Strategic Geopolitical Monitor Genesis 2020-2021 Dutch Foreign and Security Policy in a Post-COVID World Jack Thompson Danny Pronk Hugo van Manen March 2021 II Strategic Monitor 2020-2021 | Geopolitical Genesis | Dutch Foreign and Security Policy in a Post-COVID World Strategic Geopolitical Monitor Genesis 2020-2021 Dutch Foreign and Security Policy in a Post-COVID World Jack Thompson Danny Pronk Hugo van Manen March 2021 2 Strategic Monitor 2020-2021 | Geopolitical Genesis | Dutch Foreign and Security Policy in a Post-COVID World March 2021 The Strategic Monitor 2020-2021 was commissioned by the Netherlands’ ministries of © The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies Foreign Affairs and Defence within the PROGRESS © Netherlands Institute of International framework agreement, Lot 5 (Strategic Monitoring Relations ‘Clingendael’ & Foresight). Responsibility for the contents and for the opinions expressed rests solely with the Design & lay-out: Studio Piraat - The Hague authors. Publication does not constitute an Images: Getty Images endorsement by the Netherlands’ ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence. Contributors: Tim Sweijs, Giorgio Berti, Jens Emmers, Saskia Heyster, Hugo Klijn, Adája Stoetman, HCSS Anna Zeverijn, Paul van Hooft Lange Voorhout 1 2514 EA The Hague Reviewers: The Netherlands Frank Bekkers, Rob de Wijk, Dick Zandee, Frans Osinga, Peter Haasbroek Follow us on social media: @hcssnl Unauthorised use of any materials violates copyright, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies trademark and / or other laws. Should a user download material from the website or any other source related to Email:
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