Keeping Your Torque Wrench Calibrated May Be the Simplest Way to Avoid Broken Fasteners
Foreign Service Keeping your torque wrench calibrated may be the simplest way to avoid broken fasteners. This month, Dan tells us about a company that does the job quickly and efficiently. s a kid, the first things I learned tion vs. a pound of cure. Doubt us? Then con- about wrenchin’ cars—good or sider the cost of labor to pull a job apart again bad—came from the older gear- to remove a busted fastener or repair stripped heads in the neighborhood. And threads caused by inaccurate torque! Dan the first time I ever thought To get the straight scoop on torque wrench about torque wrench accuracy calibration and maintenance, we sought out Marinucci was when one of those older guys broke a Ben Spurlock at Angle Repair and Calibration Ahead bolt while assembling an MG motor. Al- in Beckley, West Virginia (304-253-5720, though the problem generated some cussing, If this company’s name and a whole lot of theorizing about the cause, rings a bell, it should. If you own an Ameri- the issue went unresolved. Looking back, I can-made torque wrench, the owner’s manual doubt that mechanic thought seriously about for that wrench probably lists Angle Repair as having his torque wrench tested. a factory-authorized repair/calibration source. I don’t think attitudes have changed after all Typically, the first thing a tech wants to these years. That is, torque wrench accuracy know about torque wrench maintenance is and calibration are still probably the farthest how often a wrench needs to be checked.
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