Imperial Conference Is Held by Japanese
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MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. Lvn., NO. 86 (OamUled AdvertMag oa Pag, Ul) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY , 1938 11 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS f- Plane and Scene of Fatal Crash CALLS FOR RELIEF IMPERIAL CONFERENCE m RURAL AREAS - IS HELD BY JAPANESE: ARE ON INCREASE ’’ T Sec. Wallace TeOs Senate CAPITAL GAINS DETAILS KEPT SECRET Groop That Neither State TAX SCORED BY Nor Federal Agents Can U. S. M ust Invoke Whether Formal DeclaratioD Cope With The Sitnation. NOTE^ANKER Of War Against Chma Neutrality .Act If Win Be Issued, Is Not Re- Washington, Jan. 11.— (A P )—Sec- Winthrop W. Aldrich Says retary Wallace told a Senate com- vealed; Statement Is Ex- mittee today that demands for rural Change h GoTemment SiSiMd, War Is Declared relief were Increasing steadily and pected In A Few Days. that neither local nor Federal agen- cies "have the means to cope” with Poh*c]rNeeded To Help Washington. Jan. 11— (A P )—Ifiain the possible Japanese declaration the situation. Japan formally declares war on of war on China, observers com- Testifying at the imemployment Boost A Bnsiness ReviYaL China, State Department officials mented. lay In the blockade Japan Tokyo, Jan. 11.— (AP)—Th# inquiry he blamed the Indurtrlal re- said today. It would bo difficult for might seek to Impose against all highest government and inffl-* cession, falling farm prices. In- P L A N E F E LL N £ A R foreign shipping In the war zone. creased mechanization of agriculture S p o k a n e President Roosevelt to refrain from Department Beport tary officials of Japan in Im- and drought for the critical condition New York, Jan. 11__ (A P )—Win- FL A M I N G A RR O W Invoking embargo provisions of the During December the State De- perial conference with th* Em- which he said demanded expansion throp W. Aldrich, chairman of the American Neutrality Act. partment licensed the export ol peror today drafted fomwOv D U D E R A N C H The Act bans shipments of war of rural relief. Farm income, he *260,282 worth of munitions to eald, would fall thia year five to ten Board of (Jhaae National Bank, de- supplies to both belligerents when- "the Empire’s unnhakable pol- Japan and *290,632 to China. If per cent below 1937. clared today "a prompt and ade- ever the President decides a state the Neutrality Act were Invoked, no led’ toward China.” The relief need la greatest, he said, quate modifleation of government of war exists. Some observers oon- such purchases would be permitted The details of that policy In the Great Plains region, which policy regarding the caplUl market tended Its invocation would aid In the future. and whether it contemplated a has suffered from droughts since Japan, which has greater facilities 1984. would make a major contribution to Id addition, the President could formal declaration of war business revival.” than China for making munitions. require that other purchases made Without making recommendations Officials studying the Far East- against China, with whom Jap^ for solution of the problem. Wallace ’ The banker made the suggestion by betllgeranta In this country be on ern situation said they were encour- a cash-and-carry basis. an has fought in undeclarad said: In the course of an address deliver- "At thla date. It la impossible to ed at the annual meeting of the OVERDUE aged by House refusal to consider Secretary Hull, reporting to the conflict for six months, were foresee the speed with which these bank’s stockholders. iHERt AT $:5B r^T j___ ^ the Ludlow war referendum pro- Senate that there are atiU about li------- posal, which President Roosevelt held in strictest secrecy. demands may grow, or even to pre- He directed sharp criticism at the W HERE P L A N E 6,000 Americana In China, summed It was announced semi-oiti* dict their magnitude within the next Federal capital gains tax. the undis- had declared "would cripple any up the govemment'a attitude as one few months. They will be deter- tributed profits tax and the struc- /1WA5 TE M P O R A RILY president in bis xx>nduct of our for- of primary concern over mainte- cially that the Japanese gop- eign relations.’’ mined. In large measure, by the ture of Federal regulation affecting nance of "orderly proceasea" In for- emment would issue within it weather and the course of business G R O U N D E D House leaders said the 209 to 188 secuiitlea. X ^ Y e l l o v ^ S ' t o n e . eign relations. few days a manifesto clarify- recovery." vote had strengthened the adminis- Important lasoe Demands Doubled Referring to statements be made ing its future action in Chinm last October charging excessive tration’s foreign policy and at the “This interest,’’ he said, ‘Tar The Cabinet officer said demands same time augured well for any new Following the Imperial eoBs thinness of the Stock Market was Ol ® Boise transcenda In Importance the value for subsistence granu averaging ap- navel construction which the Presi- of American trade with Oilna or ference, Premier Prince Flinn*> proximately *20 a month per family, due partly to securities and ex- dent might recommend. change commission rules, he declar- maro Konoye reported detaijfl had more than doubled rural relief The roost crucial point Involved ed "the adequate rectification of ID A H O (UonUnued on Page Twe) spending since midsummer. I WYO. thereof to members of the Cab- The area where needs are great- thla condition of the Stock Market r inet advisory board who had est, be said, are Montana, Wyoming, remains one of the most urgent 25 North and South Dakota, Colorado, needs of the capital market of the waited at his residence. New Mexico, Kansas and Nebraska. United States." w War Minister Genera Gan Sogt- He said 108.000 rural families re- Aldrich said bis discussion was yama returned to the Bmperoifs tzi PRESIDENT CALLS PARLEY palace In the afternoon tor a oepa* ceived direct subsistence grants in offered with "the hope of contribut- NEiV. VTAH December, adding there was little rate audience, presumably Usirfd ing to the helpful Interchange of likelihood that this number would with the Imperial eonferenea de- decrease before the next harvest opinion,” now going on between cision. .r Washington and the buainesa and M o n ^ 'w U h ’ thT^oi? «•“ **<» “ t* yeaUrday near Bozeman, OF BUSINESS EXECUTIVES season. These were ilLJUUition to While the conference reaults were financial community The map shows yrbere the .plan*-fell, families receiving rehabilitation Croaa marks the spot atop the Continental DIVMe, 40,«M «eet .petr imeeMi. (Me intonnafit aaeefICia loans. Source of Cepltal above aea level, where the crash occurred, The spot is near the Flaming Arrow Dude Ranch, two miles from the nearest road. two alternatlvee were preeenteds. "If present dry weather conditions "Taxation for debt retirement” , Cblna’e surrender or contlnuaaee continue," he said, "relief needs In said Aldrich, 'Ta a source of capitsj Heads Of Some Of Largest ^ o f the warfare. the Great Plains area may be In- as It returns capital to Investors in LATE NEWS Finance Minister Oklroobu Keyn creased to an unpredictable but po- government securities,, who. In gen- Industries In Nation Invit- optimistically told CSblnat ool- tentially very large extent. eral, reinvest In productive enter- leoguea that Japan would have ao Drought Conditions prises. But for the past few years, TEN PERSONS KILLED FILIBUSTER ON difficulties financing long-term hoe- "Virtually every state In thla area and even currently, this source of ed To White Honse To tlliUes. received less than normal precipita- FLASHES! capital has ceased on balance, and An informed official said the IiB- tion during the fall of 1937. For governmental bodies Instead, have example. In South Dakota, which has ANTI-LYNCHING Talk Over The Recession. perial conference discussed not ohly been absorbing the capital of the IN BIG PLANE CRASH OARDOZO’S CONDITION. Japan's policy concerning rauns imt endui^ seven successive years of country through Increasing the pub- severe drought, rainfall during Sep- Washington, Jan. 11.— (A P)— also the Empire's relations with lic debt instead of retiring It.’’ Dr. John Pnul Earnest, Jr., sold ' other world powers. tember, October and November was BILL C O ip U E S Washington. Jan. 11 — (AP) — The capital gains tax "at any- (Formal daclaratioa of war has only 47 per cent of normal and this day that Juatice Benjamin N. Cdr- condition has not Improved materi- thing like the high rates of the up- Transport Bomed After FaD President Roosevelt asked live In- dozo la “ holding hie own nlthough been advocated by eome Japanese ally In recent weeks." per brackets.” he charged, "similar- SHANGHAI REPORTS diMtrial chieftains to confer with a trifle wrtalcer than hat night." leculers, notably Admiral Nobundaa Wallace estimated that between ly causes the dissipation of capital." Justice OordoEo, who has been In Mountabs; Blizzard South Carolina Senator De- him at the White House late today Suyetsugu, home minister and Ke- 16,000 and 20,000 agricultural la- Urging repeal of the undistributed on the business recMSton. absent from the bench of the So- tlr^ commander of the combined borers were thrown out of work In profits tax, Aldrich asserted It "has WARFRONTS QUIET preme Court for n raontb, recently fleets, to facilitate a oorapleta bioek- Iowa alone thla fall due to the use dealt a devaaUtlng blow ” to one of Delays Work Of Removing clares Measure Will Cause Those Invited for live o’clock suffered seiere heart attacks at hla ade of China’s coasts and a drlva'te conference In the President's study of mechanical com pickers.