Bf 1:I~Pl======7, 654, 371 T~~F.J!~~-:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. -:. ~======16,704,125 L\Lr
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3458 COKGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST 18, stmnp; and the people did not think you were going to give Revenues front duties on farm products in 1912, etc.-Continucd. them cast-iron pipe or barbed wire on their breakfast tables. Es ti- Esti- lUr. SHEPPARD. .Mr. President-- Article. mated mated .i\fr. SIMMONS. Mr. President-- imports. revenue. The YICE PRESIDENT. Let us ha>e some order. Does the Senator from North Dakota the Senator fro:i;n Texas? Butter and substitutes. $236,483 S60,337 :;Jj cents per $325, 000 $32, 500 Mr. GRONNA. Not just now; I will in a moment. pound. In answer to the Senator from New Hampshire, I will say Cheese and substitutes. 8,~,947 2, 760,900 ..... do ........ 11,000,000 375,000 that the Treasury of the United States will lose more than Beans ................. 1,456,656 371, 252 25 cents per 1,600,000 250,000 bushel. $25,000,000 of revenue upon the articles I ha\e enumerated. Beets .................. 147,466 15,095 5percent ..... 153,000 7,500 There is no question in my mind but that the farmer of the Hay ................... 6,472,376 2, 796,~5 $2 per ton ..... 9,000,000 2, 400,000 country will lose many times as much. Honey ................. 51, 706 16,284 10 cents per 60,000 11,000 gallon. l\fr. GALLINGER. Undoubtedly. Hops .................. 2,223,895 47i,313 16 cents per l, 575, 000 560, 000 1\Ir. GRONNA. Because the Canadian farmer and the farmer pound. from other foreign countries will have access to the American Onions ................. 1,233,907 5i2, 819 20 cents per 1, 350, 000 360i 000 bushel. market, which belongs to the American farmer. I thought Garlic ................ .. 283, 259 93,332 1 cent per 275, 000 90, 000 the Senator from Mississippi and I could agree on at least one pound. thing, and that is that the Treasury of the United States wili Peas ................... 1, 897, 707 299, 709 Various ....... 1,661, 500 116,070 Flaxseed ............... 13,048, 513 1, 71 1 065 15 cents pc r 11, 000, 000 900, 000 lose more than $25,000,000 through t.he changes that ha•e been bushel. made, or that are proposed in the present bill to be made, from Straw .................. 56, 91 15, 402 SQ cents per 75, 000 7, 500 law on t.on. the present those items. Vegetables. ............ 1, 035, 163 262, 633 15 per cent .... 1, 50.3, 000 225 , 750 l\Ir. President, I do not care to occupy the floor any longer. Poultry... ............ 154, 175 33,344 Various....... 156,000 1 ,000 I ha•e said all I am going to say. I asked a few minutes ago Eggs. 150, 986 54 935 Frea ..................... ········· Flax straw............. 6, 990 ' 853 ..... do .................... ........ to have a. table priRted in the REcoRD. Milk, fresh............. 6,Zi'3 936 ..... do ............................ The VICE PRESIDENT. Permission was granted to the Cream..... ........... 923, 787 56, 012 .. .. do ........................... .. Senator from North Dakota. Potatoes ............... 7, 175,376 3, 434, 535 ..... do ............................• Wool.. ................. 33,141,408 14,454,234 ..... do ............................• The matter refen·ed. to is as foUows: Hai.r of Angora goat, etc. 632, 330 2.J.1, 591 ..... do ............................ Amount e:rpendetl by farmers for labor in 1909. Total. ................. ..... j3:a, 026, 266 . .......••..•••.......•.... 6, 739, 570 United States-------------------------------------- $631, 611, 287 l\Iaine----------------------------~--------------- 5,633, 106 Estimated revenue and estimn.ted imports taken from tll.rifE hand New Hampshire------------------------------------ 3, 374, 126 book by Finance Committee. Fruits not included in above Vermont------------------------------------------- 4,748,003 statement. Where the article i8 placed on the free lhit the handbook ~Ias achusetts------------------------------------- 12, 101, 959 contains no estimate as to prollable imports. 1,761,594 Rhode Island--------------------------------------- 1\Ir. WILLIA.MS. Mr. :President, that finishes this schedule, I Connecticut--------------------------~------------ 6, 881, 619 New York------------------------------------------ 41, 312, 014 think, except for some paragraphs that haye been passed o>er. New Jersey ____________________________ _: __________ _ 11, 097, 7!l7 2;), 611, 838 I ask that the bill may be temporarily laid aside. Penn· ylyania-------------------------------------- l\1r. BACON. If the bill is laid aside and there is no other OhiO--------------------------------------------- 25,631,185 Indiana------------------------------------------ 17,682,0W matter of a pressing nature-- Il linois-------------------------------------------- 36.30 '316 Mr. WILLIAMS. I thought probably the Senator from 19,063,08~ ~fs~!fn~~n-_.:-_~_.:-_.:-_.:-_.:-_.:-_-:._-:._-:._-:._-_.:-_-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-_.:-_-:._-:._-:._-_::::::========== = 19, 195,473 Georgia would make a motion to go into executi>e ses ion. l\Iinnesota-----------------------------------------Iowa _____________________________________________ _ 22, 2~0, 149. l\Ir. BACON. No. 24,781, G92 l\fr. WILLIA.MS. Then we may as well adjourn. l\Iis!:'ouri--,..---------------------------------------- 18,644,695 ·orth Dakota.-------------------------------------- 21, 740, 14!) l\fr. KERN. I mo•e t.hat the Senate adjourn. South Dakota-------------------------------------- 12,831, 944 The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock p. m.) the Sen 1'\elJraska _________________________________________ _ 15,028,468 rc~nsag ___________________________________________ _ 20, 567,237 ate :idjourned until Uonday, Augu t 18, 1913, at 11 o'clock a. m. l.k>laware_~--------------------------------------- 1, 612, 471 ~faryland---- - - - ----------------------------------- 8,80~. 172 238, s:~;; 0 SENATE. l~ ,H54, Hl4 ~f r~~~1L !_ ~~~~~~~~================================ 4,035,764 0,220,564 Mo:Nn ..w, August 18, 1913. ~o~~\iSouth v~~~~1~a===================Carolina-------------------------------------=========== ======= 10,770,738 Georgia------------------------------------------ 13 21 113 The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. Florida------------------------------------------- 5:354:376 Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D. KentuckY----------------------------------------- 12, 243, 51 The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last wa read and Tennessee------------------------------------------ 8, 44 '05!) 7,454, 748 appro>ed. 7, 16~. 225 CALLING OF THE ROLL, ~\~bf 1:i~pl======================================== 7, 654, 371 t~~f.J!~~-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._-:._~= ============== 16,704,125 l\lr. S.:\100T. l\lr. President, I suggest the absence of a Oklahoma---------------------------------------- 9, 837, 541 25,784,501 quorum. 'fexas-------------------------------------------- The VICE PilESIDE~T. The Secretary will can the roll. ~Iontana----------------------------------------- 10,930,477 Idaho--------------------------------------------- 6,701, 604 The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators 1\·yoming_____________________________________ ..._ ___ _ 6, 174, 164 answered to their names : olorad0------------------------------------------ 10,818,465 1'\ew :\!exicO--------------------------------------- 3,645,423 Ashurst Dillingham McLean Simmons AMzona------------------------------------------ 2,504,984 Bacon Fall Martin, Va. Smith, Ga. Utah-----------------------------~-------------- 3, lG!>, !>17 Bankhead Fletcher· :Martine, K J. Smoot Nevada-- - ------------------------~-------------- 2, 993,978 Borah Gallinger Norris 'YaOregon hington---------------------------------------- ___________________________________________ _ 15, 370, n::n Brady Gronna O'Gorman ~~l~~~fand 11,101,864 Brandegee Hollis Page wanson Califot·nia ________________________________________ _ 49,976, 1!>9 Bristow Hughes Perkins 1.'homas Bryan James Pittman Tbomp ·on Rercn ues from d1'tics 01i farm products in 1912, and estimated rnventtC6 Burton Johnson Pomerene '£born ton (rnm dtttics en farm products under tariff biH as 1·eported to Senate. Catron Jones Robinson Tillman Chamberlain Kenyon Saulsbury '.('ownscnd Es ti- Esti- Chilton Kern Sha.froth Weeks Article. ~~f~.ts, Re;;~~c, Proposed rate. mated mated Clapp La Follette Sheppard Williams imports. reveltue. Clark, Wyo. Lane Shields Crawford Lodge Shively l\lr. JAMES. 1\Iy colleague [l\fr. BR.\DLEY] is detained from Horses ................ $335, 684 f68,323 10 per cent.... $475,000 $47, 500 Mules ................. 53,053 34, 500 . ... do........ 137,500 13, 750 pre ·ence here by reason of illness. He has a general pair Cattle ................. 4,486,306 1, 214,481 Free ............................. with the Senator from Indiana [Mr. KERN]. I will allow this Swill ................. 10,832 1,4.97 . .... do .. _........................ announcement to stand for the day . SheC'p ................. 123,832 20,326 ..... do .......................... Other animals ........ 79,4{)7" 15,880 10 per cent. 100, 000 10, 000 Mr. SHEPPARD. The senior Senator from Texas [.Mr. CUL Barley ................ 1, 929, 214 830,542 15 cents ....... 1,300,000 300,000 BERSON] is unavoidably absent. He is paired with the Senator Oats .................. 1,053,609 408, 156 6cents........ 945,000 162,000 from Delaware [Mr. nu PONT]. Rico ....•.............. 4, 185,086 1,323,338 Various ....... 3,970,000 853,000 Corn .................. 47,858 8,008 Free ............................. Mr. ono~NA. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr.