Orer 90,000 Persons Now

6EUEVEDF.D.R. , IN MOUNTAIN AREA: Employed On Airplanes

WILL ASK PROBE Alone; Answers Reich’s Searchiiij; Parties Start NmncHUNG

LA TE NEWS Challenge Of Largest Fleet OF MONOPOLIES To Look For Tr PASTOR GETS I

London. March 3— (A P )—lywa- FLASHES! Un^eported Since WhUiTHoDse Confabs Ruse Ing more fuel Into the roaring re- MONTHS 1 B H

armament furnace, Britain win GRANTS WITHDRAWN Midnight; Was

opend more than a half billion dol- Expectation; RJF.C’s Head Washington, March 2,— (A P )—

lar! OB her airforce In tbe year be- Re?. NiemoeDer Sentenced Alda to Representative Smith (D - Ukla.), said today that Sodal Se- From San Frandset ginning April 1. Urges Banks To Make curity Board officials had advised A ir eatlmatea] announced today By German Court; Has Al- the Congressman that a board order In totaled £111,502,000 or 8557,510,000 wan Issued at noon withdrawing fed- Loans On Easier’ Terms. —allowing for purebaae o f plonea, eral grants from Oklahoma, at least oonatruction, maintenance, borrow- ready Serred Term But for the present, • • • ed money, interesta, etc. Waohlngton, March 2__ (A P)__ BULLE-nNI Technically the figure waa put at HOUSE IN UPROAR £73,600,000 o r 8867,500,000. aa White House conferences on revis- Must Work Out A Fine. San Francisco, March

againat £56,500,000, or $282,500,000 ing the anti-trust laws strength- Washington, March 2__ (API- (AP)--Officinb of

laat year. ThU total la the eaU- ened the belief of many legislators Representative Rich (D „ Pa.), continental and Western threw the house Into an nproar to- mate for apedfic and apparent ex- today that Prroldent Roosevelt Berlin, March 3— (AP) —Rev. said today they were inf( Martin Niemoeller, for five years a <*“y by shouting at the top o f -his penaea on the all7orce. would ask Oongresa to undertake ed their missing Aylbi|| Tbe larger figure, however, tak- zealous leader of Protestant church tangs that President Roosevelt never a thorough inveatlgaUon o f monopo- opposition to General government had done a day of work la his life. had been found, Imdiy ing In Interest ebargea, etc„ ahowi the real measure of British spend- llea. TTie President said yesterday regulation, was sentenced today to Democrate snapped back, kith ed, near Fresno. be .would submit an ontl-tnist mea- seven months imprisonment hut RepresentaUve McCormack (D,, I r j to make the British airforce the The report said the world's beat. . Mge 80^ but gave no approximate time already spent In Jail canceled Mass.), asserting It was “Very nn- jtato. The general opinion on C»p- The figures, released by coinci- the sentence. He must go to Jail, wlse, rjghly lropro|>er and decidedly had landed In a fleld and Itol Hill waa that he would not ad- however, for three months imless nnethlcal for anyone to attack or officials beUeTcd the ii dence on the heels of Geraan field vTCato any new legislation until he pays a $600 fine for speaking Impugn the Presldeat of the United Marshal Goering*s boastful asser- tbe inquiry waa completed. riefl, if any, were minor. tion yesterday that the German air- FLOOD CONDITIONS GRAVE JAP PARLIAMENT disparagingly o f leading personages States." Condderatlon o f specifle bills of the Reich. Time already served force wouM be "awful in action" If thus would be deferred until next was held also to have paid a $200 war ahouldrome, Included expendi- Fresno, Calif., March year, because congressional leaders fine for violating decrees stipulat- SENATE STILL DEADLOCKED tures for the Sect air arm,—planes FEARS AIR RAIDS (AP).—Trapped by a sijd hope for an early adjournment. IN SOUTHERN ing usages of the pulpit. Paris, March 2— (A P )—The Sen- attached to the naval fleet. ilr . Roosevelt disclosed no details A great crowd ntllM around toe violent storm, a 'TWA ahrll OOJMO Now Employed ate today prolonged the Pnrlkunen- of his monopoly talks yesterday ccurthrase from early morning be- tnry deadlock over Premier OnmlUe waa believed today to This Indication of Britain's fever- with Attorney-General Cummings. fore sentence Was pronounced on Chotttemp'a labor code by — ish rearming came from Viscount crashed with its nine ocenii Assistant Attorney General Jack- Members Bring Up The Sob- the militant German Evangelical 186 to 89, Ito own labor Swlnton, secretary o f state for air. Homet.bohled, Streets Are | ASK MODIFICATION ioelmm son. and Chairman Douglas of the church pastor, who went to trial iJtfertag from that approved by the in the mountains east of In a memorandum accompanying Securities commission. February 7 on charges of Inciting to Chamber of Depottes. no. esUmatea that the number of per- A t his press conference, however, ject In Disenssmg The disobedience against toe state and The Senate then adjourned until The 'Transcontinental oons employed in the aircraft Indus- he replied to several questions Re- violating pulpit regulations. 1 O F V A T I C A N P A C T tomorrow, tona ensnrteg that the try bad Increooed from 30,000 in garding other business and labor Western Air Transport had ] DrasHc Mobilization Law. 240 In Audience Impnoee, Increasingly meosoing to 1935 to a preenit 90,000. Thla did problems. Banks In One Of Most Se- Invited to the courtroom were a been heard from since not include persona employed In-the No Self-Help Ideas. the Ufe of^the Chanteoipa govern- hundred guests including the pas- meat, wonld not be ended today, o’clock last night (12:28 w production ot armament or other Secretary Roper had Informed tor'e three children who were on a vere Storms In Years. Tokyo, March 2.— (A P )— Japan’s • • • » 'e. s. i.) when Pilot John Gr equlpmeot him, Mr. Rooeevelt sold, that "self Aostrian Nazis Say Concor- front bench, 60 foreign press repre- Parliamentary approval of the ea- help" waa nrell nigh lacking In sug- ever-present fear of air raids on her sentatives, and 90 ordinary specta- MARKETS AT A GLANCE reported he was flying tlmatos was regarded Twgely aa a gekttona from small buotneas men tore who arers lucky enough to find Now York, March 2.— (A P )— > toe Angolea, Calif., Feb. daot Most Be Chang^; closely-packed cities In "toe next and preparing to make toehBicBlUjr, alUtoogh tlMqr will w combattiag the roeeaeton. Tbe available eesta, Oommeree depertiaeat still ta ona- (A P ):—Ona the moat flewafl (Mavur today ta ex- 8totaw--Eaayt leadzea hi stow emergency landing at furalM groui^ for, g|rtin^t4^ ol KlamoeUer entered toe crartrooin MowMrtfte- JiMiag -thetr prnpeeala. jdled ParUamenteey^ebate-emrthe e u c O y a t nosA Smlllhg broadly, Bound from S u _____ eteeam-ln ■recent years brought-dan- OniilxBor k Army, Navy and Alrforoe eoU' 7 ^ PreMdent eald he had no im- government's draetie national m5b- evidently sure of hlitiaelf, fie Clapp^ IMds ■ Steady: ratls resist aeu- to Los Angeles, the plane medtata changes In mind tor the flerous flood ooncUtions to Southern lUzaUon bill. tag. mates are forthcoming totoorrow one o f hla attorneys on toe shoulder. caught in a sudden rain , Oalifoniia today.. Defending tbe measure, wbicb Curb—Easy I nUlltlea and metals and Friday, respectively. Gras, Austria, March 3— (A P ) The court entered at 12:05 p. m., (UnetlBued on Page l-we) Homes were Isolated. The Red Parliament members have attacked with toe presiding Judge saying "1 ta snpply. wind storm as it flew over Premier Chamberlain was eapeet- NaxI leaders in this center o f AuS' ed to sum up the udiole sombre re- Croas worked to remove marooned as dictatorial and Faaclstlc, Major once more give toe floor to toe de- Forel^ Exchango—Mixed; steri- Tehachapi mountains at trian Nazidom advanced a demand General Isamu Yokoyama declared: fendant Niemoeller.” ' tag lower. 8:80 p. m. Ice formed on' armament picture,—with Britain's refugeea. Usually dry riveTs ran "In the next war Japan will suf- pence Jeopardized both in tbe Orient today that the traditionally Catho- The pastor arose, saying: ;“I have (Jotton— Strong: foreign and wings. Rain fell in tor _ _ bank full. fer air raids. It la quite possible nothing to add to my observations doinestio buying. and In Europe— in tonlght'a eHlte NEW RANSOM NOTE lic nation modify Its relations with City and Interurban traffic that the Diet (Parliament) could Sngaiv—Lower; trade liquidation. Static interfered with radia;; paper. tbe Vatican. many instances was baited oa the not be convened becauoe of destruc- (OonHnoed oa Page Twelve) Coffee—4)niet; trade buying. During the next hour The gross aviation estimates fbr streets and highways were tram ‘Th e concordat must be changed,” tion of railroads and highways fol- the corning year are £111JI02,000, or IN KIDNAPING CASE formed Into torrents. they said, aa tbe Nazi-lnclliied min- lowing on enemy raid." plane seemingly wandered ister o f Interior, Arthur Seysz-In- 8SS7JUO.OOO., Of this, £6,718,000, or Houses were reported to be In Tbe general said that because of the air over San Joaquin \ ^ $2Bji90,000 goes to the fleet air quart, cohtinued efforta to mollify tola danger, toe law waa neceesary precarious condlUon In Santa .Jon the excited National Socialists. apparently trying to dodg^ arm; £2,284,000 or 811,420,000 for aa on emergency Instrument lea canyon In suburban Los An' Handbills assailing toe church storm and keep on the "other appropriations in old" and New York Newspaper De- geles. Byron Porter telephoned tbe through which the nation instantly FORMER RUSSIAN CHIEF £30,000,000, or $150,000,000 for loon were distributed. They did not, could be placed on a war footing. beacon. Santa Monleal Daily Outlook he was however, ask specifle changes In toe Graves reported he was pp provtstonsi in the second story of his home In general, toe bill would give la Nearly Doobled clare! $30,000 Demand-^ concordat or set forth the Nazi rea- the government wide control pow- to drop down from 10,000 fiit'^ arith no way of getting out. son for wishing to alter CSiurch- land. Then silence. The grant tor the fleet air arm More than a hundred families ers over Japan's business life, even ASSERTS HIS INNOCENCE State relations. A report toat a plane was waa nearly doubled over tbe previ' were moved out of the Venice dis- to toe extent that It could "expro- ed For Retnm Of Boy. Big Nazi Parade flying low through heavy role' ouB year. The strength of airforce trict. The Red Ooaa was pushing priate subjects of toe Empire and Seysz-Inquart, whose appoint- cause them to be engaged In a gen- toe high Sierra Nevada 45 irsonnel waa placed at 83,000, an rescue work In some sections of crease of 13,000 over 1087. ment to the Austrian Cabinet last ergl mobilization of business." Declares He Did Not Confess northeast o f Fresno brought E west Los Angeles. month was approved by Germany's Viscount Swlnton gave aosurances Only a week ago Chinese planes LEADERS DISCUSS N ew Rochelle, N. Y „ March 2.— - a t y HaU Flooded Fuehrer Hitler, came here to toe officials hurr3lng to Freeno (A PI—Fear decked today for the bombarded the Japanese Island of of “specifle achievements" in devis- There was two feet of water In welcome of an estimated 20.0W Los Angeles and San Francuee'? ing Dew methods of defense againw safety of miesing 13-year-old Peter Formosa and on toe next day air Treason; Courtroom Is direct a search of toe area- the basement of the Santa Monica Nazis who paraded noisily through alarms were sounded In Japan prop- air raids, but said they must Irvin e aa G-men began an active a t y Hall. the city last night by torchlight. Po- COALITION MOVE ground. er, warning of toe approach of raid- kept secret. investigation Into tbe boy’s roysteri lice and soldiers did not Interfere. A ll planee on toe coaat ous disappearance. A wide area In Del Ray was In- ers who did not appear. Crowded As 20 Men Go'" Between April, 1935 and March. undated and a dangerous condition Seysz-Inquart had before him the grounded by the continuing, 1938, Swlnton said, 4JI00 pUots, 40,- O oaklng all developments In Premier Present. delicate problem o f satisfying, on and rain. Led by three offldata'i 000 mechanics and ground men and crecy. Murray Levine. New York Premier Prince Fumimaro Ko- On Trial In Moscow. (UOBtlDiied on Page six) the one band, the Nazis bent on com- Doubt It Win Result From San Francisco, searching | other employes had Jollied the attorney, refused to diecloee wbetber noye made his first appearance In 0 ■! ■ — —plete union and HlUerizaUon of were formed to trek Into toe i Royal Airforce, an aimual average he hod paid a ranaom or received Austria; on toe other, Chancellor parliament since his cabinet and lawmakers moved Into a bitter dead- tains by auto and on foot. direct word o f the fate or where- Scbuschnigg's program to coax the G. 0. P. Proposal— ^Their abouta of Ua aon. lock over the war control measure, Moscow, March 2— ( A P ) — A de- Police, sheriff’s offlcer$, fX-_ (OontlBiied om Page Nine) Nazis Into his Fatherland Front fendant who desperated protested and forest rangers were called Peter dlsappearfed after leaving party, with toe condition that they and m et' a withering fire o f ques- ELECTION PROBES the hunt. Paul Richter, vice ecbool laat Thursday afternoon. tions from members. hie innocence o f trearon chargee Comment On The Subject strive wholeheartedly for Independ- dent o f T W A In charge o f t The New York Dally News said ence. One Diet member told toe Pre' againat him today Interjected a It bad learned Federal agents were mler that toe people, fearful of los- tions, left lyia Angeles with ^ BRING SENSATION Nazis Demands dramatic note Into toe opening of high ranking officials by auto LEWIS IS WARNED investigating a new ranaom note ing their constitutional rights, were Washington, March 2.— (A P )— An supposedly demanding payment of Principal Nazi demands present- "struck with terror" when they saw to " tNal of 31 fallen Soviet leaders. take personal charge of toe i ed to Seysz-Inquart were for legal 880,000 ^ th ln 48 hours under toe bill. apparent Republican bid for toe rights to belong to toe Nazi party He waa N. N. Krestinaky, former The route ot toe 14- threat of death to tbe boy. Unrtot Is now prevailing support of dissatisfied Democrats (The Fatherland front Is Austria's oaslstmriilstar' commissar of foreign af- crafX had been changed b efore' TO cancel VISIT " I f this matter Isn’t taken care throughout Japan," he said. Witness Testifies That Dem- sole legal party), permission for a falrs..f'ura..f' aroused some Ihtereit In Congress takeoff becauBv ol adverse of within the time are set," the News The premier acknowledged that Nazi membership drive to serve as Thi stateI produced alleged con- today, but members of both parties over the mountains. The six [ said the note concluded, “we will similar foreign legislation had been fessions ot hla 20 co-defendants to gera were to have changed have to get rid of him." „ a plebiscite on toe naUon’s wishes, said It was unlikely to result In i ocrats Contriboted To G. and a ban on Socialist and Ctom- studied, but said the proposed law ■pylng fo r foreign powers In plote at Los Angeles to continue The note, the nearspaper said, bl-partisan coalition movement. Goyemor Of Oregon Tells munlst organization. to dismember toe Soviet Union and ward. u deUvered to Rabbi Abraham The Republican program commit (Continued on Page Six) This was toe first mishap to : Nowak, friend of the family, and 0. P- Fond In Kansas City. The Granz Nazis, claiming 92 to terroristic miirdera of prominent tee, meeting? In Chicago yesterday, Soviet citizens. ' Union Ckief He WQl Cd mentioned that Peter was suffering per cent of toe Styrio provincial anld It would "keep In mind the de- the T W A fecord on toe Paetfloi' from a cold and complaining o f ill' government officials and 83 per cent TREASURY BALANCE The Indictment also quoted at " '‘•"blllty of a field of common coaat since tbe line began se of city officials, were determined thought on Which all elementa in toe far west In 1928. Kansas City, March 2—(AP)— length from an alleged confession Hot Reception If He Does. to attain more power ''without Ber- agreeing on principles for developing Beport Is Demeg. SenaaUonol tesUmony that Jame.-! Washington, March 2.— (A P )__ by KresUnaky, which said he had Those On Board lin. If need me," they declared. entered Into a treasonable plot with America's free Institutions could Besides Pilot Graves, too A eon o f tbe rabbi denied, how- Pendergoet had provided bribes for The position of the Treasury oa unite. ever. that bis father had received a There was hope, nevertheless, Feb. 28:. Receipts, $25,313,638.40; General Hans von Seekt, German waa composed o f First Officer Republican election workers and that Seysz-Inquart, In hla position "The committee exercised good Salem, Ore., March 2.— (A P ) __ ranaom note or bad any connection that a man tdenUfled with the T. J. expenditures. $24,696,650.58; bal- military leader, at the behest of the W. Wallace and Stewardess 5L Outspoken Gov. Clarence H. Mar- with Um t*i Hr exiled Leon Trotsky. Judgment In that resolution," said Wilson. (Bom) Pendergast DemocraUe or.* ance. $2,974,677,860,32; customs re- Senator Capper (R.. Kana.), but I tin, who frequently baa clashed with (Continued on Page Nine) T W A said toe six passengera M d 'i Philip 8. TUden, director o f pub- eald it bad contributed ceipts for the month, $24,203,381.21. But Krestinaky repudiated this doubt that there will be any move for C I. O. officials, today advised John toeir destinations were: “ C ."rf**y* PoBc* were ro- to G. O. P. campaign funds In* re- confession and abarp attempts by a formal coalition with Democrate." L. Lewis to omit Oregon from a re- nialnlng out o f the case until the the prosecution to shake hla repu- H. M. Salisbury, T W A fira$< turn for acceptanM of "ghost votes' ii'Yl’*** Republicans “want to get ported ; Pactfle coast vlilL He father had bad full opportunity to ^ written Into Kansas aty'a diation failed. His stout defense all the Democratic support we can," fleer, Los Angeles. promised the labor chief a “warm carry out his wish to deal alone ^ e n t h vote fraud trial records to- under grilling so agitated him he Capper said, tola assistance might be Mr. and Mrs. L. B. WaltA reception” If he comes here. with These arbo may be bolding my day. had to halt while he took a tablet cago. boy.” Congressm en A s k e d to T est expected from the independently- " I hope he stay* out o f here," said It was the-flrM Ume a PenderJl for hla nerves. cast votes of Individuals rather than Mr. V. Krause, Kansas Q ty. Qio retired army major-general. He “The period o f grace won't last g ^ s name bad been written into T did not commit toe crimes of from a coalition movement. Mr. Tracy Dlrlani, Oolumbii^J said he planned m official action forever,”^ TUden added. " I can’t say toe record! at any of toe fraud which I am accused,” he shouted, Copeland’. Views Ohio. tow tong It wfll be before the police A l l H o m e Tow n P ro d u cts and did not diacioee what the "re- trials. “ I have been a member of toe ^ n a t o r Copeland ID., N. Y .), a Miss Mary Lou Dlrlam, Ootaa become active. ception” would Include. The testimony came from Mrs. (Communist) party and still con- c ritly p f the Roosevelt administra- bus, Ohio. Not te Interfere. EIm O'Byrne, Republican comrolt- aider myself one." tion/ asserted that "If Dr, Frank Reports toat a plans had “Oh, he’ll get a good warm re- It waa a terrible mess when _ ____ th6 ception all right, but It would be a teewoman, who pleaded guilty to potato states of Idaho and Maine. Courtroom Crowded tolnlra he Is going to coa:: conserva- sighted flying low in mount there were too many police depart- vote fraud conspiracy and became a food Idea for him to stay out," said down In history la on open question Before that it was gr^efru lt The trial opened In the Military U v^ Democrats Into toe Republican country 80 mUea east of ____ _ menu working on the Lindbergb .^ e ro m e n t witness. Eight other Party, he will have to have another Vie governor, whose stotc for but on unprecedented amount of RepresentaUves West of Texaa C ^eglu m of too Supreme (jourt prompted airport sttachec UiMW' case. The New Rochelle police wlD RepubUcana and Democrats are on home produce .already has goae declaration of policy." mcnths has been the scene o f bitter not Intetfero with any^ng the F. and Hendricks of Florida flooded o f the Soviet Union before a express belief the miwang TW4 trtaL down the gullcta of Its members. convinced that a new party itrife between a L O. and A . F. of a L may be doing. We don't want Capitol Hill with pecks of |L Jammed courtroom. plane was down somewhere I Mrs. O’Ryrne testifled that at a Latest of toe Ckmgreaelonal cul- '■ •" making,” Copeland said, Fresno and Bakeiafleldr U unlona Ughtlng for control of the another meee.” Cheese has been on toe menu, too. Joseph B. Davis, retiring United but It is too early ’to find Its lumber industry. e^erepce with Democratic workers inary contests'was on oyster orgy A' woman whose name w aa ___ Reed VetterU, New York chief At she and Lester U Aulgur. Republi- Representative Schneider of Wto- States ambassador, watched from a boundaries or consider its personnel. ■eeras OeveraaMit P* B, L, rsfuiod to oonuDcot but promoted la toe Senate restaurant conain saw to that, and now the learned phoned from Big Ctaait,'j can committeeman. received 8100 yesterday as blgalve backers from front beach as Krestinaky, first So- * X * I f there is to be a coalition Gov. Martin baa ■— lied tbe Fed- obeerveta noted that eara known New York delegation la toreatentag viet offldal to receive the ambassa- mountainous country 30 mUea < each^not to challenge “padded Dem- Narragansett and CSiesapeake Bay. It will have to be under a new ban- eral government's labor po.lclM and to be owned by G-men parked dur- to cut a few cheeses of Its own. ner." of Fresno, toat abe bad seea ocfaOc regletrmUon.” she said Rhode Islanders contended the dor on hla arrival in Moscow, faced referred to Franeee Perkto os ing the day bedore Um doeeljr-staut- For two summers Georgia Ughte o f a plane flying low at I Au^ UAA M ra Frances 8. Ryan. Chesapeake product was puny. hla accusers. Approves PoUey th at mlaerabic Secretoiy o f labor." tered Levine home In a faahlonable been plugging her watermelons hy Chief o f the defendants were Senator Austin (B.. V L ) expressed p.m. laet night suburb here. DemocrDtlo commltteewoman “ we Marylandera, with piscatorial He asserted Lewis would v M t the (Republicans)) needed some money furniahlng Poatmaster-ftaneral Far- Alexis L Rykoff, former premier of approval o f toe committee action, No Hint Of TrooUa ■ ImprsMed hy the apparent lack pride, said Narragansett oysters ley with free samples for hla annual Radio meaaagea from to* itate before the saay primary elec- to pay our workers for their din- were muscle bound. Russia, and Nikolai Bucharin. form- saying that Its "sound pollole^' Jon to "get together” with Cbartee m d l r ^ clu y, toeal po&M potnted ners. XXX picnic. would "tend to attract the united ea it followed the airways What waa proved?—That neither er editor of Soviet official newspa- n. Hope, regional dlnetor ot the em tto p o e ^ t y Umt Um boy, a •“^ d M att Devoe spoke up and BtUl to be tested are: support o f all people who are not down toe San Joaquin valley, claim wag true, and that no matter pers and a close oaaoclate o f toe NatlOBBl Labor Relations Board, bright Imaginative Junior High •etfl k X k each ward waa to set Miseisslppi shrimp, Alabama pe- dead Nikolai Lenin. strongly partisan." no hint of trouble naUl K *ool student fond o f playing rat how much you punish the political cans, Iowa edm, CalifornUi orangee, Senator Minton (D., Ind.) beUtUed $600 RepubUcan oompedgr! mo^ palate it never ^ves up. J'Vaa, Oerpiany. Britain and Po- i>assed Fresno at about 54 G-men exploits, might have run Moasachusette cod, Ckmnectieut nut- possible effects of the committee's In a light rata. Phge TmotfoX Antedating tole free feaat by a tanir were the powers for which too meg, Virginia ham and Missouri resolution, saying that "the Repub- Near toe Tehacheple,. 1^. few areelto w as'D ie epoff 'atniggle mules. 'I .(OoattajM OB Page Twelve) (Uiatoaed oa Pago Six) T “ - ^ -Ail MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN MANCHESTER EVENTNO HERALD. MANCHESTER, 00NN„ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8 .198S PAGE collection by aale and gift In order name the museums which would be abis to pay for tba signal light to cut down inheritance taxaa hla re^lents of g ^ . the high school, for wMch an axtra TO SELL hMlTa muat pay when ha dlea. Aele portion to be sold will be of- amount of $700 will ba recommend' Skating Star On State Screen Joomh V. Connolly, prealdent of fered In private aale through Pariah. N. Y. BEUEYEDf.D.R. CHURCHTOLK SCORE Watson and Company, Inc., a well' ed by the Selectmen at the special TIE LOCAL THEFT King reaturaa, a Hearat enterpiiae, town meeting next-week. Daladie^*s Word Is Law ax^alned the decision by aaying: known firm speciallxing In art of - COLLECTIONS the Far and Near Elaat Adam Bxp eooo^oooooooeaeooo •H CONDmONGOOD Thomas Bolana, who was CommissioDers Pleased At OFMOmUES DARCAIN H OUND outstanding oollectioa. Batwamt Allied Cham ...... -..^80)4 them that his work as a managar df make two tripe to see Jlim y Pen- Large Crowd Enjoys Laugh larkParis—(AP)— slmirh h .f Under tha old,^VaucluM in taL Southwmtti Ofnt toon, calif,, and in New Toric, and that time and late last year, whan a chain stora requii-ed that ba ba (Oaaliaaad from Pago Ooe) dergast'' Believe Inmate Is Wanted black slouch hat of Edouard Dolo- te haa lire warehouaea full of them. Am.Can...... gg dler to the brain that may determine rolled tala elgarettea, rode to 1 OfTci IGIEoiis be waa known still to be actively Am Home Prod ...... 58)4 DefortneBps Financial tba bolder of a license to sell liquors James Pendergast, T. J.*a aapbaw, and kept hto mputh ataut. ‘'When be paases on, bia aatate purchasing, bs nasemblad everythlni; NatlonM labor Ralatloaa Act, hut directed the Pendergast organlsa. Prodndng Play At North victory or defeat for Franca in "the Am Rad St B ...... ig^^ and under these conditions ha could For Peddler Robbery In next war." A year later, he resumed tal* 1 will have to pay Inheritance tasea from 13th Cantury chaUcas and Am Smelt ...... so)f not be a member of the police da- added It was on avoluUoDory law tlon through tha 1986 alaetlona, tivity la the Radical-Soetoltot ps fordi Of ffit Treasores. on some $10,000,000 worth of these paintings to complete churches and Standbf As Reported. and he hoped It would be Improved when hla uncle waa critically 111 tat "Ah, March! we know thou art Bwks In general? (Remember, As minister of national defense, Am Tel and Tel ...... iS7)i partmenL He ihankad the oommis- Methodist (^arch. Daladler supervises the work of then was elected president to 1 ob]e<^ unless he makes other dia- caatlaa brought over atone-by-etone Am Tob B ...... slon for naming him. but dscUned from time to time. Ha placed tba New York. Kind-hearted, spite of ugly looks there are many trademarics and Maple Street Home. ceed Edouard Harriot. Wbah' poiad of them. from Europe. Social Security and O op Control Mrs. O'Byme, mother of three and threats. some are used on Inferior brands. France’e army, navy and air corpe Proplo’a Front government of ' Am Wat W ka...... $$4 tha appointment Saeratair John- In much the same manner as Chan- Tortt, March %~(AP>~ A I t la bis intention to leave many The complete coUecUoo has been Anaconda ...... gg b tha ohaanea of Poiiea Oommia- acta la the same category. girls between 13 and 30 yaara old And, out ot right, art nursing Be sure you know Just what a giv- Blum come into offlee la protograpbed pleca for piece and ston raportad that Edward Warner, and wife ol a packing company em- April's violets.'' A large crowd responded warmly cellor Adolf Hitler now does in Ger- hy WUUun Randolph to his family, to give liberally of Armour, i n ...... 044 ■*®nar Mathias 8pleas only routine another one of tha eight namad, bad Letters from about 15 manufac- en mark represents. This comes Believed to have solved the case 1936, Daladler became war : to diaporae about $10,000,000 them to muaeums and to ken Parian-Wataon baa been working on Atchiaon turera and employes, Mr. 'Roose- ploye, further testified: only through experience, or through to the presentation of "Simple many. Save only for the ready ter, the poat be has held evar'i 88% bialnaas was diaposad of at tha Informed him that hla work was "Mia. Ryan said to me that Jim- March, the “windy month" that which originated from a complaint approval of Premier Camille Chau- of hla fabuloua art collection considerable part. In which ease hla its cataloguing since last December Baldwin. C r .. velt said, complained that newspa- dealing with a merchant you know Simon Simple”, last evening at the A former school teacher, family will have to pay Inheritance with Its conpletlon still far away., 10)4 maatlng of the Police Commlasionera such that ha could not taka the pers do not give enough publicity my Pendergast bad told them to uthera in the spring—"Slayer of the made last week by Joseph Planta- temps and his fellow cabinet mem- and quiet, except for heated 1 two-thlrda of It—waa an- Balt and Ohio •)$ iMt night adjournment balng taken appointment There was a notation winter*'—It baa been called and It to be trustworthy.) North Methodist church. The play taxes only on about $0,000,000 of Hearat's New Tork art warehouse Bendix ...... to cases setUed by the Labor ReU- give the Republicans 3,500 votes In Moke sure that minute details of nlda of 150 Maple street that a bers, Daladicr's word and whim are es on national defense que today by aaaoelataa. covers a full block, smploya a staff 18)4 to March is whan thara wlU mads in tha mlnutas of tba meeting tions Board. He read from the the Twelfth Ward and we bad giv- Is along about this time of the year was sponsored by the Fireside law In the shaping of French de- I art objects. That will ^ burden Beth Btaal___ design ore well executed? thief hiid entered hla home and had fenses. ^ Parliament, Daladler entered T4>yearoId pnbUaber, It waa enough.” of 80 men and baa been reported by Beth Steel, pM b# a apadal matting of the board of tha dedalon of tha two man. beard's January report ahowtng that en them only between 1,800 and that many of us will shed no tears Look for "hurra.” or rough Forum, with the Idea of raising stolen $20 in cash and two valuable Chamber Deputies la 1919. the New Torker magastne to be "as S'* and a plan to provide radio racctV' Tha quastior of replaeamant ot 1,400. She oald he oUd be dldn'i when winter leaves us. There Is As minister of war for the past ' plana to break up tba vaat Connolly aaW v^e^aa unable to Borden ...... IS of 118 strike cases, 103 caaea cov- edges? money for the pM ge of the Forum, watches, police here today were 1933, he became premier for i closely guarded as Sing Sing." Can Pac ...... mg and aendli^ seta la the police the two motoreyclas was laft over ering 8,080 workers bad been set- like It but that obe could tell by hie' -something In the winds of March Also look for thin, sharp edges preparing to hold an Inmate of the years, and In three cablneU first time, after participating in :__ • • • • a a a 7 cara with a aending and receiving tled undar the act actions he was more than pleased.” that smells of violets. Desf^te Ita the Young People’s Society, to the wfore that, the aggressive square- Caak (J. L) ... 90 until tha next maetlng. In addiuon In spots where they should be church budget. County Jail for the robbery upon cabinets. It was bis second minis- ^ »t tha polios station wtu oa con- to the bids received tor tha two Mr. Roosevelt also conferred yea Mrs. O'Byrne told the Jury Mrs. sharpness we often feel the furri- rounded? his release from a 15 day sentence jawed Daladler is credited with tiy that fell after the Paris riots ' Cerre De Pas . «% aldarad. ness of the pussy-willow brushing Filled with "punch lines”, which bringing France’s army to Us pres- Chea and Ohio $7)4 motorcyclea from a Hariay-David- torday with Senator Glaas (D.. Va.) Ryan also her and Aulgur $20 Become curious when a national Imposed on the inmate by the Eaat Tba beard last night had a stato- son dealer, thara haa ainea bten 1 about tba latter's proposal to regu- each for replacing Republican. on our cheeks. We begin to watch the characters struck home every Hartford town court. ent high efficiency. Now he will Chrysler ...... M the forsythia buds and smile secret- brand, usually sold at a standard time, .he play soared In regular coordinate tea and air defenses NO INFLUENCE. Coca Cola ...... 138 mant showing tha praaant atoadmg bid entered by an agent for the In lata bank holding cotaponlea and to Judgea objectionable to the Demo- price, is advertised at an absurdly John P. O’Connor, 27. who gaye Local Stocks of tha poiiea appropriation, showing dion motoreyclas. prevent creation of new ones. crats with other Republicans "who ly a t the yellow vision of loveliness low figure? cadences of laughter. Corwin Grant, his address as the Clinton House, with the army so that united French S77LL TOPS — Col Gaa and El 7% In the leading role, gave a jierform- forces may strike together In war. Coral Inv Tr .., •aapaaae 43 tba axpandituraa and racalpta slnca Bastrlet qtuik OontroL would not do too much investigat- in store for us; we atort pushing Springfield, Mass., and bia occupa- — Deputy At Chairman ()ulEi praaantad figurea Among other things, Glaas said, ing of the pada" (Padded Demo- damp, hard clods of earth around ance little short of professional. In tion aa a distributor for the Ap- Foe ot Dletatorshlp. General dUbert Cassli^, Jr., FomlabMl by Iktdy Bratken E Co. Ooml Solv . . . . , • SH August 18, 1987 to March 35, 1988, that bad been socured by Harold C. fact the tempo of the entire play Political leaders have remarked Cona Edison .., » • a a • • a or Just about six months of tha 13 the measure would restrict the con- cratic regletratton rolls.) with our toe hunting for the brave proved Products company. Is the wanted in court today—on a obscR 88 Lawhi SL . 81)4 Alvord and Robert Hathaway ot the trol which a holding company might little crocus Up; we begin reading W8U! controlled and guided by him county jail inmate whose record to that Daladler waa the one man In of Interfering with a policemato- Hartford. Cooa. Coos O il...... 9% meotho. H m Sguroa as preaantcd Manchastar Trust Company oa tha much the same as an orchestra Is France whom the democratic mass- Coot C a n ...... Bight indlcaUd that dspart- exercise over the banks la which It Oak Park. III., haa on old or- seed catalogues and even though being Inve.itlgated. O'Onnor is He saw a bootblack arrested WIliUaa R. Martin .48)4^ cost of Installing a poUca radio sys- owns stock. our lost year’s garden was a total led by the conductor. To carry this now serving time v the re.sult of es would trust with such power. disorderly conduct. He gavs lE B IN C b Local IlepreMntatIve Com Prod ...... 84 H ' moot was battot off than at Brat tem. This called fer a two aray radio The Prealdent recently suggested dinance forbidding any resident simile further. Mr. Grant played up This 6S-ycar-old politician’s caresr Del Lack and West oonsldarad. This ^ dua to a naw from frying more than 100 dough- flop—aUll this year It will be differ- conviction In EaiR Hartford on a card to the bootblack, told ths ' 1:00 p. m. Qaotatloaa . 7% ’ at the police station In all of live the abolition of bank holding 00m- ent, oh. yes, totally differenL There the high spots, sharing the most charge of breaking and entering, has shown him to be the sworn en- he’d appear for him. Bid Aakod DougUa Aircraft ., . 40H matbod of bookkaoping. Undar tha nuts In a single day. YOUNG REPUBUCANS emy of dictatorship and a firm Du Pent ...... plana that were offarad. Tha cost lanlas. Qiaos, on expert on bonk- will be more Ume to do things this dramatic moments with all on the When he waa arrested, O'Oinnor "Then I was arrested,” Inanranoe Stocka .118)4 prassnt mathod tba dapartoMat U for Plan No. 1 which would provide ng legislation, orlglnuly considered summer, more leisure, and the chil- stage, almost pushing the others had In hla possession a watch. Visit- champion of democracy. said. “The officer said he Tomorrow Night—B:30 Aatna Caaualty...... 83 Eoetinaa Kodak ., .180% now balag cradltod with racaipts, And yet four years ago Daladler '88 Elec aind Mus . . . . for a two way ayttom batwean two J liana for eliminating them over a dren are a year older and bound to TO CONVENE APRIL 9 Into their momentary spot-light ing the local department last night. care who I was.” Aatna FIra ...... 48 45 . 8% which was not dons la tha past and oars and a one v ay batwaaa one ilve-yaer period. He sold he de- take more Interest Snd be a help. when they might possibly have Lieutenant Max Knle of the East waa hooted and hissed aa “assas- Aetoa Life ...... 25 27 Elec Auto Lit# ... sin” and driven from political life. Gen Elec ...... 18% with the eradlt gtvan thara aU ra- ear and a taro way at the central cided on a modified form of regula- Tonight and Tomorro^ Whether to transplant the phlox slipped by. Mr. Grant put precise- Hartford force mentioned the a r TINKER HALL Automobile ...... 28 28 . 40H calpU of 81,871.99 for tha flrat six station would ba $3,800. Plan No. 2 tion becmise many coramuStles ly the right amount of pathos Into lest and the clrrumstancea of-find- I t waa freely predicted he could Conn. Oeneral ...... 25ik 271,4 Gen Foods ....> .. . 81% THE-NEW' that bloomed to gloriously last sum- Date Set Ahead Due To Inabil Sonja Henie who will be seen at the State Thursday, Friday and never again hold public office. Gen M otora...... months and laavss a nat appropria- would provide tha two arayv'eyi have insufficient resources to main- f mer, or leave them in the careless his characterization of Simon Sim- ing the wBtfh on the man held. WIN TER DRIVING HINT Hartford Fire ...... 66*i 87 >4 . 80 tion of $lg,71i) for tha ramaindar of tain locally-owned banks. Ity To Get Open Date At ple. a well-meaning, phlegmatic, and Saturday In "Happy Landing." - - Local officers with Plantanida went On February 6, 1934, police fired Hartford Steam Boiler 54 ik 58 Hi OllletU...... 10% at the central station and a two uray corner they have chosen and pri- Into a crowd of citizens on the Hecker P rod...... tha yaar. on one car and a ons way on two Senator McAdoo (D., Calif.) an- vately gloat over them as a miser Hotel Bond In May. "hen-pecked” husband, idealistic to the Seyms street Jail on this tip, lEO CKETSO O KS — ‘ National F ire ...... 5814 88 V4 . 8% The dapartmant was given an ap- nounced he would Join Glass In ♦C IRC LE rother than practical, a day- where Plantanida Identified the Place de la C^oncorde demonstrating No. 27 Phoenix ...... 73 73 Int H a rr...... 08)4 other cara, coating $2,010. with bis hidden bags of gold— with professional smoothness—as an against the government and tha Int Nick...... propriation of $854175 at tbs annual sponsoring tha regulatory MIL whether to let the children ruin one dreamer, an inventor, niuch to the watch aa being one of those taken Travelers ...... 415 435 . 81)4 moating of the town Saih October. A third plan arould allow for the The Glass measure shored Inter- ANOTHEB OBEAT Hartford, March 2.—The third annoyance of his harassed wife, aid to group performance. Miss from his home. It waa learned Stavisky scandals. Several per- Cold weather Int Tel and Tal , . , , . 7% two aray conversation at tha ceo' est among congressional bonking corner of the yard with their crude- aptly portrayed by Ruth Tyler, who Holmes' riotous hysterical enthusi- Manchester sons were killed and Daladler, pre- usnally la- MERCHANDISE Public CtUltles Johns UanvtUe . . . , Tha incrcaea made waa to provide ly built fireplace and pile of logs— annual convention of the Connecu- that the other watch still missing, . 78)4 tral station and one way on all authorities with s requeM by CSiair- , PROVEN cut Young Repuollcans will be held turned in a fine performance. With asm never missed fire. may be in a Springfield hockshop. mier at the time, and hto cabinet creates gaso- Oonn. Lt. and Pow. .. 52 66 Kermaoott ...... for an axtra regular policeman to do or la It really ruined? On second Gerald Chappell haa found his were' forced to resign. E v d ^ Conn. r*Dw...... 43i4 45H . 89% duty on the Wes. Side. TTiere would three cara and would coot 81,775. A moa Jesse H. Jones of the Recon- In Hartford or April 9. Henry Pier- her sense of domestic bustle, her Date Book O'Connor, according to police, has line coonimptioo. For top eoea- >TW0 CARD BINGO Wlih Your Choice On Lehigh Val Rd . . . . ■ 6)4 fourth plan wquld allow for a two struction Fiaonca Corporation that PICTURE thought to cultivate the happiness raucous scolding, her secret pride, real dramatic opportimlty in char- where he went, Daladler was called Htfd; Elae. LL ...... 56H 88H Ugg and Myara B have boon sufficient money to meat of childish hearts Is worth a hun- eon of this city. Chairman of the acter roles. As Thankful Barlow— not admitted the theft here, but It omy drive at slower tpeeSt to OlumlnaUng Sha. ... 49 . 93 way conversation at tha police sta- bealu give borrowers "vary much HIT! Committee on Arrangements, an- she completely subordinated her to said that he answers the descrip- 'IcUIer" because hto government Any of the Regular Gaines. 51 Mont W a rd ...... 36)4 this expanse but for tha work that longtr" periods In which to repay dred beds of roses, even though that so frightfully misnamed In the play This Week was r^ponslble for police shooting winter. Slower qieede ate lafkr New Britain Oaa . . . 28 20 tion, a one way on two ears and no nounced the change of date from real self to the part, making It ut- tion given of the man who, on a Nash K elv...... 0% tha police eeere called upon to do in loans. beau^ Is someUmes hard to see at terly convincing. Both of these —he gave the Impression of senility March 4.—DeMoIay testimonial. into the crowd. , ■peadt, too, for slippeiy loodn So. NOW Ihig. Tel. Co. 188 148 Nat BUe ...... the strike area. radio on a third car would cost 81>- once. And then there’s the Iris— early in May, as originally selected Just enough to balance the unwel- Masonic Temple. pretext of being a peddler, laat Weatem Uaaa...... 28 29 . 10% 000. The fifth plan would have tha In lettars. to every bank in the leading characters carried the week walked Into the Plantanida Oonfounda The Prbplieta. Nat Cash Reg ... . 17 Instead of starting a regular man country, Jones also urged that col- but suddenly a chill—the house Is by the State Executive Committee, come. attentions of Minerva Webb, Co^ng E>-ents Daladler retired to his native SON TOr CCONOMV AT ANY two way radio at tha police station was due to the Inability of the Com- memory of their lines in manner home and on whose departtire the Induatriala Nat D airy ...... 14% go duty at the West tide at once the lateral requirements be made lees getting colder—a dash to the base- which deserves much commenda- played by Mrs. Hilda Stratton, with March 7.—rAdJourned anmial and Items reported to police aa stolen SPIED Nat Dlatlll ...... and but one ear would ba equipped ment and woe is me—the fire is al- mittee to find any other open date delightful abandon and rollicking special town meeting at H. S. hall. DOOR Aoma Wirt ...... 2T 81 . 81% appointment of a ma.i for that part with a receiving set, but no two way stringent tion. were found to be missing. Am. Hardware ...... 22 24 N y Central ...... 18% of the town wne not oAde until the "The anun units In bualnasa and most out. at the Hotel Bond. Mae Sloan, In the part of the comedy. This pair, playing up to March 11.—Epworth League play, Arrow H and H, Com. 88H NT NH and H .... start of this year, but the money conversation ;.t a cost of 81.850. The each other In direct opposition, "Waiting At The Church," at South 40H . a% cost for upkeep, Including the power laduBtry." ba wrote bonks gorged Plans ore being made to accom- maid deserves a “whole' basket of DEAD WRONG BtlUnge and Spmeer . 4^ 8H North A m ...... 19% aaved In this way was ipent for with $1,400,000,000 of lendabic ex- It’s 80 Easy modate at least 600 delegates from orchids." Sha proved ver- could hardly have been more appro- Methodist church. PRU EE8 Briatol Braaa ...... 34 Packard...... 4% needed would b*. 81,000 a year, which priately placed. March 12.—American Legion 37 extra poUea work. eaas rcaervea, "comprise tba major to get the week's wuhing out of the the 127 Young Republican clubs In satile in a small part, ranging from Altoona. Pa.—Firemen Who found EnrriMsf heai Seep It Nall Colt'a Pat. Flraarma. 57 80 Param PIct ...... 9% During the eurty part of the strike was figured out to ba a cost ot part of It, and loans that wlU.^va way. Just dial 8418, Manchester the state, Mr. Pierson sold. Instruc- outright nonsense In her petty bick- Mildred Myers, as the d ty girl, dance at Rainbow Inn, Bolton. Sheridan Bland, 32, pinned imder Ikuila Lock ______16H Penn ...... 22% seven cents for each $1,000 valua- amploraent even for a few people and potential rival of Ingenue Doro- ——State meeting of PLENTY OF SEATS AND TABLES 18 V4 the Independent Cloak Company tion on the pr;!.:ent grand Hot. At Laundry. Work done well and tions to the local clubs for certllica' erings with Minerva Webb, the the wreckage of an auto that hod Fafntr Beartnga . . . . 88 100 Phelps D odge...... 27 paid for the rervlces of one mar. to srill stimulate business and relieve promptly with a service to suit tlon of delegates ore being sent out boarder at the Simple home, to thy Marks, was sweetly sophisticated YDVA at State armory. collided with a train took him to the Oray Tel Pay Station Phil PeU ...... 89 the meeting of the commloelonera on March 15-16.—"Personal Appear- Tour food dOMB t dlfw t Rad TWI^kRT* fM . iMMt- 5 8 do duty around the plant in the the government relief rolls to that every budgpt. this week from local headquarters pathos, In her crude attempts to be and debonair. Richard Keeney, morgue. He was dead, they said. y**S?**.? —* WR—th. TMfMaow. tout OIAUI I______, BRING THE FAMILY FOR AN ENJOYABLE Hart and Cooley . . . . 178 200 Radio ...... ■ 6 % March 15 Hr. Alvord and Mr. axtant” demure and coy In hopea of attract- much maligned hero—the dark ance," a 3-act comedy by the Com- But Bland roused from a coma— AAd up8«i t U e t t r , Rem R an d ...... night oeoaon and this amount boa of the Young Republicans at the Uk».R Ustatt«« tm EhEmtEk ON W fN m DmVIMO HIWTOl V E V E N I N G Hendey Uaeh.b. B. . . 7>/4 . 18% been credited to the department. Hathaway will be asked to appear ing the young man of the house. In horse—who saved the day for the munity Players at Whlton Memorial and waa rushed to a hospital. BRlA. I t 1$ dtUfMtNII Ifld fMlUtl. I t UkM tb«M Landcra, Frary E Cik Rapub Steel ...... Think Of Refrigeration Now! Allyn House by Janies B. Lowell of auditorium. mu# tafclFtt Mllsd M I rm tEE iMlSaSiSB . 24 28 . 17% The statement os furnished the and further explain the coeta and ' When excellent "buys" on a few Canton, State Secretary. the second act she rose to histrionic family by denouncing the treachery Physicians treated him forbrutoes to Mte ^ FKIM tumtMk tukto tamtoM. v«ltFr* HYGRADE OIL COs, New B rit Meb, Cora. 21 Rey Tob B ...... dlttmi la 8 BtetM Md mi ra« Mth cm mee 28 . 30% police commtsatonera loot night was give additional figurei, but no ac- ELECTION PROBES el dandy 1837 Refrigerators are still heights on the call of "Fire!" which of Barlow the villain, (Gerald Chap-, March 27.—Col. H. B. Blssell din- and sent him home. £1 OhATtor Osk Av*s W GAMES 40 CENTS do., pfd...... 00 100 Safeway Stores ... . 18% tion was taken lost night. Mr. Lowell is General Chairman ner, by Yankee Division veterans at as follows: PLU8I “ AOVENTtmotrS available at R. S. Potterton’a. Or if of the Convention Committee, which could not be improved upon. pell) wore a wistful modesty which mAm* Rcofw a £* tor BdI>MnSv ladtdMOm LESS THANCENTS A GAME Nortb and Judd...... 28 27 Sehenley Die ...... 25 Secretary Johnston brought In a Dorothy Marks, as the daughter won Instant sympathy. Ho was the State armory. Peek. Stow E WUcox Bears Roebuck . . . . . 63 Expand! tur«« BLONDE” WItk you prefer—look over the 1938 consists of on; member from each 5 7 Salaries ...... list of votes that had been passed BRING SENSATION __ OLENDA FABEELL beauties. Headquarters for the pop- of the family, was naive, yet sin- perfect example of the adage that April 16.—Hospital Linen Auxil- Ruaaetl Hfg. Oo...... 80 Shell Union ...... 15% .$16,086.03 County OrgauzatlOn: Mr. Pierson. cere. She balanced the part,,of the "he who knows the most says the iary ball at Hotel Bond. Hartford. Socony V a c ...... 15^ Uniforms ...... 174.60 by tha commlasionera at different ular NORGE and CROSLEY makes. Hartford; Mrs. Mary L» Reed ot Seovlll Mfg. Os...... 22 24 OomlBg MaaSogt father. Simple Simon, himself, very least!” May 7.—50th anniversary cele- Stanley W orka...... 88 40 South Pac ...... 19U Workman's Comp ...... 4.85 meetings regarding signs and other (Oeatlnnad tram Page Om ) Easy payments may bo divided over Bethel, Fairfield; Herbert Schelncr bration of Maccabees. small matters. These were recheck- “BIG S O N O fran” a period of 2 1-2 years for your well. Indeed, and the stolen bits of Mark Holmea, the coach of the do., pfd ...... 27 H 29 <4 South Rwy ...... 13^ Repoin to Auto A Motor- of Rockville, Tolland; Jerome C. confidence between them was nat- play deserves praise for his fine di- Torrlngton ...... 24H 96H St Brands ...... gu cycle ...... 100.07 ed last night. One was a vote pass- for their srard that day” from the convenience. Koech of Hampton, Windham- Mrs. ed on October 8 In which a stop Democratle organisation. ural and convincing. rectorship. The performance was Brazil changed from a monarchy Vender Root new ... 46 48 St Goa and El ...... 4 Auto porta and supplies. 412.24 Helen Grabber of. Lebanon. New Maynard Briggs possesses a rare smooth and up to tempo, and each to a republic In 1899. 8t on Col ...... Various auppUss ...... 516.80 sign was ordi'rad InaUlled at Wil- Fendergaet Worker A stands for a vitamin. So does London; Gilbert Mather of Deep LEAD THEM A l l THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Now Tork Baake faculty—that of speaking his Unes St on N J ...... 58% liam and Summit itreets at the re- Devote la e Pendergast party character was cast In the role Bank of Now Tork .. 845 865 Repairs and equipment . 14.10 butter. (Theeae, egg yolk, cod liver River, Middlesex; Mrs. Florence with utterly natural Inflection, and Ideally suited to him. Credit to also Tex Corp ...... 4s Insurance ...... e 3 2 . 3 S quest of the Manchester Improve- worker In the Twelfth Word. Ha oil, halibut liver oU, aod mUk alao Nolan of West Haven. New Haven; norma) tempo, plus the ability to WITH A PARADE A | A Boakora T ru a t...... 48 00 has not been charged. Mrs. Ryan due to Mr. Holmea for the splendid SFECIA^ AT Timken Roller B e a r...... 43% Electrical service ...... 19.40 ment Association. Tha Improvamant are rich In the essential vitamin A. George Benedict of WInsted, Litch- make his'voice audible and moat Job of make-up without whicb dra- Central Hanover .... 05 100 Trana Amaiica ...... jo% association w ji oyurad that this Some Don'tjs Cbaae ...... 31 38 Teletype A Telephone .. . 505.97 So aiao are leafy vegetables, car- field. distinct. If true acting consists of matic talent alone would be handl- Union Carblda ...... 79% Freight and expiess . . . , 23.44 would be dona. Otbar matters ware rots, apricots and prunes. being the part, rather than pretend- capped. Property, scenery and OF \ I tl Chemical ...... 43H Assisting the genera] committee _ # 40H Union P a c ...... go% rafarred to CSuef Gordon to cbecJc ing to be. then Briggs deserves a For Pimplesi EVERYBODY'S MARKET a t y ...... 35U 27H Unit Alrcts/t ...... 2a will be a number of special commit- sound effects were In charge of Wil- Contlaantal ...... 12H Total ...... ; 817.937.71 and sea that they oro'carried ouL Carrot and Pineapple Salad tees, among them being one on medal for Just that. His role of liam Gabby and Kenneth Prentiss Don’t scratch—don’t squeeze pim- 18 V4 Unit Corp ...... 8 One project that aOa voted hoe been (4 to '8 servings) that of the family son. was played ples—you may Infect yourself. Don’t FREE DELIVERY! - DIAL 57211 Com Exchange...... 50 H 82H Unit Gas Im p ...... io% Receipts PA R A D E Credentials, neadec by John Kra- and .were so effective that the audi- Firat Natlrnal...... 1760 1820 State gas r e f iu d ...... $ 78.90 postponed because of work being Bight yotmg carrots, 1 small pine- marslk of West Hartford; Registra- with totally natural reactions to ence might well have been taking suffer with -Itchy pimples, Eczema, U 8 Rubber...... a8% done on East Center street, which apple, 1-4 cup shelled almonds, 1-2 each other character. With Arlene part itself. Miss Dorothy Stone, angry red blotches or other Irrita- Guaranty T ruat...... 251 209 U S s te e l...... 58^4 (Jhlef Gordon, special serv- OF HITS! tion, William T. Neal of Collinsville; tions due to external causes when Irving T ru a t...... 12^ 14 H ICM ...... 1,008.00 related to painting of oroas walka. cup whipped cream, 1-2 cup mayon- and Reservations. Albert Putnam Holmes for a partner, as Hazel the church organist, provided music Vick Chem ...... S8% It waa voted to have tha chairman COMING TO THE naise, 1-2 head lettuce. Juice of 1 Hawkins—more confident. than on the piano, between the acta. soothing Peterson’s Ointment offers Maxwoll Houbo Coffee lb. can c Manhattan ...... 23 25 Weatem Union ...... 25% Chief Gordon, pqddlero' 85.00 of Hartford. you quick relief. Makes the skin 25 Manufaot. Truat . . . . 89H 41V4 Chief Gordon, use at car of the board act with Chief Gordon lemond. clever, more enthusiastic than wise, Home made candy was also sold— West El and H f g ...... 95 .. 176.00 Wash and scrape carrots, grate —Mr. Briggs and Miss Holmes under the direction of Mrs. William look better, feel better, 35c all New Tork Truat . . . . 92^ 96 H Woolworth ...... 48% Chief Gordon, pool rooms,. SO.OU In emergency case., and In the ab- Maximum benefit payable under druggists. Money back If one ap- Wf Sheffield Milk Public N ational...... 29 81 sence of the chairman to have the •S T A T E * on a flat grater. Peel pineapple, were a complete sketch In them- Wallace: 4 cans25c Blee Bond and Sbore (Curb). 7% MANCHESTER move eyes with a fork and dice very the Texan unemployment compen- selves. They carried their parts plication does not delight you. Title G uarantee...... 8 8 Total ...... 81,371.99 secretary act with the ehlff. sation act is $16 a week for 16 weeks The ca.«t of the play has been re- Peterson’s Ointment also soothes U. B. Truat ...... '1470 1510 THVBa . FRL - SAT. fine. Blanch almonds and cut in thin with cgimpletc familiarity, both of quested to repeat the performance Gross axpendiluies...... 117,937.71 atripa. Mix cream and mayonnaise. in one year. them able to "Ad lib” If necessary Irritated, tired or itchy feet and Large Local Eggs doz. 29c Receipts ...... 80NJA HENIE elsewhere in the near future.—A. S. cracks between toes. RTHIR DRUG STORES MORE OOGB THAN PEOPLE . 1,871.99 DON AMECHIE Wash lettuce carefully and dry In ORIGINATORS OF REASONABLE DRUG PRlCnTrr*^ Pork and Beans HOOVER IN AUSTRIA IN NEBRASKA OOUNTT a clean towel. Mix pineapple and 4 cans 25c Net expenditurea ...... 116,680.73 LOST METEORITE “HAPPY carrots, add lemon Juice, mix with Mbil, A* Vienna, March 2—(AP)—Former Alma, Nab.—(AP) — There are Gross appropriatlona ... .f3S.27h.00 mayonnaise and cream, and half the ®vei CompbeH't Tomato Soup, President Herbert Hoover arrived raora dogs than people In Harlan Bbipendlturaa to data ' LANDING” almonds. Arrange, lettuce leaves In "Be; ■'“ton, here today for a two-day visit dur- county, Nebraska, If 1087 tax as- (net) ...... 18.680.73 HUNTED ANEW Pina . . "Change ot Heart” a bowl, odd above mixture and dec' ing which be will receive on honor- sessment Sgures are accurate. orate with pieces of almond. $ . EBN SHAMPOO E lSC O m Sf . 4 ^ans 25c ary degree from the Technical Uni- Tha tax valuations show 10,380 Balance of appro, (n e t)..$18,700.88 -A 2 versity and see Chancellor Kurt dogs In a county which has a pepu- With this amount of monay and BVNDAT oad MONDAY Two For The Price Of Ooe Iowa Butter lb. 35c Schusebnigg, Prealdent Wilhelm latlcn of only 8,960. no particular ui usual axpandltures IN MOUNTAINS “THE BIG A Box Spring and a Mattress DRENE.^&^ A€k, Miklaa and Foreign Minister Guido With approximately 3,000 families to coma tha commission will prdb- BROADCAST OF 1938” (the Super Duo-Rest twin bed out- Land O'Lakes Butter Schmidt. He will go to Praha, In the county, that makaa an aver- abiy ba able to kaap within tha ap- Flua *rrha KM Cornea Book” fit) for the price of the mattress NOT SOAf ^ lb. 35c Caechoalovakia, lata Thursday. age of five dogs a family. propriaUon mode, but wUl not be Port Orford, Ore,—(API— Wbea alone—$85. An opportunity PRESCRIPTION'^ spring tempers the weather In the "make over” at a very small outlay NOT OK mt di um No. 1 Peanut Butter 1 lb. jar 15c rugg^ mountains back of this sea- 0O5UN0 8OON1 of money, that uncomfortable guest rov TM tui TO liv e , bao ek po w ek - helaxin ACCURA TELY :N= side Tillage, there will bs scores or “A Yank At Oxford” room bed or the children's beds FI L. LED perhaps hundreds of prospectors perhaps the beds at your summer REASONABLY UFEBUOT SOAP 4 e Fine Pure Ketchup Ig. 14 oz. 10c iM'Ing tha field In aeoreh of a “ManiiMiain” home. Twin sixes only and a limtt- strongs treasure trove. *nie Ooldwyn FoUlee” ed quantity eo you better visit Wat- NESTPUl COMFORT-TtElY ON THE lATESTSAFETY PRIC^ _ YJmlt XCataeal Jell-0 (all flavors) pkg.5c It la the "loat Port Orford me- The Bad 5Iaa of Brlmetooe’ kins oa Boon aa possible. Itaor.” March to Prosperity Values Tha least the dlscovarar caa ex- 35 P. C. Redaction On 355 Iteme! FEATURES. FROM KNEE-ACTION WHEELS TO Seedless Raisins 3 Ig. pkgs. 25c pect Is a Mg . depoelt of iroe end And you'll agree with me that's a IT A U A N BALM s^l? 2 7 e ■r l nickel, and there., ore hopeful lot ot reduction on a lot of Items. No. 1 Greenings Bibs. 25c In-Mifitlbto VkloM th at will break the baidcbone of the sales searcben who bellve they may But that’s what Montgomery Words BIO, ROOMY FISHER ROPY, HERE ARE ALL THE HEALTH resistance that is the immediate cause of business recession. find Mther platinum or gold In thd have In store for you these last four celestial visitor. YOUR WONDER GIRL days ot this week. Look out on your OVAUINE FOOD 14-OZ. Large Juicy Grapefruit 7 for 25c k Few dnee To Oo On doorstep tor the 6-page newe-Aeet Only one nuut U known to have ...BREATHLESSLY {IN (If youn Mew away borrow your ESSENTIALS FOR REAL MOnRINO ENJOYMENT/' ■eefi the meteorite oad It Is from nelgtaboto) listing all of these 20 Fine Juice Oranges (1 doz. free) 29c him the tradition sterna. In 1859 LOVE ... BREATH worthwhile borgatais—for Instance IlEO.F/» Rayon Print Dr. John Evans, a gorvarnment —pretty percale house-frocks, 3 for B e d Lettuce or Celery each 7c geologist, stumbled on the mass of TAKING ON THE ICE $1.00; chiffon or service hose 39c 27c netal and referred to it aa being ...IN A SHOW AGLOW ($) eq. percales I4c a yaiyl; work pans "about 40 miles from Port Orford." piahte 88c. ' Notice in particular the #4 Fancy Spinach peck 15c In treated primarily in hla aur- WITH HAPPINESS... A dandy selection of beautiful Spring vaya, Dr. Evans went Us w w . Ha coate especially priced for this sal^ 30« DRESSES mentioned hla discovery briefly la MIRACLE OF MUSICAL Thik Is 3Tour last chance to get fur- — J hla writings and sold It waa "oh niture a t February sale prices, so Good Enouth for Street and Afternoon the weatem face of Bald moun- D^GHT! hurry. ,peP5O0EN1 tain,” but died before anyone A H ALKA” TOOTH Wear alicttad more explicit Information. Bow Do Too Rate As A P aieatf SELTZER PRSTK There Is a Bushy Bald mountain Share confidence^ with youryou Paisley — Polka Dot — Novelty and Floral about 15 milts by alrllna from Port child...... Encourage trust raUier m Standard Amerfcaa Designs Orford, but It haa not yat ylaldad than fear...... authanttc Information about the Shore your free time with him. 24* B e m meteorite. Keep promises...... Encourage Eieyelopedli N EW STYLES ' Three Think They've Beea It chi Id’s faith In himself...... Intereet in tha matter was re- Praise initiative,,..., AIk>)y re- rubwno^ fived when J. Hugh Pruett, a re- sponslblllty...... Kills All Odors _ do? . N E W C O L O R search aaoociate of the American Encourage self-help...... au:johol Volim-a-Waik Metaor society, appealed tor in- Leaves N6 Odors Teach helpfulness In the home. SPECIAL COMBINA- Afx •JJILOroot. SPECI^ CONCESSION C O M BIN A TIO N S form^on through a Portland Let peat mistakes die...... fUU. **^»R roNic naws^per. Keep standards within reach .. TION O FFER...... ^UPON Sisca 14 to' 44 PruMt got an immediate r ^ pifiT IP sponaa, but It wasn't aatiraly halp- (Individual conaldered) 40c ■Maaeapan (with Iva•Ornnh tul. Paopla sent him scorsa of wtth Train child to reach beyond to- C.'SSa WH»e*e< $ le day's graqt...... Accept the child LARGE SIZE queer rocks wMeb wars not lEMI HEISIOIT have...... aRpfad frani lh a Bvantag taoric. WriUrs from as far away Si A OfNiRAl MOTORSJfALUt, I ta d r a a ttU a a tan koMet to Ton wUl want seyeral aa Wiaconsin announced their In- Rememher that be la a child...... •YOU 193» Colgate ONE VOLUME af tha ataiia- $0.00 ETHEL MERMt N a person In the making...... tmtion of aearchlBg and five ap- VP* PfROXI a t this low price— pealed to Mm tor a grubstake. ICO® Tooth i Three believe they nave aeea the CEStR ROMERO O ttorto for flOver meteorite on nunblee la the moua- When you ehop for allver, do you— Paste I 8-OZ Know the relattvo fineness of the talna, but they remain vague on Its gloria STUART to SIZ E 2 location, olM and othar dasoi' sHver used tor plating and that uaed tjhangb of MEABT” Pruett Umaatf bUlavos it I' in eterUng? 935-1000 pure for ster- HaUver Schick have faUan batoro tha coming of THURS. FRL AND SAT. ling, 100 per cent pure silver to used Ht it tha white ama. torplatinig. The alloy In eterUng is WITH TOOTH Oil A Electric needed to give the pure netal etiff- br ush ..i..29c I4 « Shaver it Sixty tin cans a day was a good STATEt It neea and durability and to allow the Capsules produetloa flgura for a skilled work- metal to be worked by the sOvar- BOX OF 50 it man when cans were manufactured ssdtli. In plated ware the baaa met- entirely by hand. Today machines al n^pUca ttaeaa needs IK IW B O N R IEO FSi^ Look tor the trademark? MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC. $15 it Att4)pk Invortaoca to tnda- 20 East O a t« r S tn e i DaeOvlO POUND I3« Foyotat Float

1 -- • Slotni MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEETER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2.1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER) CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1988 say means know what tha court's I leave here when 1 am dead, tor A ifto rl^ itrr l^>pralaal would have been In any of shall be buried here to become one H M 1 J 1 these Merritt Highway cases where with the sacred soil.” jl^ ** * west coast shipyards one-third o f will meet aa fo u ^ s : 7:00 to 7:49, BrralB sbdl obviously liberal, not to say As a matter of fact he left Flume Washington Daybook NAVAL EXPANSION the ships prtqmaed in the new con- advanced; 7:49 to 8:30, life saving. % ^ t C o v e o f LL DAILY RADIO PROGRAM BtrucUoa program. The'P. A. C. w ll play extravagant prices were paiA Mere- a lohg time ago, booted out by the Recreation BUdONGIUi — aHKo a r t m RACHEL MACK B -' CmAK W n$a Smu, i» RADIO '•y pbimt in u oOMPA»rr, IMO. ly that a oourt at some time may army of the Italian government In the gym starting at 7:30. II Blcwll airMt Washington—It is getting thgos*'willowy bends okxig tba crodt am W IO N ltD A V , MAROH t (Central and B ^ e r n Standard ’Hme) . Day SUFSRINTBNDENT RESIGNS. Friday Harley Reed waa tefcen HaMkMtir. Cona. have ordered payment of a. thou- with the entire approval o f Editor days so a pstoon can iiardly stick grasqr woods and buttorflieA Not Netoi AH srosnuBS to k*v end baste ebaJna or stoum tbereoT aalesa laeeU SUBJEaOFPARLEYS The girls’ afternoon swimming CAST CHABAOTEBS del: coast to coast (a to a) deolseadons Ineludo oil avallsbU otsUona Broad Brook, March 3— (AP) — Center Items 111 with appendicitis at 8 $ V nOMAa rXRaC8<^ sand dollars for land for which the Mussolini, then running tha news- his face la the Senate or House res- content to let a good northwoods o r in ConnecUeutf” Her face showed their feet bled, that war. That’s class will start at 8:45. 0«B«nl Kbomtit state wear Ite laurela. Senators POLLY OHELSEY. .heroine; honest amasement. nrosrssio subloot to obanto by oUtlona without orovlouo notloo. •>. to. The resignation o f Charles HWard, urday and was nishod to tha Poodal OrtobB? I. H « ____ Department had offered a hundred, paper that be had boughk^ with tauraata without somebody 'poking landed In London when wnr. how much they wanted freedom. NBC-WCAF (R ID ) NgTWOdK Coal. Root. Wednesday The women’s plunge period will Wagner aad Copeland of New York "Didn’t you'know, Polly, that I’d WeU, that free^m ’a being New York. March 3.—Once more superintendent o f the Brood Brook be from 7 to 9 o'clock. ford hospital. A is not even slight evidence that the money provided by the Frencfl ^irop- a free sample of some home-state hriTlfi ovte 'RASIC — Root: woof wnaa wUe «lar l'*t.j*=»p“»»sSiTiothor," Skotoh -. woolen mills tor tbe lost year and iIlllMl B**rr B«*nlBI B«*«pt suBddenly confronted the Senate put you aohore at the first portT Uoned. This time on the aei wts. -toh^ wfjr Crovon Talk—woot Ameriesa sad British college stu- U. S, Britain And France . The men’s volley ball team will Saturday tion was carried out at 10 O’! sal Holidays Batared at tha court would increase similarly tha aganda department in 1019 as the pride under bis nooe. reetaurant public with eas^les of JERBV WHITFIELD, hero; the Did you suppose I’d keep you WCAA Wt U B Mouoo. Ski t—to o dents or* to •jsttls over words a half, was announced today by practice from 9 to 7 o’clock. The Ladles Aid society wM Xlea at Manebastar. Osbb, aa "Oh, 1 know." said Polly brok- The glrls’ tap.dancing ctosses will price o f , Mussolini’s turning from For a long time the only regular cheese from that state of the Yankee whn aeon her thiengh. hour.longer at sea tbon-l bad to?” ksd w m ^ who w o w vtef------— wtr* kttp: - _. Tooehor" Protron scrods the ratlsLUc. The lost time Walter J. Bernier, treasurer of the in the parsonage Wednesday CUas KaU llauaiv rate of compensation in B case CABELL BANKS, privateer cap- enly. ”l must have been eraay MMintiMii koo kdrl: M uthi wmbir: company. The men’s swimming classes will meet as follows: 9:30 to 10:00, be- contribution of something free to sparkling iakaa, skyscrapers and "Oh, Jerry! Fd not flavred it ouL several week* ego they met in s Now h Consoltation; May start at 7 o’clock. noon. where the Department paid $16,000 anti-intervention to Intervention. tor a minute, Jerry....Rem ind see kfl kjnr komo kkq kpo kcu; ll*" A OrehoitfS The plant haa been working on a ginners; 10:00'to 10:30, Intermedi- aoascRiPTioN ratei cat was the strawberries which Sen- tootling ship whist lee but 1 suppoMd you’d take me home to mend your coat before I leave OmONAL tf ATIONt (oMTAto Inter- ii?r~ ***h * Cortor’o Comment qieUing bee the Americans won. —. The Junior boys' basketball league ate; 10:30 to 11:00, advanced. The woitipn of the Tsar by Mall ...... Il.ll for less than half of a $13,000 prop- And he died yesterday, suddenly, at ator Townsend of Delaarare brought cliankMbtjr on eltbor RBD or BI«UB rst '’JJ— •»* Abner Skotoh three days a week schedule recently Bach serring was accompanied to Lyme after you got your p^^ra. tomoiTow. You’ve tom the Botworu): BASIC — BAtti wlw wfw beetle hhlM loa - oast: ; In Isindon will be s team of stu- games will be played tonight in- The boys’ swlmniing classes will church will be hi to' ~'aatb by MaD erty. It is not even evidence, let his home on Lake Garda, in North- along every spring from his ocean- Yeeteriayi Neorteg Amertea, Urn a ,r®^'jf**S. Jrora Chiuto—woot Mean New Pacts. and only office help was on duty to- ...... aaa—W*-****? _*T? by a pamphlet which lauded New Gray Gan to tihaoed 1^ Brtttah laea- I might as weU be honest and say sleeve—’’ wsBB work wcol: MMwmI! wood Wfl deots frfim Oxford University whli* stead of Thursday. Schedule as fol- start at 9:30. women of Olsstonhury at a T««r • •a«TM a aO*^ side farm. They were luscious York stete’e manufacturing, artis- I hoped you’d decide to keep me on w (k f wtN>w wBhe kBoo kaas. OTHBR •i1»— 7:1L-M obb* Lobto— coot: Her. day. Operations will be Increased Friday afternoon. alone proof, that the court would ern Italy, tmd will be burled, not In a’-war, but escapee. O^IONAL tTATIONC — CkfiRdUm Conoort—woot in New York another team with be lows; Speedboya vs. Heights, 7 to The men’s plunge period'will be strawberries, and nobody thought to tic and oommercial prowess, and boai^ Jerry. Tbe way some of ?'*?~Tho Aoollsa Trio — waat in accordance with production in ' JUBIBB'a OP THB ABSOCtATMO not have ordered a painnent much Flume but In bis native town of Before noon the following erct o fo(; CAAtrali wefl wtmi wiba wday made up of Harvard ^.studei.ta. 8; Falcons va Sons of Legion, 7 to from 7 to 8 o’clock. The "'Y” group will have a ebaUengs the priority of the treat then said of Us dieeses: CHAFTER XXV the skippers out o f New England Cabell returned from Wash koam: South) wUr wptf wla wjai J:**—Adult Sdueotlon Pros- Washington, March 3— (A P)— the automobUe Industry for which PRBM smaller. Pescara. He had probably forgot- wna-waiim wlod waoe wfbe wwno wcae {'JJ— J:00—AmoHeo Covaleado—to o Broadcasting unoer the guidance .of the company makes upholstery fab- 8; Royal Blues vs. Orioles, 8 to 9; luck supper Friday e v e n ^ . ' Tba Aasoelaiad Praaa la aaal^aaly by offering something be "It la not generally known that Morning found them off the used to keep their wives aboard. 1 having traveled most o f the til WBY# warn wmo wab wapi wmab wfda I'S!" Contor*0 Prearsm The present Xsmdon consultations Center Springs vs. Meteors, 8 to 9. The toneral of Fred Wedr .' Mffilad la tba aaa e( rapablleatlsB When you come to think of it, ten all about the crazily theatrical better and finer from South Caro- know on old woman at home who’s JiOO—Lowronoo Tlbbott-9ao o Paul Wing will place tor 49 rics, it waa announced recently. For There are 704 broadcast stations out state also leads the naUon American coast oppoelte what ap- He waa JubUaaL Mr. Marttoon oo wkjr wfM wbap woal ktht •iJJ—*'*9—Son Samlo S Uodo—to e amcmg the United States, Britain the present production la limited Thursday died Saturday was held TuMitejr vaf all' aatra dlspatebaa aradltad la It lina or Paducah. in the production of three fine peared to be Delaware or Maryland. been around the Horn on her hus- consented to aee him In person aad bx lit^ k ir k kanc; Mountaini kvfr minutes at noon Sunday, in this licensed or under construction In !^ar aat atbanriaa aradltad Ib tblaMr. Macdonald's reflections on the Flume incident. kfpr ktar k^: BaclHet kfbk k ^ kmj 1:0^10:00—The Suotaro—e to a country via WJZ-NBC and in Eng- and France^ officials said today, will largely to samples. 3 p. m. with buriad In the BncM n i^ sad alaa tba Ineal na*a pab« But along came Idaho (no re- cbeeees.’’ A shout went up from the sailors. band’s ship seven times." had readily given him aU tha pa- ktmK •>*h-lll!S0—Non Wynn and The women’s swimming classes the United States. ham cemetery. courts. In this argument are rather D’Annunzio, greatly gifted as » ••j nwBiiy Lobfc—woot1.0 rapoat land by the BBC group of stations. clear the way tor Germany and barala. ^ , specter of priorities) this ^winter Folly wept openly for Joy, and "Thla to war time, PoUy." His pers necessary to turn the Orag,./* Cant. Baat. li4S— lOHS— Speelil------II Tilko r-Sreadcool Russia to build larger warships. "« All illbta a< rapnblleatioiia at serious. One would gather from dramatic poet, lived his entire life and blanketed Congress knee deqe Jerry’s commands to the sailors OuU into a privateer to harass 4t9S^ Jaafc Armatranps taHaH* 10:0^11 iCS— Sob Croaby'a Orahaatra—rahaatra— A two-day short wav* circuit will I'saaalal dlapatabaa haralB ara alto ra- WIsoeaelB’a Berenga spoke with finality and with, such The results of the consultations, what he says that he did not dare In a state of hysteriA He was un- In potatoes. Potato u tin g contests^ That was only a oome-on tor were husky with feeling. That dim regret that she could not make it British draft. aaatj Harry Koftn Orefiatt.—waat boate; Peotia M o l^ o o —woot « rapoat make possible an instantaneous ex- 4)4^ 8i4B—UttJa Orphan Annia — '®:W—!V i5--deew dioen’e Orahaatra change. which were regarded here as cer- take the state's case Into court for stable os thistledown, enormously were held In the House restaurant, Wisconsin. “Two weeks from to- shore line eras beautiful with tbe harder for him. "He says he’s thankful to sea sP" east: Harry Kacan Oraliaat.”-waat ttiCO—l2iS0—Pod Norvo and Orohottra tain to abandon the 35.000-ton limit Pall aarataa aflaal af N m A Bara- and everybody was bappy except magic of borne. Even Cabell Banka "All right. Jerry. But It’s going many New Englanders turning out S:00^ ttOl^Amariaa'a tahaala* Drama lUto—ir:3, PoUy! ^ e re are you going aaft; Orphan Annia—midw rapaat Phain Uks wsor wx3rs wjtn woyr wmal o’clock tonight in celebration of the Britain. with Vour bonnet on?" vni P»»r woBr wcky wean wloo rsblUban RapraaaBUtlaaat Tha seem to involve the conclusion that hyper-sensltlve temperament. He tive n ^ te , who comes from the est dairy and cheese state in the To the north eeveral sails were 'T d thought to put you oji a 7:0B»”Amaa *n' Andy aatt; Hal wlau: MIdwooti wonr wla Kwk hall wren 73nd anniversary of Hoswrd This is by virtue of the naval Linens lend zest daBBs Matbawa Spaalal AiaBcy—Naw northern district of Idaho, which nation—Wisconsin." presently spied by tbe lookouts. ataga coach, Polly, and see you "Home." sal^ PoUy, holding out Tattar and Bparta CammanV-waat wmt )w wowo wetn: Sautht wrtd wnbr University, Washington. Alumni treaties Great Britain has with the courts were either Incompetent was living In France when It start- her hand. "Jerry wants to get me •iip.. 7:i^Un8lf Btra Radta ttatlan krsT WTdra wrol krlo wibq wdon wosa Tbrk. Cbloapa. Oatrali asd Beataa. produces only one potato where Wa can’t tell you what or where Jerry aad CtebeU consulted. They started on - your way. I’d feel itSB*- 7:30—Handrik Van Uaan, Talh ween kxyi; Mountain: klo kvod ksbf: throughout the country are expect- those two nations. or unfair., A conclusion which a ed and at once was frantically eager would maneuver nearer, they de- easier about you—” started.'’ 4t4B- 7:48—Hanry Burblf, Chaar Up ed to listen In. KSMBBR AUDIT BnRBAO Clarke’s district produces a hun- it may end. Some months ago Rep- 7:04— •;00—Ona Man's Family—c to c Paelha: kfo kfad kax kza kaca kjr The first treaty, which limits the good many, perhaps a majority, of that hts own country should partici- dred. resentative Ferguson of Oklahoma, cided; If they were Amerioon ships But he could not resist hsr "Won’t tomorrow do? 1 thought 7:34.. StB^Tommy Oaraty Orahaatra (NOTSi 8aa WCAF-NSC ter opUonol German navy to 35 percent of the to living Connecticut people wilt be. liable to they would speak them and learn pleading arm that stole around his a Uttle dinner In Baltimore to- l:(X^ frCM^Frad Allan at Tawn Hall Hat o f a t a t f o na .1 British navy, also contains a quall- Tba Barald Prlattaa Osapasy I i^ pate with the allies. He fought with a cattle baton in hlz own right, •: ^ :(M^Ha}lywaad Farada—io cat Listening hailgbt: Grapefruit And Cheese their exact location. neck, nor the prospect of an extra n ig h t.... It’s quite a plaoe, 1 0 10 Cant. Caat. tetiv* clause limiting the size of .0' jM ia a s aa dBaBSlsl raapoBatblllty resent romantic valor In half a dozen serv- arose In the Houae to proteet that hear—’’ 10:04—11:00—Olck Oatparra Orehatt.— Talks, WJZ-NBC, 8—Address of Maine threatened to retaliate The maneuvering was done, and day and night with her on a de- east: Amoa *n* Andy—waat rapeat «:R^ 8:JO—Tha tlnglnj Lady—aaat; battlezhips to 85,000 tona. The Rus- ^fbr tnaprapblaal arrers appaariBB M In other words the Highway De- Maryland and the Chesapeake Jerry said, "All our crew came 10:14—11:14—Dick Oaaparra Orahaatra Jahnnia Jahnatan, Saritana—woot Dr. James Bryant Omant, presi- ?:BBraMlaaBMBts ! tba Maaebaatsf ices. switching from one to the oth- with more potatoes from famed country in general were gettiilg too almost with* disaster. The ships serted ship In a friendly port. He 10:30—11:34—Haraot Haidt'a Brigadlari *!**— SiSS-rTom Mia, Skotoh-boala: dent of Harvard, at annual meeting sian treaty is more vague because ipalBd Rarald partment has been known to be er, finally learning to fly and be- Aroostook county, but so far aa we were discovered to be British frig- said, *T reckon Fve earned an- aboard this morning, CabeU, and 11K14—12:00—Laula Armttranj Orahtd- Tha Throe Ramaaa In Vaeala—waat Soviet officials will not discuss any much of a play on the House res- about $0 extxH thnr were able to 11:30—12:34-*«Llfht8 Out." Oramatie of American Assoifiatlon of School plenty tough In Its dealing with know It never did on a large scale. taurant with seafoods from pickled ates bloelting Delaware Bay, the other sunset and stuirise with you, 5=5?" •:<»—Nawai M. Nasal OrchaaL limitation of their Asiatic fleet. (A spring note, too!) coming one of the war’s most fan- recruit Tha rumors out that tbe CBS-WABC NETWORK •iS?— *:S0—Oaaroa Creek and Organ Administrators, Atlantic a t y ; WEDNKSDA4T. MARCH 3 some land owners; and once In a That waa not the end. by any shrimp to green turtle soup. He approach to Fhlladelphla. The Gray Polly. Stay If you will.” •is*— Sil^Tha Ravalara — wja onto; Italy also can build bigger ships. tastically daring air fighters. It Gull's course waa promptly shifted 'That night when the sailors Chesapeake’s going to be bottled. BASIC — Baat: wabo wada woko woao Alma KItehall, Contralto—^oln WOR-MB8, 10—Dinner celebrating Bound by no pacts, she is the freest while one of these has been tough means. Senator Byrd came forward' waa tired of IL said be, and he You’ll want to g o oiit with the tide waal wxr wkbw wkro whk wjr wdro •i*S— SiSa^owtll Themaa — aaat; 300th anniversary of Methodist SLAM AT COURTS was no trouble for him to vistiaUze with some Virginia applea fron) his southward, and no harm done, save went ashore and Cteben was In wcau w}aa wpro wfbl w ^ wfar: Mid* Conaart—w ;' Tom MIk—midw rp{ large nation in Europe as far aa enough to take the adjudication to wanted an occasional steak'listed on tonight I’m taking PoUy ashore church, speakers Rep. Bruet Bar- himself going down In flaming death Winchester estate, and Florida and the menu, a ateak nutured on tha to taut nerves. The approach to Washington, tbe Gray Gull was waat: wbbm wfbm kmbo kmox whaa *:0O— 7:00—Kaay Aeaa, Sklt-nalao eat treaty limitations are concerned. Tha aztimordlnarlly volumlnoiu Washington spread clear before their own. They stood at ite bul- now—" kfab krnt •iia— TilS—Mr. Kaon S Leal Paraana ton, Senior Bishop Edwin Holt Britsdn and France are bound, to- court and get a substantial increase and becoming the most outstanding Catifomlu brought in oranges and western plains where men are men Two hours later PoUy waa Jolt- BAST—wbns wpp arhp whao wore ofrb • iXh— 7:30—To St Annauncad (11 m.) Hughes and Prof. Arthur Compton; Ml MaborbUIjr TQtten-up report of them. warks and watched tbe lights of okao wibx wmaa waac wnbf wlbx wkbn •: •— 7:4^—Selanea an tha March gether with tbe United States, by on what the Department offered figure of the world’s greatest epn- grapefruit in such profusion that and eat their AAA benefit checks ing out of Baltimore on the road whio wkbl 7:00— 8:0(X—Roy Shlald’a Radio Ravua WABC-CBS, 10:49—Rep. Jennings page boys' were carrying them raw. On board there were several reli- Baltimore. Polly made one more the treaty of 1936. Linen Lawson ^; most folks that that fact consti- clerks. Jerry, and it wasn’t so easy. Cabell wooa wdne wnox kwkh knaw wmmm S:1S—10:16—Nolo Day Sang Program many, Washington observers be- ' moment of real calm from the day one of these days he might lead a with her while she lay docked at The driver, a genial soul, asdd. 8—One Man’s Family; 8:80—Tom- lieva, will have the effect of pass- itment by Oommlraioner of Pub- tutes a sound reason for not adopt- Even that was to bring no peace couldn’t have done it without you. wjno wcha wpar wmaa wcoe wnra •iJO—11:10—NBC’a hflnatrar Shew he was bom tUI, yesterday, a brain prime white-face steer out on the Carteret. These men now proved "You appear aad to part from your MIDWB4T — wmM wian wibw kfb 10:00—11:00—Nawai Ink Spate Quartal my Dorsey nrislc; 9—Fred Allen: ing this information on to Japan. | • Right now to when your home needs new Ilfs . . that dun. Wisconsin for a long time has had Every man aboard owes you hla young man. Miss. Is be a aailOr?" wkbb w U q wkbh wcco wabt ksej wnax 10:10—11:10—Louia Paniea S Orahaatra : Woilu Hurley, contains a great ing ths condemnation system in hemorrhage put a sudden end to House floor, slaughter It before the of Infinite value. They were able to life or his liberty—” 10— Hollywood Parade; 12:30— To Inform Japan t s98 10:80—11:30—Sddy Duehin S Orahaatra In-between with Spring Just around tha comer and a priority on the Senate restaurant eyes of admiring members end broil help their New England officers "Yes. A mate on a j^vatear. M^Un T__kvor kls kob k.l kzvo . kfbb Lights Out mystery. ll of matter whicb may be of Im- dealing with the fancy asking prices his life, even though for seventeen "It may be true, Polly. But 11:0(^13:00—Undar tha Waatarn Skiaa Japan, who haa officially refused j cheese shelves with a paper-yellow cute over a bonfire on the speaker’s round the treacherous Cape Charles He’s going to sea tonight... .1' COAST—knx koln kol kfpx kviEvl koto koy 11:80—13:30—Taddy Hill S Orahaatra IVABC-CBS, 7:19 Hobby Lobby information on her estra-Iimltatlon 'Winter reminding ua that Hhe Is still olive! Linens, in bright, ; BNdlate and great Interest to the of speculative land owners In Falr- cheese having a flavor that spoke of what of it?" der what name tma war wUl years he had lived almost the life of rostrum. aad enter Chesapeake Bay. "This. You’ve done your parL ( w ^ repeat U :80); 8—Cavalcade plans, will thus bs informed of colorful designs, are excellent for creating new, gay interiors. f Oiwiiibir, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. Hur- fleld, Westport, Norwalk, Stamford a recluse. But be was a great poet, The long blue Bay stretched away have?” American plana without disclosing . The Lawson sofa sketched comes In a wide choice of back- If Cabell’s so set on gouig to sea "Why. Miaa, maybe theyTl Just 7:80—Shoppers Special. of America', Helen Keller guest; 8;3U ^llg and those other members and and Greenwich. from them, free of hostile sails Aa again, let him find another mate 7:49—News Service. —BMdle Cantor; 9—Lawrence Hb- hers. ground colors Including red, blues, green, natural, black and a great dramatist and, In a very part and parcel of the Joe Fenner eail it tbe war of ISIS. I fin e r ;'sm>lu with all Bsst a f Bteadatd flme 10:00—Pretty Kitty KeUy. learns of Britain’s plans. . tbs report is Just an argument of a performer, Olck Ryan was a mem- The symptoms vary considerably, tbe navy by rigbU,” she answered pT6Ad?** show; 13—urama. Under Western Of ooura* you won’t wont that of the far more practical poli- themaelves superior even to rich fiercely. "Why must you go Out 10:15—M3rrt and Marge. Skies. Prance, it waa learned here, still ‘2 9 7 5 oncial, attacked by another. ber of his act. Bom In the shad- although the most pronounced symp- Boston bankers and Importers. Eng- 'Well, no. Miss. Pm aa laload P. M. 10:30—Emily Post—"How to Get hesitates to build larger ships, de- every ptoca In your horns AMERICAN NAZIS tician who Is now Italy’s complete there and let an English long gun rightly. Horses to my.UM." Who Is doing his natural beat to de- ow of Yale in New Haven, Ryan toms are likely to point to the lishmen under Sir Walter Raleigh *v 4:00—Lorenzo Jones. the Moot Out of Life.” What to expect Thursday: spite Japan’s silence. covered with linen. 8o we reimramend this dIctator.'SY tear you to pieces?" "Then don’t try a prophet."* N. B. A. Ckmventlon, WABC-CBS $39.50 chair in plain covers. It will be covered to It will not do to rotnimixe the haa been a trouper for a quarter stomach as th- offender. The patient had landed on these shores before 4:15—Tbs Story of Mary Martin. 10:46—News Service. T he escalator clause of tbe 1936 .fM d himself against critical of a century, starting when Joe may describe a sense of discomfort "This is every American’s fight snapped Polly vebmently and be- 3:30 School of tbe Air, Admiral your order in a choice of fabriea In greens^ the Mayflower had sailed to Fly- as I look at It, Polly. It’s our way 4:30—Hughesrsel presenting Rush 11:00—Musical Workshoip. -treaty now under discussion at Lon- ttBiges.. Importance of the renewed com- Jackson, Vesta Victoria and Harry after meals, and this may become mouth Rock. It waa very annoying gan to weep into her handkerchief. HughM, news commentator. 11:19—Carol Kennedy’s Ronumce. Byrd playing himself as Antarctic don carries' tiyo alternatives. blues, rust, brown. mand issued by'Adolf Hitler to Ger- DIRIGIBLE Houdini were winning the plaudits of backlng'up those that died In . . . .Never to aee Jerry again. Could 4:49—The Road of Life. explorer; WE4F-NBC, 6:49, Talks, ThU Is on* of our roost popular linen ' 'A t one point, though, Mr. Mao* Intense enough to be called a true to a young Bostonian to have to the Revolution. Our men -walked ll:8 0 -B lg Sister. One lifts the limit of 35.000 tons of variety-minded folk. stomach pain. Tlfe patient is dis- think of it. He was forced to call she endure It? 9:00—Dick Tracy. 11:49—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life including retiring president and new wing chairs, and la avsUsble in s wide tbpald’a argument becomee of very man residents a t the United States In the hearings before the House shoeless in the snow and ice W1 and applies a new limit by agree-' choice of background colors. Chip- He and Feiuier performed their tressed by stomach and mtestlnal his new-found patriotism into play (To Be Oenttaoed) 9:19—"Terry end the Pirates." Stories. president. ment. The other, which now ap- g n a t interest to us—and, we sus* that they must take no part in the Naval Committee there was either way acmsa the country and back, to dispel his nudice. Virginia waa 9:30—Jack Armstrong, pendale model with all hair filling; See all these three places In on gas, and by nausea. Any pain which? 13:00—Mary Margaret McBride. WEAF-NBC, 11:30 a. m.—Elea pears favored, siinply makes tlje mahogany ball-and-claw feet. ' poet, to a great many dtlsens who politics of^thls country and that If no mention at all or no mention appearing in many a dimly-lit, one of tbe United States, he re- 6:45— "Little Orphan Annie." P. M. w nor Howe's exchange, 3 p. m.— sky the limit. attractive Main Street window is present is I’kely to appear In the 6;00—News. setting . . now. have BO deep concern with this con- they are members of the Naxi that attracted general notice of any poorly venli\atcd theater and finding stomach region and not so likely to minded himself, and no doubt waa a 13:19—Your News Parade. Music Guild; 3:30—Vic and Sade: In Oongreas themselves ptranded more than very agreeable place if you didn’t 6:15—Tb* Reveters. 13:80—Romance of Helen Trent WABC-CBjS; 8:80—Army band; 4:46 In (>>ngresa. the House Naval tioversy between two rival office Amerlka-Deutsche Bund they must purpose to spend part of the“ pro- localize In the reglo.i of the appen- 6:36—Musical Interlude. once at the whim of a hcartles.s mind the beat and tf you could ex- A. Po Reporter Describes 13:49—Our Gal Sunday. —Dance time; 8—Let’s Pretend. committee discussed in secret ses- . h tidera. We refer to that part iff I withdraw from It at once and must posed $30,000,000 of so-called ex- booking office, back in Manhattan. dix itself. Occasionally, th) pain 6:30—WrightviUe CHarion. may appear U be distributed over cuse the glrto for being better edu- 1:00—Betty and Bob. WJZ-NBC, 13:30MrFarm and Home sion whether to recommend restric- ti^ report which deals with the not be membera of any similar or- perimental funds In the building of Such calamities were great leveleia. cated in tbdr heels . than their 6:45—Jean Sabl(m. 1:19—Hymns of All Chiircbea. the entire abdomen. 7:00—Amos ’n’ Ambr. Hour;' 3:19—Eastman school musi- tion of the Navy’s operations to a ~ liUon of rights of way. ganixation here. This, of course, ap- a rigid dirigible airship. Neverthe- Having survived these mutual heads. . . . Take Prudence Wln- Last Meeting of Dace, Poet 1:30—Arnold Grim’s Daughter. cale; 4—Variety Show; 6—Rakov definite a rn . as proposed ^ Rep- heartaches, the two have become However, when a careful eaami- tbrop now. She could talk about 7:15—Itocle Ezra’* muUo Station. 1:49—Hollywood in Person. resentative Kniffin (D-Ohlo). The especial Interest In this par- plies only to . unnaturallsed Ger- less the committee yesterday allo- firm friends. And when, almost nation la made, it will be found that 7:30—"String Classics” — Maohe orcbeutra. other things than the latest dance 3:00—Lyric Serenmie. Some Thursday short waves; Tbe amendment would establish s . tloular part of the report arises, (ff mans; or at least is supposed to cated $3,000,000 of the fund to such overnight, Fenner leaped from the deep pressure over the appendix in figure. Paronov, director. 3:19—The O’NeiU’s. (Bklltor’s Note: One of the few.ijia my home. I command. You 7:45—“Chandu, The Magician.” \ TPA8 Paris, 1:49 p. m.—With defense line for the Navy extend- 'sa from the fact that the prices apply only to unnaturalized Ger- purpose. shadows Into the big-money class. the lower right nand side will 'A penny for your thoughts,” American correspondents ever ad- go flrst.” 3:30—N. B. A. Convention. ing from the western Up of the Ryan found hts rainbow's end. For 8:00—One Man’s Family. the Poete; JZJ JZI Tok3ro, 4:49— 1 tb certain Falrfli^d county re»> mans. There may be some doubt Why? demonstrate a localized tenderness, Polly said. "American money.” mitted to the villa of Gabriele 3:00—Ray Block’s Varieties. Aleutian islands to Midway island when Hollywood claimed Fenner for Mussolini bowed. He said noth- 8:30—^Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra. 3:80—U. . Army Band. Orchestra; GSB OSC GSD London, restricted to that one particular I was thinking I must write D’Annunzio was Andrus Berdlng, ing. He stepped Inside the gate. 9:00—^TOwn Hall Tonight — Fred 8 in the Pacific ocean, thence to Mints for land, at private purchase, that the edict will not have consid- Few if any high naval officers radio and screen, Ryajn "came with two letters home and post them In 6:20—"Count of Monte CJristo": American Guam, to tbe Panama • y spot. The tenderness ellciti^ by deep former chief of bureau at Rome for D'Annunzio followed. Allen and Portland Hoffa. EAR Madrid. 7:80—Program m by the Highway Department Sere erable effect on those American citi- have any faith in dlHglbles. The the act.” pressure is a vaulable sign in these Washington. One of them to my the Associated Press and now a Canal, the Virgin Islands in the At- The Villa Vlttorlale was a strange 10:00—Your Hollywood Parade. EMglisb; 2RO >tome, 7:30—Ameri- BOW under investigation by a FUr* zens of German origin who have sentiment of the entire country is H e y in d Mrs. Ryan now lead an cases. family.” They both laughed. member of Its Washington staff. lantic and north tc the easternmost almost idyllic existence in a borne almost weird yet beautiful layout 1 1 :00—News. ca’s Hour; YV9RC Caracas, 8:80— \ u flsld county grsmd Jury, and because been making themselva. objection- utterly against them; the loneliest Almost Invariably the patient will He waa present at the last meeting of buildings and gardens. 11:16—Dick Oospaire’s Orchestra. Overnight N^tws extremity of Maine. of their own In the Beverly Hills Jerry amd Cabell* supposed the of the poet and Premier Mussolini, Walts Hour; JZJ Tokyo, 12:49— Hostile operations of the fleet k the very general feeling that be bothered by a persistent con- Strangest of all waa the ship 11:30—Horace Keldt’s Orchestra. Popular songs. able to other Americsuis by their of- individual is a single radio commen- section. And are grateful to Fen- most ^rect route to reach which he describes in the following 13:00—^Weather Report. would have to be conducted with tbese prices should have been estab- cer for remembering. stipation and will probably be wor- Ingtoo would be to sail up the Po- article.) perched on tbe hill overlooking Lake Of Connecticut fensive flaunting of the symbols and tator w ho, persistently advocates • • • Garda. Just the forward h ^ of A. M. — due regard to that line, Kniffin rying morp about that than about tomac. Tbe Baltimore salldrs, how- (By Assoetotod Prese) JACKSON MILL BURNS said. IkAied by a | I f any bedroom. The pieces sketched, fashioned after ex- to accept. ThU part of the report New York—One of the frequent was lost, but because of the uncon- 1:00—News and Weather. sioner Michael A. Omnor reported. United States couldn't fight any- restricted to just the appendix alone. would be more fully informative If ly uttered indictments against the solable grief at the passing' of a 1:15—"Joyce Jordan, Girt Interne." Tbe proceeds of tbe Uiree cents s chime a h u m ...... v 4 * D U that brighten bedrooms cellent Colonial models, insure lasting style, while the how. great heart. The conservative treatments of 1:30—Words and Music. Mr. Macdonald would tell us how theatrical world la that its citizens gallon tax, imUected from wholesale unique Cushman construction . . solid New England And Herr Hitler knows as well aa are a gasping, greedy fratemlly, Youngsters entering the glamor chronic appendicitis depends upon A va ila ble n o w ! 3:00—Guy Hedlund and Company. distributors, are turned into the BIG BEN with plain dial and 0 O *7 Ef 3:80—Jean Ellington. Bumy of the cases of higher re-aa- anybody alive that the one thing quick to strike the next man down world are warned that the profes- diet and better bowel hygleno. Tbe bl^way funcL •oJMl «l«u i n ...... /O See this Cushman Bedroom now birch . . guarantees years and years of enjoyable .Blasment by the courts, If any, were if it means a personal advancement sion Is crowded with back-biters patient will do well to omit those 3:45—Bank Keene. on dismay in one of our Main above all others to be avoided is a 3:55—It’s Pun To Keep House. New Haven—Tba appointment of service. See the complete Cushman Galleries exhibit decisions in voluntary condemna- up the ladder. and eye-gougers. But, at that, foods which cause intestinal Irrita- A limited quantity James A, Hamilton, now superin- Street Wfiidowa. l39so repetition of that psychological mis- And, sadly enough, some of the they have a chance to follow in the tion and it is very important that 8:00—Pepper Young's Family. tendent of the Cleveland, O.. city BIG B E ^ with plain dial and 0 O *7 Cf of furniture for every room in the home.. tlOB proceedings, and how many of U-ke; that it is the utmost im- footsteps of performers aad show- 3:16—Ma Perkins. BED, DRESSER, CHEST tales bear a measure of truth. For the colon be cleansed regularly, 3:80—^Vlc and Sade. hospital, as 'superintendent o f the ...... * / O them were decisions In actions portance not to excite toward the the eaga of many a now affluent men who left a fine, decent heritage using the enema or some of the New Haven h o s t e l was announced behind them. 3:45—Tb* Guiding Light”' where property owners had appeal- Reich the enmity of the American and artistically successful actor, lubricators or bulk-producers if of brand new Norge by the board of directors. HamU- ed from prices arbitrarily placed on producer, or pla3rwrlght carries with necessary. Laxatives should be toa, eriw will begin his duties here BABY BEN with luminona dial...... $ 3 . 9 5 people. it a background of malice, back- sept 1, succeeds Dr. Albert W. psoperty under threat of condemna- avoided as they may do considerable Hence this very sensible com- biting and unbelievable lust for harm. Buck, who become superintradoit tion. mand to Germans to keep out of the recognition. of the Charlotte Hungeiford hoepl- Health and Diet 193^ Refrigerators tel la Torrington on Jan. . BABY BEN with plain dial ...... $ 2 . 9 5 It la to be remembered that the Nazi Bund. There la Just about no But that Is the darker aspect. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1 Highway Department haa never in Mors pleasant to ontcmplatc Is ------7— ------/V( doubt that th^ order will be strict- the other and far brighter side, Advice . the world b c ^ accused of paying (Vltantia B) BIO GARAGE BURNED ly obeyed by all German citizena which encompasses mffny examples By DR. FRANK MoLUl Question: Van M. asks: "Could BINGO ALARM $ 1 . 2 5 I’i;. too much for all. the property that It of good-foUowship and sometimes at sayings of $25*00 < H irs living or sojourning in the United you please give me the name of one Grenwlch, March 3—(AP) — A onanmandeers. Far to the contrary. self-Sacriflc^^ Noteworthy illustra- Statca tions spring quickly to mind. OHBONIO APPENDICITIS vegetable rich in vitemln B? Also Wednesday, Maick 3. Jorge garage oaotalnlng two sport- BEN BOLT ELECTRIC ALARM, A l - There have been indeed many cases And unless the German-Ameii- Consider Joe Oook, nimble clown the names of some other foods con- P. M. the Byrsm Shore estate of p W b dia l ...... $3.45 While many people are familiar taining this aebstenee?’’ where the courts awarded a great cana who are so ardent In their ad- of "Rain or Shine," "Fine and Dan- to flOOeOOe 4:80—^Thbee Happy Oilmans. Henry Streea waa destroyed by fire 4sal more to owners of highway al- dy," "Hold Tour Horses,’’- and other 'With acute appendicitis, they are Answer: Vitamin B appears to 4:45—Behind the Eight BaU. BEN BOLT ELECTRIC ALARM, A o miration for Hitlerism are incredi- not so. weU Informed regarding be necessary for human reproduc- today with s loos estimated by fire- representative Broadway entertaln- #:00—^Ad Uner. man St $30,000. himlnona d ia l...... toeated land than had been offered bly stupid AS well as utterly disloy- chronic appendicitis, which to a tion. It to thought that fresh lettuce menta Orphaned at an naUv sfTS 9 :S5-:-8tepmother. The upper story o f the structure , by the Department But that would al they will aee Der Fuehrer’s point and taken into the hearts' and fairly conunon disorder. 1s a good vegetable -ource. Other 0:49—HUItop Houae. Patients who have developed this was ablsse before the fire was dls- WESTCLOX WRIST BEN, A o aeem to be fairly good proof that and drop their challenging and ex- homes of an Evansville, Ind., family sources are: Wheat germ; beef, 8:00—News Service. (wverad aad Are companies from Cook knows full welt the neceeeity trouble may remain unaware of the muscle; egg yolk; seeds; fat; an^«.Vu3SL“2?’ chauffeur, for Instance, Juggled at In fact be neceoeaiy before it wui Open Tuesday and TharsdaY 8:30—^Texaco Presente. DAX W A TC H ...... $1.00 p'm ve all been cases where aggrieved you approve of steek and mush- family was saved. Benito Mussolini in the hyper-patri- Tony Pastor’s, his cook trod the become a certalt ty that a diseased rooms ?’’ for fut'Te delivery. nights'til 9 P. M. Wednesday% 9:00—Chesterfield Presente boards as a soft-shoe dancer, and T he cause of the fire was unde- |2^|HR>perty owpers resisted the De- otic leadership of all aspiring apd appendix 1s the eource of the pa- Answef: Mushrooms have a low closed at 13, Noon. Other d a ^ 9:30—Ben Bemlc and AU the 7^4 termined, but Peter lytuutsfR, chief nt's valuation and insisted on the gardener has functioned in the Including Saturdays, store cloaea 10:00—Gong Busters. fo r m o re e n jo y a b le dinm g $ 2 9 * 7 5 loftily losral Italians, had "cap- theater as an all-around stage hand. tient's diatreee. calorie value but are raltohed by at 9:30. te the Proteetioa Fire Company of As a general rule, ths patient with 10:30—AU-Sstnts RusaUn Choir. P or^ estor sold sparks carried action. No land vendor ever tured” Flume by leading into tt, un- Oook bps found places for them all many who .use them as a mesne of 1045—Speclsl Talks Program. chronic appendl title win remember adding variety to tbe flavor oz food. by the wind might have Ignited the Ms case to a court If be got resiated, one of the strangest fllibus- on his MtBte. There is nothing to 1100—Sports—News baying had on acute attack some Hie addition of mushrooms to steak roof. R. DONNELLY England maple lends warmth ; he <}eemed a psasonsbie pries; terlng expeditions in history, be cause their loss of self-respect 11:15—Bob Crosby’s Orchestra. They work industriously for their time before, which subsided, being to excellent. T ie mushrooms are 11:30—George Olsen’s OrtbestriL JEWELER VP? * " * “ *•. enough for a dinette, I esrtainly none ever did for the made a speedi to his followere every keep and thetr loyalty to Oook foUesred by periods of comparative- easUy digested If prepared by boil- Time required for drilUng an oU IS.'OO—^Rad Norvo'a Orchestra. weU may vara from 19 days on a that be bad been overpaid. day. In one of them he said: "I knows no limitA ly mild dlstrees, during which ing In a sBsai: amount of water. 13:30—Heniy KUig's O rtb m trm . Haadquartcra for Amerinn Watehea-L periods a tiironlc appendicitis bc- Butter may - be added. If dealred, W A TKIN S 1900-foot well to more then « abaU not leave here alive nor ataaU • B O T H E R S M a deeper one. OU wells 3300 to Hamilton — Elgin ^ Waltham Sick Rgram la r mid! ^ ve ordered all troops to Smee Pearson Resigned. ad aa a Hnotype opantor oa The Miaa Butler was ^ven many pres- good. First R a Sbowi. the Masonic Temple, Friday aveniag objective In men's tailoring. 7:00—Live Y 'r Girl'e club with Mias I moygr away from forelgn-owncd HaraM. He was marrisd a few ents by htr friendt, who arranged Macdonald’s Report Five hundred members o f the at 6:80, Mr. Cubb tly Is ona of the "Ths ideal suit in by-gona years,” Washburn end Miss Tinker. pro^rty to prevent losses to for- months ago and befort retunlng to tbe party. Custom emitters’ Club agreed today Tbe peraonaUty conteat that Is to majority members on the commit- Nagal said, “wae the cult abcotttte- 8:00—Wednesday filvenlng Bowling ^ S a v e D o l l a rs! S t o c k up N o w f or S p r i n g eigners through Japanese bombard- Robert Knoz Chapman o f Hart- work oa the ratura from his w after their annual style show that, ly without a wrinkle or a oreaee, Leagut. at once aod coma to a cloaa at ford has been named as director of The old_ ,, Park . or ------Rialto------theater,—.1 I oF arrangements for the three- Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters ment of Chinese concentrationa ding trip visited in Manchester. Bridgeport, March . t.— (A P ) — far from doing anything to help the Now wa ars oonoontrating on the Vernon vs. Second Coogrega- and o f the six ai^ht betsemr the Beethoven Glee dub, lo»sl —«le oelebraUon in observance ot the o f Union War Veterans, will meet Ha was bora In Hartford, the sou Samuel SUberman, Stamford real a v e ^ e man In bis pocket plight; Idea of how a man should look from tional. by the Red and The chorus, for tha remainder of the "P“ ®^ annlveisary of the insutuUon tomorrow night In the State A r - o f Timothy J. Hyde and tha lata estate broker and formerl^artner of the overstuffing problem should be a distancs, reganUsee o f a few Biyant A Chapman va. Tall Sodetlas of Uanebeater, 1937-38 season. It was aimounced I o* Mather ChapUr in Man' mory, •Inn dy has 31 entered) and the eti' Mary Curran H y ^ . He la survlvad Solomon Welstman, was summonedluuiinuneu attacked by providing suits with .wrinkles here or there. Cedara today. Mr. Chapman baa had charga by htt father, hla wife, M n. Helen ‘ w T?* ' • ^ * ^ *"* **••**'• A t the Sunday m o ^ g even fewer pockets. 8;0()—Eastern Star Social Hour. I lljr Hat will be kept open for 10 D’ANNUNZIO’S BODY o f tha club for the past month on a Miaa Mary Kelly o f Foxboro. ■hortly after 11 a. m., todayAv before "A s long es hla suit carries ths Sale! Wards nc Oonlon Hyde; a sister, Mra John P**'- P«rto1 A A who with their daughter Hazel and practice. elMige o f the office on Birch street D’Annunzio, Italy’s great warrior- Funeral services fur Nikodem was purchased by Nathan Marlow Mra. Hamllton'a mother, Mrs. Clara ment in many of the 483 land trans- owned by Domenico Sartori. dresser. Regularly69.96. 4 i 7 . 0 0 WILLINGTON 6:804:00—Girl Scout Troop N a 11. MODERN and the office is In charge of James poet, lay In state today In his Villa Wassklelie'wlcs, wbo died Sunday and Louis Jaffee. Shortly after they Webster, are moving to Boston to- actions, Involving 36,000,000, by Mias B^hel Von Deck end Earl Burke, who la to have charge o f the Vittorlale, whicb he had named for night at bla home, 46 Birch street, which a right-of-way for the 38- Von. Deck of ^ e ncheeter were the leased the building to Warner morrow. Hlea Hohl U tbe daugh- The D. A. Sokol masquerade ball „ , Kitchen Cabinet eontast, as well as to arrange for the Italian World War triumph were held thli morning, at tbe home Brothera, who cloaec. I t The build- ter of Hr. and Mrs. John Hohl of mlle Parkway 'was acquired. recent guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Earl DRESSER over Auatria. * Saturday night at tha C. 8. P. 8. Belcher of StaffordvUlA Full sise. Washable enamel, stainless por- at 8:30 and from St: James’a church ing baa not been used for a theater Hilliard street and graduated with Tbe Sllberman-Weiasman partner- bungalciW in South WilUngton waa The following Manchester young The 74-yaar-old poet, who was ship later was dissolved. As a precaution against possible Sal<^ Wmd* celain top. Regularly 26.00. Only one I You'd expect to pay a t ____ at 9 o’clock- rhe rector. Rev; ,WU- In tbe last eight years. honors from Manchester High attended by a large gathering. The SOUTH COVENTRY women have entered the contest up president of the National Academy school in Jime of 1937. Two witnesses were heard by tbe looting, local buslneosmen have been 14.88 818.96 etoawhsrel Solid hard- X#' Uam P. Reldy 'clebreted the requiem Last fall Lew Anger, wbo now following were awarded prizes; Mrs. to date and will be guests at the of Italy and a symbol of the Na- jury before Silberman waa called. asked by the Police Department to wood. 3 drawersl Minert high maae. The full Gregorian mass owlls eight theaters in Connecticut, Otto Vonasek and Mra. frsne Pacak take certain measures which will Theron B. Dunham, 68, died sud- Walnut flntoh! supper tonight; tionalist dreams of Fascism, was was eung by the ioiiowtng membera Sunset Rebekah lodge will ob- Eben S. Putnam, president ot the denly at his heme Saturday eve- Snrinf Margaret Rufinl, Ann Lombardo, came to Manthestc’' and learning dressed os old-fashioned girls, the assist the night patrolmen to give clothed in the uniform of a general of tha choir, Mra. Thomas Brennan, serve past noble granda’ night at Greenwich Water Company, who ning about ten o’clock from a heart Biaacbe Gatti, Angellne D'Ubaldo, that the lease on the building would two prettiest; Frank Vonasek wbo greater protection and pravant of aviation, as he had wished. Its meeting In Odd Fellows ball was on the stand at a^ourament attack. He and bis wife had re- Clearance! Floor Samples Maria Antonino, Bda Bausola, Mias Zita, Mra. W. P Law, expire in March o f this year, bar- was costumed es a baker, the fun- lossas. Chief George Kealy has Hla decorations were on his Mrs, Margaret Sulhvan, James gained to purchase the building. Monday evening. A rehearsal for time yesterday returned today. His niest The children’s prises went turned from on auto ride and were Mwr, Colotta F a n n y Eccel- officers and membera of the guard company and a subsidiary sold 60 urged merchants to check carefully 1288 breast and at hla feet lay the flag Breen and A.thui Keatlng.1 Today it was announced that Mr. to Sandra Miske as a Bohemian girl ell locko when locking up for tlM about to enter their home after put- 2*Piece Living: Room Suite laatl, Florence Plano, Anna Parla, team will take place Sunday after- acres of land to tbe state for 8228,- ha raised when he defied his gov- A t tbe offertory James Breen sang Anger was getting ready to remodel Carts P. M bberly and Nancy Pacak, a gypsy girl. night, and adviaed tbe burning of ting up the car, when be collapsed Mary PonUcelU, M i ^ Leone, Yol- noon at 3:80 In tbe hall. Mrs. Jessie 847 with Thomas N. Cooke, of H e a y cotton tapestry covering in rust. Long wearing, ernment to capture and hold Flume Panla Angeltcus; at the elevation the building and get It into condi- Mrs. Herbert Sadler of Roches, a dim light near tha eafe so Ihat without warning. Although he had S o y . 31e anda Felice, Angela Reymander, Ida and past councillors will work the Kerr, tbe noble grand, would like Greenwich, acting as broker, Put- comfortable and attractive. • >■ fhmiwaen, LmdM Naretto, Mary after the World War. Ava Marla wsa sung by Arthur tion to show tha latest relesses In ter, N. Y., came Sunday to visit patrolmen may have a oomplate been prevlouely troubled by a heart Cerebral hemorrhage caused the degree. , to hear from any be pres- nam told reportera. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Regulariy 69.96. 4 / eUO % Oeaolcore, Jermle OenUlcora, Bda Keating. The entire choir sang ”1 moUon pictmes. The bond tor a ent at tbs rehearsal so that substi- view o f ths Interior o f the etores. ailment hto death enine es a ehook death o f the Italian hero late yes- deed given by the present owners, Over 100 are expected to attend Putnam wae followed into tbe Hemmslsr. Theodore F. Sehwaada ei to hto friends oa he had enjoyed Rota, Fhyils Cipolla, NeUle Hudson, Need Thee Every Hour" and as the tutea may be provided. jury room by LutUi Brown, Wilton MODERN Dot Kemp, Madeline SchulU, Mar- terday. Despite the many points been taken up M d in a day'or I ‘>“ qu«t. BeservaUona wlU close A cord recslvsd Monday from Charles W. Bchwmnda, sons o f Mr. good health alnea < returning from body was borne from the auditorium real estate man naming his second 3*Piece Living Room Suite Caret Johnson, Florence Peterson, o f amfllct between him and tha M ra Thomas Brennan sang “ Face two the deed transferring the prop- r*** •''“ ‘” 8 “ >d aU members or Hiss Bllaie Layton who la visiting and Mra. Benedict Sehwaada - o f the Hartford hospital six * weeks Vatican, the archlpresbyter of Gar- erty to Mr. Anger will be filed. former membera are urged to secure -.Winners In the second sitting in appearance aa a witness. Brown re- at her home In Great Village, Nova Masaive,^autifuUy styled in rich blended mohair-friese CHEST Anna Packard, Amelia Blozle, to Face." the third scries of duiDleate contract Highland TerraM were among tha ego where‘he underwent an opera- done Imparted abmiution after his fused to discuss V itb newspapermen Scotia, says the bad a nice trip and cover. Big davenport. Large, roomy ABf Domenica Salvatore, MaiTorle The pall bearers were Vincent Mr. Anger now ovms and oper- ^®'*' tickets. Those who through held at tha Maaonio TAmple last 98 boys at Mount Herman school, tion. death. organist and choirmaster of the atee theaters in Bridgeport, New oversight have not been contacted his connection with tbe Parkway. found lots o f snow. She went chairf. Regulariy 104.96. - f Sf.SfO NBpara Akrigg, Stephanie Yanishewskl. P loh an ^k , Alexander Haponlk, night were: North and aouth. Hr. who aarnad a place cn the out Hat A native ct Mensfleld, Mr. Dun-1 Veterans of D'Annunzio’s Flume Ehnanuel Lutheran church and di- Britain and the nearest theater ••lould call at the temple tonight or He waa not listed as a land seller from the station to her home tn a for the . last « x weeks martting Sturdy hardwood constnw- Olga Soave. Alexander. Zitm.ulakl, Ignacy Bre-, and Mrs. Georgs Slsmsen, first; Mr, ham had been a resident ct Oov- campaign. and early Fascist black' rector of music in the public o ^ s d and c o n d u c t by him it In | °>*l.«s« pany o f Danletoon are in charge o f yaoclve choice of one of last two HIM" of the villa park, in hla ceme- TO MRS. RROOKWeS Salel Wards79c Ringless DRAPES every tjrpe of chorus and choir with objections that has been made to The Hurley report accusing the smile and informed us he bad just Jr., o f East Main strest are parents the funeral which- will be held tlito Group of End Tables tery where lie tha heroes of bis at least nominal success In each tha place. In plana now being HELP PERSHIN& department of "wastefulness and puUed Charles Hiske'e car out o f of a son, bom at tha Johaem Me- afternoon at two o'clock in tha Many atylea to choose from in walnut veneers. For march on Flume. Spokesman For Manufac- Regular 8lAt! Ftnaly case. In two Instances, he has drawn there will be every precaution Inefficiency" was placed before the the ditch. mortal hospital. Oongregationsl church, with the that vacant apot in your living room. a a a cotton and rayon damask . . A mllan sculptor, Arrizo Mlnerbl. trained new singers In difficult, un- In Meeting Yesterday After jury soon after the Inquiry opened. RepresenteUve Doris Hall McBea | JAP PARLIAMENT taken to see that auffldent care is Mrs. Lewis MeT.eiigM(f ot High- Rev. Henry B. Robtoson offteieting. «‘C r e p e ” T w la * H o a e Regulariy 7.00. ' 4eOO floral patteral Unedt made death masks of DAnnunzlo's accompanied music in the short turers’ Gronp Presents taken to eliminate danger in case noon Resolntion Are Passed Macdonald, who In a formal re- n v e a talk at a woman's club meet- land Torraos aocompaaled by ifra. Burial was la Nathan Hals Ceme- 33"x2H yards! face and hands, and Academician space of one season. Where tone of fire. J Temperature Normal And Honoring Memory Of De port ■ to the governor on Monday ing In Somers Thursday. Camuol A. Jaooba o f Madford HUl- tery. AttiUo Silva was named by the J FEARS AIR RAIDS and phrasing are concerned, he Is an ceased Member. said the Hurley chargee were with- Mr. and Mra. Stave Hochla gave side, Moea, are apendlag eeveral Mra Waldron fleanott ot Stepto- Walnut Finish Kneebole Desks Academy to make others. Idealist. Their Side Of The Case. out basis or justification, has testi- a party for their eon BUly la honor | weeks in Southern PlaeSr North ton. fltatea latoad to spending a FuU alxe. Three drawers in either side. Sturdily built A telegram announcing hts death He Is studying piano and voice General Is Able To Take o f U s seventh birthday. ’Those who Carolina. few days with her mother Mra fram Page one) fied in person before the Grand and beautifully atyled. <• o A A 149 was sent to D'Annunzio's widow, with Wyllys Waterman of Hartford RICHARDS TO CONTINUE A t the roeellng o f the Manchester Jurors. attended were Dorothy FOrra, San- Ths Stafford UhlveraaUst church Linds B. Btsaley oa Wall street 1-8 reduction I ' 1 ^ * 0 0 tha Princess o f Montenavoso, who and has studied organ, harmony and Washington, March 3— (A P ) — Woman's Christian Temperance Both the Hurley report and Mac- dra Miske, Rose Ann Woehamurka, wUl serve their regular mnwHiiy Mr. snd Mrs. A. V. Laelle wee not aim at a dletatorahlp' More Food Dnring Day. Blaine Felix, Shirley Felix, John has lived tn Paris since their sepa- counterpoint with Arthur Priest, or- Tbe National Association of Manu- Union yesterday afternoon, a tri church supper this avsalng, March given a surprise party by 14 friends In Japan. IN LUMBER BUSINESS donald's answer dealth at length on Hochla, Donald Wochomurka, Stan- ration. ganist and choirmaster of Christ bute to Mrs. Roasa T. Brookings technical features of tha Parkway's 3 at 6 o’clock. Hoetesaes for the St their home at tbs'laat Saturday Combination Coal and Gas Range : __ Fsraign Laws Btndled. Church Cathedral In Hartford. Ha facturers asserted today that none ley Shaney and Danny Mjrera. The was read by Miaa ElU M. Stanley construction, and also discussed the evening vrtU be Mrs. Frank Sharp, evening, on the occasion ct their F()ur and four combination in suntan and ivory por- was formulatsd aftsr careful has given many organ recitals of Ita activities "have been Intended Tucson. Aria., March 2.— (A P ) — little folks played exciting gamea Will Not Enter Automobile and the report was accepted by the policy of acquiring land for lights D. Crawford, M ra A . C tenth wedding anniversary. The REG. 98c nnsttigaUon. taking the merits and throughout the state and is known or have served" to violate dvll General John J. Petehing accumu- and lovely prises were awarded. Klbbse and M ra Henry CarUer. celain enamel finish. A A A A •nnndoiilng the demerite of foreign DISCUSS CODDIM TION chapter and ordered placed upon ot way which .esulted In tbs Grand evening was spent in games, end s as a teacher. Agency Field— Expects To lated new strength from quiet aleep the records and a copy sent to the The refrertments were ice cream, Mra. O. W. Schroer, Mliaioaaiy Regulariy 116.00. oSfeOO towe in order to suit Japan'e i? t- liberties. today to renew hla almort miracu- Jury inquiry. lunch o f candwlchae, plqklee, cake Mr Chapman has alao attained a Have Other Connection. members of Mrs. Brookings family cake, candy and soda. Billy re- on furlough from h w duUae la LAC^ PAIRS eltuaUon,- be e a ^ e d . * ^ Walter B. Weisenburger, execu lous progress against an iUnesa ceived many nice gifts. and coffee woe served. The eeuple Salel Regular *1 Roll-on OF TOWN ORDINANCES reputation aa a composer and his Miss Stanley, In her teaUmonlal, Japan will give an lUustrated lec- •Tt would be premature to re- tive vice president of the associa- which, though stUl critical, no longer Donald and Billy Pardus, sons of were given a floor lamp. Mr. LasUa Save 31% 38% on compositions Include three for male outlined the record of Mrs. Brook- ture to the members o f the Women’s raugk gard it as Fascism because the Jap- tion, told the Senate Civil LIbertlea N. B. Richards, well known local brought fears of momentary death. Mr. and M ra WOIlam Pardus,-are to head o f the photo-engraving de- weavee! Tied-in-plsM m e£l choruses. His work with the ings activities in tbe order since LUMP SUM CHECKS Counefl o f the Stafford Springe aa y naUonM policy ie eo remote committee in a prepared statement lumber and building auppUea dealer, He slept heavily, aa ha did the la partment at the Hartford 'nmas. Eyelet tops!t o Each elds 31* Town Treasurer And Mrs, Ruth *mm those o f Italy and Germany.’* Beethovens has woo the unanimous that the manufacturers' organiza- who, a« noted in Tbe Herald yesUr- 1927. Miss Stanley’s testimonial Congregational church in the Parish Panty Olrdl® Clearance! Bedroom Furniture approval of the club membera and prevloua night, and hla condition Past lecturer's night was ob- rooms, Friday afternoon at 8. Mo- Wlllto Oopelknd to 111 at the home by 3 1-8 yordal Dadourian Of W PA Talk tion "believes In the right of free day, haa aevered oonnecUona with follows: (fotemsUonally. the three countries showed "favorable eigne" to Dr. Ro- TO GO TO JOBLESS served by ToUand Grange Tueoday tion pictures taken in Japan wlU ot hto niece, Mrs. Alfred Btaebner at a recent meeting It was voted to tpeech, in tbe right of Individuals the Manchester Lumber and Fuel land Davlaon. The Mancheeter Woman’s Chris- are linked in an antl-Communiam Over Projected Plans. offer Mr. Chapman the permanent evening. Mra. Emma Crandall and be shown tw M n. Schroer. I M . on Ripley Hill. His daughter has 4-Piece Bedroom Suite pact.) to assemble peacefully. In their Company, will not anter the auto- Hla temperature was normal, he tian Temperance Union abarea with Louis Vesely o f South WtIUngton come to cars for him. ' , directorship, an Invitation which be the South Methodist church tbe in- Hartford, March 2.— (A P )—La- Waldemar fiautrand ' Bed, vanity, dresser and chestrobe. Buried walnut. Diet observers found a possible Meeting this morning with Mrs. right to collective actloir within the mobile agency butineas, he atated took food and fluids with little difll- were On the refreshment committee. , . ------*■ chairman. The annual election of oS icen of accepted. expressible loea in the paasing of bor O)minls8ioner Joseph M. Tone, Jack Jesek and Miss Anna Kunay Waterfall design. Built-in bed light. 1 1 A A P m M um et^m prom ise in the pre- Ruth Dadourian, director of Wom- law." today. Mr. Richards plans for the culty, and the absence o f a relapse Tolland and other Granges ars Invit- tha CongragationaT church choir Rosas Towle Brookings on January administrator of the Unemployment of Stafford HoUow, who reoelved m is s renOlks about a p ro p o ^ ens' and professional projecta of Welsenburger'a statement was Immediate future ars not definite, was encouraging. Dr. Davison said. ' ed to neighbor with Vernon Grange was held at their last meeting at Regularly 149.95. 23. In 1923 she Joined our church Compensation Bureau in Connecti- highest honors in the six months Mationai Mobilization Council. the W PA Int this section. Town' made public as the committee be- but he expecU to enter the lumber The sanltorium waa dark and quiet Friday night William J. Smiths, resulting as fol- during the night. Miaa May Per- and soon entered Into active work In cut, announced today that all those contest, condueted by Rev, and M n. The power to declare a state of Treasurer George H. WaddeU dis- gan a study of tbe relations between business here In town through an- A fter the dancing school in South lows; president Barbara Carpenter; •mergency nececsitatlng the nation- ALCORN SCANS EVIDENCE employer associations and labor. ehlng, the 77-year-old World War the church school. Her member- eligible for compensation whose N o i^ A. Wilson at the Stafford Odd Vanities cussed the postlblUUes connected other connection. WUlington Wednesday night Mrs. HoUow Baptist church Bible close vtoa presldeat Harman Ctochrane; al mobiUzatlon provided in the bill He traced the development of tbe % coromander'a only sister, retired .shlp In our Foreign Hisslonay Aux- payments had been delayed would ^Gallup Service Invited the members Four different styles to choose from. with a proposal Introduced to the iliary dates from 1928; that la the seeratary, Grace White; treasurer, W ^ d reet with the Council. The Selectmen last month, whereby an Manufacturers’ Association and early. His son, Warren, and nephew, receive lump sum payments at the Regularly priced from 20.00 to 36.00. IN W ATE R B UR rS CASE Manchester Union from 1927; that end of the week. ’’ Grace Wood; librarian, H. H. Bar- premier explained that the malor- said It was "one of the first and was Frank, drove to Tucson, spending celebrate the fourteenth birthday left Monday for a three dav?^^ effort will be made to have the FLOOD CONDITIONS GRAVE several hours In the city. of our Home Missionary Society ot visit num; llovrar committee, Persia Al' Ry o f Council aeats would be occu- town ordinances and charter codi- the most snergetlc sponsor of work- The commlasloner said that It was Glenn Mirth. Thera were eighteen to New y S* ^ m , S S ^ Sal e: New Towels pied by Diet members. Dr. Davison and Lt. Col. 8. U. M x from 1980 not permitted toq make out the ------T g -iT e e .TTT j „w R^Ve len; robe committee, Dorothy Poster Beds fied by a W P A project. Mr. Spless, Waterbury, March 2. — (A P) men's compsnaatlon laws.” p r ^ t who bad a happy time. M n . | and M ra WUaon - S L r S -Questions have been asked,- he Sixty per cent of the membership rietta. Army phyalclao, spent the That same year she was elected checks used at present for more •nd M ra WUsoo. They are expected White; membership, R. G. Brooke. Size 18"x36", you’ll find at 15c I Ab- In maple or walnut. Full and half sizes. who brought In this proposal, had State’s Attornsy Hugh M. Alcorn IN SOUTHERN C AU FO R N U Service served ice cream and cake. to return to their home today, said, -on whether the bill Is not an 2,912. he said, employ 800 or night at the sanltorium. president o f our Foreign Auxiliary, than 818, but that 70,000 checks Beginning next Friday evening at Regularly 12.00. Come early! suggested Mrs. Dadourian might and his staff were engaged today In A t the meeting of St. John’s Com- Wednesday. sorbent T u rU tb weave. Choice of S t a tion of a similar German law fewer employes, and "there Is a re- Principal attention of the physi- connected with this field and for would iUTive Saturday from Wash- 7 o’clock the Rev. Henry B. Robin- have qualified workers In her de- studying the evidence they will pre.- mandery, Knights Templars Mon- The n ^ o party sponeored by beautiful paeteli. Exceptional values. o e n ^ y s sUtute operates con- markable similarity between the ((Jontlnoed troo) Fags Une) cians la centered on the strength of six yeara she served aa correspond- ington which might be written for day night In WllUmanttc Represen- son will conduct a series of weekly partment who could rearrange pres- Mnt to the Extraordinary Grand Perehlng'a heart,/which has been ing socreUry of the Norwich Dis- Btrassa Post American Legion Fri- services through Lent, at the Con- Remember tale ends Saturday. stantly while the projwted Japan- ^ iry which goes Into session next principles enunciated by the N. A any amount up to 880. Therefore, tative Frank Parisek of WUlington ese legislation would be enforced ent local laws which have been M. and those endorsed by the "small was reported in the Mar V U R dis- subjected to intense punlshmeqt. A trict of tub Women's Foreign Mis- M y night netted 8170 to be given to gregational church. Cfiiolr rehearsal Tuesday to determine whether pros- he said, use o f the new checks Hin was elected warder and the Senior class of Stafford High only in time of war." considered lacking in compilation businessmen's conference’ held re- trict. » cardiograph, fdr testing Its move- sionary Society of the New Eng would permit payments o f lump Charles Wochomurka, also of Will- will follow at 8 o’clock. and sjrstematic arrangement. ecution Is indicated In connection ments, was brought to the ssnl- land Branch. school for the annual Washington ll with this city's entangled flnancea. cently In Washington." .Motorists who were unable to sums In many instances by one Ington HUI waa sleeted sword trip fund. N ext Sunday the services at the ISal e! t^ c Cases ON TH E H A H FKU.V'l' According to Mr. Waddell. It Weisenburger said 81 per cent of navigate Valley Boulevard into the torlum. This position called her annually check. bearer. Congregational church will be con- The Grand Jury of 18 men, moat Miss Norma Blick o f OrcuttviUe Shanghai, March 2.— (A P ) — probably be necessary for the members had formal contracts city reported that aome awans from to its Inspiring meetings in great George Smith of Westford is em- duct^ by a deputation team from of them little-known here but some cities. 'If a worker receives more than was one of 38 who, received flfst "T h rift" pillow cases . . , smooth, Eight Japatiese columns were ai- town, at Its expense, to employ or were dealing aith labor organ- Lincoln Park were swimming down 318, Tone asserted, "it is for more ployed by WiUiam Downes on bis Wealeyan University. prominent in their townships, was Mrs. Brookings resigned in 1930 honors for the post term at Oon' white, sturdy I Fill your needa at this most within reach today of the * qualified, legally trained 'super- Isationa, covert^ all but 24 per tbe highway. than one week and the check will poultry farm in East WiUlngton. The Y. P. S. C. E. to planning to selected yesterday by Judge Ernest from the missionary pretldeney to necticut State collega. She Is more than 8(XI miles of the Lunghai * codifying project la es- A. Inglla. Summonses were served cent of the employes of all members. Two empty automobiles, parked ZONING RURAL AREAS show the end o f the last compensa- Mr. Downes bought tbe former go to Norwich next Saturday with rock-bottom price. Size 42"x36", "The association does not handle accept that o f Manchester Union, sophomore. Among 120 atudente hemmed, ready for uie. Don't delay I rallway which -tretches across Cen- tablUhed here. Stenographic work- on the jurymen by deputy sheriffs on West Caiannel road, dividing line ble week.” noted Lawry poultry farm. Mr. who joined fraternities at the ooi- other groupa from Tolland (bounty tral China. om oow on W PA lists could be lued strikes for Its members,” he aald.- where she was most needed. Here under the direction of High Sheriff between Santa Monica and Los SEEN NEED IN STATE The district offices have been or- Downes drives the school bus from lege last week were Francis McQuaid on aa inspection tour of certain sec- Japanese troops renewed their clerical work. Such expenses as J. Edward Slavin of New Haven. Nelther does It attempt to outline as everywhere she served faith- Westford to Willlmsntlc with stu- Angeles, were reported to have fully. attending district meetings dered, he stated, to send to tbe of Keefe Plains and John B. Hatch tions o f the institution there, un- offensive sgalni't the vital east-west publication and supplies Mr. Alcorn, who la state's attor- a specific course of action for any been swept into the ocean. Hartford office the records of the dents for tbe hifrii school. He sold of Stafford Hollow. der ths direction o f the Superin- given situation. Hartford,-Conn., March 2.— (A P ) snd state conventions In aplte of hla property In Westford and moved Sal e! Remnaiite lint after their forces had routed "'°uld necessarily be underwritten ney of Hartford county, was aaaign- There were no early reports of continued claims for each man and The annual play competition to tendent Dr. Chaster Waterman. ed to the task of Inveatlgatlng ths 'In other words. Its policy la not —Directors of the Connecticut farm foiling health. -Then when her here. Cailnese in aouthern Shansi province the town. However, the general flood casualties. mortal life waa ebbing away. Im- the central office records would raim funds for the senior’s Wash- Ladles platming to attend the Regular 12^c percale! Serviceable qual- and pushed on toward mountainous “ ‘t arrangement work, if local situation three weeks ago. after to enter into a apeclflc difficulty to bureau federation aie considering shortly be up-to-date. The WUlington basKetball team the feasibility of zoning rural areag mortality waa dawning tor her. ington trip, wUl be presented by the Day o f Prayer In the Bolton church ktrongbolds of the rhincse Red ' ° ° ° * *^ to W P A professional State’s Attorney Lawrence L. Lewis attempt to solve It but to prevent defeated the Stafford Olympics 47 next Friday are asked to notify ity I New, spring prints I Limited quantity the loss o f time and wages and In the state to protect both persona Our beloved friend has "gone to to 38 at South WUlington Friday four classes o f Stafford High Khool sUTny to the west : *rtup, would be free to the town. of this city had disqualified himself. In tbe auditorium o f the Warren M ra Ina P. Beebe, vice president of of each pattern. Shop early for best choice. Mr. Alcorn Is one of the most vig- property growing out of the Im- FIRE DESTROYS HOME and communities. be with Christ, which U for better." night. The WUlington Juniors Memorial Hall, March 18. Each the Lodtod Assoeiatii^ Tubfast. 36 inches wida. ReporU from the battlelionta ^ meeting, orous prosecutors In the east, several passes of labor strife by cultivating At a meeting here yesterday of Nevertheless to abide in the flesh LEADBIS DISCUSS won the game from the local D. A. ct along the Lunghai corridor separat- " “ ‘“t that Mra. Dadourian la cases o f national Interest having an understanding of those principles the directors, David (Tlark of seemed more needful For us. She Sokol Friday night by the score of the competing caste wOl rseelve a Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Leslie cash prlire. Selections o f plays % ing Japanese-conquered portions ot review her pensonnel lUts. made him prominent. and practices which will avoid in- VALUED AT 855,000 Mjiford, secretary olKlhe organisa- seemed to live on the promlee "I 48 to 81. have returned from e visit at the : North China and the Yangtze river Poasible. she will draw a Leading up to the special Investi- dustrial unrest." tion, aaid the dlrect/ora conaidered can do all things through Christ, COALITION MOVE The button factories a n sUU op- have been mode by the f o ^ t o , horns o f hto brotbsr, Hobart Leslie, coaches for three of tha ploys. ^ , valley told of conal.stent Janane^r ^ the contemplated gation were diacloaurea coming from Release lafomatlon Ridgefield, March 2. — (A P ) __ recommending to the next session of who strengtheneth me." erating only three days a week. la Trenton, N. J. i gains. project, which will then be submlt- the office o f City Controller Sher- The manufactursra' spokesman State police of the Ridgefield bar- tbe general usembly that it pass Rejoicing in hope she was “pa- (Continned from Page One) In aplte ct tha uss o f the town SALE! Work Socks led to the Board *of Selectmen for Japancse sat j thi y had renewed wood L. Rowland, who the first of the called their public information ser- racke iMgan today an inveetlgatton an act allowing rural towns to map tient tn tribulation, fervent in spirit, plpws many of tbs roads .were so Genuine Rockfords a spirited offensive against Suchow. Its approval. Advice of tbe town year replaced former Controller vice— furnished to newspapers, Into a 838.000 fire which deetroyed out the land within their boun- continuing Instant in prayer." licans now are grabbing at straws.* badly drifted Monday afternoon and aastern nerve venter ot the corn- counsel would also be sought In the Daniel J. Leary. Mr. Rowland, a radio stations, motion picture the home of Henry S. Roberta, New daries and determine scientifically ’For her to Ijve was Christ, to die He Is a staunch administration sup- STAFFORD SPRINGS Q u o ta tio n s - Bight that a number hf car owners Special "w e a r" features— Seamlesa rruUler. Mr. Waddell aald. York broker. indeed was gain." rior. from both the north and south Republican, defeated Mr. Leary by houses and schoola— aa "a le^tl- for what purpose each plot of land porter. were oibllgad to shovel themselves rib knit tops and shaped heels. ^ e r week* of flghtmg in which Codification of town ordinances 33 votes, and waa one of the few mate exercise of tha right of free ’p i t 20-roora structure on Pe%e- is suitable. . Senator Ellender (D., La.) com- An alarm colled out the Borough out of drifts in enter to reaqh home. a first attack wm thrown back, the has been an issue long considered Republicans elected to major offleet speech." sble street here, completed only a Bach town would then be em- mented: Hire Department for a chimney fire Seaument for _ _ prohihiUon______la Mrs. Earner Hawkes underwent a mvadera reported crossing the Hwai by the Selectmen, who are acting tn the election last fall. "It Is not political and Is not anti, few months ago. was discovered powered to prevent the use of that “ Democrau will sU y tn the fold. in the Faulkner block on Ckmveree | strongertronger now than eever iw 'w before. o r a ? serious operation at the Hartford now In an effort to clarify a piling ablaze yesterday afternoon by a ITALO-AMERICAN a U B street owned by Michael Joaephtac.' ” ~ ~ * 1 e Nanking, in their anything, but la simply pro-lndua- plot for an unsulted purpose as Suppose a southern Democrat should —E. B. Blake, cbalrmeii of tbe Pro- hospital last week.* ,-g tiorthward drive toward the im- up of laws, old and new, which DIES AFTER FALL tiy ." he said. caretaker, but tha fire had gained soon aa Its current owner reUn- try to leave it—where could he goT" The blaze waz confined to the tene- ^ lU o n party, in a speech at S a l e : Work Shirts jwrtatit railway junction. have at times proved confusing In ’*That enormoqs sums have been euch headway that firemen ware un- qulshed hla Utle to I t Thus, a town There was no comment from Sen- ment occupied by Ted Ruby and Dallas, T>x., which was attended DEPUTIES USB TEAS OAS content. New Britain, March 2__ (AP>— able to aave it. . FOR ATHLEnCS FORMED ators BaUey (D., N. C.) or Vanden- fomUy. Damage was estimated at About 2,000 Chinese attempting spent for years by many groups, could prevent a purchaser from by five persons. TO DISPERSE STRIKERS. Rcgalsrfy S9e caebt Strong, Foimd in a rear yard after falling or some of them radical extremists, to Harold Finch, local real estate farming land that had been tested berg slssd in •My the atickers are due here to- vestigatad they found Mrs. Fuller Archbishop o f Canterbury y ® y “ Increase eponslble for the fact tbe country last night in tbe test case o f Eric evening, at 8 p.m. at which Ume Armstrong. 1023 ToUand Turnpike, of 6 mlUs over the previous-year. I-*—- —* ■— the deputies, wbo rstaUated with ■wlrtlng, los-cake dottsd rtvw. ^ r w . The flret 1938 inspection unconscious In the yard. She had the crown on tbe king’s bead does not ImpUeltiy trust or Tbe IsraeUtas had marbles with Schmeer of Watertown who was oS Ieen o f the club will be elected Mrs. EUsabetb Scbreck, 1016 Middle Mr. and M ra Rosoo HUlebrecht t w gaa. the ahsrUt said. One Japanese forces were poised perlM started yesterday and wU) struck a low concrete wall In her backward. Ha trembled wo from !Uke, bnslnesa worker waa shot la tho grain. continue untU July 17. them whan they made their 40- given a summons Dec. 6 for flying from the general aasembly o f mem- Turnpike east. Louis OlgUo, Bolton. have moved from fltaffordvUle to a deacent weakness that araryooe feared be a g u inddel rLpiane in Tiolatkm o* rasrharged today: Mrs. BUnbeih —Alexander Thompson, 8r., o f bs Montgomery Ward yms Jeurasy. bsrs. AU young man are invited tenement on Stafford street. would drop tbe crown. Noble, 18 BhbMgn street. Federal Reserve Bank ct Ctndn- Rhlttooeroses have Uttto (tbe State Aeroaautle Law. to atteod thk meeting. Charles Hruea bee purchased a inteiu- 824-828 MAIN STREET Oensus; 8 «rrtly -«lg (it pnUents. nsU. fence and bad tempera V-Y : •

MAWCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ICANCHggriCB, CjOiraf^ ' 1 , __ - : . !

MANCHESTKR KVKNINO HERALD. MANCHEOTER, GONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 198S Mas very well done and* much appreci- D. A R. FOUNTAIN LOCAL FARMER TO WED ated by the diaers. LEGION BANQUET Songs, to trhleh sH jotosd, FEAR NINE ARE LOST ms HOUSEKEEPER led by Jack Sansos, Bob Gordon MILITARY SECRETS Albanian Princesses FORWESTSM and George Henkel, supported by WITH HG AIRLINER GREAT SUCCESS William Gahhnann, the pianist o f W. M. Beckwitt Ao4 Miss the Society d u b Orchestra. CLOSELY GUARDED Helm J. WOsoD To Marry In The gueat speaker of the evening IN MOUNTAIN AREASi Glimpses O f Night LU To Be Moved To Fobt Hartford On Satmrdny. was the widely-traveled Talbot 96 Dine At %eridan On Tnr- Mundy. The time passed all too OMkraM ti«M „ „ oa.) New Tork, March 3.—(AP)—^Tha^ quickly as the Leglonnsirta Uataned U.S. Officials Say Real Plans Vuy oaw thslr fliat to rapt attention throughout his ad- I three (Mneeases Zogu slstara of S®®I to tha club hot I___ _ tween West Side Rec And A marriage appUeatloa was yee- atures wore enoountcred. A t 8:38 Urday Issued at the Bureau o f Vital kcy~TaIbol Mundy In /dTBas„^-Born to England, Boer War p.m. the plane turned back toward King Zog of Albania, had much to Of War Craft Are Not chat about today over th^lr brtak- without M M Wasfamgton School. SUUstloa to Hartford to WIllU M. fighter, traveler, diplomat and au- Fresno. abOTt tos cltya M^lto*. Beckwith, e farmer Uvtog on Oak- Thrilling Address.'^ thor, this remarkable man, now. net- With no dsclalon yst made where fast coffee in their cloistered stdto A t tha oocktau Iwt 1 ^ street to ManchesUr, end Mias tied to Maaohester, prlaaa hla Itoit- to land, the plana reported flying at Oblainable By Spies. at the RIU. TOtortog sedatMy thr Helen Jeanette WUson, hie house' sd Btatss clttaanablp hiore than 10,000 fe et St 8:80 p.m. Last night they made their first Tl>* Board of Selectmm wtlJ In- keeper. Later they both aM>Mtfed anything else, he said. ThU la the shy sortls Into New York night Hto, " * t o d o w Park aval __ The annual banquet of Dllworth The dispatcher at Union Air u a Triboreqgh brtdfla afifl! before Judge of Probate Walter H. only country left where there la lib- Terminal at 9'18 pjn. ordered the decorously e ^ r t e d by the Albanian •truct centraeton for the rebuildbiK Clark, probate judge for the DIatrict George Waahtagton b r i t e T ' Cornell Post No. 102, American Le- erty, he stated, and urged that It Bakersfield landing when Informed New York, March 2.—(AP)__ minister to Washington and King of Eaat Oatar atreet to remove the of Hartford, who granted them the ■^g's alde-de-csunp. three prtneeeeea don't Illm T^ ~ gion, was held last evening in the be guarded jesloualy. the plane was north of that point M m Ury officials suggested today, They dtoeX Today they planned to visit I__ ® ' A. R. Ifem orlal Fountain, now five-day waiver and they wlU be mar- without dancing. In Egyptian room of the Hotel Sheri Mr. Mundy related episodes that Grave anxiety waa manifested at as on Investigation Into an alleged a skyscraper “ on Army headquarUca and a 1 located to the trianfle oppoalte the ried at the home o f the bride-elect'a happened while he was In India night club. slater in Hartford, Saturday after- Turkey dinners^ served to T W A offtces here os UntaUve ar- International spy ring continued, nurtery to B r ^ y n . and Africa as a commissioner for THE NEW S t t fL 'S 'f'’ • P°*"* between the noon. ninety-six men, were followed by raagemenU were made to send an- ttat foreign agents probably could wwiC Side Recreation Center and program of ensemble singing, cn the British govamment. He learned other plane north. If necessary, to ■niey had planned to he married obtain more ‘information” from em at Mltchel Field, wheia Private the Waahtogton achool, according to in Hartford this week but made the tertainment and addresses; snd the first about magic from the good In- conduct a aeareta. dian magician, Father Gouru. When J^idy of current publications than Erich Glaser o f the Air Corps waa vote of the Board, placed on file to- •Uistake o f securing the marriage banquet waa emphatically declared Tha "Dlrlama” listed as paaaeo' from the average mlliUry post. mSDANGEROI he pressed Father Gouru to tell gers wars two Stanford students— arrested as one o f the three alleged day. Under terms o f the Eaat Can- license to Manehestar, *niey leam- completely successful and enjoy Defense secreu which are worth purveyors of military secrets. ft Is dsageroas ts seO a S ter atraet contract, the road buUder that they could not be married to able affair. Divine blessing waa to' more about it, he waa referred to Jay Tracy Dlrlam and Mary Louise niTB lor «M Jast to main 1 Hartford on a license grrented to the flmt line o f the Twenty-third ^ *!I “ 'Pt- ‘ hey DevelopmenU of the Martin 1937 la to move the fountain to any point voksd by Chaptain Otto Hellsr. Dlrlam. They registered at the raplaln^, and are not available to towr esato laera. Custon bombers were released tor export In town that may be desired, and Manchester and yeatsrday called at Past Commander .toim G. Ma- Psalm aa the aecret of all life. ' university from MahaSeld. Ohio. bast aoastoi li the office of the town clerk In Man- In Africa, fierce lions hindered months ago, and many hava hem the D. A. R. baa gone on record aa bonejt, chairman of ' the ■. banquet Mr. and Mis. L. B. WslU wars on sold abroad. chester, checked on this report and the buUdlng o f the government their way to Oilcago on a pleasure Lbe relatively small approving: the west aide location. committee, prerided. A fter making percentage o f information concern- Arido from the guarded types, Tlio setttac up o f the fountain on then went to Hartford where another appropriate preliminary remarks, railroad to Victoria by snatching trip. W alU la a San Frandisoo oU scBsntmrTB. license was seeured and tha neces- man and klUtog them. One notori- aaleeman. nJhiofc'T" w developmenU would-be espionage agents are wel- Standard American a proper base, and the job of con- he Indicated the Past Commanders' come to copy from publUhed reporta sary psrmlaalon given to be married table, which was a ape<^ feature. ous man-eater waa flnaUy trapped N. H. SaUsbury, a T W A pilot rtd- necting: It to a water and waste out- to Hartford on Saturday. *" W ^ ta g to n strong boxes date and designs of this country's _ « t was referred to the Park Com- Mayor David Chamber^ Judge Har- and caged. To raise the morale of ^ aa a paasengsr, was returning to or under spectoi guard. Mr, Beckwith Is a widower and la the naUves, over a thousand of aircraft and sell them to snyens “11118100, Which, through Superinten- old W. Oarrlty, Colonel Harry B. doty St Kansas a ty attar visiting foolish enough to buy.' well known In Manchester aa he has them were to aboot the Uea to developmenU iS S i dent Horses F. Ifurphey, Monday an egg route In Manchester. Blasell and the Rev. J. Stuart Neill hla mother at Walnut Crsek, Calif Kleaoed from ’ ’reetrloUd'' UsU find Reid TIm Herald ENCYCLOPEDIA death. They formed a seml-cirele, night fioUfled the Selectmen that z ______were requested to rise for recogni- The searching party whloh left «Mch publlcatlona funds are not available for the set- tion. t w or three'deep, and when Mr. San Franotoco Included B Ur Coyle, ting up of the fountain. The program Was given over to Mundy g a v e ‘the signal aU fired WesUm''blvijrtml I Mroaautlcal'or^ mlUUi^ publtoi® The Selaetman, acquainted with WAPPING Jack Samson, manager of the State their guns at tha Uon. The trao tor IW IU H. O. Andrews, flight su- “ soon as they could ordtoari- Rtvistd UP-TO-DATE the details, expressed themselves aa Theater, who very ably performed waa shot to places and the lion ae- ^rtoUndent ter TWA at Son Fran- My be obtained by U i r a w ^ S beUevtog that the fountain work U First Congregational church the dutiee of -Master of Ceremonies. untouched. Later, it cUoo Airport, and Mike DooUn. su-1 o ' aallor. the proper duty o f the Park Board. of South Windsor and tha Wapplng He introduced an entertainer who UUed by one native who Induced parlntendent of San Frandseo Air- F o d e ^ agents reported finding In Community church wUl eslebrate Bang and gave comic tmltatlona. w Uon to jump upon hla spear port poseeMlon o f Johanna Hoffman. 36 AM again mov«d to refer ths ques- lent to various w m , begintog ■with tlott to Mr. Murphey, asking for l e John Reltemeyer, Department which waa braced agatoat the o n e rt three persona held tor al- FREE a union aervlef on Thursday svening, ffround.' • NEW ILLUSTRATIONS reoonsidefation, and Inclusloo In March 3, to the Etouth Windsor Con- Americanism chairman of the Le- totter Park Board expenses. gregational church at 7:30 p. m. gion, gave an addreae to whloh he were veiy happy to BRITAIN TO STEND W ertog II.OOO for InformaUon on In a letter received by the Board Dr. Rockwell Hannon Potter, dean urged widespread education to their nakedness, knowing no reason ^ «lreraft carriers Yorktown TALKING MOVIES of Selectmen from Arthur H. lUlng of .the Hartford Seminary, wlU be Americanism. He quotes Dr. Ben- f « elothtog. Busy-body mlaslon- and laiterprise. • NEW AUTHORS relaUve to use of a w«at slda the guest speaker, and the choirs of jamin Franklin as saying that we arles obtained a decraa from Parlia- HALFBILUONON , btonnaUon PubUe achool room for meeting o f a Oirl the two churches ■wlU combtns. have a "Republic,—If you can keep ment clothing must be worn J«»14’^ lg h t ln g Shipe, an awthor- Soout troop there, Mr. im ng has ex- Bveryone is eordlsUy invited to at- It.” He satiT that to the past peo- toereafter; Mr. Mundy assembled ®‘ “ toh publication on the preaeed hlmsah aa favorable to the tend the service. ple have burled their own demoo- w r id a navias, davotea a poga to Tonight *'**.® ^!*" prssertbed a small AIRFORCE IN YEAR • NEW BINDING meeting of the fiteouia In a room in ^ L a rg e ly attended funeral aervlees raey, and olted Rumania as the » “ * • * * « ‘ Pw a M tba mtolmum ar- tha new veasela. Including photo- for Frank C. Hitchcock of Wapplng moat recent Instance. 'lYe Ruman- of the Yorktown, top and the EUde Ree, now occupied MS**®* bibthliig, and gava each (Osattnasd fram Fsgo Oaa) during the day- by ktode*Yarten were held at QiUsh’a FhnerM Home ian people have freely voted away ehlaf a pattern tor hla tribe. The ride vlaw drawtoga of the carriers to Mencheatar, Tuesday afternoon. showing Interna] conatrucUon and HoUister 8t. Sehool claaaes. The Girt Scouts bad pre- their democracy and now have a great market day waa to be the o f more than 1,800 pilots and 18,000 • LA TEST 1936 EVEN TS viously requesteu that the Board Rev. Harry 8. Martin Of South Wtod- provisional government. One o f the Upon that day, when the placement o f aU batteries •pr, also a former peator here, offll ether workers. allow them a meeting piece in their greatest enemies of democracy Is the naUves came to town, evtnr toeluded to a footnote that "only With th« CompUnifiiita of elated and the burial sendesa were "Expsaslon requlremsnts nsesi vlclnl^. Ignorance— Ignorance of the prob- woman and child wore ai ^•fibt o f the 13 five-inch anti-air- held at tha W a p ^ g cemetery. Mr. U te aequtoltion of 88 nsw air- craft ^ s apeclflrd for the york- The question o f providing a meet- lems of government, the speaker apron, sura enough, but It waa to dfomas, of which SO alraady are oc- Hitchcock leaves two sons. Charles nooently worn behlpd. town have been mounted eo far” Ifig p U m for ths girts was brought W. and Russell, of Wapplng, and a declared. Government is never cupied.” the air minister reported to the attention o f the Selectmen static, be said, and used Aristotle's and another telling o f “ serious me- depot squar e sister, Mrs. Martha Johnson, of During a severe season of I He Bseerted “reamUng wtU be chonlcfti defects" expected-to^ de- THE 6K£AT£ST £DUCATIONM hy Mkthlas Splses, w1^ as a mem- W ofceiter, Maas., arid three grand- iWQle as an Illustration. The con Jrbught; a nsUvs rain-mskar had substantially completed during the ber of tha Recreation oommlttee, sUtution and the BUI of Rights lay ooropIeUon o f the Yorktown and ehUdren. been^c^ectlM cattle as fsss, but financial yaar.” the Enterprtoe. bhd been eppioached by the Qtri Tha Ladles' gives us the freedom that we love. GARAGE BARG AIN £V£R OFFERED Aid society of but had produced no rain. M r The latest avtotlon yearbook—a Scout leader on the matter. A t the W a i^ g Community ' ^'uroh Jrii* l « t one who would scrap the Con- - - _ nunity Mundy was ordered to go out and digest of ths American aviation In- time ot the last meeting, Bfr. Splam meet at the home o f Mra.______EhnUy, „ B. stitution take a trip In fancy to arrest tha man. On the day the A PARADE OF STARS: NEVER SOLD FOR L£SS THAN told the Selectmen that after Inves- ASK MODIFICATION only a half dosen war- ^ llln a next A id a y afternoon, March Germany, where a Lutheran minis- man waa taken away tha tain fell tigating the request, he and the 4, et 3 o'clock. Robert Ooggart of ter was severly punished for pro- craft whose performance and 1. “FIMER McGEE AND MOLLY" - Everyont ha>liB •6952. THE ENTIRE SET FOR Recreation committee bad been un- m torrents, breaking the drought weight data are military lecreta. but Molly. " NOW Manchester will give a demonstra- claiming, "Christ is King!” Or go TOe tribesmen haUad Mr. Mundy aa able to get the edueetlonel authori- tion. to Russia, where an American . OF YATICAN PACT Plying Fortrreaea ties to grant permissRon for use o f A ll ladies o f ths Community church be Among them are the Army'e 2. "THE JUBILEE" — EficlUiif . . . EducfiUoasL THE FORMER PRICE OF ONE VO lU M E woman entered with a false paae- atiU holds. Magic? WeU, parhspa a school room. Spleas asked that of Wapplng are tovttsd to the World port and completely vanished for (Oeattnnefi from Paga Oae) •Flying Fortreaaee,” the Bell super* 8. “M,^qR BOWES AND HIS RADIO FAMILY" — 800 the Selectmen require ^ school Day of Prayer on Friday afUmoon. M^S^w****** *'***• **P«risnos, Mr. fightef designed as a cdmpanlon to asveral weeks, a prlaoner of tbs M urty has chosen ManchesUr for Behind the Studio Secnea. efflelals to provide the Girl Scouts March 4. 1938. at the South Metho- dread Russian secret police. “ Can ( friendly to Hitler and a member the giant bombers, the Army's a meettoar niaoe. his homa ”I Uve to MsaehasUr be- diet church In Manchester at 3:30 It happen here? No. Not If we re- of the Austrian government, might atratoephera plane and the Navy’s 4. "FIM ^ O M HELL" — Monsters of the Sen Cnucht r - Mr. Bung's letter, sent to the p. m, cause I like It," he declared. “There effect a compromise. Utest long-range patrol bombera. On Hook snd Line. ^ R e v. Douglas tain those amendments caUed the la something intangible about it—It Selectmen, states that at a meattog V. Maclean and the Bill of Rights.” He stated that la OUmt ProvbMM Other fighting craft have been ^ JctaM beti^ the School Rev. Chariee ■ "releaaed for export’’ —which means aS S U "- H a m p t o n we must preserve our rights snd WhHe It was a Naal day to PLB^ENOTE: Ai the lut minute we find thmt it ^ *$• **!*'••»*»■ commit, privileges. ., . * v v _ ■ , ------UUle tttUa— Blyria,^------. to— outeroUMr provtocaspiovtocas thara that an toterestafi power could sot tee last October, It was agreed that • utti* ifiora 0 moft ranv^mt for m utym i^ who wtah loi The South Windsor tax eolleetor, itaT toera atgaa o f o n ^ teu rga tai C h an - only obtain coraplata intonniUon on this show to stort it at 8:15 p TsT, ao wo are the on notice, the Recreation commit- Bphralm Cowiaa, la at the Town hall Comrade Raitmeyer explained and stick to the good old attifl!’* ceflor 8obusohnlgg*s popularity. such ptoqss from currant'fivtotlon A:' ii>'- tee could have uae o f the west side today. Wedaaaday. which is the last that the American I-egion program Ths Rev. Neill, on intimate friend From Innsbruck and Salzburg magazines, but could buy a sample fore chanifing the time accordingly.^ kindergarten rooms without further day for payment o f the Old A ge As- alma t o . educate young and old so o f Mr. Mundy, spoke very briefly came reports tha Fatherland Front' maciyns^d tear it apart to sm A (3ilfC£' Mf action being nsoessary. sistance taxes. He said payments that they can recognise the evUa ot In appreciation of his stories era entbualastically ware organising what makes It go. Children under 14 must be accompanied by their Mr. Spless* misunderstanding of are coming to slowly and there are dictatorship and ths virtues of fMmmander W. Henry Weir ex- patriotic dsmonstratlons for the Among the planes no longer con- parents. this agreemsnt Is said to bavebsen about 300 mote payments due. democracy. He concluded by as- tended greetings to all pressot He coming week. In Vienna thera waA sidered secret are the Martin bomb- rssponslbls for the holdup to gflvlng The regular monthW meeting of serting the determination of the Le- ?i*® commendatlor and a feminine rally to Bchuschnlgg the Girt Scouts a room for their the Sunday School Board, e^lch «gion that no dictatorship shall be with the “ Frauenschaft’' o f the nss. ‘ •to banquet committee, UFETIME usually meets on ITiursday evening, estabUabed here. consisting o f John G. Mahonav Front determined on a demonstra- A will be held on Friday evening at Rajah Ben All, oriental mystic, rtM rm a^ Leon C. Bradley. Christie tion March 4. They are to hear, 7:80 o’clock at the home o f Mias InezI: amazed the audience with unnatural rmong others. Fanny Starhsmberg, Burnham, to Pleasant! Valley. McCormick, CUfford Dolsen and BDRLEW IS APPROVED feats. Breathing through a glass David Thomas. mother o f the Faactot Prince Stor- hemberg, whose private array, the tube, be became a human gas jet, Captato B. P. Armstrong o f West ^ ^ W A L K R I G H T I N ! OPPORTUNITY belching fiame. He seemed to relish HarUord, State Treasurer of the Helmwehr, waa disbanded to 1088. BY LANDS COMMITTEE NO CHANGE n U A O fire and ate tha flames from flam- Starhemberg la now out of the Don t Let the Alterations Keep You f^om Saving at the Popular! ^ e r ic a n Legion and Disbursing country on hla honeymoon, but a ing torches. A burning cigar, rmt- O ffic e r ^ the Stote Fund attend^ Washington, March 3. — (A P ) — tog against hla nose, waa baionced movement la underway to reorgan- IN SETBACK LEAGUE Lieglon banquht last night as ize the Helmwehr membera aa a TTie Senate Public l einda oommlttee upon hla tongue. Somewhat unset- the guest o f BTamds B. Bray, wel- political unit to combat Nazi In- ^p roved today the nomination of tling for the audience, after a fine fare officer of the local Legion poet, TO EVERY REAOER There eras no change to the roads In Austria. OF Ebert K. Buriew aa first assistant dinner, was the Rajah’s final fea t ^ p ta in Armstrong waa Department SMretary o f the Interior department standing of the three leading teams A 40-watt light bulb was wrapped Commander of the Legion when the after nearly three monthsgaf contro- In the Manchester Firemen’s Set- In a towel and smashed by Carl local poet waa organized. He iz JOB TRAINING IN COLUCGB versy over hla promotion. back Tournament after last night’s Biratb. Ben A ll then circulated also a post National Vice Com- OPPOSED BY EDUCA’TOR POPULAR Buriew now is administrative ea- pUy, but Frank's team dropped among the spectators, dropping the mander of the Legion. ■i a ^ t to Interior Seeretery tekea. from fourth to fifth place. In the glass Into bis mouth and crunching The Legionnaires attending the Chicago — ( A * ) — Oofieges The nomination now goes to the pUy last night Ray Reid and Bob ■hould not attonapt to prepare per* entire Senate for action. ft with much guesto. This ~ ‘ was fol- M q u e t were enthused over the new EMgar were high scorers ascrirtog lowed by drinking H oM Sheridan as a place to which sons for speelflo jobs, says Dr. Rob- Buriew waa nominated PtesI 133 points between them and Little a tumber of water. to hold their annual affaire. Man- ert Maynard Hutchins, president of dent ROoaevelt last December to be and Porterfield were second high the University of Chicago. key man under Secretary lekes and George Henkel presented a group n e r Edward McKnlgbt of the Sher- ^ U i a score o f 134. A double sitting idan served a delicious turkey din- "The first responsibility o f the iUattrlj^atfr lEuantn^ •PPohitmeiit was wur be played next week. of songs after the style of Slngln' eollege to to help the student imder* MARKET 855 M A IN STREET Senator Pittman (D„ Nev.) The standing: Sam, and was heartily applauded. ner to the assembled membara and RUBINOW BUILDING guests and the service was par ex- stand the traditional wisdom of the Pittman brought out by quastlon- Buckland ...... iggp He waa aceqmpanled by a clarinet ceUsnt r ^ , not to prepare him for a job' ‘WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP m g loss of more than 330,000 to CCC Manchester Green ...... iS48 guitar and piano. He concluded by Dr. Hutchins said payrolls under the intorior depart Valvollne ...... 1837 singing ’’The Road to Mandalay” by “ A t present there to a great deal ment, evidence of wire tapping by ^onlala ...... igjjrequest The Texas planning board re- ports a new market for turkey of excitement about training peo- Interior Department Investigators, FrUOk ...... 1800Jimmie Farrand and his ' guitar feathers—for Upping arrows used ple for public service. Public life is By Special Arrangement With The Publishers Of This Encyclopedia and a long list of asserted Irregulari- TobacM G row ers...... 1799 broke loose with PubUc Enemy Thureday — SPECIALS— Thursday tlM to the Ickes agendas. Hose No. 1 ...... No. 1, "Bel M ir Blst Du Schoen,” .. “I? * 0**y CaWnet-membsr rspUsd Y an k ees...... 17S8' tbese problems Into the classroom.’’ that Buriew was -the most comps- 5®3™'A. a ...... 1768 tent and beet qualified member of my We Are Able To Make This Remarkable Offer staff." ...... IT48 Smoked SHOULDERS During the extended hearings K- Bmn at Saa Fm etom and registered a wind of 78 M. P. H. velocity. Tho new On Page 2 Of ■ ■ • : f ■ 1. O . O . F . bay bridge ahowod aiw ay of about 8 ft. at tho center PORK CHOPS from a true straight lino—not noticeable to tho oyo The HERALD but easily picked out zrlth aa engineer’s transit— t=’L\^r PORK ROASTS Gives You One Volume Of ^ .rt '•'j'-* Giv^ You One Volume Of * ^ V^> yet de^ite this seemingly great mevement the bridgu lb. EVERY DAY BINGO has a factor of safety that took>eare of this without PORK SAUSAGES The Regular Edition The DeLuxe Edition daaiage. SLICED BACON ______Thursday Night- Mutual Saviafu Banka, too, have a factor of safety ■hd their record for eecurity makes this mutual Games 2 $ c Savings Bank the place to keep your savingn. FRESH FISH For Lent A^TE, ie SWORDFISH SUCED FANCY «W »E , EIWIBTIIIII^ v -vvmtc'I P tutwir POLLOCK 4 ^ > SMELTS 25 Door Prizes The Savings Bank 2 S « »>• lunE-liJIE:UinE(-iifH rjl|^ «IR S 2S* 2 »>’ - 1 9 Odd FeUows ll«H of Manchester GRAPEFRUIT MANCHESTER EVENING HEPJULD, UANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH S, 198» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1982 Warren Granga at Warran. Maaa, on frU aj, March 4. Plaaa ara baiiig \erts Universities Bid MARBLE HOLDINGS made to charter a apodal bus to SOHSLASKI LEADS ROCKVILLE take the membera to'tbat place. Glass Backboards Crack, Cited for SeboMrahip >: For Sons of Rich Men CALLED WORTHLESS Tbaedora O. Metcalf, aon at Dr. and Mrs. H. V. R Metcalf of 19 COURT SCORERS Di Tourney O ff 45 Minutes IGH NIPS HARTFORD PUBUC IN TOURNEY OPENER. 36 TO m Grand avenua has bsen dtod for ax- ROU) SPECIAL TOWN calleaoa in aebolarshlp daring tbe stle Otty, M. 3^ March Sv—«per cent of thoaa between U and 11 The Ommecttcut Ihterscbolastlc ^ Tha basket were alao of tbe tat* attend colleges or universities. first semester of the session of YHCA^RLOOP u laaat IS, per cant—and Federal Board Roles That 1937-19SS at tha Massachusetts Col- Athletic Conference, adwnya a leader eat Uq>e with' a short, rigid mesh and "Only the most unrealistic opti- MEEI1NG TONIGHT to modernism and pmgr^lveneaa, 1 80 per cent—of the etudenU lege of Phannscy to Boston, Msss. a lever arrangement at the bottom mist,” said Dr. Conant, “would be- Senator Berry’s Claims His name appears on a special installed the new-famgled glaaa ' advanced work in American lieve that the accidental Interplay Dean’s list of honor students. backboards for the Class A play- that caused three red ^hta to flash \Favorites WM Rec Rcsolqtions On Town Aid To Rjeserves Feature Clash dUea ihoald be suppiaated by of social and economic forcea has Star Of $L Jok’t TaSes downs at the New Raven Arena but when the-ball went through the Tussles Aanomwe Engagement L talMited youtha adio can’t af- reaulted in the selection of the right Hare Not Been Jnstilied. Be Voted On Tonight; Aiso Mr. and Mrs. Hmry Aberle of bad to remove them pronto when a hoop. The crowd took the delay ^to so to ooUece, Preal bald the American Aaeoctatlon to increase the numbir of students thma are to be presented to the Davis avenue. Ihm A Ol Ea|let Facet minutes took plseo as tha regular game, however, didn’t start imtil ilD ’S DOWN MORIARnS Admlnlatratora that leaa at unlveral ica, but merely wanted —Marble holdings of U. 8. Senator voters of the town of Vernon at the backboards were put bock. almost 8 ISO, the Manchester-Hsrt- « per cent of America!^ to bring about better selection. George L Berry and ssoociatea in special Town meeting to be beld The clear, transparent glaea was ford clash wasn’t ov4r until 11 HARVARD CHANCES * Opalach Sprains Ankle THEINDIANSyS-O have Incomee of 15,000 a Homer P. Rainey of Washington, the ’TVA'i Norris Dam area—valued thie evening in the Town Hall at Intermediatet. installed to the afternoon and there o’clock and the Hartford Bulkeley- was no o^rtunlty to test its dur- IN FEATURE BY 26 TO 17 Into State Cage Finals or more, and coaiwquently D. C., director of the American by them at "more than (0,000,000’' 7:30 o’clock. Naugatuck finale lasted until after Stanley Opalach, former Man- Youth Commission of the American —have been adjusted by a three- Reeolutlon No. 1. Be It Received SAYS GOVERNMENT ability. TOe Meriden and Torrlng- midnight, 12:15 to be exact. ttea are bidding againat each ton players, meeting to the first chester High cage star who has tor their children, whUc Council on Educatloh, urged teach- member Federal commission That We, the legal voters of tbe Sumislaski of St. Johns captured Tbe red llgbls evidently weren’t Dartmontk Sve^ Of Tie For Town of Vernon, In town meeting game, took the floor for practice, hooked up properly or aomethtog been playing a whale of a lot of Springfield Dropi Farther ’ youngatera of poorer faml* ers to be alert in teaching children “ocmmerclally worthless.” scoring honors to the first round of aimed, a few shots at the basket, [jTrm i DMon’t By 45-32 | League Standing laa opportuniUea that might to ^predate Democracy. A report slgne< last night by the assembled this Second day of SLOWS DP TRADE because they flashed on whenever forward for tbe PoUah-Amaricana Chrkenen Trai 12-8 At First Qnirter Bot Seconds Fhik March 1938, hereby authorlu the the .TMCA Senior League, while and preeto! cracki galore appeared the ball hit the basket rim soU d^' Cage Tide A i Uons Gam ba theirs. “Since Democracy la so much on ,comml^oners will be filed in U. 8. in the surface of the glass and chips W. U Pet during the past two years, suffered Into Cellar With Sfim Play trial today," ha said, “our ciUsen-' "bistrict Court aa a part of the Selectmen to enter into an Agree- Derrick of the Eagles achieved the and aometlmes when the leather And Olson’i Edge Reim’s, Ocaiant Aiu Uiere was only ment in the name of and on behalf same feat to the TMCA Interme- fell to the floor. The glass was went, through the hoop the tight! PoUsb-Amarks ...... 3 0 umu severe sprain of hia right ankle Brilliiiitly To Gaia Batftin»Leid 01 23-15, Una tway to provide university edu- ship training needs to find a way to ’TVA's suit to condemn the leases. evidently weal-ened when the bas- remained on, making It all very, Olson’s ...... 3 0 1.000 58 To 34 Triimph. in tha eloatog minute of play preserve Democracy. If we were to 'The commission said: of the Town of Vernon with the Vermont Member Of Advis- diate League, according to figures off Prospects. tor the promising youths Highway Commissioner for the ex- announced by the Y today. Sumla- kets were screwed bn. very confusing. 35"30,To Remain Tied Morlarty B ros...... 1 1 AOU againat tha Naw Britain Holy Stave Off Closing Drive Of Rivals h Mediocre Tih; Ga- debarred by economic and follow the logic of events today It “We are unable to conclude from penditure of so much as la necea^ laskl turned to a total of 121 potou YD Servloa ...... 1 1 AOU Crosa here Sunday and may ba on lie factors” and that is by would be easy to conclude that the the record and the physical facts sary of the unexpended ’Town Aid DUIon’s ...... 0 a AOO Naw York. March 2.—(AP) — tha sidelines for the rest of the sea- ory Conned Says Unwise or 49 field goals and 28 foult. Der- For First Phee h Second son, it waa learned today. DOS subsidy—large scholar- situation in the world has already that the properties are of value.' funds available to the Town of Pavelack • a a e • 8 3 R®nn 8 saesaaaaaaoaa 0 a AOU By ASSOCIATED PBB88 rick tallied 9C points on 89 twin- OotumMa’s rough and raady quintat. Tha dlmtouUva Opalach, a var- veflo, EnieSqnatrilo, Brava Aad Morphy Featore. er jpportanitles for earning gone beyond the point where educa' Senator ^ rry , in Waahlngton, Vernon, for the construction, recoo- pointers and 17 free tries. Wilkie ...... 2 1 Tha sooond place dubs o( tha In- tion or training can save our could not be reached fpr a state- pantstant dlat irbera of tha paaca to itabla buzx-aaw on the chalked amount, ol nxiney." atniete^ improvement or mainten- Taxes Are Also To Blame. Murray of tbe South Methodists Hill ...... 0 1 Week Of Last Round. taraaUooal-Amarican hockey laagua observed that 68 per cent of Democracy. I hope, however, that ment. Neither did his attorneys com- ance of highways, sections of high- Pulford ...... 3 0 Sport Chatter tha aastan totarooUagiaU baaket- court and one of tha PA'a leading pessimistic view is not well found- waa runner-up to Sumislaski with scorers, will ba laid up for at least are tha hsadUnen thla weak. Manchester High defeated Hartford Public in the 'yoOngsters between 14 and 17 ment. ways, bridges or structures incidra- M points and Flah, a teammate, was baU laagua, may not ha going any Hartford Public in the preliminary ' High sdiool, but only 11 ed.’' TVA Chairman A. E. Morgan wiu tsl to highways and bridges or tbe tefi d a y s ^ d hla pbyslelBa adviaaa Pittsburgh’s Hornets took tbs round of the state basketball Washington. March 2—(AP) third with 71. Gnyb of the ’ngera 92 70 171 Tha (avoritaa smargad triumphant "Do it for Koqri" ’Htot's tha plhca, hut tt Is making things him a ^ n s t playing again thla aaa- championships at the New Haven not available for comment and Di- Improvement thereof. A member of the Buatoeaa Advisory TIgen war-cry that apiarad MaaebaaUr awfuUy tough for tha UUa eon- top spot last night with a S-Q vie- Arena Im I night and thereby’ marched into the Class A tourney rector David E. Llllentha] said he Also for the rental of equipment waa second to Derrick with 88 to tbe Rec Senior League’s second High’s cage stalwarts on to victory son. While the Amarks have Council told tbe Senate Unemploy- points and SouthergUl ot tha Basies P. B. By ASSOCIATED PRESS tandsrs. his rstervaa to taka Stan’s place, toiy over the Bpringflald IndUM pn^r wit^h titlee prospects brightened by the expected return would withhold discussion \mttl he and purchase of materials to be ment committee today that the pro- Grayb ...... 15 36 Baton Rouge, La.—With few, if wsak of play to tha aacond round at over Hartford Public to tha atata Harvard brought Ita bast basket- that placed them temporarily out used in connection with W.PA. pub- waa third with 60. The BaglMShd tourney playdowas at tha New tis losa will undoubtedly ba fait aa of its forefootoBt player, Ed Kose. The“ score was 86 — to 84 — but BIG SEASON EXPECTED had read the report. liosed new tax on family corpora- SL Johns won mat round honors to Vtocek ...... 16 27 any, worries aa to who will play tha East Side Rac last night as the ball team in many a year into the ha Is a splendid floor worker and of reach of the third-place Syracuse STATE SAFETY The proof offered by the ’TVA, the lic road projects in the Town of iJons would be an “unwise" tax that Oibert ...... 11 20 what position on hla New York Haven Arana last night aa tha vet- Lions’ jtox-bourri gym last night the game ^as neither as close nor aa exciting as the flngj fig- Vernon. their respectiv' circuits. YD Sarvica rstnrned to tha winning eran canter. Us left anUa to a cast, posaaasas a world of ipaad. Ha Start. Tbe Provldanea Rada, ran- ures wouldl indicate. opinion said, was very “positive, would strike at owner management Wlershlckl • a 8 and left with a 08 to-84 teas to tha FOR PIGEON RACERS Resolution No. 2. Be It Resolved The Satota compiled the highest • • « 21 Giants, Bill Terry already to con- column with a 26 to 17 victory over made a brilliant forward mats for aara-up to Philadelphia to the east- clear and direct" that the holdings of small and medium sised flnaa, Bycholaki looked on from a scat to tha blaacb- ot > A n C p a a t . ’That We, tbe legal voters of the team total to the Senior League ...... 11 11 centrating upon the finer points of Horlarty Brotharr to tha feature ara... .Manchestar’s jday waj L4 ^ who thus whittled Harvard the stellar Bruno "Buck" Bycbol- am ascUou, gat an opportunity to Although :ad aacond u com-' >ARLEY0NAPRH4 could not be operated at a profit. It Ralph B. Flanders, Springfield, Davis ___ ...... 20 12 . He bad hla pitchers field- anebuntar of tha tripU bUl. Tha down to a triple tie for second place •kl. It is expected that husky Ed improve tbelr poslUon tonight at added that evldei ce presented by the Town of Vernon, in town meeting Vt, said the "bad condition" under- with 860 points, while the Tigers brilliant but it was tha dogged, pared to Hi ird’s 17th place to Preliminary Plans To Be Made assembled this. Second day of were highest to the Intermediate Sumislaski .... 10 13 ing bunts yesterday and practicing PA’S blasted out a 40-82 derision fighting kind that never gives up. with thamaalvea and Pannaylvanta. Kovis will replacs (Jpatacb at right Naw Haven’s axpenaa. tha. tourney Berry interests at the hearing last lying the buatoeaa receaalon was Rubacha . covering first base while the fljmt forward. Plttaburgb’a triumph gave tha :toga aa tha nault One Aw ay! At Gab Meeting To Be Held March 1638, hereby authorise the stagnant bank deposita, “built up to with 881 points aa compared to 821 ...... 17 13 over DUIon’s ana Olaon’a keptepi pace Harvard had boasted a fair of ita tmpre va aeaaon’a record of December was “In the main highly Selectmen to enter into an agree- for the winning Eagles. Zamaltis ...... 12 10 aacker bandied grounders roiling Witt tha Amarks to first place by chance of retching Dartmouth’s The PA’S, nesdtog only three Hornets a threa-potot edge over 10 wtoa and On Friday Night. speculative.” the msdn by government borrowing down the line. The fagulare missed Kosa, no leasee, Manchester And Other Oniyersities ment in the name of and on behalf and spending.’’ The scoring by teama follows: .... edging Renn’s, 30-80. , doubt about it, and that’s no ra- paoa aattara, but last night’s defeat more wins to clinch the State Po- Syracuse to tha western division waa the undci : a g a t o s t P ubl i c b e - ‘The question to be determined,” lish Laagus diadem, face one of race with the ntoa gamea to go for P. B. F. T. of the Town of Vernon with the The browned, partly bald manu- SENIOR LEAGUE 121 163 87 861 Schuatx, R^^akua and Salmonda flection on Brown’s play,...ha’i left tbe Otmaon wltn five wtoa and eauaa o f tha abaence of Kosa and 0 cats. T t The Manchester Racing Pigeon said tbe commissioners, "is not what New York—The Brooklyn Dodg- four losses agatost Dartmouth’s their leading rivala tomorrow night each and left them only four potota ...... 1 8-8 6 club plans for one of the best of Highway Cbmmlasloner, for the ex- facturer osaerted that the present Cobs paced tha YD iffenslva as the Barv- been doing a awall job stare Kosa Stanley Opalach tbe outcome regarded aa an up. 1 Groan, r t ...... 1 0-1 9 Aid CoDeget Aid h Ar- the properties might realise over a penditure of so much as la neces- P. B. ers’ first squad leaves today to open lea cagara gatoec a slender 14-13 was injured but the others seem sight and three. Th Indiana can be at tbs East Side Rac to Bt Adal- behind tha top-ranktog Clavalwd it by all tha darkemcn, the season’s pigeon races where the long period of years but it Is what “low rate of turnover on tbe highest the training camp at aearwator, bert’s of Tbompsonvllle, boldtri of Barons. 1 Scblaldge, If , . , .....1 3-4 4 club’s iroung- bird racing events get sary of the 1938 ’Town Aid Funds volume of bank depoalta this couto Katkaveck .... 10 33 margin by halftime and than aat a hampered by soma sort of a psy- tied for tha UUa if thay loss tbelr who turned a acrappy taam per- 9 H. Squatrito, If . . . . .0 1-3 1 a willing seller,, who did not have to for the construction, reconstruction, Holmes ... Fla. Four players,. Alta Ctohen, chological faeltog.,.. .they've play^ lone remaining league game to Har- second place to tbe League stand- difference In their play and they’ll Alfis Moore, who haa been doing formanee thal would net ba danlad. lu giiif The Conference. imder way this spring. Plans for try has ever aeen’^ could not be Sumislaski ...... 6 23 apaedy cUp to tbe closing half to ing. a great job to tbe Hornet goal, spent 8 Brown, 0 ...... 9 0-0 4 sell, and a willing buyer, who was improvement or maintenance of charged to buatoeaa. McDoweU ...... 12 10 (21yde Sukeforth, Walter Singer and win bandUy. Tierney and Ford fea- with Kose ao long that it just vard, but they cannot be beaten have to ba prepared for a stiff bat- Neitbar looked parttcularty the rscea will be made at a special Burke...... Jack Kimball will start from here. Tbe PA’a have six more games to a comtortabta evening after Pitts- 1 Gavall^ 0 ...... 4 3-7 10 meeting of club members at the not compelled to buy, would pay in highways and sections of highways, Grxyb . . . . . Geer ...... 16 13 tured for .Morlarty Brcthera, who doesn’t seem natural without Urn.. without a playoff. tle against the invaders tomorrow Impreaalva bu< Manchester’s superl- 4 Murphy, rm . . . . cash for tbe properties and leases It was caused, be said, by a wlde- play and an even break to these night aa the Etolnts have knocked burgh took* a 24 lead on goals by ...... 0 0-0 0 home A SMretary Peter Vendrlllo, bridges, or structures incidental to qiread unwillto^eas and fear to M. Rubacha Newbury ...... 4 7 as a result of the setback went in- Tha Lions rallied from a alow eilty V led, especially to the 9 B. Squatrito, rg 3-3 9 Tala UiitveTslty and other uni- aa of the date of taking." highways and bridges or the im- S t Petersburg, Fla__ There’s an Hopes are high that the high will aature them the coveted UUa. off the other contenders to Impres- Feta Kelly and Ken Doraty to the aeeoad quitarter arhen the local ra- . 0. *3 78 Alton street Friday night. invest by "taundrede of ttaousands of A. Rubacha Dancosa ...... 6 8 to a t|e with the winners for third tart to beat Hai-vard. Leading It shouldn’t ba difficult for the second period. Tbs Indians, whose 8 Taggart, Ig ...... 0 0-8 0 aad eoUeges of the state, Due to the breeding season the Chairman Morgan had testified at provement thereof. Hodean ...... 10 7 obvioua reason why Outfielder Jake place. scoring center will ba hack to action 22-14 at half time, they turned on sive fashion and rank second only serves ranil Oi^ch Johny Nawall'e 8 Wtoiler, Ig, rg tocUviduals’’ rather than “the fears Vtocek ...... Powell joined the New York Yank- America to gain that objecUve but j to the Pa ’s to strength ana all- prospects of making tbs playoffs ...... 1 0-9 9 departments and national and club will not conduct a pigeon show the hearing that be believed Berry Also for tbe rental of equipment or malevolence of a small financial Eggleston ...... 4 6 Tha P A 'i ware given Uttle treubJe when the tourney propar gets un- turn aeortog spreea of ten atraigbt rangy charges ragged to outscore and his associates purchased min- and purebaae of materiali to be Zamaltis ees’ squad several days before he derway next Wednesday.... the the lOM of C^alach may make some I around ability. still are within the realm of mathe- them by 10-8 and ^ o up the mar- acganisations, through their until after the spring races. Most group.” Davla ...... 7 7 Chapnum ...... 2 4 to disposing of DUlon’a hapless ar- points each to the second half to matical possibility but not mueb 19 13 10-30 M of the members’ birds are now eral and marble leases in the Nor- used in coimectlon with W.PA. pub- was due. Scaling 189, he la 14 cast vrill ba taken off hla ankle on Boi that lad to Ultimate 'victory. .tion with the Highway Safe- He added that the government’s Varrick ^...... 2 6 Oonlon . . . a a a a • T 4 pounds above normal weight ray, pUtog jp a 38-18 lead to tbe win going awaj. (>ptato Johnny more, again tried rookie Len PInke Hartford (94) on have miade possible batcblng.. Members have received ris Dam area with “intent to de- lic road projects in the Town of efforts to reduce Interest rates and Friday or Saturday but there’s still Hartford gained a 12-8 margin in 8 Diaehenke, rf . . Vernon. — — opening half and eaaUy staying to considerable doubt that he’ll be O’Brien and Tony Macloce of the to the nets with fair results. the opening quarter after the acore ...... 2 9-8 6 aeUeut’s first atate-arlde eon- their 10M American Union racing fraud the government." thus encourage investment, were 76 110 40 260 front until tbe final whistle. Obu- wtaimra were high, scorers with 21 Providence, now four points be- 1 Moade, K, If ...... 0 0-0 0 bands, numbered from 1 to 800. Tbe commlssloD did not touch on ’The voters will also be called 100 149 02 sou Orlando, Fla.—Manager Bucky ready to pUy as the ankle seems was tied three ttlmaa, than Increased iTCBee oa highway safety- to be balanced by certain ’'destructive Eaglea FIratea chowaki and Saverlck were tbe big and 16 potota each. hind the Philadelphia Ramblers, S Carptoo, If ...... 1 3-10 4 Local racers pigeons ara to be tbe authority’! charges of "bad upon to act uran the petition sign- policies” of government, chief of Harris of the Washington Senators certain to be weak after two weaka Its advantage to 10-10 to the eecond 0 WurObal, If, rg . Mid at New Haven, Monday, April ed by thirty legal voters of the P. B. P. B. set aside today for the first session guns of tha PA attack and Kovis to a cast....with Kosa his usual Penn meets the rejuvenated ons game to band. Tbe chances are period before the CSarka raaervea .....0 0-0 0 numberod aa follows: Vendrillo, 1 to faith", dwelling entirely i^th the which is its “unwise vacillating and Brown ...... 4 9 and Vojaok also featured, while An- Princeton team tonight to a game Meriden and Naugatuck the Reds will beat Naw Haven to- 4 Koadraek, e ...... 1 9-6 s Town of Vernon to see whether the Hemenway .. .. 6 17 of hla annual endeavor to teach self and the reserves clicktog, Msto- started to click in brilliant fashion I amMi|. national agencies contrib- 100; Gordon, 101 to 160; Miner, 201 matter of value of the leases. threatening policy" toward the uOU. Bland . . . . uight, as they have four Umaa to 1 Olaasman, o ...... 1 0-0 9 to 250; Gleaaon, 251 to 300; Kittk. Town will adopt voting machines SouthergUl .. .. 3 11 ...... 4 0 Monte Weaver how to conceal hla tonio and Muldoon were DUion chester will be mighty bard t(^ beat. which endangers, tbe Quakers’ place an'l swiftly mdred to tha front for wltb preaentatlona, exhibits 8enator Berry denied on the wit- ties. Tuttie ...... 3 0 standouta. to the triple tie for second. Prince- five previous attempU. That result 4 Oleakowica, rg . ..••.4 3-8 10- 801 to 840; MeCartan, 801 to 400; ness stand that be purchased leases In accordance with CHiapter 41, 1637 "Tile utilities policy baa abut off Yoat ...... 5 13 pitching delivery. Harris says a 98-10 edge rt halftime. 4 Roffera, I g ...... apaabers to the Connecticut Supplement to the (Seneral Statutes. Derrick ...... Galtoat ...... 4 4 Weaver’s habit of exposing his grip Tbe rajuvjiiatad Olson’s, surprise If West Haven, Brlatol and New ton provided one of the league's would leave them just a game apart Ftrrt Half Excllliig ...... 2 8-4 T Safety Conference are Carlson. 401 to 440; Klein, 601 to with intent to sue the government what has been calculated to be an .. 11 12 starting tbe final nine-game stretch. 020. ’Tboee joining the club will Tbe tax will be laid to pay tbe in- Daigle ...... 10 10 Caastoari ...... 8 4 on the ball cuts his effectiveness 80 vlctora over tha TD’a a few weeks London Bulkeley come through aa bigg^ upasto Monday night when Gain Tourney Victories Tbe first half sraa faat, exciting 90 Antomotlve Safety Foundation, for damages. He declared be had immediately available fund of at Cheney v...... 0 4 per cent It trampled Dartmouth. 11 12-96 94 be supplied with numbers above debtedneas and current expenses of loMt a billion dollars which would Psvelack ...... 4 7 ago, eonttouad their atollar play to expected tonight they’ll move into ant, wellw«u pio^vu,played, merkedsnvMCQ byuy (wgood u Highway Research Board, the been “robbed” by the Federal the Town of Vernon as per tbe Pearl ...... 1 3 turning back Rann’s to the night- tbe tourney propar along with Man- Pann Stats, ba,Utog for second passingtog aand n dshooting...... hr both teams Score By Periods 020 at Friday’s meeting. Full in- be glad to flow into Investment and Taggart ...... 2 6 ------^Awartean Automobile Association, agency. Sloan . . . . 2 cap. Olson's rifled out a 19-9 mar- chester, which will bring about the : against Wllby to the opener at 7:80 Manchsater 8 10 0 9—96 formation concerning the club mem- selectmen's budget adopted at the employment if reasonable safety Yankowskl ., .. 13 6 ___ _ 2 New Orleans—Oscar 'Vltt. Cleve- place in tha aaatern totarcolleglate srtth Manobaster abowug a apead Hartford ...... 9 9 10—94 the National Conservation Bureau, bership can be obtained from Presi- The commlsfllon, in addition to last annual Town Meeting. Genovese ...... 1 1 land’s new manager, aays he re- gin to tha first half and thon staved following pairings (unofficial and conference, meets Carnegie Tech to- I o’clock. Briatol’a third place team Racing Notes and fighting spirit that wore Hart- 12 the claims by Berry and aasoclates, were assured,” Flanders asserted. Donahue ...... 6 0 Silver City Oasts Torrington Score at halftime, 29-10, Man- the National Safety Council and dent Joseph Miner, or any member George C. Sebeets, Herbert F. Kosak ...... Frye ...... 2 0 gards fifth place aa an important off Rann’s repeated threats for a not guarantesd) for the second night to a conference game. A vic- agatost Bridgeport Central at 8:46 —— ——— ford to a fraszle and seemed due to the American Red Cross. State de- also rejected those of Judge E. Q. Unwise Taxes ., 1 3 round of preliminaries: Windham chester. Referees, Coogan and of the club. Krause and A. M. Burke, selectmen Grant ...... SuUlvan . . s a a a a 8 0 spot in the batting order and for five-point victory. Moorbousa and tory tonigh*. and another against ] o’clock and New London Bulkeley'a By ASSOdATEO PRESS turn the proceedings Into a rout nts participating Include the Stooksbury and others. have called the meeting. ‘'Beaidei this, there are the three .. 1 1 vs. Naugatuck, Tlsssiek vs. Msri- In Dull Game, 32-21; Class fourth place outfit agatost Derby, a Burning Star, four-yaar old geld- The eecond hglf, however, aaw the White. Time, eight minute quar- imwise forma of taxes: — — that reason the Indiana will present Ralmar faaturad for Olaon’a and Pittsburgh later to the week will tera. nt of Motor Vehicles, the Stooksbury said he would file an Servtoe' at First Lutheran 87 86 16 88 a new lineup for their exhibitions. Rann and Fred BlaseU starred for den, SHmford vs. Weaver and Cros- clinch the runner-up position for Class B entry to the nightcap at ing from the Bhandon farm, kwka rivale alow up eonetderably as ax- HlShway Department, the State appeal, which wculd be heard by a "The undistributed profits tax, 67 91 40 220 by vs. Middletown.... 10 o’clock with the first mentioned aa If he la to fine abape for Satur- caaalva travaUtog, poor parting and There will be a apeclal Ash Wed- which kills or bobbles American en- Oyvtts Vltt favors a left-handed heavy hit- the loacrs. state. B Entry Flashes Torrid ^Pc&ce Department, and the Depart three-Judge Federal Court. nesday service at 7:80 o’clock at tbe terprtaa; the capital gatoa tax ter for the spot and beUeves this TO In other games last night Gaorga team to each caae heavily favored day's clash with War Admiral to inaccurate ahooUng elonad up the : o f B d u c a t l o n . PASTOR ADVISED Members of the commlislon were P. B. Vie Abraltls waa again tha win- to emerge the victor. the Wldaner Challange Cup. Mak- action.. Than too, both raferaae. First Lutheran church. These Lent- which 'keeps venturesome money P. Vlttner .. .. 8 28 may salt for Earl Averlll, who bad B. F. T. Washington downed Loyola of Chi- OaBsacUcat organisations lending Leim O. Broughton, Jr„ 8. W. Dug- en services will be held every Wed- from use; and the new third baakH’ FORDHAM SUSPENDS batted third ever since he joined the Schuatx, If ...... a Aar of the ona^haB swasmatahaa at ing bto flrat start atoca laat Novem- Ooogan pnd White, called personals [Basket by Basket\ E. Morlarty . .. 0 19 4 10 Ckmran's allays last nlint with a cago, 44 to 99. and VlUanova Finish To Beat Hartford bar, the aon of Burning aetlvo support are the Oon- gan and Rush Htrong. nesday at the same hour. tax which strikes at owner manage^ club nine years ago. Raguakua, i f ...... 9 0 6 trampled Providence, 00 to 88. New Haven, March 2.-^(AP)— galore and Jimmy Murphy of Man- ut Stats Orange, the Manu- TO RESIGN POST Ormber ...... 21 16 total of 224 on stogis games of 70- ed third behind Palamede'and Cor- chester went out to the third quar- rm sr 4|Ca * ter School of Inatmctton ment of the small and medium sized RoaeU ...... (Siapman, i f ...... 0 0 0 Results tn the qualifying rounds Associatioo of CoonecU- Ellsworth Covell of Andover, the company, fosters absentee manage- .. 16 11 BRISTOL’S GURSKE Bnroute to Pasadena, Calif.—Tha 66-80, one point less than hia total Bulkeley, 39 To 32. of the CHaae A and Class C-D bas- Into to a mUe race at Hialeah Park ter and Kondrack, Olaakawlca and M. Morlarty . .. 21 11 Sheldon, 0 ...... 1 0 3 of last week---- Stanley PtilnsM , laoorporated, the Connecticut new deputy of Elast Central Pomona ment, and gives the prrterence to Chicago White Sox. their holdout Fraser, If ...... 0 I ketball tournaments of the Con- yesterday but he waa running Rogers followed him to tha showers Schleldfe, M. foul ...... 1 DISPECT 2,371 PLANTS Robinson ...... 7 9 1 1 waa runner-up with 77-72-72 for strongly at the flnleb. Tbs Wldenar to tbs fourth period. Thirty-nine Kondrack, H, foul ...... l ^ireaa o f Parents and Teachers, Grange has called a school of to the large company with its tens of ranks reduced to three by the sign- Salmonda, rg ...... 8 1 7 ; nectlcut foterscholsatlc Athletic ; 't)M Connecticut Cbsmber of Com- structlon for officers of the varloua Hines ...... 10 7 Soven Athletes Are Ruled In- 221, while Henry Cofek hit high Sports 'Roundup Cktnference, played here and at Is a mile and a quarter affair. personals were called to all, 16 on Kondrack, H, foul ...... i Board Named By Conrt thousanda of stockholders." ing of Catcher Luke Sewell, were — Hartford Public and Hartford units comprising East Central Curry .. 1 8 eligible For Playing Semi- stogie of 8 6 .... 'Hartford last night: Laat year Burning Star finished Maianeheater and 30 on Hartford. B iw n. M, abort tea s...... 8 ‘• MMfee^ the Connecticut Assoctatlon IN STATE IN 6 MONTHS "Up until a year ago, it was my on their way west today to open • 1 0 6 36 By EDDIE BRIETZ Bulkeley, co-boldera of the C?apltol ; 6( Chlafs of Police and the Benevo- Pomona Grange for this evening, persona] conviction that the un- — Pro Basketball. training drills at Pasadena, (Dallf., Oasa A, at New Haven. to the money to 17 of hla 20 atarta PnbUe Stops RaUy <3cle, M, lay up ...... s thioks It Would Fromote 89 Morlarty Joe Farr of tbe Charter Oak al- New York, March 2—(A P )- Feed City cage championship, were oust- Meriden 82, Torrington 21. and won 941.870. Tha laat Uma ha Far from through, Hartford came - lant and Protective Order of Elks, March 2 at 8 p. m. with the Elling- favorable sentiment which held 99 so 233 Thursday. The only unsigned Sox Duffy, n ...... 1 leys will conduct hla third sweep- Bchleldge, M. foul ...... 6 ton Grange at the Ellington Town So. Methodist 0 7 box apodal: Watch that Indian ed from the atata CHass A tourna- Manchester 36, Hartford Public claabed with tbe Admiral svaa to the bark after totermlssloa and slowly OleskeWlex, H, under hoop 6 VaiUd SUtes of Amdijea. back spending and investing was are Zeke Bonura, Rip Radcliff and C. Blrachard, r g ...... 0 0 0 stakes tomorrow night with cash football team next fall . . . If it Waahlngton Handicap at Laurel, to but eurely closed tbe gap on tha The Connecticut Motor Club, the Commissioner Tone Reports Hall. It la expected that State Mas- to be laid about equally at the door — P. B. New York, March 2.—(A P I - Sugar Cain. ment last night, the former by Man- 34. Oleakewiez, H, foul ...... o Harmony In The Chnrch. Ford, Ig ...... 3 0 4 prizes totaling (29___ (12 will ba doesn’t turn out to be one of the Naugatuck 89. Hartford Bulke- which he waa third, three and a Red and White regulars, wbo play- Hartford Automobile Club, the New That 1,33,'S Factories Lacked ter Tucker and other state offlcera of Industry and ffovemnient. Murray ...... 11 37 Seven Fordham athletes have been awarded for high triple, (8 for sec- chester High’s 36-34 triumph and Oleskewiez, H, foul ...... 6 will also attend. "Aa one citizen among many mil- Fish ...... 22 29 Pongrats, I g ...... o 0 0 .oountiy's Mg surpriaee, our dope la the latter by Naugatuck High’s ley 32. half lengtha back of the winner. He ei' bard and wall all the way but Haven Chamber of Commerce, the Adequate Safety Facilities. lopped off the eligibility list for Avalon, Cl^allf.—Charley Grimm Tierney, c ...... s 1 ond and (0 for third with (4 for gets into the Wldener with 117 seemed to lack tbe apark that fired Rogera, H, abort to e s ...... 6 New Haven Council of Boy Scouts Relief Corps to Meet llons, I have now come to the con- N. Smith ...... 20 23 ordered his Chicago (Tubs’ pitchers 7 wrong . . . (and gray haired Bo Class B boopstera, 38-32. Naugby, Class C?-D, at Uartford. Brown, M, under n oop...... 8 WilUmanUc, March 2—(AP) — An Impoi'tant meeting of the Bur- spring sports by -the university’s Fraher, rf ...... 1 0 3 high single-----winner of fourth McMiUin probably wlU want to Thomaston 48, Darien 29. pounds, 18 less than War Admiral. the reaervea. With Rogera, Dia- and the New Haven Cotmcll of Girl clusion that the full meaeure of G. Smith ...... 18 10 to "bear down” aa they finally got place will be given free adminlon beaten only once to 19 atarta during chenko and Carptoo pacing the at- Oleskewlex, H, short tide.. 6 ' Boouts are among other agencies 'The Rev. John M. Bqllan was ad- ps Woman’s Relief Corps will be responsibility must be laid at the Robinson ...... 7 12 office of disclpbne. practice under way after three days F. Blanchard, If . . . . 1 0 3 murder ua for Upping you off) . , . its regular season, turned to the Bloomfield 27, KllUngly 24. vised today by a board of arbiters Hartford, March 2.—Factory in- to the grand event at the end of so this la epring training! New New Milford 36, Madison 26 Despite the fact War Admiral la tack, the Newelluien outscored the Kondrack, H, unde hoop .. 8 spectors of the State Detriment of held this evening at eight o’clock to door of government for the state of Frazier...... 16 7 Tbe playjrs ruled ineligible to a of rain. Two more flingera. Bill Lee the weekly series.... most tmpreaalve performance of tha appointed by the Superior Court to the G.A.R. Hall. n^tod which induces us to hold onto 8 1 17 York World Telegram carries a pic- tripicbeader to coming from far be- New Canaan 41, Baybrook .31. a 8 to 5 favorite, 10 or 16 horaea are (3arkemen by 0-0 to tbe third quar- 8COONU (JUARTEB Institutions of higher learning Labor made 2,371 visits to manufac- Richmond . . . .. 3 4 statement yestcroa: were: and Tex Carleton, were due for the expected to parade for the 900,000 ter and trailed by only 38-34 at tha resign from the pastorate ol a Staf- Previous to the meeting there will our money. second real drill today. ture layout fhowlng Hank Green- hind with a wblriwtod, breath-tak- Stafford 42. Berlin 25. GaveUo, M, ahbri twist ...,1 0 giving their support, in addition to ford Springs church “for the .sake ol turing and mechanical establish- Vennard ...... 6 3 Joe Woltkoakl, football halfback AI Getz la slated to face Roy Wldener Challenge Cup at Hialeah whistle. Rogera, H, foul ...... lO Tale University, are Wesleyan Unl- be officers’ drill practice at 7: It, p. The governmental attitude Is Chimmlnga . , P, A. A. OL Dunn, 216-pound grappler from Am- berg dlsporUug on the beach with ing finish that caused Bulkeley to 1 promoting harmony” in a congrega- ments throughout Connecticut dur- m. All officers are urged to be pres- .. 3 0 and captain and right fleldei of the KOVlSy •eeoaeseeese 8 0 6 an eye-flUtog cuUe; Dizzy Dean Park Saturday. Other likely start- Both teams raced up and down Oirtkewlos, H, under hoop.. 10 varsity. Trinity College, Connecticut ing' the last six months of 1937. wrong to many respects, but moat — fv. baseball team; John Dnue, regular Tampa, Fla.—BUI McKechnie arillo, Texas, tn a SO-minute time fade to the closing minutes of play. tion which three times had sought ent. The committee to charge of wrong it would seem to this—that Oryk, If ...... 1 u 7 puffing a clj^retto and awtogtog a Meriden eliminated Torrington In era Include, Burning Star, Thoreon, the floor In deeperate forays on the Wtosler, M, undei hoop ...13 State College and Connecticut Col- to dismiss him only to have him re- Commissioner Joseph M. Tone 108 ISO 40 305 first basemzn and captain of last thinks be has found the answer to limit match at Foot Guard hall to Infantry, Caballero 2nd, War Min- basket to tbe final period. Ernie the soclale and ausper for the month these rapidly devised and ingenloua- hia relief retching problem to Bill Sa'verlck, rt ...... 4 0 8 Hartford tomorrow night... .Danno maabie and AJ Simmons doing the opening game of tbe evening, Last Night s Fights E. Squatrito, M, f o u l...... lb lage. fuse to quit the pulpit stated today. of March Includes Mrs. Eliza Ekulie, Celtics year’s football,team; A1 Qurske, strel, Mucho Gusto, Columbiana, Squatrito sped under tbe ooop to B. Squatrito, M, fou l ...... 14 The Harvard University Bureau ’The Commissioner said that aa a ly conceived expedients, such as the Hershberger. After watching the Mordavald, rt...... 1 0 7 O’Mahoney of Ireland. former Greenberg on another beach . . 32-21, as both teams turned to me- mrtte It 30-24 but Rogers converted Tbe arbiters, appointed by Judge chairman; Mra. Susan Bateman. various types of taxes already dee- P. B. pitcher and football halfback; Ed Obuehowaid, c ...... 0 4 14 pretty aoft, eh? . . . and up here the diocre performances and contributed Ck)rtato, No Sir. Court Scandal, Tat- E. Squatrito, M. under hoop. In For Street Traffic Research is also result of the Inspections, 1,330 or- 8. HUtoskl .. .. 12 27 Franco, All-America taclhc, and big California lad work out behind world’s champ, meeta. AI Mercler of terdemalion, Two Bob, Brush Hook, free try and sank a long-pirn to Robert L. Munger after the Slovak Mrs. Helen Friedrich, Mrs. Florence crib^, are ail aimed at trying to Haraburda, Ig ...... i 0 3 Springfield In the feature event but wind knocks your ears off. a dull, listless encounter, Meriden By ASSOCIATED PRESS Gavello, M, short toss .... 18 parUcipating. Evangelical Lutheran Holy Trinity ders were sent to employers whose Plummer, Mrs. Anna Bllson, Mrs. Archlvy ...... 13 21 Felix Gangeml, Joseph GranakI, and tbe plate, the Cincinnati manager Piccolo, Zevson and Oyral. cut Manebester’a lead to half. ’Tben plants lacked adequate facilities. ‘get’ somebody or some group." said he would be started tn the BrosowaU, Ig ...... 1 0 2 the main attraction la the appear- led all the way and waa never sari- Elmo ‘‘Red’’ Gavello, shining light Gavello, M. foul ...... 19 Augsberg Confession, Inc., sought Mary CTbampagne, Mra. Hattie Anderson ...... 6 18 Emil Dul, alao football players.- Vojack, rg ...... 8 ance of Princess Baba, daughter of News: Slxto Escobar’s next start oualy threatened by Torrington, B. Squatrito, U, long shot..31 an Injunction against the pastor, an- Five hundred and thirty of them Reid ...... 4 16 grapefruit league gomes. 0 6 St. Loula—Buddy Knox, 190(4 A, Q. Tarn, Canac (Canadian sportsman, of the locals, pivoted at the Gruupner, Mra. Nellie Willia, Mrs. Tbe action waa taken when It was Bycholaki, r g ...... 1 1 8 the White Rajah of Caraw^, Bor- will ba againat K. O. Morgan long on fight but short on ability. Dayton, O., outpointed Domenlc Green, M, abort s i d e ...... 38 nounced their decision after a concerned safeguards for machin- Bertha Abbott, Mrs. Harvey (Ran- Buaky ...... 16 10 called to the attention of the The Hartford-Manchester fracas ha.-, bolstered h ls ^ lble ._ with___ the ad- circle and scored and a moment 349 DEER KILLED ery, while 118 orders were issued to Biloxi, Miss—The belated arrival • neo. who recently married Bob Detroit. . . Peter Hay, veteran pro Ceccarelll, 178(4, Italy (10). dltlon of the three-year-old Wlaa later raced under the hoop for an- THIRD QUARTER. lengthy meeting here last night dall. ZONE BOARD TO STUDY Donabue ...... 12 10 authorities tha. the seven, calling Oregoiy, light heavyweight mat waa a bit more Interesting but It ’They said they would recommend clean or repair workrooms. of two PhllUea’ regulars, George 20 0 40 at tha Swanky Dei Monte course to Los Angeles—Lou Nova. 198, Fox, a son of Gallant Fox which he other tally to booat the Clarkemen’s Kondrack, H, foul ...... 23 Orders to Improve sanitary facili- ObnservatloD Program W. Htllnski .. .. 6 9 themselves the “Fordham All Stara” DUtafa champion of England.. . .the prin California bae introduced a course was the nightcap^tbat fumtahed that the pastor’s resignation be ef- The first of a series of Ctonaerva- Antonio ...... 0 4 (Shagger) Scbareln and Hershcl all the fireworks and kept the crowd Oakland, Caltf., outpointed Lee purchased from WUllam Woodwaro margto to 84-37. too, H, under/hoop ...38 IN STATE IN YEAR ties totalled 172, he revealed. ’The bad played Ir. a baaketball game, Martin haa brought the club’a list of Olson, rg . case wOI present an attractive lov' to aodal culture for the eaddiea and Ramage, 190, Ban Diego, Calif. at Hialeah Park. Wlae Fox is aUgl- Lrta than four mtoutea remained fective May 1, 1638, that his salary tloD Program conferences is being MAPS OF STRUCTURES Chister ...... 1 3 presumably for compensation at tog cup to one of the lucky ladiea of more than 2,000 fans to their Bchleldge, M, a^ert toaa . .30 be paid up to that time, and that he remainder concerned Ihstallatlon of beld at Hebron today under the players to 35, the largest to years. Carpenter, rg it’a going over big . . . some of the ( 10). ble for many of the rich three-year- when Rogera again converted a foul Cole, M, foul ...... 26 emergency kits, seats for female Conran . . . ^. .. 4 3 Plainfield, N. J., cn February 11. attending the matebea.... bag totem who formerly q>oke Beats until well after midnight. be permitted to occupy the parson- auspices of the Tolland Ooimty — Jimmy Wilson haa two players for Werner, Ig . . Bulkeley rifled out a wide margin SeatUo—AI Hoatak, 166(i, Seat- old stakes, including the Kentucky shot and DIaebanka made tha red Cole. U, foul ...... 27 workers, heating, ventilation and To Meet Tonight With Engi- The office declined to state every position for the first time Morlarty, Ig . moeUy profanity now are going to tle, stopped "Swede Berglund, 168, Derby. light twinkle with a short aat teas PtoUfic Herds Are Becoming A age until the close of the school Farm Bureau. Other conferencea 76 121 85 277 whether Qranakl, tbe only man not Fordham'a two-mUe relay team, to the flrat three periods and Diachenko, H, f e u i ...... 27 year In June. fire escapes. Plants Inspected had for the week will be beld to the, neer To Study Charts That since he became manager. Antonio, e .. for real EngUah . . . Davey Day, the seemed to have the proceedings Ban Diego, Calif., (2). from the aide, (javello and Harry Dtsebanko, H, foul ...... 27 Problem, State Fish And 157,102 male and 77,259 female Highland Park a senior to the group, would be of which George “Jigge" Leary is a Chicago lightweight star. wUl make Squatrito added two points from tha Both Mr. Bellan, who fought tha Selectmen’s room, Columbia, on Have Aiready BNn Prepared McAdams, Tt member, wUl md for the tw^mtle well in hand aa tha rivals entered Btoghamtoo, N. Y.—Tony Rock, Lawrto and Stagehand, wlnnara Cole, M, foul ...... 28 Game Board Reports. ouster attempts both on the workers on their payrolls. Thursday, March 3 and at Ctook's P. B. F. T. eleglble to plav football next fall or Lake (Tharles, La.—Connie Mack Johnston, rt . headquarten here from now oa . 147, Scranton, Pa., knocked out respectively of the Flamingo and ccmpUmentaiy line. Olassman let Bently ...... 7 19 relay title to tbe K24-A track and the final quarter but Naugby’s fast Oleakewiez, H. aide set ...38 grounds he was -not guilty of Inspectors made 18 arrests dur- store at Andover. Friday, March 4. to expand the etatement to any way. haa high bopet for Dario Lodigiani, Muldoon, If . . ha’s challenge Lou Amben at Fri- stepping terriers staged a slszllng Bruno Tretter, 147, New York, (3) Santa Anita Derby, sriU not join the loose from mtdfloor and Dtaehenka ing that period. Nine were for NIchoU...... 10 ' 16 The loss of Woitkoski, Druze and field meet thla Baturday night . da/a boxing oommiaeion meeting fanka of American triple crown pivoted for another two-pointer, Carptoe, H, fort ...... 28 Hartford, March 2—Connecticut’s charges preferred against him and A supervisor will be at these The Zoning Oommisslonera arllJ second baseman for wbom the Phil- Francta Slater, who surprised by rally that provided a biasing finish Coral Gables, Fla.—Ben Brown, Q(rptoe, H, foul ...... 38 that he had been given a life con- working women longer than the law lacea from ten in the morning un- meet tonight to the Municipal Build- S. Anderaon , .. 2C 11 Gurske, is a serious blow to the adelphia Athletire gave Oakland 10 . . . Art Winch, one of Barney to the battle and stamped the vic- 164, Atlanta, outpointed AI Dia- wtonen. Neitber to enable for tha making It 86-84 with less th u a proUfic herds of deer are becoming allows and three for employing chil- A. Anderaon . .. 17 8 Rams’ baseball hopes. Gurske’a fast wtontog the l,000.metcri In tha na- Ross’s maaagen, aays Loula and Belmont sUkae. Both, however, wlU nJnute to go. Then Manchester FOURTH QUARTER • a problem for the State Board ol tract when he came to the church Sit eight in the evening 'to aesist in ing to complete the layout of the five players and cosh. After watch- tional AAU most laat Saturday, tors aa one of the leading title mond. 160, PaUrson, N. J„ (10). E. Squatrito, U. under hoop.30 in 1930, and the congregation previ- dren under 10 years of age. One em- working out the conservation Prac- Backus ...... 0 8 ball haa attracted big league scouts, ing Dario belt a few. Mack conced- Thomaa will bo a aeU-out to Cbl be pointed for the Kentucky Derby worked thebaO down the floor with Flatsiies and Game. plt^r waa arrested for distributing various sone olossea which will be Olsea'B Wesley WaUaea and Joaaidi Fay threats. Naw York—AI Reid, 126(4, New Rcgara, H. foul ...... 80 ously had agreed to abide by the ar- tice for next year. 'This la the first Fraser ...... 6 0 while Druze and Woitkoski were ed "he’s got a lot of power." Ralmor, If . cago. Tonight’s acbodulas sends West York, and Mike BellMae, ,127(4, and Preaknaaa. abort, nappy paaaaa and beld tea . Although the state has had no homework without a permit made to Manchester; Since the first are the other members of the taam, leather agrtast Hartford’s desperate Rogers, H, long p o p ...... SO bitration board’s decision. of two opportunities for the farmers of the year. Zoning Engineer F. Arner .. 12 7 dependable veterana Ralmer, V ... which la capable of 7:60 or bet- Fresh from Dlxla: Bin Terry aays Haven’s top ranking quintet Naw York, drew, (8). ' open season on deer since the past The board,headed by the Rev. B. "In the main", Mr. Tone said, “we tn tbe localitlea to enroll in the Robinson ...... 2 6 ' Franco, a eecond-atrtog catcher Bradenton, Fla.—(Taaey Stengel, the naw baU park at Baton Rouge attempts to take it an'ay. Just Gavello, M, short twist ...33 aiBtuiy, 349 of the animals were find that emploj^rs are complying Perry C3oae naa been working un- Keanay, r f . . . tor . . . whan Hartford got It, the final Gavello, M, under hoop . . . .84 ' B. Styrlng, an Episcopal rector here, 1938 Agricultural Conservation der the direction of the Commlaalon, Porterfield ., .. 1 ' 4 for two years, recently accepted optimistic after the Boston Bees’ , Vennart, rf . . . la tha bast the Jtota ha'va trained AIHERKS ALMOST SURE killed last year, the Board with our orders. ’Their co-operation Program- Keith ...... whistle blew and Manchester had Rogera, H, foul ...... 84 aonneed today. and Including two other clergymen preparing charts and maps of the .. 6 2 coaching posltlci. at S t Michael’s first workouts, gave the pitchers a Mooriiouae, o . Leary ran a quartor-mUe to fifty to atoce ha jobisd the dub 10 yean and two laymen, said It had been la necessary If we are to make Ojn- Farmers who do not file their In- Adama ...... 10 0 High school. Union City, N. J., and rest today and planned to step into ago . . . tbs Reda have no lass than hurdled Ita first obstacle to tha Dlachanko, H, aide s e t ...... 34 Ighty-alx deer were killed in nectlcut a better place for working town on which are ahuam to colors Salmonaon, Ig seconda flat to the AAU meet but OF HOCKEY PUYOFFS coveted state diadem. unable to find any substantiation for tended practices before July 1, Custer ...... 0 1 had decided not to play ball this the box himself to give hla hurlen Fordham faUed to earn a placa to 00 players tuning up at Tampa . Gavello, M, foul ...... SO oeUlMons with automobiles. Twenty the charges made against the pas- men and women." either at a meeting similar to 4hese the different uaca to which struc- — _ tbelr batting practice. Jolly, Ig ...... Eddie Ragaskas to Play No Traea of Jitters H. Squatrito, M, fou l ...... 86 ’The Commissioner pointed out tures here are put. Hieae 'maps, spring. Hedliind. rg . . the rela]re . . ‘ . Leary alao was en. every baU player to Florida la puil- otts died In other accidents, five tor. or at the Farm Bureau office to "We haven’t a single shirker to tog for Joo Medwlck to gat the Manchester, for the most part, Olaasman, H, long pop ...... 36 wars struck by railroad trains, 19 that the Department is enforcing completed, were submitted to the 91 87 28 202 tored to tbe 1,000 meter trials to the By ASSOCIATED PRESS passed the ball around swiftly and "We did not find that the Rev. Rockville, will not be considered as camp,” said Stengel after drUl. “If afternoon but found tha distance 920,000 ha is demanding from the Say what you Uka about Boaton'a Dtachenko, H, pivot shot ..86 raoeumbed to attacks by dogs, 26 J(*n M. Bellan has conducted him- strictly the new Bedding and Up- enrolled In tbe 16M program and Zoning ClommLaloners on Monday, 17 80 smoothly and conoentrated Its faat holstery Law which went into effect INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE spirit can do tbe trick, then the too much for him and wna forced Cards . . . Joa la getting a Mt tem- For The New York Giants latest wtonlim streak, which 1 dear found Injured were destroyed self In a manner unbecoming to the consequently will not be eligible to and since then, some of the xones PONZI ONLY EX-CHAMP Bees wlU finish to the first divi- feunt breaking attack on aooring from and the same number were found on July 1, 1937. Stamps sold for have already been eetabllabed. Eagles Zwlck, rg to quit on tbe last 'When ba w peramental . . . ba went out to see carried the Brutoa through nine close quartera. whUe HarUord’a ball game. Also featuring was Brala high office of pastor and teacher", receive benefits under the program. P. B. sion.’’ In-third place . . . George 'waa the Tanka train at St. Pete, but Eddie Raguakua, for several yaars games with nothing worse than a Squatrito, who made the moat aen- fiaad from unknown causes, 39 were a formal statement said. each mattress and piece of uphol- AnBounoe Marriage Charles W. Holman, chairman of F. T. F. BlaseU, Ig one of Maucheatet's outetandtog bandltog waa looaa and spotty and stery and fees for permits to oper- Derrick ...... 13 39 17— 95 half-mUe. star at Manchester High when 10:45 came around and nzry atogla Ue, It’a the New York Amer. much of ita shooting waa done from sational shot of the night, a one- klUsd illegally. "We cannot find that he has prop- Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A. Spiel- the Ctommiselon. said today that TO ANNEX CUE MATCH Nelson, e . . . . and feels he ought to atlck to that a baU plajrer bad ebowad, Joe hit baaeball playem ae a flrat baseman, leans who fire furniahtog the big Rural landowners, however, ac- agated doctrines foreign to the ate ateriUzatlon plants total (18,- man of Longview,. Ellington, an- after the xqntog of tbe town haa SouthergUl . . . . 10 20 10— 60 KILLED BY EXPLOSION. E. BlaseU. i f . . long range. In contrast to other hand flip from far out beyond the 440.00 for tbe six months’ collec- Pavelack ...... '12 20 6— 06 distance . . . the grit for tbe golf course . . . he haa received a contract from the news to tha foul circle, and waa right to tha counted for the largest numl^r of teachings of the church in question, nounce the marriage of their daugh- been completed the Oommlssloa will Renn, I f ...... New York Giants ' at tbe National Maachaater showed no trace ttOD. Taggart .~...... 16 18 11— 47 won’t wait eVen for royalty . these days. of narvoiOnaai or jitters but went thick of thtoga throughout. These dasr, BOcording to the Board. Farm- nor that In his preachings be de- ter, Beatrice Imie to Harold Wil- advertise the layout, and then will New York, .March 2^(A P)—A Amarillo, Tex., March 2.^(AP)— The new Indoor “citizen’s record" League and to all probabllUy wiu Tha Americans accompUahad two ana reported abooUng a total of 127 graded the Word of God. nor that he •"rhere Is no appropriation”, he liam Lyons, son of Mrs. Catherine Koaak ...... 8 16 6— 38 Louis A. Keck, 02, died last night, Oacar Vltt has laid down tha law about Its teak to a thorough, work- boys looked beat but every member explained, "for enforcement of the convene for public hearings at which wide open battle for the world’s 18 30 for three mUea belongs to Norman to RoUle Hemsley, who has prom- be sent to the Glanta’ Claas D farm Important things laat night. ’Tliey of both teams dcMrves credit' for dear on their lands (p protect prop- had been negligent In his duUee aa Alley Lyons, formerly of Providence, persona who feel aggrieved by the Grant ...... 6 4 2— 10 pocket billiard crown appeared like- 18 hours after a bomb exploded Referee, BogglnL manlike manner at a pace that Bedding and Upholstery Law, There- Darna ...... 3 3 Bright of tha San Franciseo Olym- ised to be a good boy from now oa. at Bl)rthevi]la, Arkansas, for fur» juat about clinched a playoff apot Hartford could not match for the coming through when the chips erty. pastor. R I. The wedding took place at rulings of the (Commission may ap- 3— 1 7 ly today when only Andrew Fonzi when he stepped on the starter of pic Club and not to Don Lash of and they gained two valuable points “We are, however, forced to the fore, we have to use money alloted Ludlow, Maaa., January 16, 1938 Armstrong . . . . 4 2 0^ 4 hia automobUe. Rewards totaling ther aeaaontog after an Inspection entire game. were down. Oleakewtes, Rogera ami Tt is probable that many more pear and argue tbelr cases. of Philadelphia, remaining unbeaten liana. . . . a . ladlaon Square rt tbe Natijoal champ’s tratoliv In tbelr drive for second 'place as Diachenko starred for Hartford. ^ dear were killed to protect crops conclusion that a Uttle more tact to the factory Inspection division to with Rev. John D. Burdoa, D.D. of- Buaky ...... 4 1 2— 4 (1,000 were posted for conviction Here’s the week’s bril ringer: Although the personal fouls be- enforce it. The (18,000.00 which Zoning will not affect the uses of of the four ex-champions competing Garden onnoimcer said Utah had Fellow called up the Kauaa a ty quarters at Baton Rouge, La. they bowled over the Montreal lle tbe tact, bodily contact waa at a Manchester doesn’t return to (Ban were reported,’’ Oliver R EUa- and Christian forbearance on the ficiating. They were attended by property to town as-tbey now stand, for the title which Ralph Orrsmleaf of those responsible. set tha new mark of 14:14A enrouto Canadlena 4 to 2. g part of the pastor and the congre- waa collected goee into the general Mr. and Mra. David R MUIer of ’’ Star and asked if Nathan Mann bad For tha past month, Raguakua minimum, moat of the fouls being tourney competition until next Wad- . Wartll, Chairman of the Board, de- It haa been.aald by Mr. Close, the 76 133 07 331 is not defending. Officers bad made no arrests. to a close victory over Bright to the The victory left the Amerks only neaday night when tbe eight sur- gation might have been productive treasury of the state." Ixidlow, Mass. Mr. Lyons Is con- Baagare Keck’s widow said her husband had BUT! whipped Loula if Joa would have has been a membo;' of the Glanta called for minor Infractions of the rtOlTil. "This is believed due to a Ftfty-elght perpilt! to operate engineer. The secUonaliatog of the Pond trounced Oiaries Seabaek 0,000 iiMter run of tbe national lost ms outdoor as well aa his In- baseball school and be was one of three potota behind the Ckwadlens vivors at the preliminaries wlU l^y.JBlBapprrtienelon that such car- of more harmony and friendship nected with the Hartford Fire and P. B. F. T. at Lawrence, Kaa., 120 to 48 last "only one blttqr enemy." Sheriff- XXV champlonahlps Saturday anrt they have nine gamea to play ^ a. Maachaater dlsplayad a Ught within the coogregat'lon.” steriUsatlon plante were Issued, and Indemnity Insurance Company of town is a planning move, designed BUI Adams aaid Keck, an automo- ' door title . . Haw! . . . Chicago, four gradumtec who jotood the New defense to the flrat half but let up launch their bid for the state title. ^ ''oaaaes are subject to confiscation by 724 bedding and upholstery estab- to show results to the future rather, Archlcy ...... 11 23 7— 03 night ut the other former champ- night . . . . Dan Ferris, aacretaty- against seven for the flying French, Tbe next opponent will be to doubt Hartford. Whitney...... 10 32 bUa dealer, recently obtained a p ^ HUwaukee, Loa Angeles, San Fran- York squad for its aeoond pracUca enough to tha aacond to give Hart- tka State. lishments were inspected, be said. than Immediately. However, from .5— 49 ions weren’t so lucky. Marcel Camp troasurer of the AAU, reveals, how- men. Meanwhile the Montreal Ma- ford iU opportunity to gat back into until tea playdowna are completed "Farmers naiag shotguns or who NEW 40-LETTEB DRUG FUaenl OoBimn...... 10 12 3— 26 of Albany, defeated Bennie AUeA of mlt to carry a . gun folio '— ever, that Bright was leading daoo, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia aeatlon yaaterday at Baton Rouga. roons dropped a 5-3 dectaioa to the RAISES BLOOD PRESSURE The funeral of Mrs. Evallne the time that sene- are fixed, prop- threats on hia life. wUl get n look rt Rassle Dassle R la expected that tha quartet wUl tee running. The Oaricemen were and pairings are made again. ^ re obtatnad special permits to erty owners will have protection Backus ...... 4 10 8— 23 Kaaeas dty, 125 to 109; Onofrio by a stop or two at tha three mUe Toronto Maple Leafs and were left beat on follow up and showed a lot Marin, 81, of 04 Village street, Marks ...... 12 Lanri of Brooklyn, bes^ Erwin Ru- Beoanee you gat lowest mark and that tbe new racord thei*- footbaU aa she Is played to tha be farmed out after a short time at 13 polnU behind the New Yorkera > rifles are la ^ ly entitled to any London.— (AP)—A new drug for Hartford, widow of Oliver Marin, a from undesirable adjoining property 10 0— 30 southwest thla fall . . . Larry White more fight, while both teama were r shot on their own lands CURB QUOTATIONS Brannlek...... 10 8 10— 36 cMpb of Cleveland. 120 to 06, and PLANE S m X MISSING. I prices to jea n and beat fore belonged to him . . . the old tha Glanta’ camp. with fix gamea to go. Even if dhey raleing Uood pmeeure in emergency resident of Rockville for 35 years, usage. I ttrvloe. -’dtlsen'a marie” of 14:29.4 waa aat la ao buniad up at tha ioceat Young Raguakua flrat stepped tote the very weak in fonl ahooUng. pi’0P«'ty protectloa clause of eases might do the trick under nor- I^ya ...... 11 4 1— 9 Jos Diehl of Rockford, BL, complet- win all their gamea and the Amerks OavcOo Features waa held from St. Bernard’s church Johnson ...... ad the rout of former tlttobolders by ManUa. March 2.—(AP)— Tha by Georgs Boohag to 1910 . . . Oorbett-Fred ApoatoU deciatoa that limelight as a Trada school player don’t get another point, theyTl finish WRESTLING *M -atata deer Isw. 8uch venison, mal cireumatanoec—if jrou tried to By ASSOCIATED PRESS on Tuesday with a SMemn High HENS TIEU» NO PROFIT 13 8 9— 8 What? ha la threatening to quit San Fran- Ted Brown did a fine job to msy not be sold.” Com- Fltspatrick .. . 6 3 3— 6 defeating youthful Jimmy Caras of foto of the payroU-ladau plaaa pilot- In (tonounctog the 9,000 mater and during thn.^ summer mnntha to a tie for third. pronounce it. Maas. Rev. EMward Quinn, pastor PhUeo Badiea. stoeiriechase, tbe radio aanouncar dsoo and ablft baadquartera tp Naw Koao’a place at center but tbe regu- Indianapolis — Steve Cksay, SSE EUsworth pointed out. In The drug is called: Am G en...... Wilmington, Del.. 125 to Mi. ad by Burton Hall, which-disappear- perfected hit play aa a leading mem- Boaton’a contribution to tbe e i^ lars don’t click aa they used to of the church officiated. Burial waa Bristow, Okla. (AP)—Tha aver- in this afternoon's matches, Lauri referred to Joe Mc(3uekey aa the York . . . tottotateraay Don Laab, ber of tbe Blueflelda, proving an Im- ntog's activity was a 6 to 1 triumpb Ireland, pinned Ed Don George. 384. rural landowners' to report Trimethoxybenzyl - dlhydrolml- Am Sup P o w ...... l: 96 64 97 320 ed Monday enrouta from Manila to without their leading scorer. They Buffalo, N, Y , (46.‘00). Qewga in- to St Bernard’s cemetery. The age Qlklahoma hen lays 64 egga a will meet Joe Prodta of Glovers- Paracale, 120 miles southeast, re- lere? "Msthusaleh of distance runnhiff," Indlaaa’a great ruanar, la saving up portant factor to their wtontog of over tbe Detroit Red Wings, gained r klUa. doaxol hydrochloride. Cits Serv ...... bearers, all of whom were grand- year doesn’t pay for har hasp. Acm Eddie Bagnakua play as bard but somehow haven’t jured back and to oonttuush 48-letter ville, and Irving Crane, the 28-year- mained a mystery today. Heavy I Of oouraa. ^ ''' which be most certainly is . . . Joe for tha Prtooetoa mile . . . here’s a the town title to 1994 and 1980. Ha rtmoat whoUy to the third period. County led ail othar This 48-letter word D deecribed by S3 Bond and S h a r e ...... children were as followa: Raymoad Poultrymen of tha Crsak OeunLy P. B. F. T. ioxslar: (3>ariey Oaltafucr trains rt>t the push and drive that Koee ta- HarrUbu^, Pa. — Joha (Dnp- Btlaa tn the anmbar of dear I>r. F. Avery in the British medical Ford Limited ...... DIMtoleo ...... old Livonia, N. T., star who was fog forced 17 army planaa to aban- received quite a faw boos when he alao played with Chance Vought of That put the Brutoa six potota up jMta Into tha team. Brown more Qhimback, Robert Grumbaek, Poultry Federation say a ,ban must 18 11 9— 91 runaer-up to Gresnloaf In the last crossed tbe finish Una the vietar of teth-tha S t Joba’g (Brooklyn) and on the to the MckV Murphy, 198, I the past year ertth 106. OUtar Journal "Lancet" ae a distant rela- Niag Hud P o w ...... George Morin. Jr„ Leanel LaVallae, Brown ...... 16 IS 4— 80 don their aearch for tha mlsqlng the Hartford Industrial Laagua and oovera first brilliantly and la a fair thaa held hla own with tha staJ- Qtoo tton of adranaline. It is used in the lay at laaat TO egga a y*«r hstare tournament, win oppoee George plane today. hla 19th national titia but loud S t Frands ooliaga caga teams . . . earned all-etar mention in that cir- Amarican divialan race and cost tbe Mart ine ia . 300, Jtaty, (49i:10)':; ' dear klUa reported are; New Penn Road ...... Edmnnd Morin, Jr,, and George tha farmer can maka a profit on Koaak 30 IS 4— 90 diears aooD drownad out tha raaa- hitter. Hla brother, Andy, la a fins Kendrack, Muiphy iraa AllLUMhy, N. Yvoo Robert. 9 l4 treatment of operative shock and esh Segal I Kelly of Philadelphia. The night’s BENSON'S they meet la the Oardw tonight .t.. cuit on aeveral oeooaloes. Ha ap- Red Wings a chance to tie Chicago blgUy affective to cutting off acoree 11; New Loodoo 48; Fair- Tolve. her. Buaky ...... 11 11 9— 30 competition wiU find Rudolph pley- 7UMahiatioaC tag . . . Joe aUegsdly elbowed on which haneb shall Charity alt? third aacker and it la underatood for third place. Monintrert. dol ___ ' Windham 19; Hattfoed M, ba injected or taken by Inouth. Unit Gas ...... Win visit Wanaa If magicians patantad their p t ^ with the West Sidaa tn the will try for a berth on the Boston radar the bartut until be went to n*i known aa "Preparation 2020” Tbe federation is attempting to Fuller ...... 4 8 4-J- 30 tog Camp and WUUe .Moaoanl. aa- tricks they would soon be dtvulgad WaBarvIcaAOEadtaa Floyd t.ochuar whan tha latter tried . ha could park Li tha aisle, hut booty, aEMrelaad, . . ______IQ and Tolland Unit Lt and Pow A ...... Tha Ellington Graaga has aoomA- Qhd a wmy,to do |aciiarthlng about 9 7 9— 17 ______OAI,!. SSU . to pass Urn but no foul waa ciabn- Twi. League loot year and waa ea* team that'i alated to play to tha aldeltaea. Gavello, of course, tons. CocrtMii. lUtU Fear and lA »iULu.vte..e ...... othar PhOadelpbiaa. faring tha 'vet- sinca any patant is opati to tha _posa a playar on both taaaa la aamsd on The Herat’s all-star ar- New York—Bernle Friedkto, waa outstanding ter tha Clarkeman •d aa tavtUttoB lafMghbor sMi!l tha tow preduettoto! a m n ia Parotti L 6 9 1— t od . . . hurt at tha aama tlma. tha Eastern League out of Hartford 188(4. Brooklyn, outpointed Jimmy Portload. MO—MlkeRogotH pubUe. * ff ray. A natjral player, Raguakua thla eomtog season. sad aiiet wttboeedly afltoct rt oiow Poland, defaatod Stanley TMjrtab i Lancaster, Wilmtagtmi. Del, (8). range beeldee,plavlnir a atollar f l w las. Salma, tDOTOHESnai EVIWING HERAtD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 ,193f F'^iuw; m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. IBSt PACT IHnmiMi' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES And H^ Would, To6. By M ARTIN B U Y S E L L ^ T ^ R E M T / / ^ ^ / / / / . ^ C L A S S I F I E D eoOTG -TM ' 6,W^TE.«>T «M2v. VM O fidStk. wt ■*noL TOTAe-LtO OV4 TO MOCK TO . OUT LWltO - AM' TAK7 D tA «. ,C3tA.» C tO L * WOT A XXS.6V yx. \« \ «VA7A9 '. K% KAd> TWO TO 'ITA.KM* AM* mm SENSE and. N O N SE N SE \ iOfc' CAW'T XT I »jcrt e% tM 'tfETTX M 'AW m VsJxTA PC VO^XM'! iv\ co$»M $ceS^‘ 4 W> HObMLVX T'ttOiK X»i , y / IF w m w d m v M t€ w ± E g t3 m s c m 7 * 3 i £ ^ f S » i \ It Isn’t only the nation which I like women. They alt around. ■ ______n 5TXU. O om M 4T MAVCR iO ^XA-V. K\e lJka.% OOlalM needs to balance Its budgeY. Look In email glasses, pucker, aad OOSR. Ktfe A74WVM \ \ e u R E VIOtMJDI frown. Helen—What did you get that They dye their nails, and rouge bronze medal for? LOST AND FOUND AU'IDMOBILES FOR SALE 4 FUEL AND FEED 49-A APARTMENTS—FLAT&-. nance, war iccused o f having been thrtr Ups, Virgil—For singing. FORMER RUSSIAN CHIEF a German and Polish spy since 1921. And awaggls about, and wiggis LOBT—HO B IU j in tax epnaetot'a 1938 OLDSMOBILE tudor sedan, FOR SALE— W E LL seasoned hard ______TENEMENTS 63 GIRL SCOUTS PLAN Rykoff, Buckarln and others were NAZl-nCHTING Helen—What did you get the gold their hips. Ii aOtoa yartarday. Can « r ntuni to beater, good tires, clean Inside, wood sawed stove length, and un- one for? FOR RENT— FIVE room tenement well aware o< the spy connections Some dress plainly, and aome want H m HarakL Reward. mechanically perfect. Color green. der cover, $5.00 per load. Wood with all Improvements. InqtUre ASSERTS HIS INNOCENCE Virgil—For quitting. trimmln' This car la a real buy. $296. Mes- and encouraged them", the Indict sold for cash only. L. T. Wood Co. 464 Hartford Road. FOR ANNIVERSARY ment declared. “That’a why they Tea, women are funny, but I like sier Nash Inc.—7258. PASTOR GETS 7 Some one has said that he who to women. all agreed to the dismemberment of AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 FOR SALE— WE3JL seasoned bard FOR R E N T—6 ROOM tenement (Oonttnoed from Page Om ) content to wait for a stroke of good wood. Apply Edward J. Hotl, tele- Russia." with garage, all modem Improve- “ For seizure of power” , the Indict- fortune will probably wait until be ,No ball player ever got honto soar PONTIAC sedan: 19S« PAINTING—PAPERING 21 phone 4642 or 8025. accused were said to have spied on tax a stroke of apoplexy. ments. InquPe 103 Bissell. the Soviet Union. ment said, the group "placed all MONTHS TER! from third without using hto head Pnttlac aedan; IM S PonUac sedan; Win Share In Observance Of 0 ____ as wen as hto feet. 1686 Pontiac coach; 1936 Cherrolet 1-8 OFF ON A L L 1937 wall papers. FOUR ROOMS furaished, or tm- Until Krestlnaky's protestation of their homes exclusively in the armed assistance of foreign aggressors (Oonttnoed from rs)!'' One) ; First Aid Man—Did you hold a sedan; 1636 Chevrolet coach; 1936 See your own contractor or Thos. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 fumlshed. Call Qentennial Apart- innocence the trial had followed mirror to her mouth to see whether Love and ;icastckness may ba Twenty-Sixth Year With the familiar llnea o f previous :naae who promised to render the plotters CbavTOlet coach. Cole Motors. 6463. McQlII Jr., 126 Cedar street. 3 M ODERN ROOMS ments, 4131 or 4276. . Rte was still breathing? felt, but tbsy can't be deseribed. treason trials, those of August, this assistance on condition of the J v— 1638 FORD COtn>E 1186; 163£ Ford PROPERTT OWNERS —Attention OF FURNITURE ...... $149 dismemberment .pf the U. 8. 8. R “ last Saturday, and ask the couil V-Aaatotmnt— Yes, and she opened 1SL2L 1936, and January, 1937, with de- believe a verdlrt of not gu ilty eyes, gasped, and reached for coach $178; I M l Model A coupe $6.95 repapera room, ceiling paper- — Brand New (not used) HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Troops AD Over Country. fendants confeasing guilt to the Restore Oapitallsin have finished." powder ^jiff. Baptist, OonfTsgaUonat, Dutch $78; I M l I'ora touring, $68; 193U ed or ksJsomlned. Material, labor — Easy terms arranged sweeping charges of the sUte. They were accused o f tnteitdlng to Reformed, Episcopal, Friends, Lu- Toonenrille Folks By Fontaine Fox restore Capitalism. In the dlimem- The verdict was pronounced, as Pmatlae roadster, $40. Monaco complete. Inside, outside p ilin g . — Worth at least $260 FOR SALE—64 HUDSON strest, H room bouse, all Improvemento. On AUeged Confession berment, the Indictment said, the rTlcmoclIer listened serenely, smil- Experience to a fine thing when thern, Methoatot, Presbyterian, and Motor Sales, opposite Library. Large savings. Work guaranteed — Axmlnlster Kngs Included "When the Girl Scouts In Man- THt BOOK THAT EVERYBODY IN THE FAMILY 15 TRYIN® TO RffAD lot extending through from Hud- The long Indictment, read by the plotters would -have severed from ing at his wife and children. ort profit by IL Roman Catholic were the prthcipai Telephone 3926. Lang. Phono 3692. —Complete with Range chester celebrate the twenty-sixth reUgious denominations In Ameri- son to WIlUam street. Width 98 ft., secretary o f the court, dwelt on the Soviet Union the maritime prov- Reasons Held .Secret OUR BOARDING HOUSE —Free storage—Free delivery anniversary of the founding of their length 165. Pnone 7900. Kreatinsky's alleged oonfesaion to Inoes near Japan, the Ukraine, The court, after rc.adlng its ver- A man lx a funny animal. I f ha ca about the time of the Revolution. — No payments If sick national organization on March 12, participation in arrangementa to dict, declared, "as the public se- REPAIRING 2S White Russia, and Central Asiatic tarns 1120 a month and pays $60 — No payments If unemployed they will be sharing the festive oc- provide bases in Russian territory Republics of the Union. curity may be endangered by public rent, he feels sorry for the one who If BOOX Manchester HARNESSES, COLLARS, luggage HERE IS GOOD NEWS to young casion with nearly one half a mil- for the German Relchswehr, begin- The official preis was filled with reading of 'the court's reasons for earns $69 and pays $5 rent. ning as far back as 1921. the verdict, the public wHl now bo vo'ceS- and harness repairing, sport tops couples who are going Into bouae- indications that most. If not all, the ■tak* this . COSMOPOLITAN CLUB'S lion other glrla In every part of the excluded again." Evening Herald and curtains repaired. 90 Cam. keeplng. Them. 3 rooms include an He also was said to have admit- accused men would be shot. He— Ellen, what do you feel when United States," Mrs. J. S. Brown, ted relaying to Gregory I. ANatak- There remained then only repre- Sta m p N e ws bridge street. Telephone 4740. 18 piece Living Room with 3 piece Also named -In the conspiracy I glide with you over the floor In a VOICES CLASSIFIED streamlined upholstered set and 16 MUSICALE MARCH 11 commissioner of the Manchester off, shot after the January, 1637, were three prominent Soviet doc- genda and church minl.ntrlos, ns long, dreamy watts? ADVERTISEMENTS ROOFINQ AND SIDING estimates other Items, too numerous to men- Girt Scout council said yesterday, trial, Trotsky’a instructions for tors, several former diptomata and well as representatives of the con- She— Your feat. freely given. Tears of experience. tion here to complete your living "They will be having the goqd closer relations with Japan which other ex-bigwlga of the U. 8. 8. R. fezslonal synod. VOICES.') Osoat sla arsras* words is a Itae. Workmanship guaranteed. Also room; also, an, 18 piece modem wishes o f sister Girl Scouts and Girl Krestinsky was said to hi^s re- The Indictment which Andrei J. Throughout the brief court ses- The secret of success to to write luttlala. Bombors and abbreviations Mrs. R. K. Anderson And Mrs. ceived at a meeting with 'Trotalcy VIshinsky, veteran trial prosecutor, sion. the audience was In a stale of a book telling people how to be auc- eaeh eounl as a word and ooraponnd carpentry. A. A. Dion, 81 Wells Bedroom Suite which Includes 4 big Guides in thirty-two other coun- William Rush As Music Com- tries, each one of them being a in the Italikn Tyrol, In 1933. prepared for presentation to the high tension with subdued conver- Msaful. woida as tws worda Mlnlranm eott Is street. Phone 4860. pieces and 14 other small Items to sation heard at Intervals. s;1eo of throe llnoo. ccmplete your beuroom. In your mittee Set pate,. member of what Lord Baden-Powell Christian Rakovsky, ex-ambassa- military tribunal. accused the prisoners of treason on behalf of The pastor was tried before a U se ntoo per dajr tor transient LE T US HELP TOU with your Kitchen, you get a stove, breakfast has called 'the most remarkable dor to France and long an outstand- Hiram—I fy old maid aunt caught ads. foreign powers since 1918, almost aecret tribunal, after his bitter pro- range—burner troubles, cleaning, set, linoleum and other Items wblch family of girls that the world has ing member of the Soviet diplo- a man under her bad last nighL BSoottvo Maieh IT. ItSf Immediately after the overthrow of test In a 45-mlnutc speech to the pAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS Cash Chares adjusting, repairing. Tel. 6492. Ex- will complete this room. We have Mrs. R K. Anderson and Mrs.WU- ever seen.' It was Lord Baden- matic service, was represented Hannah— Land takes, slivel Ilam Rush of the Cosmopolitan the Czarist regime. three presiding Judges on the open- • OoBsoeaUTo Oars t etal t oU pert eervlce. Satisfaction guaran sold hundreds o f the same 3 room Powell, now CSilef Scout of the confessing to treasonable relations Hiram—Yep. A live one all right. w ill commence carrying mails 8 OonsoenUTo Dars ..I t sts 11 eU club’s music committee, have set the world, who organized Scouting for An attempt to offset any disagree- ing day. on its U. S.-Bermuda route March teed. P, H. Babb A Sons. outfits for not less than $250, so with Japanese leaders when he 1 Dar ...... I I I etal I t s u date of Friday, March 11, for the an- boys in England, early In 1908. Girl able effects the trial might have “ Why am I here under the ac- CTilIdren will act like their par- 16. A special cachet will be placed AU erdars ter Irrapular Inaartlona you are actually saving $101. See- went to Tokyo In 1934 as delegate nual musicale. It will be held at Scouting, or Guiding as It Is called abroad w o * seen by foreign circles cusation of a traitor?" he cried. snts in spits of every effort to tescb on all articles dispatched by the Will bo ebarsad at lbs eaa Uma rata. ing is believing, so ii you are look- to a Red Cross conference. "I've done nothing to Justify such a Spoeta] ratoa for loot tame avarr BUSINESS Center church house at 3 o'clock, in England, came Into being through Through the Indictment ran con- In a declaration that the band had them good manners. postmaster at Baltimore on this dar advartlatnt si*** *Pos roqaost. ing for a bargiiin, our advice to you with Mrs. C3iaries F. Sumner as the determination of the sisters and sought to plunge the world Into war. charge.” first (IlghL The poetmaster at OPPORTUNITIES 32 stant references to mysterious for- The 46-year-old minister for Ado ordorod bofer* tb* third or dfth la to see this 3 room outfit. hostess. Tea will be served by the the cousins of these first Boy Scouts First Burglar—Bill, how do you Hamilton, Bermuda, will back- dar will b* eharcsd onlr ter th* ae- eign diplomats and agents, usually years was an outs|'oken campaigner FOR RENT— IN BUSINESS sec- 7 FRteB “COURTESY AUTOS' hospitality committee. to have a similar program planned stop the chimes of this clock? stamp all such articles. Covers teal nambor of tlmos tbs ad appaar- designated simply as "Mister N,' against Fuehrer Hitler's efforts to tion, brick mercantile building READY TO SERVE YOU The artists, all well known local- for them. In writing of the rapid CITY CLUB TO PLAN Second Burglar—Don't know, ed. sharttas at tb* rats samod but with whom the 'accused confessed Nozlfy religion In Germany. This should be sent in time to reach no allowaDO* or rotnod* eaa b* mad* arlth 3000 fL ot ground boor space. ly, will be. Mr. and Mrs. Charles growth of Girl Scouting, Lord Jim. I ’ll go down stairs and ask ths Baltimore, the Clipper's departure ea sis tins ads steppod attar tba No matter where you live, we will guilty plotting. campaign ended with his srrest July '■*2 Suitable for light manufacturing. call for you at your convenience, Robbins, Edward F. Taylor auid Baden-Powell has described Its de- lady et ths house. base, not later than March IS. atth dar. Mrs. Katherine Halliday Howard, The Indictment quoted Krestinsky FOR ANNUAL DINNER MI5 f^lhi^ Ns '‘till torblds'i displar lino* net Apply Eklward J Holl. bring you to the store and take you velopment as being ‘automatic and as saying "Trotsky ordered me to The air mall rate to 10 cento per 'cellist. without progaganda In the different selA back home again. Simply phone or work for Von Seeckt.” Any girl who hopes to tsarn to half ounce. Tb* Herald will set b* ratpooalbla Mrs. Robbins Is contralto and countries to which the movement sing, says a great teacher, must i5 ^uppiNe! tor mor* tbaa on* laeerrsst Intortlon write us and arrangements will be Mr. Taylor tenor soloist in the choir has spread'.” The Plotters were accused of con- Large Attendance Expected At HELP WANTED— spiring with foreign powers to over- auffer. So, too. It to presumed, must The U. S. Postofllce Department af anr advortlosnoai erdorod tor hiade to send a car for you any of the congregational church at "There have been many cliangcs Tomorrow Night’s Meeting, GIRLS FRIENDLY SOCIETY more than on* ttm*. MALE , 36 morning, afternoon or evening. You throw the Soviet Union and hand her family and the neighbors. 'Win celebrate the 20th annlver- Tb* Inadvortoat omlostan of moor- Windsor Locks, of which Mr?i. Ben- In the Girl Scout program, since Its Dinner And Entertainment. W K oc/r/ will not be unaei any obligation huge slices of'Russian territory to aery et the inauiuration ot reg- reot ppbltoailon et advortlslns will b* MAN FOR COFFEE ROUTE. Up jamin Knox Is organist. Mr, Rob- early days in this country," Mrs. 9 roetiaod oBir br eaneoIlatlOB et tb* whatsoever for this service, even If the powers. GIVES ANNUAL SUPPER Smith—I understand Brown's ular sir mall service by observ- to $45 first wiek. Automobile given bins Is bass soloist in the Church Brown explained, "but the funda- The regular monthly meeting of srtfe has a very colorful personality. shBrs* mad* tor ch* oorvlo* roBdorsd. you do not buy. of the Redeemer, Hartford; and mental principals upon which . the Genrikh G. Yagoda, former secret ing the First National A ir Mail All Bdvortliomonto mast eontona as bonus. Write Albert Mills, 4447 police chief, was said to have con- the Manchester City Cfiub will be Jones— Yes, she's either whits Week from May 15 to May 31. An iB strl*. eopr BBd trpoarapbr with Monmoutb, Cincinnati, O. i A-L-B-E-R-T-S Mrs. Howard, formerly a resident movement was founded, remain the held tomorrow night at 40 Oak srith rage, black with despair, green of Manchester, Is now playing with fessed that Maxim Gorky, famed 180 People Enjoy Menu At St. official cachet will be authorized rsxulBtloB* oBferood br th* publish- Main Store— Waterbury same. (Changes have come along street at which time plans will be srith envy or rosy with happlnw. an and ther rosorv* tb* rlsht to the Hartford Symphony orchestra. with the changing trends of the Russian writer, was murdered in the Mary’s Church; See Herbert at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, edit, rovlss or rojeot aar oopr eoa- All Stores Open Wed. A Sat. Eves. plot because of his political influ- made for the annual banquet of the the birthplace o f aviation, to Tickets for the musicale may be times, but the same alms and ob- House’s Alaska PictuPes. WA sidtrod ebiaetlonabla POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 ence. orgaalzation. A large attendance READ IT OR NOT— honor the Wright brothers. Every \JiJcfiiK! THATfe CLOSING HOUR»-Clasain*d Bds DON’T SLEEP ON A HARD mat- obtained from members of the Cos- jectives that were launched by Lord of the membership Is expected at mopolitan club. Tho Indictment also said RykoS The Isle of Man, like Ireland, to other postoffice in the United 4 T H S to b* pabllshed asms dar mnsi ba ro- ORDER YOUR BABY chicks now. tress when you can get an Inner Baden-Powell and adopted by out* tomorrow night's session since aolvod br It o'clock boob; Baturdars told investigators that Trotaky The Girls Friendly Society of SL free of toads and snakes. Stotet, of which there ore more W m A t He Pullorum accredited Reds New Spring mattress here at a bargain own Juliette Gordon Low when she PRK3 H T Mild. hated Gorky for hla low opinion of there will be a dinner by Osano and Mary's Church held Its turkey sup- than 43,000, will be authorized Hampshires, Leghorns and Rocks. price. $5 allowance on your old brought Scouting to the girls of this an entertainment program. Wl<3 « country in 1912 still exist. Trotsky, his friendship with Stalin, per tmd entertainment In the parish Husband— So you think there are to arrange for its own local Miller's Farm, Coventry. Manches- mattress or any Inner Spring mat- The annual banquet of the Cfity times when It Is permissible for a TELEPBONE YOUR LEWIS IS WARNED “The program has been broaden- and the high esteem In which Gor)«y house last night. Supper was serv- cachet. ter 8897. tress. Ben.son’a— "The Nome of was held abroad. Club Is scheduled for early In April husband to kiss the cook, eh? eam t,m c. .r.iaa WANT ADS ed In scope to meet the current ed at six o’clock, to 180 people. The Thousands o f privately licensed Good Bedding.” Gorky died June 18, 1936, re- and this year a large number of W ife—Yee, darling. When the needs and requests of girls In the waitresses under the supcrvlaion of pilots will be given the opportu- Ads ar* aocaptsd over tb* uuphoo* W E 8 E U , ANDERSON Baby Chick portedly of natural causes. P. P. former members of the club are ex- srlfe Is doing the cooking. (V IM, bj rnteiM rei) at tb* CBARGB RA.TB atvan abova FOR S A L E -D IN IN G room set, TO CANCEL VISIT three age levels In Scouting. A wid- Miss Evelyn CTarlson, Mias Margaret nity of becoming air mail pilots feeders, fountain 15c up. Coal, oil, Kruchoff, formerly Gorky’s private pected to attend. The oldest In- Stratton and Mbw Alice Cordner as B oonvanlonca to advortliora, but electric, wood burning brooilcis, reasonable. Leaving town. Inquire er range of Interests for girls from for a day to fly the mail from in- tba CASH Ra TSS will bo aocoptad a* seven to ten, from ten to fourteen secretary, was said to have ad- corporated club in Manchester, its took care of one table at a time While a wlUiagneaa to work to im- full pa yme nt If paid al tb* bual- $1.65 up. Ma.ichester Plumbing A 29 Summer street. (Uoatlnood from Page One) mitted contributing to the writer’s terior offices to air mail stop SCORCHY SMITH and from fourteen to eighteen are membership has remained constant enabling all members of the same portant, a knowledge of how to points. And So to Bed By JOHN C TERRY Bcoo efftc* OB or taefor* tb* oovonib Supply Co. Phone 4425. death by arranging for him to catch work Intelligently and usefully to dar toUowlns th* Srst intorlloB ot FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furnl .being offered to our girls. In addi- for a period of ten years. A large party to eat together. "to put the C. I. O. In control In cold. number of the membera who Joined even more so. Don’t waste Uroe and R?»PN,'- I n a n o t m w C49IN - l ^ t v iH ifnM f H iT' oach ad othorwla* tba CHARGE ture Including range with Silent tion to the familiar activities of Following the supper an enter- Twenty-two different U.S. com- - tOtV THf «Ptp“wiU- M 41 RATH will bo ootlootoA No rooponol- Glow oil burner In good condition— Oregon.” camping, arts and crafts, nature Improper Treatments when It was organised In 1915 are talnmoot was held upstairs which, ability. Many a man eould go up- IT» W$N PIPPCP , --TH) ------J e rf$ P . / -T5K -T3lC- mine • wit h no mnmr of mN0 bllltr (or oner* In ulophonod ads . Dr. L. G. Levin and Dr. D. D. still active in its affairs. Included tap dances by WlnlfredJ hill twice sa fast as ba does Juat on raemgrattvea are now being sought — PIPI6PN:' rugs, Icebox r.nd other Items. Call Martin previously demanded Hope study, boatjng, swimming, cooking, by interested groups. It is ex- .MEANT %9 VNFMTVFMT*, R}R trill bo aasumod aad iboir aecuroer rictnyeff were described as admit- C. B. Warder Is president of the Pentland and Marjorie Best off the energy he spends working in TBAPFfO- >W/ iK i emMT oaBBot b* suaraatood. at 14 Church street, after 6 p. m. "stay out of Oregon" and leave set- and other homsmaking arts and pected acveral of these w ill be O KVBP sciences. In planning this revised ting they hastened the deaths of club and Harry F. Johnson Is the Holyoke, the latter a professional i eircles. HIM. TMT I 09 l/N»M$K9, ANO tlement of an A. F. ot L.-C. 1. O. ■granted, tome perhaps in the INDEX OF struggle for control of sawmill program of recreational and educa- Gorky and Valeriap V. Kuiblsheff, full time steward. dancer. Piano s^lectlona were g lv -' Hit mOOWINIr OF MACHINERY AND TOOI.S 52 tional activities the Girl Scout na- chief of the first five year plan, by en by Miss Gertrude Herman. A c- At great, risk the valiant knight stamp program now being formu- PLACHIF - ^ EMERGENCY workers to local authorities, after lated In Washington for 193$. CLASSIFICATIONS tional organization made a careful Improper treatments. OLD HEAD. companiments to the dances wero had rescued the fair maiden and, CASE ONE PLOW TRACrTOKS NLRB certification of the C. I. O. as • • * • • a A bargaining agency for 10 I’ortland study of school programs, .so that Christian Rakovsky, former So- rhoonix, Ariz.—Mrs. Mary Wight. played by Mrs. (jaroline Britlun. now, he was holding her In hto Sa«ac«atnU ■ B with easy on and easy off Imple- Girl Scouting would' supplement, viet Ambassador to France, was 100 years old Feb. 18, voted In a arms: Philatelic courses are now be- Vi'' Bsrrlsgrss mills failed to eopen them. Recitations were given by Miss C ments. See this tractor today and but not duplicate .school.” accused of working for the English municipal primary election with She— Listen, big boy! You're not Irtg offered In Temple University, 6 — D CALLS Would Deport Urldgee Hanna Leuthold and Mias Marian get the prices. D\iblln Tractor Co., Intelligence service in 1924 and the the remark: bolding me for ransom, are you? Philadelphia, South Orange-Ma- Card of Tbaaka K He also demanded deportation of Hooks. Motion pictures were shown *■ M^morlan •aB**6»*«A6t6*«»t W Prov. Rd.. Willlmantlc. Japanese In 1934. "A t my age I think I've reached by Herbert B. House taken during Knight— Not me! Let Ransom get plewood Adult School. N. J.. and Harold Pritchett, president of the CaLs can see better In the day- Lost and Ponod 1 M. A. Chemoff, former eommls- tho point where I know how to his recent trip to Alaska. his own women. other schools plan to follow. The AtmoanetmenU POLICE C. I. O. International Woodworkers time than at. night, but do most of sar of agriculture, was described a* hobby is also attracting wider at- PeraonaU ...... make a proper decision.” >«4i S WANTED—TO BUY 58 of America, and Harry Bridges, their hunting after dark because a German spy since 1928. Gregory Stranger (at wedding)—Are you tention through the regular S,t I- Amfmtmhnm west coast head of the C. I. O. both their prey Is out at that time. F. Grinko, former commls.sai5f%f fi- the bridegroom, young man? urday stamp broadcasts over a Aatomobtlaa for Sala «. 4 4343 W ANTE D —OLD 4x5 or 5x7 plate AotomobUti for Bachanvo British subjects. Young Man—Oh, no. You aee, I national hookup. I camera. Cheap for cash. Call Kil- Auto Aeeaaaoilao—Tiraa . «• C Pritchett said Lewis would visit sras eliminated In the aeml-finaito. (C*i>yrlghl. ISM. NBA Servtoe. I bc.) Auto fUpatrlng—PatntltiK »• 7 patrick, Herald. the state to win back employes of Auto Sehoola ...... I•* 7*A seven Portland mills Who recently Autoa-^btp by Truck ••• ' »a 4 FIRE FLAPPER F A N N Y Autoo^Por liiro ...... *• • BOOMS W ITH O U1 BOARD 59 returned to the A. F. of L. Mills By Sylvia Hold Everything! Qaraffaa--6orvlto>—Storaca IQ South have been closed most of the time -tor*. 1915 lY MCA MItVICC. W$C. T M. etO- U. *. FAT. Off.- FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser lfoiorc7eUa»B10FcUR^ - -...... U FOR RENT— PLE ASA N T fumtsh- since August 14, when an A. F. of WASHINGTON TUBBS I B y CYane OUT OUR WAY Wantod Autoa—UotororeUt .•«.« It L. boycott w. applied. By WilUanw Baslaaee aat Prwfoaalaaal forvteaa / ed room, contlnuoua hot water, off USSEM TO (LeN U N ]) In W, iTtf'WKfT OUO 4321 East Center street. Telephone 8449. The fight for control of sawmill [VOUfRtUNDERi A BREAK- THEBE, NOW, Bualoaas torvioca Offerod ...... it wwiim LTT MjytM.wp'i eov! whot> T Z N O -N O ..--TH A TS Boutobold SorvtooB Offorod ••••ll-A North workers preclpltatec a police drive DOWN. 5MB THINK. IT OVER. A BS OLUTS PBOOF Building—CobtractlQg 14 against labor terrorism In Oregon. ,‘JOe 2A2ZEZI 1—Twe eWAHitUT/l Floruit—NuraorUt ...... i§ SBZ... (ZHJLDN'T WHUT DOES IT THAT W E A IN 'T FunoraJ Dlrtetort 14 More than 60 men. mo-stly A. F. of SEE orr 'IM f LOOK acn A C H A N C B; Btating—Plumbingw.HooflBg 17 5432 L. officials and union members, have iF U ii DOCTDB,'S AT TH' iSETBACK SHOVEL-STIF FS Inturaneo ...... it NOTICE been arrested an., about a score thats y HE'S CsOT,..THAT IllUlnory—Oraatmaklng ..• • • • « It have pleaded guilty to charges rang- N E V E R H A V B Moving—Trucking—Storago 90 t WHUT HEAVY evBNSTHINOS NERVOUS BREAK* Public Paucogor Strrloo •••••.9C>A AMBULANCE A Special Meeting of the legal ing from window smashing to arson THINKIN' DOB5 UP-OKVES (OUR Painting—Paptrlng ...... n voters of the Town of Manche.ster and attempted bombing. 0(3WN5,AM‘ WB Profottlona) 8«rvicot ...••••••• M SLOXA/ER BRAINS DO N'T.,.. IF I Repairing ...... n (Dougan) will he held In the High School Hall “V A CHANCE TO E V E R 010 art Tailoring—Oyting—Cloanlag ••• S4 on Monday evening, March 7th, KBTCH UP O N E O F TH E A A TolUt Ooodi and Strvlco .saa*M 9ft 1938, at 8:10 P. M., for the follow- LEGAL NOTICES Wantod—Butinttt torvloo ••••. 94 5630 ing purposes: 1 W O ULD N'T Cdacattoaal 1. To see If the Town will vote ^EAKTD'fOO CourttB and ...... si (Holloran) OUYSZ J Prlvalo InttruoUont «..••••••••• zb to appropriate the sum of Fifteen NOTICE! ...... Hundred ($15(X),00> Dollars for the Mutual—Dramatic ...... |» celebration of Armistice Day on By virtue of th» alias tax warrant Wanted—Intiruetlcmi ...... 94 3060 iisued and ntgned by Bamuel Nelson, November 11th, 1938. Jr.. Tax Collector for the Town of * Flaaaetal 2. To see If the Town will vote Bondt—Rtookt—Mortgakoa 91 (Quish) Manchester, I will sell at public ven- Butlntti Opportunltlet ..••••»« M to appropriate the sum of Seven due to the highest bidder at No. SCT Money to Loan ...... it Hundred ($700.00) Dollars for the No, Main St., In the Town of Man- chester 14 days after date which will Help and tirvatlaaa 4340 installation of a ''.Slop'' and "Go" be Thursday, March 17th, 1938 at It) Help Wanted—Female ...... 94 ■signal system at Main and School llSTCN, MAC, IT$ nubWKif Help Wanted—Male ...... 96 warrant and my fees thereon tho fol- ONLY 2 0 MILES FROM HOME, M ' t€ UoSfS Streets. o'clock In the forenoon to satisfy said X TURMEO VAO^ONO t o m o w \ t u r n e d UMsMibNOll WE C L O Tw */ T H » Baleamcn Wanted ...... |6.a lowing described property, to wit: Help Wanted—Male or Femalo*. 97 HOSPITAL 3. To see if the Town will vote MV WIFE T w r r»MWT A tony. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiimimiiimii Agenie Wanted ...... ,..t7-A to appropriate the sum of Two Property of James Magnell d. b. a., m t HEARJ.V FR ortTO DEATH.; » aiCHl X WOUUXNT M«STV« PLEAEURT 0$ 1 aituatlone Wanted—Female 88 Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for ths North End Pharmacy located In orjmin: voujd town, SItuatione Wanted—M ale...... 99 the iture at No. 2«7 No. Mkin atreet. THEN I GOT LUMeAOO. AND Bmplnyment Agenefet ...... a*wto 40 5131 the expenses of the Zoning Commis- In the Town of Manchester, as fol- THEM « 0ME HOeo&TOOK. MVi nfipiopooii IJve liark—t tabU* and 4 chairs, ArtieUB For Sale ...... 44 CLARENCE N. LUPIEN •ntir* alock of drug* and patent Boats and Accetiorlet ...... 46 3077 RICHARD MARTIN medlcln*. Building Material# ...... 41 HAROLD M. REED Dated at Manchester, Conn., this and of March, 1438, DUmondt—Watchea—Jewelry •« 49 (After 5 P. M.) LE LA N D T. WOOD. Electrical Appllaoceo—Badlo •• «9 8EDRICK MTRACOHAN. 6i.>bgUMn&. a-a coea.iwsiTstoMsvict.sie. Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Board of Selectmen of the Town of Constabl*. "Follow that car! An’ see if you can crowd it to tho Garden—Farm— Dairy Prodoeto 64 7868 Manchester, <>>nn. R-l-l-34. “Joe’8 havin’ a little trouble with th’ hiccups." Boueebold Goode ...... 91 curb in front of . the soda fountain." Machinery and Toole 99 Mntlcal Inttruraente 91 Office and Store Equipment •••• 94 MANCHESTER Bpecialt at the Storet *••••••••• 44 MYRA NORTH, SPEQAL NURSE What Does Hugro Know? Wearing Apparel—Fur* 91 By THOMPSON AND COLL Wanted—To Buy ...... 99 WATER CO. Reomo—Board—Betolo—Rooorta •Yext'TMnlV A4AK1M6 THeie wbV dowm- A BRSAK IN THE LAODEG2. R«eta«nuito 5974 iaEAMWHIL^,AivRA IS BUSV WITH THE WSABlED 'W H O THREATENED LAWPy MISS, I ALLEY OOP Bcoim Wt^out Board ...... || ^ STAUZJS; jack AKIO Dg. JASOKJ ar e MOO? WHVDIDTHEV DONE SAID TOO Put Up or Shut Up By HAMLIN Boardera Wgntad ...... «re.«..lf.A feREETEO B'f AM OMIMOUS SILENCE.-.. WANT >pOU to r MUCH A'LREAOY- Country Board—Haaort* 90 LET3 CO OUT VDU'EE GOING TO BE IT'S TOUPS.' ^ rM SlMPur SPnCCMLe99 NOWFOOiy , OKAY, OOP-AND Hotel#—RMiauimeU 9l SIDE.. WELL FRIGHTEN AdR, THEy'S SWARMIN' DO Ttsu / JU SX li/HAr?vra I / BUT.EENV- WHATCOULD^ , dOAU-EV O O P HAS A L L RIGHT, HUGO... ARNOLD TO DEATH? T m speech-] VOUTAKE'IHl5 , I WISH YOU LUCKf Wanted—Roema—Board •• •• «• 99 GAS C07 CIRCLE THE think of j WOWCHFmFUU.* SUCH A >bLrr»njT^;'r^»^AiN^^I WE DO AG A IN S T ALLE Y , OfZOUNDS THERE'RE NO BONES W H O IS M BACK LESS Tt>0, KIOTOOOOLA- COOSSED Mm AGAIN, EH f ■dal Satata PM RaM BROKEM IT ? y CtoFLIt^ noOM.AKOTHS WHEN-THINOS Aparmaota. Ptata. TaaamanU m ft VOF ALL THIS? UHCUC IVEOOTSOME ' START FLVIN; WHY, BLAST THAT MEDDLER / ■oaloea X ^ tto o e 9ar Rant 94 FURNITLiRE.IS CXQuiDITe I THIS IS TH E L A ST STRAW.' 5075 business TO ^.OONT FORGET, . ^ L P IT L I K E I TOLD \ b i g A N' /HE WAS •iburkaa For Kmt 99 and THCr F=BS«PtAC« aurmpsxcu- , ATTENDTO,' , TO DUCK,' y YOU ? J! 5TCONG.'| AW$uaV I'U HAVE HIS HIDE ' •nmmar Romeo For Rest 97 ■TC I'LL-...... Waatod to Roat ...... —99 * AUO ' ■a^ Batata Pm Sato ELECTRIC C ^ -A 5181 J

■•batkw t e is t o ...... Tt in S toa- mo o t m i S S r 7 ^ . Z ! 3 i « \-?r. 'If h

A public card party wilt be held their discretloa, prepare a list ot liquors to such persons, are subject at Orange Hall tomorrow night, fol- persons receiving town aid, wbo are to court action.'^ ' lowing the reg'tlar meeting of Scan- DRUNKS ON RELIEF known to use alcoholic liquors to Several of the memben ot the excess, and may cauae this list to , o i tlM OeooordU dla L ^ e , No. 23. Order of Vasa, Board of Selectmen have made com- with the men's degree team as be posted In every tavern and pack- plaint that in some cases of fami- .. i ehntcii luesta of age store. Permittees and d ^ - ,'tMilMr Lm (U6 of at. PeuT* sponsor. BEING CHECKED UP lies BOW m tting relief, the head of » ers their agents or clerks, wbo M family drinks up so large a The J W. HALC CORK '. In Bridceport Seturday eve- t-nt a twwlnic naUeb and aoeiai. Hosa Company No. 4, S. M. F, D., thereafter sell or convey to swb ortlon of Us eaah beneflts that MANCHISTER COMM* will bold Its regular monthly meet- posted persons any alcobollo bev- to family la forced back on to the to go aiiould get in erages, or exchange or deliver any 1 IBaa Preda Roth aa Mon ing tonight at 8 o'clock. All mem- Officials Of Charity Depart- town for food and.neoeasttiea ■a.iawiiiie, Tha party win leare bers are requested to be present. Self Serve and HealtK M arket ^ Ibcal church at * o^ciock. Twenty-nine new male WPA ment Compiling list For .' Qanry MUIer and family have workers and 4 women workers have Moved from 60 Garden atreet to been added to proJecU here- this Sltry tolander'a boma en Grove week, bringing the total on WPA Posting In Liqoor Places. SPECIAL T H U RS D A Y SPECIA LS Jtra a t l(r. Miner la aloyd teacher projects here at this time to 270 For A Limited Time Onlyt In tha public aehoola. persons. It was announced today. Officials of the charity depart- Machineless Malaon 8. Smith of Hhist Middle Today Is the last day on which ment’of the town, carrying out the Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. . ;T|nttpike won (5 on which the mam- old age asaistance taxes cXn be paid expressed desire of the Board of " ~ - ot the Woman’a Benefit aaao* without Incurring the one dollar ad- Selectmen, are now engaged. In have been aelUng Ucketa. ditional penalty. CbUecUona to PER M A N E N T Regnlar lO'/^-Oanise.'Caa drawing took place laat night date have amounted to $34,081.00, compiling a list of recipients of Ringdet Carts ittH eipublic aupper and card party town aid who, for known excetalve Special! an ^ Myatle Review, W. B. A.. over 90j>er cent of the $37,504 due. 2 Cans 9 c Odd Fellows hall, which was well Receipts today are expected to run use of alcoholic liquors, are being T o m a t o Soup aftanded. to about $1,000, it was said, making considered for public posting In lo- • No Wires r tha collection percentage over 93 cal taverns knd package stores. It ‘ Oibbona Asaembly, Catholic La' per cent on this tax. was voted last month by the board .98 Regnlar Slae Can Derby , dale of Ootumbua, will bold Its bual- that it would receive, from the tax- Phone • No Electricity ; napa meetW Friday evening In the The Connecticut Federation of Arthnr W. Benson payers, such complaints concerning Democratia Women’s clubs la spon- *3 ' K. of C. chibrooms directly after charity recipients who use liquor to 3058 • No Machine C o rn e d B eef 17c 2 for 33c , the Lenten church service. The soring a state-wide luncheon meet- Arthur W. Benson, of Benson Fur- excess, aa might be forthcoming ^ atoroal election of officers will take ing at the Hotel Bond, Hartford, niture and Radio, local Phllco deal- from the general public. It Is un- t r - T place and a large attendance Is Saturday, March 5 at 12:30. All ers, was notified today that be had derstood that Buctf complaints need Fancy Green Cnt 'h o ^ for. members of the local Democratic won a free 10-day cruise to Havana, not necessarily be signed,'and that FREN C H BEA O TY SH OPPE Women's club planning to attend Cuba, leaving New york on April Investigation by department work- are requested to get In touch with 6th. The cruise was offered by the ers will follow'each complaint. So 43 Pearl Street Mrs. Petitjean Cans . Past matrons of Temple Chapter, A SP A R A G U S 2 2 9c Ol E. 8., arUI meet tomorrow night Mrs. 'T. Eklwsrd Brosnan who has a Phllco Company in a prise sales far, according to George H. Wad- M the John aiather room of the Ma- supply of tickets. contest which started January 1st dell, charity superintendent, no such SMde Temple. ifra. Ethel Davis and ended yesterday. Mr. Benson complaints have been received by Friend’s New England will be hostess. An important meeting of the is the only Phllco dealer In this ter- him, although they may have been Painters and Paper Hangers Union ritory who won the coveted prize. mailed to Individual Selectmen. '''Arredted on a charge of drunk will be held Saturday afternoon in Radio sales, according to Mr. Ben- According to the General Stat- C O D FIS H C A K ES . igrlvirg, and operating a motor ve- Orange balL ^ son, have been the best since be utes, the selectmen of any town, at t Mela without a license, Thomas started selling Phllcoe eight years : Mappeny win be arraigned In Toam The Sewing Circle of the Ameri- ago. ' 2 c...3 5c OOort t^ g h L John H. Fagan, Si, can Legion auxiliary will meet at eg SIS Rusaett road, Brookline. tha home of Mrs. Helen Griffin, 113 TfTr~. was arrested laat night by Wells atreet this evening. Memorial Lodge, Knights of Extra Large No. 2Vi Cam F^hlas, will confer the rank of BaUceman Joseph Prentice, charged knight on a class of candidates at Q uiet Hour wtth Tailnre to aet flares, or have The official board of the South per light on a truck, of which Methodist church will meet this eve- Its regular meeting tonight In Lib- P o rk & B e a ns 10c 2 for 19c was the driver, and which was ning at 8:30, directly after the mid erty hall. Golway street. The new- Tonight 7:15 to 8 week service. ly organized team under the leader- r oii a curve at Oakland atreet ship of Griswold Chappell will put M d Tolland turnpike. Fagan will “Come ye yourselves Pare fXder Mrs. Paul Ferris Is the leader of on the work. After the Initiation an EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES PITTED ^^'pfsaentad la Court tonight. entertainment will be provided by apart and rest a while.’’— (Contents only) the Worid’a Day of Praw r service SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS Friday afternoon at 2-.ia at the members of Old. Newgate lodge of Mark 6:31. V in e g a r Gal. 2 1 c ; ’Mambers og the Educational club Tarlffvllle. Supper will be served RICHARD STONE to reserve the date of South Hetbodiat church. For a number of years this service has at the close of the program. Visit- OPTICIAN . . March 10, when the next ors are expected from Thompson^ Emanuel 'will ti^ e place at 4 o'clock been held under the auspices of the E. A. Roore, Optometrist Artel Fine women’s missionary societies of the vllle, Rockville, East Hartford and 739 Main S t State T h ea ter BMg. IbL 4720 i t tbe~Nathan Hale school. Miss Linne Lodge of this town. Lutheran Church Hinel Lota, art teacher la Mancbes* local churches, and is open to all women. Pkg. of 4 Rolls , tar acboola. win give a chalk talk T o ile t T issu e T5c ' at this meeting. The first of the Lenten quiet hours The Women’s Missionary society will take place tonight at Emanuel of Emanuel Lutheran church have Lutheran church from 7:15 to 8 Invited the Woman's auxiliary of o’clock. They will continue through- ^ .fbr Service and Quality St. Mary's Blplscopal church to meet out Lent, every Wednesday evening. Fresh T o m a t o es Lb. 10c with them tomorrow afternoon, and The board of administration will SHOE KBPAIKING SEE to hear Mias Marguerite Twlnem. meet tonight after the quiet hour. The Spring now stud3Tlng at the Hartford Sem- inary, but formerly engaged In mis- SAM YIJLYES The Savings Bank of Manches- Fa n cy C arro ts 2 Buns. 9c SHOE REPAIR 8BKVIUB sion work In China. ter has brought foreclosure pro- Ifl ceedings against property In tha Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis-, ters, w.’l run another pinochle party* name of Walter Dougela on Flor- McIntosh or Greening ence street. Mr. Dougela is being following the regular meeting in WOOLENS Odd Fellows hall, Tuesday evening, held under bondp of $2,500 for ap- pearance before the town court ot with the atanding social committee A P P LES 6 Lbs. 2 5 c In charge. Home cooked food will Manchester on the charge of assault. It being claimed by the ' be awarded as prizes and refresh- ments will be served after the state that he struck a north end Have Arrived! resident with a pool cue on the gamea head resulting In such Injuries that You will want a Spring suit or coat and we have h e a l t h m a r k e t ADVER-nSEJMENT— the man who the state claims was 8 fine range of colors and fabrics In all types and assaulted was a patient for several Mrs. Wm. Kronick of the Wllrose days at the Manchester Memorial weaves.

Dress Shop has returned from a hospital and for a time considered two-day New York buying trip. in a serious condition. FISH SPECIALS

Beef Liver...... lb. 2Se

58” A ll W ool Crepes Slice d Boston Blue Ib. 1 2 ic ^Native Veal Chops . . . lb. 37e The ideal dresa weight. Grey, green, black, navy, brown, nut, and Fresh ShoulderB...... Ib. 23c aqua. Yard $1.69

Slice d Co d Ib. 15c Docks...... Ib. 22c

, ,4 ' EckhardCs 58” A ll W ool H eathera Frankfnrts...... Ib. .31c For coats and suits. Blue, brown, Fille t H a d d ock I b .lB c E raerkraot.. Ib. 9c, 3 lbs. 25c ate. Yard $1.98

dCbteken Chop Soey. Also Swordfish — Halibut — Herrings

- Vreah Genuine Calves’ Liver. RAYON SEAL CREPE 58” All Wool Tweed Mixtures Oysters — Clams

.Watercress...... ban. 19c

‘G r e e n B e a n s . .. .2qts. 21c $1.98 yard ^

.3 ban. 10c

58” Wool /kayon Tweeds 'Brown or Confectioner’s Prices Talk SUGAR ...... 3 lbs. 19c

Rok, blue, green. Yard $ 1.69 When We Advertise


New ! with

Every one of these cars is a genuine value and cus*

Crystal Glassware tomers who have bonght here have all been satisfied. Mexicana Pattern in Fine Qual* in a new cutting in table tumblers, fruit 1937 DeSoto Tttdor Sedan (trunk), 4 new e C 7 C ity Pure Linen Hand Blocked juice tumblers and 10 oz. hi-ball glasses ...... tires, very good condition. $ 0 / 0 10c 1937 Ford Coach, built-in radio, heater and 39c Relish Dish defroster. LUNCH Four compartments O C $485 1934 Plymouth Sedan, heater and defroster, in crystal...... m DC completely overhauled. $325 Salad Set CLOTHS 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, in crystid with mayonnaise bowl and ladle. a good clean car. 13” size tray. $245

Set...... $ 1.00 1930 Hupp Sedan, good cheap transportation. “ $ 1.98 $45

Glass Sandwish and 1930 Oldsmobile Coupe, Already Washed — Guaranteed Fast Color Cake Plate it runs good! SM $50

You will want one of these when you see PLEASE NOTEI Several people who are now walling for the bright colors and gay figures of Mexi- ...... $ 1.00 Spring delivery of 1938 Bnlcka ore driving their present cars_

co. Made on exceptionatty fine quality aU late models—but If you’re In the market for an extra fine hnv la a good used car that has been taken care of, we can arrange linen. These are used not only as lunch $3.75 Crystal Candlestick to show you one of these ears now. cloths but for sport dresses. One cloth Colonial pattern with twelve ^ Q Q Q electrocution makes a dress. There is also a beautiful (12) crystal pendants. Pair Namea of original owners given with all used cars. True mile,

floral design in multi-color. Mexicana age gnaraateed In writing.

comes in red, green, brown, and blue. Hostess Set to dowh in rose pink glass. Handled tray, sugar

GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH and creamer, salt and pepper

CASH SALES. shakers. Set ...... 0 « / C gorIma n

Motor Sales


U Mate Street , TeL 7226 Next to G. E, Wlllla