Allies Completely Oeeupy Gona Area; “Ju.St So Stories”—Kiplini;
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! X’ ■ ^k- - < X .;.^T.t., ? J-^;V ■•■ .X ■,’: -■ :v ..^R ^ ,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9,1942 ’ fS illm ubrotrr £tt»ttftt0 H rrald Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Month of November, 1S42 Feteoant et V. B. Weather Buseua 7,814 it Member of the Audit Slightly warmer toalght. J ^ ' .*, ‘■>.' , i Att: llareaa of Olrenlatloas Manchester—vi City of ViUago Charm TT (ClaaaUled Adverttaing on Page ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRIC'E THREE CENTRA VOL. LXIL, NO. 60 14 BOOK 7 B«M)k«To Color (boxed) . .. ..50c NurserjyYales........ 50c, 75c, $f.'00 Linen Books..................lOc, .35c, 60c “Our ^ a v y ” ..................... ^.... 50c “The Uttle Airplane” .............. 75c “^epherd Boy of Australia" . .50e l \ A , % Allies Completely Oeeupy Gona Area; “ So Stories”—Kiplini;... .50c **Mis8 Canary” ...................... $1.00 V V ^ “Five Little Peppers” ........... Adult Fiction ......................................50c-$3.50 I A IS I I •■ ■ < Russian Forees Push Ahead 7 MilesI ________________________ . 4^ - - • Yanks Cross New Guinea Stream r>M Allies Apparently Japs Lose Northern Ready to Lannch Anchor for Narrow Powerfnl Drives B eachhead Papua| T CANDELABRAS Air Power Now Formid- J a p a n P o i d Glass candle'iKdder and chrome able and Ever-Growing ^ frame. Each cand^bra $ 3 .6 9 On African Fronts; 50,000 Yen American Forces Strikfl Hand 5Tade iiig at Lower End oil each $4.75 and $6.50 r?: Crucial Battle May Big New Fires Set Fentcm Glass Come in Tunisia For Peace . - • I Salient Are Makin$l Several beautiful colora in Hobnail bon-bona and vaaea, At Any Moment Now. In Assault on lurin pe«gr«. Agam,t baaketa, etc. COPPER Harvard Professor Tells ____ ________________________ fenscs of Buna ViM Lacquered to prevent tamithing. 'London, Dec. 10.—(A*)— lage Sector and Nijpfl Allied forces apparently were Of Incident in Early British Drop Explosives Tariff Laws set today to launch mighty Part of Century WhUe Ranging Up to Four- ponese Air Fields] $1.59 $2.98 .9 8 new drives against the Axis Ton Block • Busters Bitter Fight Rages. in North Africa at any mo Fleet at Yokohama. Curb Powers Chrome Plated ment in both Libya and Tu In One Hour Raid. Melbourne, Dec. 10.—(fl^ Make Up Your Own Towel A»»entbles! Cambridge, Mass,. Dec. 10—(A*) Martex Needlepoint nisia, under formidable and —Complete occupation of th$ 2-Siice ever-growing air power. —How a ‘‘pay-off” of 50,000 yen London, Dec. 10.—(/P)— Plan Dropped Gona area of New Guinea b; Beautiful Caiidlewick and Chenille ports by the Morocco radio was made by the Japanese govern Royal Air Force bombers flew Allied forces directed in t that the Americans and British ment to the Nipponese "under last night into the smoke still i House Ways and Means field by Geh. Douglas MacAr TOASTERS FLORAL BOUQUET TOWELS already had sprung anew to the world" in the early part of the century to prevent altercations rising from the destruction thur himself was annoum Bath Face iPREADS $7.98 attack on both sides of the Axis' wrought Tuesday night at Committee Formally today. The Japanese th Towels .. 7 2 x ^ Ludy Pepperell narrowing last foothold on the with American visitors that might $1 19 C lo th s.......... 3 5 c An unusual Spread! Allovcr candlewick dota with paatel col Mediterranean's African shore ap have led to war then was related Turin, mangled Italian ar Pigeonholes Request lost the northern anchor Guest Bath Mat ored bordera and m^ti-color tlowera in chenille. parently were premature. today by Albert Bushnell Hart, senal city, and loosed explo For Broad Authority. their stubbornly - defend $ 4 .9 5 Advices from Tunisia, however. but ever-narrowing beachhead Towels .. 6 9 c S e ts .............. $ 5 .5 0 Other Chenille S^r^&(|s...............................$3.29 to $12.50 DeLUXE BLANKETS $ 5 .9 5 (Contlnaed eu ^ ge Eight) sives ranging up to four-ton Indicated that the AUles there no block-busters in a one-hour Papua, a foothold already cut Beautiful quality blankets — 25% wool. 25% cotton and 50% longer were hampered by the Wa.shington, Dec. 10.—(/P)—The to segments by Australian rayon. Exceptionally warm and light. Dusty rose, green, blue, A detachment of United States troops cros.-ses a stream somewhere on the distant New Guinea assault which left large new fires House Ways and Means commit-1 New! Pastel Floral Hem Fine Qu^lit^ Chenille beige, cedar, peach, rose and all white. pinch for air support and that the battle front. Il't. a case of "walk a little, wade a little, swim a little." spreading In the industrial areas. American jungle fighters. Offii crucial battle for the last 20 Great damage was acknowledged tee today formally pigeonholed reports showed that Am( TEA SERVICE Other Blankets.............................................$2.98 to $11.98 miles, the approaches to Bizerte Listing Youths in the Italian high command com President Roosevelt’s request for forces striking at the lower Trajr, Fuai'Sf Fot, Sagar and Creamer. PILLOW CASES pr. $ 1.98 and Tunis, might explode at any munique broadcast today from broad wartime autbority to sus of the salient were making Something different and new! Beautiful pastel lloial borders on BATH MAT SETS »et$ 1 .9 8 moment. Rome. pend tariff laws and regulations. ress against defenses of the Bi flne quality percale. Size 42"x36". Rain Hampers AcUvity The action came after severiU village sector and a Japsmese Four beautiful floral patterns in pastel shades or combined with SMART GIFT UMBRELLAS For Induction Settlements Retaken by Reds; Three Bombers Lost members of the committee confer field. $8.50 to $12.95 black. Bath mat and lid cover of fine grade chentU^, A communique from Allied The Air Ministry said that Good looking umbrellas of celanese taf headquarters In North Africa red with Rouse Speaker Rayburn Air Forces Cooperate feta that will wear for years. Smart han three bombers failed to complete (D„ Tex.). Bitter fighting raged—-fior* dles and patterns that are different. $ 3 .9 8 said there was UtUe activity ex To Be Started Nazi Fail to Gain Initiative the round trip from Britain across (Ttaairman Doughton (D;, N. C.), session o^ the air field, cept patroUlng In the forward the Alps, but said “a strong areas yesterday because af rain reported that the committee had from the front said. Allied del CHROME SERVING TRAYS Other Gift U m brellas......................... .$2.98 to $5.00 force” participated—suggesting decided that there was “no rea ments were entrenched in WHAT TO GIVE HER? which has made much of the ter Those Becoming 18 Aft 200 or 300 planes. rain impassable. sonable possibility" that the biU places at one end of the Ifiiv er Last June 30 Begin Gunners of a four-motored Lan could be enacted before the 77th strip and Japanese held the oi "Our aircraft bombed a small Rubber Suuulv Apparently- Stab- Hitler Shifts caster were credited with destroy enemy column In the southern session of Omgress expires on $3.25 $3.98 $4.49 WOOL AUTO ROBES Registering Tomorrow 1 * - bing at Nazi Comma- ing an enemy fighter. Jan. 3. (Continued ou Page Tonify '^ir Q Smart Scotch plaid designs in all color sector," the communique said. ications on Central Despite the smoke paU over Quorum Seen Unlikely combinatlona. A warm gift. On the opposite side of Africa, —Three Periods Are Set Large Enough Nazi Army’s Turin, the bombardiers could pick Doughton declared that even if /' a Britiah communique said the Other Auto Robes........ $2.98 to $7.98 $ 4 .9 8 Front; Push Forward. out their objectives, the Air Minis the committee had reported the HOSIERY Eighth Army was "allowing the Washington, Dec. 10— (jP) •— try said. bill, it was unlikely that the designs . enemy no rest in the El Aghelia Youths who have become 18 since Next Octolier Staff Oiief "When the last bomber left an House could muster a quorum for l e s ! Free from aeama t area." last June 30 start registering to Moscow. Dec. 10.—(JP)— hour later, Jarge new fires were ita consideration, and that in any Spiral knit ahe^ ray 72x84 This was the strongest language The Red Aimy has s)>eared spreading in the industrial areas, event, the legislation would then 1(F) on hoaiery with mer used officially since the British morrow for Induction into the Zeitler Put in Post For the ministry added. have to be considered by the Sen cerize cotton heel and Line-of-daty andies armed forces. j Will Be Able to Pro- seven miles deeper into ene Rayon paused before Nazi Marshal Rom Many Buildings Hit ate. ' Bevokee Gsiaolliie RaUoBa toe. Two new ahadea! mel's long-prepared ■ line but it re Selective Ser\'lce estimates there vide Military Needs of my lines on the central front merly Held by General The committee's unanimous ac F I S H 1 0 HI for your ferred, still, only to patrol and are more than a half-million in near V’elikie Luki, recaptur The Italian high command said tion came on a mptlon by Repre R. L. Dec. lOe this age group, but many of them Nation if Plants Now Haider, Believed Now the raiders hit many buUdlnga 'Hm BlWile laiaiid OPA oAea Taffeta artillery activity and British mil ing 13 settlements, while the Numerous fires were started sentative Cooper (D., Tenn.), to itary sources in London said it did already have enlisted. Completed. Germans still have failed in Married for ‘Purge’. postpone further consideration of Bounoiid today that the We omemL working hours^ not mean that the westward of The schedule, calling for three Planned uid damage on the whole was tbe bill indefinitely.