejaculate, "God bless hands of the junior partner have been them!" I can say no more than they. destroyed. Will the senior partner sit by God bless all who have raised even their and see the business of the firm crushed little finger for Chicago. out when he has the means to establish it on a scale more gigantic and more profit- "WHAT CHICAGO NEEDS FOR HER FUTURE. able than ever before? Let him contrib- ute a small portion only -of his vast ac- This country and even Europe have cumulations to his unfortunate associate, already provided for Chicago's present and the influence and power of the wants with a munificence and promptness concern will assume fresh life and vigor. never before witnessed in the history of By thus furnishing the means with which the race. Enough has been and will be to stai't again the business of Chicago, the forwarded, when the contributions are all holders of mortgages will at once make in the hands of the proper committees, the property for which the mortgages were to provide for the immediate necessities given as valuable as ever, and will insure of the more indigent sufferers, who are for themselves both interest and principal. unable to take care of themselves. "What The merchants of New York and the 98 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

Eastern cities should resume gladlj' their her wooden pavement has been injured, dealings with houses ah'eady competent to the greater part of it is in good condition. transact the business of the West, and The streets have been raised several ftet, within a few years scarcely a trace of the giving good drainage. The foundations great fire of Chicago will remain to bear of most of the consumed buildings are testimony to its lecord upon thu pages of uninjured. The gas and water pipes are history. laid through all the streets of the city. The sewerage was nearly complete before the AN OPENING FOK EASTERN CAPITAL. conflagration, and was uninjured by it. The damage to the water works was very A large number of men with more or slight, and within a few days they will be less capital and living all over the country in operation again. The bridges are nearly have l)een deterred from going to Chicago all preserved. The lake tunnel by which because the business and manufacturing of the city is supplied with water, the tunnel that city were concentrated in the hands of under the main river, and that under the well-established houses. There has not south branch are all uninjured. These been a time in twenty years when such works alone may be counted as constitu- persons could establish themselves in ting from 20 to 40 per cent, of the cost of business there so easily as now. With the rebuilding the city. The Chamber of exception of a few of the larger houses, Commerce and several of the leading stranger and citizen will start even in the business houses have already determined ruce tor the business of the Great West. to rebuild immediately upon the former Farmers, merchants and capitalists at the sites. There can be no doubt but that the East who have sous whom they wish to business centre of the city will be re-es- put in as partners with men of integrity tablished at once upon its old foundation. and business knowledge, will find no op- The dozen or more r;;ilways branching off portunity like the one which Chicago in all directicms through the Mississippi offers to-day. Men of the very best char- Valley will soon be pouring the wealth of acter and of the best business qualifica- the country into the city as rapidly as tions, thoroughly acquainted with the ever. It is true that two large depots trade and commerce of the West, would have been burned, but they had long be only too glad to place their energy and since become too small for the business business knowledge against the money oi the roads. Others of larger dimen- furnished by the sons of Eastern capital- sions and better accommodations will ists. The men who in part have built up immediately take their places. That Chicago and walled her streets with indomitable pei'severance and genuine business and residence blocks among the " grit " which made Chicago in the past finest on the continent, have ever been will in a very few years raise up the distinguished for their far-seeing shrewd- Chicago of the future. ness, their energy and integrity, and now This, so far as I know, was the first con- all they need is the capital to set the labor siderable of the city vigorously at worii. The capi- statement in regard to the fire tal and labor working together with made to the New York press by any one the intelligence and energy of the direct from Chicago. Their special dis- citizens, will in a very few years rebuild patches had been very full and in the Chica^M) and reproduce her with increased maLinificence and power. I tell you that main entirely accurate. I spent Sabbath within live years her business houses will with my friend Bowles, of the Springfield be rebuilt, and by the year 1900 the (Mass. ) Republican, and several hours on new Chicago will boast a population of Monday with the President and Secretary 1,000,000 souls. You ask me why? Be- cause I know the Northwest and the vast of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance resources of its broad acres. I know Company, then and now Chicago's largest Chicago her that the location of makes creditor and among the very best friends the centre of this wealthy region, and the the city ever had. I gave them my views market for all its products. as to the best means to make their large WHAT CHICAGO HAS FOR A FOUNDATION investments here available. On Tuesday ON WHICH TO BUILD. afternoon, thel7th,by invitation,! delivered the following address to the relief commit- Though Chicago itself has been de- stroyed in a whirlwind of fire, the im- tee of the Chamber of Commerce, Ex- mense fertile country which is tributary Mayor Updike in the Chair. Though to it for hundreds of ujiles around has the much that is in the Tribune's interview wheat and the corn, the beef and the pork, it here just as it and the other products to pay for the is repeated, I insert

merchandise of the Eas' . While some of appeared in all the papers next morning. —


CHICAGO'S NEEDS. probably 75,000 people spent the morning and most of Monday crouching in Lincoln EX-GOTERNOR BROSS' ADDRESS BEFORE THE Park, or half immersed in the waters of NEW YORK CHAMBER OP COMMERCE RE- the Lake, to save tliemselvos from the LIEF COMMITTEE. heat and the showers of burning cinders Mr. President, and Gentle-nun of the New York driven upon theni b}' the tempest. Both Chamber of Commerce : the los-^es and the sufferings of that day can never be fully known or described A few of you may remember that in no mind can possibly comprehend them. 1866, I had the honor to address you on They have not been and can not well be the subject of the Pacific Railroad. I exaggerated. then took rather a brighter view of the location and of the facilities for building UNBOUNDED SYMPATHY. the road; of the ex'ent of its business, and its influence upon the travel and the If our calamity in its kind has been u-n- traffic of this country and tlie world, than equaled in the world's history, the response many of you probably believed could be it has met in the sympathy, the outpour- warranted by the facts; but I think you ing and unbounded liberality of the entire will now agree that what may then have American people, is grand, sublime. God- seemed to be bold if not improbable spec- like. It throbs in the lightning's flash ulation, has been more than realized. And through three thousand miles of the deep, if fresh from that terrible baptism of fire dark caves of the old ogean, and makes which has swept over and destroyed the our hearts glad. I may say for our people, best portion of the city of Chicago, I ven- brothers and sisters of generous free ture to take a hopeful view of her future, America, honored sons and daughters of provided you, and the cajDitalists of New our sires across the Atlantic, with the pro- York and the East generally, render her foundest emotions of our hearts, we thank stricken business men that material aid you. Strng men in Chicago weep at which I trust you will feel it both safe midnight, not over their losses of thou- and a pleasure to give, my Ijest judgment sands, aye, many of them even of mill- and most careful study of the whole sub- ions, but with joy and gratitude at the ject convince me, at least, that the views noble charity you have shown us. God you may permit me to present will also be will reward you for it, and our children fully realized. and children's children shall bless you.


Of the extent of the calamity that has The millions of dollars in clothing, desolated our city I need not speak in provisions, and money already raised and detail. Your newspapers of last Friday being subscribed, have relieved the imme- morning h;id correct maps of the burnt diate necessities of the poor, and thou- district. Some 3,000 acres are covered sands who have been made so by the fire. with frightful ruins, or swept by the But, gentlemen, the next imperative devouring fire, maddened by the fury of necessity is to place funds in the hands of the hurricane, as bare as they were when the leading business men of Chicago to the Indian roamed over them forty years enable them to rebuild the city, to handle ago. It is safe to say that all that remains the products of the vast fertile country of Chicago is not worth half as much as that is tributary to it, and to set all the the fire has destroyed. All our banks; all laborers of the city to work. Do this and

our largest and best hotels, and a score or the poor can support themselves ; withhold two of lesser note; all our largest and lead- your capital and they must starve or your ing grocery, jewelry, dry goods, hardware, charities will continue to be severely clothing and other business houses; all taxed to support them, for you can not see our newsjmper offices; most of our churches them die of starvation. In making this and school houses; our Historical Society's appeal to you, and through you to the cap- building, with all its valuable treasures; italists of the country and to the business the Library Association, containing among men and capitalists of England and Ger- other works some 3,000 volumes of the many, for means to rebuild and do the busi- Patent Office reports of Great Britain; ness of Chicago, I must deal with the two thousands of dwellings; the homes of the elements of security and profit. I have rich, filled with priceless treasures, and still another: those who have now loans with heir-looms of hundreds of years; on real pi'operty and credits in the hands and the abodes of humble poverty by the of our leading houses should continue ten thousand—all, all have been swept as those credits and make loans on the same

\ by the fell besom of destruction from the property on second mortgage, in order to face of the earth. Only a single house on make what they now have available. the north side of the river—that of Mah- Nearly all the central portion of the city lon D. Ogden, Esq.—is left standing, and has been swept by fire, and the land is not 100 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

worth as much as so many acres of prairie, Chicago houses, I know they will extend unless made valuable for business by re- all the aid in their power by large and building it. The men, whose splendid liberal credits. By doing so, they will be marble palaces once occupied it, are still sure to collect what is now due them, and there. lu most cases their property is all to secure large orders and profits in the gone; but sterling integrity, unbending future. The mercantile community are energy, a thorough knowledge of the finan- proverbially liberal in their dealings with cial, commercial, and manufacturing in- each other, and in our overwhelming terests of the West—all those qualities calamity Chicago merchants will doubt- which have made Chicago the wonder and less receive the most generous treatnieut admiration of the world—are still left to from Eastern merchants and manufac- them. Nay, more, all their best powers turers. are enlarged and intensified by a deter- GOOD TIME TO COMMENCE BUSINESS. mination to regain and restore all that has been lost. Braver and truer, nobler and There has not been, for the last twenty better men do not live, than the leading years, so good a time for men of capital business men of Chicago. I ask not for to start business in Chicago as now. them—they would scorn to ask—charity; Thousands anxious to locale in this focus but I do ask that you intrust as as much of Western commerce have been deterred you can of your surplus capital to their from doing so for the reason that the management, for your own and their business in each department had become profit, • concentrated in comparatively a few hands. all A BOLD POLICY SAFEST. With few exceptions, can now start even, in the race for fame and But to repeat and to be more specific. fortune. The fire has leveled nearly all Let insurance companies and individuals distinctions, and the merchants and deal- who have loans on Chicago real estate take ers who have heretofore purchased in our a second mortgage with policies of insur- older and larger houses will buy where ance for money enough to build a sub- they can get their goods the cheap- stantial building upon it. Such must be est. Now, therefore, is the time to strike. the demand for places of all kinds'to do A delay of a ytar or two will give an im- business, for several years to come, that mense advantage to those who start at the rentals will surely pay the interest on once. True, a location must be found, both the mortgages and leave a fair sur- perhaps a store built; but a couple of plus to the owner to pay the principal. A months, at most, are all that is needed to bold policy, in all such cases, it seems to start business with the best prospects of me, is the only safe and really conserva- success. tive one for capitalists to pursue. They Again, there are thousands of people all can in this way, within a year at most, over the country with considerable means make safe and productive all their invest- who wish to start their sons in business. ments. Ajiy other course must subject Of course they are without experience. theinto great and inevitable loss. Unin- Furnish them capital to go into business cumbered Chicago real estate—and there with an experienced Chicago merchant, is a vast deal of that—offers the very best who will gladly put his knowledge and possible security to capitalists. Take a energy against the capital, and irTa few mortgage on property, to-day, that two 3'ears these sous will be men of wealth weeks ago would have sold for $2,000 per and honor. Such opportunities, my word front foot, for, say $500 per front foot; in for it, can be found in abundance. Bet- three years, so rapidly is the city sure to ter a thousand fold encourage the sons of grow, it will be worth twice as much, and the rich to honorable exertion than to in five years it will have reached its former allow them to waste their energies in ease value of |2,000 per front foot. The point I and luxury. make is, that Chicago real estate must BATE OF INTEREST. rapidly appreciate from its present nom- inal values, and this renders all loans While the rich, populous States tribu- upon it entirely safe. tary to Chicago, through which our rail- Again, there are thousands of Chicago ways are running in all directions, must business men who have friends East who make the business of the city, as it has know them to be honest, energetic, and been in the past, exceedingly profitable, I capable. If they have no other security trust what I have said has convinced you to give, take a life policy and a note of that it is one of the best cities in the honor, and lend them money enough to world in which to make safe investments start business. They have lost one for- of capital. Its rapid growth must insure tune, and with a little of your help on the that beyond a contingency. And now start they can soon make another. As to for the matter of profit. The legal inter- the large class of merchants and manu- est in Illinois is ten per cent., a much facturers who have done business with larger figure than is allowed anywhere at HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 101

the East. Millions of money would gladly and the gas pipes and sewers are of course be taken bj"^ our leading business men at complete. These with other things that that rate; but I beg to say that I hope might be named constitute from twenty you will be satisfied with eight. I might to forty per cent, of the original expeiKe add that our people sometimes pay com- of build ug the city. And what is far missions, but I beg you also to forget all better, our honest, brave, plucky people about that. Our citizens are poor enough are there, ready and willing to work. now in all conscience, and it is to be Their strong hands and iron wills yield hoped Eastern capital will be satisfied with to no disasters. The men who have a reasonable percentage above what it can turned the waters of Lake Michigan into realize at home. the Missssippi—in common phrase "made the Chicago river run up hill"—can turn WHAT THE GOVERNMENT CAN DO. back the tide of misfortune, and in a few years make their city more prosperous Of course the Government can do and populous and powerful than ever nothing directly for us; but as soon as before. True, they need your assistance, Congress meets, liberal appropriations and you will give it. The capitalists, the should be made to build a large, substan- mercantile and business interests of this tial Post Office. The old building Jiad country and of Europe cannot aff"ord to become far too small to accommodate the withhold the means to rebuild Chicago. immense business of the Northwest. The The vast teeming country west of her, her Chicago office was, if I mistake not, the position at the head of the Great Lakes, secon\d distributing office in the United with m(5re miles of railway centering States, and it should have a building of there than any other city upon the conti- corresponding dimensions. The import- nent, have made her one of the vital ing business direct to Chicago was just forces that give life and vigor to the com- fairly commenced, and a large Custom mercial energies of the nation. What House and several bonded warehouses are she has been in the past she must become nf'cded for that. Perhaps United States in the future, and a hundred fold more. Court rooms can be provided in these; but Help her with capital, and it can soon be in any event large accommodations are to done ; but in any event she has wait at once of imperative necessity. The only a few short years for the sure de- building of them as rapidly as possible velopment of her " manifest destiny." would employ a large amount of labor, and distribute corresponding sums of The above had the advantage of appear- money, thus affording a most important ing in all the morning papers. The Tri- stimulus to the entire business of the city. bune, Herald, and Times gave it an im-

WHAT IS LEFT. mense circulation. Most of the evening papers copied or gave a synopsis of it, Although the all-devouring fire has and the papers of other cities did the swept over us, we have.still much remain- ing on which to build the city. All our same. I was assured that it had done banks, though doubtless somewhat crip- much to inspire confidence in the early pled, will resume business at once. Their restoration of the city. If in this or any books, currency, notes and exchanges are other way it did any good, I did only what safe. The notes, though not as good as they might be, will mostly be paid, in every good citizen should always do, the whole or in part; and what is worthless, best he can for the interests and the it is to hoped, will be not seriously affect prosperity of Chicago. It should be their stability and usefulness. Our score that what I predicted would be or more of railways will at once pour the noticed produce of the upper half of the Missis- accomplished in five years was mostly sippi valley into the city for distribution done in three, and much of it in two. among all the cities and States of the sea- The unsightly acres still to be seen on board. Our Water Works are soon to be State street, Wabash avenue, and some in good order, and the . water pipes all over the city are intact. Many of our portions of Michigan avenue, were burned bridges, and of course our lake tunnel over by the disastrous fire of July 14th, and our two tunnels under the river, are 1874. Nearly all the open spaces made all right. The streets are raised several feet in many places, affording good drain- by the great fire of 1871 are now covered age; the pavements are very little injured, with buildings. 102 HISTOEY OF CHICAGO.




The following address at Des Moines is reduced to the lowest possible limit; and inserled for the facts and figures it con- lastly, the numbers and the wants of the people among whom we expect to find a tains, posted up to the time it was de- profitable market for that surplus. livered: The peoi)le of our Atlantic seaboard, especially those of the New England Special despatch to the Chicago Tribune. States, are our largest and best customers. Des Moines, la., Jan. 23. —The Iowa The steady increase of manufacfuring Industrial Convention convened to-day, industry there, creates a larger demand with full delegations from all parts of for our products every year; but that de- the State, also delegates from Illinois and mand has long since fallen lar behind the Canada. Governor Carpenter called the production of cereals and provisions in Convention to order. Officers were chosen the States that surround and lie west of as follows: Mayor W. T. Smith, of Os- Lake Michigan. This fact has becDme kalousa. President; one Vice President the more apparent every year since IbiJS, from each Congressional District of the Avhen at least 200,000 men ceased to be State; A. R. Fulton, Secretary, and S. F. consumers, and, scattered all over these Spoftord, Treasurer. The afternoon busi- States, have been steadily adding to our ness was a discussion on the amendment surplus. In the meantime, thousands of to the Collection laws in operation in the people from the different nation ilities of State. The Convention resolved to me- Europe have made their homes among us, morialize the Legislature to limit the stay thus adding largely, not only to the num- of execution to ninety days; to abolish bers of our population, but to the develop- the Appraisement law; to limit the right ment of our resources, and the intellectual of redemption to six months. and the moral power of the nation. If The motion to limit the value of home- our surplus products are already so great, steads to $5,000 did not carry. and the cost of their transit to the .'sea- The Convention is composed of leading board is so enormous, that corn is used in representative men from all parts of the Iowa for fuel, the ciuestion what is to be State. It is large in numbers, and em- done with that surplus a few years hence, braces an unusual amount of practical when it has increased in almost a bewil- business talent, and valuable results may dering ratio, becomes a matter of the be auticipated. Ex-Lieutenant Governor must serious concern. Let us consider for Bross, of Chicago, is speaking this even- a few moments the extent, the resources, ing to a very large audience, composed and the prospective development of the not only of the members, but of the Sen- Northwestern States, nearly all of whose ators, Representatives, and others in at- surplus products must find their way, tendance upon the Legislature. His sub- either by rail or the lakes and canal, to the ject is the transportation question. The seaboard. following is the substance of his remarks: Look at the map. If you draw a line west from Alton, the teiritory 1} ing north Mr. President and Gentlemen : of that and between Lake Jilichigan and I am here by request, to address you on the liocky Mountains, throwing out the the transportaiion question. The subject small sections that are valueless, embraces involves an estimate, as near as may be, about 700,000 ^(luaie mil- s. Here we of the surplus farm products of what are hive space for fourteen States as lar^'e as commonly known as the Northwestern Ohio, and he knows little of its climate

States ; the cost of freights between and resources who is not convinced that the producers and the consumers: the they will be vastly more productive and cajiacity of the cliannels of transit; the more populous than tiiat noble State. means by which that capacity can be en- The rapid progress of this territory may larged, and the cost of freights thereby be mferred from a few facts. The fol- :

HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 103 lowing table shows the increase of popu- which even now can only be relieved by lation iu six States betweeu ISGO and 1870 burning corn for fuel. Wliile Governor Carpenter's metaphor is fearfully true, 18C0. 1870. and, with our present means of transit, 2,539,891 Illinois 1,711,595 skeleton fixed Iowa 674,913 1,191,792 that must remam in the Kansas 107,i06 364,399 corn-crib, there are millions, may I call Minnesota 172.023 439,706 them living skeletons, clad in scanty flesh, 122,993 Nebraska 28,841 pinched and wan with the gnawings of Wisconsin 775,881 1,054,670 remorseless hunger, whose shout of joy Totals 3,470,459 5,713,451 and thankfulness woukl make.the heavens ring, could this corn be brought within These figures, taken from the Govern- reach of their starving wives and children meut census, show a ratio of 64 per cent, increase betweeu the years 1860 and 1870. But before passing from this branch of The same ratio, continued to the year the subject, let us take another example 1900, only twenty-seven years hence, from the commercial statistics of Chicago. would give these States 25,450,000 people; The first shipment of wheat from that city, busheis, but, granting it can not be kept up in them, 78 was made in 1838, and in 1844, can any one doubt, with the rapid exteu- only twenty nine years ago, the shipments sitn of our railways in all directions were less than a million of bushels. Up thi'ough this vast fertile country, that at to that time no other cereal had bi - n least 20,000,0C0 of people will iu the year shipped eastward In 1871 , the receipts of all kinds of grain—flour being expressed of gr'.ce 190 ) find their homes between Lake Michigan and the Rocky Mountains? iu bushels—were 83,518,202, and the ship- With only a little more than half the ments 71,800,789. Last year the receipts, ratio I have named, your own beautiful as furnished me by Charles R.-mdolph, Iowa will in that time have a population Esq., Secretary of the Board of Trade, equal to that of Pennsylvania iu 1870, were 88,426,842. Allowing about the then aud now the second State in the same figures for city consumption, the Union. As another element to help us to shipments for 1872 would amount to judge of the immediate future, I may 76,000,000 bushels. The figures for each mention that Chicago had in 1860 a popu- year in most casts show a steady increase lation of 111,214, and in 1870, 29s, 977. of the shipments of breadstuff's, keeping The ratio of increase in this case—170 per pace with the settlement of the country cent. —would give her a population in 1880 west of Lake Michigan. A reference to of 800,000. I dare not say that Chicago the tables showing the commerce in t)ie will have that many people in a little animal products of our vast lei tile prairies more than seven years hence, but I will would yield the same results, aud need say that she has far outstripped the not be given here. predictions that I or any one else have With all the increase of production west ever had the courage to make. of Lake Michigan we have added but one Another index to the development of railway to our channels of transit for it to the Northwest is found in the rapid growth the seaboard since 18^jo ; iu all, we now of our railway system. hfive four railways, the lakes, the Welland The following table shows the number and St. Lawrence and the Erie canals. of miles of railway in the six States above After having studied carefully the re- named, in 1860 and 1870, and the number sources, and the probable development of of miles completed in 1872: the territory we have been consiaering, I said to the first Conveni ion, held at To- Increase Built ronto, to consider -how our transit lines 1P60. 1870. inlOyrs. in 1872. Illinois 2,790 4,031 1,241 838 could be increased, on the 13' h of St ptem " Iowa 655 2,095 1,440 585 her of that year ; As well attempt to Kansas None 931 931 511 lead the boiling current of Niagara to the Minnesota None 795 795 712 Nebraska- None 1.058 1.058 218 sea in hose-pipe as to ship the products of Wisconsin 905 1,512 607 555 these 700,000 square miles to thv ocean by the Erie and the Welland canals, and all Totals 4,350 10,422 6,072 3,419 the railways now or hereafter to be con- It will be noticed that more than half as structed." The commercial crash of many miles of railway were built in these 1857-8, and our four years War of the States during last year as were built in Rebellion have somewhat delayed the ful- ten years between 1860 and 1870. But to fillment of what then seemed to many the Western farmer this astonishing rail- the vagaries of an over-healed imagina- to way progress serves only increase the tion ; but that it is literally, even painfully hideous writhings of what your excellent true, to-day, this Convention cannot doubt Governor Carpenter aptly calls " Vie skel- for a moment. eton in his co?-n-crib." It promotes the The question before the Farmers' Con- rapid settlement of the country, thereby- vention, of Illinois, recently held at Bloom- adding largely to that surplus production ington, mooted as I learn almost with de- ;


spairing earnf stness, was, Can any present and by sail and canal, have approached relief be found for the high freights and very nearly to the same figures. All lines the ruinously low prices of our produce ? are taxed to their utmost capacity, and I can see but two sources—one in an active more. The Erie canal can not be enlarged, demand at high figures, caused by a war for the watershed of the country through in Europe. This would only be tempo- which it runs will not afford a larger sup- rary, at best. The only permanent relief ply of water to feed the canal, and the is to be sought for by opening a channel, question returns what can be done to se- hereafter to be noticed, for vessels of 1,000 cure for our products a more capacious tons, down the St. Lawrence to the ocean. channel, and therefore cheaper transit to And now we come to the price of the ocean ? I answer, in the language of freights, and what is needed to lower them the late Captain Hugunin, one of our best to such a figure that the farmers west of and earliest lake navigators : "The Great Lake Michigan can ship the products of God, when he made the migkty West, their broad acres to the ocean, and not made also the lakes and the mighty St. have the proceeds of their toil consumed Lawrence to float their commerce to the in getting them to market. On this branch ocean." True, we have the Rapids of the of the subject, the cost of freights east, of St. Lawrence and the Falls of Niagara Chicago is the only thing to be considered, but without these we could not have the for the railway charges to that city can great lakes, and without them meteor- only be reduced gradually, by competition ology has long since proved that our vast among the railways and by tlie greater teeming prairies would be arid as the re- amount of products to be handled. The gions of Central Asia. Around these freight on corn from Des Moines to Chi- natural harriers man's energy has built a cago, and places west to the Missouri, series of canals, passing vessels of some has, I understand, been reduced from 20 three and part of the way six hundred to 17 cents per hundred—about 12i cents tons between the lakes and tide water. per bushel—and, in process of time, a fur- Every tyro in commercial knowledge ther reduction may possibly be made. knows that as you increase the tonnage of The average of all rail freights between a vessel you diminish the relative cost of Chicago and New York, for the year 1871, freights. Enlarge the Welland and the was 29.1 ceats per bushel, and 31.2 per St. Lawrence canals, so as to pass vessels bushel for wheat. I have the opinion of of 1,000 tons burthen, and I have the the Presidents of two of our largest rail- opinion of the eminent railway Presidents ways, that if half a dozen double track above referred to that a bushel of corn can railway lines, devoted entirely to freight, be transported from Chicago to Montreal were built between New York and Chi- for 14 cents ; and by the Caughnewaga cago, the rate could not be reduced below canal, of similar size, and the Champlain 20 cents per bushel. That would make canal, duly enlarged, to New York, at 18 the freight charges on a bushel of corn cents. This view is more than confirmed from Des Moines to tide water 32i cents by our able engineer, Colonel R. B. Mason, at the lowest rate that can be hoped for who, in his report on tue Georgian Bay by all rail, and, adding the commissions of canal, as Consulting Engineer, withKivas the middle men, 35 to 40 cents would be Tulley, Esq., of Toronto, estimating the levied, so that you may safely calculate it cost of freight, in vessels of 1,000 tons bur- will cost you at least three bushels of corn then, by lake, at 2 mills per ton per mile, to lay down the fourth one in New York. by canal and river at 8, and ocean at li, Using propellers betwen Chicago and Buf- foots up the cost of transporting a bushel falo or Erie, and rail to New York, the of wheat between Chicago and Liverpool average tariff of freight for 1871 was 23.4 at 20 cents, and to Montreal a fraction cents per bushel for corn, and 25.2 for above 9 cents. Take the first estimate, wheat, being about 6 cents less than by all viz., 14 cents as the cost of freight on a rail. bushel of corn, between Chicago and The average freight on corn by sail Montreal, and we have six cents added to vessel, from Chicago to Buffalo, for the the price of every bushel produced by our past summer, was a small fraction above farmers. The efi'ect of that on their 9 cents per bushel. Add charges for wealth and prosperity would be wonder- handling at Buffalo U cents, and cannl ful. Suppose only half of it reaches the freigiits to New York 12 cents on corn, pockets of your farmers, and it would add and 12^ cents on wheat, and the charges 20 per cent, to the value of every acre of on these grains to New York will be about land he possesses. Take the figures for 23 to 25 cents per bushel. Owing to the your surplus as put down in the Govern- large amount of produce to be movi d, ment census for 1860, with the deductions freights have ranged from 2 to 5 cents for home consumption as made by Gov- higher during the present year above the ernor Carpenter in his able address before rates ruling in 1871. The rates by pro- your State Agricultural Societj', and three peller and rail to Buffalo and New York, cents a bushel on your corn and wheat HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 105

would put into the pockets of your farm- width, composed of clay and grave], must ers $1,200,000 per year—the sum to go ou be cut through at an average depth of increasing every year, for aught I know, 90 feet, and 198 feet for half a mile at its to the end of time. Tlie value of such a summit. Once through this ridge, the line reduction of freights to the entire North- follows down the valley of the Humber west is far beyond the limit of any figures 23 miles. There are required 39 locks, which I should dare to give. with an average lift of about 12 feet and ENLARGEMENT OF THE CANALS. a total lockage of 470 feet. Of course, this route has about 260 feet more lockage The enlargement of the Welland and than that by the Welland Canal; but it St. Lawrence Canals so as to pass vessels has advantages hereafter to be noticed of 1,000 tons burthen will accomplish that make it in my judgment far pre- nearly all the beneficent results above ferable as the great highway for the com- specified. If our Canadian neighbors pre- merce of the Norih west. The total dis- fer for any reason to do this, let us be tance from the mouth of the Nottawasaga thankful and bid them God speed. A to that of the Humber on Lake Huron is better thing, in my judgment, to be done, only 100 miles. More than half of that is to build the Huron and Ontario Ship distance is on the summit through Lake Canal from the Georgian Bay to Toronto. Simcoe, through which steam tugs would The people of the cities on the Lower St. take vessels in a few hours. There is less Lawrence fear, as I think without reason, than 40 miles of close canal navigation on if this canal is built, the diversion of the the whole route ; the other parts of it are trade of the Northwest to New York. through Lake Simcoe and the valleys of The citizens of the valley of the Ottawa the Nottawasaga, the Holland, and the very naturally insist on the improvement Humber Rivers. Lake Simcoe and its of their great river ; impracticable, as I tributaries afford an ample supply of water think, for there would be some 400 miles to feed the canal from the summit in both of close river and canal navigation, and, directions. Very little water would be if I mistake not, a depth of only gight needed on the north from Lake Simcoe, feet of water. Were it not for these rea- for the Nottawasaga River would supply sons, I believe the people of the Dominion that. This route to tide water is snne 400 would be unanimous in favor of the speedy miles shorter tlian that by Lake Erie and construction of a ship canal from the the Welland Canal ; and it is nearly as Georgian Bay to Lake Ontario. This, I much shorter to New York by Oswrgo confess, is an old pet project of mine, than by Lake Erie, It is about 800 miles and as one of your most far seeing citi- shorter to Liverpool. It will save two zens, J. B. Calhoun, Esq., and His Excel- days in time to tide water, and of course lency Governor Carpenter, have each a fraction on freights to pay the expenses recently referred favorably to it, will you of the extra 260 feet of lockage. A very permit me to add a short description of great advantage is, that the general direc- the route and its prospective advantages tion of the route makes it the best possible to the commerce of our vast and rapidly for vess':!ls to avail themselves of the developing Northwest. Let us turn our southwest winds of summer. By the Lake attention to the map. Erie route- the vessel must beat against Starting from Chicago to the Georgian that for more than 150 miles after passing Bay, the northeastern part of Lake Huron, Point aux Barque on Lake Huron down the track of a vessel is very direct to the the St. Clair River and Lake and the De- mouth of the Nottawasaga River. Thence troit River to Lake Erie. The difficult we have slack water navigation up that navigation over the St. Clair Flats, though river, with occasional reaches of canal now materially improved, is also avoided. through the sandy shores to avoid bends And besides, the track of the vessel in the river, to a point 20 miles from its through the Georgian Bay and Lake Sim- mouth. Tiie elevation of 130 feet is over- coe would be through cooler water than come by 11 locks, with an average lift of around by Lake Erie—an advantage not about 12 feet. "We have now reached the to be overlooked in transporting grain in summit level of Lake Simcoe, only nine bulk to the seaboard. The danger of its miles distant. To reach it, a ridge com- being damaged by heating is ther'^by pro- posed of clay and gravel must be cut portionately removed. Open this route through at an average depth of 50 feet, with a suflicient capacity to pass vessels and 78 feet at its summit. From Barrie, of 1,000 tons burthen, and you have a on Kempenfeldt Bay, there is lake navi- channel of ample dimensions to carry the gation for 22 miles to the mouth of the commerce of the mighty West to the Holland River. The river and marsh for ocean. You thereby reduce the freight on 10 miles can very easily be made navi- a bushel of corn to 14 cents, perhaps to gable by steam excavators. The real 10 cents, to Montreal, and to about 20 to difficulty and expensive part of the work 25 cents to Liverpool. By so doing you is here reached. A ridge 10 miles in give cheaper bread—perhaps reduce its 106 HISTORY OF CHICAGO, price nearly one-half—to the millions of one-eleventh for December, the imports Great Britain, and add immensely to the of wheat into Great Britain for the last wealth, and, therefore, to the means for year were 115,000,000 of bushels, and the intellectual and the social improve- about 50,000,000 of bushels of corn. ment of the 30,000,000 who are soon to Judging from the tables of former years, live between Lake Michigan and the when the crops are poor in Europe, Rocky Mountains. America furnishes about one bushel in But, says one, the cost of this work is five. Enlarge the St. Lawrence route, as Let, us proposed, it appalling ; it cau never be built. so that shall not cost more see. Colonel Mason and Mr. Tully, in than one, two, or, at most, three bushels 1858, estimated the cost of the entire work of corn and wheat to lay one down in at less than $24,000,000. Capitalists in Liverpool, inste.id of six or seven, as by this country and Europe have offered the present means of transit, and America several times to build it for |40,000,000. might furnish one-half or two-thirds of This is scarcely more than our Credit those imports, to her own great profit, as Mobilier gentry managed to get as a gra- well as that of the people of England. tuity from our Government—some un- But, says some patriotic individual, this charitable people will call it stealing—for route lies entirely through a foreign coun- building a railway from the Missouri river try. What can we do to influence to Salt Lake. Six rents a bushel saved in its construction ? It seems to me that freights on the grain even now shippi d cheaper fjcights from Chicago to the from Chicago would pay for the canal in ocean would add immensely to the pros- every less than ten years ; and the same sum perity of railway between Lake saved on the grain imported into Great Michigan and the Rocky Mountains. Britain would pay for the canal in less Whatlhey most need is cheap freights to

j than five years. If you add the savings the seaboard. The North Western, the

on animal products and merchandise pass- I Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago, Bur- ing east and west, the whole cost of the lington & Quincy, the Rock Island, and improvemint would be paid for in three especially the Illinois Central, C(nild well years, and the world would thenceforward afford to combine their influence upon the have the use of it free of charge on its money markets of the world to command cost for all time to come. the means to build the canal—a thing The question. Who are to buy the surplus which we have not the least doubt the products of the Northwest ? is all that re- Canadians will be most happy to have mains to be noticed. Besides the people them do. And what shall we say of the of New England who would be immensely great Northern Pacific Railway ? Will it benefited by this canal, right across the not be essential to the succes^s of that Atlantic are nearly 40,000,000 of people ro d ? How can the products of the vast in Great Britain, ready to buy and to country through which it runs find a mar- coiisume that surplu'^, and, with the pro- ket except through a greatly enlarged ducts of their strong arms and skillful water-channel to the ocean ? And, be- hands, to pay for all we have to spare sides our railways, every man of the mil- them. England employs her energies lions now living, or hereafter to live, mainly in commerce and manufactures. between Lake Michigan and the R' cky Large sections of the country are devoted Mountains, has a direct interest in the to parks and pleasure grounds. Her success of this great enterprise. By re- wealthy men are constantly increasing fusing all further consideration of the the area of these pleasure grounds, and Niagara Ship Canal, let Congress give thereby lessening the space devoted to assurance to Canada that she shall have food culture. It was stated a few years the carrying trade of the Great West, if ago that Coates, who manufactures the she will so enlarge her canals as to com- spool-cotton used in the making of our mand it. And, better still, let us have a clothing, gave his check for £76,000, reciprocity treaty, in which the whole ($380,000), for several small farms, which subject shall be considered and settled for he intended to improve as a splendid park. an indefinite number of years to come. So essential are supplies of food from Commerce sees not the imaginary line abroad to the life of Great Britain, that in that divides the Dominion from the United a year of poor crops in the countries bor- States. She knows no good reason dering on the Black and Baltic Seas, from why there should be any more trammels which her cereals are mainly drawn, Mr. on the trade between Chicago and Mon- Cobden declared there was not money treal than there are between Chicago and enough in Threadneedle street—the Bank New Yoik. The world has nearly out- of England is located there—to procure lived such an absurdity. the deficiency to save the people from But it may be said that our commerce starvation, had tliey not found an ample would build up a great city in a foreign supply in the United States. Reducing country on the lower St. Lawrence, a rival their figures to our standard, and adding to New York. The race will be between HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 107

Montreal and Quebec. For myself I pride and immense capit 1 and the beaten Ihink tlie States west of Lake Michigan track uf comnii rce are on the side of New

have fully canceled every debt they ever York ; but God and Nature are stronger owed to New York. For a generation she than all these, and let any intelligent man

' has quartered a whole liorde of political compare the Erie ditch ' with the mighty paupers and l)unimers on her lateral canals, St. Lawrence, with a canal to pass vessels many of whom do not collect tolls encnigh of 1,000 tons burthen from the Georgian on the useless ditches over which they pre- Bay to Toronto, and he cannot doubt for side to pay a tithe of tiieir salaries, not to a moment on which side the immutable mention th ir stealings; and yet she laws of commerce will decide the con- insists on taxing tlie commerce of the test." A sinL'le cent per l)ushel on West, passing through the main canal, to freights, two days (luicker t^me, and in-

support all her other canals and to pay creased capacity, will do it ; but six cents her debts besides. As to New York City, on freights will, be^^ond a question, turn she has for a generation legalized the our shipments of produce to the New grasping avarice of the most stupendous England States and to Europe all down laud pirate that ever lived—I mean, of the St. Lawrence. course, Commodore Vanderbilt. He has But, says one, how could we do without watered the stock of the New York Cen- the Niagara Ship Canal in time of war ? tral Railway over and over again, and yet Let us have no war. It is time that relic on these watered (shall I call them ras- of savageism was banished from the plans cally?) values, he insists on taxing the life of Christian nations. The settlement of out of the West for the benefit of his own the Alabama claims gives hope that it can pocket. To keep pare with him. Jay be done. For one, I am willing to put Gould and Jim Fisk for years stole, not America and Canada and England under only the receipts of the Erie, but issued the strongest possible bonds to live in per- stocks and bonds for more than the road petual friendship and amity—America, was originally worth, and stole them as by the certainty, in case of war, that l.er well, of course vast products and new managers must shall rot in her fields ; tax Western cofnmerc<', if possible, so as Canada, that her commerce shall be ru- to retrieve the fortunes of the road, and ined, and England with starvation staring pay its stockholders dividends on their her in the face. In the name of all that stocks and bring them up to par. For is true and good and holy, may the genius myself I believe the time is not distant of our Christian civilization, with the wiien the Northwest will have the New Royal Cross of St. George in one h;ind, York and the St. Lawrence routes bidding and the Stars and Stripes in the other, against each other for her commerce and waving them over the sea and the land, her carrjing trade in the liveliest manner. proclaim to all the nations, let there be, Writing on this subiect nearly twenty now and evermore, peace on earth, and " years ago I said : It is true that national good wiil among men. :



I take the following synopsis of the of decrease at St. Louis is much greater than here, arrivals fully business of the city for last year, from her of hogs being 60 per cent, less than for 1874. While commercial reports of the Tribune, the our receipts of cattle show an increase prepared by its able commercial editor, of 76,877 head, there was a falling oft' in Elias Colbert, Esq., published January the. arrivals at St. Louis of some 34,000 head, as follows: 1st, 1876 : 1874. 1875. THE BREADSTUFFS MOVEMENT. Chicago 843.966 920,843 St. Louis .360,925 336.9:34 receipts of The following were the Difference 483,041 583,909 breadstuffs in this city during the past three years, flour being reduced to its These comparisons are drawn not for equivalent in wheat in the footings: the purpose of belittling the importance of St. Louis as a live stock market, but 1875. 1874. 1873. to demonstrate the supreme ridiculousness Flour, bbls 2,566,225 2,666,679 2,487,376 Wheat, bu 24,450,390 29,764,622 26,266,562 of her claims to rival Chicago. The Corn, bu 26,990,557 35,799,638 38,157,232 developments of the past season would Oats, bu 11,511,554 13,901,2:35 17,888,721 seem to have forever set at rest the ques- Rye, bu 693,968 791,182 1,189.464 of Chi- Barlej', bu 3,026,456 3,354,981 4,240,239 tion of the continued supremacy cago as the chief live stock distributing Totals "79,504,050 95^11,713 98,925,413 point of the world. Although the aggre- gate of our receipts was less tl^an for following were the corresponding The 1874, the value of the same was some shipments $10,000,000 greater. 1875, 1874. 1873. Flour, bbls 2,262,030 2,306,576 2,303,490 THE GRAND TOTAL. Wheat, bu 23,183 663 27,634,587 24,455,657 Corn, bu 26,409,420 32,705,224 36,754,943 Oats, bu 10,230,208 10,561,673 15,694,133 The following is an approximation to Rye, bu.. 310,609 335,077 960,613 the total value of our trade in 1875. It Barley, bu 1,834,117 2,404,538 3,366,041 includes only the first selling price, second Totals.. 73,278,167 84,020,691 91,597,092 sales not being counted, though made by jobbers: LIVE STOCK. Produce trade $232,328,000 Wholesale (as above) 293,900,000 For the first time since the construction- Manufactures (product) 177,000,000 of the Union Stock Yards—a period of Total $703,228,000 ten years have to record a decrease —we Deduct from this for manufactures in- in the aggregate receipts of live stock at cluded in wholesale (about) 46,228,000 Chicago. Of cattle and sheep, a much Total business $6.57,000,000 larger number have arrived than during Total in 1874 639,000.000 any previous year, but this increase was more than off'set by a decline in the receipt These figures give a decrease of 6.9 per and an in- of Jiogs, and the figures stand thus : For cent, in the sales of produce, 1874, 5,440,990; for 1875, 5,251,901,— crease of 7 per cent, in wholesale trade decrease, 189,089. This is not an unfavor- and manufactures. The increase of the able exhibit, in the light of the report of whole over 1874 is 3.8 per cent. the Commissioner of Agriculture, which These totals would be materially in- shows in the four States whence our sup- creased if we included the sales of prod- plies are chiefly drawn, —viz.: Illinois, uce to shippers after it had once. been Wisconsin, Iowa, and Missouri, — a sold in open market, to say nothinj^ of deficiency, as compared with 1874, of the manifold sales of grain and provisions 1,233,300 hogs. The wonder, therefore, is under which one lot may be delivered to not that our receipts show a falling ofi", a dozen or more traders in succession. but that they so closely approximate those We have also omitted sales of such arti- of 1874. It is also consoling to know that cles as ice, milk, vegetables, dressed ttogs, the decline in the past season's receipts oats, etc., made in the street, from wagons, was not peculiar to Chicago, as witness and not placed in public storehouses. The the comparative talile furnished below, sales of real estjate are not included, as from which it appears that the percentage they do not belong to the wholesale trade. HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 109

We have dealt only with what Mr. Wem- The business in all departments is rapidly mick would designate as " portable prop- concentrating here. The same is true also ert}'." of manufactures. Only a day or two ago The following were the totals for pre- we were assured that a house that manu- vious years, estimated on the same basis : factures agricultural implements in Ster- ling, 110 miles west of Chicago, was 1873 $596,000,000 Oct. 11, 1871, to Oct. 11, 1872 41)0,000,000 sending its machines even to Philadelphia 1870 430,000,000 and other cities of Pennsylvania. Ohio 4.50,000,000 IStiO is a large and >most valuable customer. 18ti8 434,000,000 18H0 97,000,000 Large quantities of leather (the best pro- 1850 - 20,000,000 duced in the whole Union), of furniture, and other articles, are shipped to the sea- board, and all the country this side, from the warerooms of Chicago. The large EXTENT OF TRADE OF CHICAGO. calls upon our bankers, therefore, for cap- ital, are but a reflex of other leading At the close of one of my articles in interests, and prove that Chicago is already 1854, I expressed the hope that I might be the financial as well as the commercial and manufacturing centre of the North- here seventeen years from that date to west. post up the business of the city. This From the Tribune of October 16, 1875. duty has been committed to younger One of our leading merchants yesterday, hands. The nearest I have approached commenting on our last article in relation it was last fall during the sickness of the to the vast wholesale trade that is concen- financial editor of the Tribune. I quote trating in this city, took us to task for the following paragraphs from the finan- using the term Northwest—while the trade of the Southwest was rapidly falling cial articles which I wrote in his absence, within the grasp of Chicago. This we bearing upon the growth and extent of knew full well; but the habit, coming the business of the city. down from the time when very little, if any, business came to this city from below the Tribune, October 15, 1875. From the southern line of Iowa, is still apt to show itself from the point of our pencil, These heavy drafts upon our capital, and it will get out in print, to our regret and the cheerful response of our banks, and confusion. The fact is, the jobbing correspond with the concentration of the trade of the city reaches all the way from wholesale trade of the Northwest in Chi- Texas to Manitoba. cago. The frantic warnings of the New York commercial papers to their jobbers Before our railways were opened down to lessen their expenses, and to do all to the Gulf of Mexico through Texas, things needed to retain that trade, have representatives of Chicago merchants had not been heeded. It is surely leaving been all through that country, and found them, and is rapidly concentrating in what kinds of goods the people wanted. of clothing, for instance, Chicago. • It is worth while again to note Manufacturers the causes that are contributing to this had carefully taken the dimensions of the inevitable result. Take the dry goods average Texan—no matter what his occu- trade as an example. Our leading houses pation might be—had found with what have ample capital, and buy at the lowest styles he was pleased, and of what mate- figures their goods for cash. They have rials they should be made, and, while agents in Europe and this country right jealous rivals of our city were snoozing alongside of those of the New York job- over an exalted opinion of themselves and bers, and get their goods at precisely blessing their stars that they were not the same figures. Goods come directly afllicted with the restless energy of Chi- through to this city; custom duties are cago, our manufacturers had already paid here, and hence they are free from made the goods and occupied the markets the exactions of the New York sharpers. of the "Lone Star" State. The same The difference in the price of rents and may be said of other lines of manufac- the modes of doing business here more tured articles and of staple merchandise. than balance the cost of freights from the Since the opening of our railways to the seaboard, and hence goods are sold as Southwest, in spite of the competition of cheap here, and even cheaper, than they St. Louis, that broad field has been largely are in New York. No country merchant gleaned by Chicago enterprise. Our trade in the North, nor in fact in the Southwest, from that section is already very heavy needs now to go to New York, and com- and lucrative, and it is steadily and rap- paratively few of them do so. idly increasing. In speaking of the West- therefore, unless What "is true of dry goods is equally ern trade of the city, " true of other lines of the wholesale trade. for special reasons, let the term North" 110 HISTORY OF CHICAGO. be dropped. We agree with our friend ute for a quarter of a century. Within that simply " West" is better. the last ten j^ears the Middle and Southern As to our foreign direct trade the more States have also become large purchasers, we talk with our bankers and merchants and the trade with them is constantly in- the more are we surprised at the variety creasing. It is true that some of these of the articles shipped and at the rapidly- States purchase sparingly of some kinds increasing values they represseut. Five of produce, but all of them are our cus- years ago we had one or two houses that tomers. As to manufactured articles, drew drafts and issued letters of credit leather, boots, furniture, and many other upon correspondents in England and upon articles, are sent from this city all over the the Continent. The money to meet these Eastern and Southern States. Agricultu- drafts was ordered placed to the credit of ral implements are shipped in large quan- Chicago houses from New York. Now all tities eastward, and in fact in all directions. this is changed. Dealers in grain, beef, McCormick's reaper has laid the entire pork, and provisions, cheese, and other nation, and even several in Europe, under farm products, in must of the leading cities contribution, as witness tlie immense of England, and several upon the Conti- blocks on Dearborn, Clark, and other nent, purchase direct of our packers and streets. That implement alone has gath- commission houses. Several large orders ered from the wide world several large for wheat have just been filled on English fortunes, and planted them down in Chi- account. The bills drawn against these cago. purchases are taken by our banks, and in Of course our wholesale and retail deal- the short space of five years the balance ers have nearly as strong a hold on Mich- of trade is largely in favor of this city. igan, Indiana, and Western Ohio as they Though some of our importers often buy have on the country immediately we.«t of $50,000 in a single draft, week after week the city. They cannot aflbrd to get their a balance of foreign exchange remains goods elsewhere. over, and is sold in the New York market. Our trade for many years has been very For the first six months of the year a sin- large with Canada, and an enlightened gle National Bank took $4,000,000 of these policy on the part of both Governments bills, and in the last half the amount will will swell it into immense proportions. doubtless be larger still. These facts show Connected intimately with her 4,000,000 why New York jobbers are in the dumps of people, both by lake navigation and at the rapid extension of our direct export railways, and producing much that she and import trade. Their disease is chron- can buy in this market cheaper than any- ic. Growling at Chicago enterprise can where else, she is one of our largest and do them no good. If the la-t five years best customers. This fact is attested by have shown the results already achieved, the branches of two of her largest banks before the century closes New York will doing the business between Chicago and retain very little, if any, interest in the the cities of Canada. wholesale trade of the West. Turning our eyes westward, to say that "the jol)bing trade of the city reaches From the Tribune, Monday, Oct. 18, 1875. from Texas to Manitoba" iji some lines does not tell more than half the truth. On Friday and Saturday of last week, All the States and Territories beyond the in explaining the amazing increase of the Rocky Mountains are trading largely in banking business of the city, •we had some- Chicago. They have found that they can thing to say of its foreign and domestic buy ^oods as cheaply here as on the Atlan- jobbing trade. Those brief articles mere- tic seaboard, and the disposition to do so ly embraced what might be regarded as is growing every year. Sitting in the the headings for a dozen column articles office of Peter Schuttler, early last spring, on the same subjects. They did not men- we asked where a large lot of wagons, just tion the distant regions to which our people passing, were going. "We are loading trade, as the following hints will show: two cars to-day for Chico, California," was To the Editor of the Chicago Tribune: the reply. There is no timber in Califor- Chicauo, Oct. 16.—In your article of to-day you nia from which agricultural implements say: "The jobbing trade of the city reaches all can be mnde, and if the managers of the the way from Texas to Manitoba." This is true, Pacific Railways do not a' id all very well, but how about the Eastern States, Union and Central Canada, and the States and Territories west of the put an embargo upon us by high freights, Eocky Mountains? Is the subject too extensive for there is scarcely any limit to the orders even two articles ? Very traly yours, Merchant. our manufacturers will receive for these and like articles from the Pacific coast. Exactly so. It is too broad and too im- In fact, very considerable orders have portant to be exhaustively treated in a been filled from our warcrooms for Aus- dozen articles. Fur breailsttiifs, provis- tralia. ions, and all farm products, Chicago h;is We take in everything. Orders for dry laid all the New England States under trib- goods, books, boots and shoes, clothing, HISTORY OF CHICAGO. Ill hardware, —in fact, almost every kind of the surrounding country. Some half a doz- merchandise and manufactured articles, en railways cross the Illinois ("eutral south —come from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, of Chicago, and in one way or another the Colorado, Utah, and even from Nevada, collections for shipments for all the towns and if Gen. Rosecrans will hurry up his and cities for from 200 to 500 miles in all railroad between Denver, or ratlicr Pue- directions, and for even 1,0U0 miles west- blo, and ^lexico, there will be no longer ward, find their way largely to the hands any need of specifying any particular lo- of our bankers. Chicago is the financial, calities. The trade of Chicago in North as well as the commercial centre of all the America will be limited only by the bmiu- vast, fertile country by wnich she is sur- daries of the contiuent, while most of the rounded. And besides, it should be re- nations of Europe will pay her large and membered that the figures for the entire constantly-increisiug tribute. Such is her trade of the city—merchandise and man- "manifest destiny," and the New York ufactures included— for the year 1874, jobbers may as well stop their growling. footed up to the round sum of at least If Stewart, Claflin, and the rest want to $688,.i00,000. Hence the results reached sell their goods, let them transplant their by the committee, in view of the above establishments to the head of the market. facts, and of what has been said in this Chicago is the place to do it, and if not column for the past few days, will be read- convinced of it now, they will in a very ily believed. few yeais find it out to their cost. That the West and Chicago are living As a specimen of the extent of our im- upoif the good old maxim "Pay as you ports, we mention that one of our whole- go," is proved by the fact that for a long sale grocery houses receiyed on Saturday period in the past, exchange has for nearly 33 car loads of coffee, 10 of pepper, nut- half the time, perh ips more, ruled at or megs, and other spices, and 13 of new below par. This, as much as anything raisins. Thay expect another ship to un- else, shows how rapidly our people are load on the cars next week, and another becoming independent. It shows, also, is now loading for them in a foreign port. that the balance of trade is often in favor AVhole trains of tea often pass through this of the West. It is in the memory of our city on their way to New York, and, of business men that the price of exchange course, all that is wanted for distribution on New York has been from 2 to 25 per in i!ie Mississippi Valley stops here. cent, premium, and at times it could not It may be asked what propriety there is be had even at that. in -tating all these facts in the financial NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BANKS. col imn. They show how wide a circuit At first sight it may seem ridiculous to is embraced in the business done at our compare the New York and the Chicago banks, and by inference how large and banks; but when it is considered that New how active a capital is required to do it. York dates her origin way back to the The wants of that business for several earliest history of the nation, and claims weeks past, have been immense; but our have the control of its commerce, and bankers have backed the enterprise of our to have held it in all the past, and that it merchants and manufacturers cheerfully to is only thirty-eight years since Chicago and i^roraptly, and the vast current of our became a city, with only 4,000 inhabitants, commerce has moved along so quietly and the comparison does not seem to tell so so smoothly that it gave scarcely any sign very strongly against us after all. By the of its magnitude. last bank statements of the two cities, forty-eight Na- From the Tribune, Oct. 19, 1875. it appears that there are tional Banks in New York and sixteen in A committee of the Board of Trade Chicago,—one-third as many ; capital of have recently been collecting some statis- the New York banks, in round numbers, tics in relation to the trade of the city. $08,500,000; those of Chicago, $12,000,000, Among other things ihey found that ten —a little more than one-sixth; loans and of our principal during the banks drew discounts. New York, $202,000,000; Chi- last year exchange to the amount of cago, $26,000,000 — about one-eighth of first sight these $418,000,000. At figures the figures of the New York banks. As not appear to correspond with the do wi- these are the main items, it is not neces- nes of the shipments eastward of farm sary to make any further comparisons. products during the period. same Taking That the Chicago banks will gain rapidly the amounts of grain, cattle, hogs, provis- on their metropolitan neighbors there can ions, and other animal products, the and not be a particle of doubt. average prices ruling for the year, the ME., TO SACRAMENTO, actual value of the shipments to the sea- PORTLAND, board was found to be $249,500,000. As confirmatory of what has appeared Whence, then, did the banks derive the in this column for the past few days, one $168,500,000 over and above the value of of our manufacturers told the writer yes- the shipments from this city? From all terday that, among others, he had just 112 HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. filled two large orders—one for Sacramen- cities and in those of Europe. Shipments to, Cal., and "the other for Portland, Me. are made direct to Liverpool and other Thus in scores of cases daily do both cities on the other side on bills of lading, extremes of the continent pay tribute to ocean freights included, made in this city. our city. Nobody here now thinks of shipping pro- visions for sale to commission houses in learned to come From the Tribune of Nov. 15, 1875. New York. Buyers have directly to the head of the market. The Business at the banks during the past stuff is paid for generally by drafts on week has moved along smoothly, to the London or other European cities, and these satisfaction alike of cashiers and custom- are promptly cashed by our bankers. ers. If anything, it is very quiet for the The large amount of this business done season, more so than it should be, consid- in Chicago was referred to in this column ering the immense amounts of farm pro- two or three weeks ago. A single bank in ducts still to go forward. Holders seem the first six months of the present year unwilling to operate to any very consider- discounted foreign drafts against direct able extent, certainly not up to the means shipments of grain and provisions, to the they have to do it. The packers have amount of $4,000,000. As might be ex- fairly commenced operations, but they pected, it sells foreign exchange to our have thus far drawn mainlj^ on their de- importers in large amounts; but as yet a posits and loans on call or due when their balance remains, which is disposed of in. business commences. As a cla^s, their New York. Another fact worthy of no- capital has steadily accumulated for sev- tice is, that none of our citizens, or the eral years past, and the abundance of people of the West, need go to New York money in this market for several months for letters of credit to travel or buy goods during the summer, and the cheap rates anywhere on the face of the earth. Such at which it could be had on approved letters are issued right here^vailable in. collaterals, are due largely to the surplus any city in South America, inNorthern or capital fur the time being, in the hands Southern Africa, or on the long trip all the of the packers. Of course, they will be way round the world. When Duncan, heavy borrowers before the season closes; Sherman & Co. failed, two of the sons of but bankers will be only too happy to one of our citizens were just starting from accommodate them with all the money Italy east«vard through Egypt, India, Chi- they care to use. The time of their activ- na, Japan, and home by California. Stat- ity comes after most of the other depart- ing the fact to one of our bankers, the ments of the fall uade have become quiet, father said: "Duncan, Sherman & Co. have and hence the employment they give to the failed, and Brown Brothers & Co. may go capital of our banks is a great and mutual next; give me a couple of letters of credit benefit. which I know will bring my boys home The provision trade of Chicago has without any possible contingency that may grown within the last few years far beyond occur in New Y^ork. " The thing was done, the expectations of our most sanguine and the young men are somewhere in Asia, packers. Purchases are made almost en- traveling there and elsewhere on the letters tirely by wholesale dealers in the seaboard issued by one of our leading banks. —


article was published in the The following pay for them ; and, at the end of ten Tribune July 31, 1873. I insert it here, for the years, the whole business public was reason that, possiblj', it may be of service to some forced into liquidation. There was no one into whose hands it may fall. money to be had ; no confidence anywhere, and very little business could be done till " There is an old-time maxim that His- the "hard pan" had been reached. tory repeats itself." Without inquiring After the close of the speculative period, as to the truth of the sentiment, or at- and the people found themselves standing confirm tempting to give examples to or upon the common plane of povert}^, ne- to disprove it, we propose to inquire cessity forced all to work and to practice whether the supposed law can be applied economy. Wealth again began slowly to to commercial crises. Of course each accumulate, and the demand for our pro- reader should apply the test of his own ducts was stimulated by the wars of Na- knowledge and experience to the subject, poleon. England was hard pressed ; the and act upon the suggestions herein sub- old hatreds of the Revolution had not mitted according to his best judgment. passed away. A quarrel arose, and the The history of this country seems to War of 1813-15 was the result. During have developed a law that a general com- the war the country was prosperous to an mercial crash may be expected every unhealthy extent, and struggled along twenty years. The first occurred in 1797, after it closed till 181"^ when a terrible the second in 1817, the third in 1837— financial crash again involved the country many of our readers can remember that in utter and general ruin. As before, and the fourth in 1857, whose lessons few money seemed to have entirely forsaken of our business men have forgotten. The the channels of trade. What little there causes which produced the first two can was in the country was hid away in old be found in the condition of the country stocking-legs, to reappear only when con- at the time they occurred. After the close fidence was in some measure restored. of the Revolutionary War, and up to the Gradually liquidation did its work. Care- time of the adoption of the Federal Con- ful, persevering toil and close economy stitution, the business affairs of the nation began to develop the resources of the were at sea. Each State adopted trade country and prosperity to bless the land. regulations with its neighbors or with By 1826, DeWitt Clinton and his far- foreign nations according to its own no- seeing compeers had completed the Erie tions of what duty or interest might dic- Canal ; the vast teeming West was opened tate. There was no confidence among to the enterprise of the country, and for the business men of the period. The the next ten years the progress in the value of the currency Issued by the States population and the wealth of the nation and by the old Continental Congress was was truly amazmg. The rapid rise in the virtually regulated by the peck, and not nominal value of lands everywhere, and by the denominations printed on the face esi>ecially at the Wesf, enticed thousands of the bills, and confusion worse con- even of the moi^t prudent business men to founded reigned everywhere. This state invest in them. Wild-cat banks, almost of things could not be endured. The without number, were established in Constitution of the United States, adopted Michigan and almost everywhere west of in 1787, in which it was provided that the Allegheny Mountains." Everybody's Congress should have power "to regulate pockets were full of bank-bills ; jfnd so commerce with foreign nations and generally did people take to speculation to among the several States," gradunlly in- get rich, instead of attending to the duties spired confidence. Commercial treaties of the farm and the workshop, that pota- were made with foreign nations; all re- toes were imported into New York from strictions upon traffic between the States Ireland in 1836, and wheat from the Baltic. were abolished, and the country began to Importations of liquors, gew-gaws, and prosper. As time rolled on and that pros- foreign luxuries rose to frightful figures. perity increased, it turned the heads of Of course this state of things could not the old Revolutionary patriots. They last, and the crash of 1837-'8 was the began to everything speculate ; prices of bitter remedy for the moral and commer- appreciated ; importations of foreign cial insanity that had preceded it. luxuries were made far beyond the value The first two financial crises, as we of the exports the country could make to have seen—viz., that of 1797 and of 1817 114 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

—were due to the wars and the condition "holding it for a rise." "While all is of the country that resulted from those going on swimmingly, some mammoth wars. bubble, like the Ohio Life and Trust Com- The period of twenty years having once pany, bursts, and in a few weeks, or been established, it is proper to inquire, months at most, bankruptcy stares the right here, what were the causes that whole country in the face. Liquidation produced the third and the fourth, the must then do its work, and in half a dozen conditions that may produce others at the years a new race of business men. have recurrence of every twenty years, and the grasped those enterprises which in a few means by which the country may hope to years more restore the country to a solid avoid them. basis of prosperity and progress. During the time between one financial Those of our readers whose memory, crash and another, it may be stated gen- and especially whose business experi- erally that nearly the entire property of ence, reaches back forty years, will rec- the nation changes hands. The wealthy ognize the accuracy of the facts here men die, and with them the economy, detailed. If the succession is to con- industry, and prudent foresight by the tinue, the next financial crisis will occur exercise of which their estates were accu- in 1877. How far the condition of the mulated. Their sons and sons-in-law get country now warrants the expectation of possession of their property. Commenc- such an event, let each one determine for ing where their fathers left off, they himself. Especially will it be wise for all I launch out into foolish extravagance. The . prudent men to watch carefully the wild schemes for the promoters of speculative i course of financial events next flatter them by parading their names as four years. A crash can only come v. hen the patrons of this and that great enter- nearly everybody is largely in debt, aTid prise, and visions of untold wealth lead if, forewarned by the past, people keep them to plunge into debt without limit. expenses and ventures within their means, The fact is, they did not earn the wealth the country will escape the repetition of in which they revel, and they don't know thei bankruptcy that has occurred every how to take care of it. Not to divide the twenty years in all our past history. It is business public too closely, we mention with the hope that, warned by the past, j but one other class who, if we mistake some, at least, of the readers of tins article ! not, contribute largely to those conditions ! may ride in safety through all the finau- which are sure to produce a crash in the ciai storms that may befall us. AVhen I financial affairs of the country. These everybody is rushing into debt, it is a I are the men who commence life entirely sure sign that it is best for wise, sane men i poor immediately after a financial revolu- to get out of it. j tion. They begin to accumulate by the 1 It follows that, if one could foresee a and the most ener- be to sell all most careful economy i crash, his best policy would

getic toil. That first thousand dollars, of out a year or two before it occurs ; have j which all have heard, require the sweat of his cash m hand, and, when liquidation many a hard day's work to earn. But has done its worst, buy all the property they earn it. The ring of their hammers he can and hold it. "When the whole late and early—no eight-hour days for country lives within its means, and people them—has been heara by the merchant are at work, wealth is sure to accumulate and capitalist. They deserve and have and values to appreciate. This rule has profits steadily to good credit. Business and no exceptions ; but of its application increase, and at the end, say, of fifteen the present or to the future, each reader

years from the last crash, they are worth must j udge for himself. Of 1877 we make ten, twenty, perchance, here and there no predictions, beyond what the principles one, a hundred thousand dollars, or more. above stated will warrant. Sjpeculation sets in, and many around them are becoming millionaires. "Why should I did not then and do not now regard the crash of they not share in the golden harvest ? 1873 as at all to be coinp.ared to those of 1837 and " pit -h in." Go outside of their They since p;oncrulIy 1857 ; as property did not then and legitimate business to speculate in new change hands. I compare it to the "squeeze" of cities, outside lands, and great companies and others like it. I do not look for it next expected to coin f abulousfortunes. These 1854, men who commenced poor—always the year thou£;h it must he confessed that a very large would he only too glad to get their majority in business circles—join with class of people hands and their outstanding the sons of the wealthy, and an insane property out of their them. In this instance desire to become suddenly rich seizes all notes and ohligations in

for some time ; but as classes Nearly everybody gets in debt, the crash may be delayed have been steadily one borrowing from another all the money prices of almost everything bottom in 1877. he will lend, or, what is "more generally settling since 1873, they may reach true, one buying from the other, at fancy It may be well to drop this hint. Look out for prices, all the property he will sell, and breakers one or two years after specie resumption. HISTOEY OF CHICAGO. 115




From the Tribune, January 24, 1876. Jesuit missionaries, Marquette and Joliet, LECTURE BY THE HON. WM. BROSS and I shall devote the hour to giving you a supplement to what used to be called " Gov. Bross spoke yesterday afternoon Our Pamphlet " of 1854. This was ably at McCormick Hall, his subject being continued by my friend, Elias Colbert, in "What I remember of Early Chicago." 1868; but neither of them pretends to give Following is his discourse in full: much of how Chicago appeared to the vis- itor in the *' earlier times " of its history. The charter of the City of date first March 4, 1837, and the CHICAGO IN 1846. election for city officers was held on the first Tuesday in May, 1837. Not a few of Your speaker, as above stated, first the men and women who saw it when an arrived in Chicago early in the morning Indian trading post, with Fort Dearborn of the second Sabbath in October, 1846, to defend the settlers, are still among now of course nearly thirty years ago. us, and the ladies certainly would not We landed from the steamer Oregon, Capt. feel complimented were they called old. Cotton, near the foot of Wabash avenue, Hence whatever is said about "The Early and, with others, valise in hand, trudged Times in Chicago " must be regarded as tlirough the sand to the American Tem- relative, for the city has not yet numbered perance House, then situated on the north- 38 years. As I first saw Chicago in Octo- west corner of Wabash avenue and Lake ber, 1846, and commenced my permanent street. Soon after breakfast a tall young residence here on the 12th of May, 1848, man, made apparently taller by a cloth 1 can scarcely be called an old citizen, and cloak in which his gaunt figure seemed in yet in that time it has grown from a city danger of losing itself, and whose reserved, of about 18,000 (later in the season the modest manners were the very reverse of census gave us 20,023) to nearly, if not what we had expected to find at the West, quite, 450,000—an increase never before called on the clergy of our party and in- equaled by any city in the history of the vited one of them to preach and the rest world. From a city then scarcely ever of us to attend service in the Second Pres- mentioned, she has become the fourth in byterian Church. That cloak would now rank and population upon the American be well filled by its owner, the Rev. Dr. Continent. Patterson, who has grown physically as But granting for the moment that I am well as intellectually and morally with the an old citizen, I recognize the duty of growth of the city, to whose moral welfare placing on record—as myself and others he has so largely contributed. Of course have doubtless often been urged to do— we all went to what by courtesy, as we what I know personally of the history of thought, was called a church. It was a Chicago. Though this may require a too one-story balloon shanty-like structure that frequent use of the personal pronoun, had been patched out at one end to meet your Directors are responsible if I bore the wants of the increasing congregation. you with it. If each citizen would do it, It stood on Randolph street, south side, the future historian could select what best a little east of Clark. It certainly gave suited his purpose, and Chicago would no promise of the antique but splendid have what no other city has—a history church that before the fire stood on the from its earliest timies, written by its living corner of Washington street and Wabash inhabitants. In 1854 I prepared and pub- avenue, or that still more elaborate and lished some notes on the history of the costly building, the Rev. Dr. Gibson's Town of Chicago—in fact, going back to church, at the corner of Michigan avenue the discovery of the site by the Frencj^ and Twentieth street. 116 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

That afternoon and Monday morning whisky, though it had a marked effect afforded ample time to see the city. The upon the old man, must then, as now, have residence portion of it was mainly between been "crooked," for the more he got of it Randolph and Madison streets, and there inside of his vest the slower he stubbornly

were some scattered houses as far south determined to drive his team ; but he as- as Van Buren, on the South Side, four or sured us he would "root along," and get five blocks north of the river on the North to Batavia that evening, and he did. Of Side, with scattering residences about as course, an account of my journey to St. far on the West Side. There were perhaps Louis and up the Ohio homeward has no half a dozen or more wooden warehouses place in this lecture. along the river on "Water street. The few stores that pretended to bew^holesale were MORE ABOUT TRAVELING, IN 1848. on Water street, and the retail trade was As a specimen of traveling, in 1848, I exclusively done on Lake street. Stores mention that it took us nearly a week to and dwellings were, with few exceptions, come from New York to Cliicago. Our built in the balloon fashion. of To some trip was made by steamer to Albany; rail- hearers my this style of building may al- way cars at a slow pace to Buffalo; by ready be mysterious. Posts were placed in the steamer Canada thence to Detroit; the ground at the corners, and at proper and by the Michigan Central Railway, distances between them blocks were laid most of the way on strap rail, to Kalama down singly or in cob-house fashion. On ZOO; here the line ended, and, arriving these foundations timbers were laid, and about 8 o'clock in the evening, after a to these were spiked, standing on end, good supper, we started about 10 in a sort 3x4 scantling. On these sheath-boards of a cross between a coach and a lumber were nailed, and weather-boards on the box- wagon for St. Joseph. The road was outside of them; and lath and plaster in- exceedingly rough, and, with baugs and side, with the roof, completed the dwell- bruises all over our bodies, towards morn- ing or store. This cheap, but for a new ing several of us left the coach and town, excellent mode of building, it is walked on, very easily keeping ahead. claimed, was first introduced, or, if you In this tramp I made the acquaintance of please, invented, in Chicago, and I believe John S. Wright, then, and for many years the claim to be true. Of course the fire afterward, one of the most enterprising made sad havoc with them at times; but and valuable citizens Chicago ever had. the loss was comparatively small, and they He gave me a cordial welcome, and a were quickly and cheaply rebuilt. True, great deal of valuable information. On Chicago was ridiculed as a slab city; but, Sabbath he called and took me to church, if not pleasant, to bear ridicule breaks no and embraced many opportunities to In- bones. When our merchants and capital- troduce me to Mayor Woodworth and other ists had grown rich enough to build per- leading citizens, giving me a lesson in manent buildings, of course they did it. courtesy to strangers which I have never Then there were not as bricks laid many forgotten. . I beg to impress it upon you in walls in the whole cit}^ as there are now all as a dutj' too much neglected in the in single blocks anywhere near the busi- hurry and bustle that surround us on every ness centre of the city. Chicago need side. not shrink from comparing them with The steamer Sam Ward, with Captain those in any other city upon the continent. Clement first officer, and jolly Dick Som- My first objective point in Northern ers as steward, afterwards Alderman, Illinois was Batavia, on Fox River, 40 brought us to the city on the evening of miles distant, where some Orange County the 12th of May, 1848, and here at 121 ( N. Y. ) friends resided. As Frink & Lake street, with Dr. Scammon's drug Walker's stages did not pass through the store on one side and Lock's clothing town except on the road along the river, store on the other, the stranger from the the problem was how to get there. The East settled down quietly as a bookseller. streets were full of farmers' teams, and in The city^had added 4,000 to its population half an hour's tour amomg them we found in the year and a half after I first saw it; a man w)io, for a small sum, agreed to but it had changed very little in appear- land us there Monday evening. It was ance. It was still pre-eminently a slab nearly noon before we got started, and as city. The Illinois and Michigan Canal had two of my traveling comj^anions lived 3 been opened the month before, and during or 4 miles west of Fox River, and were the summer packets were put on, and, bound to get home that night, they soon running in connection with steamers on began to use all their arts to urge our Jehu the Illinois River, quite an impetus was onward. At the old tavern on the west given to travel through the city. To them side of the Aux Phiines near the bridge, it did not present a very inviting aspect. they treated the old farmer freely, and The balloon buildings above spoken of again at Cottage Hill, Bahcock's Grove, were mostly dingy and weather beaten. and other places; but sooth to say, the The only two stone buildings in the city H?

Sk-^:::- '"^iM& t^ COURT UOUSE.


built of blue limestone, brought as ballast ing the church at the corner of Twentieth from the lower lakes, stood on Michigan street and Michigan avenue. The use of avenue between Lake and South Water this rock was really the first important streets, on the site nt)W occupied by the event of the kind in the building history Illinois Central Railroad ottices. They of the city. were the aristocratic mansions of the city. While this material was regarded as a There were a few brick residences and most exri Rent one for church purj)Oses, stores, but these were the exception. It giving thum an antique and venerable was curious to notice how long some of appearanic, it was not considered the the old balloon buildings would escape thing for the Cook County Court House the fire. The old store in which Mosely in 1852 or '53, — I did not have time in this, & McCord commenced business, between as in some other cases, to look up the Clark and LaSalle streets, on the north exact date. Oar wise men of that ancient side of Lake, was built when the proprie- period, after due deliberation, determined tors could look south to Blue Island with to use a rock found at Lockport, N. Y., not a building in front to obstruct the a bluish-colored limestone. Fortunate it view. There it stood, with the sign was that ofticial plundering had not then, " Mosely & McCord " just below the roof, as now, been reduced to a science, or the till it was aH surrounded by brick build- entire county would have been forever ings, and the insurance on it had cost ten swamped in the debt contracted for the times what the building was ever worth. money to build it. This was regarded as Subtract the few scattering brick buildings the cheapest and best rock that could be on South Clark street, in the vicinity of had for building—for such structures Twelfih street, and the dingy shanties in and was the second leally progressive step that vicinity on Clark street and Third in the building of the city. and Fourth avenues will best represent During all this time it is remarkable what most of Chicago was in 1848, that no one had thought of the limestone quarries through which the canal had BUILDING STONE. been cut for several miles this side of And here I may as well mention the Lockiwrt. The reason probably was that sources from which our tine building some of the strata were not well crystal- materials are derived. Till after that ized and rotted readily; but tens of thou- j^ear it was supposed we had no good rock sands of cords of it that showed no signs for building anywhere near the city. The of decay lay scattered alung the canal. blue-limestone quarries from which the In 1852 or 1853 some one, if I mistake stone for the two dwellings above men- not ex-Mayor Sherman, built a store on tioned were taken, were thought to be our Randolph street, — it was afterwards best and cheapest source of supply removed to Clark street opposite the Besides these, there had been brought Court House,—facing it with this stone. from the lower lakes some sandstone Everybody was delighted with its beauli' flagging. It lay in front of the Lafliu ful color. It was found to become very residence blork, corner of Washington hard when seasoned, and pronounced a street and Michigan avenue, where it marble by President Hitchcock, of Am- served for a sidewalk up to the time of herst College. It very soon came into the tire in 187L Discussions, held for a general use. In December, 1853, the Illi- long time by the Trustees of the Second nois Stone and Lime Company was formed, Presl)y terian society, when it was proposed with A. S. Sherma'n, now of Waukegan, to build a uew church editice in 1 849, result- as its eflicieut manager. The next sum- ed in their determining to use stone found mer, Harry Newhall built two very fine near tlie western limits of the city. The dwellings of it on Michigan avenue location h:is become somewhat famous as between Adams and Jackson streets, and the site of our first artesian well. The M. D. Oilman followed with another next rock is a porous limestone, with sufficient to jSTewhall, and after that its use became silex mixed with it to make it very hard. general. It is conceded to be one of the It seems to have been formed under abed best and mostbeautifil building materials of bitumen, or coal, for the pores in the in the world. Cheaply quarried and rock are filled with it, and hence some of easily accessible by water, Chicago owes the less porous stones in the church wore much of her prestige and prosperity to of a p;de creamy color, while others were these Athens marble quarries. From it so filled wi'h pitch or bitumen that it also Chicago constructs the best sidewalks oozed out in hot weather, and they were in the world, for, resting on an inner and as black as tar. Hence it was called the outer wall, they are unaffected by frost, speckled or spotted church, a name which, and are always smooth and pleasant to the referring to an unfortunate occurrence in pedestrian. Before, and especially since its after history, my friend S:iin Bowles the fire, Chicago has drawn upon the said was derived from its speckled moral- beautiful sandstone q":iriiesof Ohio; the ity.- The same rock was used in rebuild- red sandstone of Couxiecticut and of Lake 118 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

Superior; slie has cheap access to the Harry Newhall lived on the block north. marble deposits and the granite of Ver- Mine was the only house on block 9, ex- mont, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, 150 cept a .small tenement on the rear of a miles west of the head of Lake Supe- neighboring lot, where lived an African rior, and it is now conceded that no citj^ friend and brother named William. There in the world has a better variety of build- were at first ing material or is making a more judicious NO SIDEWALKS and liberal use of it. for a considerable distance north, and OUT OF TOWN, CORNER MADISON AND STATE. hence we were not troubled with prome- naders on the avenue. The lake shore was Going back to 1848, after remaining a perhaps a hundred feet east of the street. week at the City Hotel, corner of State There my brother John and myself, rising and Lake streets, I was admitted to a early in the morning, bathed in summer most excellent home, that of the late Eev. for two or three years. We had an excel- Ira M. Weed, corner of Madison and lent cow—for we virtually lived in the State streets, where Buck & Rayner's drug country—that, contrary to all domestic store now is. This was considered far propriety, would sometimes wander away, south, and as the sidewalks were not all and I usually found her outon the prairie good, the best that could be found was in the vicinity of Twelfth street. I saw a south on Dearborn to Madison, where a wolf run by my house as late as 1850. An very large sign on a paint shop, where incident in the purchase of the lot will illus- the Bank of Commerce now is and directly trate the loneliness of our situation. The opposite TJie T/ibune office, reminded rule of speculators at the canal sales was me to turn eastward. The sidewalks, to buy all the property on which the where such luxuries were indulged in, lay speculator could make the first payment, in most cases upon the rich prairie soil, and then sell enough each year to make for the string pieces of scantling to which the others. Judge Thomas had followed the planks were originally spiked, would this plan, and advertised a large list of soon sink down into the mud after a rain, property in the spring of 1849. He sold and then as one walked, the green and to myself and the Rev. Dr, Patterson ad- black slime would gush up between the joining lots at $1,250 at private sale ; but it cracks to the great benefit of retailers of was agreed that these should be sold with blacking. One's disgust can be under- the rest, so as to attract customers, as stood when it is stated that this meant some Michigan avenue had become somewhat minutes of active personal service in the popular as a prospective place of residence. morning, for this was long before the pro- When my lot was struck off to me for fessional bootblack was born—certainly some $1,300, Harry Newhall came across before he made his advent in Chicago. the room, and said, " Bross, did you buy In March, 1849, —I think March wasthe that lot to live on ? Are you going to im- family arrived per month,—my having prove i'.? " "Yes," was the reply. steamer Niagara the August previous, we " Well," said he, "I'm glad of it ; I'm commenced housekeeping on Wabash glad some one is going to live beyond me. avenue between Adams and Jackson It won't be so lonesome if we can see streets, in a cosy little house at the modest somebody going by night and morning." rent of $12 per month. In May following We then lived, as above stated, on Wabash I bought of Judge Jessie B. Thomas 40 avenue, between Adams and Jackson feet on Michigan avenue, commencing 80 streets. feet south of the corner of Van Buren REAL ESTATE. street, for $1,250. The Judge had bought 1851-'52, it at the canal sales in the sprhig of 1848 In the winter of my friend, for $800, on canal time, viz.: as Dr. Egan the late Charles Starkweather, insisted on afterwards directed in taking his pills, selling me 14 acres of land immediately one-quarter down, balance in one, two south of Twenty-sixth street, and east Of and three years. I paid the Judge his State to Michigan avenue. Capt. Clem- profit, and what he had advanced on the ent and myself went out of town to look first payment, and assumed the balance at it, going across lots south of Twelfth due the Canal Trustees, and took the df^ed street. It was away out on the prairie, to me directly from them. It was in a and I made up my mind that the price safe place during the fire, and of course ($.")00 per acre) was too much. I could is novv a very ancient document. raise the $l,0,i0 to make the first payment; In the fall of 184!) I bought a small wood but where was the 6 per cent, on tlie bal- house that I found moving along on ance for the next ten years to come from? Wabash avenue, and moved it on my lot. Capt. Clement took the property, paid the it for In tliis modest home we sj^ent some six $1,000, and, in seven months, .sold very happy years. Judge ^lanierre livctl $],000 an acre, clearing in that time on "Michigan avenue, corner of Jackson $7,000 on an investment of $1,000. But Btree', where the Gardner House now is. the Captain let a fortune slip through his LA SALLE STUEET, LOOKING SOUTH FKOM WASHINGTON.

; a


hands, for that 14 acres is now valued by lished a grade from 2 to 6 or 8 feet above James H. Reese, Esq., at $560,000, or the natural level of the soil. This re- $40,000 per acre. In that case, as in quired the streets to be filled up, and for a scores of others, I, too, just escaped get- year or two Chicago lived mostly on jacli- ting rich ; b ;t I have au abundance of screws, for the buildings had to be raised as good company, for Imndreds of my fel- well as the streets. Until all the sidewalks low-citizens have missed opportunities were raised to grade, people had to go up equally good. and down stairs from four to half a (lozcn

Take the following instances : Walter steps two or three times in passing a single L. Newberry bought the 40 acres that block. A BulTalo paper got oft' a note on form his addition to Chicago, of Thomas us to the eftcct that on.e of her citizens Hartzell, in 1833, for $1,062. It is going along the street was seen to run up now valued at $1,000,000. i\l;ij. Kings- and ^lown every pair of cellar stairs he bury had been off on an exploring could find. A friend, asking after his expedition about this time, till his pay sanity, was told that tlie walkist wos all as an army officer, above his immediate right, but that he had been in Chicago a necessities, amounted to some $600. A week, and, in traveling our streets, had brother officer advised him to salt this got so accustomed to going up and down down for his two children. He bought stairs that he got the springhalt and could for it 160x180 feet corner of Clark and not help it. Randolph streets, and 27 acres on the THE COURT HOUSK SQUARE North Branch. It i^ now worth froni $600,000 to $1,000,000. One quick at should not be forgotten. On the north- figures could probably show that at com- west corner of it stood, till long after 1818, pound interest the cost of the land would the .Jail, built "of logs firmly bolted to- have realized much more than it is now gether," as the account has it. It was not worth. In time this certainly will be true half large enough to hold the Aldermen but if the reuts of the land are taken in that, if standing now, ought to be in it, place of the interest, let him who has time not to speak of the Whisky Ring, and to make the figures determine which certainly it was not strong enough to keep would have been the more profitable in- them there. Tiie Court House stood on vestment. the northeast corner of the Square— two-story building of br'ck, I thiuk, with NO PAVEMENTS. offices in the lower story. They stood I said we had no pavements in 1848. there till 1853, when they were torn down The streets were simply thrown up as to give place to the new building com- country roads. In the spring for weeks pleted in that year. portions of them would be impassable. I said we had no gas when I first came I have at difi"erent times seen empty wag- to the city. It was first turned on and t lie ons and dra5rs stuck on Lake and Water town lighted in September, 1850. Till streets on every block between Wabash then we had to grope on in tlie dark, or '54 avenue and the river. Of course there use lanterns. Not till 1853 or did the was little or no business doing, for the pipes reach my house, No. 203 Michigan people of the city could not get about avenue. much, and the people of the country could But the more important element, water, a curious not get in to do it. As the clerks had and its supply to the city, have nothing to do, they would exercise their history. In 1848, Lake and Water, and wits by putting boards from dry goods perhaps Randolph streets, and the cross boxes in the holes where the last dray was streets between them east of the river, dug out, with siguiticant signs, as "No were supplied from logs. James H. Bottom Here," " The Shortest Road to Woodworth ran a grist-mill on the north China." Sometimes one board would be side of Lake street near the lake, the en- nailed across another, and ;m old hat and gine for which also pumped the water that supplied the coat fixed on it, with the notice " On His into a wooden cistern Way to the Lower Regions. " In fact, there h'gs. Whenever the lake was rough the was excessively muddy; but in this, was no end to the fun ; and jokes of the water boys of that day—some were of larger myself and family had no personal inter- growth—were without number. est, for we lived outside of the water sup- tabooed, Our first effort at paving, or one of the ply. Wells were in most cases first, was to dig down Lake street to near- for the water was bad, and we, in com- ly or quite on a level with the lake, and mon with perhaps a majority of our fel- forced to buy our then plank it. It was sui)posed that the low-citizens, were sewage would settle in t'le gutters and water by the bucket or the barrel from did for six years, be carried off", but the experiment was a Avater-carts. This we disastrous failure, for the stench at once and it was not till the early part of 1854 became in*o!erable. The street was then that water was supplied to the houses filled up, and the Common Council estab- from the new works upon the North Side, 120 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.

But our troubles were by no means ended. successfully, as the material from the in- The water was pumped from the lake side was taken out, till the hard pan was shore the same as in the old works, and reached. Brick was then used. The hence, in storms, it was still excessively water 3 miles from shore was 35 feet muddy. In the spring and early summer deep. In order to start that end of the it was impossible to keep the young fish tunnel an octagonal crib was built of out of the reservoir, and it was no un- square timber, framed and bolted firmly common thing to find the unwelcome fry together, with several water-tight com- sporting in one's wash-bowl, or dead and partments and a space in the centre left stuck in the faucets. And besides they open sulBciently large to receive the same would find their way into the hot-water kind of cast-iron cjiinders as were used reservoir, where they would get stewed up at the shore end. The crib was nearly into a very nauseous fish chowder. The 100 feet in diameter, and, if I mistake not, Wilier at such times was not only the 50 or 60 feet high. It was built in the horror of all good housewives, but it was harbor, and during a calm it was towed jusily thought to be very unhealthy. out 3 miles and anchored due east of Chi-

And, -worse than all this, while at ordinary cago avenue ; then scuttled, the compart- times there is a slight current on the lake ments were filled with stones, and it was shore south, and the water, though often imbedded firmly into the mud at the bot- muddy and sometimes fishy, was compar- tom of the lake. The cylinders were atively good, when the wind blew strongly bolted together and forced down into the from the south, often for several days the hardpan, the water was pumped out and current was changed, and the water from the brickwork was fairly commenced. the river, made from the sewage mixed The shore shaft was sunk 90 feet, and with it into an abomiuably filthy soup, was that at the crib 85 feet, and then workmen pumped up and distributed through the at each end commenced excavating and pipes alike to the poorest street gamin and bricking up the tunnel towards each other. to the nabobs of the city. Mind you, the Of course I need not give more particu- summit level of the canal had not then lars, nor speak of the 4-mile tunnel to the been dug down and the lake water been, corner of Ashland avenue and Twenty- turiied south. The Chicago river was the second street, where new pumping-works source of all the most detestably filthy are in process of erection—our works on smells that the breezes of heaven can the lake shore being found only capable possibly float to disgusted olfactories. of supplying the 450,000 ptople now said Davis' filters had an active sale, and those to be in the city. Chicago may well be of us who had cisterns betook ourselves proud of her Water-Works, for they are to rain-water—when filtered, about the truly splendid, and furnish her with an best water one can possibly get. As Chi- abundance of as pure water as can be cago, with all her enterprise, did not found in any city in the world. attempt to stop the south wind from blow- We had no sewers in 1848. The first ing, and her filthy water had become un- attempts were made a year or two later endurable, it was proposed to run a tun- with oak plank, I think on Clark street. nel under the lake to a point two miles I have no time nor space for particulars, from the shore, where the water was but will only add that a thorough and ef- always pure—one of the boldest and most fective system has been extended through valuable thoughts ever broached by a civil all the more thickly settled portions of engineer, but our able fellow-citizen, E. the city, and the deepening of the Illinois S. Chesbrough, not only planned, but car- & Michigan Canal carries the sewage ried out the great enterprise to a successful down the Illinois River, and, except when conclusion. Ground was broken March the ice covers the canal and river for many 17, 1864; it was completed Dec. 6, 1866, weeks, it does no damage whatever, and oflen- but it was m)t till March 25, 1867, that tlic does not even make itself known by water was let in and began to be pumped sive odors. into the pipes to supply the city. A few Our mails from the East came by steamer Ncw^ Biittalo, or words as to the way it was constructed : from St. Joseph or by In digging under the city a hard blue clay stage from the west end of the Michicau is reached at the depth of a few feet. railways, till Feb. 20, 1852, when the Mich- Experiments proved that this bed of hard, igan Southern was opened to this cit}'. Of compact clay extended under the lake. course during severe storms, while navi- At the foot of Chicatio avenue, where it gation was open, and during the winter was proposed to sink the shore end, a bed and spring, when the roads were about of quicksand had to be passed through. impassable, they were very irregular. To do this, cast-iron cylinders were pro- Sometimes we would be a week or two cured, 9 feet long. The flanges by which without any news from the outside world. they were to be'bolted together were on Our long winter evenings were employed the inside, so that they could sink smooth- in reading, —much more so than now,—in ly through the sand. These were lowered attending lectures and debates at the Me- HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 121

chanics' Institute, in going to church, and was marvelous how rapidly railways w^ere in social life. Chicago people have al- projected in all direciious, and ht)W quick- ways had abundant means lo eraploj' their ly they were built. time fully and profitably. The i^ost-office The Michigan Southern Railway was stood on Clark stre(;t, on the alley where the first great Eastern line to reach this the north side of the Sherman House now city, which it did on the 20th of February, is. It had a single delivery window a font 18.52. The Michigan Central was opened square, op^-'ning into a room with a door May 20th of the Siime year. These gave on the alley, and another on Clark street. a very great impulse lo tiie growth and All the city could see t'le flag flying from prosperity of the city. These were times the Sherman House, when the mail steam- when the coming of great enterprises er from the other side of the lake was sig- seemed to fill the air, and the men were naled. Each one knew how long it would found who were ready to grasp and exe- take her to reach her dock and the mails cute them. The ncce.>-sity of binding the to get distributed. For a long time before South and the Konh together by iron the delivery window would open, the peo- bands had been broached and talked of in ple would begin to assemble, the first Congress and elsewhere in 1848, and a few taking his station at the window and the sagacious men had suggested the granting others forming in line through the rear of alternate sections of the public lands door into the alley, often far into the to aid in the consliuction of the road as street, like a long line of voters at election. the only means by which it could be built. Here I saw one day an incident which I It had worked admirably in the case of mention as a tribute to one of the be^t the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and it was and noblest of men, and as an example agreed that the importance of the work for all of us to follow. At one time when would justify a similar grant in aid of a we had been'without a mail for a week or great through line from tue Lakes to the more, I stoud in the line perhaps a dozen Gulf of Me'xico. With the characteristic from the window and Robert Stewart two forecast and energy of her citizens, Chi- or three ahead of me. Just as the window cago furnished the man who combined all opened and the column began to move, a interests and furnished the friends of the woman, poorly clad and evidently a for- measure in Congress the means to carry it. eigner, rushed in at the front door, and, That man was John S. Wright, who, as casting her eye down that long line of men, before stated, was one of the m:.st far- the muscles of her face twitched and she seeing and valuable citizens Chicago ever trembled with anxiety. She evident!}'- had. The whirl and excitement in which expected a letter from dear ones far away he lived clouded his mind toward the over the broad Atlantic. Not a word was close of his life; but if any one among our uttered by ihe crowd, and there she stood, earlier citizens deserves a monument to waiting in agony for the crowd to pass his memory, that man is John S. Wright. by, till it came Mr. Stew irt's turn, when, I had the same oflice with him in 1849, with a kindly wave of the hand he said, and hence know personally of what I " Come here, my good woman, " and, speak. At his own expense he printed placing her directly in front of him, she thousands of circulars, stating briefly, but grasped her letter, and with a suppressed with suflacient fullness, the arguments in "thank the Lord and you sir," she left, favor of building the road, its efl'ect upon the most happy person in the crowd. Any the commerce and the Roeial and political man might do such an act for a lady in welfare of the Union; that in granting the silks; but only a noble, Christian gentle- lands the Government would lose nothing, man like Robert Stewart would do it for as the alternate sections would at once com- a poor, forlorn woman in calico. mand double the price of both. To this There was not a railway entering the a petition to Congress to make the grant city from any direction in 1S48. Some was attached. At that time such mail strap rails were laid down that fall, or matt'^r went free to postmasters, and with during the winter following, on the Galena a small circular asking them to interest & (Jhicago, now the North-\ye>tern, and in themselves in getting signers to the peti- 1850, through the personal endorsement tions, or to put them in the hands of those of ex-Mayor B. W. Raymond and Capt. who would. My. Wright (giving employ- John B. Turner, men to whom Chicaijo ment to his clerk for weeks) sent tw.) or is greatly indebted, it reached Elgin, 40 three of them to every postmaster between miles westward. So clieaply and honestly the Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. In the was it built, and from the time it was early part of the session of lS-49-'50 these finished to Elgin, 40 miles, so large and petitions began to pour into Congress by the lucrative was its business, that it paid large the thousands, and still all through dividends, and demonstrated that Illinois summer of 1849 they kept coming. Mem- railways could be made profitable invest- bers f n^m all sections stood aghast at this ments. It became, in fact, the parent of deluge of public opinion that seemed the vast railway system of the West. It about to overwhelm them, unless they at "

122 HISTOKY OF CHICAGO. once passed a law making a grant of lands Permit me to say here, by way of pa- to the Slates to open a railway from Chi- renthesis, that omnibuses and horse-cars cago to the Gulf of Mexico. Our Sena- were introduced nearly ten years after tors, Douglas and Shields, and Kepresen- this time. The City Railway Company tatives, Wentworth and others, saw their was chartered Feb. 14, 1859. Pardon the opportunity, and the bill was passed on remark, that whatever honor attaches to the 20lh day of September, 1850. On the driving the first spike belongs to your 10th of February, 1S51, the Illinois Legis- speaker. It was done on State, comer of lature chartered the company, and its Randolph. The road reached Twelfth construction was placed in the hands of street on the 25th of April, 1859,— only Col. R. B. Mason. I need not add that a seventeen years ago. Now the whole city better selection could not possibly have is gridironed with them, and they are been made.* essential to its business life. I should like to give you the history of * From the Tribune, Feb. 4. the Rock Island, the Alton & St. Louis, the Burlington & Quincy, the Pittsburgh THE "prairie farmer" AND JOHN S. & Fort Wityne, and other roads, but time WRIGHT. and space forbid. For several years suc- The Rev. J. Ambrose Wight, writing from Bay ceeding 1854, the leading men of Chicago City, Mich., under date of i'ob. 1, in relation to the had to endure a great deal of eating and " Chicago " recently delivered in lecture on Early drinking, as our railwaj-s were opened to McCormick'sHall, t-ays : cities in all directions: and for this ser- " My early Chicago is earlier. I arrived there in September, 1836, and had my headquarters there till May, 1843, when I removed there, and remained And, when he found it defective, he reconstructed tm May, 1865. it, and ii; became a new law. And this old law of . „ , "The thing that more especially pleases me m Mr. Wright's, made over as the ladian gun was, is the lecture is the tribute to my old friend, John S. the system now. True, he soon got powerful help- Wright. If Chicago, the State of Illinois, and the ers in Chicago, among whom I remember as the old Northwest, owe anything to anybody, it is to earliest, William Jones, J. Y. Scammou, Dr. Foster, John S. Wright. The lecture states his movement W. H. Brown, and Flavel Mosely—succeeded by in the matter of the Central Railroad. But that was such others as the Hon. Mark Skinner, John Went- only one of his undertakings for the public good. worth, and a good many more, inducing William For fifteen years he was constantly engaged in some H. Kini:, Esq. scheme with the same end. His establishment of "Another of Mr. Wright's public movements and success wiih the Prairie Farmer were things was that of the lO-per-ceut.-loan law. The Legis- remarkable, considering his age and supposed lature, moved by the southern Granger interest, qualifications for such a work. He had never done had passed a law making a higher interest than 6 a day's work on a farm in his lifo, and presump- per cent, usurious. Mr. W. knew that a repeal of tively^new nothing about it. But he possessed a that law was a hopeless undertaking. But it pre- remarkable in -^ight into public needs. He started vented all obtaining of money for use— operating his paper, freely acknowledging his own deficien- especially hard against the interests of Chicago cies, but threw himself on tlie help of the farmers, and the northern end of the State, where recovery whose acquaintance he constantly made—putting from the financial disasters of 1836-"7 had set iu as his motto at the head of his paper, "Farmers, with a good deal of strength. He therefore drew write for your paper." And this flag was still fly- up an amendment to the 6-per-cent. law, allowing ing in the last copy I have seen of that journal. an interest of 10 per cent. " on money loaned." For ten years that paper held a place which money As usual, his circulars flew like the leaves of essential to the could never pay for, and was autumn ; and, contrary to the prediction of many, growth of the country where it circulated— settling, the amendment passed the Legislature. The " one after another, such questions as Ihtse : Will relief was instantaneous and great. the cultivated grasses grow on prairie lands ? Chicago — old Clucago — knows Mr. Wright's " Can sheep be kept to advantage here ? " " Can peculiarities well enough. He saw further into a orchards be a success?" "How shall we fence subject, ill the begiitning, than most men. But these open lands ?" and hundreds of other ques- once in it, he seemed to love his ability to handle it, tions of like kinds—the machinery to be used on and often his interest in it ; and the outcome some- the farm; 'the stock most profitable; and the claims times threw undeserved obloquy on the whole of dozens of discoveries and inventions, good, and undertaking. Had he been able to carry things good for nothing. Mr. Wright relinquished the through as he begun them, he had probably been a helm, it is true, afer a year and a half, but his millionaire, and alive to-day." enthusiasm and insight gave impulse and direction, Mr. Wight does not state, what most of our and made it a success. Wright " relin- "Then the system of public schools in Illinois older citizens know, that, when Mr. quished the hilm'* of the Prairie Jfarmer,'-a. owes its first impulse and direction to him, though it committed it he knew no more of school-teaching than of farm- year and a half "after started, he editor. sterling integrity, lug. He began work at that as soon as his paper to Mr. Wight, as its The untiring zeal, sharp, strong common sense, and was fairly launched ; set up a department in it for the Prairie public-school education, corresponded and wrote trenchant pen of Mr. Wight made for years one of the very best agri- unweariedly for it. Thore was no system of Farmer many published in this country. schools in the State at that time. The " common cultural papers ever absoibod in the Bchool," on the South Side, for Chicago, was kept Mr. Wright was too completely inastory-and-a-half building, up stairs—the build- other important ei.terprises of whicli Mr. Wight attention to his paper, ing standing at the corner of State and Madison speaks, to give much proprietorship of it. But to streets— tlie pedagogue being a Mr. Bennet, I think; though retaining tlie starting it, and to that of Mr. and my impression is that the school was common his enterprise in enough. The schools over the State were just us Might in conducting it, Chicago and the North- than they they happened to be. west owe a far proaler debt of gratitude " Mr. Wright drew up asystem for the State, pub- will ever be able to re|)ay, or even appreciate. epochs in our history, and lished it, printed circulars, got friends for it, aid Those were forming progress and prosperity are had it made a law, again.-t a pretty strong dislike much of our wonderful from the southern and central parts of the Stale. tne direct result of their labors. I


vice, as for all others, they showed a the book-store to my partners. It was capacity and willingness, as well as a mod- tlie original of the great house of Jansen, esty, which has made them distinguished McClurg and Co. The leading member all over the country. On the 10th of May, of the firm now—my brother-in-law— 1869, the Cenlnil and Union Pacific Rail- left in the store a mere boy, Avhose duties ways joined rails at Promontory Point, were to sweep out, carry packages, and thus completing the grand railway system generally to do a boy's business. I men- across the continent. And here I may be tion this as an example for the boys who permitted the incidental renirk that we hear me to follow. who live with them, and enjoy the first I then formed a partnership with J. fruits of their enterprise, do not sufficient- Ambrose Wight, then editor of the Prai- ly honor the men who bridge our great rie Farmer, — a most valuable paper, rivers and bind every section of the Union owned by John S. Wriaht,—and we bought together in bands of iron and steel, never out the Herald of the Prairies, a religious to be broken, such men as Wm. B. Ogden, ])aper, the organ alike of the Presby- John B. Turner, R. B. Mason, Thomas C. terians and Congregation alists of the Durant, Leland Stanford, and scores of Nortkwest. The latter half of the con- othei's that might be named. History cern survives in the Advance. It was then shows that it was not only the men who published on AVells street, on the corner bore the victorious eagles of old Rome of the alley between Lake and Randolph through distant nations, but who built streets. We soon moved to 171 Lake roads to connect them with the Eternal street, next door to 17ie Tribune, and in City, that received the highest honors. the rear building, on an old Adams press, Thus it was that great national thorough- the first power press ever brought to the fares were built thousands of miles long, city, we printed our own paper, and also from the North to the Black Sea, and as T7ie Trihune, for Messrs. Stewart, Wheeler in that case all roads pointed towards & Scripps. The press was driven by Rcme, so at least nine-tenths of all the Emery's horse-power, on which traveled, roads in all this broad land point to Chi- hour by hour, an old black Canadian cago. Do you know that the title even pony. So far as my interest in the now worn by the Pope of Rome has come splendid machinery of T7te Tribune is con- down to him from those old road-builders? cerned, that old blind pony ground out Pontifex Maximus simply means the great- its beginnings, tramping on the revolving est bridge-builder, the proudest, and thus platfo'rm of Emery's horse-power. far the most enduring title ever worn by By the autumn of 1851 Mr. Wight, earthly monarch. Let our city honor the a man who, as editor of tlie Prairie Far- men for making Chicago commercially in mer, did very much towards laying the this centennial year what Imperial Rome foundations of the rapid progress and was politically in past ages. While we the great prosperity of the West, and give all honor to these men, let not the now pastor of the Presbyterian Church name of John S. Wright be forgotlon, at Bay City, Mich., and myself, found out who, addressing himself to even the by sad experience that the Prairie Herald, greater work, in 1849, combined and gave as we then called it, could not be made direction to the political and moral forces to support two fiimilies, for we had that enabled them to complete the grand- scarcely paid current expenses. I there- est system of improvements ever made in fore sold out to Mr. Wight, taking in pay- the history of the world. ment his homestead lots on Harrison You will expect me to say something street. That winter rather than have of the press of the city. In 1848 the nothing to do I remained in his otfice with Journal had rooms in what was then the him, working for the large sum of $1 per Saloon Buildings, on the southeast corner day. After a vacation of a few months of Clark and Lake streets. The Gem of the late John L. Scripps and myself the Prairie, and The Tribune as its daily, formed a partnership and issued the first maintained a precarious existence in an number of the Democratic Press on the old wooden shanty on the northwest cor- 16th of September, 1853. We started on ner of Lake and Clark streets. Messrs. a borrowed capital of 16,000, which all Wheeler, Stewart and Scripps were the disappeared from sight in al)out six weeks. editors. It was burned out, and then We put in all our services and profits, and located at No. 171 i Lake street. My about all the money we could borrow, friend the Hon. John Wentworth pub- never drawing a cent from the firm till lished the Democrat in very aristocratic after the first of January, 185o.- This quarters—at Jackson Hall, on LaSalle required nerve and the using up of funds street, just south of Lake. He had the to a very considerable amount, which we only Hoe power-press in the city. In the had obtained from the sale of real estate: fall of 1S49, finding I preferred my old but we thou'jht we could see future profit occupation of using books rather than of in the business and we worked on, never selling them, I disposed of my interest in heeding discouragements for a moment. —


The hard times of 1857-58, brought the Brown, Peter Page, William Locke, Buck- Democratic Press and T7ie Tribune together, ner S. Morris, Capt. Bates, and many and Dr. Riiy, J. Medill, John L. Scripps, otliers, will at once recur to our older and myself, became equal partners, with citizens. Mr. Cowles as business manager. Dr. Some of these gentlemen were not quite Ray and Mr. Scripps have ceased from so full of purse when they came here as their labors, but not till they had done now. Standing in the parlor of the Mer- most effective and valuable woric in the chants' Savings, Loan and Trust Com- development and progrprogress of Chicago. pany, five or six years ago, talking with Mr. Scripps was PostmasterPostm; during Mr. the President, Sol. A. Smith, E. H. Had- Lincoln's first Administration. Both he dock, Dr. Foster, and perhaps two or three and Dr. Ray were able and very cultivated others, in came Mr. Cobb, smiling and gentlemen, and the memory of them rubbing his hands in the greatest glee. should have a high place in the esteem and " Well, what makes you so happy?" said gratitude of their fellow citizens. Mr. one. "O," said Cobb, "this is the 1st Medill, Mr. Cowles, and myself, still stand day of June, the anniversary of my by the old Tribune, with what eflBciency arrival in Chicago in 18o3." " Yes," said and success the reading public can best Haddock, " the first time I saw you, Cobb, judge. you were bossing a lot of Hoosiers I should like to have an hour to pay a weatherboarding a shanty-tavern for Jim passing tribute to the men who gave char- Kinzie." "Well," Cobb retorted, in the acter to Chicago in 1848, and the years best of humor, " you needn't put on any that followed. To Thomas Richmond airs, for the first time I saw you, you still with us; to John P. Chapin, Charles were shingling an out-house." Jokes and Walker and Captain Bristol, heavy deal- early r( miuiscences were then in order. ers on Water street; to Judge Giles Spring, It transpired that our solid President of Judge George Manierre, S. Lisle Smith, the South Side Horse Railway left Mont- William H. Brown, George W. Meeker, pelier, Vt., with $40 in his pocket, but by Daniel Mcllroy, James H. Collins, and some mishap when he reached Buffalo he others of the Bench and Bar; to Drs. had only $9 left. This was exactly the Maxwell, Egan and Brainard; to Editors fare on the schooner to Chicago, but the Dick Wilson, T. A. Stewart, John E. Captain told him he might buy some pro- Wheeler, and James F. Ballantyne, as visions, and if lie would make no trouble well as to Ray and Scripps; to the Rev. and shep on deck the boy could come to Dr. Tucker, Parson Barlow, and perhaps Chicago for what was left. Cobb got several others of the clergy. I should some sheeting, which some lady fellow- like to speak of Mayors F. C. Sherman, passengers sewed up for him, and he filled , J. H. Woodworth, and it with shavings, and this made his bed on , all of whom have been deck. He got a ham, had it boiled, relieved of all earthly cares. Many of bought some bread, and, thus equipped our oldest citizens still linger among us. and provisioned, he set sail for Chicago. Of these. Col. Gurdon S. Hubbard first There was then no entrance to the Chi- came to Chicago in 1818—the year Illi- cago River, and the vessel anchored out- nois became a State. Still hale and happy, side, a long way out, and the cabin passen- maj'- he long bless Chicago with his pres- gers went ashore with the Captain in a ence. Of our ex-Mayors previous to 1860, Mackinaw boat. A storm springing up, William B. Ogden, the first, Buckner S. the mate lay off for three days between Morris, B. W. Raymond, Walter S. Gurnee, Michigan City and Waukegan. When Charles M. Gray, Isaac L. Milliken, Levi the vessel returned, a cabin passenger, who D. Boone, John Wentworth, and John C. had returr ed for baggage, was surprised Haines, are still living. Of the clergy we to find Cobb still aboard. Cobb told him have still the Rev. Dr. R. W. Patterson, the Captain had gone back on him, and " whf)se praise," like one of old, "is in all would not let him go ashore Avitiiout the the church(s." Of our leading citizens other $3, and wliatto do he did not know. we have still a host, almost too numei'ous The gentleman lent him tlie $3, and Cobb to mention. The names of Jerome gladly came ashore. Though he knew Beecher, Gen. Webster, Timothy and nothing of the carpenter's trade, he ac- Walter Wright, S. B. Cobb, Orringtun Lunt, cepted a situation to boss some Hoosiers, Pliilo Carpenter, Frederick and Nelson who were at work on Mr. Kiuzie's excuse Tuttle, Peter L. Yoe, C. N. H()lden, for a hotel, at $3.75 per day, and soon Charles L. and John Wilson, E. H. Had- paid his fiicnd. From that time to this dock, E. D. Taylor, Judge J. D. Caton, J. he has seldom borrowed any money. Y. Scammon, Grant Gooilrich, E. B. and Mr. Haddock also came to Chicago, Mancel Talcott, Mahlon D. Ogden, E. H. I think, as a small grocer, and now Sheldon, Mat. Latiin, James II. Reese, these gentlemen are numbered among C. H. McCormick and l)roiliers, P. W. our millionaires. Young men, the means Gates, A. Pierc'C, T. B. Carter, Gen. S. L. by which they have achieved success IIIRTOllY OF CHICAGO. 125

are exceedingly simple. They have south to an east and a west line that wull

sternly avoided all mere specuhxliou ; they include Blue Island, and thence south- have attended closely to legitimate busi- east from Blue Island to the Indiana State ness and invested any accumulating sur- line, and thence on that line to Lake plus in real estate. Go ye and do likewise, Michigan. With my eye upon the vast and j'our success "will be equally sure. country tributary to the city, I estimate Having seen Chicago in 184S with no that Chicago will then contain at least railways, no pavements, no sewers, scarcely 8,000.000 of people, and I would sooner say an apology for water-works—a mere city 4,000,000 than any less than 3,000,000. I of shanties, built on the black prairie soil base my opinions on the fact that the —the temptation to imagine for her a gastronomic argument controls mankind. magnificent future is almost irresistible. Men will go and live where they can get I beg leave with characteristic Chicago the most and the best food for the least modesty to j-efer to ai)rophecy which I ven- labor. In this respect wiiat city in the

tured to make in 1854. I had just written world can compete with Chicago 'i And I and published the first exhaustive account also assume that the nation for the next of our railway system, followed by a his- hundred years will remain one united, free tory—the first also—of the city. In the and happy people. closing paragraph I had the following But, gentlemen, in order to realize the sentences. The city had then not quite magnificent destiny which Providence completed the seventeenth year of its ex- seems to have marked out for our city,

istence, and I ask : permit me to say, in conclusion, that the " What will the next seventeen years moral and religious welfare of the city accomplish? We are now (1854) in direct must be carefully guarded and promoted. railroad connection with all the Atlantic Philo Carpenter (still among us) and Capt. cities from Portland to Baltimore. Five, Johnson established the first Sunday- at most eight, years will extend the circle school here July 30, 1832, and the Rev. to Ne w Orleans. By that time also we shall Jeremiah Porter (also still living) organ- shake hands with the rich copper and iron ized and became pastor of the First mines of Lake Superior, both by canal Presbyterian Church (now Dr. Mitchell's)

. and railroad, andh'ng ere another seven- on the 26th of June, 1833. Brave old teen years have passed away we shall have Jesse "Walker, the pioneer Methodist, also a great national railroad from Chicago to preached sound doctrine in the earliest Puget's Sound, with a branch to San Fran- years of the Town of Chicago. All ' Cisco." other denominations were also on the By the time the building of the road ground early, and through all her former was fairly undertaken, San Francisco had histoiy our people seemed as active and grown so largely in wealth and population earnest in religious efforts as they were that the main line was forced to that city. enterprising and successful in mercantile But in June, 1869, two years before the and other business. Let all our churches thirty-four years in the life of tlie city address themselves earnestly, faithfully, h:id passed away, I rode from Chicago to to the work of moralizing, if you please Sacramento with my good friend George converting, the people, working as their

M. Pullman in one of his splendid palace Divine Master would have them work ; cars, with a dining car attached, and no let respectable men, honest men, and one could possibly fare better than we did especially religious men, go to the polls, on the entire trip. Another line was open and banish from places of trust and from Sacramento to Vallej* neai'ly right power those who are stealing their sub- across the bay from the City of the Golden stance and corrupting, aye even poison-

Gate, so that practically the prophecy was ing, the very life blood of the city ; let us literally fulfilled. Perhaps it was only a all, my friends, do our" whole duty as fortunate guess, and as I was educated in citizens and as men, ever acting upon the New England, you will permit me to guess Divine maxims that "Righteousness exalt- again, and to bound the city for j^ou on eth a nation," that "Godliness is profit- the nation's second Centennial, viz., on able for all thin^," and with God's bless- the 4th of July, 197f5. I think the north ing Chicago, as in the past so in the line will probably begin on the lake shore future, shall far outstrip in wealth, popu- half way between Evanston and Winnetka, lation and power all the anticipations of and run due west to a point at least a mile her most enthusiastic and sanguine citi-

"west of Aux Plaines River : thence due zens. 126 HISTORY OF CHICAGO.


city Incorporated March, 1837.

1837 "William B. Ogden. 1848 Jas. H. Woodworth. 1859 John C. Haines. 1838 Buckner S. Morris. 1849 Jas. H. Woodworth. 1860 John Wentworth. 1889 Benj. W. Raymond. 1850 James Curtiss. 1861 Julian S. Rumsey. 1840 . 1851 Walter S. Gurnee. 1862 Francis C. Sherman. 1841 Francis C. Sherman. 1853 Walter S. Gurnee. 1864 Francis C. Sherman. 1842 Benj. W. Raymond. 1853 Charles M. Gray. 1865 John B. Rice. 1843 . 1854 Isaac L. Milliken. 1867 John B. Rice. 1844 Alanson S. Sherman. 1855 Levi D. Boone. 1869 Roswell B. Mason. 1845 Augustus Garrett. 1856 Thomas Dyer. 1871 Joseph Medill. 1846 John P. Chapin. 1857 John Wentworth. 1873 Harvev D. Colvin. 1847 James Curtiss. 1858 John C. Haines. 1876 Harvey D. Colvin.


1835 3,265 1845 .12,088 1855 80,028 1865 178,900 1836 3,820 1846. .14,169 1856 ..84,113 1866 200,418 1837 .-4,179 1847 16,859 1857 93,000 1867 220,000 1838 4,000 1848 20,023 1858 90,000 1868 252-,054 1839 ..4,200 1849 23,047 1859 .95,000 1869 273,043 1840 4,479 1850 28,269 1860 112,172 1870 298,977 1841 5,752 1851 34,437 1861 120,000 1872 364,377 1842 6,248 1852 38,733 1862. 138,835 1874 395,408 1843 7,580 1853 60,652 1863 160,000 1876 (est). 450,000 1844 8,000 1854 ..65,872 1864...... 169,353

1885, (estimated by Jno. S. Wright), 1,000,000. 1911, (estimated by J. N. Balestier), 2,000,000. 1976, (estimated by Wm. Bross), 3 to 4,000,000.


The history of Chicago from 1850 to 1876 remains to be written. I have most of the materials, but fear I shall not have the time and the patience to put them together. Somebody should do it, for such a work would show a more astonishing progress than has ever been realized by any other city in the history of the world. I respectfully commit this little volume to my fellow-citizens as my contribution to the facts, that should be stored away in our libraries in this Centennial year, with the hope that they may in some way interest and perhaps benefit those who are to come after us. — —— — — MEMORIES, A Story OF German Love. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF MAX MULLER,

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