History of Chicago Historical and Commercial Statistics, Sketches
m'T:ORY Jt,Jt A^r : HISTORY OF CHICAGO. HISTORICAL AND COMMERCIAL STATISTICS, SKETCHES, Facts and Figures, REPUBLISHED PROM THE 'DAIU DEMOCRATIC PRESS." What I Remember of Early Chicago; a lecture, Deliveked in McCormick's Hall, Januaey 23, 1876, ( Tribune, January 24th,) By T^ILLI^IM BROSS, Ex-Lieut. Governor of Illinois. CHICAGO JajSTSEN, McClurg & Co., Booksellers, Publishbes, etc. 1876. - 1?.-> ? Entered accordiug to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, By JANSEN, McCLUEG & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Note. —The cuts now inserted (August, 1882) were not in the copies issued in 1876. They represent buildings now standing, some of which have since then been com- pleted. Errata.—Page 30. Mrs. Calhoun states, it was Saturday, July 12th, not "11th," when the Schooner Illinois arrived, the first vessel that ever entered the harbor. Page 31. Read, middle paragraph, 1835, instead of " 1833." LLY &. CO., rUINTKBS, CHICAGO. E. M. CWMW AU:M0R!AL Lll5i<AKY LOYOLA UNIVERSITY RAND, MCNALLT & CO.'S PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, 148, 150, 152 AND 154 Moneoe Stkeet. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/historyofchicagoOObros INTRODUCTORY The records from which I prepared the " History of Chicago " for the Democratic Press, in the wiuter of 1854, were all burned in our great fire of 1871. Though at first sight this history may not seem to be of much importance, it may interest somebody "a hundred years hence" to read what was recorded by our earliest settlers.
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