The Monthly Newsletter for the Home of “1,000,000 Acts of Service Humanity Accomplished The Monthly Newsletter for District 5330 Volume 2, Issue 7, Feb 2015 Rotary is Humanity in Motion... HumanityHumanity AccomplishedAccomplished

Volume 2 // Issue 7 // Feb 2015 District Governor Chehab El Awar 2014-2015

My Fellow Rotarians: I realized how responsive you all are for the challenges to become 100% EREY DISTRICT. Two clubs become 100% The month of February is very special in the Paul Harris Fellows. And on, and on and on…. Rotary year since it is designated as World Understanding Month. The month also in- Then I realize how honored and privileged my wife and I are cludes the anniversary of the first meeting of to be a part of a beautiful, caring district. Rotary held on February 23, 1905, now desig- nated World Understanding and Peace Day. Our commitment to world understanding is still in the making. We have reached out and put together over nine Global World Understanding Month is a chance for every club to grants so you all will have the pride in investing your DDF in pause, plan and promote the Fourth Avenue of Service- humanity, and we are about to implement them with your Rotary’s continued quest for goodwill, peace and understand- help. ing among people of the world. We also have three application for Naomi Mitchell Fund in As we reflect on this special month and the birth of our most which we are about to make two commitments of 30k each. honorable organization, we should be asking ourselves, “what is our club doing to promote understanding and peace in our Yes peace and understanding is a long commitment for us communities and the world?” Rotarians, and by us committing one act of kindness no mat- ter what the size is, will assure that peace is possible through We will never have any shortage in our business as peace helping others. makers and service ambassadors in the world, as conflicts and wars wage on in many parts of the Middle East, Africa, Paki- There is no end for our service, there is only a new beginning stan, Afghanistan and others. The need for our kindness and which will start with our leader Rudy. We all should be en- service will become more in demand. couraging our team to attend the District Assembly. Conflicts had even affected our own communities in the ab- sence of the young men and women serving and some times Let us all renew our commitment to achieve our goals for the paying the ultimate price. year and to finish our year with a great Conference where we all can have fun and celebrate our effort with our members. So what are we doing to establish understanding and fighting Our trip to will be an adventure, since our Rotarians will poverty? Well, I will share with you my observation as I watch be participating in a global grant with three other districts. Our and work with all of you great Rotarians of District 5330. I real- District 5330 Rotarians will be there to do hands on work with ize your kindness to each other and that is why we have over other Rotarians from the three other districts. 65 net new members. I realize your caring about others in the world through your generosity to our foundation, 170k to the The best way to light up Rotary is through service. annual fund. I realize your loyalty to your communities with 30 different projects. I realize your passion to our youth over eight Your proud Governor Shab and Bricia, new Interact Clubs, one Rotaract Club, one Early Act Club and 16 Youth Exchange students. Do an act of kindness every day, kindness becomes a life- style and not an act I realize your commitment to polio eradication, over 28k. I real- Yours In Rotary service, ize how our presidents and leaders are so involved as we Shab Elawar DG 2014-2015 shared at the president’s advance and the district leadership Great Rotary District 5330 meetings. ServiceService withwithCell 951-PassionPassion295-7358 1

Humanity Accomplished The Monthly Newsletter for District 5330 Volume 2, Issue 7, Feb 2015 InIn ThisThis IssueIssue Page 1: Governors Message Page 2: District Leadership Page 3: What is Happening in the District Page 5: District Conference Page 6: Cross Challenge Page 7: Presidents Advance District Governor: Chehab El Awar Page 8: Interact Assembly District Governor Elect: Rudy Westervelt Page 9: Interact and PRYDE Page10:George Eninger Past District Governor: Joe Ramos Page11:Riverside East Service Project District Secretary: Carolyn Hayes Page11:Paul Harris Society Member Page12:Palm Springs HS Job Shadowing District Treasurer: Jamie Zinn Page13:Roasting Time Club Administration Services Page14:RI Convention in São Paulo Page15:March to End Polio Darlene Casella Page16:Anza Hamilton HS Interact Community Services: Page17:EarlyAct Grandview Elementary Page18:Morongo Basin Food Drive Anette Guldhammer-Beals Page19:California Military Institute Vocational Service: Melanie Rice Interact -Perris Page20: VTT Team To Brazil Youth Service: Neal Dewing Page21: Marketing Rotary InternationalInternational Service:Service: Al Randall Page22:Power of One Page23:Coming Events Public Relations: Joe Ramos Rotary Foundation: Dan Goodrich

For a full list of District Staff and contact information visit:

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What happened in our District and what is your Governor and First Lady doing? It all started with the meeting with our RI President Gary and his family at the Rose Parade Club President Jennifer Smith and PD governor Joe were walkers in the parade. We had a rotary family day at our home where we had Rotarians join us with their families on New Year's Day. We accompanied Rotarians from our district and two Rotaract to visit Kumiai Indian village and share a belated Christmas, and discussed our district project to build a water distribution system. We had our president’s advance where our presidents and district leadership meet to share the success and to work on our challenges. The best thing came out of that is that our stronger clubs will MENTOR the clubs with challenges to in- crease their membership. We received a guest from district 2980 which we declared as a sister district. Vasu is the first governor of the newest district in the world. We also declared him as an honorary member of our club and they spent nine days with us. My wife and I hosted a dinner for the Past District Governors and the Governors in line to meet with our guest and dis- cuss possible humanitarian projects Met with other governors at a dinner hosted by Damo and his wife at their home, These governors come every year to get trained in San Diego. We discussed the details of two GLOBAL GRANTS. We changed the destination of our team from Bangladesh because of unrest ,and directed them to Brazil. We had an orientation for Brazil trip to the Rotary convention, hosted by the Loretta's in Palm Desert where 34 Rotar- ians attended ,the significant of this trip is that Rotarians from D5330, D2980, and D4110 will be traveling to perform service at a Global Grant project in Brazil We will be hosted by the local Brazilians and we will travel to the convention in São Paulo to meet with our VTT team who will be attending the convention and heading to project. We attended a meeting for the preparation for the most exciting district conference, where we will be joined by 200 interactors and also joined by Rotaract from our District. We met with the committee for the “March to end Polio” where we will have the kick off on the 7th of March which will end at our conference in May. We assigned the Secretary to Lynn a Rotaract from Redlands University. We met with the grant committee and established a plan to invest your DDF in humanity with about 9 different Grants Our chair Carrie Allan finalized the Paul Harris dinner on February 24th at the Castaway in San Bernardino where our guest speaker Steven Solomon will share with us the importance of our Rotary Foundation. Any one WHO is interested in becoming a PHS is welcomed to the dinner . THE SCHOLARSHIP committee interviewed and approved one scholar, and discussed other possible scholars. Travelled to the International assembly in San Diego where 534 governors from the world get trained every year includ- ing our own DGE Rudy, great time to meet Rotary leaders from all over the world . We met a few of our Brazilian hosts and joined DGE Rudy and Karyn for their governor's ball. Continued page 4

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We met all the Rotaract Presidents at the home of chair Susan Kean's and discussed the ways we could integrate them into Rotary world and to include them with our functions especially being involved with interactors at PRYDE and RYLA.. We also discussed a retreat to all Rotaract and possibly a conference that will include other districts. Well, these are our stories in Rotary service. We challenge you to tell you stories and have few to share at the confer- ence on Friday and through out the year. Your proud Governor Shab and Bricia

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Save the Dates Come Join in the Spirit,

Commitment and Enthusiasm!!

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"Cross Egypt Challenge" Dear Rotarian friends around the world,

The Rotary Club of Cosmopolitan - District 2451 – Egypt is happy to invite you and your prestigious and respectful club to learn more about and share our Rotary organized initiative, "Cross Egypt Challenge" that aims to promote tourism to Egypt and world understanding.

Cross Egypt Challenge is a series of international cross-country motorcycle and scooter rallies conducted throughout one of the most mysterious and fascinating countries of the world, Egypt. Participation is not only open to professional athletes and riders, but also open to average riders and their accompanying spouses or friends from around the globe.

The series started in 2011 and the first season was a 9 days rally from the shores of the in the North of Egypt to the temple of , on the southern borders of Egypt for a total distance of over 1700 km. Both the following seasons witnessed different routes through the Vally, Egyptian Eastern and Western deserts where the riders enjoyed riding between the most exotic oases of the . They also had participants from over 28 different countries many of which were Rotarians and Rotaract.

Both the 2013 and 2014 season witnessed what we believe was the first ever arranged “Sahara Rotary Meet- ings” where riding Rotarians along with Rotaract from our organizing team from the 4 corners of the globe conducted an official Rotary meeting in the Egyptian Western Desert – please view attached image -, a practice that we will happily repeat and continue in each future season.

The 2015 and the fifth anniversary season of Cross Egypt Challenge will start on October 23, 2015 and will last for 9 days. This year, the challenge will include a fascinating and challenging route of 2,725 km that will begin from the Mediterranean's largest coastal city, Alexandria then pass through the Egyptian capital - - en route to the 's resort Sokhna before going South to visit the amazing resort cities of Sahl Hashish and on the Red Sea shore. The challenge will then cross the Egyptian Eastern Desert to reach the Nile valley and visit the ancient city of , the world's largest open air museum, and the capital of Ancient Egypt where the participants will spend two days in celebration for the rally's 5th anniversary.

From Luxor the riders will head North west to explore some of the most fascinating oasis of the Egyptian Saha- ra (desert). A total number of 3 oases will be explored on route before the final leg of the 2015 season of Cross Egypt Challenge takes place between Bahareya Oasis and Cairo to end the new season under the Great Pyra- mids of Giza.

Cross Egypt Challenge provides a very rewarding and challenging experience for participants from around the globe as it combines the best of adventure travels and extreme sports. The 2015 season will mark the fifth an- niversary of our initiative, and a very special season with lots of celebrations is planned ahead.

I invite you, your club and your members to support our initiative by: 1. Register for the rally, and ride or join one of your fellow riders in our chase vans this November in Egypt, and enjoy a once in a life-time experience (a motorcycle and scooter rental option is available for international participants). 2. Share the news about Cross Egypt Challenge with your fellow members and invite interested Rotarians to ride in this season’s rally. 3. Spread the news out to your local community and local press to promote this Rotary initiatives, and the image of Rotary worldwide.

For more information or to register, please visit our website: and LIKE our Facebook page:

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Joe wrote: "Jeanne and I attended DG Shab's President's Advance (midterm review) to- day. Also visited by 's District 2982's District Governor Elect R. Vasu. District Staff discussed awards criteria

which are available on the District Website. Clubs discussed their status. DG Shab and I also handed out Foundation and Polio giving Awards to some of last year's successful clubs. "

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At a recent Interact Meeting held in Beaumont the topic of discussion centered around PRYDE. Specifically, the Interact Club wanted to know why they couldn't send all of the 7th graders that had expressed interest to the Camp. Many in the club had had the opportunity to experience PRYDE first hand and knew how it has changed each of their lives. They had fond memories of the camp facility, the tribal elders, the guides, the speakers and the team building activities, oh, and especially the food. The Interact Advisor, Bruce Murrill explained that the Beaumont/Cherry Valley Rotary club had allocated funds to send 2 girls and 2 boys to camp at a cost of $240 each. The Interact meeting progressed as normal until later that evening, a group of Juniors and Seniors wanted to re- visit the discussion about PRYDE. They felt strongly that each kid should be able to go to camp and, if money was an issue, they had a solution. They proposed that the Interact Club help fund and send additional kids to the camp. Before long, a motion was made, and then seconded, and then put to a vote. Not one person said no, the end result is that they have allocated funds to send an additional 5 kids to camp. The Interact club of Beaumont/Cherry Valley is comprised of about 60 High School and Middle School Students this year. They have had as many as 100 in attendance at their local meeting place which takes place at Rotarian Bruce Murrill's home. Attendance is rewarded with a meal and then meetings are centered around projects that help people in the local and international community. According to Murrill, these kids work hard for their money, they are always in the community assisting in a variety of ways, Murrill said that the Interact club consistently gives without any complaint. Recent projects have included Winter Wish, Senior Thanksgiving Day Din- ner, Galilee Project, Spirit Run, Literacy Fair, Recycle Day, and the Cherry Festival Parade. Submitted by Robin L. Knight, ADG

ServiceService withwith PassionPassion 9 Humanity Accomplished The Monthly Newsletter for District 5330 Volume 2, Issue 7, Feb 2015 “Our“Our ThoughtsThoughts andand PrayersPrayers gogo toto thethe GeorgeGeorge EningerEninger family”family”

GeorgeGeorge Eninger,Eninger, aa RotarianRotarian who was a member of the Rotary Club of San Bernardino

Rotary International President-elect K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran asked Rotary members to use their talents, expertise, and leadership to transform the lives of others when he announced his theme for the 2015-16 year “Be“Be aa GiftGift toto thethe WorldWorld””

ServiceService withwith PassionPassion 10 Humanity Accomplished The Monthly Newsletter for District 5330 Volume 2, Issue 7, Feb 2015 InvitationInvitation forfor allall DistrictDistrict 53305330 RotariansRotarians RiversideRiverside EastEast RotaryRotary ServiceService ProjectProject Old Usable Reading Eye Glass Collection: Riverside East Rotary, under the organization & di- rection of Rotarian Zubair Bakubye, has agreed to be the contact person and club in District 5330 to receive old usable eye glasses form other district Rotary club members. The old usea- ble glasses will be shipped to Uganda Africa, to be distributed to community members that are in real need of glasses to be able to see & read. Please bring your old usable glasses to one of our Riverside East Rotary club meetings. Other district clubs can give their donated glasses to their assigned assistant governors. AG Mike Slattery & Zubair Bakubye will take care of the glasses collected. Last date to donate your old usable glasses is May 17th at the District Conference. Bring your usable glasses to the Riverside East Rotary Hospitality room. Richard Lemire & Mike Slat- tery will collect the donated glasses & deliver them to Zubair for shipment to Uganda. “Another Act of Kindness” Robert L. Traister PDG 93/94 District 5330 RVF Treasurer Rotary China Tours

Dear Rotarians of District 5330:: PaulPaul HarrisHarris SocietySociety It is not too late to become a Paul Harris Society member this year. We are having Paul Harris Society Dinner on February 24th and it would be wonderful to welcome all of the new members. If your heart is telling you that you want to give $1,000 or more each year to The Rotary Foundation, please let me know. I will be glad to send you the application form and celebrate with you at the Paul Harris Society Dinner.

Carrie Dao Allan PDG Paul Harris Society District Chair 760-218-1445 or [email protected]

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On Wednesday, January 28 the Palm Springs High School Partners in Education/Work Experience Program partnered with a variety of local business leaders to provide job shadowing opportunities to local high school students. The program is facilitate by the Rotary Club of Palm Springs.

The Program gives businesses an opportunity to sponsor a student, or students, and have them experience the “real world” demands of some of our local businesses.

Students selected for this program are part of the Partners in Education Program and are enrolled in Work Experience and business Intern Classes. The students are paired with businesses that are aligned with their future career goals.

The students shadow their employer partner throughout the morning to learn about their business and what types of interactions, activities or decisions the employer makes on a typical day.

At 11:30 a.m. the students and their Job Shadow Day Sponsors (employers) will meet at the 360 North restaurant for lunch provided by the Rotary Club of Palm Springs. During the lunchtime program the students will have the opportunity to speak about their experiences with the employer with whom they were paired. This program is always lively and insightful as the students provide their perspective on the experience.

Work Place Sponsors Include Representatives from: Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce Cahuilla Elementary Palm Springs Convention Center and Bureau of Tourism Palm Mountain Resort Palm Springs Fire Department Windermere Real Estate Palm Springs Air Traffic Control Offices of David Alderman, MD? Offices of Jenny Vu, OD?

Palm Springs Rotary Club The Palm Springs Rotary Club was founded in 1941. Members of the club have donated in excess of $1 million to over 50 local charities and sponsored scholarships for students via the club’s local Foundation. Additionally, the club has raised more than $60,000 specifically to assist Rotary International’s efforts to eradicate Polio worldwide.

Members of the Rotary Club of Palm Springs are leaders in the community and their chosen professions such as education, tourism/hospitality, medicine, real estate, and business. The Rotary Club of Palm Springs meets weekly on Wednesday's at noon at "360N" located at 360 N. Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. Find out more about the Rota- ry Club of Palm Springs by contacting Thomas Smith, President at (760) 449-8565 or at PS [email protected]

Rotary International Rotary International, the world’s first service club organization, is made up of over 34,000 clubs located in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self”, exemplifies the humanitarian spirit of the organization’s more than 1.3 million members. Dr. Denise Ellis, Project Organizer Phone: 760-416-8161 , Email: [email protected] OR Thomas Smith, President, [email protected] ,

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ITIT ISIS TIMETIME TOTO ROASTROAST GOVERNORGOVERNOR SHABSHAB Children's Health International Projects have arranged a hot night for the Governor, our theme is International Passion.

CHIPs goal is to improve the living conditions of children throughout the world. We have raised money to provide cleft palate/cleft lip surgeries for over 500 children. This is one of the most common of all birth defects. Let’s show Shab and Bricia how much we appreciate all the work and time they have put into running our incredible Rotary District.

Each club should bring or make a funny hat!!! You know how much he loves them. Each President will parade their hat to see who has the funniest, largest and smallest. Also, a prize for the club who brings the most mem- bers. Date & Time: March 28, 2015 6:00PM Location: Four Seasons, The Lodge, 1518 Four Seasons Circle, Beaumont 92223 Dress: Casual Business Attire (means no tie) Cost: $50. Per person

Registration will be available on the District Website. Deadline for registering is March 20

For additional questions contact Beverly Jones at [email protected]

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DistrictDistrict 53305330 RotariansRotarians PrepPrep ForFor BrazilBrazil !!

Palm Desert Rotarians Jennifer and Ricardo Loretta opened their home to dis- trict Rotarians planning to attend the RI Convention in São Paulo in June. The Loretta's lived in Brazil for 8 years, are fluent in Portuguese and have many friends in the São Paulo region. “It’s one of our adopted countries,” said Jen- nifer, who fondly recalled raising 2 of their 3 sons in Brazil and said she’d do it all over in a “Brazilian samba minute!” DG Shab and First Lady Bricia, along with DGN Bob saw to provisions for a tasty cookout, which allowed the 35 at- tendees to chat about their forthcoming trip during a break from Ricardo’s ori- entation. In addition to information on basic logistics for traveling to and within Brazil, Ricardo and Jennifer spoke about the people, the culture, the food, song and dance. It was obvious to all why they are excited about returning to their old stomping grounds, as the tenor of the orientation party was positive and upbeat. They presented information on the convention itself and delivered a message from DGE Rudy, who is inviting all to a district dinner at a Brazilian ‘churrascaria’ on Monday, June 8 – this will be a real treat! DG Shab is encour- aging all district Rotarians to consider joining the group, and even if one is un- decided and would like to learn more about this opportunity, they are encour- aged to connect with Ricardo and Jennifer at 858-344-4812 or ricardo- [email protected]. More convention information, including registration details is available at

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EarlyActEarlyAct atat GrandviewGrandview ElementaryElementary SchoolSchool

StudentsStudents ConnectConnect WithWith

HospitalHospital ResidentsResidents

The 4th- and 5th-grade students who are members of EarlyAct at Grandview Elementary School spent one of their lunchtimes at the beginning of the month creating holiday cards for the residents of the long-term care unit at Mountains Community Hospital.

EarlyAct is the Rotary-sponsored community service club for elementary school children. Mountain Sunrise Rotary supports the Grandview Elementary EarlyAct and the Crestline-Lake Gregory Club has an EarlyAct club at Valley of Enchantment.

Advisor Ariana Kimes had brought old Christmas cards as well as blank ones, stick-on snowflakes, markers and glitter for the students to use for their creations. But before they set to work, President Laura opened the meeting, Vice President Cruz led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and the stu- dents recited the Rotary 4-Way Test.

The students delivered the cards to the residents on a recent Saturday.

By Mary-Justine Lanyon, Editor

Article from Mountain News

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MorongoMorongo BasinBasin FoodFood DriveDrive

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The CMI Interact club joined hands on Thanksgiving day 2014, with the Girl Scouts, the Venturing Crew, the Boy Scouts, and the first Congregational church of Perris. Approxi- mately 50 volunteers joined together to cook, package and deliver over 200 meals to shut- ins and needy families. This program called Turkey On Wheels is an annual event orches- trated by Perris Rotarian, Pastor Quinn Hawley.

California Military Institute (Perris)

30 students and several teachers from California Military Institute (Perris) decorated floats on 2/26. CMI has done this since 2006. District 5330 Governor El Awar was invited to help decorate floats 12/26. CMI Interact VP Stephanie Ocampo, CMI Interact President Miguel Lopez were awarded Service With Passion medallions.

Mike Behrens

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VTTVTT TeamTeam ReRe--routesroutes to:to:

Our five member VTT team is now planning to take their skills to schools in Brazil. Original plans for traveling to Bangladesh had to be changed, due to unrest in the area. Team Coordinator Ricardo Loretta reports that DG Shab asked that a mutually beneficial program be worked out with District 4630 in the southern Brazil state of Paraná, and if possible the team members be encouraged to attend the RI Convention in São Paulo on June 6-9. Team leader Dee Thomas, along with Sandy Smith, Carolyn Lawrence, Rachel Mason and Megan Miller are re-orienting their thinking so that they can provide their respective skill sets to a university and several elementary and high schools which are located in Maringá, Goioere, and other cities. We hope they also learn some basic samba steps!

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Rotary International is the world's first service-club organization. With more than 1.2 million members, Rotarians serve their communities through volunteer efforts. Its members are a network of business and professional leaders are devoted to the Rotary's motto, "Service Above Self." Prospective members can apply through a local Rotary Club or can be invited to join by a current member.

New Rotary members must be sponsored or invited to join by a current member. The Rotary website has a prospective-member form available, which once completed, will be forwarded to a local club. Con- tacting a local club directly is another option to be considered as a member. A club locator is available on the Rotary website

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Coming Events

February 2015 PETS— Feb 20-22 March 2015 March to End Polio—Mar 7 Rotary Leadership Institute -Mar 14 April 2015 DGE District Assembly April 18 Rotarian at Work Day April 25 May 2015 District Conference May 15-17 June 2015 Rotary Leadership Institute Jun 13 WORLDWORLD UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING MONTHMONTH Sao Paulo International Convention Did you know the first Rotary meeting occurred on February 23, 1905? Since that day, Rotary has grown into an international organization helping to launch, complete and sustain numerous QUOTE of the MONTH service projects worldwide. Rotarians promote QUOTE of the MONTH and enjoy international friendships which help to “The best and most beautiful things broaden our commitment to helping others, no in the world cannot be seen or matter where they may be. While some projects even touched - they must be felt and services have an immediate impact, all are with the heart.” excellent foundations for the future and continue - Helen Keller to build peace and goodwill.

Editor Information: Please send all topics by the deadline date: February 20 to: [email protected] 760-365-1643 Home 760-832-3188 cell

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