■1 N. . ■ I , -I: ■A- . )

»• PAGE SIXTEEir } TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 195T anrliPHtpr lEufttittg ®prali Friday’s Parade H ^ ld/A rrival of Christmas in Manchester Dr. Joteph Klein, Hartford ob- Offleera and mcmbcri of the About Town atetrieikn, will be the apeaker at Britiah American Club will meet tralto ^oloiat subdiviilon, the Gardner Falli the meeting of Ben Ezra Chapter. at the clubhouae thla e^’enlhg at TPC Amends subdivision built by Metropolitan B'nal B'rith, tonight at 8:30 in the 7:30 and proceed to the W. P. Homes Inc. The aubdivision is In For Folks Over 40 Average Daily Net Press Run weekly meetini: of the Civil, vestry of Temple Beth Sholom^ Quiah Funeral Home to pay their two parts, east of Gardner St. For the Week Ended Air Patrol arlll be held at the j His subject will be "Diseases and reapecta to Jamea M. Donlln a Zoning Laws ! Gardner Falls South, south of November 28, 1957 Spring St., containing 37 homes; The Weather American Legion Home at 7 p.m.: Afflictions of Young Married Wo- member of the chib who died yes­ PorecMt af O. B. WaaOnr Wedneaday. All members are ur- men,” The public is Invited. terday, T h . O',-. i>‘,----- ^ G*>’‘lner Falls North, north of Who Drag To Work’ niinaq The Town Planning Commission Spring St., with 13 homes, gently requested to be present as ------last night formally approved an: The final plan of the .Metropoll- Yet Faal Mora Lika that given you plenty of Bloods 12,692 final, plans aill be made for the Ben Ezra Chapter, B nai B’rith. building Iron for more strength^' Fair, not aa cold tonight. Low amendment to the area and height i Homes sundlvision will be sent and energy—preelotis Iodine plus Member of the Audit '• 16th Anniversary of Civil Air Pa- recently participated in a clothing Staying in Bad—Tired Bureau of Circulation 22-M. Partly cloudy, wanner Soroptiinists Hear regulatloSs of the town zoning laws. ‘ directors for final ii generoua supply of Bi and H* , trol celebration. j and'fanned goods drive, in which a approval. Vitarninn. ’rhnraday. High S6-U. ------: truckload of items collected was The amendment, to take effect Worn-out, Discouraged Folks larking these needed Mln-i -i \ Nl/firnc/icsfer— A City of Village Charm A special service of Thanksgiv-given to the Welfare Department Relijiioiis Director Dec. 3, exempts from height regu­ Chances are yow'ra not ffetUng erals and Vitamins would do well! * Ing will be held Wednesday eVe-, for distribution to needy families lations In any zone auch stnieturcs your full daily requirements oi to try FKItmZAaN. Take It for 80f } important Mtiicrnia and Vltamlna lays with the understanding that 4 VOL. LXXVII. NO. irO nlng at 7:30 In Emanuel Lutheran ; at Thanksgiving. The chapter has Sfra. Kathleen S. .lohn.aton of R hospitals, church steenles. flag- Special Service (EIGHTEEN PAGES) from your dally food. YOU must feel better—look betterj^J MANCHESTOR. CONN.. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27. 19.57 (Cla»alfled Adrertlaing on Pago 16) Church. A film entitled "The Fam- participated in a similar drive for Box Mt. Dr., director of religious oles and theater lofts. Th. height When nothlniT aeema to he —work better and rest bettfr— "•J PRICE FIVE CEN19 lly Altar" will be shown. Tlie *•’* P"-’t three years. Mrs, Sanford utations will now apply only to On Tlianksgiving wronjf otherwiae, what you should be completely satisfied or your. i Chapel Choir, under the direction ; Plepler was chairman of the drive eduration at Center nuirch. gave ’1 under Article III of the sorting try if FKnniZAN—-the new won­ money back. Start taking of O. Albert Pearson, will sing I this year. a talk to members of .Soroptlmlst A special Thanksgiving Day derful loUine^lron reconatructivr KlJfUUZA.N this very day — lOG "Prayer o,f Thanksgiving.” IntemationnI last evening at the At aSpubllc hearing laat week, no worship service will be held at Tonic and dietary supplement Tablets only II ,RR. * Temple Chapter, No. ,%3, OES, home of Mrs. Lillian Gustahson, 28 opposition was e.xnressed to this Center Congregational Church on J. \V. HALE DEPART.MENT .STORE St. M argaret's Circle, No. 280, will hold a regular business meet­ Knmlln St. Mrs. .lolmston spoke X change. a\d the TPC said that the Thursday at 8:30 a.m. The Rev. R. Daughters of Isabella, will not ing tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at about the youth ronferenee last amendmeniNjvould be aiitomatiral- Russell Peery, as.sociate minister, ly approv have a meeting tonight. The next the Masonic Temple. Refreshments summer at Doane College, near will preach on the theme, "The meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 10, will be will be served by the officers of the Omaha. Neb., which was attended Zone Chiiqge Approved Dilemma of Abundance." Ike Eases B combined with the annual Christ­ chapter Members are reminded of hy more than 2,000 young people An Anplication^v Albert Knofla Choir music \vlll consist of a iiito Duties of Preside mas party of the organization. the Christmas fair on Dec. ,1. and tlieir religious advisors from for a chango to Business Zone II sextet sl.nging the anthem. all over the country Mrs. John­ f'-om nirnl. AA. And Industrial "Thanks Be to God," bv Diekson, The Ellington Purchasing Corp. ston. was accompanied by her son .>Irs. N adina Bryan Zones on property orKth" Tolland directed by Mrs. R. Russell Peery, will hold Its first official stock­ and several other delegates from Tnke. 2,30 feet west xif Oakland organist. SI. w as also annrovert holder’s meeting at the Red Em­ this town. She showed colored .Mrs. Nadina Bryan will be the Meml era of Center Church and ber Restaurant in Bolton at 8 slides of the various activities of contralto soloi.st with the Man- In granting the armiicat\n, the friends in the romriunlty are in­ Nixon STATIONERY ^ TPC said that it was a ‘‘naftiyal ev A AOtMAIL — NOTES o’clock tonight. On the agenda is the boys and girls, wlm repre.senled rhe.'ter Mc.'isiah C hon's Dec. 15. vited to begin Thanksgiving Day stitute for Ike ummit Confere d the presentation of the corpora­ tension of an existing Busfm\ji IT ______J,.,. o r / ^ LEADING BRANDS ^ high school .seniors for the most .\!r.s Bryan wa.« contralto aolo- zone in th - area." by attending this s-rvice. tion’s by-laws, drawn up this part, and college frcslimen. oho.sen ist with I ho .Sprlngtield, Mass., month by Atty. Harold Garnty of hy their churches as best fitteri to Symphony in 1955 In Bach’s 106 An annllcation hv the IT and PLUS ^Arthar Dins Storss j Manche.ster and the group s board take the training program. Cnniata an i sin ' ith the quartet Constnictinn Cn. for'wfftTstlnn of a lA A A A A Ak dk d k A A A i i of directors. Preceding Mrs Johnston’s talk. 30-foot bo'lflinr line on TTath-r St. ir Bloch's "Israd Syi.’phony ” last to S.5 f-et, r-eeiv-d TPC apot-oval. Allies Seen ReadyA^^ Call Mrs. Gustafson .served a simper to' year. She is at pre.sent the soloist i 12 of the members who attemled. I However, the bo»'•,^ rt-rtd-d to ‘Progress Exlcellent’ A short business meeting followed I for the OU, First Clvrch in Spring- j write a letter to th- Board of Dlrec; ECLERC , A*:-.,- field. Sue has . .r‘'H(Jy given two j tors a«'tin«r an amendm ent to »he ■ "’Hfsrc ; sprulsr rcritBls .ncl one sacred re- ERAL HOME unnq’ the Christmas sea-son. cital. and is preparing to give an- build'n'^ ^'ee^ntiitions reonirm c that To Accept : ^ e moijey-raismg project «t pres-! „ther recinl in 'hauirv. the Rn’ldm" Department insn^rt EARN EXTRA MONEY _ I fonndatlbn form s before th#* hnlid* 1 p. m. BuU^tin Says ■ ent is the ssle of f.Tiristmns esn- FUNERAL Before .sinpinj: at the Old FiraM Hi- ]«, nn» im to prevent bnildHir j til®.'. Church. Mr.s, Brya* was the solo- Hm* vioHtions, FOR CHRISTMAS Mi-s. Elizabeth Uhert invited the SERVICE For An Expert Job Call P a r is , N o v . 27 (/P)— T h e ^ B u rg re s \vj»b is now in \Va.'J 1 p>m. medical bulletin said to* Congregational in Longmeadow, | heard last wee?;*q nnhlH hearing, a h e a d with novt mnnih’c' not disclosed who in Christmss party. Monday. Dec, 9, rc Vice Pre.sident Ni.xon stepped day President Eisenhow'’er’jB rirecovery progfress so far is ex- We Are Hiring at her new home in Bolton. and at Hone C lurci and Final Bap- were d-'^ot-red until thi* T pr re-' V ATn * I W«J>fiington issued the imstructions tist Church. | tb^ minutes of the hearing rto r WM. DICKSON and SON sum m it conferenc&l ^ Xoltlng, Presumably thev came gingerly into the role of a cellent. / The contralto •: a soloist with and has a chanc« to stud” them. 2'* Mam Street. MiVi rhester PAINTING and DECOUA’nM } I’ONTRACTOR with Vice Pre.’tident NixohKrom secretary of S uu Dulles and part-time substitute for ailing .T!J5 by Maj. Gen. Howard M. Snyder; Christmas Sales the Rockville ("lioral Society wben S treet •»|eii He.srlng 260 TOLLAND TPKK. PHONE .511 9-0920 Ii! sitting in for ailing Presid^t I himself, with Eisenhower’s President Eisenhower totlay, j The President restM quietly throughout’ the night and Help they perforn ed the .Mc.s.eiah in 19.54 At last -’"ht’s executive .ses­ Call Ml 9-5H Ei.senhower. a spokesma^ori- ■ i slept well. / ai.d ’'.5.5. Sh studied voice under sion the TPC agreed to hold a ♦ i%rv ITC K* Anr*/”\ J ^ spokcsniiin foi the t- .S. dele- giving-clear notice Eisenhow-' Ruth Eitbcr.T of Springfield. oubMc h ear'n g on n-onosed street m e LJ.O. ISAIO nejejlfatlOll gaCion hSd said earlier he believed cr will continue to call the sig -, He has spent the/morninR painting and talking with Mrs. Now M’zrrsinfee Deeds ADD*.’'’’ IV nTFASI.', .'Irs. Bryan is the th’rd soloist otans serne tfroe fn .lanuprv. said toda.v. / / | the meeting would be held with nals on government policies, j Eisenhower and other membera of his family, and holdhtg F ranklin G. W elles to P.ov C. to be annoiin'-ed by Eric ,S. Ander­ n'o-mer 's'nwn ’’’anniee Admin- Whether .the confefen^ will be I Nixon representing Eisenhower A proposal by Sen. Bridges (R- 1 brief meetings w ith the Vice President, the aasistant to tha Conyers and Waiter H. .Sodano, I ,'s'r-tor Wilfred ktax’veil. acting in held on that basls^M up *^‘’the----- other~ j °.Spokesman — '------in some------we.stern property on Tolland Tpke. son, president of the Manchester’ NH I that Nixon take over for the I ' President and tlje staff secretary. M essiah Chorus. Skvo wee'es ago an adv’sory cinacit'-. will nreoare 14 natlona In thefallla e. F irst re-1 European capitals had expressed stricken president at two sched­ a . SMILING ^ SERVICE ^ Sophie Biirsaek to Francis R. j a maa’er street ntan. kev-d to ported reaction wa that they' dismay at the prospect of meeting “His proRres^ to dale is excellent/* Dixon and Jeanne A. Dixon, prop- .Miss E.van Har’e.echt was named uled tn’ienfing.s of congressional i as the lyric .so-v-ano. Last week It «ho"* streets to be w’dened, ex- would-agtad-—_ i without Ei.senhower in a aession leaders next week seemed likely to ! erty at 3?t Packard .St was announced that .Mian Keller ’.e-d"f’. re’ocaled or abandoned Infonried ^irce^ in London said . intended to Increase military and get Ei.senhower’s approval. Nixon | Wa.shingtoh, Nov. 27 (/P)—President Eisenhower ea s^ Bidding Permits 1 ?Tp-;\*.-eH sa*d he would ba\*e the scientific cooperation within the .said the nieeting.s will be held but i I To Jame.s T. Blazinski. for alter-; would be the tenor soloist, the ptltlih 'government feels the back into the (iuties of his office today, less than 48 hourg G Albert Pearson is directing. "ap readv for consideration Dee eopflerence ahoura go on a.s sched- Atlantic Alliance to meet Soviet added he did not know wliether he I ation.s to a home at .Saiilters Rd 9. after he suffered a slight stroke. , , ■' . 1 81.280. the chorus of . bout 200 voices ; jrled with Nlx^ as the top U S. threat.s. would preside. [ This street plan, with TPC rec- Paul-Henrl Spaak. of Belgium, Bridges, who heads the Senate I The' Pi;e8ldent conferred for 16^^------‘ - To Bidwell Home Improvement which V ill perform at the high representative. They said the Brit­ mlnutcsiwith Vice President Nixon .school. N William Knight is in ninmeidaPoni. will be oAe of the ish viewK w ara y that...... the...... meeting,...„ ...... still NATO secretary general, was re- Republican Policy Committee, said 1 Co. for Thoniaa Connolly, for alter­ tools used in nrenartne a 5-vear and chief presidential aide Sher­ ations to a home at 90 W eaver' vldfge of ticket .sale.s. Tickets may should be h/ld at the heads of gov- polling NATO members to he thinks Nixon "should take over master capital Imnrovements plan. / [t l^el and that there should what they wanted to do about I the leadership in routine matter's | man Adams. The White House said Bristol Airmail Rd.. $300, purcha.sed fro’-i any member of em m ent they/talked about "everything un­ ’ the chorus as well as at the Man- The Planning Commission also be no postponementlement. meeting. I for the President, carrying on the' approved a reeently comnletrd French official soiiicea said the known general wishes’ and pollcj' 1 der;' the sun." ------! chc.'ter Tn..st t-o. and the Music Similar reactions were expres.sed s;-on. Fienclr government seea no reason of the President.’’ ; ■/Earlier Eisenhower spent a half Sets Pacific to Thanksgiving Is At Hand by France, Itsly and the Nether­ Hour with White House staff secre­ lands. for postponing the .NATO .summit j Personally. I think he should and i PINEHUR IS OPEN session or for downgrading it to tire Pre.sident would want him to," tary Andrew J. Goodpaiter, sign. The U.S. spokesman said the an ordinary .NATO ministerial Ing a dosen documents and initial­ Btidgc.s said. /- Atlantic Mark Have You Checked Plaiiiclollicsnicn Russell Stover Amertcan offer will be comnumi- council meeting. Sen. Saltonstall of Massachu­ ing another. cated to other NATO nations to- Normally the’ foreign, defense setts. chairman of the conference Eisenhower’s doctor announced By LEONARD ZEIDENBERO To Patrol Stores CANDIES TUESDAY and morross' at the regular NATO coun­ and finance ministers of the 15 na­ of all Repiibltcan Senators, in­ earlier that, the President had 10 (Herald Staff Writer) EDNESDAY cil session here. hours of almost continuous sleep Your Kitchen Equipment? tions meet hei'e every Deoember dicated general agreement with Maguire Air Force^Base, N. Y.__ riamclothes policemen have been $1 35 l.h. .And Cp He said tho.se instructions were for their annual review .session. this view. during the night and showered and A Bristol Air Force pilot todev engaged to patrol stores of mem­ relayed to Frederic Nolting. deputy This meeting, which would be held "Things have to go on.’i he said, shaved himself before eating a eatebllahed a new West to Eaet U.S. representative for NATO. conciirientlv with the summit j ’’The government can't stop.” normal breakfast. Ftriiops you Bttd an Aluminum or Enamel Roasting bers of the Ch.amber of Commerce , . . ExcUtsivp in EVENI Vice President Richard Ni.xon talks with reporters az' be arrives st the White House this )iomlrl transcontinental speed record fly*. Retail Division during the heavy Nolting will be substituting at to­ talks, fixes the NATO alliame But Sen. Carroll iD-Coloi com­ Presidential. press secretary He said he would confer with White House off Id . 1, does npt L p^t to .ee>re.ide^ sen h o t^ Ing a Pratt and Whitney powei^ Pan (oR sites) or o Roster? Also Pie Plates in Tin. shoppin.v season from Dec. 16 to ' Manchvslvr at morrow’s meeting for‘Tne'^perma- mented that "it's one thing to er who is recovering from blockage of a brain artery. (AP Pho^ofajO, James C.'Hagerty said Nixon and Jet plane. Chrf.stmas. Itent U.S. delegate, W. Randolph (Continued on Page Seventeen) catry out policy and another to Adams conferred with the Presl- Aluminum and Pyrex. EARLE SMHANA6EHT The announcement was made to- m ake IL" \ dent while he was working on »j thf*«0*mHee *Loa^*^giiSI day by Donald Geiman. chairman OUINN'S UNTIL 8 O’CLOCK Nixon scheduled further con­ intlng in the studio across from j to Floyd BenneUF?eIdnn th e * w KtuTfOM m om m H Bsm lis bedroom of the Chamber’s Shoplifting ( om- C L O S E D A I. L D A Y T H A ferences with presidential staff ■ " ' official time of S houra, 10 minutes urm tui 1-7*31 m ittce. PHARMACY Down Main St. to Tape members today at the White 'Reports Show 87S MAIN STREET Court Rules Gryk agerty said in answer to ques- end n seconds. Open All Day Yfednesday Gieman’s announcement men­ House — where he spent most of tioKs that the three dlacuazed offi- Kilpatrick was on# of four Jet tioned that over $1 billion annu­ jesterday withont seeing tJr* ill tut: Had ! cialNtoaliNM 3B&8-89 .plloto to take off thla nomintf in ally Is stolen through shoplifting President. He told newsmen when j budgu, next month’# NATO meet- Air Force RFlOl. Voodoo fighter- he emerged he might preside over In this country, and points out ! ing and legislattve matters which Mmbers at intervals In a try for that over 50 per cent of shoplifting cabinet and National Security to Bene I will bA discussed >t next weeks Race Finish Line thrM cross-country speed recorda. Council- meetings. ‘Little’ Stroke attempts are committed by Juve­ ! White House conference of leaden However, the new record may niles under 18 years of age. But in reapfln.se to what he last leas than one hour. A Vo^oo Store ' owners are especially called "a h.i'pothetical question" Judge -\\ esley C. Gryk will con-«'to make such minor coilrt appoint- Washington. Nov. 27 (Ab The I *‘^i” hasi^be*en'tndic«ted whether m ents. which took off at 10:68. about 50 warned about persona diverting a •osite School St. about who in the government 8'*^ "" Judge In ToWn type Of illness President Eisen- I BtsenhoweiT, who suffered a block- minutes after Kilpatrick may clerk’s attention while others move HERE hould make a decision on retalia- j Court until his term ends next Harry Kaminsky la the older hower has might go unrecognized' *8® " braVn artery Monday, will eclipse bis record. Hartford appointee and Boce W. out of his sight to co.Timit the tion if Russia suddenly attacked year, by many persoiis not under con-1 able to me^t personally with the today, the record for the theft, western Europe, the Vice Pre.s­ Barlow Jr., the newer one. In stant medical supervision, doctors I Congreks Muscular Dystrophy Fund willMilz and Charlie Dy#on of the Finn- ident replied: A Supreme Court of Errors de­ Meriden, Piul W. McMahone and •**'<* *>y a Navy PINE ’The announcement warns store cision handed down today rules out of the National ' Heart Institute' The Chief ElZecutlve’s brother, F8U1. T^e record set laat July was owners and personnel to wait until be the biggest winner in the 21st **b American A C. "Any decision requiring presi­ Sleig Schwartz are the old ap­ iNHI) said today. I Dr. Milton S. Eialtnhower, was hav- Dyson is the defending champ, the claim hv Judge Jules Karp to pointees for Judge and aasociate PHARMACY the shoplifter is out of the store running of the annual k'lve Mile dential action' lould be made by All preaent evidence aa an-! Ing lunch with th^Preaident today, (CoDtlnaed on Page Ten) f Kelley has won the Silk ’Town race the President. Major problems that the disputed place on tire bench. Judge, respectively. The new. ap­ 864 Center St— Tel. Ml 9-9814 before attempting to detain him. \ Road Race in Manchester Thanks- Gryk w as appointed by Gov. A. nounced In White House bulletins! Hagerty told a iiewa conference and then 'o call the police immedi- ; on three occasions. Robbfns won require presidential decision, pointees for those posts are Wil­ giviitf morning. twice and Hart and Dyson once A. Ribicoff in . 1955. K arp was indicates, they said, that Eisen- ^ shortly after noonXthe President ately. i where the Pre.sldent alone r an act, liam A\ Jacobs and Francis J. hower had a "little" stroke—aa j has not dlscussqd with anyone the All proceeds from the race, that each will be put to the President” nam ed by the Ctovernor in 1957 O'Brien. PINE LENOX All offenders Napprehended foi R unners from at least 10 states to replace Gryk. Gryk and other distinguished from a "big ” one.' possibility he might nave to dele- these offenses will either appeal | will start at 10:30 a m., will be Nixon thus made it dear that — The Supreme Couil did not rule Th’ey added: gate his powers becauif of his ill- 34 DEPOT SQUARba^ TEL. Ml 9-5274 turned over to the Muai ular Dys­ and aa many colleges, including ' Judges Ribicoff sought to replace as 'Je. the i Impairment depends upon the lo- Ei.senhower. the White House con- ' Manchester’s .No. 1 spectator of­ I based on the fart that Manchester’s Johnson gave tiMt word to annually is Amos • Kujala of Mis.sile Test Center. Cape Cana­ problem Is more serious In Meriden | cation and size of the blood ves­ tinued to balk at calling it a stroke fering during the year. I is an older court. It was in exist­ wherejthe court ruled that all the sel involved and the nerve cen­ reporters during a receoa in Harvard. Mass. The 67-vear-old veral. Fla.. Nov. 27 i.'Pi 'Hie Army ence, in the same form as at pres­ — even a mild one. A record-breaking num ber of en­ veteran will be making his 12th Judges art without legal status. ters It feeds. Hagerty said in response to ques­ closed door sessions with Allen fired Its big Jupiter rocket la.st ent. when Section 92 of General Oulles. director of the Central EUCTRIC KNIFE SHARPENER tries, 108, have been received which start in- the local race tomorrow night, but the J.506-miIe range The rontroi'ersy over whether a The .NHI doctors said...... that...... the tions that* he had talked to the indicatea a record field. The previ­ Statutes was passed. Connecticut governor can replace | signs and symptoms reported in Intelligence .Agency (CIA), and morning. He’ll also be the oldest missile failed to complete its President’s doctors about the.use his aides. ous high was 91 starters and 89 man in the nm. planned flight. That section permits the gover- one set of interim minor court White House medical bulletins of the word "stroke." and that they ftniihera last year when 10,000 There ar'e two father and son Moments after the 70-foot,inter­ ; nor to rtame Judges to Judgeships J'udgcs with another has been In I last night are "commonly called a "quite advisedly" had steered away *9.95 spectators viewed the race. team.*. Corrty and Phil Jordan and mediate range ballistic mi.ssile I "originally fillerl by the General ; the courts for months. The ca.se little’ stroke when doctors describe from use of the term. • TROOPS QUIT UTTLE ROCK The entry- Hat looks like a - the four Bredresons of North Med- blazed tnto the tropic sky at 9:10 - ” ; broirght by the five displaced such a condition to a layman ” They do not regard Mie word aa Uttlo Bock. Ark., Nov, 27 (A5 Yearly Who a Who in Independent, scholas-' ford, father and three sons p m . the Army issued a atatemenl In Hartford and Meriden. the judgrea from Hartford. .Meriden Formal White House bulletins a medical term, the press secre­ ■Approximately 225 paratroSpera * tic and Interacholastic competition' The course record of 24:20 was have not used ttie word stroke. —the last of more than 1,000 * that said it failed to ' pa.s.s of that art and the new *Pvcl*l aiimmer term of the tary said, and feel that it is asso­ *"*{’* ®**t. by Kelley. ^ progranuueil flight Neurologists attending the Pres­ ciated in the public mind with the sent here In September to pre- \ Olympians Johnny Kelley and. All contestants «1ll be treated to ' technical difficulties. : con.stltution alone applie.s, Supi'eme Court. However, it had to ident said last night ELsenhower Idea of paralysis or brain hemor­ , vent diaturbancea at integrated Dick Han are the men to watch, j a full course turkev dinner hv the Six Congressmen waii-h*,! fh« constitution apparently argued at the regular October suffered "an occlusion (blockage 1 rhage. Central High School — were Also, Pete aose of St. John’s Uni-, Tail Cedars st the' East Side Rec firing. ' does not give the governor power I l®rm becaiise "some quesHon" flown back to their home bnam veraity. Dr. Charlie Robbins of the after the race. Presentations will arose as the source of the gbver- (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) at Ft. tampbell, Ky., today. The To hiindi'eds of spe’ctatoi'a ;' nor’s power lo fill vacancies — first of a half doren transporte New York Pioneer aub. Lew Stieg-' also be made at the Ree j watching along the beach on this i i.slarid m idw ay along the p’lorida j whether it comes from an Interim filled with soldiers took off frona COSTS I i j appointee status, from his general nearby Uttle Rock Air For«e I East Coast, the Jupiter was-a spec- j /■ - . News Tidbits j powers as governor or elsewhere. base in mid-momlng. i I tacular sight as it rose from a pil- | V j low of smoke and flame on the Culled from AP Wire.s I Therefore, the lawyers on both j launching pad, 1 sides had to file new briefs and President’s Illness Casts W ELFAKE REVIEW ASKED , reargue the case last month. Hartford, Nov. 27 (JV-Gover- Market Rebounds I It appeared to travel straight Don’t You? nor Rlblcbff was told today that up. tr ailing a yellow flame. Then , WE'RE ALWAYS HERE TO SERVE YOU— ,, , ------...... Pope Pius XII and President the .State Welfare Department t becaiiie a purplish light high up, Heuas 0/ We.st Get many meet in Gloom on Thanksgiving needs “a prompt annual review" . in the sky. It w^s viable for about | first meeting of pone and Ger- Mitchell A'ir,s Ike' __ I DAY AND NIGHT ~ AND HOLIDAYS of all relief cases “to fuliv cetob- After Major Drop four minutes and was brighter' hiun head of state in half a cen- Itsh eligibility and need.’’ Thla ^Hai'e’s All You Nteil Do: an,y star. . _ . , ,„rj. . .okInawan residents in ‘Chins Up' Speech a s s o c i a t e d p r e s s ■'4-built inside a public housing project' admonition came from the Con­ . * Jr ’ Americans prepared today to Phone u.s your order for*200 callons or more of fuel DeT^rtn^.n?IT'l!l‘ ^i'’ .V'” ! Tokyo petition U.S. F-mhassy to le- in the city. - i necticut Public Expendltuid EASILY OPERATED ^ NO ADJUSTMENTS TURKEYS-CAPONS Department said only that the mis- peal ouster of .Naha. Okinawa’s I Rive thanks for still another year’s ! Merchants’ parades for children, PRODUCT OF THE STANDARD lo be — New York, Npv. 27 (rPi — The* the ticker tape lagged one minute New York.' Nov. Council, a private taxpayer-re­ / oil delivered the Joliowing day and pay atork market bounded up in a behind floi a le failed in ILs programmed leftist mavor tarv of freedom and abundance. featuring .fancy floats and gUnt / driver at time of delivery. Doo- transactions, flight because of technical diffi- tar> of Labor JApiea P. M itchell,' but the .shadow of President Eisen- search group, which sulmitted Merely draw knife through slot HAMS- ROASTING CHICKENS OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY rousing rally toaor following its Voluntee In the first two hours Two yoiin? brother.-*, four, and speaking for aillnfe Prcaiderit Fi*! oui me anaao%% or t^reaiaeni balloons in fantastic shapes, will Its report on the hig state wel- ateep dive of the previous sesiion. amounted to 1.570.000 shares com- ' “’™ ^’lest“of‘^'th'.. I„rt, , . ' .0 y®"" veara old. «“®dir In Month •’•enhower,.aenhnwar Orcra/iurged the _ riation'last_____illnews darkened,7'''^'^ aom ew hat be another Thanksgiving Day fea- , , fare agency to the Governor. a few times to renew facteiy News that President Eisen­ pared with 1.140.000 shar es in the dev^X ,rnt5bv t|L a rmv ’ /J"""’! tionderrv, VI.. fire . . . Texas deer night to accept the ’^uatelirv and ture. The biggest of the parades.^ BEEF RIB ROASTS , Why Save Stamps—Sava Dollars Insteail hower, despite his latest Illness, aamesame periodneiiod yesterday.vMt^rriav „i gerlea of hunter klHrd in . pliinire privaliona * required to eive* mill Pra>oia for the . Prealdent a Macy’s in New York, will be held GIRARD VEBDIrt APPEALED sharp cutting edge was In line spirits, took hts usual The. higher opening caught Wall a In the morning. Maebashi. ’ Japan. Nov. 27, I- U .m r o r r t i n ln \ “ ^t^^^ mine .shaft.! tary and ecoSbm^' im ^ 'o 'o T h e r It will strike a timely note with YOU CAN SAVE AT LEAST $3.00 every time yoq shower and shave and had a S treet.e.xperts by stiTprlseV Alm ost ■ silelie n flight ig ht Te'sTs'T^'i^durted'at‘The tests condiirteH .f .1!. . N’®«’ New Hn'cnHaven hmlau.yi'r yrr toto *t«ndstiind trialtrial countricj countncji of of the the ffee ffee world. world...... rr,T*rrtirtT.!T^'TrvJ!!. iJ*' — William- 8. Glrard’a pro- Sharpens any blade from finest Rtmombari Whtn company drops in unaxpoctodiy. ptirchaae fuel oil. This is more than a whole book normal breakfast ei'ldently helped universally they had expected the' Cape Canaveral range" em'’®*’!'*"'’)! *80.000 .Mitchell digressed from a pre ^ 'el>R‘otrs .•rervicea which have one of il.s huge balloons. To the sec'iitors decided today to rec­ reassure the market abdut the more conventional figures oc the yoH'il find TumpHia Morhat open and roody to s«rva of stamp.s is Tvorth. ' •„ market to open lower. i There was no official exulana- ,from Ansonia ami CIhe.«hii'e liou.'r- pared speech of hts own to delfver ■ *’**'' P"*t of thunks- ommend an appeal of the Illlnoia hollow-ground carving knife to President’s condition. Gerald Loeb of E. F. Hutton & j tlon of what technical difficulties' ‘"5. rievelppmenls. turkey and the toy soldier, the soldier’s suspended manalsugh- you. Candy, Nuts, let Crtom, Cold Cuts, gingtr- Gains in-the list ran to around ...... Peiping the gist of the "chins up" talk that parade this year is adding'a new ■ the smallest paring knife. Co. said, "1 think the surprising-urpri8(pg ! wei'awei'e Involved involved ...... radioramo sa.ss sa.vs itosman«4Russians have siieeeas- Ei.senhower had planned to broad- <^®'®'>'^«'®'’ *l ter sentence. The flnal decMon d t, soda, sweat cider. YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMILY 17 a fhare. Oils were in the lead opening advance came because Congressmen who witnessed the airerafl. cast last, night from aeveland. Otherwise, reports,.,'from across|caricature— "^Mceman." ; will be up to higher AuthoriHea Gallon* but all sections participated. The many people felt the market would firing were members of a mllltarv ^<"’«■ood. Colo., town .Marshal The main topic of the Cleveland the country Indicated that.Ameri­ The parade will be televised' in Tokyo. Associate Prosecutor’ Beautiful ivory finish. TO START SAVING NOW! market by noon .had recovered open lower and put In’.ordera to eubcomnilttee of the House Com- warranls for arrest of high talk canceled because of the cans will follow the patterns set in (NBC) from 11 a.m. to 'noon. , Kakulchl Sugtmoto said the dis­ around S3 billion of its loss of $4'2 Vsisae ^ X.* M l 11 a a I ^ a a SaI m 6 a a aI a a #. a a «I a a I a a I - ^ ^ " * ' * past >'eari. , Newark. N. J.,’’ HALE’S APPLIA.VC’K DEP;^RTME.yT , 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE hiiy at the market to get atocki a t, mittee on AppropriaUona headed superintendent and prinel- Preatdent’a Illness, was the Impor- trict procurators' office here de­ O pen Until IT PM . Ml 9-2429 billion of yesterday. those expected lower prl.es." 'by Rep. Mahon (D-Tex) ’ ‘lis^'ipled cla.sses. i tance of. International cooperation The.v will rush from city to coun­ Baltimore and Detroit are other cided, to recommend that the Green Stompi Given Witih Cash Soles The Associated Press average I am bullish on the ' n>® launching was the third of ” ’ King Mohammed ^ f .Morocco ' in halting Soviet Imperialism,^ try, from country to city, and from major cities planning parades. Girar^ verdlqt be appealed to the -^nr-ti.— 1___ nieeta torla.v with r^eerelary of M itchell, whose speech - - befoi*e a village to village. Jamming trains, Football games will add their! Tok.vo liigbdr (appeals). Conrta. Open AU Day to,., U,.n.hrt b.Io«. ' planes, buses and private cars to color, noise and enthusiasm to the i "YOU CAN PAY MORE day. The Dow Jones industrial (Continued 00 Page Three) Join friends and relriUvea for the atmosphere in all parts of the! REBRUS k i l l 50 SPANIARDS YOU CAN T BUY BETTER OIU"' rate have turned the market Rabat, filorocen, Nov. 27 (45— average was up 7.98 at 443.32. U around and; while everyone sj-m- (Continued on Page Ten) lan-Qaill^rd communique as iiiean- day. Some will make It a 4-day country. There are nine major declined 9.04 yesterday. : ipg .%qglo-Freneh ritt U still as PL.\NE.S CARRY N-BUMR.S weekend.,To accommodate all, rail- college tilts and numerous lesser A .MorruCran rebel communique ThanksgiYing Day palhizea with, the rreaident. hla Ill­ claimed toda.v 50 Spanish sol­ The h a m c o r e Going into the afternoon Gulf ness la not really a bearish finan­ ■ wide a* ever. . . . ,Los Angeles London, Nov. 27 0P>—Foreign road.s, airlines and bus companies ones, not to mention a flock of CALL ANYTIME Oil wa# up 17, Amerada |6, West- cial factor.” i,/Jiidge orders San Q uentin prison Secretory Seltvyo. Uo.s-d said to­ are scheduling extra facilities. high school engagements. diers were killed and 65 wounded M A N C H itr m C o n n * Inghouaa Electric 84. Douglas No Herald I to give lifer Carj'l Chessman bark day he beUeres American pjanes In four days of fighting In the Luclen O. H ooper.of W. E. Hut* Spanish colony of Ifni. It said St-HR. ANSWRRLNG SERVICE $5.30, General Dynamics $2.75, mamiscrl|it of book he wrote while „ carry nuclear weapons when they aePv"ceftom\r"row u1 llX\“e^Mn flower'’!” tok ton A Co. echoed the opinion that a prisoner. ' , Lukens Steel $5.25, Du Pont $2.75, orders had been put in to buy at Tomorrow tnke off on . petrol dutv from •New Soviet Deferise 'Minister ahip-will be torned^ver! oner^e SU ^htax^iSd TURNPIKE MARKET Kennecott $3.25. Chrysler $1,12 cthe maeket by people wfio had ex- British besea. He added It is as yet unfurnished building of the today to the Plimouth Plantation 3S1 CENTER STREET AT CENTER STREET and Illinois Central $1.62. Malinovsky says Russians are re-, proper the,v do sq. Llo.vd made Bernard Baruch Housing Project put down sui iiprta.'ng there Sat­ Ml 9-3740 pectod to btek up stocks at lower: The Manchester . Eveninsr reiving special antl-nilsslle train-; in colorful, costumed ceremoniea urday and that only five Spanish 151 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST^^MI 3-8338 The nwrket opened higher and ^prices. He thought.'aiso, that those | Herald will not publish / to­ the statement In the House of in M anhattan’s Lower Eiast $lde. Tomorrow, there will be a town- gonUnued to forge ahead through- Ing. . . . France to reply Friday • Commons during a sharp ex­ soldiers wer6 . killed and . M Non-denominatlonal services will wide open house, with costumed wounded. They said Bpanish M t the momlhg. For a abort tima morrow, Thanks^ving pay. to Moroccatv-Tunizlan offer of help change with Lnborlto Aneurin .(CoBttaned oa Pag# fea).. be held In ' English, Spanish and troops Infiteteq heavY cnaualttaa to aoivs Algerian eriata. Bevoa. Russian a t the church, tha fhrat '■ '' (ConttBiMd oa Page Ihlrteea) on the rebels. I ,/ .1

"V FAOB TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27,195^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C O m . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1957 P A G E T H R E E Barbers Leaders Bond, 2,365; Garden Restaurant, Hebron kept it from going down complete­ 2,363; Oliva’s, 2,355; Hood’s, 2. ly- Wey^ather Together Methodism in the town probably Church Schedule Congress In January that the ex­ 348; 4XXXX, 2,336; Anderson’s 2.- Bowers Students liidry; the Mb?y piring trade agreements act be Setback Play Church Ladies came into being through the in­ Local Driver Held In 323; Prince Beef Boys, 2,310 broadened and be extended for a fluence of Lorenzo Dow, the famous Sheinwold on Bridge Toiiight Hold Assemblies Stops Heart Gas Hartford Road Grill, 2,302 Church of the Nazarehe .. 7:30 period longer than the present 3- In Morning Crash | A t the end of the ISth Bitting in To Hold Parly; itinerant preacher, who lived for TELEVISION PROGRAMS ■^3 TIMES EASTER Woody’s, 2,298; State, 2,290; Chi­ Covenant Congregational 7:30 ycar term. The proposal would pro­ Ao MiwMt Mtta MmA I«9M e m d o fim TmIh I a__ _ the Elke Setback Tournament last some years in Hope Valley In the —— . j wOcieeluiww.lstgfcMttlwcewiIrTiyaNn*. Tk«$f«lM anti, 2,287; Higbles, 2,280; Sharp DECEIVING P.VRTNER raditional Events Traditional Thanksgiving songs vide for broader authority for the K U ANS tiM$t Itg-tcM | ml lw$rtANnt,tii house now occupl^ by Henry A Emanuel Lutheran ...... 7:30 M itclieli Airs Ike^s night. Joe’s Barber Shop retained Joseph C. Doyle, 74, of 234 Tolland hbi vm ies, 2,363; Pagani’s, 3,260; Garden Travelogue Set SOMETIMES BENEFICI.AL Calvjuy Chapel' . ---- 7:30 negotiation of- reciprocal trade $«N tiM adi M A$r«M a m . I U . i«|lm Jones and family. He died several South dealer and hymns were featured yester­ Tpke. waa arrested and charged w irwi—iwfi. CMlNiM iBAefOenrNib Fm K u 1 5 < its lead with a 53 point margin over Grove, 2,242; 4Cs, 2,240; QUIsh’s, By Alfred Sheinwold Tomorrow Morning pacts. ItMMi motraliM 3 IImm h mock Atm&th •cMRjr M «ot the 4 Dunces. years before the meeting house was North-South vuintnble day at two assemblies at the ‘Chins Up’ Speech with failure to grant the right of M Mwiy NMMt UAMg. M Rm^AIM 2,234; SMFD No. 4, 2,227: Oil Pure Hebron, Nov. 27 (Special)— The "1 have a hand for your col­ NORTH St. B iidget’s . . .\ 7, 9 \3. A call for United Slates par­ Mir f$r tN r*$lHl ktmm tthel. H« Scores ao far are Joe's, 3,456; Refiners, 2,224: Uem ak’s, 2,219: erected. He did, however, ■ hold Bowers School. way following a 2-car accident on Gilead Ladies’ Aid Society Is spon­ umn,” Sam Stayman said to me A K 10 6 4 3 Here Thanksgiving St. James’ ...... ---- x , 7;45 9 ticipation In the Organization for many meetings in the fields of that Tolland Tpke. about 8 :30 this fhom- Dunces, 8,403; Patten’s. 2,389; Petersen’s, 2,186; Squillacote’s, 2,- recently. Cliurcli of the The program was led by Miss (Continued from Page One) soring a dessert party, to be held section. “ 10 4 2' WE'LL RE OPEN Aa- Trade Corporation. Mitchell de­ ing. Capitol, 2,383; Walnut, 2.372; 169; Kellers, 2,113, 7 6 -sumption .... Martha While, music supervjsor. scribed the agency as "a business­ It is much regretted' that the ” Oive," I replied. Sam is one ♦ dinner of the Manufatituring Doyle's car collided with a car in the Sunday School room ’Tues­ 10 8 7 .St: John s ...... sterling silver communion set of the greatest players In the A FRIDAY UNTIL 9 By DICK IIOW.VRI) . there will still be some drivers who who led 93 sixth graders in the like )(hlt" to guarantee maximum driven by Arthur W. Robltaille. 21, day at 1 pm. Mrs. Douglas H. WEST EAST Fii'sl Church of Chemists Assn, was not aired, said world and can be counted upon A ‘‘It'll be another tractitional I will bring sorrow to gome folk.s” Glee Club in the singing of ’’O benefits from the negotiation of of Putnam, near Parker St. Accord­ Porter is chairman, and proceeds owned by the Methodist Assn, . A 7 2 to know a good hand when he sees A Q The day after Thaakeglv I "Voti njean if they get in ac- Chriat, Scientist 11 the administration believes “no trade agreements. ing to Patrolman Allan Smith, will be used for parsonage f'epairs. there, has disappeared. It was t V A K 9 7 V ade. and the In Your Homo Flewur Shop Thanksgiving morning.” "That'.s right. Prudence. That’s blies at the schools and some of treasurer. Others op the commit­ switched to the deuce of dia­ appeared in the town, Uie Seventh monds” next player passes. You hold: "And what about the shop.s? right, " .lohn said. the little tots had parties,” Pru­ Day Adventists. They, loo, dwin­ tee are Paul C. Coats, Albert W. Spades K. 10, 6. 4, 3; Hearts 2; Flowurs By Wiru Are they stayin open tomorrow?” FULL COURSE DINNER $3.25 This was just what Sam didn’t John turned to the ta.sk of pol- dence offered. dled and the old meeting house was Hildlng, Mrs. Bradley Batson. W al­ Diamonds 7, 6; Clubs Q, 10. 9, 8, 7. HERM'S CAM ERA want. Evidently. West hadstarted Stores Closed isliing lii.s 'Bhoe buckic.s while Prudence asked her husbknd If ' left standing desolate. (Suite a ter E. W right and Henry A. Jones. What do you say? CHILDREN’S PORTION ...... $2.00 with three diamonds, which meant and PHOTO SHOP Ml 3-SI03 "No', I don't suppose they are Pnidenc e slipped gently into lier anvthing else was highlighting | number of years ago the late Miss Miss Susan Sellers, a senior at Answer: Bid four spades. Tlte that South had the singleton ace Ml $-lSSS IIU Mala M. All of the .store.s will be clo.sing rocking chair and picked up hei' Thanksgiving Day in Manchester. Jennie Laiomls of Hope Valley, the Rhode Island School of Design, triple raise showrs about five Lecaled la Masalff Anas 8 C. Center 8t,<—Manoheeter of diamonds. The problem was to down for the day. just like they knitting needles. No Herald "EvMythin^ from Soup to Nuts." went around with a subscription Providence, R.I., is spending her trumps and a singleton (or void), ATilEITH'S FRIDAY!.CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY steer West away from diamonds always do. And the Municipal ’’.Say .lohn. tell me more about "No. I think we've just about paper and raised some money for Thanksgiving recess at her former with not more than 9 points in Choanal S Hartford* Cobb. and back onto the right track. TH CB8DAY, NOV. 15 Building (>vcr there at the Cen­ that race." his wife suddenly said. covered everything.” he said. “ Oh 2 repairing the building. It was home here. high cards. UhaBaoi B Mew UaveB, Cobb. ter. that 11 be closed too. And all "Well, all I know Is they expect STOPATTHE . . . Deliberate Deception Chasnel 18 Hartford. Om b . U :H ( 5) NEWS yes. The Herald isn't going to pub­ Savd PRO FO O TBALL: O rr.a more than 10.000 persona to turn lish tomorrow, but. of course. other repairs made. Manchester Evening Herald He­ General Features Corp.) CIibbbH M iMwBriCBla, Cobb. Bay V I . Detroit "The hanks? ' I’rudeiue queiied. out to watch the thing. And Uiere's said. ” I played the king of dia­ Thanksgiving's a day off for them This work on her part probably bron correspondent Mlaa Susan ChaBBol 40 Holyoko, M b m . (77-54) TIC TAC DOUGH "Sure, *I)ey close up on every going to he alienit 100 runner.s in it, THREE J’s RESTAURANT monds instead of the ja c k "’ Chanael BB Waterbary, Coaa. U:1S ( 5) T.B.A. folks, too.*’ he said as an after- legal holiday. And they made including two fellow."! who were on Pendleton, telephone ACademv 8- In this situation, an expert tries U:54 I S) BUGS BUNNY thouglit. "The Home of Fine Food and Friendlv Seitvice” 3454. (25-54) IT COULD BE YOU Thank.sgiving a legal hoiida.v a long America's Olyiii|>ic team last “ How about the hoys up at that to drive out the ace as i-heaply as "Prepared to Fulfill Your ( 4) HOLLYWOOD’S BEST time ago.” year. ROUTE 6 and 44A— BOLTON SWITCH TO (72) A T HOME WITH R IT T T mis.sile place? ’ possible. With K-(}-J, he plays the Entertainment Requirements” "What about the Po.sl Office, "That race iia.s got to be quite Baby Boy Dios Jack: with K-Q-x, he plays the (54) T E X AND dINX "We ll they're going to have a EASTWOOD (54-77) FOOTBALL: Brown on John, will that be closed too" ’ a thing every Thanksgiving morn­ big turkey dinner tomorrow noon queen. To play the king, therefore, Colgale ’’It'll be open for a little while. ing. ha.sii I It John?. " THR rRRMIEMR AREA SHOWING Hartford, Nov. 27 (AP) — A "denies" the quee‘ Stayman de­ (77) HOWARD M IL L E R SHOW just like all the folks down In Mickey Sullivan (Color) Prurience. Karq is, I lioud Alden "Yes. oiiUiile of tliat big race town ALL COLOR AND WONDERFIL! liberately created the impression John said. young mother, burned critically ( 5) BANDSTAND Bailey telling somebody that the • they hove in Bo.ston evefy year, I "That'll be nice, won't it John” Monday in a 8re she escaped by that South held the queen of dia­ TeretM Wriiht Fred McMurraj Theatrical Agency (lS-44) BIG F A Y o r r parcel po.st window in the main ' that one in Manchester is about the ; prudence replied, C'«m. MMchrll Jumping from a burning porch, monds. ( 5) M T HERO D. MaJone hliilding wa.s going to he open from -biggest a'n.vwhere in the land." ".Sure. But lh ai’s the whole idea gave birth to a p emature baby South drew trur.ins with the ace Show.sand Orchestras (15-44) THE VERDICT IS YOURS 'Escopode .tt (M) BRIGHTER DAY "Qiiontni' son yesterday. The boy died sev­ and king and then finessed the ( 5) KARTOON RAFEB 8 hii'v ' ' ; behind-Thank-sgiving. People arc M IL L E R ^ S Restaurant In Japon" OFFICE: 806 M AIN ST. FUEL OIL ( S) AMERICAN BANDSTAND buj 8tamp.s theie if they want to, , ’ Where’s it begin and what time ■ supposed to he thankful for all the eral hours later. jack of clulM. West. con\dnced (72-54) 5'OOTBALL: the hustmnd answci'cd 1:3G4:M t Mrs. Jessie Hr vey. 22, was that the diamonds were hopeless, Room 330-331 doe.s it start ” ” Prudence a.sked. ! nice lliing.s they have,” he .said. AT THE CENTER WORCESTER. MASS. T e x u VI. TrZM A.AN. " I don I siii)|ui<; OF NIGHT S:SS (22) SPOBTSCAST 5IONSON, MASS. (44) LOONEY T IN E S 8:45 (22) NEWS out.side of Ihen^every’body else wiill 1 can't think of anything else,’ j to prevent disea.ae. Bookoase OOMFLETC DINNER $3.00—CHILDREN $2.00 Home of Three Suns of Fun THE (551 AMERICAN BANDSTAND (55) INDUSTRY ON PABADE enjoy the holiday,” she added. John said. ” I see where tonight’s' If anyone, not solicited on Hal- filaple, Twin Size |9S Tel. CO 7-5584 HUNCHMCK 4;U (ZS.4t> MODERN ROMANCES ( t) TOWN CRIER ” I .Mippo.se so," John .said. ’’Ex­ paper teil.s all the detail.'* of tho.se loween, would like to contribute to CALL MI $-8123 FOB YOUR RESERVATION (4«) LE A R N TO DRAW —Too ( I) WESTERN MARSHAL Headboard Bed with Low Footboard 39 * 29.95 CLOSED FRIDAY UNTIL 3 P.M; Grogy cept that I heard Police Chief sporting events.” he added. j the ^ fund, he may contact Mrs. We have special bus arrange­ ( 8) STATE TROOPER GOOD FOOD IS OUR MAJOR CONSIDERATION ALWAYS OF • :N ( 51 Jl’NGLE JIM (U ) 7 O’CLOCK REPORT Herman Schendel aay that " I intagine al^ the schools will | O.scar G. Anderson. 348 Center St. ments for .voiir special party. NOTRE INIME ( S-U> WILD BILL HICKOCK (27) W E ATH ER A I.OCAL NEWS 3 Pe. Modefn Suite in Dawn Mahoigany 259“ These following prices have (15) I LED TH R E E LIVES (50) NEWS A W EATHER 229.95 TO PREPARE FOR THIS EVENT! (ts ) TH E n m s T SHOW (44) NEWS A 7VEATHER never been equaled, because we (55) SPORTS POCUS - C Z i n e m /xS c o P E tichnicolor "Biz Shakedown’* D^JiMkAito QiiiAta I" Tawny Cherry, all M A fiO have reduced the price of all (M> COMEDY TIM E 7:15 (15-45) DOUGLAS EDWARDS. oeoroom oUlie Quality Features 43® our banquet meals by 50c per (14) FOPEY’ E NEWS 299.00 person to all people who come filmed I:M ( 5) BIG A D V E N T l'B E (22) HIORLIOBTR ( S.M) MICKEY MOrSE CLl'R (54) NEWS Hundreds More Unadvertised by bus. Following round trip in the (18) TH E BIO SHOW (55) JOHN D A LT. NEWS Mahogany Chat! 7r 59.95 prices never equaled: "Addreav Cokoown'* 7:54 ( 5) FE A TU R E P ll.M WUds ' ^O W —4tan1ac with lock lid. Ideal for Gifts!^ COMPLETE C Gneelt: flrergla Glbbi, Wal­ m ^ y a * a a «y Nick. Foam ter Slenak. G aylniie Uoy. SO FA BEDS In JapanI DINNER Tw o Pieces In Red 2 3 9 9 5 THE 0«$Al»r $M ^ ON K$ Skepilard -Slatere. ErroH 14:14 . 5. p'KiViiS',?J!5 KROEHLER SLEEP or LOUNGE Children's Portions Half Price Gamer aad Jahaate Bay 14:54 Cushion Suite Boucle, Button Backs 259.95 5:54 ( 5) TO.MB8TONE TERRITORY ’ *’ TOrSfi®” ™ with Innersprlng mattress ...... 259.95 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD r 'TWIN BED STUDIO COUCHf* MIKE STANKO'S "Gnaa .1 Surer” (22-55) JANE WYMAN SHOW A n . C—a ASj s m a I Bumper End Circular (22-54) ANNIE GET YOUR GUN 'Rcanaiiablc DaabI** W rC> oOCIIOnai sofa, Foam Rubber 419“ 379.95 $296.95Vo/ue single size, Z pillows ...... 59.95 V IN MANCHESTER AT MARLOW'S (C.ler)—Blare Mary MarUa DE LUXE TWIN STUDIO. O A K GRILL 5:55 ( I) OZZlE AND HARRIET '.I*.!55';‘M “ ' "Thr Tammy Bmanigaa Kick Pleats, SoUd Foam Innersprlng, opens to 2 b e d s ___ 79.95 . OLD FASHIONEDNEW ENOLANO 80 OAK ST., M ANCHESTER Friday, Nov. 29, 9 o.m. to 9 p.m.. One Doy Only Stark’ ’ ('2 2*! X W e J^ s"*” 2 Pe. Foam Suite Rubber Cushions, Smart 329“ 269.95 NJNE PIECE ( 5) TV PLAYHOUSE (•44) W EATH ER (15-44) THE MILLIONAIRE (AS) NEW8 11:55 ( 44) .HBELOCE HOLMES P .ia iM n s n iis lA ^ Pieces, Sage Green 8ofa. KRO EH LER FLOOR COVERING "The Starr 41 Slere Logan 11:15 UUSlOm DUIII Brown Chair, Button Bark 4?r 5:15 (5 > I SF.ABCH FOR' ADVEN­ 339.50 9x12 WOOL RI.END HOOKED RUGS, JU'wW h"*-? oval or nbioiig ...... 79.95 TU R E , 111 IS (IS) MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE SO FA BED 59.95 TURKEY DINNER ( 5) WALTER WINCBELL FILE " A LeWer la Three Baa- HOOKEID RUGS IN ALL SIZES, 5IANY "T h e Srmf-WIndaiJB" baada" ONE OF A KIND, BIG s.* VINGS (1544) I’VEYE OGOT A SECRET 1541 TO Ninirr OUTFIT 9x12 A L L W o o l w i l t o .v r u g , (IS) UK I«E LAW 11:88 (22) TO m O B T $ PER PERSON lirtt ( 5.45) B O n N O It:I4 (44) NEWS AND P B E V IE W l aqua tone on to n e...... 129.95 119.95 Willie Paalraao vi. Willie 11:44 CHAIRS--BIG SAVINGS! $ S ’^ S T D e R 4 NEWS 9x12 A IX WOOL AX.MIN.STER hCG. 2-50 BeamAnalf, 14 rd. heavyv (22) TONIGHT weMt lliW ( S) NEWS ( choice of colors ...... lu!) 95 89.95 (15-14) C IRCLE TH E AT E R 9x12 A.XMINSTER RUGS, CHILDREN HALF PRICE "Rave Jacket. Will Travel*’ FRIDAY, NOV. 15 choice of colors, patterns ...... 79.95 69.95 ( 5) NEWS AND W K A 'n iE R Modern 9x12 T7VEED VISCOSE! Rl GS. 7 EVERYTHING FROM SOUP TO NLTS 14)15 ( 5) F E A TU R E F ILM U :N ( 5) NEWS rubberized backs, choice ...... - 49.95 14: (4 ( t) NEWS REPORTER AND (1M4) HOTEL COSMOPOLITAN 59.95 WEATHER (52-54) TIC TAC DOUGH liottiita Chair 79“ 49.95 SERVED FROM (tt> NEW ADVENTURE OF 12:15 < 5-ltd4) lAIVR OF UPE CHARLIE CHAN 15:15 ( 5) BUaSBUMNT JUSt '^ t o SE LL! Sofa Bed MISCELLANEOUS (54) MM&RTtN l KANE (15) SEARCH----- e 12:00 NOON ON (22-55) IT OO___ _ Modern easily opens to a full length THREE PIECE OVER SINK WALL It iU ( 5) WORLD’f BIMT MOVIRR bed for tw’o! Includes the CABINEiT, all steel ...... 19.95 16.95 “The Campaar Sbe Heap.’’ (45) MID-DAYDAY MOVIE 1 PkttSw •**** Metallic TTiread Fabric, ODIDnO UOHT() Sofa Bed, Lounge • Chair. uoiuARD Jounfon'^ I tiM (18-54) NEWS Foam Rubber Cushion 79“ 69.95 WHITE ENAMEL WALL CABINET. OTHER HOLIDAY DIN.NERS “ IS l‘S! ■rWOfllp BEST LflWSOn IfllBir Cocktail Table. 2 Step End LOCATED ['4 MILE OFF OAKLAND ST. ON TOLLAND TPKE. (22) BIO HEWS ; (IS) CONNECT. all steel, half price . . : ...... 9.95 5.00 w e a t h e r Tables. 2. Table Lamps, 2 PRIME RIBS OF BEEF AU JUS (44) iH ' h o m e W . . „ TW O DOOK STEEL UTILITY CABINET. (55) PUkYROUSE OF STARS , (55) TEX AND JINX Swivel Rocker 69“ 59.95 Pillows. Suite in Ta^str>-, ‘ with space for brooms ...... 29.95 19.95 BAKB) VIRGINIA HAM SOUTHERN STYLE nOlNIlMMa TK em i 11:44 (44) CONFIDENTIAL FILE 1:25 (II) NEWS coil spring construction! MAHOGANY COCKTAII, TABLE, 11)15 (11) WRATHE* AND 8rOBT$ *’** Jl!! WOMLD TURNS CMIdd Frylt Cvp wUh Sbcrb^l or ChflUd Fruit (55) W EATREB 125) NEWS CuiSuaI D Bos' B'IK' glass top, lower shelf ...... 34.95 19.93 (55) M n X X B SHOW dWIVei nOCKai Tapestry, Well Built 59“ 54.59 .M.VIIOGANV COCKTAIL TABLE, TERESA WRIGHT JuAco — Colory and OHvos Croam of Colory !i2; d o l l * * m o v i e Easy Tf;rma! . (55) TONIGHT glass top, scalloped top 14.93 7.50 CAMERON MITCHELL Soup wHh Croutons tl||5 ( » ) NEWS 1:15 (B ) AT^ROME WITH UTTT (22) TONIGHT 2:55 415-44) BEAT THE CLOCK , l » ) DAT DREAMS Modern ROAST STUFFED lltU (45) NEWS * PREVIEWS 2:14 (21) FIIAI YOUNG/TURKEY U ’J! f J! * I»*W 8 2)55 (I5d5) iroUSE PARTY M U ’.M ( 5) NBW8 - (52A5) BRIDE AND OBOOM Lounge Chair 69®* 44.59 CIbM Gravy — Cop* Cod Crenbacry Smee Sparklin$r crystal. BIk enough for three scoop.s of Ice cream. W hv not build a whole CHARGE! BUDGET! PRINCESS — Modwd Potato — Cloco Swoot Potato — set? Handy for candy, nuts, salads, too. Available only at Westown Pharmacy, Hobbord Sqoaih — ledod Mtorod OsIom — Thursday, Friday and Saturday. | Gold Lounge Chair ?RXr'^!lh?or 59“ 49.95 Swoot AUsod PkikiM — Hot, FroiMy $okod MANCHESTER U S T W a U T Kolb O lid lottor — Welderf Salad Dm ISssSmw PkaSv ('reen Boltallex Plastic, nafilinillg UllallGray Tapestry, Sold As Is 59“ 49.95 CORNER MAIN AT PEARL ST. MOTOR SALES OPEN AU, DAY THURSDAY, THANKSGIVING Please Phone Old FoiMonod Squodi, Mkico or Appio Plo "TODIt ‘OLOSMOaiLE OEAUCB” Modern wHh Oiooto — Stierbol — Proios Poddlfif ko Keith Furniture 'Your Reservations Croooi — Now Esglond Phso Pudding, Hord 512 WEST CENTBR STREET CisiskiAl Pktal* Turquoise Tapestry*. Blond Oak See -Lassie’s Frleiid” Souco — Too — C0600 — CIngor Alo — s o t - $ m 9WIV0I Unalf Frame, Metallic Thread 59“ 49.95 Early Tokay Cropti — Swoot Appto Odor — Mtatd 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. Jon Provost Nul> — Mislt Cuttom Barrel Chair 119“ 79.95 MI 9-8168 $035 CHIIDKIN "Safety-Testod PHARMACY MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD ESCAPADE nr JAPAN, OHM fiJB 459 HARTFORD RD. CO R. OF McKEE— Ml 9-9946 ChaBMl Back Chair 69“ 49J5 aCAMTSK a>4e-$:$$ ^ Used C ors" ilWnWMIlllinnillinBBM BlIRIIMIRIIlMMBmMIIMnWl RIIIIIIIHIi lllhlMUMBI

■J. ^ \ M V' ■ -..A- 'V -tr \

PAGE roUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1967 MANCHESTER EVEWNQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1967 i^AGE n v i Bolton Rockville Dental Program for School Aril AttackK Board For Barring Team Explained to PTA hy Nurse Rockville. Nov. 27 tSpectali Fred Manches I Am, commander of the American SAVINGS & LOAN Bolton, Nov. 27, iSperiAli Mrp, Association I..egion Post, is.sued a atatenient |o- Alirw Robert, Rrhnol nuritf. ex­ j No Herald day criticizing the Rockville Rec- plained in detail lo'menihers of the 1 STOCK LIQUIDATION SALE ! reatlon Board for permitting team executive bof^rtl of the Parent Toiiiorrtm managers lo exclude the post’s, SPECIAL PURCHASE AND OUR OWN STOCK INCLUDED AT Teachers Akun. Monday evening team from the Senior ' a Relf-.aupportinK dental program The ^lanchester Kvoninjf Iveague. that rould be earned out in the lo- Herald will not publish lo­ Am said, ‘Based on purely sub- i cal RchtMii. I morrow, Tlianksjfivinjr Day. I jective opinion, which can he ex- j Irem ely-controversial, the m an a-' Mrs. Robert also siateti that a ■»'■■■■ gets decided arbitrarily that Jhc | 66th Anniv high percentage of our .school chil- Lynch. .Mrs. William Aiendt. Mrs. [..egion team was too strong and j Celebration dien are in great need of this dental George Banks, Mi.s. rasrpiale should he refused admitlanre. ” He ' Fervice She fell with such a pro­ Cafro. Ntr.«. Krnest A.spiinvall. Mrs. added, “ Never before has this hap- ' gram that childicn’.a teeth would Anthony Ainientanr). .Mrs .\n- pened." have better and more con.stanl .thony Maneggia and Mrs. George The T.«egion team won the league NOTE: A U C T IO N PRICES care. Maneggla. crown last vear and three venrs As explained by the nurse, chil­ .Mass Tomorrow * I NOTE: dren should have fluorine treat- Ma. the team .” ' Arn slated. Where, with .sm h a progiam at the A lecord budget of $14,200 for Am pointed out that the I..egion WE ARE UNABLE FAIR TRADE LAWS, school, each series would only cost , the coming year was accepted by has a long and continuing record of $3. Also, on the off years children the Official Boaid of the t ’ nited I .service to tlie youth ^ d the com ­ WE ARE UNABLE could have their teeth cleaned for Methodi.st Church at their meeting ; munity. and its team is composed TO MENTION entirely of Rockville players. “ It Coma in — Open an account — or add to your account * slight charge of 2.'’> cents. These~'~lnvould cover barred from a cily-.sponsored BRANDS BY NAME ( ’oiild Borrow the budget. league while others from the out- 785 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER The S( hool at the present time board alao voted to have i s]de. namelv Tolland and Willing- ton. ran dictate the policy which Receive a FREE GIFT! has some of the equipment and if | Sunday morninf woiship serv- i the program is set up the State i 9:30 and the other at bars them.” Arn said. Crowds at Prince Cotter, Inc^ Sale, Lowell, Mass. Dental Health Dept, would loan ** o'clock. There will also be two, Arn termed the action of the additional nece.ssary dental instru- -'cs-sions of the C ■ rch School. At managers . and the Recreation Board “ despotic. In utter %iolation W e have purchased the balance of the auction Inventory of Prince- nients until the project can afford nu.sery. kindergar- of the dem ocratic .principles of a to purchase ils own. second, and third grades sound recreation program. and At the .Jhti. 8 meeting of the.PTA jnect. Other departments of without any sound objective basts Cotter, Inc., of Lowell, Moss. Our fantastic savings are being passed Mrs Roheit and Mias I>all from i school will meet at It a.m. whatsoever.” the State Department of Henla! ' "Fhe new church schedule will go Am's statement listed the team or mer* Health will explain the program m into effect the flr.^i Sunday in .lanu- managers as follows: Carl Utdwig, greater detail lo the members to i ary. Tlie service, will he identical SAVE <100 Zahner’s Men's Shop: Edward on to the public. Absolutely nothing, not even fair-trade items, is see If the parents approve of the for the morning worship. Moser, Webster's Real Estate: self-supporting denial program. Fellowships to .Attend Parley .Tames Doherty. Elks; and Paul Also at Monday’s .session a mo­ I The Methodist Youth Fellowship Jackson. Barlow's. .The Willington being held back in this once-in-a-lifetime sale. W e are including our tion was made for appioval at the , and the Junior High Fellowship of team manager’s name was not January meeting to deposit the the Cnited Methodist CTiurch will listed. Receive Your Choice portion of money not needed for attend a sub-dislnci meeiing at the 1957-58 budget of the associa­ ' Fast Glaslonhurv Phiday. They own stock in this history-making sale. Remember, EVERYTHING tion in a .savings at count so that will meet at the local church at en ifu t On* or th* ether. Inlere.st may he drawn. Another 6:30 o'clock and transportation motion was made for approval to will he provuled. Tl ere will he no select a committee of five members I rehearsal of the Wesley Chou on Aliloii Alill Fires Pursi b e s o l d b e f o r e CHRISTMAS regardless of original cost of the PTA. including one faculty Friday. member, to formulate .suggestion.s Tonight's Kvents Still Under Probe qroin leather, gift peek*;3 ; for the best u.se of the surplus The Senior Choir of the T'nited money in the trea' - or hearsal this evening at 7 p.m. at 1‘alr \e|s Troflt St*t» Policpmnn .lamo.. Puiine of Mrs. A Freddo. as chairman the church. Giant Beam Three-Way of the Har\est and Christmas The Senior Chou of the Congre­ ithf Stale Kirr Marxlialfi officf Fair of the PTA held Nov. 16, re­ gational Church will meet this eve­ I jiiirl today he ie etill investlKfitinjr SpeHight— including bat­ ported to the committee that a ning at 7:15 p.m at the church. I the .4.ldon Spinning Mill flreii of tery. profit of $513 was realised. The Rhythmic C’lioir of the Con­ Ie.niis Fire Chief I.a*alie A. Kittle today that final plans for the annual DImork *lr., telephone Mitehel j corrected an earlier impreaaion Christmas Carol Sing sponsored 9-082.1. ' that firemen had potired large hv the PTA. lo be held l^ c . 20 at ; amounla of water through the \Laterman 7 pm. at the school, are all or- i hole they cut in the roof o f the Cartrids:e ganixeri. Mrs. Carlcton Daley will Holulav Oh.scrved mill at Friday'.. Are. Kittle aaid act a.s overall chairman. Charles the hole waa cut to ventilate the Pen Miller will he mast ei^-.-.QL—-cere- Bv Kccncv School attic., and no wjiter waa applied monie.K, and Mrs, Howard Jensen SAVE through it. Firemen u.aed Scott will .Rcrve as refreshment cd-chair- % I Air Paka in the attic, adding only A progiam in observance of man v o ik in g \L'ilh the refresh­ about five gallon, of water to the ment chairmen of the PTA. The Thanksgiving was^ held yesterday morning at .the Keeney St. School. fire which waa confined to a amall DIAMONDS .W ATCH ES • SILVERWARE • CHINA • CRYSTAL • CAMERAS • PHONOGRAPHS Salvation A-rmy Band will again ' area The apripkier .ayatem, op­ or mere furnish the music for the progiam. U consisted '’'f community singing, erating tmder 80 pound, of prea- Thrip will he no bii.sine.ss trans- ' class singing and devotional re­ ‘ 5 0 aure. accounted for the large a' ted at tlie Hei . 11 meeiing of sponses, the PTA a.s the Chiistmas pro­ The kindergiirten sang a pi a ver amoiJnla of water which drained RELIGIOUS ARTICLES « COSTUME AND OTHER JEWELRY . GIFTWARE song and the .'second, third, fourth, down through the mill, the chief gram ^^•lll he pre.«enled hy the explained. school ( hildren. fifth, and sixth grades also ren- Receive Book F.xhibit rianned WALLETS > BASY GOODS . WATCH OAHDS Catholic Women will .spomsor a pictures that told of their bless­ Your Choici combined hook e.\hibit food sale, ings. Personal Notices and .‘tocial hour after both masse.s Invited guests were the parents Sunday In the church hall of ihr children and the L’hiMrtn of of Any of the Keeney St. .Annex, PLUS THOUSAHOS OF OTHER IHDIVIDUAL UHADVERTISED OARGAIHS Hi!Iiar>- Hou.se of Putnam will Card of Thank.<8 display book.s for adult.s. a wide Progiam duerlor was Mrs. Doris variety of hof)ks for chlldien for Hogan" and mu.sn-al dueclor. Miss Wa winh to iliatik all ..f ,,.jr n^iph- these 5 Gifts! all age groups, Chn. srtii kiiMin>-.«9 ami .‘fyni|>ath> 8 mm. Movift Camara missals. Bibles, and other religious , ■ ho^Ln in ••HI rrrfiil 'il Vi articles. I Reynolds was tire announcer. John \Vp p.«p#^cially ihank all tho.i# who M'allace Stainless— Ainsley Pattern, 4 piece fill-in place DIAMONDS StWn Nationally at $90.50 ELECTRIC SHAYERS Mrs. Arthur. Scanlon is chair- I Minnlrk read the 100th Psalm and ih#- h^Rutlfiil floral ini>ui^s arYfl losYiofl OPENING DAY SPECIALS (Hinh UP could UAC the name). You’ve WATCHES roV:2 OFF th^ 11.*^ of rara. setting: (consistins: of oyster fork, .salad fork, teaspoon, ?.5 man of the commuter in charge, i Suzanne Cowles read the captiona Man’s Military Kit Aeen them on TV at $28.50. Assisting her will h^ Mrs. Martin ' of a filmstrip that was shown. .siifrar .xpoon). Build a Service of Si.v—one place setting * Th^ family of Rrnaal R. Wilson. month. Was $393.00. Lady’s solitaire. carat Famous-make lady’s watch. • With Accessories 2 side diamonds, 14K l A C . O O Was $55.00 4-Fiece Silver Coffee Set 29.95 Nationally advertised at $42.50. white gold. 1 7 0 ' Now O n ly 97 WasS 9.50 Photo-ldent, Sterling Top 3.95 Now Man’s slim and trim watch. See Was $195.00. Lady’s solitaire, 1/3 carat its $79.50 fair trade ticket. in beantiful 14K white gold A A . 5 0 Were $2.49 English Bone China Cup and Saucer 1.69 Lady’s dainty model, mounting. w w ' Was $' 8i0 Americas Best Pocket Lighter 5.49 stretch band. You pay $59.50 Was $500.00. 20-diamond watch, 22 jewels. any place else. Hamilton movement, O V I C.OO Sterling Candlesticks Was $29JO 52-Piecs China Dinnerwars 14.88 STERUNG HIP OEDUCD Famous-make man's watch. SANTA CLAUS stunning. Rrifularly Sell For $6.9.5 HANDLED ric ocnvtn Factory-ticketed at $71.50. Was $600.00. Wedding set, weighs a full TO r.RACE ANV IIOMR Was$ 1.00 Angel-oMhe-Month Figurine 39c HvrraM 8ta|nlen. St«»l Blade Unusual 14K lady’s watch. « r a L Solitaire has four side diamonds. Was $1845 Mantel AlarmTilock 849 SOLD EVERYWHERE AT $7.50, 'Internationally famous. Wedding ring has six un Reg, 1140.00. Will De At diamonds. A 7 / ’ Just Was $13.75 Sugar, Creamer and Tray 6.98 Man’s automatic, waterproof. Advertised on television Was $290.00. Man's solitaire, perfect dia- Buy Several Were $148 Men’s and Boys’ Rosaries 49c at $71.50. mwid, heavy hand-fashioned T y T f.O O 14K mounting. ■ / # ' Was $ 8.95 17-Piecs China Tea Service 349 Lady’s 19-jewel, gold-filled. Price fixed by manufacturer MARLOW’S Was $145.00. 14K while gold princess ring at $75.00. H paved with 15 brilliant 50 7-PIECE TEA SET Was $50.00 Cultured Pearl Necklace 24.44 HI-FI PHONOORAPH Mair’s stainless steel waterproof^ hand­ diamonds. Q / * NatiohaJl.v selllDg for $330.00. Every Were $445 Expansion Watch Bauds 98c some, serviceable, stretch band. O l^e fonlerf • Handle, tnnulated. With radio, 4 .peed a twin .peakera. Was $595.00. Platinum 5-diamond wedding SII.VER-ON’-rOPPER This watch is fair traded at i n i D A Y nng. Diamonds weigh over 00 Were $940 Men’s and Ladies’ Billfolds 249 Fully automatic record changer. $49.50, one carat. 0 7 0 * Only $ 0 0 5 0 Were $19.75 Americas’ Best Pen and Pencil Set 1248 For milady on Christmas dav. From 4:30 to 9 and Wm $42.5.00. 12-diamond watch in 14K Reduced From ' Nationally-advertised $71,150 Wallace Stainless—lAinsley Palte’rn 4 piece place settinsr l.adie.s’ Kyening Bag— Acce.vsory kit with lip.stick, nail white gold of exquisite taste Ofl Were $845 Dnyx Cuff Link and Tie Bar Set 4.97 ^ $102.95 T o ...... watch. (as given previously, consisting of dinner knife, dinner polish, remover and cuticle .stick. and fashion. 19-^jeweI masculine-styled watch. All Day Saturday! fork, teaspoon, soup spoon). Build a Service of Six—one ’*'*^**>'C Itema Plug 10% Ft^erai ¥ax ALL CDSTUME JEWELRY and MDRE DFF You can’t buy it for under O? place setting a month. - , V. >/2 . . . Term.: AnLU* l» $1.00 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT NOW YOUR CHOICE ...... \ A M JM AIpKD m U MOFU! On* or the other. ehakt-r«ltht-«elt— --goeeawhalX inaaJe And OfUy . ------TOYS-TOYS-TOYS X Magic .Memo I’ads Six Fool .Metal NO MATHEMATICS with Magnetic Tape with 46 yean of selling toys has given Marlow's the reputation of having Pencil. S H O P D A IL Y Chrome Case. Limit— On. (lift to ■ Ountnmer EVERY ITEM CLEARLY AT perhaps the largest display of toys dt the lowest possible prices to

be had anywhere! • • e MARKED WITH THE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. MANCHESTER C.n Satiirdaya. SPECIAL SALE PRICEt MANCHESTER NIGHT ASSOCIATION OPEN till 9 P.M. "Manchester's Thrift ’n Gift Center for Everything" 1007 MAIN ST.

4 > r , ■ " V

PACT mx MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1957 PAGE SEVBI^ Lincoln daclared Thaltksgivlng a JIUmrl^pBtrr blown away at laaL Thaiobatlnata wheat bread and butter, pearhee, Hipliiaiicl Park national holiday so that tha na­ leaves of the scrub oak o\ the hill­ milk. A Tbougbt for Today I tion could (live thanks to Almighty Connecticut side have losV their laat\ hints of Thursday, hot chicken and gravy NOW IS THR TIME TO I j r r a U ) purple and crimson and turned Bponsered by the Maacheeter God for hlesalnjra received. on roll.. buttered green beans. Ice Marks Holiday ! P iiiti.iMMun by rHK dull brown. And if there la any cream, milk, CoincU ef OmralMs RBMOVE ■KKA1J> PRINTINO CO^ OfC. TA’e might reflect, then, on the UNWANTED HAIR FOREVER IS Btnall StrMi Yankee nook of the landscap > which la still Friday, toasted chee.se sand­ With Assembly Mucbrattr, :onn. length and strength of this thread clinging to the idea that thla mild wiches, vegetable sticks, orange Ble«s the Lord L «t me free you of this social handicap THOMAS r I^I!:RGUSUN as we sit down at our Thanks­ By A. H. 0. fail could last forever all the elms Juice, JeJlo with whipped cream, "And you shall bless the Lord forever. My medically approved method le WALTER R rERGUHON safe, pormanent and Will not mar the thin. An assembly program in ob- j Publlatwn giving dinner tomorrow in an are pleading for hurry, hurry with milk. your God to r the good land he has SouBO«d October 1. USl Bljrjier farmers " than we had a tracery of bQds so heavy they Jiinioi' High given you. Deuteronomy 8:10. Why let nnalghtly hair on your face veil lervsnce of the Thank.sgiving sea­ atmosphere of crisis that seems face the danger of exploding part year good looks? v MbiWrad ttrery Crenint Except their difficulty la.xt summer, when Monday, chicken noodle soup, This is the message of God to son was presented at the Highland unparalleled in our history. It we of next aprlng now, if the year hoidsye u>C Holldcyi EntereC xt the peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, Israel before they poasessed a land. Park School Tuesday afternoon for I *o«l ptnce ■; Uuiebeittr Conn., a* do. it might restore our faith In they had to take their drouRht- does not hurry ,p and shut I’taelf Just before fhey crossed the Jor­ MARY C. WARD, R.N. la o M Claea Mall Hatter down. fruit cocktail, milk. parents and friend.s. The sixth ] SUBSCRIPTION RATES ourselves. In the basic strength of diniini.^hed crops of ha and feed It dan to enter Canaan. Many years Certified ElActrqlogist Tuesday, baked sauiage, apple­ •74 CENTER ST. — T E L Ml t-3667 grade, under the direction of their | PatraUa la Adeance our democratic institutions and I *° cattle which should have been No mild fall la conducive to hard sauce, mashed potato with gravy, of hardship and stniggle lay ahead work, and the woodpile la at least of them before the land w-ould be All Work By Appointitirnt teaclier, Mr.i. Carol Lenihan. gave ' buttered peas, bread and butter, Free Consultations. StU*::":::::::::;:*.;:;:". /“"'‘•"''"‘•"v •pirituai n a -b '’" ‘h«y oiu^winTe"! three weeke away from that homo cherry crisp, milk. completely theirs. But they had a an originHl pl,iy, ■ The Thank.sgiv- ' lleatba ...... 1 W | ture of our outlook. And as we | fcor us, both pasture and hay for Thanksgiving look, but from moral duty to thank God for the Inc Story." " ^ a llcartb Wednesday, American chop suev, great opportunity that-Was theirs. VaalLT .... give thanks to God for the.se | i ere stunted, but our cow and now on each length we aaw will green beans, hard roil and butter, The cast Included Patrick Slaste UapT strengths as well as for the bounty heifer, being family cow and heifer warm us twice. How much more Jt is a moral poucan, I’ eter Sylvc.ster, Cynthia ' white cake with chocolate frosting, duty for Americans to thank God MEMBER Uf on the table, we .should ask Him and not required to i.icet any com- | The year draws shut, and life milk. Schuetz, Patricia McCann. Donna ' THE ABSOCIATED PRESS petitive standards of production, for the good land that It theirs. In Tedford. Su-siin La Fond, Kathleen to renew our vigor as a nation, to constricts, to its shelters and its Thursday, barb cued beef on T.le Asaoclaied Preia is excluslreiy have been schooled to take the thin America over three centuries of Ru.a.«;ell. Janice Le.May, Patricia BhUtled to tbs uas of republlcatlor of | provide us with the courage to fires, its cocoons and Its burrows, bum buttered carrots, bread and struggle are paat. We live in a All BOWS dioDAtchot cr«i with the thick, the lush with the B’-itton Paul Cnriaon. Lance dlted 10 It. Of t _ , ^ its stanchions and its couches, its butter, Jello and cream, milk. land that is free, strong, prosper­ BOt otb^rwl«e credited in thU pAoer face up to the dmnj?;pr nhe«d for til sparse. They made do on pasture mulches and Its hibernations, and PINE PHARMACY pi.«kan Thomas O'Brien, Kenneth ABd alno tit* locRl oewr here Friday, baked cheese sandwich, ous, with food and opportunity for mankind, and to grant all nations^ during the summer, and we put rvuascll, Thoma.s Banever and ilChtR M republlCAtion *)f •peolRl the drowsy mind ourls itself cole alaw, potato chips, applesauce, all. I f Americans do not have rea­ Allan Spak. tellBieheo herein Are mleo reet»nred the wiadom to underatand that the i ^ rop in the barn. around warm memorlei, which will milk. 684 CENTER ST. — Ml 9-9814 It did not look m orgh for winter son to thank God. no nation ever Stage hand., ini luded Donna f\iH etmce Cileat of N E. A. 8err- moat generous boimtie.'^ whirh we have to suffice until the barn doors Senior High did. Thanksgiving Day la a day to lee. Inc when we put it in. and we have, can be thrown open to the world Tedford, Ceoigette Ponton, Kath­ Publlthere RepreeentAtivee.- r&e have to he thankful for atill lie Monday, chipped beef on ma.shrd | „*** i*nl p.m frlday Friday, baked macaroni and Thank..giving, ” by Oeoigctfe Pon­ m TUeadae-.j p m. Monday ing but a direct organ of the gov-1 uf hay, as against the nor- Nighia M t J J Floe Parts cheese, buttered spinach, pickled ton; "Thank.s to God." bv Kathleen m Wedneaday^l o m Tti^eday. And in time table for the northern The menus fot Dec. 2 through TEL Ml >-44n f w Thoraday»3 p m Wrdneadajr. amment. rr in R urrIr i beets, cornbread and butter, milk. King. Pw Ft1day->1 p. m Tbaradap. Connecticut climate when pa.stiir- 8 sre as follows: •ome rountri€R not diclRtorRhipR WE WILL BE OPEN A Thank.-igiving Aciostlc was for MturdaT~] p m fyidaf. Ing would W over at the beginning Elementary GMaaifled d e fin e - i0:8u *.m. aaei the press Itself is .so venal as to given by 12 members of the 6th C T f of Dubi*eaUoB azceni Setim laT —' of the month. So, unless spring Is Monday, tomato soup, peanut giade: N.iney Alesbury. Ruth sell Its privileges and opinions, sa three weeks late, we have misered butter and Jelly sandwich, apple Bcckn ith. Barbara Brandt. Fi'anres ourselves a substantial gain. sauce, milk. ALL DAY THURSDAY s Wedneaday, November 27 is the case with many newspapers Curtin. Frank Filloramo. W'adc in the democracy of France. against the short hay crop Tuesday, hamburg gravy, Fuller, Lnui.se Giube. Paul Ls- But now. against our mieerllnese, mashed potato, buttered peas, but­ Forge. Helen Lockward. John • Let Us Dematid No More For a sample of a aitiiation jn tered roll, gingerbread with ¥ the year haa shut down. The re­ Prlgnann. Philip Quish and between, where a dictatorship THANKSGIVING .In his first term, Dwight D. peated morning freezes have fl whipped cream, milk. Thomas .Scranton. posing as a democracy is trying to | nally snubbed down the la.st fiction W^ne.sday, meat and noodle Baenhower gAve great service to OAK The 6th grade Glee Club, dl- | deal with a press which wants to of forage In the pasture. The sun ras.serole, tossed green salad, whole reeled by MLsa Martha W’hite and Vils country and to the world. That stay free, take Turkey. which might at least warm the accomimnled by Mrs. Eleanor j so great and memorable, to basking pair at noon, has grown a Knoesa. ssng: Dona Nobis Pacem. ^ The Turkish government, having PINE LENOX PHARMACY hla party, and to the voters, that little thin for that. And the winds, "O God. Beneath Thy Guiding | previously taken over the alloca­ they demanded further aervlce however they may seem to the row NOW S M f I 9 NT Hand;" and Evening Prayer. tion of paper and ink. aa one way 299 E. CENTER ST. — Ml 9-0896 Kindergarten children sang i trom him, in spite o f two illnesses and heifer, who may well be more of controlling the newspapers of warm-blooded than - w,e, have S cm tl CUstic Stidiifs "Company I. Coming;’’ Grade 1. ! which could not fall to Impose » fsaA^sAe 1 ssM t—Sm s * "Kings Of The Barnyard, ' Grade ' the country, and having previous­ passed their own private sol.stlce, j Fim ^ualiCY MimtMi. kg iai* for a room — their own atrains and llmIUtiona 2. "Over the River and ”rhrough | beyond which they speak of the | (•ring eyloo claicic fio dtiap ly passed a law making It a crime The Wood,.;’’ Grade 3. "A Morn-’ on a man of hia years. And he , north only. The days grow short. ' that previd* irm . coaifart' or for a houso ing Hymn; Grade "Swing the himself was caught in the web of to criticize the government, h as' so that we would have to hurry ! abit tuppon —> at a a*w ” I j Shining Sickle: " Grade .8, "N ow I ttia demand, and unable to reject now coniidered it necessary to de- j home from work or else light the | i taw prica yom caa afotd. cree for itself one more strangle-! *'’ Io the barn If you’re planning to build or remodel, remember thia Thank We All Our God." I it, not while he himself thought he Not only in the pasture Ls the — the Atyle trend in floor* today “ehow more oak.” Usherettes were Ellise Kenyon hold on Its fourth estate. WELDON DRUG CO. it ORGAN^ SALE snd Charlotte Keeney, | eould atill be of some further sers'- book of the year now ciOLsed. The Tn.I. DRCF-MRKR IS Under the new regulation, a de­ B01 Main Street— M I S-8S21 Why? Because it provide* all these basic flooring needs: liM to the principles and cauiea In obstinate greenery of the lilac has ...... ~ ' I which he believed. partment o f the Turki.sh govern­ ment will now handle all sdver- KINSMAN ELECTRONIC ORGAN ■ Ha has never had. In hla second Bmauty Durability Emanuel Slates I Uslng that is done in Turkish MODRL-B (aa shown) SANTA CLAUS tMn, the capacities of physique newspapers. No advertising may be Liieia Festival and spirit which disUnguiahed his ^ Economy Easy Cloaning given directly to these newspspers. tocU onln g In his first three years Instead. It must be submitted Comfort Adaptability .00 The St. Lucia pageant, which if office. And now a third illness S. S. PIERCE traditionally opens the Christmas to thlA government bureau. The has put Us atamp on him. It is 965 season In Sweden, will be present­ Is Coming to Town! bureau will determine whether It tlma to think of him first, and ■you will find many type* and size* of oak flooring in ed again thia year at Emanuel shall run. and where It shall run, Famous Foods XMAS SPECIAL release him, as completely aa we our complete stock of building materials. There is a Lutheran ('hurch. and what the rale for it shall be, It will be given in Luther hall can, from the burdens which must grade and price to suit every need. Come in and look REG. $1,200.00 with neither newspaper nor adver­ on Dec. 7 and 8 at 7:.30 p.m. Karin . Uievitably pqse aver sharper ten- over our sample display. Pear.son will portray Lucia arid tiser himself having anything to slena on hla whole being. And to Welles Farm Wagon MODF.L A Marion Fitcii, Carol .lolmaon, Len- Gigantic Christmas Parade say about any of these things. be mournfully realiatic, this will ore John.son, Carole Mlffltt, Alma ■ This looks like a set-up In which -Scott and JoAnn Tlivreen will por­ be better not only for him but for FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES MANCHESTER LUMBER, INC. * 6 6 5 - o « the government could ruin any XMAfl RPECIAL tray her attendants. Toml.ir elves the nation too. It is better to try ROUTE 83 — TALCOTTVILLE 255 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER will be Chi'istine Ben.en am m islne newspaper of lu disliking In either to do without him and assume our Reg. 8820.00 Elliott, David Bengtson and o f two ways. It could tee that the own reqMnsiblUUes through other George Prior will be star boys and newspaper which tried to maintain Erik John.son and .Mark Johnson ’ men than to try to operate under Friday, Nov. 29 -- 6:30 p. m. opinions of its own and print the will be baker hoys The story of St. the Illusion that he is able to car­ DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER facts of the day never got any Lueia. an early Christian martyr. ( ry our burdens for ui any longer. will be narrated by Barbara John-1 advertising at all. 186 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE In no other office In the land. In son. I Or it could give the same news­ From Corner Charter Oak, Main to Center Park no other raaponaibUlty, public or Ml 9-6205 Special flirlstm as music and paper lots of advertising, at rates tableaux ivill also be featured. prtvata, would w-a be less humane APCM. d a i l y I:.70 to 9:00 r..M. so low the newspaper would go Tho.se parlicmating In thla will be: And sensible. Let him have hia S A T l’ RD.AY 9:00 In 8:00 P..M. Linda .Nelson, mother: Geo:ge broke running it all. ( days at Gettysburg, warmed by ) Bradlau Jr. and Donna Wogman, If w# Americans ever find our­ tha lasting gratitude of thla na­ rhildren; Linda Fh'ickson, Mary: FREE CANDY FOR THE KIDS tion. selves with a little surplus cru­ Ronald Eri-ksnii. Donald Gunsten sading for freedom energy, we aixt David Torslenaon. shepherds, and Herbert Lillibrtdge. Paul Mar­ Christmas might manage a salute to the em­ tin and Robert Richards, wise GIVEN OUT BY THE CLOWNS ThankBariTinr, 1957 battled presB of our good ally. men. Miss E\'a M. Johnson will lie Shopping Hours Today Is the day when appetites Turkey. the accompanist. This program is being sponsor­ begin building in mouth-watering ed by tile Ml.ssionary Circle. A free anticipation. It' It also the day The CarrinK Stance will offering for missions will be When the woman of the house Don’t pay % taken. Refreslimenls of coffee, December The most timely advice these begins spending an increasing cookies and Swedish buns will fol­ Line Up Of Parade witj fHU columns can offer today concerns ! low the pageant. amount of time in the kitchen the subject of carving. ' The festival la open to the pub­ ffom which she will not be freed it^CIRClES OF STEEL SAFETY Do not, the experts agree, make lic. POLICE MARCHING UNIT BATON TWIRLERS until tomorrow night - - baking for Octane any foolish attempt to handle the pies, pumpkin, o f course, and bird sitting down. Any bird worth TTila Bold Body Design CITY OFFICIALS MANCHESHR HIGH SCHOOL BAND mince, too; preparing vegeUbles a knife demands that assured mas­ Services Set Including (he Ma.vor, Town Manager. Preaident of 21 I and bread stuffing; getting the tery whirh can only be exerted Protacts You From Every Angle y o u d o n ’t n e e d ! fhomber of fommerre, fhalrnian of C. of f. Retail OLD C A R S (10) turkey ready. It la the day, too, At Zion Church from a full'standing position. DUision and members of Town Board of Director*. ^ 24 27 28 One o f the three new when families, scattered by miles The stance, however, is a m at­ REMINGTON RIDERS and years, begin sentimental jour- Thank.sgivlng observance at ter of soma Importance. The G d c s Service fssolenes will COLOR GUARD (National Guard) 30 31 nej*s back to ths homestead. 7Aon Evangelical Lutheran Church SMOKEY, THE BEAR carver ehould be nicely erect, with exsaly fill your car's re<]uirements! Includes worship services with KILTIE BAND And thU anUclpaUon, the ek: i head Inclined but ever ao sllghUy, harve.st home display in church HRE ENGINE dtement generated by the bustle o f> ,„d , serene smile playing snd outdoor illumination snd or­ NIKE UNIT You'll want to plan a trip to Manchester. How the Children these preparations, are among the namentation in harmony with the FLIPPY. THE CLOWN arbtind his lips, a genltl look in his aea.son. will thrill to the Christmas store windows. Manchester still w ^ e ^ choicest aspecU o f the .till dignified wnthel. He Pastor Paul G, Prokopv will COWBOYS (Frenticriand) o Tharksrlving Day holidey. The, „ever bend to WTe.tl. with A « (t f ..l0 0 PLUS preach at both services. 8 s.m. CLOW n S (10) ^ women e voices in the kitchen, the bird, or with s joint. A deft and 10 a m . on First Thesaalonians AMERICAN LEGION BAND has the gayest, the biggest, the brightest stores for miles For ultra-high compression icai*. Actually pro. 8:18. with the theme, "Give SANTA CLAUS tte men talking "man talk" while .cCuracy with Oje point of his vides 100 ndant 'plus for the grcttctc power, around. Thanks, snd Repent!" COVERED WAGON (Fronticiiand) flf Uie women are partlculsrly for- knife end fslUng immediate ac- mileage, snd engine protection in eutomotiT* The worshipers will step to the tunate) polishing silver in the PARK and RECREATION BAND curacy, a nonchalant patience history. Costs * few pennies more . . . but It’s ■ altar rnillng where the harvest SOAP BOX DERBY WINNER dining room, the fathers and ion* which says that so solemn a rile reaf bargain for the luxury performance it home setting with fruits and delivers! Please be with us . . . going to the football game Thanka- is never subject to time table.^i.s vegetables are arranged to leave gixing morning and then ruahlng their Thankagivmg offering. supposed to see the task through. The seri’lce at 8 a.m. will be con­ fepme in-time for laal-minute din-, There is no need for strong arm ducted in the German language. ner preparationa—all Iheae activl-1 tactics, and even a momentary loss AAEtY..SUPER S-D Sponsored By The Retail Division Of The Manchester Chamber Of Commerce ties manifesting the ■'togelhemesa ' of temper ran be fatal, turning the the family nierahers. on less festive . rite into a ragged butchery. There For high compression ciri. Sets new standards Acme Business Service & Supply Fallot's Studio occasions, are apt to say is lacking . , i „ complete carver * hook. in the premium class, with stepped-up octane, Keith Furniture Co. Montgomery Ward Co. Roc Signs In their relationship. acepped-up power. The only premium that odtra C o., Inc. F;rst Notional Bonk only one possible excuse for loss of Marendaz Keith Variety Store Music Shop Royal Ice Cream Co. Tomorrow evening, with the all 5 of these features: Extra-High Octant . . . Arthur Drug Co. , temper. That is t^ie di.scovery that First Notional Stores, Inc. Keller's Men’s Wear ‘ Nassiff Arms Co. Anti-Rust. . . Anti-Carbon . , . Anii-Sialling, . , TRAVEL AGENCY J. A. Bergren Dairy S & H Green Trading Stomps (Ushgs in the sink, the dinner eaten, ' the knife has recently been in the Upper-Cylinder Lubricant. Fisher Dr« Cleonsers, Inc. Kiddie Fair NesHe's Co., Inc. and the guests sated and begin­ 18 Asylum St., Hariford Bill's Tire apd Repair Shop Sandwich Nook I hands of a woman for aonie other Froiier's Furniture Shop Kepper Kettle New Model LounfliT ning to go their separate ways, the household use. On such a discovery, Tel. CHflpel 7-58.57 Blair's , Savings Rank of Manchester glow will be fadi'ij|;.,But right now, Friendly ice Creom Co. Krause's Greenhouses Nichols-Monchester Tire says the manual, throw the kpife Authorized Agients For All F. T. Blish Hardware Co. William H. Schieldg* it la nearing Ita peak in homes .Ml LEM ASTER General Services Land O' Cotton away. ‘ Once a woman gets hold of NBtA/. Rail, .Air and Steamship ■Bolton Dairy Norman's Sears Roebuck & Co. throughout the land. And, as it W. G. Glunney Co. Longer's Floor Covering a knife, ' goes the old maxim, "you For standard compression cars. A rcgular.priced'* I.ines Burton's, Inc. * i North End Package Store Sheorson, HommiH & Co. does, It illumlnatea one of the might as well thrigifelt out the gasolene that aaually outperforms many pr*. Globe Travel Agency Leonard's Shoes Ooj( Grill, Inc. richeat, strongeat thread* witli HAROLD EELLS R. J. Butterworth Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. window. " f ntmma. Perfect tor -the vast majority ol car*. Goodyear Service Store Manchester Carpet Center Pogoni's Caterers, Inc. wjiich the fabric of this nation is Tliere is one final note for the Set* naw record* for pbwer, mileage, economy. Manchester Affent Compress Shoor Jewelers woven. Tel. Ml 9-7442 The Grand Union Co. Manchester Evening Herald Paris Curtain Shop carver. During his performance of Capitol Equipipont Silk City Liquor Store •It 1* a thread, aa every school Th t Golden JukUat I Great A 9 P Tea Co. hi# ta.sk. he is properly exempt Manchester Pipe and Supply Paul's Paint Store Sloan Brothers child knowi, that goes back hun­ Cavoy's Griir Gustafson's Shoe Store from any conversational demands Manchester Plumbing and Pentiond The Florist Stonek Electronics Lob. dreds of years before this coun­ Chtster Accordion Co. of the moment. He is ex< ivsed to TOU"V* NBVER KNOWN SUCH PBACB OP MlftO J. W. Hole Corp. " Supply Co. Parlefte's try won rta independence, back to by rubber mountingB thht cushion the entire com- Community Rostouront Tots 'N' Teens be aa silent and free ol i lackety- as you’ll feel at the wheel of this new kind of car!' Hormoc Men's Shop 1821, when the tiny .hand of Pil­ TOrtin^t, eliminating all metal-to-metal contact ManchMter Savings & Loon Assn. Pero Orchards T w s g c I' s clack aa should be the kmf^ It­ Corot Casuals Harrison's grims, their ranks decimated by Here, in this Bold New Pontiac, you’re protected with the frame! You’ll travel in a Nxw b il b n t * Manchester Stenographic Pinehurst Grocery self He may. for the duration, be Crown Cloanors Th* University Society hunger, cold and disea.se in the from every angle by the modem armored strength Hartford Gas Co. and Calculating Service polite to the tuikev to the exclu­ w oR ui of luxurious security 1 Of course, there’s Potterton's Vittner's Garden Center first months of their stay in the of Circles-of-Steel construction. Pontiad’s All-new Dart's Dairy, Inc. Herm's Comero and Photo Shop sion of all otheis at the table. Re­ l3^re to intrigue you besides this new kind of safety Manchester Trust Co. Print Mart Co. Walnut Resltauront now world neverthele.sa felt iin- BATTLKBHIP-MUOOKD body literally surrounds Davis Bakery member erert. serene, genfal. dig­ body. You could fill a book with the fresh ideas in C l E. House It Sen J4onchester Wollpqper & Supply Purnell Parking Station polled to give thanks to God for a you—above, below, front; and rear—with massive Watkins Bros. nified. deft, patient, and attention this Ijold new «m! But see for yourself—the whole Depot Square Package'Store Jack's Atlantic Service Mori-Mod's bountiful haryest. Quinn's Pharmacy Weldon Drug Co. ever so gently deferential, to the beams of steel! Moreoveti tiw new fortified body is bright future , of motoring is in our showroom-^ in Dewey-Richman Co. .Jack's Coffee Shop Aa the years passed, the thread 'Marlow's Railway Express turkey alone. With such a stance, completely insulated from road sounds and vibration THE BOLDEST ADVANCE IN riFTT YEAKS. HERERT BROS. HOWARD Oiertnond's Army & Navy Store White Eagle Restaurant grew, binding together first the n Janet's Millinery Thom McAn Shoe Store' the turkey will practically carve SERVICE STATION Red Ember Restaurant Willton's Gift Shop colonies, and Llien the states of O IL C O . DerMy Furniture Johnson Paint Co. itself. XVXX-Z.XVXZ. A I R RXDX* KM-W DXRRCTZOM S’TYXJIRO McIntosh Boot Co. Regal Men's Shop L. T. Wood Locker Plant Xhe new nation, • binding them to- 5S5 W. MIUDLR TPKE. 184 OAKLAND ST. Fairway Stores Josie's Soda Shop ARRO-rRAHOE CRASaza Memorial Corner Store Raymond M. Reid & Son F. W; Weolworth Co. goUior in years of crisis, year* ofJ~ ' COR. OF ADAM^ fo r . of North School 8U Michaels dopression and prosperity, and ^ TSMRXST S0B FSRrORMEARCX TRZ-VOWXR CARBX7XXTXOK* years of peace and war. Even dur- .^ RREAKFAST and ^ eZRAR-VZaZON SAnCTY PX.ATS CMUAaS ZR A U . 'WZM’Z>OWS Ing the Civil W[ar, states of both LUNCHEON SPECIALS } *A h oatrm^coM opHom, MORE SEI^ECTION, MORE VALUE, MORE FASHION, Aids* observed the holiday, and it Nov. 27-A TV FIRST,-8** MARY MARTIN In <‘ANNie aET YOUR BUN" Co-8tanr)ng JOHN RAITT, N8C-TV In Color. Preferred Finance Co., Inc. e v e r y d a y a t CITIES @ SERVICE DM Main MtreH, >laapfcpf|pr. ' Caan. MORE BANKING, MORE SERVICE WB* In the SMond year of that w'ar, 1 k TH. MlliliPtI MlM^Laaat 916 ta MM MANCHESTER HAS EVERYTHING Bt A tiiM wjvro thATA AAAtned litue F Arlluir Drua fifaron A loa« of ilM e«»U IM .If wkM ( ^ T i pramatty rapaid In It * raaeprativ* to bA tbABlltol for, thAt AbrAhA«l^“ ™ T *^-"™ f SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER Distrflmted Bj American Coal Co., Hartford aMRlnly lasUllmaali of Itt.M Mrh. / . - Tr ' i


Um o m o f W ards •A-* ^ V- • • # -w a W lP l ^ I P a ^ 1 P $ ffJ P a WJMa ^ I P I montMy plant fo r all Wards ora known, for year Christmas pur- quality and volut tho chotos. Small down ...P world ever. Shop with p ay m an t now. No monthly paymant un> confidonct. Sotisfae* WARDS^W * H11958. Hon guarontoed.


REG. 2.98. BOYS’ PAJAMAS, POLKA O O 25% O ff SALE ENDS 9x12 ALL WOOL RUGS ™ « J DOT. SIZES 6-18...... NOw X. a O CAR-TOP BOAT SATURDAY REG. 83.40. 9 X 12 ENTIRE STOCK 0 72 77 REG. 12.98 MEN’S NYLON FLEECE A O O WITH A 3 HP or 5 HP JACKET. REVERSIBLE 36-44. NOW y .O O HOCKEY REG 95 10 9x12 N O W 8 4 e 7 7 SKATES New hand mixer REG. 59.9.i. 9 x 12. i | 3 OUTBOARD MOTOR REG. 2.79. MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS, m Reduced SIZES S-M-L-XL...... NOW I ^ y y Removable cord G-E’r newe.st hand 2 5 % OFF REG. 42.95. FOLD AWAY BED. Includes men’s, women'.s, mixer— now ea.sier to store— no dan- METAL FRAME, SPRING. FOR CHRISTMAS •« REG. 1.00. NYLON HOSIERY. 0% w children’s. Hockey skates MATTRESS...... NOW O ^ e / / only. Rling cord. 3 speeds; SIZES 9-11...... NOW JL For I.UU heel rest. Pa.stel A small down payment and small 18.95 color.s. REG. 119.95. BUNK BED OUTFIT. monthly payments and the boat is INCLUDES SPRING, MATTRESS, REG. 79c. SEAMLESS NYLON 0% w Children’s leother Men’s fine wushdile LADDER GUARD ChO his in May. I HOSE. SIZES 8-10. ..NOW A F orl.U U RAIL ...... NOW IU 4eO O cowboy bootsl corduroy shirts mmmtmmmmmtmKmimcmimmimmmtmmfmtmtmuitmulimtmimmim iixn soils MEN’S 6.48 SET REG. 49c. avit* 1 COLOIS REG. 49.95 VALUE. MATTRESS. MEN’S PAJAMAS MISSES’ BLOUSES MEN’S SHIRT-TIE MEN’S j e w e l r y SET ANKLETS. ASSORTED M m 312 COIL INNERSPRING 4%A O O Sonforixed broadcloth ihirt, pliM Fine broadcloths in a smartly Gift boxed I Blousons,. tuck-ins In Sanforized, spread-ooHar shirt In Coff-Bnk and tio-dip set In wWta STYLES and COLORS. NOW H For I . U U MATTRESS...... NOW SAVE ON TOYS ■notching cvff-linkt and tie-clip set styled assortment of solid color no-iron Dacron crepes, batistes. assorted stripes and chocks. Solid or yellow iwn-tarnishlng metol. In ctouie smart design. Shirt has and novelty prints. Adjustable Sturdy grain uppers, V e lv e ty c o rd u ro y is Roll-up three quarter or long color contrasting ties with below- Mony interesting new potterm In practical low heels! smart and practical, too. french cuffs, choice of waistband. Sanforized, sleeves. Embroideries, A A Q the-knot motifs match- A Q excellent taste (or A j | | | REG. 4.75. TERRY CLOTH SEAT COVERS. FOOTBALL HELMETS REG. 79c. CHILDREN’S MITTENS. m "w White inlay design on Semi-spread collar, top fused, spread collar. 3.98 mercerized, washfast. 3.98 lace. Sizes 32 to 38. A e v O Ing shirt. Altmen’s sizes. O e w O SEVERAL COLORS TO CHOOSE •vary man. ' i b e 4 w ASSORTED SIZES and COLORS. N O w H / C burgundy quality styling. FROM ...... NOW o . y y i MEN'S PARIS BELTS MEN’S TIE-HOSE DAMASK DINNER SET MEN’S 4.98 GLDVES MEN’S BILLFDLDS Big aluminum roaster f le g i . l 7 AHIgotor and plain grain cow­ Superb set with embroidered-be* Lustrous, combed cofton-royon Fine gloves in a huge assortment of REG. 98c. WOOL SOCKS. e "W 5*lb. fruit coke— fresh Exdting variety of zlylos In REG. 98c. STEERING WHEEL i hide belts In assorted colors. low-the-knot tie end matching glows welcome to all dinersi Importod caposkbi styles. Fur- brown and Mode cowhide. Re­ NAVY and GREEN. SIZES 9-11. NOW D / C Usuoiiy 2.49 COVERS...... NOW H y C 2.79 Many Interesting and tasteful heloiKO nylon stretch socks. The from bakery to you I Candlelight, ivory, pink, gold, lined, fleece-lined, pile-lined. Many movable past cotes, tee. TMn I buckle treatments. A 4 H H A perfect gift for coordinated white, green. 6 0 x 9 0 ', k OO designstopleaseevory A MM flat folds. Low priced sirr MMCMIWM tlyle,for oH tastes. A e O U dressing. Buy now! t . taste in gloves. Sovel D e T T P for vahio. 3.98 REG. 1.00. •OXID REG. 3.98. RUBBER MATS. BLOUSETTES. SHORT SLEEVE. A A ONE PIECE. ASSORTED COLORS...... NOW PLAIN and STRIPED, 32-38. . .NOW O O C Self-basting— browns 9- 2.88 FOOTBALLS and After dinner treat or lb. fowl, 1S-lb. roost to Save a big 19% on Nylon tricot slips... make* a wonderful gifti juicy goodheui Seam­ acetate tricot briefs % All merchandise sold by Wards avail- REG. 1.98 lots of fruits and nuts; less— easy to clean. SPECIAL LOT OF smartly gift Imxcd BOYS’ WESTERN SHIRT and TIE light color batter. SET. SIZES 2-6x. BOXED...... NOW 1.28 SEAT COVERS able on Wards convenient monthly $119.95 all steel Solel All Season at Includes saran plastics, fibers. To fit most all £2.88 54” cabinet sink yeor’s lowost prko payment plan. A small down pay­ cars. MWWMfWWMWfKWMWWWWWMWflCMZUaMtMfWWZMWMHHWMM Usually 6 for 3.54. Frothed with loco o m Entire Stock of Children’s •■VOLT I Loce-trimmed elastic leg ^ embroidery. Never need 09 WITH style'. 6 gay colors gift ment now. No payments until 1958. Ironing. White, pink, Dovm TtADI Were 21.95 ALUMINUM LUNCH BOX i >.88 boxed. Sizes S, M, L blue, beige. 32 to 40^ Sleep Wear Rednced N o w ...... Porceloined sink, enam­ Finest quality plates for i KMCMMCWMCMfWmiWMfWMUKM PRICED FROM eled cabinet— all white. long service. Guar. 24 WITH THERMOS months. Fit most cars. I Mtn's csm M cottm Men’s Sonforixsd Chrome faucet, stainleu VALUES TO 2..39. JACKKNIVES. O O Stop in today and open your account Installed FREEI .27 steel flat strainer. LARGE ASSORTMENT...... NOW O Q C Reg. 3.75 i M l cut T-Skirts p brOodcloth shorts ■im No purchases necessary to open your S-M-l REG. 36.95. >4” DRILL KIT. O O % % • 8 PIECE S E T ,...... NOW a D cOO 1 2 .8 9 \ BIG electric .1 account All credit information kept .1 k . ^ \ REG. 1.98. Soft . . . absorbent . , . Contour'cut fpr comfort­ smooth-fitting combed BOYS’ FLANNEL SHIRTS. SIZES 1 REG. 3.98. RANCH STYLE MAIL 4% O O confidential. ..Stop today. able fit. Chodsp neat 2-6x. ASSORTED COLORS. SKATES cotton ‘T s ’'— a gift he’ll NOW le47 train set BOX. BLACK ONLY...... NOW A n O O patterns or solids. Sizes •^1 wear year-round I 30 to 44. Stock up now. • 6>caro; 55 piacas in all VALUES TO 9.98. CHENILLE BEDSPREADS. a Naw whistling otatien . REG. 5.89 STEEL HAND SAW. t FULL OR TWIN SlZFlS. CHROME NICKEL ALLOY 0 . 0 0 ASSORTED COLORS...... NOW 3 r97 STEEL...... NOW S e O t i % S47*lfbM|kt COMPLETE SET4IP: 4' 0" by V 3** saparataly RE(;. 2.98. WHITE REGe2el9» 3 W H E E L SHEET BLANKETS...... NOW 1 99 Smoking ongki*’ pulls tender and four /SOLDERING IRON...... NOW 1.28 2 SPEED TRACTOR Tak-A-Peg DESK KIT Other cars over 211' of frock. 5 0 -w all 1 ARCHERY SETS BIKES transformer; remote control' couplino, REGULARLY $23.88 , ■ Er switches, and all equipment shown here REG. 177.50. H 1 A O O TEA SETS ALL SIZES ONE ^ L L TABLE OF BOXED moke for realistic railroading funi 3 H.P. TRACTOR...... NOW I I y c O O TOWEL and PILLOWCASE ^ . 3 7 1 4 7 7 Reduced To koMeH REG. 1.19. DISH DRAINER. Jteg. ^ *2 DOWN Dec. IS REP ONLY...... NOW O O C BARGAIN SETS REDUCED r w kIsH tng MeMon a : 97' ■■; ^ PRICES% . MAKE A NICE CHRISTMAS GIFT REG. 1.89. ALUMINUM ROASTER. i l A . 1 buy the family a Hi-Fi console for Christmas ROASTS 15 LB. B IR D ...... NOW I . H y i! REG. 2.98. H CAFE CURTAINS...... NOW REG. 12.98. 6-PC. ALUMINUM COOK SET. 2 ihI MATCHING VALANCES. NOW 90c HEAVY GAUGE ^ o a VISIT OUR LARGE TOY DEPARTMENT ON THE FLOOR | get a FREE 19.95 portable phono for your child ALUMINUM. ; ...... NOW O e O O

I ' I 1/ -,7. - ■ V ' ■ • ■ lu. ■ \

P A G E T E H MANCHKSTKR KVENJNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. >1(B:DNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 7 .1 9 6 7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1957 lil —^ ------PAGF ELEVEN W KN B—840 ‘Progress Excellent’ Ike to Call W n o —1080 Columbia Market Rebounds W DBC—1860 Daily Radio St. Mary’s Choirs W UAV—810 Sea Scout Head Skywatch Schedule WCUC— 1290 Eastern Standard Time Sing at Service NOW! FALL CHANGE-OVER IS All Signals, W POP— 1410 1 p. m. Bulletin Says Seen Qualified Thuraday, Nov. 28 After Major Drop Th« foUotying program eched-?4:45— Midnight-2 a.m...... Harry Goldberg. The service to he, held In 8t. Compare ulas are lupplled by the radio WHAY—Sarenajla 2 a.m.- 4 a.m ...... H arry Goldberg. Mary's Episcopal Church at .8:30 Top QnaUty AUTOMATIC WTIO*^ Star ta*xtra To Lead Youths F eetnree (CnnUaiMd from Pa(e One) ixon Says managements and are luoject to Thomas 4 a.m. 6 a.m...... Harry Goldberg. a.m. on Thanksgiving Day marks WITH (Continued from Page One) change wdtnout notice. Top 40 Tima 6 a.m. - 8 a.m ...... Harry Goldberg. Columbia, Nov. 27 (Special) — the only occasion In thd entire e Pictare Window 3.TRACK ALL ALUMINUM In Eisenhower'! cue. Hagerty I Bristol Airman 4 :e » - WHAY—Seranada 8 a.m. -10 a.m...... Roger W inter. from •d4td, there has been no paralysis lued from P sge One) Jupiter Fails who held stocks felt It was too late ■ ■ Sf^lAY—Piatirr Party •Burial George W. Pertereon, who ia to be l6 a.m. -N oon...... Thomas Hickey. year when all the choir* of the STORM and SCREEN to sell after yesterday's bresk. ^gBC-^Amoa snd Andy parish are combined. The choirs and no hemorrhage. “ R»*u« skipper of the newt.v organized Noon-2 p.m...... , ...... Columbia DeCarli. 0 66:^2 T 8 while s9inb.thouRht had been given "I think we're in a piolonged WKNB—P.M ^_WPQP—Fulton Ltwls 2 p.m. -4 p.m. . . . participating Thuraday momthg Sets Pacific to Miller S>ea debut Troop Is an Elagle Scout...... Celeste King. Aioon Alninlniim For that reuon. he said, thr to the m a tt^ he had no intention bear market." Hooper aaid, "and will be the Junior Choir, the Sen­ In Test Flight; yj!DRC—Arthur GcHlfrey WHAY—tiarenadp 4 p.m. 6 p.m...... W. Joseph Lemlre. e 8 Renl Tracki President's doctors are avoiding while I expert the market to ad­ j.} W P - W a a Work. WTIC-Dlck Burtal He spent two year* at the U.S. 6 p.m. 8 p.m. .. iors, and the Boys' (3holr. WINDOWS of attem------tau- pting ‘ Xo aasume an.v au-1 ...... Lucy Burke, Roger Winter. 8 in sert* Atlantic Mark vance in Decrmbei, I also think it Naval Academy and three years 8 p.m. •10 p.m. . . The Thanksgiving morning use of "a popular term" so as not thority because oFnre.sidentlal dis­ WllAY—Planer Party ...... Lucy Burke, Roger Winter. to give an erroneous impression. ability. \ I At Canaveral! will go to new lows lower than at the Coaht Guard Atademy. He 10 p.m -Midnight ...... Harry Goldberg. Ehichaiist will be prefaced with a eVantUnte* to (P in a . at any time this yesr In the first WKNB—Open Mika haa been a member of the U.S. Friday, Nov. 29 procession of these three choral •ny degree Inatnlintton In reply to other questions. Hag- (Continued 'from Page One) The Constitution in te n t on who 1 8 ' ' TI’-—Roae Mlllel 1 -1 (Continued from Page One) quarter of P.^ ." Wl^RC—Arthur Gndfray WDRG—Aiiioa and Andy Power Squadron for two years and Midnight - 2 a.m...... Lucille Hlrth, Charles Hirth groups together with the large afid if desired). ' 16.50 determines when a Prcsklent ., rli.s ertv said Eisenhower’s speech still! , , ^ WPOP-Top 40 Tima shied, when s vice piesid«nl take.i Baehe H Co., a big international ^ WPUP—Wan Worka is a Boy Scout Troop committee­ 2 a.m. - 4 a.m...... Lucille Hirth, Charles Hirth small processional crosses of St. is slightly impaired but that it is I Urni, said it had European bu.ving Improving Steadily. The speech riif-: planes leaving Iy>a Angeles this over and when the disahiliby end.s. I noon and late in the afternoon WRAY—Piniier Parly WTIAY—Saransda man. He ha* been an engineer at 4 a.m. - 6 a.m...... Lucille Hirth. Charles Hirth Mery's. Since Thanksgiving Day is ALUMINUM DOOR CANOPIU orders from Switzerland and Hol- P ratt and Whltne.v A ircraft for 17 6 a.m. - 8 a.m. . . . ficully developed in the early f morning Tliis plane and another No vice president has ever tpken what appeared to be a test ve­ .WTIC-noB. Miller World ...... Olive Chartler proclaimed by civil authority, the 'and on hand at the opening. WDRC—K. R. Murrow years. Since living here he has 8 a.m. 10 a.m. . ■tages of his Illness. over the duties except after -the hicle po«.^iWy a component part w S S S ~ ^ * Kiilbv ...... Olive Chartier flags of the state, the nation, and ALUMINUM ROLLper of the ,lupi- spare available WDRC—R O [.awls ...... J. Victor Marcin It is the custom at St. Mary's WDRC—Cai Knlbv 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. . . . •igning and initialing the papers. records, the East to West and the ' ; thorize the cabinet to decicle on ilis- teX^ arrived in a private plane but Prior to the opening a custom­ ^ W POP-Wax Worka WPOP—Mvatary Tima First Mate Theodore Sanden...... " . Joseph Lemlre, J. Schelbenpflug on Thanksgiving Day to offer the round trip. , ' j ability, but Congre.sa ha.s not ai ted wasNpot available to newymen. , er's - ...... - man at s one house summed up 5:15— also an Eagle Scout, had 12 years 6 p.m. - 8 p.m...... Wayne Garland ' alma of the people and the obla­ ON DISPLAY AT: Earlier, the Piesident's doctor WHAY—Rpcord Rodan 8 p.m. 10 p.m. . had reported he slept well and These two records are also held I ; on the l.ssue. TlieTe...... c were repovta that the,..u big...fc ji opinion with.with "If you can figure wticA n’: ' : ; ’'® scouting in Y'onkers. N. Y. He is ...... Olive R ay tions of bread and wine separate­ W^^IG—Paopla Ara f'unny 10 p.m. - Midnight "awoke refreshed." by the Navy. A .N’avy A3D holds ■ ; Nixon publiclv disclaimed yester- Atlas, ah. Intercontinental balli.stirs i out what millions of people are - WDRO^Nfwt WDB(-~R Q Lawia a graduate of the New York State ...... Harry-Goldberg ly. The Utter, which are the ele­ the New York-Los Angeles record ; day any thought of taking over a.s mis.sile, ritight be fired next week, going to do In the m arket, you're WPOP—United Auto Workers Show H POP—Myaiary Tims Maritime College. He is vice Skywatch Post located on top of Manchester Police Station. ments of the Eucharist, are carried /^NCHESTER AWNING CO. A brief medical bulletin said Ei- , 1:15-- 4:50—• of S hours. 1 i minutes. .'S4 seconds, acting President during F.isenhow- The .Navy'S' Vanguard, a .l-stage ' better than I am. " president In charge of sales at the Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal to the altar by laymen from the ■enhower "took his usual shower WHAV —Plaiirr pArty WHAY —Record Rodso Building, Monday, Wednesday or Friday, from 1-5 p.m. and shave and Just had a normal and the sam e plane holds the round ; er's illness. rocket designed to pul an .\meii- The public addre.ss system of WriC—Rom Miller jyTIC-Nlght Lina W illiam Brand Co. in W illim antic. con^egatlon. At the offertory of 195 WEST CENTER ST.—MI 9-3091 breakfut." |trip record having negotiated the ‘ I He sought to explain that (hiring ran .satellite iri the sky, al.so has house called out, shortly be- WDRtW'ai Knlbv WDRC—Ruaty Draper Adult scoula for this group held the alms th* combined choir* will distance in 9 hours. .H mimilcs and I the time he .spent at the White bc^ seen on the launching ramps. : r„,.p opening, that if orders W POP—Untied Auto Worker! Sho WPOP—Hound Dof another planning meeting last Hagerty described the Chief * 8 :4 ;^ until 9 to know that she is a local Mr*. Joseph Seymour at Hemp­ sing Maunder’* "Praise the Lord House yesterday he was acting '>«<' not been placed in the market U'HAY —Plftiirr pAj’tV WHAY--Rot'nrd iliKlrn night. Next week T .esday they girl who heads this group. 'Tessie stead, Long Island. O Jerusalem." The offertory of the T ' ” I '* "1 plane look off from only as a member of the cabinet I? I 2f> minute.s before 10 a m., the WTk'’—Rovr Millf*r WTIC—aNiRlit Lnif will meet with the boys who will Chance" is in reality, Violet Tess oblations will be the familiar 1.^,, * contimi ng I Angeles at !• .W S7 iK.STi this team that rallied around the Chief WDRC—Cal Kolbv WDRC—Rujity Draper elect their boy leaders, at 8 p.m. Kremser setting of "We Gather ton f lot ndt ii "'"y *|'^ opening, they would be too late to WPOP-Wax Worka 9 Df>K Chowajiec. daughter of Mr. and Manchester Evening Herald Co­ slight d^ficulty in pronouncing ',„rning. piloted bv Capt. Rav W. Executive. in Yeom ans Hall. Together," by the Junior Choir. hard words, a result of his illness, .s.-hrenceniost .Ir . Cleveland, Ohio. woO'r " o" lv. i catch the opening trades. l:4.V- Mrs. George Chowanec of Old Hop lumbia correspondent, Mrs. Donald He said he was not presiding but NNobiilcrl and then was blaslod ' * ^ WHAY —Platl^r Party WHAV—jNjta Watch IJnna Host Meeting At his news conference later | ,jme of .I hours it minutes apart because of some fallme of After the onening one customer's WTIC—Nlfhl Lina River. She grew up and was edu­ Tuttle, telephone AOademy 8-8485. "participating in" confei-ences of WTIC—Rn.ns Miller A Joint zone meeting sponsored . "fthing : hroke the Navv record. His plane. on/* or more of- ita• intricate parts man. tied up with a riislom fr on WDRC—Cal Knlbv WDR(^—Tiia World Tontcht cated here, but for several year* top administration leaders who WPOP—Hound Do* by the local Lions, was held at the ha* been away from home. She now to what the dTCtors have reported, nnrf the third.' piloted hv Capt. met during the day while the Tlie sJupUcr haa been fired .«ev- the phone, hung- up his rerriver WrOP-Wax Worka 9:15— f:*b— LJberty Hill Log Cabin Monda,v lives in Manchester. Her band in­ Tucker’s Leading MILLFABRICS about prospecta for Eisenhower s Robert M Sweet Cumberland eial tim es and ia conairicied to be with the exclamation. “I got to WHAY- Nita Watch President lay in beii under doc­ WHAY —Datallnf WTIC—Mfht Lina night. Special guests Included AI complete recov'ery within a "rca- , wis.. are the two making the tors' care. the most effective rocket of Us explain an ex-divuleml to a 20- WTIC-Nawa cludes Lucky Steele, her brother- aonable time. | round trip. WDRC—Nawa WDR(.’-T n a Wtirid Tonlrht Abraham. District Deputy Gover­ in-law from Canada. He plays th* Notice The Vice President, grim and type in the V. S .arsenal. share custom er on a morning Iik« WPOP—Hound Dof Setback Tourney WPOP—N>wa 9;.5S— nor of Norwich, Charles Hitch­ Steele guitar. Curley Rogers, He said he woi^d not go beyond! The fourth pilot in the group, I unsmiling, said his return today Ihi.'s'" W E W ILL RE the doctors words "fo r the time ; F irst Lt. Gustav B K latt. .Midland. WHAY®*- Nite Watch cock, District Governor of Willi­ Maine, play* fiddle; Pat Moranda, did not mean he was assum ing ex­ The big decline yesterday esma WHAY—Datrltn* WTIC—aN'urht Una Tucker Insurance Co boasts a 75- CLOSED ALL DAY _ I Tex., may yet break Kilpatrick's in the last 20 minutes of trading, WTIC—fltnctlv Sporta WDRC—Radio Bpat mantic: FrancLs Barrett, vice prea- Maine and Connecticut, plays bass tra duties during the President's To>vn Biiildiiig.s point lead in the Red Men's Setbkek SALESROOM In a" queatlon-arid-answer sea- record. WDR< w»ath»r and Zaiman WPOP—Hound , Doi ident of the Willimantic Club: Don­ fiddle; and Tessie plays the Span­ THURSDAY illness. after a medical communique on WPOP—Leawranca Walk 9:45— Tournament after 12 weeks of alon with reporters, however. Hag The two pilots making the short- I J :W i Eisenhow era illne.*s. ald Churchill president and George ish Guitar. She has been In band play. The scores; ORIGINALLY CHENEY'S SALESROOM erty appeared to reopen the door "I generally come to the White WHAY' —Nila Watch THANKSGIVING est West-East trip in operation | WHAY—Saranada WTIC—Nlrtit Lln4‘ Farrell, secretary of the Coventry work about 10 years. Tucker's, 2,465; Bolton Five, to some possibility that Elsenhow­ William Orr receives golng-away presents and affectionate fare­ House 'When there are discussions Gel Liisehediilrd Cnia oiaa Club 177 HARTFORD RD. — MANCHESTER "Sun R un" will receive the Dis­ WDRC—Radio Beat Lions; Edward Clark, president New’ Arrival 2,380; Red Men's Lodge, 3,^8; er might itlll go to the NATO wells from the students and PTA of Manchester Green School in which I can be helpful." he W pnr—Mtialc a la Carta WPOP—Hound Dog tinguished Flying Cro.ss Others commented. WPOP—Top 40 Tima 10:M— r and Phlhp Baker, secretary of the A daughter, Wendolyn Ann. was North Ends. 2.349; Manchester council meeting In Paris Dec. 16. where he served as custodian for nine snd a half years Mrs Lebanon Lions and J. R. Garey, of JACK'S breaking the Navy record will re- Ni.xon, who is regarded as a Coat of Paint Fire Checked WHAY^ aNlta Walt h born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wallpaper and Paint, 2,277; and Large Selection Of Hagerty said Vice President c Ive Air Medals. The presents- | Janitor Gets Roderick Eliason, president of the Green PTA. presents Orr witli WTIC—At the U.N Lebanon, zone chairman, who pre­ Maple Super Service. 2.225. COFFEE SHOP Nixon was spending much of the a check, while Allan Anderson. 20 Coburn Rd., gives a watch leading candidate for the 1960 Several town buildings, incliid- -« t • -e | Television Programs WDRC—Ruaa Naughton Pohler of Baltimore, Md., Tuesday, tton will be made by Gen. O P. ' WPOP—^flound Dog sided at the dinner meeting. Mrs. Pohler is the former Patricia 89 E. CENTER ST. day in the White House but had from the students and faculty of the school. Orr will become "'’■’"" " ‘lb"' has ing the police station, received a On Page Two 10:IS— Cub Pack Meeting Weyland. commander of the Tacti­ a\oided any appearance of trying , ... Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. not seen the President. He said cal Air Command. Gifts from the custodian at the Keeney St. School. (Herald Photo bv oy JMeighbors WtlAY—-NitJ*...... Watrh Cub Scout Pack 62 will hold a O fiara.) , to take over the top office in two ^oat of paint last night | WTIC—AI the n N. William Tucker of (Jherry Valley Secretory of State Dulles and The planes are powered by two ■ pack meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Charge Atty. Gen. Rogers also met to­ ______I previous Eisenhower lllnes.ses. But | police today are looking for ' WDRC—Ruaa Naughton Rd. The baby is the couple's first Tour UPHOLSTERY AND Fifty neighbors formed a bucket W I^P—Hound Dog Pratt and Whitnev J.’57 Jet engines in Yeomans Hall. Edward Mac- gether at the White House "on I he indicated the disability ques- ■ those who did the Job i I 10;5S— child. each developing 13.000 pounds Green Pupils brigade to temporarily contain a G I N E k A I ^ Dougall, Cubscout mastoc.—asks PfosgriptlMM ■ White House business.^ Kctfioiial Dikirirt 8 and investment In school plant, tion was discmssed yesterday while According to Police Chief Her- WHAY—N'Ha Watch n e t * Kiaenhnw» thrust With afterburner. Thev were fire at the residence of Hugh F. WTIC—Timf* ff>r Mualr that all boys who were Cubs last Mr. and Mr*. Wallace Lohr and You lion t nMd fe pay I William Orr, the custodian of WDRC—Rubb Naughton year, and plan to be Boy Scouts Ma.i'den. 97 Drive B, about 3 p.m. TV SERVICE WPOP—Modern Sounds Infant son. Craig. Lake Rd., ar* .PINE PHARMACY I the Manchester Green School, was I this year, attend the meeting. $250 fe $300 for wept, Hagerty said. j jet tanker. ____ | Day# 10:45— spending the Thanksgiving holi­ MAPERY FABRICS yesterday. Firemen, from Com- M A C A Can M4 Center BL—80 8-N14 I recognized today during a Thanks- Lunch Study ounting flriii, will furnish a gen-, cabinet members had been in- symbols o^i sections of Manches'ter WHAY-rCita Watch Graduation ceremonies for these days with her parents, Mr. and He said Eieenhower. at the Ume. NIgbta w SaSu Plus Parts W Tre-TO Radio R(*vlaw boys will ho held, and awards will ALSO DRESS FAIRICS OF WOOLENS. waa lilting in an aaay chair in his I giving assembly "for all the kind er«I outUn«'of.n‘intV;naT;c:oun7:'fo7m;d\o'^^^^^^^^^ I'’" Tb"’" WDRC—Ruaa Naughton Ing system to he u.sed in the school tial authority 7-as required at Hich Srh^oTu ' s' o'* u n 1 o r Fire Department responded to the TEL. Ml S-548S WPOP—Modern Sounds be given. INCONSPICUOUS SILKS. tOnONS. NYLONS. ORLONS. bedroom on Die aecond floor of the things" he had done during his Scheduled by 11 :0S— A special Thanksgiving service White House. I office for $100. If the Board wanted pre.sent required at , High .School. East Side Recreation call, relieved the amateur fire- Police Arrests nine years of service. WHAY—Mta Watch will be held in the Congregational ...QUALITY HEARING AIDS LARGE REMNANT DEPARTMENT. Hagerty laughed off. a( his news to have the system completely im- .Vixon said Attv Gen William bulMm.r .nH ih fighters and quickly squelched ths WTIC—Nawa Allan Anderson, a sixth grader, plemented, the Initial sum of $100 p Rogers made this H - e i i k • m ^ "** ’ "^hool blaze, WDRC—News A Waathar Church tomorrow at 9:30 e.m. The VISIT OUR NEW CRILDltEN’B conference, a reporter's request for presented Orr with a wrist watch Board Group 7$3U^[us'''toV'c‘"^ — ng as wen as the ponce sta- x,eonling to Ha.vden. the fir. WPOP—Modern Sounds Rev. George K. Evans will be In WEABINO APPAREI. DEPABTMKNT «mment on two London news- Norman Nicotera. 24. of Rock- that all of the children and teach­ ______• of II :15— _f $300 plus the cost of supplies, condition was and what was re- The lelterine fm.nH tv, k m ^'r'’*''" '" 'I at the rear of the biiild- WHAY—Mta Watch charge. FOR EXPERT ville, was arrested bv State Police ers had bought for him. .Mrs. Rod­ Hebron. Nov. 27 (Special) — The firm had .deviously been en-. ^ in 77k pay and WTTC—Sports Local Girl on Ra4llo O ptn Monday Mini Wodnasday f Jto 1:30 '^■■Just sli^* r'ls iia h .,4 T *"<1 charged with operat- erick Eliason, president of the WDRC—Ruaa Naughton It may come as a surprise to w h e el balancing Thundoy-Mdoy 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. liaveiy# ^ ^ " " “'■erwelght com m ercial vehi- Green PTA, presented him with WPOP—Modern Sounds • A n ihe’ermtifiUraeK iiHln|. the Re;rional District 8 school will i ipR. handled by the trea/mrer. p e r-’ assured F^lsenhowr-’------11 :5S— many who listen to Tessie Chance RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING haven t any reaction. Hagerty re-, de on. Rt. 15. Nicotera was the a check. WHAY’—Jaa* Allay and her Lazy C. Ranch Gang over naest-qaaliiy heanat aid*— . SATURDAY 9 A.M. to B P.M. 1 be m.nde " bv a sub-committee ap i tainlnfi: to the J l . 950.000 btmd is- t’h”bl* ."J' ’"‘'('’''t"--'"ho!tb".M j.'tbair'c!iX t*-!''bnb''(o?.l Night , WTIC—Biarttght Sarrnadt COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE tiny. 1^ 1. weeaspicDea*—at ” < . I o'^'ner and driver of a truck carrv- Among the many things he has were de.stroved He added that WILI Thursday nights from 8:30 PHONE Ml 3-7322 i sue and the school constnicUon. WDRC—Ruaa Naughton $65 to SltSlIgi^* ead u- aug^sUOT b^SM^Bridwii ^ Rockville to done in his years at the school, ac­ pointed at the meeting of the Re­ .smoke and w ater damage was WPOP—Modern Sounds ibe-ear model*. Com* to, *** cording to Mr.s. Madeline Mitchell, ! Tile Board also voted to have an 11 :4.5— SEE !K li'?n Y ak \ "o® r'’s'^me'';fert gional Board in the new school heavy TELEVISION them—r*4^/ dentiaj duties ^ Ko*.ma. uho made the arrest, re- principal of the school, are to shov­ . Inaulatinjr baffle placed on the ■ am r7mni 7 I „ 1 ’ Counting the fact that It may have WHAY- Jaw AUav aj— m m o h i nHiMi a — ■#■ Monday night. Hayden's wife, Teresa, and their WTTC—Starlight Saranads el the paths very earlv on snowy ) roll-up door of the auditorium Pre.7„7. r boufident the been done hv Mancheater riilprils WDRC—Rua.a Naughton 800 YEARS' M "I'v e heard'no discu-ssion of that v i '''7 ' ' T President will return to his desk .On Halloween night East Hart-| three young ehiirhen were in the bvy an.voneanvo'ne'and" and thatthrt“TncTudes includes "th^ the' .o'erwelghl.overweight.' Nicotera is days, unlock the doors'so that the Serving on the committee will j stajte. Jesoph Carter, clerk of the SERVICE WPOP— Modarn Sounds bt .Mr.s Peter Crawford, Marl­ I works, u as aske^l to check on house at the time the fire broke PRESCRIPTION 4 QUINN’S PHABMACY 'ViceVice President,"President " HagertyHacertv said "'^beduled to appear in Town Court earliest arrivers would not have .7 xon ford police found the letters' CLARKE MOTOR SALES **------* ■ . . . -V I here on Dec. 7. lo ot —i j ------borough: .Mrs Ravmord P. Houle, I the apecification.s concerning' the out TTiey quickly left the building. Phone: I.ATINS SEND STRATEGIC Phone 8tl 8-4188 Hagerty emphasired 'that the! stand in the cold, remove the Nixon said w hil. ir i ..M H .S " painted on the high EXPERIENCE 4 Andover: and Mrs. Clifford R. of metal in the door. "full c '^'hte'^'lX R'»7,'’°«'cr IS school building in that town. Po- Hayden pral.sed the work of th . ITE.M. ______301 BROAD S T R E E T— Ml 9-2012 President and'only the President' c -^ . W Builders Supply , snow from teachers' windshields JA 2-4667 By Oar Pharmaelsta 4 BlMAT ttONW-Mai •UAUNIMl will decide who will represent the ' has been before they went home at night, Wright, of this town. n7 e7 «r7 d7 laion he^'H " " ‘■''b'''’quantly believe that last neighbors and the local firemen Latin America supplies 30 itra- neces.sart decl.aion. he doesn t be- night s work was done as an act JA 2-4091 United States-at States -at the Dec. 16 sum-*sum-‘ r ‘ " allow 'bKing me the opera- amiand neiphelp min emergenciesem ergencies like The Board "(mannounced that it Is Carter'”ord toe*board'\h'’a7 he is V s work and had special praise for 15-year- ■tegir m aterisle stockpllert by the ► Arthur Drug StorH < \ ■' ’——------^ mit conference of Atlantic nacti '“J" overweight commercial , jammed zippers and playground !I seeking ' " ' ' ‘'''’P appheatiapplications for an ac- working out a method to deter- to be siibml'itpH** i \a”* u ^ of retaliation old John Blarkmnre of 417 Hart­ United States. nations In Paris if it is held ,, ''Chicle. One of the firm's trucks I accidents. | credited dietitian mine how much heat from the ford Rd , who ran into the burn­ ■■■■■■■>■ ■aOBBBlIBBBMBBO naUons_3 in Paris, «'lV*7s“held”a --rl-vin.- s l .. ... ______. . . 'cafeto ria anrt i.mI the next Jew days '" ' ‘hat (Kbeduled. carrying building supplies and He u-sed to make and serve the ‘‘obtibue to ac- school plant is being used by the B^idires noted how^vw tu three 16-year-oId (Tiris arrest-1 ing v' ...... building" several timeanMn-n tom re-rr- Art Your Gar Replying to questions. Hagertv W. .lennlngs Jr. coffee at the PTA meeting.^ ' ‘’'P* applications for other kitchen I contractor in the auditorium and next year s budget 7 nearin ° painting ‘ ^leve Items of clothing and other aaid "■we certainly have not " sug-i b' ^cw Haven was stopped on Rl On's wife. Gerda, works at the '’^'P "' C Heisler, aiiperin-, other parts of the school which pmnl ' of fin7 d^-l.inn. Ihe tmvn highway signs In the High-' “cles in the house, that PLANNED SECURITY g<^ed postponement of the meet- ^"’' *’>' R'’zma Monday and found cafeteria at Green School Orr is * number of in-! have not been turned over to the this and the fact th7«dJ?*i t*''^ ' "'‘'"'“'‘d doing the Although it was first believed The Bank gives you Paymanti Too High? ing. He stressed Uiat the North ‘ pounds overweight The leaving his work at Green to be- j q^'bles have been received already , board. The contractor. J. S. Nasin ticin's "egisUtive m o7«77? 'I''"' "*'tford East 'h«< the fire started from burning Atlantic Treaty (NATOl CJoiincil i has been notified that their come riislodian at Keeney School.ool i ‘bom candidate., for cafeteria jobs. ! Co.. Willimantic. will pay the final form mak7 the slnfaVion P"'>ce .said today that the '“bbish in the backyard, fire of- of Ministers ijiccto annually, and come up in court here The Thanksgiving assembly pro­ Since the cafeteria equipment ia arhool its share of the heating mat somewhat more cri tal ban u 7 l' ” .’’7 '"’' •'»*<< •'’'lay the cause ha. not ij 0 l(pd6W .i^ ^ expected to he mstai’ed by the mid- i until the board has accepted the Dec. 16 session U "an annual " gram consisted of songs and hymns all was at the time 7 Ffsenho.. ' here, will not be ar- been determined. We have the nicest things for meeting. " State Police today alio reported sung by the children, with a nar­ die of .lamiary. Board members parts of the building. 19.55 7«rt attack ’ -"'ch for the East Hartford van- said that the per.«on who will be Carter also reported that the ex­ OPEN A U.S. ipoketatail in Parts had arrest of Victor L, Hellmann. i raliverative of the first ThanksgiiThanksgiving, Sen. Stennis (D-Miss) vice ''■nlT t- Row very grateful we should you to K m FOR CHRIST­ ■aid this country to willing, if the ' Hartford, charged with and the reading of Psalm 100 running the hot lunch program terior glazing in the cafeteria ia ...... „ .^enaie j-r. chairman of a Senate Preparedness <5. 1 ? h f’ourt last MAS. R ead/to make Paks for Atlantic pact partr-en w desire to operating a commercial vehicle I, should be appointed...... a.s. — soon .1 as complete with only some interior subcommittee...I------Inquiring < repareoness into the Saturday, were turned over to Hartford Judge YOUR HEATING SYSTEM MONDAY g o ahead wits -Jie meeting on * *'*’>thout rear flaps Hellmann, ar- I possible to Hssi.st with the advance | Kla*mg remaining to be completed, missile and satellite mograms juvenile authorities. Socks, Caps, Hoods, Pigtail Chlefa of state l»«« with Nixon '’**1"* 1**1 on Rt. 15 bv .State Plaximg. I The , exterior , glazing . J in ...... the gym-| he hopes theino iTPre.s7enf, e .s i f i e n il l Illness l i I Jail.s Andcr.son Thru Pets, TV Slippers, Etc. Sitting in for Eisessibenres- Policem an E. E. Neal, is scheduled >alary Study nn«tinmnaslum i«is expected t.^to kbe.. completed e.r,r.e..siests.e4 ------awon't affect efforts .. to speed uics. up b e , t h a t Hagerty told Unit- -oorar m nu-t here Per 2 Reports Show Thf Board alsi> appointed a sub- : CONVERT TO OIL HEAT NOW! : , p-ograms. n-.e subcommit- Two More (groups Next time he orders flowers. * Call Us! We'll Be Pleased To Submit An EiHmate. ^ SATURDAY ed Stoles'haa qaerier: tie "l« other E Catalano. ,T5, of 136 I'ommittee to study methoda ciir- j However, use of the gymnasium » has heard some testimony that Harrv .VI Anderson. 26 Maple St.! We have hundreds of knittfng NATO govem m eBla as to ■ahether ^•'Oipfield Rd.. was arrested yes- renUv used ’for setting: salary W» will pay off your bai- President Had j will be held up probably until the ^^ly the President could get pro­ will be a little more careful about UNTIL S:30 books with suggestions for the P aris m eeting sy.ixild be a "ses- lt!!***X and charged with parking acheduI#»R of teachers in other end of January since the type of ! ^^iction going full tilt. ^ ill Tour School who.se name he signs to the bill. a s a * ROTARY or PRESSURE BURNERS - anet In rail and affor a ■ion at th at le ie J o r simply i too close to the Intersection of towns. The move was taken fol- ■ paint used ...ifor the nuorfloor min some I ------Anderson drew a 15-dav jail sen­ * COMPLETE HEATING ■ other knit gifts and aa always mlnistenal meeting as r<»hrji) iro ra i for ,v, salaryna.m > negotiationsllCKUllallOnR bvDV reprerePfe- ' improvement group to the old NEW! NEW! NEW! Wa also buyluy for cosh ever, arrangements had been made Church Plans building on Saturday. He was arrested Monday night Hagerty said Eisenhower has dime I , 7 ‘7 --"‘"“ves of the school bn«rd'7d with other schools that their facili- I by Hartford police after ' he or­ all typos or Iota ears. held no conference with an.v cabi­ D eaths dlfriniltv in speak’ .g the teachers. The town official wants to see HOT WATER HEATER The NHI doctors said that a ties could be used if the regional! dered Rowers from a florist on net members since )i)s illness be­ The cominilLee members are school gym wae not available. ! the achootoised for recreation he XTd7ve"Tivln/7"‘"' "" Prompt, fast, roHoUt gan Monday afternoon. However. "stroke " little or big could di­ ; 5trs Crawford. Marlborough: Mrs ‘Surplus’ Gift pose.s ana groun meetings. It i.s aa X i P m i.l ’ 5 OPERATING ON NO. 2 FUEL OIL Thomas Oiarest The basketball team will have i Hagerty indicatei. Nixon might be rectly rc.sult from the following Houle. Andover: and Alfred Gold- scheduled for de.struction unless ' gheriff '’'■o'her of the buying sorviet. Thomas A (Jharest. 36 1221 mechanisms: Its first game with Plainfield Tiles-! Antlover, Nov. 27 iSpecial) __ he succeeds. Hat water as you Uke It! Guaranteed aad at seeing the President shortly Hag- ^ stein, of this town. The committee According YOUR Forbes St . East Hartford, frirmer- to police. Anderson the most economical cost te you. said he "might have some­ 1. ThrombosUs That is. clot for­ I is expected to make its recommen­ day. followed by a game with Ly- "Share Our Surplus" offerings will ^'-'Iw In Nolan, first aid director , bouchriTs^? J ” ly of Manchester, died suddenly at mation In an artery of the brain man, Dec, 6 and Cheney Te. hmcal be taken at the Thanksgivlrg serv-* >be Red Cross, and Victor si I ers Oct. thing later" to ■ .y on that score. his home yesterday. dations w tlh in a per‘od that would 2. Embolism Blocking of SchoolonDec.il. ; ice In the First CMngregaIionaIiS'''«nson.presidentoftheMan- Police „r(77'‘T 7 '7 ‘‘’ '’”“'''''Potter. Barlow ► Hagerty said Eisenhower ap­ He was born in .New rj I, . . Lt . '■•“•‘f* '»* "a ’ ennuipenable (nethe rso«rnBoard loto coniDl#*tccomplete it'Us BedfoK . . brain blood vessel by a clot float- budget for presentation iif March Alfred Goldstein of Hebron Iec- ** tomorrow. A vhe.ster Improvement Assn, will hi’u to .h„,. . ' '( florist's for "OIL HEAT IS CLEAN HEAT" proved yesterday's decision to Mass., son of Alfred Charest of Bob MOTOR SALES YARN SHOP St of Bol- ing m the bloofl stream and origi- ; ohimended that the Board consider ‘["*‘'|’'A’v » " ' v1'’c will be conducted the building with -Mahonev i chanren'him *’* '*'‘*’ query the 14 other NATO nations ton and the late Ellen Kenvon New Teacher Hired on whether to hold,a summit or natmg from another part of th- ' , making arrangements to transport by the Rev. Willard Thomen. ( «t 2:30 p.m. Saturday. ' I under*f«l''‘"’ obtaining goods PHONE TR 5-2538 Charest He was a veteran of World body. Edward Yeomans of Andover Have 50 COTTAGE STREET—MI 9-2358 ■Impl.v a mimateria] meeting at War II and was employed as a "as hired to t' a» a replacem ent fo r' Harold 319 BROAD STREET— Ml 9-45.39 ROCKVILLE, CONN. The preskienUal physician. Ma­ struction Co. in Mam hosier k-n(y said a "big " stroke Is the ‘’’' ‘''‘tog the school and a review- Trust Co. Board ^Connecli^t Squ7e'"Da^m7 Heavy Schedule our career*, our way of,life. , Teachers and Callers Assn, to call I tend the meeting Alcoholic* type in which there mav be nartial “Pleating budget were pre- \ IS ear Tracks - J^ented to the BoarH hv •«!>-.«.. otes Y ule Roniltt D 17 in the Cr-stal | JFVai^ James .VI. Donlin_ ____ , complete parafy.sis of one aide to the Board by tiea.aurer 4»irs 1 U ie D o n u s Ban room in Meriden Saturday For Round Table t s KiineraJ- al servicesseryicca for JJamea...... M. i the body. * tephen Degnan of Marlboroiyjh. ' St. Donlin, 46 Glenwood St., were held JPr e e d o m *** print, to tpeak Ti?o°veir oiri‘7o h '^ (Speciall -- uonlin, 46 Glenwood St., were held 1* '‘“ '® Pl'toie"’of'/fr/ 'I'be Manchester Tni.st Co. board ‘ *>r advance**"cl'ub! TT'e Round Table Singer* of j w77ne ;■ this morning at 8:15 from the W acconding to our conaciencc. found r.r '’*'' Home, followed pmrcul’a"ton7ro77f A bonus Of 5|?o^r;mt"rs."^ i .“"d^chfd,r,r 71' wa'ntTo’‘7e7 .7^' steep ravine Vi 7 requiem Mass at St. of the thinking process may be '7tim.77f "" base salaries j Merrier is currently conducting month, according to G A lh s 7 1 X “ a® 1 «t THANKSGIVING 7xt to iie ir 7 pm tr^ay;.,ame. Church at » o'clock The temporarilyP impaired. current- year. * ...... ”*•* payable to lo ajiall cm- - ciass lor urades 5 g7fr7m7he7 ?/7e'’cluh*"'' Vrnndaw n *®"®*'*1*tp'**Mi*chur7* 7 ! hell subdeaeon .Mrs Jane .Vfctcc a- par^fpart of the speechapcech process. „,k,a " .uChen " .TDr. " Heisler ,, had * . ______I unless they have had previous sing at WaddeM School at 8 n.m. • - '2 rj ■ • ' Dr hoH " ‘'A'’’PAbello of Cook i rone was organist apd soloist horization to hire an <^caaionai or re- tralninfr.training work being done by them In help! BOUQUETS They pointed to the w ording of. t?,d®Uon«77,"7 " cently employed—in those case* They will perform at the Tolland Pr.. had wandered away from his i Father O Con7il read the com- last night's bulletin from the A“'““°nal teacher Justice Court Seaslon Ing those men and women of this $ 1 . 0 0 up back yard with anollier play­ At tki- » i-x . in wnicnw hich appacation application of th< the five per Federated Cljtirch Dec. 5 at 7:30 F reedom tipprediion, of Plan on thn best haating.,. automatic I mttal Rcrvi<(* at th** pi-ave in St i While House which declared; ‘‘The Do;;nan said, it is Leonel Poudrier, 26. of Willlman- and surrounding communities who mate. Hi’s mother, the mother of '•"to would result In a les'ser p.m, Dec. 6. two performances will repmal, of want. $ 1 . 0 0 rp James' (Vnietery (President’s)(President's) difficulty difficultv inIn sneaking speaking ...... '“'“'"xcestimate coaiacoals lorfor neat-;heat-: amount tic. was fined a total of $54 for have found thst they need help oil heat and clean-action M obtlhoati the ot^er boy and several neigh­ be given, pne at 8 p.m. at the oatslile themselves In mastering Bearers y.eie Georjre Brinkman, has improved over the period of lighting expenditures of "T|h* action was taken speeding and operating without a bors hipgari looking for him. Uus-1 license at a Monday night court Emanuel Brotherhood, and the the alcohol problem. * LARGE I |T^ '(1 .7L ' ) M*ke your new honle a more (xunfort- i Kd.vani Brinkman Wilbur Garri- other at 8:45 at .St. M ary's 50-50 Mrs.'Robert Boucher, w-hose son .son. U’evante Garrison Alhiert fe.:tM o7y7r; h^itlXln"'*"'-^’AUI-: the entire «’hool Is nk being .".‘J’f®used ; •«■! B. Hathaway ^ announced, 7)7 "at at j| session conducted bvby TrlaUusticeTrial Justice ® able home with Mfe, dependable auto­ was with Johnny, spotted her own Club. POTTED Garri.son and Donald G^iehring ASSORTMENT child standing dn the Notch Rd ing certain difficult w-ords. Read matic oil heating and new clean-action MobilheaL bridge across the ravine anef ii\ei Ing, w'.’iiing and reasoning pow- ‘ to 7 7 ' 7 , 7 7 ' 7 . i 7 ' 7 7 7 X ‘ b 7 i ' ’" ’’i r t ' ' 1 • 7 ' ° ” theColXTtor h " ' 7 d H T Hale Has MUMS Here’s the entirely new fuel oil that actually cleans tlie railrp^ij tracks w-hich run par­ areq, not affected."-b- "'"^h-^:tT/enXsed7n“’77‘^ .Xr.?"'''7.Xa;7y ‘-‘‘‘vtog patroi- 7Tp7't De7 .We at the Savings Bank of Manchester are grateful to be able to POTTED a* it heats, allel wlth.Rt. 6 in Bolton Nolcli J'mo Boyis FouikI Slm iU ily. they said, a ''h ttle’'| Al.so the board h a 7 7 t rereiv«rt n J "^ "‘ ®‘'' " ''’hlch would indicate ex- *A bond of- ...... $21 was forfeited by greg^ional gr.g»/ inn .i n Church. h 8 p.m.; and .T w o A 88em b lies AT REASONABLE Arriving at the bridge, Mrs. stibke involving...... O a different•••••ViVUV part ' Mn l(f7 elect, icft7 operating earning* and I ^ c e l o t Stanley, 29, of Houlton, two l^rformaiices Dec. 13, one at' play a part in assuring so many of our fellow-Americans F'reedom PRICES Cleaa-aftiea MaMHiaat five* Boucher saw’ the Campanello lad * 4 f l < T Fifiiie Jaunt of th® the brain might mi;;ht temporarily af-: af-! taken onnn hiring sn addition^ bank which current- Maine, who hart been charged with Era^uel Missionary Society at 8 I Thanksgiving programs w e r a PLANTS m art citan hast par gaflont lying at the bottom of the ravine. feet a physical function of the * teacher ly appear comparable to 1956 fig- p.n^. the other at Center Church |piven at two special assemblies >» following too close. State Police­ from Want. GOgaaaeeee-aeee.eeeaeeaaaaJ • •• An urudentified delivery man lu es." C(/Eds at 9. , i the Nathan Hile School today South Windsor •Nov. 27 uTi ®’‘ "™P'®r T " " * '’® ‘ ®"’' ; OI-burM W ents .Aiipnived man Thomas Gauthier testified In climbed down and brought the iin- porarv muscular weakne.'s. Also, The Board anrimviiH iii.hni... the case and also one involving e high school Christman con- j Each grade took part in the nri' CEMEnRY BASKETS -- ALSO GREENS FOR Stiott Boyce stKj Griffin Smith wdll h» rrlv.n n... .. B irr.m .nrf , 1.. * "toe pro- Injured boy back up. Mrs. Boucher : ^ ■ ------otoer'’^'*"'’ *i’-|ments totalling $844.89." as siib- Shirley J. Potter. 22. of Vi'ilman- e rt w'lll be given Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. gram and the eixth grade g'lea CEMETERY and WINDOW lOXES satimated that the boy climbed * 77.rarf.' 7 ® 7 ’"’'^- unharmed foct . oib '"‘gbi ‘em^rarily af-lmltted by Dr. Helalcr. The itenvs Uc. who was fined $25 when found . The Civlton (Tlub will wss. be *lWhost9t toVM club sang appropriateV|/l i«WC nUmOerS. numbers. CALL Mitehnit3-S135 FOR TOP QUALITY -down the rockv side of th* An-* j yesterday after they wandered oflf fc(tt another part of the thought v.-ere: aerlcal assistance and sup- About Town guilty of passing a school bus. Ai the singers Dec. L" at noon. The Songli were presented bv each process, such as those Involving | pliesi $102.85: salaries for subsU- remittance of $7 was allowed on th* youngstersyoumrstera willwdll pingainr et« t the RotaryRr>»>rv grade, rrade. and 4h»the fnfollowing iw .i.- Individ- SILENT GLOW OIL lURNUS niinimum fine. / 4vrlUng and reading powers. | tiite teachers, « 1 5; textbdbks. .Registration for Communion Club Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. and at the uale had parts in the program* M... J u ' !(*67.57; Instructlonsr aiip plies! Sunday may be mad# Friday from Ladies of «>>lumbus a t 8:30 the Rosemary Sheehan. Robert Borelt ^^to?lnd.7h7''S;t“ Nevada ‘’77®ha* the 'K«"®»'^allest P«pula-;*3i:ii: popula- $37.82; oth;V'7Tp'p-i;e,:“$'6;'’‘pV other supplies, $6’ part ManrJiesler Evening Hrrgid aanie' evening. Dec. 19 will be the anchester i’S h£iUthojUA£A. , ^ - ...... -•.r- n.m of anv s ta te -’ 1*0 son I - ! ii~ — ------.-i.'- * "“■ 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. at Zion Miriam 5 Andover correepoadent, Mre. f ’aul last of tha month’s angagemento, Qlmate

, . '



Desraarals told police that he did ASFAR/ifSX'M COM CeRf'itO SA L eader hot see the dim stop lights on How To Hold \n»w*r to Previout Puiil* HE'S A klTTEI^.COMPARBD Board to See MV WORD.COOS iM DMS'V/ I'W the truck urttll It waa too late. SporttmanV Show to THAT BAXTER The rear end of the truck re­ AfeHAST.' you eACI< FROM DOOR WHO ACCUSED ME FALSE TEETH m COORT ALREADV? AMD WITH Tells Famous ceived minor damages but Des- OF a s s a u l t /— X MAV& The Baby Has Steps to Stop More Firmly in Floeo GROCERIES TOO?— HOW DID marals’ car received damages to A cn o n n 1)0 U'N Its front end estimated by police Do rour (ala* teeth annor and am- you F A R E W i t h f l i m t v o l d Pencil Talk bsrrais by allppins, diopplni or vrob- 1 sport 1 Trench JUDGE RENCHV?— -T'JE Brook Smell at more than 3500. Twerdy was bllnt when you eat, iaush' or talkt on the freen noveli.tt HEARD MEHSAYH i S H E A R T jarred in the mishap and waa tak­ Just ipnokla a little PsSrian'B on 5 Bate------5 Bread spread t h e j u d g e Col. Ralph T. Miller. N*w Eng­ en to the hospital. No arrest was your plate*. Ttat* alkaline raon-aetd) Been Named... Town Directors will continue powder holds false teeth more dnnly i Winter iport 3 Viaud’s pen land head of the Salvation Army, made. and more comfortably. No tummy, .equipment name will give his famous "Pencil Talk” their discussion of the stench from ROoey. pasn taste or feeltni. Doss not Lydall Brook on a visit to the Ly- sour. Cheers "piste. odoC' (denture Century plant 4 Accomplish­ at the Chtadel Friday at 8 p.m. breath). Oet FA8TKCTB today aS ments dsll k. Foulds and Colonial Board 13 Exchanxe He collecta pencils and haa over Co. plants Saturday morning. any drus muntsr. premium 5 French party 6 Members Added MR ^ v Kenneth L. Yeomane, 6,000 of all siaes, ahapas and colors. Measures taken by the firms to 14 Prey in fox 6 Things to 24 Wanderer 40 Eager His collection is considered one or stop the odor, will b< shown to the To Heart Board hunts be done 25 Star-dotted 43 Mexican KFAndpArente are Mr. end Mre. Frank F. the finest and most unusual in the Director*. 7 Italian coin (her.) 15 Sellers to laborers ..fJT *?*. T ®**‘ **y'* He he* A brother, Robert Forreet, 3; United States "and they keep com­ The town officiaU havs been I ...SC ILLA ’S POP BY AL VERMfiER eonsumers 8 If 26 Cottage 45 Stage play and a litter, Jeanne Loul»e, 6. ing in,” he says. The Manchester Area Heart Attention! IT Lincoln's unsuccessful cheese • e • • • considering the stench resulting 46 Stitches The occasion will be the Salva­ from waste matter in the brook Assn, has added six new members PLEASE. E B -A W . I'LL SE nickname 0 Tie in chess 28 Because 47 Western state to Its board of directors, bring- ' PRISCILLA' * ® V ' °*°'^** DeCormier, 80 tion Army * Youth Rally for tha' at the request of the Manchester B A C K IN A II Old Dutch 10 Japanese city 30 French 48 Ciry of Hollow Line. He wii bom Nov. 19 it Hirtford Hoi- ing the number of members to 24. High School Clou I 'M i / e f f Y MOMENT. Southern New England Division, coins } 1 Roman date iiiand.s bacchanals piUl. He h ii three brother*. Cirter, 14. Wllliim, 10. ind Improvement Assn. Yhey have. In­ The new directors are Mrs. ' t i r e d : DEAR. which comprises Connecticut and II Scwinf 16 Water- 31 Ba^eball'i 50 Kind of bomb Oerird. 4; ind one aiiter, Doreen, 6. structed General Manager Richard Charles S. BuiXi 102 Adelaide Rd.; : of 381 VVHILfc* r - wester.n Massachusetts. Young Implements surrounded Williams 51 Withered • • • •, * Martin to make a report on meth­ The Rev. James T. O'Connell, St. people between the ages of 14 and ods of stopping It. J ------< A t l Winter sports land and others 52 Biblira! Ver*. daughter of Mr. ind Mri. AIoli Kiger, 19 North James’ Church; Charles Barbato. 50 Oceans 30 are cordially invited to this On their visit to the North End A reunion I* being pUan^tf and accesiorv 33 Caper garden Bt. She wu bom Nov. 21 it V.incheiter Memoriil Hoipitil. Green Pharmacy; Seabury Lewis, 22 Senior rally, which will also feature music firms, the Directors will see a clarl- you are invited to help formu­ 53 View 35 Baser 55 Legal matters » ''“ <*P»FenU are Mr. and Mr*. E'rini Sintner, See- director. Rockville office of 54 Donkey by the youth band and congrega­ Ber already Installed to help lessen late ideas. Meeting will take ” *$**’»» •’’ ,. ward installation of a second clari­ Thompson, vice president of th e . Navy Club. For lnformatl\illiam Zinflser. 57 Kensington 8t. sports !! their grateful mothers. Colonel 31 Worthless IT TT V Miller uses the pen every day. "It 41 Worm 1 , EHiabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell McQuar- still works," he says, "and It's a Rear-End Crash LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB I.IIBBERS 42 Tear V )5 . rit. Lak# Hayward. Colcheater. She waa bom Nov. 18 at Man- constant reminder of the good that y cheater Memorial Hoipital. Her maternal grandmother ia Mrs. CORRECTION! F 44 Pull apart An aped and very wrikled ?)ld I was when Bill Saunder called Tom can be done;" This is what started Jars Local Driver AHA-W0MXAT Y Wim NAU5W ■ 46 Beach one's V Roy Williams, Anilty, Maine, and her paternal grandparents are vv'oinan. arrayed in the ualiro coa- 1 Smith a har. en Tom knocked him him collecting pencils. newetoNir- lA&r fjewine ouk ) a McwenrTO Mr. and Mrs. Byron McQuarrie, Hodgdon, Maine. She has two goal liime of the inounlaina. w hs sum­ I down with a stick o' wood. One o’ Pencil No, 1 In the Colonel's col­ DRUG STORES and GROCERY STORES oe^ecvvefrr spare irr 41 Wipe out S 11 brothers, Daniel. 5, and Jeffrey, 19 months. Peter Twerdy, 39, of 4 Drive D moned as a witness in court to ’ Bill s friends then cut Tom wnth a ' • • • • • lection is a small yellow.^stub pen- Silver oh Golden Anniversary was tfeated for minor head and 53 Greek letter tell what she knew about a fipht knife, slicin' a big chunck out o’ Exclaiming together over a horn of plenty full of silver doUara HAVING LIQUOR PERMITS MAY REMAIN 14 Judged too ** “f! I John David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. King, Jacksonville, neck hurts at the Manchester in her house The judpe asked her 1 him. Then Same Jones, who was a are Mr. and Mra. William Dillon, 16 Oak PI. The horn of plenty highly r N. C. He was born Nov. 20 at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Camp Memorial Hospital and released li if in a kindly voice what look place. ' friend of Tom s. shot the other waa presented to them last night at a family dinner party at tha OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY. ONLY THE 56 Existed n if 50 SI Lejeune, N. C. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. last night. He was Involved in a She insisted it did not amount to Zipaer Club in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. 57 Not one I fellei and two more shot him. en John J. Hartl, Talcottville. and his paternal grandparent* art 2-car accident on Center St. about '! <1 55 much, hut the Judge bv his per­ Mr. and Mra. Dillon were married on Nov. 27, 1907, at tAe home 2 51 In excess three or four others got rut right Mr. and Mrs. David J. King. Westport. 6 p.m. yesterday. SALE OP UQUOR WILL BE PROHIBITED. sistency finally got her to tell the 51 Pronoun t j smart bv .somebody That nachly • • • • • of her parenU on S. Main St. She la the former Edith Taylor. According to Patrolman Emanuel 9. H ''' story of the bloody frares. 60 Defeats a I caused some excitment. Jedge, en They have one son. Lawrence Dillon of Sprlngfleld, Mass., and Motola, Twerdy, driving a pickup Old Woman .Now. I tell ye. Thomas E'arr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Blanchard. l.M two grandsons. (Herald Photo by Pinto). card bid !! a u then they commenced fightin'. truck, had stopped on Center St. Jedge. it didn't amount to niilh- Wadsworth St. Ext. He waa bom Nov. 20 at Manchester-Me> 11 Prayer endlog facing west, and waa waiting for -X in'. The fust I knowed about it morial Hospital. His maternal grandparents Are Mr. and Mrs. Kilty What^ would you give to Joseph A. Farr, Manchester, and his paternal grandfather ia eastbound traffic to go by so that VlU^^ have hair lik^'^mine'7 Cynis J. Blanchard, Andover. He has a brother, David Michael. he could make a left hand turn. <’Rliy I know , . , what THERE OUGHTA BE A LAWl 8; and a slater. Donna Marie. 3*». His truck was struck In the rear WESTMORELAND B Y FAGALY and SHORTEN di<1 you give*’ • • • « • President’s Illness Casts by a car driven by Jerry Des- JVDD SAXON Gary Wa.vne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Elliott. He waa marals, 52. of 72 S u m m e r St. BY KEN BALD AND JERRY BRONDFIELD The following la a bona fid# bom Nov. 5 at the Air Base Hospital. Chandler, Aria. His ma­ statement made by a seven-year- ternal grandpai-ents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanlev Olbert. 98 Wood- TELL (WlCMAei... 'S^WJljj IrT T L E ALBATTRSSS ENERGV IS BOUNDLESS old gyfl who had listened tp medi- Gloom on Thanksgiving MILK GLASS B ut TAkE Him some Place where iOo want VWENBVER ME? SUPPOSED ID BE IN WE SACiC bridge St., andJils paternal grandparents are’ Mr. and Mra. John HIM AWAkE ON MIS FEET I al X«lk all her life. Being asked ElIlotL Kerahaw, 8. C. He haa a brother, Keven Paul, 2'4. HALL FOR RENT Largest Selection, in Nctv England ' >2 hep father's business, she replied: (Continued from Page One) Weddings, Meetings, Parties ALBA-nZOSS.lTS ■>iv father is a doctor, but h# • lAtrge off street parking WAN PAST MOOR I albatross.'ViAkE X FOB Pete's SAME MV Driver Arrested PINE ACCESSORIES, SPICE RACKS. SPOON RACKS. UP.'VOU'BE missingJ> asms ABE COMW’ /sn'l a quack! My father's got # attendants playing host at such e Complete kitchen facilities KOTlMe.'TOU MIRRORS, KNICK-KNACK SHELVES, PICTUREfl. Etc. . WHOLE Y 'c i OFF,'he's aSlEEP license, so if he kills anyone thsj spoU as Pilgrim Hall, the First Location: 24 Oolway HL e w u io e e . Board Sets January Dates BRASS PLAQUES. Etc.. COPPER ITEMS lPABAOE.' ] B k SINCE WE LEFT rant arrest him!" Church, Sparrow House and the In 2-Car Crash Manchester ■MMUSTSPf AN’nQU E and MODERN LAMPS THE HOUSE.' Old Fort. Ill the afternoon, there Call MI 9-8550 after 8 P.M. David Belasco was smiling at will be the traditional Pilgrim Cars driven by Frank J. Rivera. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORED GLASS. GOBLETS, the extravagant attentions that For Hearings on Sidewalks CRUETS, COMPOTES, CANDY DISHES. Etc. procession by costumed towns­ 28, of 103 Spruce St., and Curtis are lavished upon pet dogs, H# people marching from Plymouth HAND PAINTEDTRAYS spoke of the canine /iperationa r Expanded sidewalk projects for^ The walks and curbs for both Rock to church. Gaskin, 17, of Coventry, collided at LARGE SELECTION OF CANDLES PINE COBBLERS BENCHES And TEA WAGONS for appendicitis, the ranme tooth [ th# northeaat aectlon of town will sides of the street would cost 327,- cll. "Use of thle pencil was the last The fox-hunting tradition of Eng. the intersection of Vernon and Ly- HARVEST MOON crownings, the ranine wardi^beti. I get a hearing from the Board of 890. Martin said. He suggested pos­ mortal act of our beloved founder, land, carefully preserved in the dall Sts. about 6:15 p.m. yesterday. and then he said ’ sible use of State aid funds for the Wo Oise hove o large sdeefion of Anriquo China, { Directeri In Jamiar.v. General William Booth," explains rolling hill* north of Baltimore, Both cars received damages esti­ Belasro Mow aervsnls hat# street paving either next spring or Md. it responsible for an unusual these pampered curs’ At a hous# ^ Colonel Miller. "When he waa dy- mated at more than 3250 a” '* >'•>1 Gloss and Bric-A-Brac— Many Coileefers Items. At a apecial meeting last night. after the start of tha next fiscal I Ing. he made a gesture 'to hi* eon Thanksgiving Day. custom there. to be towed from the scene BALL where I was (ailing one cold day I the Directors (fisrus.aed sidewalks year July 1. The Green Spring Valley hunt to­ I the fat and pompous butler en­ I aa if to speak. Bramwell handed Investigating Patrolman Thomas j COTTON woooe I on: For the expanded E. Middle ; him this pencil. The general made morrow will start—as always on Graham charged River* with fail-; FRIDAY. NOV. 29 BY RAY GOTTO tered the drawing-room and saidf this day with the blessing of the FURNITURE REPAIR SERVICE Butler Did ybu nng. madam? 1. Vernon St. from the E. Middle Tpke. proposal, no cost estimate a coij^e of scratches, sndAassed nre to grant the right .of way and : away ' School. Board meeting In January, Martin ralgnment on Saturday. No one ST. MARY'S CHURCH "COME IN AND BROW.SE AROUND” AN» EETE GO TO I wo hours. 2. E. Middle Tpke. from Riverr "'J" flames on costs of bitu- Miller a special police pencil that Police and traffic safety groups waa hurt. ROUTE 88—TALCOTTVILLE. CONN. fires a 32 caliber bullet. Another everywhere Issued warnings that Butler But F'ldo won't follow* •it)# Dr to Dale Rd minouii and concrete walki. During: Seml-Formal Dance, No Flowers TEL. MANCHESTER Mitchell 8-7449 me. Madam i frowning •. They' asked General Manager 'h* djKus.sion. he cautioned the pencil sent .by J. Edgar Hoover has the rush of holiday travel brings Madam Then. Harrison, yotl Richard Martin to aet a public that the State plana to widen a apecial secret compartment used Us dangers as well as pleasures. Tony O’Biight's Orchestra OFEH SUNDAYS must follow Fido. hearing: on the Vernon St. propoaal Turnpike ” aome day” by a dope peddler. One example of the effect of the, Dfmatlon $2 -per'Wuple ISIS Long distance prize goes to a holiday on a city was given by the THANKSGIVINe for the firat Board meeting in Jan- that the walks would have to American Automobile Assn. The A neck is something vA-hirh tjf iiarv and on the Turnpike stigges- , *** *'Fhullt if they are rnnstnicted. pencil sent by a young leper in the V'ou don't slick it out vou w ont Salvation Army Hospital In Chi- AAA estimated that 210,000 people RECORD HOP tion for the second meeting In i Map* Incomplete Kanata, Africa. It's made of hand-' will leave Washington. D. C., by get in trouble up to. January. i On the N. Main St. sidewalk. I I carved Ivory. One end ia a pencil car for the holiday, and about half i m p e r i a l BOYS' CLUB For” Vernon St., a storm sewer ! ^AFtin told the Board that the and the other la a letter opener, that many will come there for th* Neurotic: A man v^o. when vou and atreet paving will be consld- , completed a road ask him how he feels in the and It waa carved by a patient who same reason. The reason for the Sponsored by tfir, Mtctmi wtwi»*>u itwhcbti efed with the walks. ! '"■P- 'C/’ * " ’*•** proposal was tsbied ■ heard about the Colonel's hobby. great exodus Is that so many Wash­ morning, tells you. to swait developments. American Legion Auxiliary A proposal for walks on N. Main Recent acquiaitidns Include writing ingtonians havft. home ties else­ St. from the Hookanum River Wslks on Stste roads m 1 !• XK "I >«*r In accidents Involving 1 dance s- ep y JuSY Put vOur 7 ^ WILL MAKE NO' '^COAAE.WTVS : WERE Hearings on walks for two other prove the walks or the cost*, if ‘ hlrd., of the victim* LIKE AN ANCIL AFINNINfi THE ONE MORE KINDNESS, CHARTS ON y FEE- WHERE The r UDllC Kecorcls Amoricon Legion Homo 01FFE9 ENCE. BME IS GOINS TO LEAPN I afreets have already been arhed- are between the ages of 5 and 14. f 5TRIN6S roit HER HARP... AH, RAHAAAN. LET US HAVE the floor .1 MARKS APE ON , hearings on appropriations for do­ I 5 T1LI MY BELOVED SOME NEW uled for the next meeting of the ing all of the work are held. Mayor PRAISE ALLAH. IT'S AllDA'. OUR REUNION THEN WE L -HE Char- y Warrantee Deeds \^AUPB.^MY W1FE!> Vdan ces■ Board on Tuesday. Arguments will Harold A. Turklngton pointed that EVEN NOW ICAUSEESOM E- BES N READY ? be heard then on walks for Duval Jarvis Manor Inc. to Gussie L. I g J i i n r i i C L A O s i 7H1H6 OF THE OLD L0VE11NK5 t l ' the Director* can actually appro­ •St. from Hilliard St. to Woodhill priate le.s* money. If only part of DeNtea and 'Beatrice Trumbull, j Heights and on Olcott St. from the money needed for all .of the property at 17 Duval St. FOR THE VERY FINEST IN’ A j Thomaa Dr. to Falknor Dr. works, were considered at the hear­ Henry O. Bradley and Martha Bradlev to Roland J. Lassonde and QUALITY USED CARS On Vernon St., the original pro- ings, another hearing would have ALWAYS SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTIO.N I poial had been for walk* on the Viola M, Lassonde, property on * to be conducted before more could Vernon St. I Arrives By Helicopter A f The i I east side from Hilltop Dr. to a point be appropriated. ALWAYS AT LEAST 50 CARS opposite the Buckley School. Certificate of Incorporation Half of the coats of sidewalk in­ Donald P. Rirtiter, J. Read Mur- ' TO CHOOSE FROM On E. Middle Tpke., walks on stallations is paid by the town and the south side from Ferguson Rd. phy. and James B. Lyon as M an-' SEDANS, COUPES. STATION WAGONS. CO.VI'ERTIBLES half by owners of adjoining prop­ Chester Construction Co. Inc. to Riverside Dr. were being con­ erty. ALL OUR CARS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED sidered. Building Permits BA.VK FINA.VCINO CP TO 36 MONTHS ,, o. , i A public bracing on the orginal To O. V. Erlandson for George I Manchester J 2 1 9 OPEN TILL 9 EVENINGS I ------ML V proposal* was held in August, but FIndell for alteration* to an apart- i MORTYJVnOEKLE , both sides from the Turnpike, no action was taken. The Board Is ment building at 462 E. Middle : BY DICK C A VA LU street paving, a atorm aewer, and ■ considering the walks again at th# Tpke., 32.500, BARLOW MOTOR SALES MICKEY H NN tree removal waa estimated by request of Director Paul BY LANK LKONARD 7 ^ 0 0 0 ^ BE ALIVE0N~y M yte To .Morgan M. Grant for a dwel- : WINDSOR AI'E., ROCKVILLE—PHONE TR 5-2.588 ANVAUML WHY no HE HAVE Martin at 352,63.5. | who asked for decisions. S A DAY LIKE THIS.' y ' FOR ME? ling on Erie St. 314,000. r-THERE'S A HVHOLE r / r s s o c M f s AO M M A WVKKA tip TO FEEL SO GOOD? , I SHOPPING PARKADE | STACK OF'EM, Ph il ! u A ceM o n e H0»8A OAH TETA WOFF NOW l U HAVE F-from A SHOW THAT i TUAN ONE lEPPO tVAKKO NUK TDHOLOTHE5C FLOPPED LAST YEAR WAKO' MOSKAPttf Bias UNTIL VO/CE NON, WAZIO PUP! - A AAUSICAL C-CALLED SE/KEANTf TOA(ORROW 'DOWN ON THE FARAA.' g Christmas Fairyland a S 21 BIG NAME STORES WITH VAST S ^ SHOWINGS OF CHRISTMAS (jIFTS | S . AT PRICES YOU WANT TO PAY a From See and Hear The CAPTAIN EASY DARTS MR. ABERNATHY BY LESLIE TURNER By RALSTON JONES AND FRANK RIDGEWAY YOU DON'T KMDW WILFOWfi'S KEA DiO CLINT NOLAN} ND.\ wait; JOEl WASN'T Giant Musical HMM..HB 5 RiaMT'. NOLAN THANKS'. AT DAIRY „ lUTATION! BUT CUNT WAS PESPERATEI MOLAN t r y Tl SAV...I5NT Mt\HE TH' FELL A WITH lAAAAEOMKTE SSATIMG WAS HIS name; he was LEAST THATS IMAAEOIATE SEATING IN , IP CUNT V a t least. WE should IN9UIKE'. SEE MR. WILFC HE ONE WHO'S IA SLIGHT LIMP WW T H IS is the time of year when we pOUse to COulDv t R A IS E ^ HERE ABOUT 4 PM .EU f E HOURS AFTER IN THE CiALCONV, ] : VERy LAST ROW YESTEROAI REPORTEP /WAS 50 INSISTENT THByASH FOR THE HE DIDN'T SET N anyone else ■ gratefully.count our many Blesiingi. . .the C hr i si mas T ree lAAAAEOIACre HORTOASE FMYMEN?; HAS reported SEATING HE WIGHT UE GONE SBEINa HIM'. freedomi of the great country in which.we live 0 ■ IN THE TDWILFONGTDASK • • •its opportunitiei for achievement. , ,your BALCONy. E . FOR MORE tim e ; 'friendship and the confidence you' have placed i See The Great ? in us. For these we are deeply grateful. Mickey, Mouse



------1 |-

PACK l OURTKEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER- CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1957 MANCHESTER EViaJING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEM^ER 27. 1987 Indi3.ns> Bid Upset living Day East Hartford Hosts Locals; Three from Yale Gri^ \Teams Competing Play at 10:30 On . All-Ivy Squad For Fm^l Bowl Berths B.v PAT BOLDUC New York, Nov. 27 (i

' i". Wf PAGE SIXTEEir MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN*, WEDNESDAY, N O\^BER 27, 1957 MANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTEB. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEB 27,1957 PAGE SEVENTEEN Auto Accessories— Tires 6 ON THE BEACH Based' on the Best-SeitinR Novel by Nevil Shute Apart ment»—Flat»>7 - Business Lfications Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 NEW SNOW TIRES Tenements' 88 for Rent. 64 Legal NoUm ■Clasufied BOLTON—Five room ranch, on % Glastonbu Loweit Price* in Muicheater MODERNLY DESIGNED for ef­ MANCHESTER—$9,600, tour roqms SELUNO YOUR property? Hava AT A COURT PROBATE, held f l ROCKVII ,TiPl—Lsirge store. Market acre lot. Basement garage, fire­ of a two unit ranch). Built 1948, ready buyei-a for ona and- two- St Manchester, wUIUn and for the T.S0X14. $22.90 9.00X14, $24.90 fortless living. Beautiful new ex­ St., center town. Suitable'drugs, place, baseboard radiation, hot District of Moncbestsr.xan the 2Sth day Allies Seen Ready * cellent location In Rockville, twen­ Immaculate condition. 4% mort­ family houaes, Member Multiple of November, 1967. \ Advertisement 9.70x15, $15.95 7.10x16, $17.95 hardware, appliance, ftirnltufe, water heat, ceramic Ule bath,' All sires, type* proportionately low. ty minutes from Hartford via gage avaUable, ’856 per . month, Lloting Servicb. Sherwood A. Present, Hon. John J. Wallet, Judse, Plans Group CLASSinED ADVT. market, etc. Reaaonable. Call JA Youngstown kitchen. Complete carrlea.interest, amortization, fire Beechler, Realtor. Phone Wesley Trust w to le u-w of Joni«s Duke late Parkway. All appliances, indivi­ 2-9788. Ad 2-7746. of Manehestotr, In said olMrtct, de- COLE MOTORS i. with modem etyle furniture, stove, insufance and taxes. Foil base­ R. Smith. MI 9-8962 or Ml 3-6969. ceoaod. \ DEPT. HOURS dual heat control and antenna, refrigerator. Ready to move In. 436 Center St. laundromat. Ample amesite park­ ment. amesite drive. R. F. ■ Tka final occoum of Tbomoa J. Acts Tonight To Accept Change 8:1S A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Seen by appointment only Call Dimock Co., Realtors. MI 9-5345, U STm aS WANTED, single and Rngsrs, Trustee, now decaased^xhavlng ing for two cars, each available Houses for Rent Mrs. Zuckerman, MI 9-6285. b«en sshibted to this Court (gr^allow- Nov. 15 and Dec. 1. Three rooms 65 or Joseph Ashford, MI 9-6818, Bar­ two-famUy houses. Member of ones, It IS \ Trailers 6-A and bath. Adults $100 monthly. bara Woods, Ml 9-7702, Robert ML£. Howard R. Hastings, Real­ OlioraaCD: Ib o t the 4tb day oUDe- On Gravel Pit lOaqtiaasd b o a Psgs One) COPY CLOSING TIME FOR LEIASE—Seven room ranch PPRTER s t r e e t Section— Five Murdock, -Ml 9-6972. tor, MI. 9-1107, any Umt. esmber, 1967, wt.tsn o'clooc. forsnoen, rstariat said ists tod » ttw6-aMr» Phone MI 9-4824, TR 5-5775. house, $160 per month. New resi­ year old six room Colonial, large at the Probate Ofile* In th* ItunleipM ly sU prsUmlnary rspUw from Uw FOR CLASSinED ADVT. MOBILE HOMES—Furniture tak­ dential area. Write Box R, Herald. Building in ooM Manchester, be and Glastonbury, Nov. 27 (Special) — military preparedness' gosls for en as down payment on mobile living room, fireplace, metal $10,000 —FIVE ROOM ranch, cel­ WANTED—Real • EaUte Uatinga. other govsrnments wars tat Una THREE ROOM apartment, heat, kitchen cabinets, attached garage, the) some is assigned for a hsorlng on TTto Town Plan and Zoning Com­ the coming year. MON. THRU FRI homes. Excellent lota available at lar, ExceUent condition. Vernon, CaU Fi’ed Turkington. Turkington the. ollowanee m said account and with the French and Dutch rase- hot water, garage, $100 a month. ATTRACTIVE four room winter­ large porch, hot water heat oil, mission will hold a public hearing Officials in the French Foreign 10:30 A. M. Mansfield. Jensen’*, Inc. (always Phone MI 9-5229 or bU 3-7444. near bua. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI Bros. Realty Co. Ml 8-1607 or MI Trustst'a preylous account ’srlth said tion. Quick approval of tha 17.S. ized cottage, completely furnished. tile bath and first floor lavatory, 9-5182. 9-6666.' estatt, and the appointment bt a suo t o n ^ t at 8 o’clock-in the high Ministry studied the situstlon reliable) 64 Park Road, West Oil 'heat. Dec. 1 to June 15. $90. ceaoor trustee, and this Court directs closely this morning. Their tents- offer tomorrow waa thus fore­ SATURDAY 9 A. M. FIVE ROOM apartment., sedond aluminum storm .windows and shadowed. Hartford. AD 3-6214 or GA 9-4479. Bolton Lake. AD 2-2018. GREEN MANOR Rood — Near that noUee of the Ume and place os- tlve decision was to go ahead with Monday IhrouKh Saturday. 9 to' 5. floor, $80, heat and utilities not screens. Near bub and .schools, ilgned lor sold hearing be given to all Up .for consideration is an ap­ real bargain, A-l condition. Price Woodbridge St. Six room ranch, persons known to be Interested therein the NA’TO session even If Eisen­ Tbars waa soma spsculatloii that rotm OOOPCRATIOM ^MLL Monday, Wednesday, Thursday included. MI 3-4751. Legal Notice plication from Jack Cooper to only foreign mlnUters might meet BE APfBECIATED Tfce m m found fhot geatreton, thouglt nnmonned. wtrd still $22,600. Bowers School — Six fireplace, picture window, dispos­ to appear and be beard thereon by pub- excavatb sand and gravel from 72 hower must be replaced by some evenings. ranning, end Inot on errotic brene, using os its finger a win- ^ 1*1* j ? towofd open s*o, the exeeutiee offiter Suburban For Rent 66 al, paUo, attached garage, ame- llahing a copy of this order in some 5ther leading American personal- nnct month, as originally a^bsd- called Comdr. Toners t* the seriscop*. "Outboard motorboat HEATED------Four rooms, fur­ rooms, English Colonial, older CITY AND POLICE COURT. City newspaper having a cIrouIaUon in said acres In the Great Pond area. 'The ^•w from# boloiKGd m • betfU, bMn topping g irons* nished, garage. Route 31, Coven­ home, garage, fireplace, quick oc­ aite drive, combination screens pistrict. at je M Hra day* before the tty. L ■ ulsd, and tha summit oonforsneo ELCAR "45 ■ TWO BEDROOM, nxtting key. ______^,.37 ahead, sir. On* person in it r e ROCKVILLE—Three room, new Court. Division, City of Hartforil. No- land 1s currently owned bv An­ excellent condition. Under $300 try. CHapel 6-9.567. cupancy, $18,900. George L. and storms. Nice yard, (well land­ vember 14. 1967. ‘ day of said hearing. thony Christian, and will yield from In Rome, Italian Foreign Min­ of presidents and prlmsi mtnlstara Dial M l 3-5121 OIMrlbum U> NtS SwYlce. Ine. B tWbleii. Mwrew a Ce, Inc apartment, electric range, refrlg- Houaehold linaiict. Corporation va. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. ister Giuseppe Pella said he be­ would be delayed until aprlng. down. I*ow payment schedule. Grazladio, Realtor, MI 9-5878. scaped. Immediate ' occupancy. George H. Brown. 3 to 5 million tons of high quality •t h r e e room apartment, furnished erator, disposal no pets. $76 a Asking $15,600. Goodchlld Realty lieves the Paris NATO meeting Many others on the same plan. month. TR 6-2506 Or TR 5-5050. OBDEB OF NOTICE LIMITATION OBDEB gravel. This development, howavsr, Jensen's. Inc. (always reliable). wJtb parking space for two or BUILDERS special—built for him^ Co., MI 8-7925 or Mrs. Bartlett, Upon complaint in said cauae brought AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held should be held as scheduled despite might let out of the NATO salla , Aluminum Storms and self. New living room with built-in to said Court on the Firat TuetdAy of at Manchester, within and for the Erosion wiU b* controlled by a 64 Park Road. West Hartford. AD Help Wante^— Female 35 Dogs—Birds— Peta 41 Fuel and Peed 49-A three .working gentlemen or a BU 9-0939. President Elsenhower’s inability to Musical Instruments 53 COVENTRY—Four rooms com­ bookshelves, finished recreation December. 1957, claiming Six Hundred District of Manchester on the 36th day series of terraces on which trees some of the wind crsiMsd by Rus^' Lost and Found 3-6214 or GA 9-4479. Monday Screens 14-A working couple. Call MI 3-6441 up (600) Dollars damage#. It appearing to of November, 1967. attend it. ; Sian TEN MONTH old Boxer AKC regis­ pletely furnished Including wash­ room with fireplace and paneled will be planted and all vehicles mlsslla threats and Jstmehlng through Saturday, 9 to 5. Monday, SEASONED hardwood, for fire­ SAVE 15% on Conn electronic to 7 p.m. er and -dryer $100 per month. MANCHESTER the subscribing aulhorliy that the last Preeent, Hon. John J. Wallet. Judge, Pella, after meeting with Italian of Earth satellites. ^ ALUMINUM WINDOWS, doors, tered, housebroken. good pet for places. furnaces and stoves. Giglio den. Huge kitchen, dining area. known residence of the Defendant, Estate of Leslie H. Hole, late of used will be routed to Old Maid’s Premier Adone ZoII, said "We hope Wednesday, Thursday evenings jalousies, porches, awnings^ Free MANAGER WANTED organs and band instruments. Welles Agency, Coventry. PI (Jeorge H. Brown, was. 18 Campfleld Manchester in said District, deceased. FOUND—Sum of money. Tel. MI children. $50. 66 Margaret Rd. Brothers, bll 3-5301. Ward Krause, bn 3-5336. NEWLY REUk CORATED^ three Twice as many cabinets as usual. Cozy—Four room expandable Lane, Ctooper says. The project wiU that President Elanhower re­ In 'forel^ ministries, offtcUls estimates Call N B. Chase Co., room apartment with garage on 2-T858 or PI 2-7932. 'Two ceramic tile baths. For fur­ Cap* with large glassed in porch, Road. Manchester. Connecticut. On motion of Frederick W. Wtlmnt. run on a five to 10-year term, de­ wondered just what Bissnbowsr’a 94S22 after 5 ;30. MI 9-0233. TR 5-1200, ORDERED: That notice of the in­ R.F.D, No. 2, Coventry. Conn., execu­ covers soon. His recovary will en­ SEASONED hardwood for fire­ YOU ARE invited to visit Man­ Bolton Road. Vemoq^Onter, Conn. ther information or appointment aluminum siding, fireplace, oil heat stitution and pendency of said com­ tor. pending chiefly on the demand for able Us to count upon his contribu­ absence would do to plana to' rs- Auto Driving School 7 A Experienced woman ■ to GOOD CXIUNTRY home wanted for ROCKVIIA,E—’Three room apart­ plaint shall be given said George H. ORDERED: That six months from FOUND—Beagle, black, white and places. furnaces, etc. Free deliv- chester's largest display of Centrallv located. -Modern conven- ment, street floor. $45 per'snonth. to see call the R. F. Dimock & and other extras. Ideal convenient gravel. tion to the cause of the tree vitallss the alliance. brown, female. Call Lee Fracchia, year old Collie. Call MI 3-1606. ci-y. Edward Yeomans. PI 2-8002. ienre-s. Adult.s only. Tel JH 9-2837. Co., Realtors, MI 9-5245, Joseph location. Owner selling because Brown formerly of 18 Campfleld Road, the 26th day of November, 1967. be and ‘Christmas Shop’ Set LARSONS DRrVTNG School. Roofing—Siding 16 manage local ladies’ ap­ Thomas. Wurlitzer and Kimball I Available Dec. 1. Call TR 5-8126. Manchester. Connecticuf. by publishing the same are limited and allowed tor world.” An Italian official said tha Blast­ Dog Warden. MI 3-9594. Manchesler's only trained and home or church organs and Kim­ Ashford. MI 9-6818. Barbara of family tics. For further parti­ this order in the Manchester Herald, a the creditors within which to bring In The "Christmas Shop" wilt fea­ However, Pella added, "I think ing set for Dec. I8-1T "w ill loss BEAUTIFUL Baby parakeets. FOUR ROOM healed apaHment. WoodsT'MI 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ culars call. newspaper published in Manchester. their claims against said estale. and certified instructor. For your safe­ FOR THE best in shingle and built Choice American and English ball pianos. Terms, trades, Ic.ssona ANDOVER LAKE—Winterized cot­ ture ceramics, aprons. Jewelry, that the importance of queatlont most of its Importanca" without FOUND— Mongrel, black and parel cliain. Write giving APPLE WOOD for sale, fireplace and trial rental plans. Tempo Redecorated, nice location, (je-ru- tage. For information phone PI dock, Ml 9-5972. Connecticut, once a week, for twr> suc­ said executor I* directed to give public hobby horses, doll tester beds and ty we are trained to teach proper­ up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim- show stock. 90 days health guar­ length. $10 a Joad. Call PI 2-6406. cessive weeks, commencing on or be­ notice lo the creditora to brine In their on the agenda of the Paris NATO Elsenhower. But in Bobn, Osrman white, female. Call Lee Fracchia, ly. bU 9-6075. Organ and Piano Company, 386 panev Dec. 1. $115 monthlv. Ckll 2-7297. fore. November 21«t. 1957. claims within said time allowed by pub­ countless other Inexpensive ar­ ______ney and roof repairs call Coughlin. full particulars. Box P, antee. Also breeding stock, cages bll 3’-7925, MANCHESTER—Six room Cape Alice Clampet, Realtor, MI 9-4643 meeting is such that it is not pos­ go'vernmeot supporters aiUd tbw’o Dog Warden. MI 3-9594. Main St., Manchester. Dated at Hartford, Connecticut, this lishing a copy of this order In some ticles for Christmas giving. This sible to postpone i t ” V was so' much to he worked oiR' by MORTLOCK’S-Manchester’i lead- j 3-7707.______and supplies. Ra."mar Aviaries, ROCKVILLE—New modem three $16,800. Six finished rooms. Com­ 14th day of November, 1W7. newspaper having a circulation lb said Herald. All replies held in Rt. 44-A, Bolton, MI 9-5618 Garden— Farm— Dairy SIX ROOM duplex to rent. Adults pleted tame room. Detached ga­ or Mr. Knofla, MI 9-5938 ANTHONY W. TAPOGNA. probate district within ten days from annual fair is sponsored by the Dutch government officials were the Allies that the meeting Ahould ing Driving School offers the most | r.a Y ’S ROOFING CO., shingle and room apartment, excellent loca­ Clerk of ^ Id Court. the date of this order and return make Women’s League of the South Glas­ Announcement! Products 50 SPINET PIANO, like new. will sac­ and older children, only. Writ* tion, fine modem facilities, imme­ rage, Ideal location, near tranS' .A true copy. Attest; reported to favor going ahead with be held anyway. up roofs, gutter and con- OVpRSIZED Cape Cod offers to this court of Ihe notice given. tonbury Congregational Church Strictest confidence. Articles for Sale 43 rifice for cash. Box S, Herald. Box G. Herald. diate occupancy, rent $100 per portatlon and shopping center. R. space of a garrison colonial with­ Philip. A. efrone. Deputy Sheriff. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. the December meeting and Hague Eissnhowsr's Qtnsai wUl> “U it- satisfied students. 200.(XX) miles duclor work. roof, chimnev COOKING AND eating apples. 75c F. Dimock & Co., Realtors, MI and will be held on Dec. 7 from dispatches said the Netherlands fect the prospects for the Aieessa TOP QUALITY inspected Christ­ accident free instructions. MI pairs. Ray Kagenow, btl 9-2214. THREE ROOM apartment for ynonth. Contact Mr. L, C. Dim- out the higher cost, three bed­ mas trees and wreath*, fine 9-7399. r o y a l AND Smith-Corona port­ a 16 quart basket. Louis M. Bottl, ORGAN SALE—Now to Dec. 25. litqck, MI 9-9823. 9-5245, Joseph Ashford. Ml 9-6818, rooms, two baths, mellow and 1 to 5 p.m. in the church auditor­ representative to NATO has been of the meeting," San. Grasa Ray Jackson, MI 3-8325. able and standard typwriters. 260 Bush Hill Rd. Kinsman electronic organ, regu­ rent. The best of evervthing. MI Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702 or ium. Instructed to that effect. (P-R I) said in Rome. H m ch!tl> balsam. Large display toon for DENTAL ASSISTANT, experience 3-5983. friendly honey pine dining room, Rockville-Vernon personal selection from wide as­ MANCHESTER Driving Academy ROOrtNG. SIDING, Minting CaT- preferred but not necessary, good All makes and adding machines .frARKS a p p i lar $820. special $86,5 plus bench. MANSKjELD, Route 44-A — Six Robert Murdock, MI 9-5972. fireplace set In paneled wall.. All Mrs. Robert Henderson Is gen­ Danish government sources man of the Senate Forelsn Rsla- fief IB A Aa iMa!*-**-* ... .^* sold or rented. Repairs on all APPLES 90c bicintosh eral chairman assisted by th* fol­ were reported still undecided. sortment. Orders now being taken. guarantees results. Expert instruc pentry. Alteration.^ and additions. opportunity for right girl. Write Dubaldo btustc Center. Ml 9-6205. FIVE ROOM heated apartment. Cod. oil heat garage. points to gracious, comfortable tions Oommittss has bssa viattliig tlon, dual controlled car Call PI makes, blarlow s ' storage No. 1 $1.25 half Call GA 9-4479. DRASTICALLY reduced $13,000, lowing committee chairmen: Mrs Sources close to the NATO see- NATO capitals. Ampi* parking. CSiarter Oak Gro­ Ceilings. Workman.ship guaran­ Box X. Herald. bushel. Tel. MI 3-8116. Louis three bedrooms, on blainIn St. $100. large three bedroom ranch, fire­ living. (Jllflord Hansen, Realtor, 2-7249. Day or evening appoint­ MI 3-1308. Olson Parries Heck Claims Allan Ensign, Mrs. Milton WHde. cery, 13 Charter Oak (across from teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Bunce, 529 West Center Street. O''*•11 after 5:30. MI 3-49,57. ROCKVILLE -^I«w 3>4 room apart- place, tile bath, aluminum storms, playgroimd). Dial MI 3-9529 or MI ments. St. bll 3-4860. HAIRDRESSER — Experienced. Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 Mrs. Richard Conant, Mrs. Ronald Lake School will hold a daiisa Five day Week, salaried, excellent KNAPP SHOES. Harry Mahoney, ments: Latest)t co^eniencos,______rotor____ cellar, carport, 125’ frontage, Borrup, Mrs. Justus Uttel. and Ellington •-S063. 358 Main St. Tel. bU 3-4327. SWEET CIDER for Thanksgiving. —------'------THREK ROOM apartment, newly sweeping views, must sell. Carbon festival Dec. 6 from 8 to U p.BL h i SPECIAL WINTER rates for ^1 working conditions, opportunity rederorated. Plenty of' aunshine* antenna, tile bath, ihdivIduM heat Lots tor Sale 73 As Campaign Nears Finish Mrs. Daniel Morris. Open daily and until noon CHESTER FURRIERS — Furs re- control. Modem kitchert,- range, re­ W. Hutchins. MI 9-5132. tha aehooL T h e dance wUl be by Bi'> Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 types of roofing and siding. For for advancement. After 6 p.m. MI LOAM, TOP quality. Dark, rich, Thanksgiving. Bolton (Xder blill. modeled, repaired. Capes and heat and hot water inejuded. Refreshments win be served 3-4362. frigerator. Laundromat Ih base­ LGTS 125x200 and larger, $1,200 Postmaster Opens vltation only. Gradsa 7 and -S Penonils free estimate, call .Manchester no stones. Columbia Construction MI 3-6389. stoles made. $19.95. Call bfl 9-7218 Phone MI 916M. SPECIAL—$9800. Pour room ranch Rockville, Nov. 27 (Special) —♦hold a servico of Thanksgiving in during the afternoon and aU pro-, from Longview have been Invited.' REPAIRS ON all makes of bikes, Roofing and Siding Co., Inc. MI ment. Onvenlent location. Heat and up. Off Manchester Road, ceeds of the fair will be used for Co. Tel. Oiventry PI 2-6277 or for free estimate, at your home. furalshcd. Adults. $95 montl^, full basement. Nicely landscaped Glastonbury. Telephone M’ 9-6981 the chapel at 8:30 a.m. RIDE WANTED to State Office painted and reconditioned, also 9-8933. GETTING READY for CThrlstmas? FREE COLEUS to egg customers. FOPR ROOM apartment. Stove, Mayor Herman G. Olson today the Sunday School and equipment Modern Building Tha committee Inoludsa: Sylvia Earn that needed money the Avon Willlmantlc, AC 8-3283. TR 5-2975. TR 5-3226. lot. 'This home la in perfect condi­ after 8 p.m. Vernon Methodist Church will Building, Hartford. 8:80 to «:30. bikes taken in trade. Used bikes This business belongs to a retard­ THREE NET formal gowns, .size 9. , second floor. 570 monthly. MI tion inside and out. R. F. Dimock parried claims by Democrat may­ for the Church. Bolduc, M aril^ Rlcs, Gloria Him bought and sold. Full line of new way. Call MI 3-5195. hold a Communion Servica at 9:30 Call JA 7-«341, Ext. 2790. during! USED LUMBER, assorted sizes, in­ ed rhild, a member of the MARC. reasonable. One gown, size 16 Call 9-5229. A Co., Realtors, MI 9-5245, Joseph oralty candidate Edwin Heck ai First Annual Banquet Ellington, Nov. 37 (Special)__ and Robert Chsse. Prlndpsl John. American and English bicycles to bfl 9-3716, ' BOL’TON—’Two large wooded lota a.m. MseVsegh is the faculty adviser. business hours. CH 6-8913 evenings | Roofing—Chimney 16-A side and outside doors, windows, 650 Lydall St. Wanted to Rent 68 Ashfqj-d, hU 9-6818, Barbara on Williams Road. Call owner. Ml The first annual High School Postmaster Edward F. Chartarhaa choose from. Big discount on all kitchen sink, bath room seta, 80 THREE ROOM heated apartment the Dec. 3 (Jity elections drew St. John’s Eptsc^al Church DscorsUotts will bS in the keeping WAITRESSES wanted, no exper­ for rent with garage. $90 monthly. Woodft kfl 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ 3-6321. Sports Night bsnquet wUL be held moved into the west end of his RIDER TO Hartford, retail store new bicycles for Xmas. Manches­ R(X)FING — Specializing in repair­ gallon hot water heater and many URGENTLY needed. Couple with dock, 511 9-5972. close. will also observe ’Thanksgiving of the seaaon and refresbrnents ter Cycle Shop. 166 West bfiddie ience necessary. Phone MI 9-1359. Call Ml 9-9515 or MI 3-6578. v .^Ay.^wlth a Holy Communion serv­ A t the school on Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. building iecsnUy built over for the iHU be served. hours, December only. Call— MI ’ ing roofs of all kinds Also new other building materials. Open RYE STRAW for sale. MI 9-1406^- Wanted—To Buy 58 three girls, age nine, three and — In p statement made— Monday, The affair is being sponsored ^ t-4000 after 7. Turnpike, bfl 9-2098. roofs Gutter work. Chimneys daily 12 noon to 5 p.m. Saturday BUY WITH confidence this six ice at 9:30 a.m. post office, and is serving the pub­ CLERK-TYPIST THREE 13) room apartment, avail­ si.x months, five or six rooms. MI Suburban for Sale 75 Heck said if he is elected he will local civic and aocial organizations lic from that end of the bull&ig. Hospital Patlen! cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex­ 9, till 5. Yard at Stock Place, OLD GUNS (any condition), 9-6348. room Cape on lot approximately ask the police committee to con­ Hospital Notes to sUmulate interest in high school Mrs, John J. Shanahan, Jr. sf perience Free estimates Call off North blain St., or call MI swords, war relics, mtiques, etc. able Dec I .Second floor. 689 Main 60x140. Living room with fireplace, TALCOTTVILLE- Venion, 821,900 Admitted yesterday: 'WlUlam •The post office is now a separate Business Services Offered 1.7 Position open In small depart­ Household GcmkIs 51 St Refrigerator, ato\> and heat. duct a city traffic survey. athletics. Lee Levltow will' be department. His grocery store la Meadow Brook Road ia a patiant AutooiobDes for Sale Howley Manchester bn 3-5361. ment for intelligent clerk-typist. 9-2392. (one or whole collection). 70 bfll! work-saver kitchen, dining room, New Coan. contemporary, ultra In his reply, Olson said traffic Poehnert, Loveland Hill Rd.. Ver­ master of eeremonlas and Bob in ths.RoekvUte City Hoq^ltaL Heating and Plumbing 17 St. Tel, „fl 3-5717. Parking. Cal! JA 3-7783 or janitor, WANTED TO RENT—Garage vi­ three bedrooms, loads of closets. mixlern ranch. \ acre wooded non; George Reiske, Grant HiU also separate and is being man­ CLEAN AND paint those gutters Accuracy more important than SNOW REMOVAL eouinment ' SALE—Small crib, baby car- bfl 3-7913. •i«.» tRr^.w ;---- v-uiitiu*control $9* is, a a ium;i.iuii function ui of wic t)ie City Steele, television and radio sports- aged by Leland Sloan. NEED A CAR? Short on a down speed. Interesting diver.sified work. cinity Forest St. Call MI 3-0897. Price $15,700. Madeline Smith, Rd., Tolland; Pansy WlUls, Bur­ caster will be guest speaker. Mawnhsster Evening Hawiw payment or hod ynur credit turned now. Avoid costly repairs later, snow blowers or push type blades: room heater, love SNOWSUIT, size 3. Child s defk, or Realtor. Engaged exclusively In -atove are Included. bank Rd., Ellington. Bazaar Date Changed bn 3-1383. Pleasant working conditions. Liber­ seat and stufted arm chair. Tel will exchange for other articles. FOUR ROObt apartment, heat and URGENTLY needed, four 'to six j already hired M. O. Saunders, Grange Plan* Supper The Catholic Woman’a Club hag ESfaigtan eomspoodent Bin. O. down? Don’t give up-' For a g o o d ______PLUblBlNO AND heating—repairs for tractors and tillers, Capitol MI 9-2545. the sale of real estate. MI 9-1642. For appointment to aee call the Discharged yesterday: Petu-I al benefit program. Equioment Co. ______MI 9-51,59. hot water, central location. bfl rooms unfurni.sbcd. reasonable. ' Springfield consulting engineer, to An authentic Italian Spaghetti iffionged tha data' of their spaghetti F. Bsiti telephono TSem oit deal—not thro a loan com -' g ONDER’S T.V. Service, available and contract work. Call Ml 9-8541. 38 Main. MI i 9-9626. after 5 .lo. R. F. Dimock Co.. Realtor^. MI Lathirop, RFD 2; Aldene Soucter, 3-7958. Adult family. Write Box F, Her­ WEST SIDE—1956. three btSlroom 9-5245, Joimh Aabford, MI 9-6818, conduct such a survey. Supper will he held by the Good- supper and baaaar to Dae. 14. B ou 5-6118. pony — see "Harry” at 333 Main any time. Antenna conversions. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ii'vcr, The project is included among a 31 Vernon Ave. will Grange on Dec. 9 from 8 to 7 St. (Formerly Dougloa Motors). LLOYD’S PLUMBING Service as- ' FIRST NATIONAL STORES INC ald. ranch, excellent condltlqn, $5,000 Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7703 or .will he held in the Town Hall. Philco factory supervised service. 60 YARDS Mohawk wool broadloom w o o l r u g , small desk MI TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment planning service which Saunders Admitted today: PatriciA Dim- p.m. in the Grange Hall. Mr. Tony with bath, 419 North btain St. bfl down, mortgage payments $47.52 Robert Murdock, MI 9-6972. mock, 80 VUlAge St. The next issue of tts Crystal Tel. bn 9-1489. with pad. Like new, color beige. bought and sold. k\irmture Repair I i .sqto per month. Carlton W. Hutchlni was hired to /do about a year ago. Torbonato will be chef and tickets BEFORE YOU BUY a used car Service, bfl 3-7449. 1 ' ______9-0576. Eventa Tonight Lake School htwspaper, The see Gorman Motor Sates. Buick East Hartford Easy ironer. cabinet type, Easy Farms and l.and for Sale 71 MI 9-5132. BOL’fON—Coventry line. New six •The' survey report is expected may be purchased at the door. Crystal Sputnik, will h e the work M anchester Trust S. WATSON. PLUMBING and heat-1------washer, bfl 9-6242. Fayette Chapter, Order of De- Ctoihtaig Needs Usted Solea and Service, 295 Main MORTEN3EN TV. Specialized llCA ABSOLUTE BARGAIN — Custom TWO ROOM unfurnished apart­ room Cape. Four finished down, shortly, the Mayor said. of all classes, with an editor for ing contractor. New installations, WORK AT HOME part time or full SLIDE PROJECTTOR with blower. FOR DIFFERENT sizes and types MA5JCHESTER->-Trim four room ceramic tile bath, walkout base Molay, will meet at 7:80 p.m. at Good used clothing, espeei Street. MI 9-4571. O ^n evenings. televlalon aervice. bn 9-4841 made cornices and drapes Slip ment. All utilities except gas Cen­ of farms and land tracts within 20 Olson also contested H b c k’s sports, fashion and socisty. . Declares Dividend alteration work and repair work time, year 'round. Light, easy Call MI 3-6500, I ranch. Beautiful large kitchen, full ment, large lot. $13,700. R, F, claim that an earlier Democratic the Masonic Temple on Orchard blankets, for the annual Bishop’s covers, $59.50 and up. (Tholce of trally located. Rent $60 Call MI miles of Hartford. Ijiwrence F. St. •pie initiatory degree will be E)ach claas will liave a reporter 1950 BUICK Special sedanette. MI 9-3808. work. No experience needed. Age ONE HOSPITAL bed with rem ov-' 3-4524. cellar, all utilities. Nice lot. Only Dimock t Co., Realtors. Ml Council could not act on the pur­ Thanksgiving clothing collection CHUCK S RADIO and T V. Service. able sides, $40. btl 9-3976. j fabrics. Budget terms, birs. Rita Fiano. Broker. Ml 9-5910. conferred on two candidates. Of­ and Miss. M ^ o n Bowen will bo. Go6d condition. Heater, radio, Small appliances repaired. 151 no barrier. Make up to $3.50 an JA 2-7780. I $10,500. El.sie Meyer. Realtor, 9-6245, Joseph Ashfprd, MI 9-6818, chase of the local water company may be left ui S t Augustine’s audi­ the faculty advisor. e t Otrocton of oi« otondord tranomlssion. No down hour. Write at once to; Lynn Pub- Rooms Without Board 59 MI^. MI 9-5524. Barbara Wixtds, MI 9-7702 or Rob' ficers and members are urged to torium all this week. ITie Rev. John kanfclwUr Trust Co. yeeterday do. North Main St. MI 3-6517, resi­ Millinery Dressmaking 19 because the Legislature was not in attend. The editor of tUs issue of tha paymont, |3 weekly. Cole Motors, dence MI 3-6960. flshers, Lynn 91. Mass. 17'* OOMRINATTON TV SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall ------Bu.sinesM lAimtlonn ert Murdock, MI 9-5972. session at the time. Olson claims J. Graham stressed that shoes, eland h ngular abi numths* divW C-UMBINATION TV radio ,4,,^ Kentlle. from 7c ' P-OOM FOR rent. Houses tor Sale 72 EXCEPTIONAL — Three bedroom •The team which the American iper is Ray MacMahon ■ and 435 Center. MI 9-0980. ______Inquire State- that the Democrat-controlled C31ty rubbers and galosnes could be ..Jbert Nelson ia the ataiatant edi­ CLERK-TYPIST for general office and phonograph. Tel. MI 9-3469. for Rent 64 ranch in hlce location, only min­ BOL’TON — Cglltomla ranch. 1520 -Legion Post is sponsoring in the (land of $1 per Shan payaUs PsfB. M A bf RUBBISH Removal Serv­ DRESSMAKING and each. Green Paint and Wallpaper ' Tailor Shop, 8 Bissell. bfl 3-7383. WEST SIDE—Six room Cape.-four Council had a year to act "but handled easier if they were secured’ tor. Reporters are Robert Chaas, 1962 MERCURY hardtop, automa­ Alterations work, opportunity for advance­ utes to Manchester. Spotless square feet of IlYihK area. Ther­ Farmington Valley Basketball together and labeled for sise. M to stoddiddsn of record Doe. ice. Cleaning attics, cellars and done. bU 9-2552. HEATER, new and used wood, at the Green. I After 6:30 MI 3-5047. j ENTIRE BUILDING about 6,500 down, two finished up large en­ throughout, full basement. Garage. did nothing.’’ He said the Council Cliff O’Oonal, ntjilia Nelaon, Ooim tic tronamiosion, low mileage. A-l yards. Incinerators, emptied, ashes ment, Alexander Jarvis Co., 5 closed porch, amesite drive, fine mopane windows 'throughout. In. League will practice at 8 p.m, at Mrs. Moisochl Heads Drive ' condition. MI 1-8642. Dover Rd. coal, oil, gas, cook stove, ovens. square feet. Suitable for stores, Lot is 100x325, low taxes. Eiva was informed Oct. 21, 1953, that Cole and Qalen Jordan. Writers removed. Contract service avail­ DRESSMAKING, alterations, spe­ Stove boards, stove pipe, dampers, FRANK’S IS buying and selling location. For appointment to see direct lighting. Numerous built- the town hall. Those planning to Mrs. John J. Mozxochi of 1583 This waa aiatUar tn . tha aix'^ office. Insurance company! hall, Tyler. Realtor. MI 9-4469. in*. ’Two-car garag^'acre-lot. B' the water company was for sale. are Robert Nelson and Ray Mac- moiitha’ divtdand of $i par a h m able. bn 9-9757. cializing in children's clothes. bU wicks for all stoves, beds, new good used furniture and antiques ! TWO FURNISHED light housekeep- etc. Occupancy s-6 months. In call the R. F. Dlmock Co.. Real­ play are asked to attend and bring Hebron Ave. has been named chair, Mahon. at 420 Lake St. Call anytime, 9 log rooms. Apply 4 Chapel St. appointment only. R. F. Dimocl A price of 1293,400 was set Nov. • v'- 9-9140. mattresses, springs. roll-a-way center of town. One car garage for tors, Ml 9-5245, Joseph, Ashford, $13,900 — Immaculate six room their uniforms. man of the local drive to obtain StodeBts Plaa IMwes S t!? ^ r v h w w fs the 1951 TWO DOOR Chevrolet. Good FLOOR SANDINO and refmlshlng. HAND s e w e r wanted. Apply Ka- a.m.-8 p m MI 9-6580 I ------— Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods, MI Cto., Realtors MI 9-5246 or Joseph 4 of thAt year as the purchase members in the Hartford Cmmty f p b dividend paid by ffirbenk condition. MI 9-0412. klar Toy Co., 60 Hilliard St. bed, vanity, tables, linoleum rugs, rent at the Center. Call bfl 9-5228, Cape, hot water heat, dormers, Damon Lodge, KofP, will meet Grades 7 and S of tha Crystal Specializing in old Hoor*. Ml 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, MI Ashford, MI 9-6818, Barbara price for the company. at 8 p.m. at the Moose Hall to Republican Association. ’The drive slnos Ua inospGon in UW. i linoleum by the yard, many items SERVEL GAS refrigerator, e.xcel- i ROOM AND board, gentleman. or Ml 3-7444. garage, 100' frontage, tree* excel­ 9-5750 Moving—Trucking 9-5972. Woods, Ml 9-7702, Robert Mur. In January, 1955, Frederick hear a report of the financial starts Dee. 1. ’The principle objec­ DE CORMIER MOTORS too numerous to mention. This lent condition. $40. Phone MI Tel. .MI 3-7675 lent location. Carlton W, Hutchins. dock, Xa 9-5972. n Storage stock is left over from Jones MI 9-5132. Berger, then mayor, aeid in his an­ committee on ways and means of tive of the otganisation la to weld SAYS. WATER PUbtPS and Systems c o m - ______20 Help Wanted—>Male 36 9-3094 after 6 p.m. ATLANTIC SFRVICE MANCHESTER — New six room Furniture store. Must be sold for ATTRACTIVEI.Y furnished and nual message that he hoped the increasing the lo^e revenue. The the 29 local groups lii the Hartfo^ pletely Installed and repaired. | AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local STATION FOR LEASE ranch home 4n Rockledge sec­ HORTON ROAD — Pleasing six SOUTH COVENTRY - 8H koom city would give thought to the Also water softeners and filters. | blAN WANTED to drive and work any price. Come and convince EASY SPIN-DRYER washing ma­ cheerful rooms. Complete light ranch on high hill with gorgeous committee will recommend a area into an active year ’round Re­ ••OUR CELECTED CARS ARE and long distance moving, pack- in lumber yard. Sohaller Lumber tion. baths, ceramic tile room Cape Cod, situated on a well purchase. Just before March 10. publican unit. BURE TO PLEASE YOU. BANK C. A. Reynolds bQ 9-5327. yourself. 40 Oak St . 2nd floor. chine. excellent condition, reason­ housekeeping facilities available. Immediate vicinity of -Manchester view. Baaement garage. iM ce change in the bylaws on sick bene­ ing, storage. Call bU 3-5187 Hart­ Co.. Andover. PI 2-8650. Open Saturdays only 10 a.m.-4 kitchen counters. Attached ga­ landscaped lot, 75x150, breezeway 1955, company officials withdrew Tonight's Eventi* TERMS OF COXmSE, able. bll 3-4573. Single, double. Children aceepted Parkade. Available now. rage, amesite drive, fully land­ $14,700. Cash required $8,600 fits and dues. Members are urged RANGE BURNERS and pot burn- ______ford CH 7-1423. —limited Parking. Central, Rea­ and garage,' recreation room. the offer. Olson said the eouncU to be present. Refreshments will •The Bhurt Glastonbury Fish and EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman, ^ ______scaped lot. $21,000. <3al| R. F. Madeline Smith, Realtor, M era cleaned and serviced, also new A^CHirciT'irR tsaoVa,* THE "WINNER" AND sonable price! Come see! bfra. Information call Owner transferred. Present mort­ 8-1642. had "plenty of time” to submit an be served. Game Assn, will meet tonight at 8 1956 BUICK 4-D00BN«RDT0r burner*. Terms, cash. bU 9-0147 , Package Delivery. five day week, good pay. sick PHONOGRAPH equipment. Fisher "CHAMPION ” OF ALL MI 9-8225 days Dlmock Co., Realtors. Ml 9-5245. gage can |)e assumed. Move in for enabling bill to the 1955 Leasin’ o’clock In the clubhouse. The com­ This Week’s Special Plcasers. Light trucking and package deliv Dorsey, 14 Arch St. Joseph Ashford, MI 9-6818, Bar­ Registration for the teenage leave, vacation, good pay. Nation- ] 25 watt amplifier, $65 Fairchild NOT 1 YEAR-N OT 2 YEARS MI 9-6826 evenings the holidays. Elva TylOr, Realtor. BOLTON—Coventry line. New five ture. girls basketball program,, sponsor­ bined Protestant Caiurches ^ I This on* owner Super Hardtop la aquipped with pow v ataar- RAY ANN T.V. Clinic service call ery. Refrigerators, washers and al Shoes, 388 West Middle Tpk preamplifier. $65. Goodman'.^ 12 " BUT 3 YEARS bara Woods, Ml 9-7702, or Robert MI. 9-4469. hold the annual Thanksgiving Eve Ing, power b ra i^ fournsray power aaat, da luxa radio wlQt stove moving specialty. Folding room ranch, certunie tile bath, -lAPointe to Receive Letters ed by the city wUl be held from 1955 Rambler 4-dr. Custom $2.50. 24 bout service. Bonded Manchester. loudspeaker. $.50, Tannoy 12" loud­ TO PAY IF YOU WISH ROOM NE.XT to bath and shower, STORE ROR RENT, 6 Pearl St. Murdock, 5U 9-5972. knotty pine kitchen, walk-out Service at 8 p.m. at' the First ^ r speaker, Buick’a famott* variable pitch dynaflow drlv*. work. Work also don* on radio's, chairs for rent, bn 9-0752 Reasonable rent. Heat intludod. $58 PER MONTH after the down •The Selectmen and memlters of 7 to 8 p.m. in the City Court Sedan. speaker, $80. Call MI 9-1142 after ■SUPREME" "D E LU X E " in quiet home, parking. Ml 9-0887. NEW SPLIT LEVEL, tdOO square basement. Large lot Reduced to the City Council. In a Joint -meet­ Clnirch of Christ. ffirertlonal Ughts, bMk-up Ughta, prwulum whltawaU tlraa, car radios and hi-fi's. MI 3-2958 RECEIVING and shipping clerk 6 p.m. I Apply Princess Restaurant. payment. Fiv* roont ranch, one room. Girls from 13 to 18 years of glass, ^ y uudanxMited baau&Ul,blua aad white fln t o 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE feet, Rockledge Section, ihi baths, acre, garage, full cellar. On high­ $14,900. R. F, Dimock Co., ■ Real­ ing last jiflght. Instructed their re­ age are eligible. A apotleis one owner car. The or MI 3-8877. wanted. For permanent position in All 100% Guaranteed tors, Ml 8-8245, Joseph Ashford Manchester Evening Herald Glas- . with matchingWatertpr. Drtvsn only 13,000 mflaa. -Tint ta d i^ - •conomy king of them all. Painting— Papering 21 warehouse, 40 hour week. Com­ ROO.M FOR RENT. Men oniv. 19 FOR OFFICE or commercial use, two-car garage. Reduced to way 44-A, near Manchester. )PI spective counsels to write to La- _ Bjuilding JMaterials 47 ONLY $433 $24,900. For further information MI 9-8818L Barbara Woods, MI Polnte Industries regarding the tonbory rorrespondent, ^rs. Betty on a new lineobi. Rais had exceptionally flaa car* Only $345 Down MANCHESTER Welding Service, pany benefits include paid vaca­ l-ocust Street, Call MI 3-8921 three rooms, ground floor. .Main 2-7211. Vernon ami TaleettvIUe news McNamara, telephone MEdford PAINTING AND paperhanging. $28 D elivers-$18.18 Month Street near Center. Phone bU or appointment to see call 9-7702, Or Robert Murdock, MI firm’s request for a w-alver o f in­ and raally ahowa it Friea - Boilers and furnace repairing. tion, life and hospitalization Inaur- WINDOWS!! tVINDOWS'!!^ — YOU GET — , 9-6972. items are handled through The ri7ss. Tel. bn 9-T658 or bD 9-S762. Good clean worknianshhip at rea­ afice, at no cost to emplove. Ap­ ROObf FOR RENT, gentleman pre­ 9-5229 or Ml 3-7444. •The R. F. Dlmock Co., Real­ SIX ROOM Cape Cod, finished terest on 1954-55 taxes. Herald’s Rockville Bureau. 7 W. sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ WINDOWS!! 16-PIECE BEDROOM tors. Ml 9-5245, Joseph Ashford, gam* room in basement, garage, 1955 Chevrolet 2-dr. Bel Air ' ply Goodyear Tire and Rubber ferred, private entrance. Call at ELUNG’TON —New oversized 8H •The contents of the letters was Main S t, telephone T R e m o n t HILLS’ TELEVISION Service. chester. Raymond Fiske. MI 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM 101 Chestnut St. Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods. MI amesite drive, choice location, not available today, but it is un­ Sedan I Co.. 180 Goodwin St., East Hart­ Windows at wholesale prices 12-PIECE KITCHEN room ranch. Mahogany paneled 5-3136. Available at ail time*. Philco fac­ 9-9237. ford. 9-7702. or Robert Murdock, $15,800. R. F. Dlmock A Co., Real­ derstood that the city and town MORIARtV BROS.SfS55 9 Cylinder — Chevrolet’s nicest tory supervised service. Tel. bn We also handle a complete line of — Plus — TWO PLEASANT rooms, heat and 9-5972. tors, MI 9-5245. Joseph Ashford, fire wall, ceramic tile bath, fully Hospital Note? EXTERIOR and Interior painting. lumber. air-conditioned, two car basement cannot legally waive the interest model. 9-9698. PART TIME service station attend­ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR hot water. Gentlemen. Apply Prin­ MI 9-6818, Barbara Woods, MI on taxes against the company. ______. Celllnga reflnlshed Paperhanging. TV SET AND COMB. RANGE cess Restaurant. LARGE BRICK FRONT Ranch 9-7702 or Robert Murdock MI garage. Large lot. Cali Uie R. F. Rockville Only $345 Down ant. mornings. With some me- i Nobody— But Nobody Dlmock Co.. Realtors. MI 0-5245 It was also pointed out at the * Patlenta Todayi 196 X WE RENT most everytliing In the Wallpaper books. Estimates given rhanical experience. Apply 476 Free storage until wanted. Free . House, 3. bedrooms, 14x21’ living 9-5972. room with paneletj fireplace wall, or Joseph Ashford, MI 0-8818, Bar­ meeting Jhat requested changes in ADMITTED 'YESTERDAY: Mi­ tool and equipment line. A-P' co'vered by insurance. Call Hartford Road. ! Undersells National delivery. Free set-up by our own 1 PLEASANT, large, clean, heated. tax assessments have to be taken 1954 Cadillac Conv. Club ’ Equipment, 945 Center St.. bn Edward R Price Ml 9 1003. reliable men. room for gentleman. Centrally lo­ kitchen with dining area, ceramic $1400 DOWN, new three bedroom bara Woods, Ml 9-7702, Robert R a^r Brothers chael Tuok. Wapping; Patrick 9-2052 any time. tile bath, basement garage. R. Murdock,- MI 9-5972. , to the Board of Tax Review. Jan Richl, 637 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Coupe FUEL OIL ddliverv, full time. Ap­ NATIONAL LUMBERj INC. Phoqe for appointment cated, Private entranre. Parking. ranches, ceramic bath, hot water H. Stillbach, LaPolnte's president, ALL PAINTING add paperhanging Hartford CH 7-0358 MI 3-8914. F. Dimock It Co. Realtors, MI heat. % acre, trees, $12,660. Carl­ Said Improved ^^oren ( ce Likmal. 822' Spring S t; A peal king maker. Showroom guaranteed. Excellent workman­ ply in person. Boland Oil (To., 369 381 State St. North Haven, Conn. has asked the town to reexamine DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ Center St. Tel. CHestnut 8-2147 After 7 p.m. CTf 6-4690 9-5245; JoSj^h-Ashford. MI 9-M18; ton W. futchlns Ml 9-5132. ANDOVER VALUES 'Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan, 32 Palm appearance. New w.w, tire* t-i bath*,' MI 95818, Barbara woods, MI lot. Amesite drive, extra large shades, made to measure. Ail Francis J. Wi-ona. 214 South St... Insulation Rockwool per bdl. $3.80 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, Ha tional Church. where he had been placed in an Hartford; a son to Mr. and’ Mr*. Radio, heater. Powerglide. A Rockville, TR 5-5167. Evenings TR ! freezer compartment, very good ' kitchen, 1% tiled baths, stall show­ oxygen tent. metal Venetian blinds at a new Knotty Pine Paneling— amesite drive. Centrally lo­ VVhsi finrr gift than an Evinrude* 9-5972. Other listings avaUable In keeping with the theme, "Ad­ Donald Ostberg. 13 Barrv Rd. fine second ear for the boss. 5-4811. condition. 145 Center'St. er, three large bedrooms, pleasant New listings needed. The three men and a fourth low price. Keys made while you Situations Wanted— Male 39 All 8' —...... per M $140 cated. It I a gift the whole faimly wilt living room with bookcases. Home venturing in the Arts,” 'songs will DISCHARGED YBS’TERDAY: Only $175 Down wait. Marlow's. On • our comp6tltora advertised NEW SIX ROOM house. Carter St., trucker. Betrice Handy of Horn- PRE-HOLIDAY clearstice sale ends ■ enjoy for yean to coizif! Call completely Insulated. OH base­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO, be taught by the Vernon leaders Stephen McDonough, 425 Hackma­ FULL OR PART time job—After- prices we will beat them by at Saturday. Howard's Sleep Center, . Call E. S. ADAMY and lee the newnt and finest Manchestor, Five rqoms, complete and Mariner troop. Mrs. Olive Re- town, Va., had come to Rockville tack S t; Mr*. Mary Gudjunis, 100 ABSOLUTE Bargain — Upholster­ Bu.vne«» Opportunities 32 board heat, cast iron furnace, fin­ noona after 3, evenings, weekends, Ieaat6% . 539 Main St.. MI 9-6335. Evinrudes vet—3 to 50 hp! -You fuli -rtear dormer, IH baths, tire Broker cava of Vernon will give instruc­ to pick up two truckloads of pota­ Hemlock St.; Henry Peioquin, 118 1952 Hudson 4-Dr. Sedan ing, custom made cornices, place, basement garage. T. Shan­ ished* recreation room with extra toes from the Potato Farmer’s FOR LEASE—Modern two bay now Jo (Christmas or longer. Col­ NOBODY-BUT NOBODY Ml 9-6461 can order fot delivrry "under the large fireplace In baaement. Fin­ MI 9-5910 tions in folk dancing. Miss Mar­ N. Elm B t; Sandra RittUnger, A very clean comfortable car. drapes and slip covers, $79.50 anti Super Service Station,'-Route 5 in lege degree, experienced, retgll DIVAN AND three end table lamps. tree,” or a Gift Crrtificate auures non, Builder,. MI 3-7469, BU 9-lAS. Cooperative on West Main 8L Broad Brook; Michael Ginolfl, up. Choice of fabric*. Call Mrs. UNDERSELLS NA'HONAL ished den or study in basement, jorie Stephens,, also of Vernon, hft&tcr. ovenSriv*. South Windsor. Due to new bridge management and accounting. Very reasonable. Phone bfl 9-02^, delivery whenever you, tay. ^ also laundry set up. Combination will show movies of. the history of They had parked for the night Thrall Rd., RockyUle; Mra. Elsie 1955 MERC. STATION WAGON Holmes, bfl 3-7063. after 5 p.m. ui today! MANtqCHEffSER—Green Area. Six Wanted— Real Estate 77 with Handy sleeping alone in the Only $175 Down ______opening in December and .custom Family man. local permanent resi­ NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. roomm Cape,Cape.'bitsement.'garage. Ditse: Ehc- Windows and doors,' complete. the Pinnacle Leaders’ Club. . Norton, Peteraon Rd., Rockville; blending, the potential is excellent. dent. References—bonds ble. MI cab of one truck, while Hudson Mr*. Elizabeth Olcavage, 113 N. Sold here new and terviced by Moriarty’s factory trained me-' If URNITURS repairing and refin- 381 STATE STREET ceUent condition. CoU the R. P. Many more extras, too numerous LISTINGS WANTED—Single, two- •The club is ’ open to all leaders, Small capital required. For ap­ 3-0240, Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245 to mention. Must be seen to be ap­ assistant leaders and troop com­ and the Raper brothers chmbed School Bt; Steve Yencha, 180 chahlcs, this nine passenger wagon is equipped with MerOO- -1957 Ford Country Sedan-Sta- i restored. Furni- NORTH HAVEN. CONN. family, three-family, busineaa into the body of the second tion Waimn ^ *^'P**r Service. Talcottville. pointment call BU 9-0291, Mr. R. or Joseph AiUtford Ml 9-6818, ^jar- preciated. Call Owner-Builder to property. HaVe many cash buyers. mittee members of lone troops in Wetherell Bt.; Mrs. Katherine Mc- matic drive, push button radio, de luxe heater and defroeter, lion W&gon. I MI 3-7449. D. Bonney. ' ; ' Tel. Chestnut 8-2147 • SEPTIC TANKS B & M ELECTRICAL see. MI 3-6321. ^ truck. Dogs-—Birds— Pets 41 bara Woods, Ml 9-7702, Robert Mortgages arranged Please call Broad Brook, Ellim ton, Hazard- Robhie, 29 HOIl St.; Paul ^ I t le y , power brakes, directional lights back-up Hghts, seat belts, FtBly equIpped-At great savings. Cleaned and Installed M c B R ID E 'S Murdock, MI 9-5972. vllle, RookviUe, Vernon, South Handy discovered the mishap at Andover; Miss I^ercy Lord, RFD 3; whitewall Urea fully ubdercoated, finished in Arctic whit* SUNOCO TURNTOE~"Station for $16,000 — Manchester—Six . room George L. Gnudadio. Realtor MI WEAVING of burns, moth holes Diamonds—rWatcliefl— SERVICE 9-5878, 109 Jlenry St.' Windsor, 'ThompsonvHle and Wap- 6 a.m. when he opened the door of Andreiy Petersen, Glastonbury; with blue and white leather Interior. ’Ihis ia the car $ 1 A A C lease. Wilbur Cross Highway in FOR '.SALE—AKC Boxer puppies, Green Manor ranch, domestic, hot the trailer. and torn clothing, hosiery runs, champion stock, eight weeks old. _ Jjeweln^ 48 • SEWERS SPORT SPOT plng. Charles Casein, 37 Cltntdh St.: the whole family .will enjoy. Price .. 1948 Cadillac 4-dr. Sedan handbags repaired, zipper re­ bfanchester. Modem two bay, Marhbie Cleaned water, floor radiation Jieat, plas­ ARE YOU OONSIDERINa v Mrs. Florence Mortimer. 62 Plym­ limited capital required, low rent Reasonable. TR 5-4413. LEbNARD W. YOST. JewelerTre- • INDUSTRIAL tered walls, ceramic r.ibalh, fire- Official Visitation ExceUent condition. New tires placement, umbrellas repaired, palrs, adjusts watches Sxpeii'Uy: llltj Center St.—MI 9-8747 SEIZING YOIIR PROPERTY? Hope Chapter No, 60, OES, Mylll outh . Lane; Harold Weber, Hart­ too. men's shirt collars reversed and per gallon. Custom blending room­ place, attached garage and car­ We will appraise your Dranerti ford Tpke., Rockville; Arthur Bern- ing soon. Call Mr. R. D. Bonney, MANCHESTER Pat Center for all Reasonable prices. Open doily. • INSTALLATION meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the PTO Book Fair , replaced, bfarlow'* Little Mend­ your pets and pet supplies. Use • COMMERCIAL ^ port,. amesite drive, nicely land­ free and without any oh son. 73 Princeton .St; Martin 315 Center Only $175 Down ing Shop. Hartford, BU 9-0291,^ Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce SPECIALIST HOWLANirS scaped corner lot, 200 foot fiTont- Maionic •’Temple, Orchard St., for our (Jhristmaa lay-away plan now, We also buy pivper. rty* fc the official visitation by Marjcirle Haberern, 72 Oxford S t; Mrs. MI 3-6135 Street. M l-9-4387. A age, near’ school, shopping and SeUing ' MORIARTY BROS. SUNOCO SERVICE Station for Let Us handle your gift problems. • HOUSE WIRING\ evinrude or buying contact L. Held, worthy grand matron. A Called Success Shirley Riatau and son, 19 Cottage Good Values in All Makes— Open Monday through ' Saturday bus. City water and aewer. Owner STANLE'YfA------BRAY. Realtor- S t; Mrs. E3len Zinnaer and daugh-’ Building— Contracting 14 lease in Manchester. Excellent' Towr M i Country MANCHESTERsi ' VALUE^ win redecorate' inside and outside. -dinhar wUI be held at 6:30 p.m. Franchised Rambler and 9-8, Thursday and Friday nights TOWN OF MANCHESTER ' BRAE-BURN REALTY preceding the meeting. ter, 454 MaDrt S t ; Mrs. Carolyn potential. Small capital requiretl, ROCKVILLE, CONN. Lawrence F. Plano, MI 9-5910, MI 3-6373 ) - • p Willys Dealer ALL TYPES of carpentry work custom blending coming soon. Ull 9. 995 Main St. MI 9-4^3. PUBLIC HEARING Drainage Co. Attractive,'Gambolati built Ttiankagivlag Eve Service dents of Manchester High School McCarthy and ton, 7 Linden Pi., done, alterationh. dormers, roof­ Call Mr. R. D. j^nney. BU 9-0291. A'community •nanksglvfng serv­ Parent-Teacher Organisation, have Rockville; Mrs. Elaine Weir and AKC REGISTERED puppies. Cock­ PROPOSED ADDITIONAL $12,500 —l^lton—Near'Manchester, SELLING, Buying, ’Trading? L.M.- ing. porches, etc. Call Ml 9-5981. Ml 9.4143 TRemont S-2625 rtinch, three bedrooms, ce­ seven room Cape, five down, two ice will be held today at 8 p.m. in declared the recent "Book Fair” at son, 377 Adams-St ers. CoUles, very reasonable. APPROPRIATION 'M.L. (which means Live Modern DISI3HAROED TODAY' Mrs. De CORMIER MOTOR ramic tile bath, abundaii^ unfinished up, steam heat do­ —Multiple List)—all your real es­ RoqkviUe Baptist Church, With the the high school a huge success. Mr, BIDWELL Hoiije Improvement Co. Help Wanted— Female 35 Washburn Kennels, Rockville, TR In accordance with provisions and Mrs., William Mlnnick, chair­ Julia Wrubel, 141 Lydall S t SALES, INC. 5-2894. of Chapter V. Section 8, of the mestic hot water, plenty of kltch- tate ' the modern Way. The Ells­ Rev. Reamer Kline, D.D., pastor of Alterations, additions, garages. of birch cabinets in a large . en cabtneta. artesian well. Pri­ St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in men of ways and means, have an­ >4 MAPLE ST,, MANCHESTER Re-siding Specialisu. Easy budg­ Town caiarter: . . worth Mitten Agency. Realtors, CLERKS weil planned kitclren, dis­ vacy. 414% mortgage. Lawrence MI 3-6930. New Britain, as guest preacher. nounced .that many books were 1983 CHEVROLET 2-ton truck, et terms, ,MI 9-6495 or TR , Notice Is hereby given that Pub- F. ^ano, MI 9-8010. ordered by parents and students, 1951 HENRY J i TON 6-9109. Applications now Ifeing accepted 'lic Hearings o f the (Board of Di­ SEPTIC TANKS Pastors of local "Protestant Extended Forecast nKxSel 640j), 164' inch wheelbasel NOTICE posal unif. Plastered walls, churches will participate in the with the PTO benefit from each S.2SX20 tires. Custom built van fOr clerks with some office exper­ rectors of the Towii of Manches­ AND WATER PUMPS MANCHESTER — $14,500 Cape, sale. The fair also stimulated inter­ g e n e r a l remodeling and repair­ Oh November 25, 1957 the Bol­ fu ll. basement, hatchway, LcgBl Notice service which is being sponsored by bT>e body. Two-speed resr axle. ience. Good high school background ter, Connecticut will be held in AND tour down; two unfinished up. Nice est in current literature. Connecticut; Tepiperatures the ing. Specializing in building of ton 2k)nirig Board of Appeals heard the Municipal Building Hearing PLUGDED SEWERS garage. 00 x 265 lot. Very condition. Near schools, transpor- U d u o B PF-BHIT the Rockville Ministerial Assii. Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Taylor, next five dyas, Thursday through Booster brakes, signal hghu. and garages , and .sheU houses of all and facilities in the work are essen­ NOT!rlCR. o r APPLiOATiON A family Thanksgiving service PICK-UP TRUCK other (extras. This truck look and and grontei] the appeal of William Room, -Tuesday, December 3, 1957 tatloh and. shopping center. Call vice presidents and program chair­ Monday, will average 2 to 6 de- types, ba 3-0731. tial. Company offers pleasant work­ E. Prindle of Bayberry Road for SOFTENERS convenient location. Good This i> to ^ n o t i c i v that I, JOHN will also be held in Ellington Con­ euna like new. New spare -tire a t 8:00 P.M. on proposed addi­ Maojiiae Cleaned the R. P. Dimock <3o.. Realtors. B. BARNINI, of M4 Henry filreot. Uan- men. were in charge of the success­ greea above normal. The normal ing conditions, liberal benefit pro­ a variance to extend his house for tional appropriation as follows: mortgage. ; r; MI 9-5245 or Joseph'Ashford,'MI chf'sif'r.' . have fllea. ilication dated’ gregational Church at i p.m., with ful open house, held simtiltaneously meaii temperature now'’at^ N ew New engina new whitewaU. tires, radio, haater, directlanal never used. ao.OOO guaranteed orig- Septie-Tonka, Dry WeSa, Sewer INSTALLCD j Novemberher 20. 1167 a meditatiion, children’s story, mu­ gram, free parking and cafeteria. use as a gsu-age beyond the pres­ A propbMd additional appropria­ 0-M18, Barbara Wood8; MI 9-7702, le Liquor Con­ with the book fair. Many parent! Haven and Bridgeport is 38 de­ lights. Excellent condition througbouL Perfect foT A E q Aluminum Storms and ent building line but denied his re­ tion for County Tax ..... 84,817.5S Linea Instolled-^Uar Water­ FREE WATER- trol Commlailon for a Package Liquor sic by the choir, and receiving of proofing Dime. RoBert Murdock, MI 9-6873, * Permit for Uie sole kf alcohoue liquor took advantage of the invitation to grees and at Hartford 35 degrees, an around wojic. Special this week '^■73 Screens 14.A Apply quest to build closer to the lot .Gilbert C. Barnes, Secretary TRSTINO SERVICE WarraN E. Howlaai on, the premise* at TgUaqd 1uni|i(ke the "Share Our Surplus’’ offering. vialt teachers at the high schoid. ranging from a normal dally high SEVEN ROOM aingle, four bed­ (Wret .df 706), Moncheiter. m 8-36U, 0 p m till 0 evmings. line ^ a n the minimum set-back of Board o f. Directors B E ^ l To R—INSURED . James.. Keller, wiU,_^ be guest Mr. and Mrs. CSMstar .abroekl. of 45 to a low of 24. COMPLETE jJJNE of aluminum 35 feet required by zoning regula­ rooms, lli baths, modeni cabfnet The busineas U-owned, by JOHN B. preacher at Firgt Evangelical Lt{- windows, door4 awnings, jal­ First National Stores, Inc. Mgnehester.' Connecticut o H. e. SCHULZE BARNINI of 134 Henry Street, lltn - membership chairmen announce ! Mild Thursday, colder Friday, tions. Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ M KINNEV BROS. kitchen; largo, landscaped yard theran Church ’Thanksgiving eve ousie*. For free 'estimate call ua INCORPORATED 450 Woodhrldge Street total membarahip of M4. an appre- warmer Saturday and colder again IMT PLYMOUTH, excallrat condl- J Pork and Oakland Avea. Boltop' Zoning Board of AppeoU cut, this 21st day of November, ■ -in Mioo ’■. with ahadc trees, 'li^chester JUrlM Mi MAMaiMi. . Xk ■ IM ligitrF servicM At 7:39 p.m. clabla gain over that of laat ydar. by Monday. Some, ralii Thursday MORIARTY BROS. Homa SpeciolUea Co. Julias Lu Strong, Chairman 195T, S«WM«KM Dispesql Co. n t 8-tm —Ml t-«5M Oroen Areft, Call MI 8-UpS after S Street, llaaehestar. os portniuee. tta. CWI MI MOM. tSO-m Peart 88. -r 8 0 S-8M8 j 6 i-* ServleM .Tonaitow Mr. and Mra. Arthur E. Fc m are and again about. Sunday wlU to­ Eaat Hortlord Byron H. Shinn. Secratory - Advt, No, 4618.' I p.a. or waokandg. Ootsd Movsmbtr lA RoekrlU! llstbodlirt Cburch win •Mociata aiainbanhlp^chalm*ii. tal near laeh. v.’z, •A ■ h \ \ ,1 ■■ S' / ' I - ' ■ ] ' ; - ’ ■' ' ■■ ''' '■ . ' • '' ' :

PAGE EIGHTEEN i®aurl)p0trr lEuptiittg tSpralb WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27vl967

Pupils at Lincoln ‘‘Are we really grateful for the Parade Opens Christmas Season at 6:30 Tonight: Stores Open to 9 About Town | JVo Herald Scientists Slate |good already received ? Then we | Observe Holiday shall avail ourselves of the bless-1 Average Daily Net Pi-ess Run Manchester Auxiliary Police Tomorrow Holiday Service ings we have, and thus be fitted to ! will meet tomorrow, morning at receive more. Gratitude “is much I F or the W eek F.ndert TV'o special T hanksgiving ss- more than a verbal expression of ' Atlantic Service Station November 23, 19,57 The Weather 9:30 at Police Headquarters for The .Maiiche.ster Evening "Thank.sgiving' will he the siib- Foreeait of D. 8. WMther BnrMm semblic.s were held yesterday at J,ect qf the Lesson Sermon for thank.*. Action e.xpre.*ses m ore i assignment at the Thanksgiving the Lincoln School, one in the Day road race. They will also meet Herald will not publish to­ Thanksgiving Day at 11 a m, at gratitude than speech." Friday night at 6 o'clock at head­ morrow. Thank.sgiving Day. morning for primary grades and the First Church of Christ, Scien­ 12,692 Partly rioudy, cooler tonight and one in the afternoon for intermedi­ tist, in the Masonic Temple. For Lease Member of the Audit Saturday, Increasing elondineas quarters prior to taking part in the ate grades. Christmas parade on Main St. Biireati of Circulation A panel disi iisslon on a "A Ahbiit 200 parents and friends Tht Golden Text is from Psalms RANGE Sattirday arternonn. I.a*w tonight Satisfying Ijitcr I.ife. ' the final enjoyed the afternoon program. 150:141; "Offer unto God thanks­ IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF Manchester— A City of Village Charm 40. High Saturday about #0. A Joint meeting of s f Bridget's. meeting in the .series "Making the Mrs Helen Hardaere coordinated giving; and pay thy vows unto the St. James, and Church of the As­ Most of Your life. " will be held on the program for all grades. Open­ most High." FUEL OIL MANCHESTER PARKADE sumption CYO's was held last Dec 6 from 10:30 a m to 2:30 p.m. ing remarks were made by Diane Selections from the Bible include VOL. LXXVII. NO. 51 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) night in St. James School, at MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1957 at the Hartford YWCA on Ann Zilltovitch for primarv grades the following: ".Make a joyful g a s o l i n e (Classified Advcrtliing on Pag* 2S) PRICE FIVE CENTa which final organisAtlonal plans St. The series has been presented and by Donald Hartzog for Inter­ noise unto the Lorfl. all ye lands. for the CYO's Annual Snowball by the Sendee Bureau for, Wo­ mediate grades. Sharon Goortstine Enter into his gates with Tlianks- AVAILABLE NOW were completed, with the patrons men's Organization,* 0,16 Main .St.. led the pledge of allegiance to the glvlng. and into his courts with committee receiving its assign­ Hartford, and reservation.* for this j flag in the morning and Doreen praise: be tHankful unto him, and BANTLY OIL FOR INFORMATION CALL ments. Dancing to recorded music meeting insv be made with tlie President Rebounds ^ and it Lauds Golas in the afternoon. (Jlosing re­ bless His name" (Psalms 100:1.41. I GMP \A V , IV, followed the meeting, bureau. marks for the intermediate g'roup Correlative passages from the Mitchell 9-8225 DAYS I were made by Maiiri.-e Adam and Christian Science textbook. "Sci­ i 'l '1 \!N '-11(1:1.1 P ol icem an as Oorpa Cadets will meet at the I.orrslne Cormier. Jeanne by Isis Purvis for the primarv- ence and Health with Kev to the TEL, Mitchell 9-4595 or Mitchell 9-6826 EVENINGS Salvation Army Citadel this eve­ Jaeobs. Ann Harrington and group. ! I Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, From Stroke, Heads ning at 6:30 with Mrs. Peter .Ste­ Jeanne Kerrigan. Manchester CYO The program (on.sisted of songs include the following (p.3:22-26l: ‘Bravest Man’i Force Shifts Missiles KOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 venson. members will appear aa guests of rendered {ly each grade The kin­ Ralph Kanns on Digest TV pro­ dergarten rhildren partieipated in Hartford, Nov, 29 (-75- Policeman j gram Channel .30. Friday, at 9 "I.^t's Play We're Indian.* " and Major John Pickup of the Butterworth Photo! T o Gettysburg F arm Nichola* P. Skripol can look ahead Salvation Army announces a a m in eonneetlon with the CTO "Prayer to the Rain Gods ' Indi­ C«aI1 Marie Liiltev Thanksgiving service at the annual Snowball. viduals who had parts In the pro­ to an official convnendatinn for hi* I Citadel tomorrow morning at 9:.m gram ineliided David Forbes, who .Mr and .Mrs. W alter F. I-ailey. bare-handed capture of an armed Sr. Captain Eric Jackson of the Manchester Grange will seal Us recited "The First Thanksgiving" ’ 24 Harvard Rd . announce the en- Gettysburg, Pa„ Nov. 2 9 ‘ Perfectly nil right for him to make ex-convict last nightr ! and Carol Smith, who read "Psalm I gagement of their daughter. Gall Hartford headquarters will he the new officers Wednesday, Dee. i. in (/P) — President Ei.senhower 'fc-eihry J*mes He came within inches of death special speaker. The Band and JOO ' ! .Marie, to R ichard S. Zavarella. son I Programs to SAC Control Orange Hall. The Installation will came to his farm home hcre^ Hagciiy ,*aid. of Mr and Mrs. Savin Zavarella. Only D O W N when How ard T. M aUhcaon, 30, ' Songsters will provide music. take place at 8:30 p m. \ I 12G N. Lakewood Circle. 1 shouting 'No cop 1* going to take May f,r l„sl » wy.ko.d; ...X tjr r ir i.r S'ivhJ: me" fired a shot from a revolver S i . .lam ps I,ar new demonstration and some staff members. over the policeman’* face. I l u l be used for the berefit of the St : today by the Connecticut Labor De- It came to an abrupt halt when ! A headquarters spoke.sman at SAC pointed out that more |pnrlment. , speedy recovery from his mild Eight or nine other cais swung James School Building, Fund stroke. in behind tho three as the caval­ a bystander,'Walter Starkowski. ' than a year ago SAC organized missiles divisions in all its Tm Smr I The total of unemployed for the 32. stepped in with a rolled um­ I area ro.se 4 2 per cent during the The Chief Executive, piling the cade left the White House gale. directorates and has been steadily making plans for this I week ending Nov. 23. move on lop of yesterday’s burst Kisenhower wore a lUSt colored brella and knocked the gun out of development. of arti\ity which included surprise Jacket and tan .slack.s. He removed Mattheson's hand. Initial claims for Mancheatqr Det. Capt. William F. McCiie , ro.se slightly from 112 to 119, while attendance at a Thank^iving; his h -l Just before the cai- reached church service, went with full ap­ the gate, having .spotted the crowd gave the following account of the Wasliington, Nov. 29 {JP)—The Air Force announced today continued i laims stayed at 401. the new tractionized 3-T Custom sequences tjf events: proval from his doctors, the White waitinp outside. that its ballistic missile programs have been transferred to same a.* last week Total claims ' .Mattheson who waa planning to ■ w ere up from 513 to 520 House said. the Strategic Air Command (SAC). WATKINS- The plan for the trip lo GeUys- Kisen^iowcr, who suffered a mild j use the gun in a hold-up walked The number of women unem­ , into the men's room of a down­ Geh. Tliomas I). White, Air Force chief of staff, said re­ ployed rose from .355 to 37.5 in the hurg, announced yesterday on a : stroke the first of the week, had "hope” basis, was marie firm Aarll- , an exceptionally long nlphl's sleep, town theater. sponsibility for both the . intercontinental’ and intermediate area, but only a small change in John D, .Shannon, 57. of 254 WEST percentage of the total iinem- er tfKlay on ,lhc ba.sis nf a n e w from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. this morn- range ballistic missile programs had beqn transferred this ployed, ,50.8 as compared with la.st SUBURBANITE. medical report of continued "e\- inp. the White House said. Putnant^Sl., entered the room be- I week from tlie Air Research and Development Command, hind him 'and aaw the gun. ' Funeral Service week's 50.1 per cent, was reported. cellent” recovery progre.ss where it formerly rested. '*■------Interstate claims rose from 30 "The doctors have apreed it is (Continued on Pnge Twenty) Mattheaon decided to go through i White said thia and other actions OrtnoDd J. West, Director to 37. while Korean veterans rUims , with a holdup on the spot and taken this week "will serve to give M: Eaat i>nter St. dropped from 10 to seven Partial when Shannon resisted began to us an earlier operational capability France Rejects NlteheU 9-7196 payments rose from 19 to 25. , pistol whip him about the head ' in the miaailes field. I causing the weapon to discharge : one bullet. ' W hite al.so announced, in a talk prepared for the National Press Bid to Mediate Britons Rap, Defend Taking Sliannon's wallet con- ' j Club, that; g o o d e a r j taining 5272 and hia wrist watch, ; Manchester's Oldest VISIT OL’R COMPLETE ^ /V I 1. Tho First Missile Division ha* wlth'Flnest Facilities Mattheson turned around and coit^ ' been tran.sferred to the Strategid Algerian Issue Off-Street Parking COSMETIC DEPT, fronted Henry Hannifin, 39, Wtl- ; i Greatest grip and go on ice, in mud lingford. I Air Command. E stablished 1874 ^ ALL LEADING LINES ^ I 2. The entire resources of the U.S. H-Bomb Planes I -Matthewson warned Hannifin Tonli, Tualala, Nor. S9 f;p>— giant Air Force depot at San I "You heard that shot, now rive me ‘ PrwWeiit Habld Bodrgulba ; Bernardino, Calif., have been made AOJUSTAIll *04 ^Arthur Drug Stores | and snow! your w allet.’’ claims tlie Algerlaa National Lnndon, Nov. 29 (fi ■ W'hih'-wHy* icarty, when one of the.ie pa- ! available to support the balliatic UberattoB Front (FLN) haa tfMOVAtll ftASf Hannifin turned to flee and. Mat­ ! missile programs. Lubnntes contlniiert to expre*.* l"’l* irs in the air from onr ba.*e*. theaon atriiek him twice on the mado » major revlaiaa In polir.r _ ,__ iTc K ■'< "l>r< iRl tanker machine which can head with the gun. I The First Missile Division waa| in the Algerian rehelllon and no Yooll find dozens of uses for this lightweight green • New tractionized tread addi thoii- mi.*eivinE.* about u.h. honih- . , organized several months ago at c "P refuel an aircraft •Mattheson ran past Hannifin in longer U Inalattng upon .indedend- enamel Hair Dryer— including drying lingerie, stock­ •andi and thniiiandi of tiny traction er* making training fligliU from that. If there'-wa.* a queatlon the theater lobby'jual aa Skripol j Cooke Air Force Base, Lompoc enee before negotiating with I Calif., to train officers snd airmen ings, noil polish, gloves, pets, etc.— defrosting refrig­ teeth to more rhan .iitXl biting edgei Britain with H-bomb.* ahoanf the It not being able to land In thl» entered. ' * Franee. Briti,*h pre.sa rallied lo the Con-j country, it could fly back lo it*. Skripol . tunied . and"* followed 1 in the use and maintenance of new, The etatement. threw FI*N erators and frozen foods. for a firm, claw-like grip on all -road^. servativc government’s .*iand to­ own ha.se in A m erica” I ‘unmanned weapons, l>«adqaarteM here tnto eeafinlon. That’i why we can lay, "u p to day. Sonic Labor ‘groups reacted to ! (('ontlniied on Page Slxl«en) j White signaled another shorten^ Two switches moke it easy to turn on and off, and The. mo,*t widely iciirt p ap ir in the news witli resolutions opposing I I ing of thp normal Air ForCe cycle bfUtr tracuon" and mean it! Paris, Nov. 29 France today regulate a blast of hot or cold oir. No oiling ever the ( ountry. the Daily .Miiroi, .>lorado Spring.*. Colo,. Nov. 29 , out under SAC instead of under to give Algeria at least partial TkJWIUL-Ccow home rule once peace hgs been re­ out 3-T Custom Suburbanites!" allay sonte of the appieherusion between Riis.sia .and tlie West, it! uBlion's college fra-i the Air Research and Development FREE DELIVERY rai.sed, would be wrong, perhaps fatal, *o . ^^''I'lics .set out today on w hat j Command, as Was announced last stored there. CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS • Remember the road-rumble so com­ Macmillan said TT.S. avitlioritics let sontimcnl and simple emotion I *" organized fight to pre ' week. The bills—one setting up a fed­ ■ NO TE: -NEW HOI K.S BY ST .\T E L.\W mon in ordinary snow tires? 3-T have taken elaborate precautions weaken our defenses." the editor- racial and religious discrimi- .Normal Air Force policj^TJtia eral form of government for tbe FREE PARKING AT REAR OF OUR STORE to prevent a nuclear blast should lal said. nation clause.: in their conatltu- I been to place responsibility and teiTiror>’'s home affairs and the CLOSED CLOSED Ciistom-Siihiirbanites correct that— a bomb-carrying plane crash He Rut the Mirror criticized the tions. control over new weapons and air­ other ruling on how elections their unique staggered tread design explained that the planes carry failiii-e to disclose the news when A committee of the .National In­ craft with the Atr Research and should be organized to give fair WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALL DAY bomb* In separate p arts Unit liave the decision was first made. ! To the Victor the Spoils. . . and a Kiss Development Command until they representation for both Moslems gives a smoother, qoieter ridel terfraternity Conference in prog- AT 9 O'CLOCK THANKSGIVING DAY to be expertly' as,sembled before a I-lovd'a statement was made in re*s_ here is.sued a report nam ing Planting a kias on the cheek of her famous husband is Mrs. John Keliev of New London follow­ are thoroughly tested, evaluated, and Europeans—were both made nuclear explosion is possible. answer to a parliamentary ques­ 63 U..S, college campuses on which ing yesterdays presentation of prizes for the annual Five Mile Road Race. Keliev holder of and pronounced reliable enough for "Can you give an a.s.*urance," he tion. it said anti-discrimination "agita­ numerous national championships and a member of the 1956 United States Olympic team, set a new transfer lo the combat commands. (Coatlnned on Page Ten) waa a.sked by I*abor leader Hugh Tile Conservative Daily Tele­ tion" la practiced: coiirM record of 23:59.3 In winning the 21st renevval of the Turkey Day trot. Kelley la holding “We know where we are head­ You con frode Slip Gaitskell, "that there is no^danger. graph .said Laborite concern ''is not The report criticized what It tlie ^rguaon M^emorial Trophy, donated in mepiory of the late Thomas' and Ronald Ferguson of ed." White said. FREDAS Package Store If on* of these aircraft were to only ml.splaced. it alao show* ignor- ! called “planned attempts to reduce __‘9* Hersld. Complete race details on sports pages. (Herald Photo by Fhnto.) “We are going to solve our prob­ CORNER S P R l'C E and BISSEI.L STS.—Ml .3-7723 for Grip for as low critsh. of a nuclear fxplnalon re ame of the basic fact of contem- : Greek-Ietler societies to a position lems and hasten our progress *"!• ' '.i, •• T,., : pot ary deterrence." It aaid the of impotence, if not to eliminate through a mature approach, pre­ Bulletins os weekly! ■* ! Mini.*tcr I threat of .Soviet miasiles made it ; them entirely." Couple Says Ghost cise planning, and additional effort. told there 1s no ne< e.*aary to keep armed planes "We in the Air Force feel very It was to be aiihmitted for ap­ ffom the AP Wires ^ ‘ "loft that could rrlallate even If Japanese Considered strongly'about the miasions which proval or disapproval today to the Broke Up Familyj The American g o v e r n m e n 11 airfields were knocked out by a have been assigned to us. forces make it a practice to keep al- surprise attack. general asaemblv comprising more j "We recognize that our respon- ADENAUER OX. than 700 college students and , Sunderland, ICngland. Nov. 29 I sibilily is great, but we want the alumni who represent 61' national I (AP) — Mr. and Mrs. Norman | As Talcottville Pastor Bonn, Germany, Nov; 29 (A9— 1 public to know that with us the Chanrellor KonradT Adenauer, fraternities. The 3*dav conference I Dixon say their happy family was I * * I capability to preform these mis- FLOWERS opened yesterda.v. ! Vernon, .Nov. 29 (Special)—A^the history of religions at Harvard was In bed today with what his . Francis S. Van Derbur of Den- , broken up by a ghost. press chief .Felix Von Eckardt GIANT The Dixons, arrested on a charge Japanese minister, the Rev Robert University. (Oontlnncd on P n^ Ten) described aa “a very heavy head FREE! ver, conference chairman, said the i His first pastorate was the U.S. Missile Status of neglecting their three small K. 'Shimoda, Is being considered for I report prepared by a committee cold.” Eckardt told a news con­ For Thanksgiving children, told a court yesterday Olas CTiristlan Church in Olaa, ( WINDSHIELD on fraternity autonomy was "a ! the pastorate ,of Talcottville Con­ ference the 81-year-old t’tiaacel- the ghost invaded their home in a Hawaii, where he was ordained in j well-considered document by some I gregational Church. lor decided to lake It easy over city housing development last 1947. He also served the' Pilgrim ' Morocco Paper the weekend In order to rest for of the ne.* minds in the frater- ' The 4-4-year-old minister, a na­ Church m Waialua. Hawaii, be-j Poor-Not Hopeless nily system.'' March. his visit to Inndon next «*eck.' fore returning to this country. j Van Derbur 1* the father of "W e saw a shimmering coll on tive of Kumamoto, Japan, will con­ the wall," N orm an, 27, said. "We duct the 11 a.m. Sunday service. .\ctlve in 5'niith Work- I Says 180 KUled ROCKET ENDING FTJGHT Nothing to buy! Yours M arilyn Van Derbur, .1958 ".Vliss In addition to serving his paator Washington. Nov. 29 -Sen.' and of SACg retaliatory power He Amei-ica." heard footsteps on the atairs when for tho asking! Fits The Rev. Mr. Shimoda has been Kefauver (D-TennI said today. said ho wlH fly in an Aii Korce The committee chairman is Her­ recommended as the church's new Bdid oil TCtll i —HNT.rrI"s‘'nrst'rec^^^ three day* of leatimony on the I plane Monday to SAC headquarters (Continued on Page Three) Comparative Religion at the Uni­ ^ nifmay tumble tfi it* doom Sunday glevo cempartmont. bert L Brown of Philadelphia, an minister by the pastoral committee versity of Hawaii and supervised a ■Vatlue <*f the U.S. missiles program at Omaha, Neb. alumni member of Phi Sigma Kap­ In a letter to church members. morning. The final stage rocket Choose 3-T Nylon or 3-T Rayon, the situation 'is worse than summer vacation school at the thaw , He also will visit the western de­ pa. Honolulu Y.MCA. By TRE ASSOCIATED PRESS that thrust Sputnik I into an or-- ' G£J ^ET F^R I thought it was." velopment division of the Air Now af Northbrldgr, 3Ias*. bit last Oct. 4 ever Russia Is The report rapped the Univei- The candidate 1s presently pastor He also supervised a boys' camp Spanish bombers have killed at Tubelipss or Tube-Type, Black or Kefauver. a member of the Sen- Force a Repeaich and Development sltles of Massachu.sctts New Max I In its last hours, the Smithsonian WINTER DRIVIND Rockdale Congregational! five year* and- worked with least 180 persons ’ i the. rebellious ate preparednes.* subcommittee, Command and the Douglas and ico, Oregon and Wa.shinstoh* and of the colony of Ifni, the newspayrer Al AstropliTsIcal Obscr\atory re­ White Sidewalls. Sizes for all cars JNews Tidbits Church Northbiidge. Mass,, where 9oya at the New Haven YMCA for WE’RE ALWAYS HERE TO SERVE YOU — conducting the mlsalles-satellite; N»'lh American production plant* Kah.sas Citv and Lewis and ('lark ' three years. Alam said today in Rabat, Moroc­ ported today. probe, said In an interview the ^ «nd testing facilities In the I-oa An- Colleges as'.schools which have an- I Culled from AP Wire* he has been since 1952. co. Spanish forces launched attacks DAY AND NIGHT — AND HOLIDAYS including imported models. The Kev. Mr. Shimoda Was edu­ During his pastorate at- North- \ testimony by,Defense official.*, in- Bcles area. noimceH thev will not permit fra-' bv land and sea yesterday in their UNDER EXA.MI.NAnON telligence specialists and scientist.*! testimony showed the ■ teinitles which prohibit member- cated at the University of Hawaii effort, to crush the uprising, it Yokohama, Japan, N'ov. 29 OP and Yale Univeraily where he ;re- (Continue^ on Page Ten) added up to “shocking evidence of F.b. miaaile position in relation to (ship on the basis of race .coloTsnd Pope Pius to attend spiritual ex­ added. —S|ierialist Gregory ,1. Kupski TURKEYS - CAPONS MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KINDI how the coimtry has gotten be- Russia is worse than he thought creed re., • ,*>* race, loior ana celved a BA 'degree. He received an The paper, orga, of the Moroc­ of Detroit, charged by the U.li. It wa,*. Kefauver refused to go into ercise* for Christmas at Vatican MUMS hb’.a" j^stla in certain aclentific- Amherst and the State Univer­ City )>eginning next week. . . .U.S. : MA degree in Sociology from Col- n n - can latiqial (Independence) part}', .\rm.v with the strangulation detail. NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE rpmtary fields.. ' . sity of New York were sharply «5/nbas.*ador John Hay Whitney i umbia University and an AB de- o i ivorcan f T rpnans said 50 persons were killed by murder of a Japanese girl,’‘is un­ HAMS - ROASTING CHICKENS GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE £3uf"tAe Tennessean sajd "the Other subcommittee members criticized for ordering social fra- gree (rom William Jewell.Taufdbit College. ___ _ ■ 1 jmbs in the village of Foimr and der military psychiatritc exaini- who sat in on a closed-door intelli­ confers with .Selwyn Uoyd in Lon­ . INCORPURATLD picture is not hopeless," addtpgc don Indiiy on next month's N.\TO He did graduate work In Social 1.30 in SIdi Ham ed Laron.*.*. nntlon, his defense counsel said gence briefing Wiednesday said af- Meet rSew Pareiil.s 295 BROAD ST.— Ml 3-5179 713 MAIN ST.-.TEL MI 9-5390 "We've got to give more mogey I (rontlniliiO on Page Sixteen) .summit conference. Ethics at Boston University and in Planes and ships bombarded the toda}. Tile counsel. Capt. James BEEF RIB ROASTS g . ■* and attention to missiles, satellites terward rtliey hparef a "sad and' R. Robinson, 34, F o rt Collins, ahockipg" story on Rii.*sian m l- Rep. Celler ID-N'Y) blames I'.S. ' P ortland. Ore.. .Nov. 29 (A P i .Moroccan village, of (Tina, north and scientific development and edu­ lack of trained scientists on strict ot the Ifni enclave ye-'-lerdav aiifl 4'nlo., noiild not elaborate on the cation. W'e can catch up, and 'get tar>--aclcnlific progress- The brief­ immigiatlon laws in Rome speech. Eighty-seven little Koi •onn, or- (lisclosurr, Romambtr! VVhen company drops in uiiaxpecttdiy, HOLLYWOOD SERVCE CENTER ing waa given bv Allen Dulles, chief Football Fans Riot the villages of Oum lffi.**in and i POMPONS JACK’S ATUNTIC STATION ahead if we only put,our 'ivill to It." b^atlis al 8 . . . Bodv of Prince George of »»• • phans, four of them ill with t.ubcr- Shoiilkhat. in the .sonthea.st corner , you H find Turnpike Ma^et opdn and ready to serve Sen. Bush (ft-Coirhi said today of the Central Intelllgehce Agency : rgn • 706 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER— TEL. Ml 9-8232 342 EAST CENTER ST.— PHONE Ml 9-S187 Gieec'e leaves Toulon; France, for A fte r M ia illl G a illf culoais. were g Ring acquainted of the enclave, were bom'bed and ‘ TRUCTt KIIX.S WORKER y^ . Candy, Nuts. Ice Cream, Cold Cuts, oinqer* V • • a the hearings demonstrate a need ct'iAi. : LHer Ihaiiksseivin tr burial In royal Kepiilrher noar, with their new parents today, niachinegunned. caii.slng "many Bridge|>ort, .N'ov. 29 liPI—John You are inv^ited to view the large tor "the liigheat priority" for ex-; These Senators, too. decline to 1 ale, soda, sweet cider. MarathoftcGrcece. i ------i The children, infanta to 6-vear- , casiialtics," bv Al Alam's account (|uliin, .31. of Stratfurd, an em­ array of flower.s grown in our pandlng miskile production and what they learned from [ . L»ai:s-Schlnidt. Swedish bii.-^iness- ! Miami. Fla., Nov. 29 Riot-j olds, arrived in the I.'nited .State* ploye of Leverty and Hurley Co., strengthening the Strategic Air , f*'e CIA chief. Biit*it was reported By THE ASS(KT.\TED I'RE.SS The paper carriei! a map ofTTie greenhouses. WYMAN’S GULF STATION DON WIUIS >GARAQE Accidents took eight lives •during man friend of Ingrid B^^rgman. ing students. Joined-later by older yesterdav from the Harrv Hoit Or was killed instantly at 12:‘20 Command (SACi. ( night that the subcommittee 1 Ifni enclave showing the rebel.* in a.m. today when he was struck the Thanksgiving holiday that be­ llleK from New York to spend i ter"' dashed wjth squads of police phanage in Korea. Molt, a wealthy, I control of three-quarter.* of tlie Manche.ster’.s only flori.st grow- 24 MAIN ST___ Ml 9-6610 18 MAIN ST— TEL. Ml 9-4531 Bush, a member of the Senate l Inld Russia now haa a few sub- weekend in Londonin wheie Ingrid f«i'y today in the aftermath of by a truck in the yard of the A rm ed Serv’lres Com m ittee w ho-f'narines, |K>asibly foui*. capable of gan at- 6 p.m. Wednesday, Seven of Cre^well. Ore . fa r.ier. ha.s hiouglit area after five day. of tigluiiig: all Open Until 77 P.M. ing their own flowers/or your the victims died in„traffi'c mishaps. is making a picture, , ..Australian.* Miami Edison's 20-7 football vie-i 575 of the mixed-blood youg.-sioYs company’s asplult plant here. ha* been attending hearingt of the I firing a missile with a nuclear war- toiy ovgr Miami High School. of it e.xcept a coa.stal .slnp and a Polici' said 4|uinn was standing- per.sonal satisfaction and th e , Most severe of the traffic acci- greet visit of •lapiincsc premier - - • to new homes in this m iin trv in a half circle aroind Sidi Ifni. The preparedness subcommittee, said' up to 700-900 miles. Other deni. wn« with solemn faces and cool, sullen One m otorcycle policeman w as series of babv-lift.-*. He has adopleti on the huni|>er of Ids truck « til­ Open All Day ideal way to thank your ho.stess. EHLER’S ATLANTIC STATION KEN’S GARAGE In k statement that "The highest 1 vessel., in Russia's sub fleet, esti- day of two cL . o ^ map .showed five Spanish fniji in ing off the hood of thc'vcldcle air. hit by a rock and required hospital' eight of them himself , the tiny seaside roloiiy on the we.sl- 128 EAST CENTER ST.— TEL. Ml 3-1477 priority must be given to maintain-j mated At about 4.50 boats, were re-: Road In Dariefi Flv# pe'rsons P""* Norwegian military atuirce re- attention. Four other* received in- ; the children, fathered bv U S when he waa crushed by an- ANDOyER— Pilgrim 2-6227 Ing and atrengthening our pre.sent ported being .readied for such m is - . were injured fatally and twiTo'ihVri) ports D anish and G erm an naval ei’n hump of .\fri-a surrounded by , other company imek b^-king. juries severe enough tp require re- j troops in Korea, were abandoned insurgents. Thanksgiving Day rapacity for . massive retaliation aile equipment. I injured seriously...... forcea will take over Joint . . . naval | ports. Two others were roughed toward an asphalt loading hay. by their Korean mothei.*. Holt has Spghish authorltie.* in Ifni, Al . should the Soviet Union be fool­ One informant said the report-i Killed in one car w.io ilpfeiiPir of flQuthern N o rw ay . . . | **P hardy enough to attack us or our 130 more in ih ■ orphnnage and Alam charged, were taking severe JIM’S ATUNTIC STATION ed Soviet aub-missile capability | Edwards and Joseph Harper Jr Blinded World , War II vet grope* One fireman and an undertrr- h (^s to bring them to new homes ST.ATE CENTEN'.AItlA.V DIES lOlAUSE . ^ GRISWOLDS SERVICE STATION NATO Allies.” nieana they are praotically in a : j7.year-old‘ Darien High Scjiooi reprisals by torture and summary | North ■ Stoningtan. .N’ov. 29 way through b-iming Philadelphia mined number of students also in this country before Christmas. executions. i 451 WEST CENTER ST.— PHONE Ml 9-8156 "We must also, And with equal position to wipe out any major city I senior, returning home after a building to arouse -occupants. UP*— H orace G reeley Lewis, 100, Florist and Greenltouse 174 WEST CENTER ST— RHONE Ml 3-8409 were reported injured by clubs, The four tubercular children Crown Prince Moulay Ha.ssan priority, accelerate and expand our on the eastern seaboard,", He did j movie and anack* . Mrs. Mamie Eisbnhower will re­ died early today In the same TURNPIKE MARKET intercontinentai and intermediate not say, however, thgt any of the fiats, bottles or rocks during tbe were admitted to the United State.* charged yesterday the Spanish $21 HARTFORD RD. _ TEL Ml 9-7700 I^eceivlng fata! Injuries in the turn to lyashlngton from Qettya- height of the demonstration' on house on Boom Bridge Kd. in range mlqalle* programs,’-' he Russian suba now *re station­ under apeclal anlhorication of the were attacking Moroccan territory, which he waa bom Sepl. 28, 1S1 MIDDLE TURNPIKE W E S T - ^ 3-N38 O la ’S MODIL SERVICE \ other vehicle were Joseph L. Rob­ burg, for luncheon dates Wednes­ Edison grounds. Immigration. Service. Holt said Telegraph. Flower* Anywhere ED’S ATUNTIC STATION ' added. ed within missile range of the Kast ert?. 29; Stamford, hia Tirother. which surroundt the enclave on) 1857. .At one tim e he represent­ Bush said be plans to make a Coast. day and Thursday next w eek.... About two hours after the melee earlier that the U.S. Public Health three aides, and ordered the Moroc- I m EAST CENTER ST.—TEL. Ml 9-8317 John, 17, and Polly Cobb, 19. whom South Korea barks V.8. positinn broke out, W illiam Dijncan, Ekli- ed his town in ther.Connectirut- 280 WEST MIPPLE TPKE— RHONE Ml 9-822S aersonal inspection of missile pro- Service would supervise their care can army to shoo^ back. Spain de-j General Assembly''^ and .also Vjt- on Okinawa, calls for "prevention oubtion (Utilities on the West Coast I^ConUnued om Page ihUrtecn) (CoaUnued o* P ag e ThlrtoM) TOf rUa.of Japanese colonleUam." aerved aa local selectman and (Conttaued oa Page Three). ;.(Contlaued oa Page Tea) (OontiJinM on Page Tw ent^^ven) ttkx collector. 1 . . '

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