PEC! 2 2 ,3858 Oktev**-Cl
VHE OKLAHOMA STATE LIBRARY Oklahoma State Livrary 109 State Capitol PEC! 2 2 ,3858 Oktev**-Cl (ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE AT FORT SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA) VOL. 6—NO. 11-12 WESTERN STATE HOSPITAL, FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA NOV.-DEC. 1958 we appreciate the traditional associa tions we connect with Christmas and all that it means. The thoughts we entertain at Christmas have the old familiar ring, spelling our wishes for "Peace and Good will Among Men." In the Christmas Spirit we extend to you, our friends, our best wishes for a Page Two NEW HORIZONS, FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA November-December 1958 NEW HORIZONS for us who treat the patients. Jerry Vogel Gives Kandy Published Monthly by For hospital employees we wish DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION Yuletide happiness, a "forty hour Our holiday season was brightened WESTERN STATE HOSPITAL working week," increased wages, through the continued generosity of FT. SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA Workmen's Compensation for all em our long time benefactor Jerry Vogel RHEBA L. EDWARDS, M.D., SUPERINTENDENT ployees, an adequate retirement income this month. His periodical gifts of EDITOR - MORRIS NEIGHBORS plan, and better working and living kandy in honor of his friends has been TYPIST - VIRGINIA MILLION arrangements. a bright spot in our lives here. For the hospital we wish a surprise This month, in honor of the birthday from Santa Claus, sufficient paint, of Dr. Jack Deutch on November 29, yntoimaiiu ^beaklnc. lumber, pipe, electric cable, plumbing, he has sent for our patients enough BY DR. RHEBA EDWARDS heating and lighting fixtures to mod kandy for one package to each patient.
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