The BPNP covers the municipalities of Dingle and San Enrique, Province of . It was proclaimed under Presidential Proclamation No. 760 as a National Park in 1961 by President Carlos P. Garcia. The park is known for its unique geological formation and is the only limestone mountain formation in Iloilo Province. It is also known as the location of the "Cry of Lincud" which started the Philippine Revolution in Iloilo in 1898.

The BPNP is home to 30 remarkable caves. However, only four of these caves are occasionally trekked/explored by tourists because others may either have small openings or found alongside cliffs. These are Tuko Cave, Maestranza Cave, Guizo Cave, and Lapus-lapus Cave. It is named as such because of the number of tukos or geckos inhabiting it. It is a small cave of elegant stalactites and stalagmites formations. It is considered a historical cave declared by the National Historical Institute because it served as the hideaway for Filipino guerillas, with the presence of inscription inside the cave wall that reads "Los Republicanos Juran Morir Antes Que Entregarse" or "The Republicans Swear to Die Before Surrendering". The cave is also a cultural and religious site for Roman Catholics who visit the place every Holy Week to do "via cruzes" or "way of the cross" BPNP also houses many endemic species such as black tarantula, snail, millipede, tailless whip, scorpion, Philippine orange tarantula, flying fox, pit viper, etc. The Moroboro Dam of the is also another tourist spot in the park. It is built in 1955 to provide additional water supply, improve irrigation in the Province of Iloilo, augment electric power supply through a hydroelectric plant and enhance flood mitigation measures which serves the towns of Dingle, , and .