I:Jj:Iff:Ffi5h R.Ad N
F. No. sD_!7 /gO/ 2OL8/DD- f c Government of tndia Ministry of skif r Devef opment and Entrepreneurship (fc&T Wing) 2no Floor, . Shivaji Stadium A sha heed err -agat sineh Marg,r;J3ili_?1[Hi To Dated: 31.03.201g Qf, :i:jj:Iff:ffi5H R.ad n Subject:SanctionforRe|easeofGrantsundertheSchemeof (cDTp) orrine the finan.i.r Sir, yea, 2ot7_tg_ reg. I am directed to say that the assistance Government of India is providing of upto a maximum of recurring financiaf t.17.0o Lakhs annum pofytechnic, 0",. per for lr':,"i1'1T.1.fi ,:;!'#;,,*i;i;zi:::,,?evetopmentrhroush'potvtechnics(cDrp), Name of the noryt".trni. t. In lakhs) Grant to be Govt. eolytech released n i.Xlrf, ip r r, UdhamSinghffi - 244713. '9,00,000,00 Govt. polytecffi Narendernagar, Tehri Uttarakhan d - Z4g17S. Garhwaf, 4,00,000,00 Govt. pofytec 6,00,000,00 Road, Sud howa f a, 400,000,00 GoW. pof ytech n ic, Sri n-i$ r, Pauri Garhwaf, 24617 4. Ut6;kh;;: 7,O0,0oo,oo Govt. Girf,s lotyte.f,n[ nataL D - e v i, A I m o ra, U ttara - 263601,. k h a n d- 4,00,000,o0 polytechnic, Govt. Mallital, *oodr,o 7,00,000,00 Govt. pof ytechnic, Lohaghat, Champawat, Utt.rrtt,rnU 262524. 7,o0,0oo,oo Govt. polytec Govt. pofytechnn@ 4,00,000,00 Uttarakhand - 2464n 12,o0,000,00 AMRIT PAL SINGH Ministry of Skill Oevelopment and Entrepreneurship Government of India, New Delhi-tiO OOt ffiandra Joshi Govt. Rural Polytechnic {old 4,00,000,00 Name Govt.
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