Family and the sustainable development issue: possible approaches from the African oil palm sector. The example of and

1 Emmanuelle CHEYNS Abstract: Based on the results of studies conducted in Ivory Coast and Cameroon, the article proposes Sylvain RAFFLEGEAU2 an analysis of the family agriculture situation in the oil palm commodity chain, repositioning it within a context of sustainable development issues. At a time when production standards are back on the agenda 1 CIRAD, UR Normes et régulation des marchés, with so-called ″voluntary commitment″ processes, through ″private standards″ to enable sustainable Montpellier, France agriculture, the authors examines the outcome of the previous phases of family agriculture standardi- 2 CIRAD, UR Performance des systèmes de zation by Estates and State-owned companies between 1960 and 1990, followed by privatization of the culture de plantes pérennes / IRAD, La Dibamba, sector. The article shows that family agriculture possesses its own rationality which needs to be taken Cameroon into consideration, if the stakes, over and above guaranteeing ″sustainable oil″, are indeed those of the impact that the sector has on ″sustainable development″. Starting from that point, the question is no longer: how can family agriculture take on board technical standards designed for other production models, but how can family agriculture take part in the compromises negotiated in the commodity chain in such a way that its logics and operating methods are considered when drawing up production choices? An analysis of surveys on oil palm-based cropping and farming systems makes it possible a) to specify the logics underlying production practices and to show their specificity, b) and reiterate the minimum conditions required in order for this agriculture, which is the major agriculture in some countries, to achieve the socio-economic reproduction level of the household and not only of the plot: access to capital and information, minimum land areas and prices, representation on negotiating bodies.

Key words: family agriculture, oil palm, sustainable development, Ivory Coast, Cameroon

Oil palm development in Africa and Asia has on the production potential of countries in the ings in Ivory Coast (between 1963 and 1990) historically been promoted through the Gulf of Guinea. In all, around 350,000 ha were and 12,000 ha in Cameroon (between 1977 “estate” model, as for crops such as cane, planted with selected planting material and 1991) with selected planting material [2, tea and , etc. It is based on a between 1960 and 1980, of which 220,000 ha 3]. While this system enabled the adoption of a scheme that from the 1960s combined estates, were estates [1]. The model adopted arose new crop, by providing information and capi- central industrial oil mills and “outgrowers”1 from a compromise between rural develop- tal, particularly on family farms, it was also a (around the oil mill) in “nucleus estate” sys- ment requirements (road building, diversifica- source of tension between estate production tems. tion of rural agricultural incomes, etc.), and standards and family production logic, the out- In Africa, from the 1960s to the 1990s, that profitability and efficiency (increasing oil come of which can be summed up today and model was implemented and managed by yields), resulting in a “contract” whereby out- lessons can be learnt, insofar as the question of State-owned companies2 and organized growers were committed to respecting recom- standards is back on the agenda in debates on through development “Plans” for the crop. mended farm management standards that sustainable development. These programmes received backing from maximized yield, and to supplying all their At the end of the 1990s, liberalization policies international donors and had a decisive impact production to the oil mill. Public development spurred on by the international agencies led to companies guaranteed farmers their inputs the privatization of these State companies. The

1 and planting material (on a credit basis), tech- assets of State-run agroindustrial companies The term “outgrower” is used here to mean all nical support, FFB collection and track upkeep. “non-estate” . It covers a diversity of pro- (estates and oil mills) were bought by private The production delivered to the oil mill served ducer types. enterprises. As in many other agricultural sec- 2 SONADER (1962) then SONICOG in Benin, SODE- to guarantee its supplies and enable credit tors, the abolition of State monopolies led to PALM (1963) then PALMINDUSTRIE in Ivory Coast, recovery. The creation of development funds the emergence of oligopolistic market struc- SONAPH (1968) in Togo, SOCAPALM (1968) in also made it possible to ensure a funding and tures. Privatization also generated a set of Cameroon, PALMEZA (1970) in ZAIRE, GOPDC credit system internal to the commodity chain. changes that rendered the system insecure: (1975) in Ghana, CENTRAPALM (1975) in the Cen- In Ivory Coast and Cameroon such funds led to emergence of new stakeholders, poor coordi- tral African Empire, etc., [1]. the creation of 77,000 ha of oil palm smallhold- nation, decentralization of decision-making

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Article disponible sur le site http://www.ocl-journal.org ou http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/ocl.2005.0111 centres and the disappearance of the credit- this agriculture organizes its production activ- b) Survey in Ivory Coast, in the Aboisso region. based seed and fertilizer funding system [4]. ity within a social framework and, conse- The survey involved 117 growers in 3 villages The drop in international market prices since quently, that its efficiency cannot be compared (Koffikro, Baffia, Assouba), in July 2002. The 1999, which impacted on the FFB purchase to the efficiency standards of a non-family sample was not representative of an overall price in Ivory Coast, added to this context of , for example, but we shall nonetheless population, as it was established according to a uncertainty. Changes in production methods provide a few reminders of some major differ- quota system in order to compare 3 types of and the development of oil palm smallholdings ences here. growers: (i) cocoa growers who had adopted increased in pace. The risk limitation option of However, this vision bears the risk of suggest- oil palm growing, (ii) cocoa growers who had diversification and taking advantage of local ing that family agriculture, whilst social, is not not adopted oil palm growing, (iii) former demand to sell FFB on the domestic market, technical. Yet results taken from different stud- cocoa farmers who had switched to oil palm which was barely affected by the uncertainties ies show that the technical component lies at growing. The survey covered an area of 1,963 of the international market and the constraints the heart of this farming system, which largely ha, all crops combined (including uncultivated of an oligopolistic market, fitted in with this contributes to world crude palm oil produc- areas) [8]. logic. The insecurity of the system strength- tion, and accounts for the totality of world c) Survey in Ivory Coast, at the La Mé research ened a security stance among family farmers, non-industrial palm oil production. This sys- station. The survey involved a sample of 80 which further widened the gap between a cash tem, which is based on concepts other than the smallholders, as they arrived at the La Mé sta- crop monoculture (industries) and local trad- profitability of estates, is connected to the mar- tion to buy planting material, in 1999. The ing by family farms, and raised the question of kets, capable of adapting fairly rapidly, and sample was not representative of the popula- how the different industrial, non-industrial and meets a certain rationality. tion of oil palm growers, as the survey only family production and processing systems This dual social and technical dimension needs covered buyers of selected planting material, interrelated [5]. to be reconsidered, be it with regard to who thus had capital for such a purchase. Lastly, more recently, new international con- research or with regard to the definition of However, it made it possible to characterize the cerns for “sustainable” oil palm growing, “sustainable” oil palm cultivation. profile of growers coming to procure selected expressed through new “multistakeholder” planting material [9]. consultation processes, notably the Round- Material and methods d) Survey in Ivory Coast, in 4 zones (Dabou, table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), have Aboisso, Divo, Soubré). The survey involved been raising new questions about the future of The results described here are based on statis- 100 growers, in September 2000, in 13 villages family agriculture. The Roundtable, which is tical surveys conducted among agricultural chosen in these 4 regions [9]. geared towards defining a list of sustainable producers and on in-depth interviews with e) Survey in Cameroon, in 4 zones: (i) South- production “criteria”, has reintroduced the operators in these oil palm commodity chains west (9 farms), in the PAMOL zone (included in question of production standards, albeit in in Cameroon (since 1999) and in Ivory Coast4 the FONADER project), (ii) Littoral province (64 another perspective. Yet the process barely (from 1999 to 2002), and on participation in farms), in the agroindustrial zone (public devel- enlists family farmers who, being virtually national roundtables in Ivory Coast. opment companies and private companies, absent from the international consultation We shall be looking at aspects of the following intervention zone favoured by the FONADER bodies, could be affected by the introduction surveys (described in greater detail elsewhere, project), (iii) South (6 farms), a zone outside of standards, even voluntary, that will govern see bibliography): the FONADER project, and (iv) southwestern access to certain markets, European for the a) Survey in Ivory Coast, in the lagoon region. part of Centre province (21 farms), which is a moment. The survey involved 150 growers in the Dabou zone without oil mills and nucleus estates. The In this context of major changes in the national and Anguédédou production zones, in Decem- survey was conducted in 2000 and involved and international governance of agricultural ber 2000 and January 2001. Twelve villages 100 farms. On each farm, 2 plots were commodity chains, but also of increasing calls were selected in a rational manner and the inspected where possible, one with bearing and demands for production sustainability, the growers were proportionally drawn at random. palms, the other with juvenile palms (169 plots purpose of this article is to examine the current The survey covered 401 oil palm plots, repre- observed). The sample was non-representative situation in which oil palm-based family farms senting around 1 000 ha. Half of the growers (non-random poll), but aimed at a comparative find themselves, focusing on two countries, interviewed had under 4 ha of oil palms, and characterization by type. It comprised 57 farm- Cameroon and Ivory Coast. 90% had under 10 ha [7]. ers, 32 managers or employees, 11 members of Family agriculture3 is often described in its the local “elite”. Thirty-eight growers had “social” dimension (it enables the “social fab- under 5 ha, 24 had between 5 and 10 ha, 38 ric” to be maintained in rural zones, etc.). By 4 The work undertaken in Ivory Coast was part of a had more than 10 ha (10 of whom had more taking this approach it can be established that Research-Development programme implemented with LESOR (the rural economics and sociology labo- than 50 ha) [10]. ratory at the University of Bouaké). 3 Family agriculture includes producers often refer- red to as “smallholders”. A “family farm” is a produc- tion unit linked to a family structure, with a strong Table 1. Selected oil palm areas in 2000 in 4 African producing countries. reliance on family labour. We use the term “smallhol- der” here to mean the same thing. For more infor- Estate areas Smallholder areas Share of smallholder areas in total areas mation, refer to R. Sanz Cortés [6]. “Non-estate Ivory Coast 87 828 140 621 61% plantations” or “outgrower plantations” in Came- Cameroon 51 830 43 000 45% roon and Ivory Coast very largely consist of this 25 174 48 867 65% category of family farmers (but they also include DRC 56 376 867 1.5% other forms in their definition, such as “farming enterprises”). Source: Jannot, 2003.

112 DOSSIER Contribution Table 2. Areas planted (ha) Cameroon. of family agriculture Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Mean Estatesa 2594 1568 1101 1846 690 1468 9267 1544 A major contribution Smallholdingsb 2939 2325 4759 6077 6576 6186 28 862 4810 to palm oil production Source: Bakoumé et al., 2002. Taking areas set up with selected planting a Source: agroindustries. material5, the “smallholder” areas in Ivory b Source: estimated from direct sales of germinated seeds (ratio of 200 germinated seeds/ha of plantings), to Coast and Cameroon amount to 45 and 61% which is added an estimation of the seedlings produced by estates and sold to farmers (number of germinated of the total areas planted to oil palm respec- seeds/200 – number of ha planted by agroindustries). tively (table 1). This sector therefore makes an not insubstantial contribution to palm oil pro- 6 tions were beginning to replant and were One peculiarity in Africa is that non-industrial duction . maintaining their level of CPO production. palm oil has current and potentially substantial In Ivory Coast, smallholdings supply 60% of In future, with and land occupation con- outlets on the local market: red oil consump- national FFB production (1,200,000 t FFB in straints, and also due to the rural development tion by households and supplies to local soap 2001) [11]. demands promoted by politicians (see speech factories (small-scale and industrial). In Ivory In both Ivory Coast and Cameroon, the enthu- by the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture at the Coast, Cameroon and Ghana, certain investi- siasm of smallholders for oil palm has been second RSPO meeting), family agriculture is set gations indicate that urban households con- particularly notable since the 1990s, including to make an increasing contribution to oil pro- sume red palm oil in relatively large quantities, after the commodity channel’s internal duction. and that non-industrial red oil is highly appre- credit−based funding system was abolished. At ciated for traditional dishes [13-15] (figure 2). the end of the second Ivorian oil palm plan Connections with the markets In some cases, non-industrial red oil produced from the fruits of local (or “natural”) oil palms is (1990), after three decades of funded develop- In zones where “nucleus estates” were estab- preferred to that produced from fruits of ment, albeit with planned and restricted lished, grower contracts specified FFB delivery selected oil palms; in these cases, the oil from access, smallholdings accounted for 54% of to the State company. Privatization/ so-called “natural” palms is judged to be more the areas planted. The attribution of seedlings liberalization put the market back at the centre fluid, redder and better [13]. was controlled and decided by the State com- of regulations and established that production pany. In 1995, access to seeds was opened up assets and trading rights were open. Although Establishing FFB purchase prices is a delicate to any grower who wanted; a planting boom rarely encouraged in the past, non-industrial matter. In Ivory Coast, private primary process- was thus triggered: the equivalent of 70,000 ha palm oil processing, as a second outlet for ing companies hold a position of virtually of selected oil palms was sold to growers (in smallholder FFB, developed more widely (with unique buyers (monopsony) for bunches in a so-called “smallholder” areas) between 1995 little outside help), especially in regions close to given production zone, due to structural iner- and 2000, i.e. an annual average of 11,800 ha urban centres (figure 1). In cases where large oil tia, except in zones near Abidjan, where non- of smallholder areas planted, exceeding the mills substantially depended on smallholder industrial and semi-industrial processing has annual average seen during the first two “oil supplies, their need to plan their supplies came developed strongly. FFB purchase prices are palm plans” [3, 12]. up against competition. therefore not determined by a competitive The same process of strong growth in small- holder areas was also seen in Cameroon. Between 1996 and 2001, estate extensions and replantings amounted to a third of smallholder extensions and creations (estimation based on seed sales). Smallholders thus succeeded in setting up oil palm plantings (table 2), bringing into play their own investment capacity, thereby giving rise to a significant increases in area. In addition, national production was ris- ing through an increase in non-industrial oil production resulting from the vitality of the smallholder sector, combined with the devel- opment of small-scale oil processing, whereas the agroindustries with their ageing planta-

5 To which need to be added the smallholder areas planted with unselected seeds, which have not been quantified on a national scale. 6 In order of decreasing importance, the main four palm oil producing countries in Africa are Nigeria (910 000 t), Ivory Coast (276,000 t), DRC (191,000 t) and Cameroon (160,000 t). Africa produced around 2 million tonnes of crude palm oil in 2004. Figure 1. Oil palm fruits. Photo taken on a small-holding FAOSTAT data, 2004. Latest update, February 2004.

OCL VOL. 12 N° 2 MARS-AVRIL 2005 113 80 800 729 678 70 700 60 600 50 500 40 37,5 400 30 310 30 300 257 200 20 12,5 20 10 100

0 0 Prix en $ / tonne d'huile Prix en FCFA / kilo de régime 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 2001 oct-98 nov-99 régime de palme cours CIF $ (huile)

Figure 2. Small-scale processing in Cameroon with a hand press. Photo : Sylvain Rafflegean Figure 3. International price trends for crude palm oil and FFB prices in Ivory Coast - 1967-2001.

4.7 million CFA F9 [16]. In Ivory Coast non- processing to overcome cash−flow problems, market situation. Partly because of this particu- industrial processing, which was officially (iii) non-industrial processing to benefit from lar market structure, stakeholders in the Ivorian banned prior to privatization, still remains a the lucrative low-season market [10]. commodity chain base themselves on a “pric- minority activity. ing mechanism” a calculation formula for The opportunities offered by the local market in Previous crop cover, deforestation, establishing the FFB purchase price, which is a Cameroon also enable producers to adapt replanting? unique price (national). Changes in the param- themselves and benefit from other market In Ivory Coast, family farms started setting up eters of the formula over time require the par- opportunities: (i) use of small-scale presses to oil palm plantations at the end of a coffee- ticipation of growers, of the State and of pri- cope in the event of a breakdown or saturation cocoa cycle; the plantations therefore primarily vate companies to adjust the open-ended of oil mills during the peak period, thereby replaced old coffee and cocoa plantings. This parameters. Producer cooperatives represent limiting the risk of production losses (figure 4), phenomenon contributed to the “forest rent” smallholders in negotiations. In 1999, after a (ii) FFB sales to the non-industrial sector or oil phenomenon driven by the cocoa economies, sharp decline in international market prices which led to coffee and cocoa being planted on (figure 3), these cooperatives criticised the 9 Sale estimations based on the following data: forest land and the old plantings being existing pricing mechanism (inherited from the 24,000 ha of selected non-estate plantations in pro- replaced with other crops [17, 18] old structure prior to privatization), leading to duction in 2002, with an average of 6t FFB/ha. Indus- Léonard (1997) [19] showed that in the Sassan- its revision in 2002, within a framework of new try purchased 50,000 t of FFB. 14% extraction rate. dra area, where most of the oil palm areas were “consultation bodies”. Oil sold for 350 CFA F/litre. planted after 1985, the enthusiasm for oil palm The situation is different in Cameroon, due to customs protection7, which shelters the national price from international fluctuations. FFB purchase prices are therefore higher in Cameroon (compared to Ivory Coast)8, but agroindustries decide unilaterally what price they pay to growers for FFB. In addition, FFB processing outside oil mills is also much more developed in this country. Over the 2002 sea- son, around 50,000 t of FFB were processed by industrial oil mills and 94,000t via the non- industrial sector. The turnover generated through selling outgrower FFB to oil mills amounted to around 2 million CFA F; the turn- over generated by non-industrial oil sales was

7 There is 30% customs protection for imports inten- ded for resale and 10% for imports of raw materials intended for secondary processing industries. 8 Between 1999 and 2002 in Cameroon, the agroin- dustries bought FFB for between 32 and 40 CFA F/kg at the farmgate, i.e. around ten CFA francs more than in Ivory Coast. (In some zones, these prices fell in 2002. Since April 2005 they have varied between 32 and 35 CFA F.). Figure 4. Cameroonian dish made with red palmoil.

114 DOSSIER Table 3. Oil palm areas (ha) per type of grower and previous crop cover (sample of growers buying seeds at La Mé). oil palm could be a crop of partial substitution, replacing coffee for example for which prices Land cover preceding oil palm Number of remain relatively unattractive, or for diversifica- (Total areas in hectares) growers tion of cash crops, such as cocoa or rubber. In a Forest Fallow Old Old Oil context of local FFB processing, where very cocoa coffee palm little of the oil goes for export and its average Retired executive 269 0000 4 annual price on the local markets remains Middle and senior executives 188 5 10 18 12 14 stable (apart from fluctuations associated with Junior executive, teacher, etc. 12 11.5 2 12.5 4 18 seasonal production), it is a crop that reassures Family farmer, with more than 50% of his 27847452 18 farmers. given over to oil palm Beyond such diversification, family farms also Family farmer with less than 50% of his 5354412 23 intercrop juvenile oil palms with certain other plantation given over to oil palm crops: oil palms may therefore be interplanted Total 501 135.5 23 79.5 30 with food crops for the first 4 years after oil palm planting. For instance, in Cameroon, Source: Naï Naï et al., 2000. whether on family farms or on small to medium-sized farming enterprises, food crops growing corresponded to a diversification objec- trial: dissemination of a selected hybrid variety, are usually grown in most juvenile oil palm tive when faced with ageing coffee and cocoa oil extraction in large-capacity oil mills, cre- plots, either over the entire plot or in part of it. plantations, and with replanting problems. ation of estates and outgrowers “supervised” in Only 19% of the plots visited had never been In the Lagoon region, only 12% of farmer oil the use of standardized crop management intercropped with food crops. That rate was palm plots and 20% of rubber plots were sequences geared towards maximum profit- indicative of the fact that standards recom- planted on former forest land, whereas 78% of ability of the oil palm plantation. Yet during mended by technical project managers had the cocoa and coffee plots were planted on that period, and especially now, since the com- not been respected (do not plant intercrops former forest land [8]. In the Aboisso region, of modity chain was liberalized, other cropping that limit oil palm productivity), and of true the new crops planted after old cocoa/coffee and processing systems developed. These were practices guided by logics internal to the farm. plantings had been felled, 69% were oil palm often described as a “deviation from the norm” Food crops were grown by the farmer (60% of or rubber. Only 19% of cocoa/coffee plots (agroindustrial) and reflected a diversity of cases), the spouse (59%), a “life tenant” of the were replanted with cocoa or coffee (ditto). planting materials, crop management land (27%), all the women on the farm (10%). Oil palm growing does not require any addi- sequences and processing methods [5]. The most frequent food crops were: plantain tional investment when replanting on former Although these technical systems are less pro- (in 47% of plots with food crops), macabo crops or fallow. On family farms, where the area ductive, they are based on other logics. cocoyam (36%), groundnut (32%), cassava is smaller, this crop does not necessarily mean There are two differing logics, one is industrial (30%), then maize, yam, taro and pistachio deforestation. Ivory Coast provides an example. and international and based on profitability [10]. This said, data are lacking for the other countries. and standardization, the other is local, oriented In Ivory Coast the food crop precedent, and For instance, in their survey among 80 growers towards security and heritage, and is based on juvenile oil palm/food crop intercropping, purchasing seeds from the La Mé station, Naï diversification of resources. In Ivory Coast, the were also frequent practices. Food crop grow- Naï et al. (2000) [3] showed that among some system of local outlets for oil palm products ing, whether carried out by people seeking categories of producers, family farmers and the appears to be a response of producers to the land or by the farmer himself, helped in plot junior executive category (usually living in the uncertainty surrounding privatization. It is preparation. The area cleared was used for village), oil palm was used to bring fallow back adapted to the dual logic of securing and sta- holing. Once planting was completed, the into production, and for replanting/ bilizing income, notably by diversifying trading seedlings benefited from minimum upkeep diversification after cocoa and coffee (table 3). possibilities. carried out for the food crops with which they On the other hand, within the executive cat- coexisted. This intercropping situation usually egory planting large areas (middle and senior Oil palm: lasted until the shadow cast by the oil palm executives), oil palm remained a crop that led monoculture or income diversification? fronds became too dense. The intercrops to deforestation. Land availability, and the involved were usually cassava, pulses or even Family farms that produce oil palm virtually all ways of acquiring land for planting over large rice [9]. Cassava intercropping in immature oil have diversified crops and activities. The sur- 10 areas all in one block, led to forest zones being palm plots can lower oil yields . But within veys in Ivory Coast revealed diversified farming sought to set up new oil palm plantations. such strategies, farmers do not reason in terms systems that included oil palm and/or rubber, Despite the positive aspects of this vitality of the profitability of a single crop. The crops coffee and cocoa, along with food crops includ- among the agricultural executive categories, intercropped with oil palm during the first four ing cash crops, all on the same farm [8, 7]. The the large areas obtained by some of them years enable farmers to diversify their income results given above show that oil palm has might well lead to disputes with smallholders in (cassava for sale), benefit from a worthwhile been used in some regions to diversify from the coming years. labour contract (possibility for the labourer to coffee and cocoa. Highly lucrative prices (up to plant food crops during the first four years 1999 in Ivory Coast) stoked that enthusiasm. subject to sharecropping), or benefit from the Oil palm production on family Family farmers who grow oil palm are therefore farms: a diversification choice (virtually) never producers of a single crop. In Cameroon, oil palm farmers grow other 10 According to trials conducted when the first oil Development of the African oil palm commod- crops, at least food crops, and in some zones palm plan was launched by research stations in the ity chain from the 1960s onwards led to eco- other crops such as coffee and cocoa. 1960s. Apparently, the trials were subsequently nomic orientations that were primarily indus- Rafflegeau and Ndigui (2001) [10] showed that abandoned.

OCL VOL. 12 N° 2 MARS-AVRIL 2005 115 inputs provided by the intercrop (as for pine- Diversity prices. Most growers sell some of their FFB to apple cultivation). These practices are concrete of technical management systems small-scale women processors, and those sales ways of managing or circumventing the need amount to a quarter of the income they derive for labour and for financial investment by the This diversification partly explains a different from sales to an oil mill. They may also use FFB farmer in a context of limited resources [9]. way of managing oil palm growing from that for their own consumption (85% of house- found on estates. holds make oil themselves for their consump- tion). oil palms provides a not insub- An analysis of oil palm/food crop intercropping Choice of planting material stantial capital for extraction systems near Abidjan revealed the recent In both Cameroon and Ivory Coast, the areas (400,000 CFA F per hectare). There is a guar- appearance of a new type of oil palm plantings planted with unselected oil palms are not anteed return on investment. We shall see that managed over a fifteen-year cycle, where the known on a national level. in Cameroon, selling oil palm stands for palm main product is palm wine, then secondarily In Ivory Coast, zones near the large urban wine extraction is used to get young farmers the FFB. Cassava during the first 4 years after centre of Abidjan are renowned for substantial who do not have any capital off to a start. planting provides substantial income for the use of cheaper, lower-yielding “unselected” family. planting material. The survey conducted in the Technical management Lagoon region, near Abidjan, brought out cer- The survey conducted in Ivory Coast at Dabou, What are the aims of such diversification? tain traits of that use. In this region, the study Divo, Soubré and Aboisso indicated a tendency Diversification satisfies several requirements: confirmed the high rate of “unselected” seed towards less intensification since privatization feeding the household, coping with defective adoption, since 75% of growers had at least of the commodity chain [9]. The practices markets that have an influence, limiting the risk one oil palm plot planted with that type of found stood out from the recommended crop of income loss in the event of an internal or material. In terms of the total areas planted, management sequences: use of fallow and bot- external shock. Farmers all produce food crops including areas already felled, 40% of the areas tomlands, notably in zones marked by land use for sale and/or self consumption. The evolution had been planted with “unselected” material. saturation; substitution of chemical fertilizers of a family farm in both countries always begins 43% of growers bought that planting material with compost made by farmers, substitution of with food crop production, it is a dietary neces- from travelling salesmen or informal networks wire guards to protect seedlings with strips of sity, but also a way of gradually procuring the [7]. , reduction or increase in the space capital required to set up a plantation. Indeed, This practice began in the region during the between palms, fragmentation of plots with access to capital or credit is a prime requisite for second oil palm plan (1985-1990), as the sup- staggered planting. These practices were asso- planting. Diversification and intercropping ply of selected plants fell short of demand, but ciated with the already mentioned practices of enable local arrangements to be made that this tendency continued even after access was immature palm intercropping with food crops, partly solve this limited access (such as food opened up to selected planting material. and crop diversification on the same farm. intercropping in the interrows, which helps to If selected oil palm growing is to achieve good reduce upkeep costs in the juvenile phase). yields, it requires initial investment in inputs In Cameroon, the same diversity of crop man- Lastly, diversification makes it possible to limit (fertilizers and selected seeds) during the first agement sequences was found (Annex 1). the risk of income loss, particularly when there four years, estimated at between 300,000 and Concerning the particular case of fertilizers, 11 is dependency on pricing factors that are fixed 400,000 CFA F /ha in Ivory Coast. These high 53% of growers in the sample did not use or no on other markets, as is the case for FFB prices in costs are a major handicap compared with the longer used fertilizers (33% of the areas). Only Ivory Coast, but also for cocoa and coffee, low costs of the oil palm/food crop system, 38% of growers applied them regularly (every other liberalized sectors. It makes it possible to notably when it is primarily intended to pro- year). Regular fertilizer application concerned spread income over the year (with cocoa bring- duce cassava, then palm wine. “farmers”, salaried workers, and growers from ing in an annual income, whilst oil palm makes Farmers who possess capital do not necessarily the “elite”, in equal proportions. It should be it possible to maintain a virtually monthly or invest it in oil palm, but in other activities such noted that it was not linked to a type of grower, even daily income). , like credit, is as natural rubber growing (purchase of but rather to a critical plantation size. It was inaccessible and diversification makes it pos- budgrafted plants), food crops, and in tools to more frequent for plantations of more than 50 sible to manage the risk of field losses that process those products (cassava processing ha, but also for those between 5 and 10 ha would be irreversible for a farming household. equipment), or in real estate or a business. (table 4). When farmers or investors reached Such strategies are sometimes presented as their target oil palm hectarage, they sought to forms of risk reduction, in what is currently a intensify their yields by applying fertilizers as These production conditions lead to a rational- very uncertain context in terms of FFB prices they were no longer in a phase of investing to ity that is not geared towards the maximum (sharp drop in prices since 1999) but also in set up their plantation and could therefore profitability (or productivity optimum) of the terms of commodity chain organization devote resources to fertilization. “oil palm crop” on family farms, unlike the (bunch collection difficulties during the 2001 management of a one-crop farming enterprise season that rendered sales insecure). Very limited access to capital lead to minimum in an estate. Diversifying and intercropping These strategies for limiting risks by investing in investment strategies when setting up a new oil crops in a restricted land area with limited other activities, combined with less intensive oil palm plantation, and to a staggering of set-up resources leads to crop management palm cultivation, reflect the other opportuni- costs: managing one’s own nursery, planting sequences that are necessarily less productive ties available to growers in this region for sell- on fallow (avoiding the cost of forest clear- than a single intensive crop. The rationality is ing their FFB. In addition to selling their pro- ance), first growing food crops for 1 or 2 years more geared towards the profitability of the duction to an oil mill, they can sell FFB and /or before planting oil palm, so as to stagger the farm as a whole and towards its insertion within oil via the non-industrial sector at worthwhile costs of setting up the oil palm plantation, a system of social organization, towards per- producing food crops intercropped with the oil petuation (risk management) initially, then palm seedlings to fund plot upkeep, purchas- towards its development. 11 1 Euro = 656 CFA F. ing cheap seedlings.

116 DOSSIER to inputs, to technical advice, to information, Annex 1. Smallholder oil palm growing during different phases and especially to credit) and (iii) the structure of the FONADER project then after its closure and the privatization of the farm and of the family: labour, area of public development companies in Cameroon farmed and available within the household, FONADER project / State agroindustries Outside project / Privatized agroindustries available income, etc. Variation in cultural practices (type of seeds, Setting up: Setting up: inputs, etc.) has an effect on FFB and oil 1. Credit only granted for plots prepared in time and 1. No credit, setting-up financed from private funds yields12. The diversity in social and technical only on former forest land (beginning of project), in requiring a minimum savings ability (farmers pay forms of oil palm production have to be asso- a radius close to the oil mills participating in the out an average of 200 000 CFA F/ha to plant ciated with an investment diversification logic, project selected PM) but also with a logic of adapting supply to the 2. PM: supplied in the form of selected plantable 2. Any previous plant cover used throughout multiple types of local use for oil palm seedlings that were well developed at the right time southern Cameroon resources, combined with the proximity of a 3. PM: Sale by AIs of selected plantable plants that captive market for non-industrial palm oils and were well developed at the right time, sale of mostly palm alcohols [7]. 3. Advice and help with lining / AI supervisor unselected plants by private nurserymen, sale of For family farms, the problems arise in terms of germinated seeds by La Dibamba and Pamol, sale of access to capital or credit, connections with 4. Wire guards for rodent protection supplied on open pollinated germinated seeds by staff and neighbours of La Dibamba and Pamol. agricultural advice, access to information and credit inputs, and negotiating abilities. 4. No advice and no supervision of farmers’ nurseries 5. Advice and help with lining / State official 6. Protection from rodents with wire guards, Minimum agricultural bamboo, sheet metal, half drums, tyres, or no conditions protection Management in the juvenile phase: Management in the juvenile phase: Minimum area 1. Fertilizers supplied on credit, and advice given on 1. Fertilizers supplied on credit, and advice given on Development plans include the creation of how to apply them how to apply them for those supplying to an AI and smallholdings, for which the number of hect- 2. Credit for soil upkeep (beginning of project) wishing to fertilize, high transport costs, and ares is fixed in a standard manner. However, if unfamiliarity with the fertilizers and application rates enough income is to be generated to enable 3. Food crop intercropping banned (beginning of for the others project) producers to accumulate, invest and school 2. Food crop production very frequent, to help in their children, thought has to be given, among soil upkeep. Upkeep often insufficient without food other things, to a minimum production area. crops, or after harvesting, leading to seedling losses 4. Regular monitoring by the AI supervisors Few studies have been carried out on this sub- due to rodents. ject in Africa. In , a study based on a 3. No technical support survey of 1172 producers in 4 provinces [20], in Management in mature phase: Management in the mature phase: a context of given prices, established area 1. Fertilizers supplied on credit, and advice given on 1. Fertilizers supplied on credit, and advice given on thresholds required to reach different levels: how to apply them how to apply them for those delivering to an AI and level of survival, level of production, level of 2. Technical support to growers in preparation for who wished to fertilize, high transport costs and plantation reproduction and level of socio- full production (circle weeding, interrow and crown unfamiliarity with the fertilizers and application rates economic reproduction13. upkeep) for the others Taking a standard household of 5 members 3. Harvesting organized and supervised by a team of 2. No technical support with a work force equivalent to 2 adults, and supervisors for project farmers 3. Harvesting organized and supervised for those farmers delivering to an oil mill Outlets: Outlets: 12 In Ivory Coast, average yields in 2000 were 10.5 1. FFB sales directly at the mill 1. FFB sales directly at the mill t/ha on estates and 7.6 t.ha on smallholdings [11]. In 2. Farm-gate collection by oil mills for farmers 2. Farm-gate collection by oil mills over various Cameroon in 2002, 7.8 t/ha on estates and 6 t/ha on benfiting from the project distances depending on the distance-production smallholdings [10]. 13 3. Appearance and development of processing. combination of the zone considered Household survival: enables the household to cover 3. Small-scale processing: necessary when far from its basic requirements for survival only. Below this oil mills, and for those with unselected oil palms level, households tend to disappear as agricultural (many dura bunches downgraded by the oil mills), producers, pulling out of agricultural activity (selling more worthwhile for some, more flexible for gaining or renting out their land), and/or selling their labour. funds when market prices are high, when collection Production: makes it possible to constitute a work is halted (track not passable, insufficient yields to fill force and procures the inputs necessary for maintai- a truck) ning a productive plantation. Plantation reproduction: this is the production level, plus replanting or renewal costs. Socio-economic reproduction: in addi- The variability of situations between different explain the variation in practices found among tion to the previous level, this includes the cost of agroindustrial companies is limited, whereas it oil palm farmers: (i) the site of the farm: dis- schooling 3 children up to the end of secondary is considerable from one family farmer to the tance from a market, from an oil mill, and from school, making it possible for some children to have next due to structural differences between seed selling points, type of land tenure, other work other than in agricultural production and avoid farms, to the aims of the farmers and to their crops grown in the zone, etc., (ii) development the division of the farm into non-viable plots as they know-how. At least 3 types of variables can action plans (whether or not providing access become too small [20].

OCL VOL. 12 N° 2 MARS-AVRIL 2005 117 Table 4. Frequency of fertilizer application on oil palms, depending on the “type” of farmer and the total oil palm more extensive crop management sequence, area per farmer (Cameroon). without fertilizer applications and with upkeep rounds spaced further apart. a Never “FONADER” Irregular Annual Fifteen years ago, planting “unselected” mate- Farmers 22% 22% 17% 39% rial was still a strategy for getting young farm- Occasional farmers 37% 26% 11% 26% ers without capital off to a start, a transitional Town dwellers, civil servants, employees 19% 28% 6% 47% stage towards a selected oil palm plantation, The “elite” 55% 0% 0% 45% which remained the ultimate aim. Thus, the Total number 30% 23% 9% 38% least well-off farmers, even though they were Under 5 ha 37% 29% 13% 21% well aware of the difference between unse- From5to10ha 13% 25% 8% 54% lected and selected oil palms, planted unse- From 10 to 50 ha 39% 21% 7% 32% lected material to set up an oil palm plantation Over 50 ha 20% 0% 0% 80% with very little financial investment. The plan- tation generated income (FFB sales) and stand- Source: Rafflegeau and Ndigui, 2001 [10]. ing capital (sale of oil palms for palm wine), a “FONADER”: These farmers applied fertilizers while FONADER credit existed, then stopped. enabling them to replant gradually or extend their plantations with selected plants. Simula- only taking into account the oil palm areas, this income from their activity. 5 ha in production tions indicated the income, expenditure and study showed that it takes 3.6 ha to pass the for a family with children at school would positive balance for a farmer who planted 3 ha limit of socio-economic reproduction and enter appear to be a minimum limit. 10 ha in pro- of unselected oil palms over 3 years, then an accumulation/development phase; it takes duction, even if some is planted with “unse- began to replant with selected planting mate- more than 2.3 ha to pass the limit of plantation lected” material, would be the adequate rial in an extensive way when the first plot had reproduction and it takes at least 2 ha to pass capacity that would be sought by farmers, and reached 10 years old, staggering his replanting the limit of survival and enter a “production” this also presupposes employing a full-time over 3 years. This strategy partly arises from an phase, i.e. ensure not only the survival of the labourer for and bunch harvesting. A originality of oil palm plantations in Africa, household but also that of the productive activ- 10 ha target for oil palm is frequent. Farmers whereby a felled plantation makes it possible to ity (even without accumulation). To envisage who have been able to benefit from aid or who gain capital14. With agroindustries reducing accumulation and the schooling of children, had considerable ease in starting up (e.g. due the price they paid for dura FFB from “unse- and the viability of the farms (no division) all at to a salaried activity) aim more at 15 to 20 ha. lected” oil palm plantings in 2002, this type of the same time, it would therefore take more Access to credit approach is no longer feasible for a farmer than 3.6 ha per farmer. The calculations can be delivering to an oil mill. done considering a combination of crops on Oil palm growing requires fairly substantial These strategies are particularly decisive in con- the farm. The merit of this approach is to define capital when setting up plantings that will only texts where access to bank credit is virtually this minimum area for development plans that provide an initial income 4 years later. Research nonexistent for smallholders. The survey by Naï envisage setting up outgrower plantations in in Cameroon has been backed up with a sys- Naï et al. (2000) [3] among growers who return for the installation of industrial projects tem for simulating the different practical situa- bought their planting material from the La Mé on new land, with input supplies for the set-up tions of family farmers [21]. station in Ivory Coast (the only sale point at the phase. It is then essential to consider what will Simulation of the case of a farmer setting up 3 time of the survey) provided a description of enable outgrowers to progress beyond the ha of selected oil palms, in 3 phases, following their profile. These growers were not represen- socio-economic reproduction limit, to ensure the recommended crop management tative of the overall population of growers: sustainability and efficiency, and alleviate rural sequences, indicated how long it would take to 62% of the growers buying selected seeds in La impoverishment. procure a return on investment. The farmer Mé had an up to secondary school The first estimations can be put forward for invested 300,000 CFA F in two goes to set up level or beyond, 38% were in salaried work, Cameroon, but they need to be confirmed. the first 2 ha in years 2 and 5. In year 8, the and 52% were not resident at the production Farmers who have small oil palm areas or who third hectare could be virtually self-financed sites! are starting up (investment phase, creation of with income from the previous two plots which This study also revealed particularities in the an oil palm plantation) need to compensate by had started bearing. Assuming that all the way different types of growers resorted to capi- growing some food crops. 2 ha of bearing oil income from the first plots was used for the tal (table 5). Among the family farmers “with palms would seem to be a minimum level for a extension of the 3rd hectare, the farmer there- less than 50% of their farm planted with oil couple (and notably the case of a retired fore had to work for 8 years in a plot and invest palm”, the main sources of funding for the new couple); these 2 ha do not make it possible to substantial capital on 2 occasions, before he oil palm plot were earnings from cocoa and fund an extension. In all situations, 2 ha in could start earning a profit from his invest- coffee, or from other crops, along with an production would be insufficient to live off the ment. Fifteen years after the first plot was set addition provided by family assistance. This proceeds from the oil palm plantation and at up, the total 3 ha provided a monthly income shows the diversification process undertaken the same time extend the areas planted, irre- of 100,000 CFA F. But this assumes that it is by coffee and cocoa growers on the one hand, spective of the family situation. Under the possible to work for 8 years in the oil palm FONADER project, those who benefited from plantation without any return, invest substan- credit for 2 ha in the first phase rarely extended tial sums on two occasions, and otherwise 14 In Ivory Coast, farming one hectare of oil palms their oil palm planting using their own meet the needs of the household. felled for palm wine extraction earns the farmer resources. Around ten years later, they ben- When such initial investment is not possible, between 350 ,000 CFA F and 420,000 CFA F (2001 efited from credit again, and it is when that farmers adopt other strategies. It is possible to data). That money would serve to fund replanting or new plot started bearing that they were able to reduce the investment devoted to setting up other investments (housing, business, etc.) and/or fund and then extend their plantations with and managing the plantation by following a cover domestic expenditure.

118 DOSSIER Table 5. Oil palm area (ha) before the survey and source of capital depending on farm type (sample of growers buying selected planting material at La Mé).

Number in Total Average area Source of capital for oil palm planting (number of growers) category area per farm Oil palm Income from cocoa, Salary Family income coffee and other crops assistance Retired executive 4 269 67.2 4 0 0 0 Middle and senior executive 14 380 29.3 2 0 9 0 Junior executive, teacher, etc. 18 57 3.3 0 1 14 0 Family farmer, with more than 50% of his farm 18 189 10.2 12 2 0 1 given over to oil palm Family farmer with less than 50% of his farm 23 63 2.8 4 11 0 3 given over to oil palm Total 22 14 23 4 Source: Naï Naï et al., 2000 [3]. but also that the first oil palm plots are not large Negotiating abilities necessary for keeping in step with increasing enough to cover the cost of funding exten- and access to negotiating arenas food demand, but which are inadequate for sions. dealing with the central issues of employment In terms of commodity chain organization, Among retired farmers and family farmers with and sustainability [22]. with privatization and State withdrawal it a majority of oil palms, accumulation from this The tensions seen between operators in the oil might have been feared that an “institutional crop then becomes sufficient to fund invest- palm commodity chain since the 1960s, spe- vacuum” would be left, notably for access to ments to extend the oil palm plantation. Lastly, cially visible in Ivory Coast since liberalisation, credit, arbitration of disputes, and organization among executives still in employment, it is the are a result of two different logics: one indus- of the sector. In Ivory Coast, producer coopera- salary that is the main source of funding. This trial and international, based on profitability tives, then the joint-trade association, became confirms the paramount nature of access to and standardization, the other more local and links in the chain that were supposed to fill the capital and to outside income in adopting a security minded, based on heritage creation gap. A strong policy of promoting cooperatives new perennial crop such as selected oil palms, and optimum use of resources, income diversi- had a direct effect. In 2003, twelve oil palm due to the cost of investing in planting mate- fication and risk limitation strategies. grower cooperatives were approved by the rial. It is not possible to foresee the behaviour of Ministry of Agriculture, in compliance with the farmers by considering them as a uniform Consequently, only certain categories of pro- new law on cooperatives. They were organized group; they are stakeholders in a commodity ducers have access to selected planting mate- along lines intended to provide an incentive: chain that is evolving and they adapt them- rial in a context where there is little possibility one cooperative per nucleus estate, the estab- selves according to changes in their own situa- of obtaining credit. lishment of an elected board of directors, but tion and in the commodity chain environment also a professional salaried team, etc. These within their production zone. Access to information criteria enabled producers to acquire substan- It is even more perilous to consider that family tial and effective negotiating power, obtaining plantations, along with estates, belong in the The above results state that using “unselected” an increase in the FFB purchasing price, then a same normative group, as we have seen that planting material or extensive crop manage- revision of the pricing mechanism as a whole their logics and realities differ. In negotiations ment sequences does not necessarily arise from (2002), and lastly, in some cases, the transfer of on sustainable palm oil criteria, this state of a misunderstanding, it may be part of a strat- certain activities such as bunch collection affairs ought to lead to a prior analysis of family egy. In particular, the study conducted in the (2003) to their responsibility. The emergence agricultural practices, considering their techni- Lagoon region showed that adoption of unse- of a power of representation for farmers within cal, environmental and social angles. It is not lected material was not linked to a lack of the sector’s organization led to the State sure that smallholder and estate areas raise the information [7]. resuming its arbitration role, the establishment same environmental problems. Neither is it This said, in some remote regions there still of multipartite consulting bodies in 2002, the sure that the standards that will be adopted by exist some practices that are due to an creation of a Federation of Oil palm Farmer estates to reduce their pressure on the environ- unawareness of profitability factors or of places Cooperatives in 2003, and finally a Joint-Trade ment and maintain a certain degree of biodi- that guarantee the origin of seeds. Conse- Association. versity will correspond to reality in the manage- quently, when a farmer has not been able to go ment of family farms. Past experience has to the only official sale point, fraudulent claims Conclusion shown that standards applicable to strict estate about seed origin are still very frequent. This monocultures do not “fit into” a family farm raises the question of selected planting mate- The socio-economic dimension of a family farm logic. If these realities were taken into account, rial distribution in the medium term: how can has long been obvious for maintaining rural it would be possible to avoid the stalemates access to selected planting material be facili- populations in place. The results described here arising from attempts to “bring family farms up tated in remote regions, whilst guaranteeing show that these farmers are also technical play- to standard”. On the other hand, by starting quality? ers who adapt their practices to their con- from the current and real organization of these Access to information also depends on having a straints and opportunities. farms, some headway could be made on a grasp of that information, which helps to Policies cannot be limited to solutions designed major question: how will oil palm growing improve the negotiating ability of producers. to improve yields and productivity, which are contribute to sustainable development? Bosc

OCL VOL. 12 N° 2 MARS-AVRIL 2005 119 and Losch (2002) [22] underlined, in Africa, 2. HIRSCH RD. La filière huile de palme au Camer- 13. CHEYNS E, BRICAS N, AÏKE A. Attentes de qual- the appearance of several types of agriculture: oun dans une perspective de relance. Agence ité et structuration des filières alimentaires. La farming enterprises benefiting from direct Française de Développement, 1999; (45 segmentation du marché urbain des huiles de investments, a growing fringe of marginalized pages). palme rouges en Côte d’Ivoire. Cahiers Agricul- farms undergoing accelerated impoverish- tures 2004; 13(1): 135-41. 3. NAÏ NAÏ S, CHEYNS E, RUF F. L’adoption du ment, an intermediate mass of family farms 14. LAMINE C. L’huile de palme rouge à Yaoundé et palmier en Côte d’Ivoire. OCL 2000; 7(2): 155- Douala: usages culinaires, perception de la qual- that may rapidly fall into the previous category. 65. 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Croissance démographique, 8. SAYAM VT, CHEYNS E. Diversification des cul- where producers have relatively little influence développement agricole et environnement à Sas- tures cacaoyères en Côte d’Ivoire vers le in the market structures that prevail in the sandra (Sud-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire). ORSTOM, palmier à huile. Smallholders Seminar Diversify- international segments (oligopolistic structures ENSEA, GIDIS, 1997: 137-60. where considerable inequalities persist in the ing tree crops in Africa. A show case of private balance of power between the upstream and sector initiatives, Kpalimé, Togo, 8-11 December. 20. BOURGEOIS R, et al. Studies on smallholder tree crops production and poverty alleviation. Synthe- downstream sectors of the commodity chains). 2003. sis. Economy Report. Indonesian Center for In that sense, the growth in African towns is an 9. KOUAME S, AKINDES F. Les ajustements dans Estate Crops Research and Development and opportunity for family agriculture. 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