Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music

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Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music FOR Pl州O T軸OHE鵬0‖しY FREE; A 36・Pa9e Book (“The Student WH各RE TO BuY_ Pianist”) containing the ll piano compo・ McLAUGHLIN 8 REILLY CO. EDITION sitions listed below, every number absolute・ CÅTHOLIC CHuRCH MuSIC ly COMPIETE, tO aCtive piano teachers・ Prices are net whether you buy through a TO RECEIVE ThIS 36 ・ PAGE BOOK. dealer or dlrect from the publisher. you must establish with us your professional status・ Fill out (or copy) ⊂OuPOn at the bottom of this ad. The foIIowing have a representative stock of Endose professional card, letterhead, Or Other means McLaughlin 8 Reilly publications on hand, and of identification, Or refer to one or two music pub- are∴equipped to handle your order promptly. 1ishers by whom you are recognized as a tea⊂her. Chicago, Illinois 11 NEW EASY TRÅNSCRIPTIONS FOR PIÅNO 蜜盤…豊島。。. Tuneful, rhythmic music by wel上known American Milwaukee, Wisc. composers, including the world ・ famous marches, Clayton F. Summy “Our Director”∴`National Emblem’’, “NC ~ 4’’, and “Down Mai虹‾‾Street’’, Care血lly - tranSCribed, edited, New Yo重k, N. Y. and fingered. As an attractive title,Page does much Harold Flammer, Inc. in arousing the pupil’s interest, this feature has been Rr○○kly重, N. Y. given careful attention, the editions carrying smart, Chandler.Ebel modem designs in attractive∴COIors. Title Transcribed by St. Louis, Mo. Hunleth Music Co. OuR DIRECTOR ………………………. Wal章er Jacobs March (Bigelow) Minneapolis, Minn. NÅTIONÅL EMBLEM …...…‥‥ Charles Repper Paul A. Schmidt Co. March ` (Bagley) R. E. Hildreth S`. Paul, Mhn. March (Bigelow) Lyon 8 Healy. DOWN MÅIN STREET ……….. …. R. E. Hildre(h Piltsburgh, Pa. March (Weidt) H. A. Becker Music Co .…‥ Walter Rolfe Dubuque, Iowa ‡粗品(闇錠・ ・:∴∴・;∴ …. Wa重章e重 Rol登e Tri~State Music Co. Walt乙(R01fe) Fabers Tri.State Mus王c Co. MOONLIT RIPPLES …………………‥. Walter Rolfe Barcarolle (Rolfe) Detroit, Michigan RuRÅL PICNIC …………………………‥ Walter Rolfe Krieg Brothers Rustic Dance (Ro]fe) CÅNZONETTÅ (Rolfe) ……‥:…… Walter Rolfe Kansas City, Mo. PICKÅNINNIES’ PICNIC ……………・ Norman Leigh J. W. Jenkins (Four Little Blackberries) (O’Connor) WH賞P ÅND SPUR....……………… Walter Jacobs Cleveland, Ohio Kollie’s Music House Galop (Allen) Lyon 8 Healy 「 In regular sheet music editions, the above San Åntonio, Texas 〈 numbers are each 35 cents, less the usual San Antonio MliSit Co. し discount to teachers. Los Ångeles, Cal社omja WALTER JÅCOBS, INC. Preeman.Mat"le W S 120 Boylston St.タBos側m, Mass、 San Francisco) Califorhia Please send me “The Student Pianist’’ as des〆 Sherman Clay Co. Cribed above・ I am endosing (please∴Check)……‥PrO- fessional card……・letterhead to establish my status San Dieg諜鵠託usic 。。. as a teacher・ (Publisher references as to status may be given below if card or letterhead is not S軸重e・濫兜∽.,血。. available. ) Name Indianap olis, Indlana Street Church Music Commission City 8 State Publishers who recognize me as a teacher: Cincinnati, 0. Classic Music Shop McLÅuGHLIN 8 REILLY CO. WÅLTER JÅCOBS, Inc. 100 Boylaton Street, Boston, Ma翁. 120 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. Entered as second dass mat. ter, O⊂tOber 20, 193l, at 血e Post O鏡ce at Boston, Mass.. under血e Åct of March 3. 1879. 軸p (恥函南 Formerly published 血 St. Francis, Wisconsin. Now is・ Monthly Magazine of Catho!ic Church Sued monthly, eXCePt in July. and §chooI Mu§ic 。発語聖霊蕊perぷ叢 ⊂Opies, 50c. ESTÅBLISHED 1 8 73 by JOHN SINGENBERGER Vol. 66 February 1939 No. 2 C ONTENTS EDITORIAL NEWS ITEMS SHEEP IN WOLVES’ CLOTHING C. Richard Ginder, M. A., F. A. G. O. MUSICAL SETTINGS OF THE STABAT MATER ….…….…. 49 Cyr de Brant GREGORIAN CHANT IN THE LITuRGY …………………..…….…. 53 Rev. Mark de Munnynck, O. P. OUR MuSIC THIS MONTH QUESTION AND ANSWER BOX “HOURS’’ OF THE DIVINE OFFICE CHRISTMAS BROADCASTS IN 1938 IN RETROSPECT 1938 FEBRUÅRY AND MARCH FEASTS Rev. Gregory Hugle, O. S. B., St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, Mo. - Consulting Edltor; Wm. Arthur Reilly, 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.、 - Business Mgr. McLAuGHL重N 8 REⅢLY CO.タ100 Boylston St” BOSTON, MASS., u. S. A. Publi§her8 Price $3.OO per year Single Copies, 5O cents Copyri9ht, 1939, by McLAuGHLIN 8 REILLY CO., Boston, Mass. 44 THE CÅECILIÅ 涌 瀬 青 �両国□ �� EDFTORIAL PAGE By DOM GREGORY HuGLE, 0・S・B・ BEÅuTY CAPTIVATES of the皿Ode重n tyPe. This criticism comes THB HEART OF MAN persistently fro皿a dear friend who lives in a large city of Scotland・ He is a most In t血eS Of old it was a matte重Of un」 attentive and appreciative∴reader of Cae- disputed tradition that the House of God cilia, and the Question Box is under special should be the皿OSt beautiful building 血 obligations to him・ He freely contributes town. Not only did the body of the church to the Catholic Press of his home town, surpass all other buildings in artistic design strongly advocating the up・keep of poly- and皿ajestic dimensions, but towers were phone choirs. A similar anxious care con- added which seemed to pierce the douds・ ce重ning the polyphone∴Choirs in Ame重ica Like fingers they pointed toward heaven’ has engaged his mind; he is under the im- and fro皿their lofty heights deep-tOned pression that Caecilia does not sufficiently bells gave out in hamonious notes the stress the fact that good, uP-tO-date Mass daily ◆`S耽sun corda’,・ Ou重fo重efathers co皿POSitions should be patronized・ knew no greater pride than to speak of We a重e afraid our friend overlooks an do皿eS and cathedrals; eVen England and important fact. Conditions in our country France of today refer with pride to their vary a g重eat deal; in皿OSt Places we are unique∴Cathedrals. still concemed with the beginning of church Modem civilization has reversed the or. 皿uSic refor皿, and the foundation of that der of things by flinging into the sky beginning lies in the sacred chant; POly- houses of business, eVen beyond the high~ phone or part-muSic must rest on the basis est towers, and giving them the name ``cathedral of commerce and temple of en~ of sound chant tradition. te卿富過もタ′ THB DILLY. DALLYING PQLICY The light of faith made our forefathers There have been com皿unities in which See in every church building the dwelling the enthusiastic Iove of the chant never Place of the Living God in His Eucharistic could strike∴rOOt. What was the matter? Presence; hence they shunned neither labor There had been a sec重et attaChment to the nor time nor∴eXPenSe; a hundred years in OVer~SWeet皿uSic of fomer days. It may building meant nothin9 tO them, tO uS they have been from want of insight or fro皿 mean a great deal: that tracery and la⊂e~ Iack of backbone that the superiors yie]ded WOrk in stone has become a sermon, to those who had charge of the music. This PreaChed by un~named artists now for sev~ reprehensible loitering attitude had been en hundred and more years. SeVerely censu重ed in the Papal Letter to the CHANT PROPAGANDA Cardinal Vicar of Rome (December 8血, 1 903.) IN CÅECILIA “Even a ]ittle reflection (the Holy Father The Editor has been repeatedly called SayS) on the end for which art is admitted to task for permitting in Caecilia a G重e・ to the service of public worship, and on gorian Chant Propaganda without corres・ the supreme fitness of offering to the Lord POnding reference to the polyphone music Only things in themselves good, and where THE CÅEC重LIÅ 45 臆臆 臆臆臆 臆臆臆‾‾‾‾ ‾ PSYCHOLOGICAL MEMORANDuM possible’eXCellent, Will at once serve to show that the prescrip債ons of血e Church Dr. Franz Witt used to say: “Whe重eVer regarding sacred music are but the imme- Mozart’s church music has captivated the diate application of those two principles. When the clergy and choirmasters are pen~ hearts, Gregorian music wi11 be shelved, etrated with them, gOOd sacred music租our・ and wherever the sacred chant組ourishes, ishes spontaneously, aS has been constantly Mozart is placed on the shelve.’’(By Mo~ obse重Ved; When on the contrary those p重in・ zart he細山ean吊he∴en血e output of worldly ciples are neglected, neither prayers, ad~ ぐhu重心皿噌ic.) monitions, SeVere and repeated orders nor Why cannot the two go together? Be・ threats of canonical penalties su鯖ce to ef~ fect any change; for passion and when not CauSe they are exclusive of each other: PaSSion a shameful and inexcusable ignor~ the one is sentimental and playful, the ance always finds a means of eluding the other austere and sacrificial; the one de・ Will of the Church, and continuing for years lights the senses, the other uplifts the in the sa皿e rePrehensible way. “You, Lord Cardinal’ Will be good SPirit; the one is for the world, the othe重 enough to provide a remedy for this also for the Church. With solicitude, by insisting especially that Re皿embe重 the twins Esau and Jacob, Gregorian Chant according to the Council SO StrOngly contrasted in body and charac・ of Trent and of innumerable other∴COun. ter; the one hairy,重Oaming, a free・lance. Cils, PrOVincial and diocesan言n all parts the other gentle and ho皿e~loving; the one Of the world’be studied with particula重 WaSteful of the patriarchal blessing, the diligenceタand be, aS a rule. preferred in the Public and private functions of the Other highly appreciative; the one called “profane”, the other “blessed". institute.’’ NOW READY BRAGERSタ C軸AN丁 MOTE丁 BOOK (A Seque漢 to the 菖amous BRAGERS’ KYR看Aした〉 丁his book con†ains †he Accompanimen=o the most frequen†!y used Chant Hymns and Mote†s. Be Sure Your Har軸onizations A細e Correc置!! Use this approved accompaniment book W「itten by †he Professor of Chan† Ac- COmPaniment a† †he Pius X SchooI of Liturgical Music. PR容CE -輸$2.OO NE丁 Spi細al Binding McLaughlin & Reilly Co. 1OO Boylston Street Boston, Mass・ 了HE CAECILIÅ 46 N細WS 量冒圏MS FIFT皿TH ÅNNIVERSARY OF cHOIR SINGERJ MOTHER OF FrVE’ IN OPERA DEBuT PATRONAL SAINT OF A news account from Washington・ D. sT. FRANCIS XAV皿R CHuRCH・′ C., in November, 1938’reViewed the p重0一 語霊謹癌a署昆i簿y認 s葦碧常s諾0轟晶霊誉諸三二 cember third, at St.
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