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3458 COKGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST 18, stmnp; and the people did not think you were going to give Revenues front duties on farm products in 1912, etc.-Continucd. them cast-iron pipe or barbed wire on their breakfast tables. Es ti- Esti- lUr. SHEPPARD. .Mr. President-- Article. mated mated .i\fr. SIMMONS. Mr. President-- imports. revenue. The YICE PRESIDENT. Let us ha>e some order. Does the Senator from North Dakota the Senator fro:i;n Texas? Butter and substitutes. $236,483 S60,337 :;Jj cents per $325, 000 $32, 500 Mr. GRONNA. Not just now; I will in a moment. pound. In answer to the Senator from New Hampshire, I will say Cheese and substitutes. 8,~,947 2, 760,900 ..... do ........ 11,000,000 375,000 that the Treasury of the United States will lose more than Beans ................. 1,456,656 371, 252 25 cents per 1,600,000 250,000 bushel. $25,000,000 of revenue upon the articles I ha\e enumerated. Beets .................. 147,466 15,095 5percent ..... 153,000 7,500 There is no question in my mind but that the farmer of the Hay ................... 6,472,376 2, 796,~5 $2 per ton ..... 9,000,000 2, 400,000 country will lose many times as much. Honey ................. 51, 706 16,284 10 cents per 60,000 11,000 gallon. l\fr. GALLINGER. Undoubtedly. Hops .................. 2,223,895 47i,313 16 cents per l, 575, 000 560, 000 1\Ir. GRONNA. Because the Canadian farmer and the farmer pound. from other foreign countries will have access to the American Onions ................
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