Books, Slides; Film, and Games. Lists of Museums and Newspapers Are -Also, Included
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 237 407 SO 015 158 AUTHOR Myers, Donald W., Ed. TITLE Catalog of Resources on -International Understanding. INSTITUTION Southwest Educational Development. Lab., Austin, Te.x. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC. PUB DATE Aug 81 , NOTE 418p. PUB TYPE Maierials Bibliographies (131) EDRS-PRICE MF01/PC17 TiUs Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Area Studies; Asian Studies; Books, *Cultural' .AwareieSs; Educational Media;Educational. Resources, Elementary Secondary,Education; Foreign Countries, *Global Approach; indexes; Instructional Materials: International Education; Middle Eastern Studies; Periodicals . IDENTIFIERS Africaf Australial Canida: Eastern Europeam:Studies:. Latin America; Soviet-Studies AtSTRACT Arranged in eight sections 'this catalog provides eleMentary and secondary educatorS:with resources en education. General resources in section 1 are arranged-under -organization8 and projects, language and area studies centers, youth exchange orgadizations, miscellaneous, and bibliographies of books, journals, and classroom' activities.- Section 2,-Africa, contains separdtp listings of books, journals, films, and educatprs'-and students' bibliographies, each-subdivided by Subject- arar.Section'3,- divided into segments on East and 'Southeast Asia,-includes.liStS of books, slides; film, and games. Lists of museums and newspapers are -also, included. Section 4'contains information on Australia organized under'teacfiersbooks, studeatst:books, films, videos,- resource kits, and aboriginal contacts. Resources on Canada, section S, include . listings of books, periodicals, newspape4s,. miscellaneous, 'games, and tourist bureaus. Section 6 cites books, ,texts, supplementary teathers' guides,_opportunities for continued study,. and bibliographies on Latin America. Section 7, the Middle East, enumerates-books, general information, literature, magazines, and media materials, each subdivided by 'Country. Section 8 covers books, folktales, and films on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
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