Three Rivers, the James, the Potomac, the Hudson, a Retrospect of Peace and War, by Joseph Pearson Farley
Library of Congress Three rivers, the James, the Potomac, the Hudson, a retrospect of peace and war, by Joseph Pearson Farley 4864 274 6 “ Benny Havens' Nest. West Point THREE RIVERS The James, The Potomac The Hudson A RETROSPECT OF PEACE AND WAR By JOSEPH PEARSON FARLEY, U. S. A. LC NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1910 F227 .F23 Copyright, 1910 THE NEALE PUBLISHING COMPANY LC In memory of my classmates, those who wore the blue and those who wore the gray You are doing, my friends, what your children could not do, for if you had gone to your grave cherishing the bitterness of conflict, their filial piety would have led them to cherish the same bitter and resentful feeling for generation after generation. You alone, you who fought, you who passed the weary days in the trenches, you who had the supreme exaltation of life at stake, you alone can render that supreme sacrifice to your country of a gentle and kindly spirit, receiving your former enemies to renewed friendship and binding Three rivers, the James, the Potomac, the Hudson, a retrospect of peace and war, by Joseph Pearson Farley resource/lhbcb.02665 Library of Congress together all parts of the country for which you both fought.—( From Speech of Senator Elihu Root, to Federal and Confederate Veterans at Utica, N. Y. ) ILLUSTRATIONS Benny Havens' Nest—West Point Frontispiece FACING PAGE The De Russy House—Fortress Monroe 13 Brentwood—Residence First Mayor of Washington, D. C., 1818 93 West Point Light Battery—1860 108 Clearing the Road for
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