CJ)e ©ufee Cfjrontcle Volume 65, Number 79 Durham, North Carolina Friday, February 13, 1970 Defendants plead not guilty in trial for hospital sit-in Eighteen members of the Prosecution rests The defense lawyers—Harry Duke-Durham community entered The prosecution, led by District Weinstock of New York City, individual pleas of "not guilty" Court Prosecuter James M. Reed counsel for 1199, the National yesterday at the Durham County Jr., rested its case late yesterday Drug and Hospital Workers Union Courthouse to charges of allegedly afternoon after presenting and local attorneys W. G. Pearson II "engaging in disruptive conduct" testimony by witnesses from Duke and CC. Malone, Jr.—will present and "creating a public disturbance" and the Durham Police their case this morning at 9:30 in in the sit-in at the Nursing Services Department. the Superior Courtroom of the Office of Duke Hospital January Among those testifying for the county courthouse. 20. prosecuter were Chancellor Barnes Defense lawyers moved for a Yesterday morning, the Woodhall, Vice President for Health continuance of the case on the defendants were served with new Affairs Dr. William G. Anlyan, grounds that a trial case testing the warrants, sworn out by Christopher Vizas, and Captain Seagroves of the constitutionality of the law under Vizas, director of security, and Durham Police Department. which the demonstrators were charging them with the new charged is still pending in a federal complaints of "engaging in court. disruptive conduct" and "creating a Motion denied Deans James Price and Jane Philpott at yesterday's UFC meeting. public disturbance." Sunshine Chief District Court Judge E. The original warrants, sworn out According to reliable (?) Lawson Moore, presiding at the by Vizas on January 21, had sources, today will be fair trial, denied the motion. changed the demonstrators with with no chance of rain. The Weinstock then moved to quash "disturbing the peace." high will be near 50, low UFC vetoes extension tonight between 20 and 25. (Continued on Page 6) Let the sunshine.... of pass-fail option

Cabinet asks extension By Lis Stanger According to James Price, Policy Reporter chairman of the UFC, this proposal The Undergraduate Faculty will be remanded to Parker's Council, in a meeting yesterday, subcommittee for further of frosh privileges voted down a proposal expanding qualification and returned to the the pass-fail option to include full Council for consideration in By Diana Pinckley Extended hours required courses as well as electives. March. Establishment of a Emily Smith, president of the A proposal to continue the present At that time, Price said, each predominantly freshman dorm on Freshman Council of the Woman's system, however, was passed aspect of the modification wil. be East Campus next year and College, introduced the proposal Extension of the pass-fail considered separately. extended hours for second semester for extended hours for freshman privilege to freshmen and Prof decides freshmen women were among the women. This proposal has been sophomores was also presented but The curriculum committee's v proposals endorsed last night in approved already by the Women's was not voted on fourth recommendation would | meeting of the Freshman Cabinet. Judicial Board and will come before Four proposals for the system's allow each Drofessor to decide on >, The Freshman Cabinet is Co Co Wo Co Monday night. extension, as outlined by Dr. (Continued on Page 6^ o composed of the East Campus Also included in the measure Harold Parker's sub-committee on | Freshman Council, West Campus passed by the cabinet are the curriculum, were presented, °- freshman house presidents, extension of curfews until 1 a.m. The first proposal, involving Key-card Quad resounds with Afro-American independent house representatives, Sunday through Thursday nights, continuation of the system as it students' preparations for coming and Trinity College freshman class waiving the requirement of hosue presently exists, was passed of Black Week. officers. counselor's signature on overnight overwhelmingly, system soon leaves and a complete key-card Action deferred system for freshmen women second Action on the second proposal, semester. an extension of the pass-fail option will Pub Board voucher Use of cars to first and second year students, begin The Cabinet also endorsed the was deferred to the Council's next ownership and use of cars by first meeting on March 3. By Connie Blankenship semester freshman men. The third issue, extension of the "The key-card system, which This suggestion was put before grading option to include was to go into operation February called 'temporary' 15 will not be operating before the group by cabinet president distributional and major February 23," Mary Grace Wilson, James Henderson and Alan Jenks, requirements, was voted down. dean of undergraduate women, said By Dave Pace carry about two or three months : dean of freshmen men. Managing Editor credit for its advertizers during the in an interview yesterday. The The Publications Board "fully year, until June, when all accounts delay, Dean Wilson explained, is expects the Chronicle to stay are settled. So it is two months because of "mechanical and within its original budget and has behind in its cash receipts, the Profs not rehired business" reasons. allocated no additional money to result being a temporary cash By Peter Kenney According to Dean Wilson and it," said Alan Ray, chairman of the imbalance. The credit will cover the Policy Reporter Lilian Lee, assistant dean of publications board, in a response deficit until June, when all revenue Two French professors, according to informed sources, have not women, workmen are still waiting yesterday to charges made the will come in." been rehired for the academic year 1971-72 because they didn't for parts and have had problems Young Americans for Freedom. The controversy developed when publish enough material. installing the system. "It appears that the members of the YAF agreed at its meeting The criteria for rehiring professors is purportedly based on the When the system is ready to the Young Americans for Freedom Wednesday night to oppose any amount of published material contributed, service on committees, begin operation, they continued a misunderstand the nature of the additional allocation of Publication and teaching ability. set of instructions, concerning credit voucher and the Chronicle's Board money, to the Chronicle. Only one of the two professors has been identified. That where to get key-cards, etc., will be business operations," Ray YAF felt that "since the money the professor's teaching ability is highly respected throughout the Duke distributed. According to Dean explained. "First, the so-called Board allocated was from student community and she has been very active on university committees. Wilson these instructions will have allotment is not an additional fees," they "should have some say She has, however, only published one article during her five years at "nothing to do with the regulation financial grant, but a pledge by the in how the money is to be spent." Duke. * of the use of the key-card system. Pub Board to back any temporary Surplus fund Both professors had they been rehired would have obtained Such regulations," she said "will be cash im b alance the Chronicle may Ray explained that "the money tenure and been permanently guaranteed a position on the university determined by the Women's incur during the year up-to $5000. which has been set aside in the faculty. Judicial Board." "The action was taken because credit voucher does not come from It was speculated that due to the relaxing of tbe language According to Judy White, a for the first time, the University student fees. It is part of a surplus requirement, the department was cutting down on the number of judicial board representative, hours decided this year that all student fund which the publications have professors because fewer people were taking French. and sign-out procedures under the organizations must maintain a built up over the years, a kind of Dr. John Fein, chairman of the romance languages department, new system have recently been positive cash balance in its cash emergency fund. reported that four new professors have been hired for next year, discussed by the judicial board and account during every month. "YAF was correct in noticing including two for French. According to Dr. Fein, the American are npw before Juanita Kreps, dean Carry credit that the Chronicle is having Association of University Professors and university policy dictate of the Woman's College, and Co Co "The Chronicle, like any financial difficulties; in fact, all the that the reasons why a teacher is not rehired must remain Wo Co. A decision on these newspaper, Ray continued, "must (Continued on Page 6) confidential. proposals is expected next week. Page Two The Duke Chronicle Friday, February 13, 1970 NIT field looking up Wrestling here Friday By Jon Stout By Bob Rolnick conference title but unless they Randy Denton and N.C. State with^i The Duke Wrestling team returned to Durham Wednesday after a two | Assistant Sports Editor have a bad slump, the NIT should Vann Wiliford also could get bids to-day road trip to Maryland and William & Mary Both Maryland and.:- The award for the most boring honor the Tigers with a bid the NIT. •:*William & Mary boast solid, strong squads. Maryland is the perennial ACC :*j sporting event of the last few years Another super-star who could be on :§champ and usually receives national recognition. would probably have to go to the way is Charlie Scott of North Another super-star who may beig The Dukes fell to the Terps by a 27-9 score. The Duke points were:-: Carolina. His Tar Heels of course basketball's National Invitational on his way to New York is Rich:|scored by the only Blue Devil dependables. Danny Marano in the 142-lbs. | Tournament in New York still do have a chance to win the Mount from Purdue. Although stffl$ pounder, d heavyweight Ed Newman all.! ACC crown, but have to be rated an c]a Steve winis as a 190 an (surpassing even football's Super in contention for the Big Ten ttfle,:* • ^ , • decisions | Bowl!}. Composed of conference underdog in the conference s r they may finish second to Iowa;:;:^> te M three point decisions. | runner-up and independents who playoffs. Even if they do win that Accordin t0 Coach are not good enough for the NCAA would send South Carolina and which would give the NCAA bid toi 9 H*my, ^ William & Mary team is at least as| tournament, the event rarely John Roche to the NIT. Duke with the Hawkeyes. ?:btro.nq.as.!h.!.T^f.s $ generates any excitement even among the players and coaches who are participating. TRAVEL-ON MOTORCYCLE CO. This year things should be a little different. UCLA has won the 13 yon of NCAA tournament and the college ONDA TRJUMPJJr •i*#f"SK basketball championship the last VW •xporwnc* three years and should do it again 504 W. Franklin St. „0DAKA this season. Ennui has set in even before first game has been played. CHAPEL HILL. N.C. INDEPENDENT - VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE The NIT championship doesn't ESTIMATES BEFORE REPAIR mean too much, but this year, most MECHANIC • BURT WILLIAMS of the individual super-stars appear to be headed for the runner-up h»OWa^»ltlMWt.Oa UU* *» class. 596-3508 Leading the field should be LSU and Pete Maravich. His team has no *U*rS;*fcMIUf-S.ItV chance of winning the Southeast 429 S*ltm Street • East Durham

Published every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the university year except during University holiday and exam periods by Name one restaurant the students of Duke University, Durham, N.C. Second class postage paid at Durham, N.C. Delivered by mail at $10.00 per year. Subscriptions, letters, and other inquiries should he mailed to Box 4696, Duke Station, Durham, N.C. 27706. that has cut prices!

Harry has

Morgan Imports goes MAD again with the "wildest" inflatable chair yet! Fix up your room with this really WMflKfc HNHYS handsome and, oh so, fashionable pair. Chair $14.95 Restaurant i Delicatessen Hassock $5.95 Irresistible! in USX FRANKLIN STREET 1016 W. Main Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30, Fri. 'til 9 CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA Complete Lin of Western Wear.. . by L.odino Manufacture. Th 112 E. Main St. •• Mm - Wane) • Caildtei * SUMS SHUTS (just % block from ' JACKETS "HUTS the higher priced store) ' HITS md man) gtlir items & 456 West Franklin St. Chapel Hill (open "til 10 Mon.-Sat. 1p.m. 'til 7 p.m. Sundays) This weekend we are having a big store-wide sale. All of the top 100 LPs that list for $4.98 for only jtto oqr Q LONG FRINGED SPLIT COWHIDE... FULL All listing for $5.98 for <»o QQ LINED . . . Colon: Chocolate, "-"

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We also have the new James Taylor album Sweet Baby James, the new Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water, Mothers of Invention's Burnt Weeny sSandwich, and a limited supply of the Stones live bootleg album Liver Than You II Ever Be. BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK

By Randy Grass involving Duke students, students from BLACK ON BLACK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS and Malcolm X University, and members of Steve Kraybill the Durham community. Sat., Feb. 14,9 p.m.' God's Trombones and Preview of The Duke Afro-American Society will Four plays and four live theater acts Plays. Branson Auditorium. open its second annual black week, will be presented, including "God's "Black on Black" with a series of seven Sun., Feb. 15, 7 p.m. Soul Service. University Chapel. DO Trombones" by James Weldon Johnson Black on Black Opening Address: sermons, "God's Trombones," Saturday which was successfully presented during Mon., Feb. 16, 10 a.m. night in Branson Auditorium. last year's Black Week. The other three Howard Fuller, Malcolm X Explaining the purpose of the second plays are "The Slave" by LeRoi Jones. Liberation University. Page > Black Week, Adrenee Glover, a member "The Bronx is Next" by Sonia Sanchez, Auditorium. of the Duke Afro American Society said, and "We Own the Night." 9 p.m. Black Drama. Branson Auditorium. O "Because the history and culture of black The four live theatre acts are "Mission (Admission $1.75) people has long been dormant in this •Accomplished," "Family Portrait," (1) The Slave. LeRoi Jones. 7s 'great' American Society, the black "Black Liberation Army," and "Martin students at Duke University are, for the Luther King." (2) Block Liberation Army. second year, attempting to provide a "God's Trombones" will be performed V. Ferdinand. glimpse of the culture of black people." on Feb. 14 together with a preview of the (3) Martin Luther King. Miss Glover went on to explain that other plays to be offered during the V. Ferdinand. the necessity for these efforts springs following week. The plays and the live (4) "We Own ihe Night." from the Afro-American Society's theatre acts will be presented on Monday Tues., Feb. 17, 7 & 9 p.m. Black Drama. (Repeat of Monday, conviction that it is necessary to and Tuesday nights, Feb. 16 and 17, with Feb. 16 Program) understand a people's culture in order to two performanceson Tuesday. Thurs., Feb. 19, 3 p.m. 03 understand their history. The Complementing the theatrical program Seminar on The Black Man in Afro-American Society believes that an will be a variety of musical programs Medicine—Led by Dennis Dove, understanding of black culture is ranging from 600 year old African Administrative Assistant for pre-requisite to an understanding of drumming to contemporary soul. Minority Student Affairs, U.S. > political, social, educational, and religious James Brown Association of Medical Colleges. activities of black people. Room 101 Union Building. "Black on Black" will culminate in a Address, Artist Dana Chandler. According to Miss Glover, " 'Black on concert featuring James Brown, "Soul 6 p.m. Black' is the result of a belief that a President's Clubroom in Baldwin n Brother No. 1," and the African Heritage Auditorium. successful revolution is a product of Dancers in the Duke Indoor Stadium. progress on all fronts—cultural as well as Miss Glover commented, "This evening 8:30 p.m. Address: Roy Innts, Former Head Ts political, educational, and social." will be a unique opportunity to of CORE. Baldwin Auditorium. Drama understand the connection between the Fri., Feb. 20, 3 p.m. Jazz Seminar and Performance: The numerous theatrical productions movements and rhythms of African James Dorsey and Company. Music during Black Week will be presented by dances and contemporary Afro-American Room, East Duke BuUding. The Black Revolutionary Theatre, in dances." conjunction with Your Own Thing Sat., Feb. 21,8:15 p.m. Blackweek Major Attraction: The Theatre, a Durham theatre group (Continued on Page 4) African Heritage Dance Troupe and 03 The James Brown Review. Indoor Stadium. Admission: $3.50 Genera) Public; $3.00 All Students; $.99 > Children 12 Years and Under. O Ts

BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK Page Four The Duke Chronicle Friday, February 13, 1970 Black Thursday: one year ago today

By Ken Vickery other hand the pay of most workers remains Associate Editor simply inadequate for decent living (52 What happened here a year ago today will weeks full-time at $1.80 per hour comes to not soon be forgotten by those who took $3,744 a year), and many workers have been part. And on another level, the events of laid off. As for collective bargaining, the February 13, 1969, will continue to have University has been moved very little: this impact on the development of the matter could in fact initiate a resurgence of University. For the occupation of Allen activism here. Building established once and for -ill that Other areas this institution can be halted, not by decree The problems of black students and from above, but by the agitation of its lowly non-academic workers have been the issues students. of direct concern when the Duke protest Since then, therefore, students are movement has taken its most dramatic listened to a bit more attentively by the actions. Yet the nature of student protest powers-that-be-and-remain the trustees, implies a re-evaluation of the entire society administration, and faculty. Students' views, and, most important here, the entire or what are believed to be students' views, University. Other areas, then, must be are now taken into account. Students have examined if we are to determine what gained, I believe, more influence, and changes the movement has wrought. influence is at least a bastardized version of A new curriculum went into effect this power. But students should not be fall, though it is only indirectly a product of deluded-and few are-by thinking that they student protest. It entails significant changes are approaching control of anything; in some in the way Duke students learn-more areas, they lack any significant input at all. emphasis on small-seminar, discussion, And students are doing little to alter the individual choice, independent investigation. situation. In many ways the Allen Building It is too early, of course, to evaluate the take-over seems to have marked not the success of the new scheme, but it is quite onset of the revolution (Whatever that may possible that it will have considerable be) but the end of activism. The events of long-run effect in the re-making of the last February and March were exhausting, University (in that unlikely event). and most activists understandably preferred Other areas, however, remain largely a rest last spring and this fall. Besides, the unchanged. The departmental structure repitition of similar incidents at literally 9 continues to provide little opportunity for scores of campuses last spring made the students or even junior faculty to alter the whole idea of direct action seem rather a -'Black on Black - way each department functions. The bore. In any case, many thought that all residential system remains a hodge-podge of their effort had netted very little. For these (Continued from Page 3) Affairs for the U.S. Association of freshman, fraternity, and independent reasons and because the locus of protest The program of the African Medical Colleges, will lead the houses, basically unchanged over the past shifted from Durham to Washington through Heritage Dance and Music discussion on the black man in four or five years. Even so elementary a Ensemble consists of personal medicine at 3:00 Thursday move as the transfer of a few men to East the Mobe-Moratorium, we have seen little afternoon. action here this year. interpretations of authentic Campus seems to encounter insurmountable African, ethnic, and modern dance, The following day, four Duke bureaucratic obstruction. Activism dropped performed to the accompaniment students, James Dorsey, Bill Without direction Since the level of activism seems to have of song and African instruments Bultman, Vaughn Glapion and Mike such as the Kora, Balifon, the McBride will conduct a seminar and There have undoubtedly been reforms at dropped, then, we may be in a good position Zanza and log drums. They perform concert in jazz music at 7 p.m. in Duke in recent years, and many of them are to look at what Duke's first period of such lyrical tunes as "Bethlehemu," the Music Room of East Duke due to protest of the sort which paralyzed activism, culminating in the Allen Building a Nigerian Christmas song, and Building. this place a year ago. Overall, however, the crisis, has produced. "Apo," a celebration song from Black Artist operation of the University, and the Black students, undoubtedly the Dahomey. The audience is often Representing another realm of invited to participate. relationships between its component groups, vanguard of the movement here, have seen black art, Dana Chandler, a have not been fundamentally changed-with improvement in a few areas. A black advisor During the performance a professional painter, will exhibit some of his work during the week. the possible and important exception of and black barber are on campus. A black narrator provides the audience with curriculum. corrider is available when it can be filled. A an extensive commentary on the Chandler has exhibited with the summer transition program was instituted background and foundations of the Boston Negro Artists Association It is conceivable that the University Afro-American music, song and and has held major one-man Governance Commission will recommend which provided valuable academic training exhibitions at Boston College, the for entering black freshmen. Thus some of dance, and the current revival of reform that could alter the ratio of power these arts in American cities. University of Massachusetts, and between students, workers, faculty, the demands made last February (and the Rhode Island School of Design. earlier) have been met. Critics say that the African administration, and trustees. If so, it will be Heritage Drummers are the first During his stay in Durham, fascinating to see if such a "respectable" But in two areas, black studies and totally American group to have Chandler will lead two seminars, body can accomplish what legions of admissions, there has been little prepress. developed the art of drumming to "The Role of the Black Artist in protestors, alas, have not. Tht' b'ack studies "program" (admittedly a the level that existed in Africa 600 the Black Cultural Revolution in difficult thing to build) has been a pallid lot years ago. The entire group has 1970;" and "The Role of the Black To this writer, the denouement which has at best, consisting of four to six courses with appeared on radio, television, Artist in American Society in followed the Allen Building occupation has 1970." little coordination or imagination. The before church groups, night club been marked by a lack of spirit, enthusiasm, audiences, and on campuses and direction here. Before, many if not most number of black freshman entering this fall throughout the country. was less than the previous year by nearly In his past works, Chandler has students could sense direction either in the half. It is these two areas more than any The ensemble was formed to sought to develop a national ideology of the dissentor or in Douglas teach "culturally deprived" communications network with Knight's leadership, or often in some other that will determine whether or not children to appreciate their heritage black artists, both on campus and Duke will become a viable educational and to provide them with a means in the community, "so that black combination of the two. Now one of these institution for black people. In each, the of expression through black communities will begin to recognize sources is altogether gone and the other University has thus far been remiss. culture. The group also strives to the contributions that black artists seems hollow, incapable of arousing much The plight of non-academic employees, inform white America of the can make to the cultural interest anymore. Many of Duke's most always an issue (though more the focus Afro-American heritage. revolution." dynamic young teachers have departed. The Temptations during the Vigil than last February) revolves As a consequence of their campus has lost the air of excitement which around first, their pay, and second, The Temptations, powerful controversial nature, eleven of characterized it (for me) over a large part of collective bargaining. On the first item, the exponents of the developing Chandler's paintings have been the last two or three years. And I must sadly Afro-American culture, will destroyed outside the black conclude that neither Terry Sanford nor the University, pushed along by the worker and perform on Sunday, Feb. 15 at community. student activism, has raised its pay scale efforts of Duke's activists, which I support, North Carolina Central University. Magazine are likely to restore that air soon. considerably over the past two years. On the There will be two performances, at The Afro-American Society will 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the supplement the work of the black Men's Gym. professionals with a literary Seminars magazine of their own, "Weusi Za "Black on Black" will also Weusi" which will be on sale Tuesday, Feb. 17. A publication of Happy Birthday.. feature two seminars: "The Black ..Brother HueyP. Newton Man in Medicine" and another essays and poetry, the work is an seminar in music and concert. attempt to present the emotions Dennis Dove, Administrative and the intellectual content of the Assistant for Minority Student black cultural revolution. I Friday, February 13, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Five

FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Run S te • P.M. avfjajja*- tOWfSF PMCES IN TOWN ON Spectrum •M^^P^ DOMESTU Spaghetti Supper for 2 with $2.95 DOMESTIC & IMPORTED BEEKS & WINES £ARTY SETUPS S, KEG BEER Pint Bottle Vintage Chionti Jogging JIM'IM'S ^"V^IC E - PARTY SNACKS F*r a F»tt Snack or Meal — Try Our Hickory Smoked Persons interested in jogging in the BEEF BARBEQUE—CotmoptJltaa Room Only PARTY \/r* 5:15 P.m. Jogging Group on Mondays, 1 286-9906 Wednesdays and Fridays, sponsored by The Gourmet Center operating STORE 2 Blocks From Duke Corner the department of health and physical , TRENT St HILLSBOROUGH RD. education for men. The group meets at 5:15 p.m. on the outdoor track in IVY ROOM RESTAURANT Wallace Wade Stadium. In case of rain, meet in the north lobby of the Indoor Cosmopolitan Room & Delicatessen Stadium. IW4 W. M-.li. SI. Own 1 Pay,—»:» A.M. till )1:

Terpsichoreans 1 present ling of Dance" t !eld Fee. 2 0 at 8:15 WE WELCOME STUDENTS Featured v i "Water Study" by Dori

YWCA,courses There are still a few openings left in Adult and Children's classes beginning Tu-wh af Campus the week of Feb. 16, at the Central YWCA, 515 West Chapel Hill Street. Cor. Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. at Some of these are BEGINNING SEWING, MODERN DANCE, POWDER PUFF, AUTO REPAIR, KNITTING, Garrett Road BALLET, CRAFTS. CLASSES AND

Just a few minutes from Duke Tie Dye Playground The Tie-Dye Playground needs old ee-shirts of all sizes to experiment on •ith different patterns and color ombinations. If you have any to donate 2 BEDROOMS i sell, call 6897 and ask for Otha. Furnished or Unfurnished

Swimming Pool and Master Antenna When you are ir G.E. Heating & Air Clark Headphones from $ 19.00 /jftfi^ Conditioning ready for a good Come in for a free demonstration TOCT" ir Range ir Refrigerator ^S*** ir Disposal money-saving deal . come by or call ^a^»_ Wall-to-Wall Carpeting, Drapes Vfe I Laundry Facilities PETE MARTIN

^fsesT For Informotion Call at Carpenter's Chevy 489-0600 or 688-2595 Downtown Durham Studenl Charge "loroiints Welcome Phone 682-0451 Page Six The Duke Chronicle Friday, February 13, 1970 -Pass-fail option- This is your unlucky day

(Continued from Page 1) Lloyd Borstelmann, professor of *HERE YOU PERSONALLY SELECT YOUR OWN STEAK what grading system his courses will medical psychology, in opposition And mix your own gourmet salad at tho salad bar. be based subject to the approval of to Welsh, said he would like to see his department. Due to lack of the pass-fail system expanded to WINE. BEE« AND BROWN BAGGING time, this alternative was not the full extent provided for by the discussed by the Council. Parker committee report. IN DURHAM Paul Welsh, professor of "Learning is inherent in the philosophy and a member of the human organism," he said, "and CHAPEL HILL ROAD AT U.S. 15-501 Committee on Curriculum Change one can acquire knowledge only which designed the new curriculum, after token rewards are dispenses spoke against extension of the with." OPEN 6 „ M Candlelight and a charcoal lire pass-fail privilege. "Grades," Borstelmann said, si«» DAYS ith Rib-Eye steak cut to order The program, Welsh commented, "are a time-honored, traditional W was designed for students with system, and a false prop." special interests to encourage exploration in fields they would otherwise not investigate because of fear of grades. Join the Inn Crowd! "Watering down" BAMB I Universal application of the Find out why everyone is talking about Bambino's pass-fail system, Welsh said, "would Spaghetti — Subs - Pizza - Wine amount to watering down Eat in or carry out - Ph. 383-5507 requirements for decent -Pizza tan-i performance." Wed. Nite - Del Soady, Folk Evaluation of a student in terms CARRYORDE OUR BTY oPHONr EEA T IN Thurs. Nite - Norman Crumpler of pass-fail, he concluded, tells little FOR FASTER SERVICE Fri. & Sat. Nite - Willstanruss Trio about his performance, and fails to 3438 Hillsborough Road across from Arlan's draw a distinction between average Tel. 286-9857 Te. 489-8758 2425 Guess Rd. at 1-85 2726 Chapel Hill Blvd. " Open 7 days a week Mon-Thurs 11 ajm.—12 p.m. and superior work. Also, "it doesn't Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. 'til 2 a.m. Sunday 4 p.m.-12 p.m. require the student to do anything but passing work." THE RECORD BAR -Sit-in trial- (Continued from Page 1) THE SOUTH'S LARGEST the complaint, saying that to charge the defendants under the Omnibus Riot Act was an "error on the part MOST COMPLETE RECORD STORES of the solicitor" because the defendants are "being charged under an act which doesn't describe what they have done accurately." Again the motion was denied, and the defendants then entered THE NATION'S HOTTEST GROUP their pleas of "not guilty." LED ZEPPLIN I & II -Pub Board- (Continued from Page 1) campus publications are. And yet, BOTH OF THEIR GREAT ALBUMS ad sales have been climbing rapidly. In 1967-68 the Chronicle sold about $7000 worth of local ads; in REG. $4.98 NOW ONLY $2.99 1968-69 it sold about $18,000 worth, and in 1969-70, it will probahiy sell over $30,00 worth. Ray cited "inflation and temporary high overhead costs for CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY NEWEST ALBUM "CHICAGO" typesetting equipment" as the maj or reasons for the Chronicle money problems. A TWO RECORD ALBUM THIS GREAT ALBUM "The Pub Board is running out of its surplus fund, because all the publications cost more to produce A 12.00 VALUE NOW ONLY $4.98 now, and the University subsidy has not changed in fifteen years." THE DELLS "LIKE IT IS...LIKE IT WAS" THIS GREAT ALBUM 2( A REGULAR $4.98 NOW ONLY $3.24 i ATTENTION CLASSICAL BUYERS THE NEW SPIRIT OF ANGEL, T/*\l/ Copyquick 13 YOUNG NEW ARTISTS ARE NOW FEATURED . SJfSw*! E.FrankliitSt. - \TjX Chapel Hill ALL ALBUMS BY THESE ARTISTS NOW ' X\V 929-4028 50% OFF Ancient and Beautiful Books for Your REG. $5.98 NOW ONLY $2.98 Loved One Priced just high enough to make your heart really bleed! SIMON AND GARFUNKEL THEIR FIRST ALBUM IN OVER TWO YEARS The Old Book Corner "BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER" A MUST FOR YOUR RECORD COLLECTION REG. $5.98 NOW ONLY $4.50 Friday, February 13, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Seven Well these blues ain't bad By Steve Emerson it's his best record, originally of the best around. Below is as Arts Editor released in 1959 as "The Best of great as ever and Myers is The record market has been Muddy Waters." Little Walter does outstanding. Musselwhite's harp is nothing lately if not overflowing amazing things with his harp, while reminiscent of little Walter's with blues releases, black, white, such greats as Sunnyland Slim are sideman days. The not altogether good, bad, and otherwise. The heard on piano and songwriter high recording quality lends following is a guide to the quality extraordinaire Willie Dixon is the support to the feeling of gutsy, of a number of those released in the bassist. All Muddy's big numbers backroom blues, even though the last several months. are on the album, with the album was recorded in California. The Chess Reissues exception of "I'm a Man." Easily the most outstanding Howlin' Wolfs "Evil," originally blues records released in the last released as "Moanin at Midnight," Concert months. Recorded between the is solid Wolf, and his howling and early fifties and the early sixties, unique down-home interpretation ,''A small concert they are fine work by old time of big-city blues will knock you orchestra," conducted by Chicago bluesmen, rereleased by out. Allan Bone, will perform tonight in Page at 8:15. The Chess, which, as someone has Sonny Boy Williamson's - of bottleneck guitar program includes works by commented, has the Chicago blues "Bummer Road" features amazing J.C. Bach, Mo zart, Old Freddy McDowell, kin88&888888S88ga^g ^ scene firmly in its hip pocket. harp work by the second of the Saint-Saens, and Ravel. 'K-.-H*:*:*:-:-:-:-.*:-^^^^ prototypical harpists of Chicago depicts Wahb, Ruler of the Probably the best in the bunch is Soloists are Giorgio Ciompi This one must be heard to be jj CAROLINA Rockies. "Hate to See You Go," by Little and Julia Mueller, violinists, believed, and it is not without its "The Magic Christian," P Walter. Walter Jacobs, who died a and Luca DiCecco, cellist. j: with Peter Sellers and \ RIALTO few years ago, defined modern insights into Chess Records. \ Ringo Starr. A highly ; blues harp playing. Everyone else The release featuring Albert "I am Curious (Yellow)," John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, •: publicized new comedy, • : who has played a harmonica in King and Otis Rush is maybe not in with Lena Nyman. Directed by Diary of a Band on London f. the major acting debut of J Vilgot Sjoman, the Swedish film Chicago since he started out in the the same league. Albert's style was Old live stuff from the days of >i the Beatles' drummer. is the finest cinema seen in the late forties has played in a style not as polished in the old days and Mick Taylor and the brass section. area since "If." Controversy the recording doesn't help. But Otis CENTER l Most of the cuts are taken up with stems from the film's anomalous Rush is at an alltime high. He's an £ "For Pete's Sake." A J[ mildly humorous raps, interviews, nature: skin, but ugly; sex, but immensely powerful vocalist and a Cinema and time wasting. A completely jj motion picture for the funny. competent guitarist. Listen to "All § entire family, with a ^^ Tonight Bio Sci Flicks will Your Love" and you'll hear the chaotic instrumental may have :• special screen appearance III YORKTOWNE feature LOVES OF A guitar solo Eric Clapton copied some virtue. For the Mayall >•' by Billy Graham. BLONDE, a Czech film made affecianado, a ten minute "I Can't "Cactus Flower ," with note for note on Mayall's version of in 1965 by Mtlos Forman. the song. Quit You Baby" and a ten minute | NORTHGATE Walter Matthau and Ingrid Forman's first film to be "It's My Own Fault" make the •: "King of the Grizzlies," a Bergman. A film adaption of the released in the US, LOVES is The John Brim-Elmore James album worth buying. The former |Walt Disney production which hit Broadway comedy. a simple, wistful comedy album is another standout. little of features a five minute Mick Taylor about the romantic Brim's work has been released; until solo, by far the longest recorded aspirations of a factory girl. this one you'd have to go to the old example of his work. Blues Classics releases to hear him. Daniel Boone Ice Skating Rink The short will be O Mississippi Fred McDowell, DREAMLAND by Lindsay He's a great artist, and you can hear Mon. thru Fri. — 2:00 to 5:30 I do not play no Rock 'N' Anderson (IF). The films will where the blues was at in the late 7:00 to 10:00 forties on this album: the man had Roll, on Capitol Saturday — 10:00 to 1:00 begin at 8 p.m.; admission is A great album by the king of $.75. no money, no job, no future at all. 2:00 to 5:00 The blues was not a lucrative field. bottleneck guitar. McDowell is 7:00 to 10:00 Elmore James is the most polished easly the greatest country blues Sunday — 1:00 to 5:00 strongly imitative of Walter. No one guitarist alive today His tone is 7:00 to 10:00 before or since has been as artist in the series. His work features horns and a showmanship amazingly clear and piercing. One Special Sessions for Fraternity advanced. The songs, fifteen of drawback is the occasional use of Groups Sat. Nite 10:30—1:00 a.m. them, are dynamite. Fred Below is suggestive of B.B. King. For Res.—732-2361 drums and bass, rather superfluous the drummer, and he's the best in Chicago Biuestars, Coming since McDowell can play like a Located at /-85 and Old 86 • Hillsborough Exit blues. Otis Spann and other greats Home, on Blue Thumb whole band by himself. "Baby appear on piano, while Muddy A great record featuring Charley Please Don't Go" and McDowell's Waters and Lou Myers, of Musselwhite's band, with guitarist tune "Kokomo me Baby" really Musselwhite's band currently, Lou Myers and drummer Fred shine. handle the guitar. Below doing the vocals. The band s Stars of the 1970 Memphis Back By Demand "Sail On," by Muddy, is also out comprised of excellent Country Blues Festival, of sight. With the possible instrumentalists, and the ste-d on Sire exception of "Fathers and Sons" guitar and keyboard work is some LATE SHOW SATURDAY Fine Renditions of country blues by McDowell, Bukka White, 12:00 Midnight Champion Jack Dupree, Furry CHICKEN Specializing in Lewis, and Joe Calicott. With Broasted Chicken BOX No 2 and Sea Food (Continued on Page 8)

1200 Duke We Deliver University Rd. i phone 489-2304 ^m, QUAD FLICKS 111®/ or 489-2305 You Ring "Ten Days that Shook IVSP/ We Bring the World" directed by Sergi Eisenstein also short subject: "BEZHIN MEADOW" 7:10 & 9:00 p.m. Sat & Sun.


waiter infirm \ Free Grass viaunau Bereman & mm Play Dirty FLOW F0R(-; MOtiihuiawn Midnight Cowboy If Its Tuesday . It Now Showing! yorktowne Must be Belgium *SHOWS TODAY ONLY* lw t !•]•>/• W 1:15 - 3:12 - 5:09 - 7:11 #tteatF. t® ONE SHOW Hang Up yorktowne SNEAK PREVIEW TONIGHT - 9:1? P.M. •Advance Tickets on Sale Now Plus *No Passes Accepted Devil in Velvet Page Eight The Duke Chronicle Friday, February 13, 1970 DOWN 23 Ship's 43 Youth. PUZZLE officers. 44 Renovate. 1 Slender. 25 Moccasin. 46 Extreme -Blues- By Joseph G. Howell 2 Edible root. 26 Log poverty. 3 Soon. transport. 47 Knave of (Continued from Page 7) ACROSS 54 Stupid 4 River in 27 Artist's Chronicle classifieds should be 1 Mast person: si. 49 Religious CHRONICLE submitted prepaid in the Memphis Swamp Jam. the best support. 58 Hodgepodge. 5 Horse. 28 Correct. ceremonies. country blues release in years. Rare 5 Hoaxes. 59 Private 6 Auditorium. 29 Harbor 50 Decoyed. prepared envelopes available in 10 Rage. teacher. 7 Exclamation. towboat. 51 Surpasses. CLASSIFIED • Flowers Lounge and the recordings of bottleneckers Furry 14 Actress 61 Hipbones. 8 Peddler. 31 Perfume. respective Dope Shops two Lewis and the late Joe Calicott, of 1,2 Chums- 9 Closed 32 Plants. 52 Ardor. 5 Nevada lake. (.3 Wear away. automobile. 33 Obliterate. 53 Vex. days prior to the desired date the weatherbeaten but powerful 16 Olive genus. 64 Former 10 Frailties. 35 Beetle. 54 Old fogy: of insertion. voice, make the album a must. 17 Press. 11 In the 36 State: abbr. colloq. Rates 18 African preceding 55 Lamb's pen Minimum of 10 words $.50 Champion Jack is another great antelope. month: abbr. 38 Water Need roommate for immediate one, a fantastic vocalist and 19 Article. 66 Church 12 Stagger. •wheel. (per day) occupancy in house. 20 Of mixed council. 13 Sweel 39 Increase. 56 Fabricator. Each additional word .04 barrelhouse pianist who appears 57 Tensor —. Comfortable, stimulating 67 Stringed 42 Fragrant 10% discount for 3 consecutive l with Mickey Guitar Baker, an 22 Frolics. instrument. 21 Sift, as grain. 60 Weight. atmosphere. 2 h bedrooms, 24 Spread for insertions. kitchen, air conditioning. Call English-style guitarist of the first drying. 15% discount for 5 consecutive order. 25 Pertaining ext. 8-247 or 682-3495 after 6. to punish- 1 • 3 16 > 8 B ^M 1(1 •< 13 13 insertions. Chicago Slim, Climax, Female vocalist wanted 26 Fray or 14 ' I RECONDITIONED Guitar Jr., and Tim Williams unravel. immediately; jazz, pop; call These offer nothing special. 17 • FURNITURE- Jess Pittard, 5705. Chicago Slim and Stu Ramsay • Reupholstered sofa beds and 20 21 ^m-~ feature good guitar, mediocre harp, 34 Crippled. couches priced from 49.50. "No matter how hard a man 35 French 24 Chairs from 14.50. New, and poor vocals. Climax Chicago nobleman. may labor, some woman is innerspring mattresses 27.50. always in the black of his Blues Band 'presents some fair 36 Bed canopy. M 21 2S ^•29 M| 3b Dinnettes, beds, etc. 37 Utilize. mind. She is the one reward of English-Chicago instrumentals, a la 38 Egg drink. GOODWILL STORE, 1121 W. 34 *• virtue." early Mayall, but little stands out. 30 Man's nick­ Main St., Durham, across from name. Guitar Jr. has some good guitar and 40 Afternoon ld East Campus. reception. B' harp but he lacks the personality 4"1 VI • • 41 Wise Like an empty box of candy, a necessary to make his work stand counselor. Need ride to Norfolk any wilted rose, an ambiguous ad. out in a time when the blues 43 Delinquent. 45 weekend this semester. Will —Jonathan 44 Hobbies. share expenses. Contact Bobbi market overflows. Tim Williams is 45 Church 4£ P terrib le. Watered down gutless dignitary. Brown, Bassett, 3321. 1960 PORSCHE 356B. Must 51 53 J> •• ^•54 white folk blues. 46 Roman god- sell immediately—$1350 53 " STUCK in Durham this (cheap) 286-3839, afternoons. peace. summer? Stick it out at three 47 Coin pouch. 62 •^B 83 bedroom furnished house for LOST: Gold-stone high school Clarification 48 Broadcasted. • 50 Malay- rent to three girls. Only two ring. (1969: Wakelon). Inside Clarification of women's gibbon. 65 H bb minutes from West Campus. hours regulations as reported 51 Tract of initials: PCW. If found call Reduced summer rates. Call 5705, Phillip Wood Reward in the Chronicle Feb. 10: 489-1887. offered. Under the proposed changes Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle in women's hours regulations, Jonathan, Spacious, 4-bedroom, 2-story upperclass women would be What will your Valentines house for rent this summer. S T u required to sign out only if BMS T ___ .B~P| R 0 V t CRYPTOGRAM — By Edward S. Lloyd Day be like without me? Close to East Campus. Call they planned to remain out YW A "KWR" T F | T 286-1949. of their dorms past 8 a.m. or ra; A E IM Ac T 0 ml ?. E Ten one-hour English riding leave the Raleigh LIQUH H|-if? T E. R S W ANP S O F T S \V OL'FTP O F lessons: $27.50. Beginners BO1 3aa a nrara only. Chapel Hill, 942-2079. -Durham-Chapel Hill area/ aa n :_ n ra El 13 13 ra ra Got a Voluntary sign outs would a TUFPU S A N P . WANTED: SIREN SOLOIST apply only to the in and out rannrara nianann (w ith his own handcranked card procedures now in effect ;5nniannr. nmnn siren) for performance March message Yesterday's cryptogram: The no-waist fash­ between 12 and 2 and to late UEC AMT E_ E 1, as part of the leaves. [H [E Tft IOIDWE N 1 H ion waste of taste. ART-TECHNOLOGY FESTIVAL. Your big chance to BLOW YOUR MIND!!!! If to convey? A CHICK NEVER FORGETS interested call 2534 THE GUY WHO REMEMBERS WITH TRUCK FOR HIRE- Try the Experienced mover will move furniture or pick-up and deliver packages. Call Andy Parker at Classifieds. 2709

*esm WZZA




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