BRITAIN TO SPEND FEAR NINE ARE LOST HAUi BILLION ON AIRFORCE IN 1TEAR WITH BIG AIRLINER Orer 90,000 Persons Now 6EUEVEDF.D.R. , IN MOUNTAIN AREA: Employed On Airplanes WILL ASK PROBE Alone; Answers Reich’s Searchiiij; Parties Start NmncHUNG LA TE NEWS Challenge Of Largest Fleet OF MONOPOLIES To Look For Tr PASTOR GETS I London. March 3— (A P )—lywa- FLASHES! Un^eported Since WhUiTHoDse Confabs Ruse Ing more fuel Into the roaring re- MONTHS 1 B H armament furnace, Britain win GRANTS WITHDRAWN Midnight; Was opend more than a half billion dol- Expectation; RJF.C’s Head Washington, March 2,— (A P )— lar! OB her airforce In tbe year be- Re?. NiemoeDer Sentenced Alda to Representative Smith (D - Ukla.), said today that Sodal Se- From San Frandset ginning April 1. Urges Banks To Make curity Board officials had advised A ir eatlmatea] announced today By German Court; Has Al- the Congressman that a board order Los Angeles In totaled £111,502,000 or 8557,510,000 wan Issued at noon withdrawing fed- Loans On Easier’ Terms. —allowing for purebaae o f plonea, eral grants from Oklahoma, at least oonatruction, maintenance, borrow- ready Serred Term But for the present, • • • ed money, interesta, etc. Waohlngton, March 2__ (A P)__ BULLE-nNI Technically the figure waa put at HOUSE IN UPROAR £73,600,000 o r 8867,500,000. aa White House conferences on revis- Must Work Out A Fine. San Francisco, March againat £56,500,000, or $282,500,000 ing the anti-trust laws strength- Washington, March 2__ (API- (AP)--Officinb of laat year. ThU total la the eaU- ened the belief of many legislators Representative Rich (D „ Pa.), continental and Western mate for apedfic and apparent ex- Berlin, March 3— (AP) —Rev. threw the house Into an nproar to- today that Prroldent Roosevelt said today they were inf( penaea on the all7orce. Martin Niemoeller, for five years a <*“y by shouting at the top o f -his would ask Oongresa to undertake zealous leader of Protestant church tangs that President Roosevelt never ed their missing Aylbi|| Tbe larger figure, however, tak- a thorough inveatlgaUon o f monopo- opposition to General government had done a day of work la his life. had been found, Imdiy ing In Interest ebargea, etc„ ahowi the real measure of British spend- llea. TTie President said yesterday regulation, was sentenced today to Democrate snapped back, kith ed, near Fresno. be .would submit an ontl-tnist mea- seven months imprisonment hut RepresentaUve McCormack (D,, I r j to make the British airforce the The report said the world's beat. Mge 80^ but gave no approximate time already spent In Jail canceled Mass.), asserting It was “Very nn- jtato. The general opinion on C»p- had landed In a fleld and The figures, released by coinci- the sentence. He must go to Jail, wlse, rjghly lropro|>er and decidedly Itol Hill waa that he would not ad- however, for three months imless nnethlcal for anyone to attack or officials beUeTcd the ii dence on the heels of Geraan field vTCato any new legislation until he pays a $600 fine for speaking Impugn the Presldeat of the United Marshal Goering*s boastful asser- tbe inquiry waa completed. riefl, if any, were minor. tion yesterday that the German air- FLOOD CONDITIONS GRAVE JAP PARLIAMENT disparagingly o f leading personages States." Condderatlon o f specifle bills of the Reich. Time already served force wouM be "awful in action" If thus would be deferred until next was held also to have paid a $200 Fresno, Calif., March war ahouldrome, Included expendi- year, because congressional leaders fine for violating decrees stipulat- SENATE STILL DEADLOCKED tures for the Sect air arm,—planes FEARS AIR RAIDS (AP).—Trapped by a sijd hope for an early adjournment. IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ing usages of the pulpit. Paris, March 2— (A P )—The Sen- attached to the naval fleet. ilr . Roosevelt disclosed no details A great crowd ntllM around toe ate today prolonged the Pnrlkunen- violent storm, a 'TWA ahrll OOJMO Now Employed of his monopoly talks yesterday ccurthrase from early morning be- This Indication of Britain's fever- tnry deadlock over Premier OnmlUe waa believed today to with Attorney-General Cummings. fore sentence Was pronounced on Chotttemp'a labor code by — ish rearming came from Viscount crashed with its nine ocenii Assistant Attorney General Jack- Members Bring Up The Sob- the militant German Evangelical 186 to 89, Ito own labor Swlnton, secretary o f state for air. Homet.bohled, Streets Are | ASK MODIFICATION ioelmm son. and Chairman Douglas of the church pastor, who went to trial iJtfertag from that approved by the in the mountains east of In a memorandum accompanying Securities commission. February 7 on charges of Inciting to Chamber of Depottes. no. esUmatea that the number of per- A t his press conference, however, ject In Disenssmg The disobedience against toe state and The Senate then adjourned until The 'Transcontinental oons employed in the aircraft Indus- he replied to several questions Re- violating pulpit regulations. 1 O F V A T I C A N P A C T tomorrow, tona ensnrteg that the try bad Increooed from 30,000 in garding other business and labor Western Air Transport had ] DrasHc Mobilization Law. 240 In Audience Impnoee, Increasingly meosoing to 1935 to a preenit 90,000. Thla did problems. Banks In One Of Most Se- been heard from since Invited to the courtroom were a the Ufe of^the Chanteoipa govern- not include persona employed In-the No Self-Help Ideas. hundred guests including the pas- o’clock last night (12:28 w Secretary Roper had Informed meat, wonld not be ended today, production ot armament or other vere Storms In Years. tor'e three children who were on a • • • » ' equlpmeot him, Mr. Rooeevelt sold, that "self Aostrian Nazis Say Concor- Tokyo, March 2.— (A P )— Japan’s e. s. i.) when Pilot John Gr front bench, 60 foreign press repre- Parliamentary approval of the ea- help" waa nrell nigh lacking In sug- ever-present fear of air raids on her sentatives, and 90 ordinary specta- MARKETS AT A GLANCE reported he was flying tlmatos was regarded Twgely aa a gekttona from small buotneas men tore who arers lucky enough to find Now York, March 2.— (A P )— > toe Angolea, Calif., Feb. daot Most Be Chang^; closely-packed cities In "toe next and preparing to make toehBicBlUjr, alUtoogh tlMqr will w combattiag the roeeaeton. Tbe available eesta, Oommeree depertiaeat still ta ona- (A P ):—Ona the moat flewafl (Mavur today ta ex- 8totaw--Eaayt leadzea hi stow emergency landing at furalM groui^ for, g|rtin^t4^ ol KlamoeUer entered toe crartrooin MowMrtfte- JiMiag -thetr prnpeeala. jdled ParUamenteey^ebate-emrthe e u c O y a t nosA Smlllhg broadly, Bound from S u _____ eteeam-ln ■recent years brought-dan- OniilxBor k Army, Navy and Alrforoe eoU' 7 ^ PreMdent eald he had no im- government's draetie national m5b- evidently sure of hlitiaelf, fie Clapp^ IMds ■ Steady: ratls resist aeu- to Los Angeles, the plane medtata changes In mind tor the flerous flood ooncUtions to Southern lUzaUon bill. tag. mates are forthcoming totoorrow one o f hla attorneys on toe shoulder. caught in a sudden rain , Oalifoniia today.. Defending tbe measure, wbicb Curb—Easy I nUlltlea and metals and Friday, respectively. The court entered at 12:05 p. m., (UnetlBued on Page l-we) Homes were Isolated. The Red Gras, Austria, March 3— (A P ) Parliament members have attacked ta snpply. wind storm as it flew over Premier Chamberlain was eapeet- with toe presiding Judge saying "1 NaxI leaders in this center o f AuS' as dictatorial and Faaclstlc, Major once more give toe floor to toe de- Forel^ Exchango—Mixed; steri- Tehachapi mountains at ed to sum up the udiole sombre re- Croas worked to remove marooned trian Nazidom advanced a demand General Isamu Yokoyama declared: fendant Niemoeller.” ' tag lower. 8:80 p. m. Ice formed on' armament picture,—with Britain's refugeea. Usually dry riveTs ran "In the next war Japan will suf- pence Jeopardized both in tbe Orient today that the traditionally Catho- The pastor arose, saying: ;“I have (Jotton— Strong: foreign and wings. Rain fell in tor _ _ bank full. fer air raids. It la quite possible nothing to add to my observations doinestio buying. and In Europe— in tonlght'a eHlte NEW RANSOM NOTE lic nation modify Its relations with City and Interurban traffic that the Diet (Parliament) could Sngaiv—Lower; trade liquidation. Static interfered with radia;; paper. tbe Vatican. many instances was baited oa the not be convened becauoe of destruc- (OonHnoed oa Page Twelve) Coffee—4)niet; trade buying. During the next hour The gross aviation estimates fbr streets and highways were tram ‘Th e concordat must be changed,” tion of railroads and highways fol- the corning year are £111JI02,000, or IN KIDNAPING CASE formed Into torrents. they said, aa tbe Nazi-lnclliied min- lowing on enemy raid." plane seemingly wandered ister o f Interior, Arthur Seysz-In- 8SS7JUO.OOO., Of this, £6,718,000, or Houses were reported to be In Tbe general said that because of the air over San Joaquin \ ^ $2Bji90,000 goes to the fleet air quart, cohtinued efforta to mollify tola danger, toe law waa neceesary precarious condlUon In Santa .Jon the excited National Socialists. apparently trying to dodg^ arm; £2,284,000 or 811,420,000 for aa on emergency Instrument lea canyon In suburban Los An' Handbills assailing toe church storm and keep on the "other appropriations in old" and New York Newspaper De- geles.
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