■1 N. ■ I , -I: ■A- . ) »• PAGE SIXTEEir } TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 195T anrliPHtpr lEufttittg ®prali Friday’s Parade H ^ ld/A rrival of Christmas Season in Manchester Dr. Joteph Klein, Hartford ob- Offleera and mcmbcri of the About Town atetrieikn, will be the apeaker at Britiah American Club will meet tralto ^oloiat subdiviilon, the Gardner Falli the meeting of Ben Ezra Chapter. at the clubhouae thla e^’enlhg at TPC Amends subdivision built by Metropolitan B'nal B'rith, tonight at 8:30 in the 7:30 and proceed to the W. P. Homes Inc. The aubdivision is In For Folks Over 40 Average Daily Net Press Run weekly meetini: of the Civil, vestry of Temple Beth Sholom^ Quiah Funeral Home to pay their two parts, east of Gardner St. For the Week Ended Air Patrol arlll be held at the j His subject will be "Diseases and reapecta to Jamea M. Donlln a Zoning Laws ! Gardner Falls South, south of November 28, 1957 Spring St., containing 37 homes; The Weather American Legion Home at 7 p.m.: Afflictions of Young Married Wo- member of the chib who died yes­ PorecMt af O. B. WaaOnr Wedneaday. All members are ur- men,” The public is Invited. terday, T h . O',-. i>‘,----- ^ G*>’‘lner Falls North, north of Who Drag To Work’ niinaq The Town Planning Commission Spring St., with 13 homes, gently requested to be present as ------ last night formally approved an: The final plan of the .Metropoll- Yet Faal Mora Lika that given you plenty of Bloods 12,692 final, plans aill be made for the Ben Ezra Chapter, B nai B’rith. building Iron for more strength^' Fair, not aa cold tonight. Low amendment to the area and height i Homes sundlvision will be sent and energy—preelotis Iodine plus Member of the Audit '• 16th Anniversary of Civil Air Pa- recently participated in a clothing Staying in Bad—Tired Bureau of Circulation 22-M. Partly cloudy, wanner Soroptiinists Hear regulatloSs of the town zoning laws. ‘ directors for final ii generoua supply of Bi and H* , trol celebration. j and'fanned goods drive, in which a approval. Vitarninn. ’rhnraday. High S6-U. ------ : truckload of items collected was The amendment, to take effect Worn-out, Discouraged Folks larking these needed Mln-i -i \ Nl/firnc/icsfer— A City of Village Charm A special service of Thanksgiv-given to the Welfare Department Relijiioiis Director Dec. 3, exempts from height regu­ Chances are yow'ra not ffetUng erals and Vitamins would do well! * Ing will be held Wednesday eVe-, for distribution to needy families lations In any zone auch stnieturcs your full daily requirements oi to try FKItmZAaN. Take It for 80f } important Mtiicrnia and Vltamlna lays with the understanding that 4 VOL. LXXVII. NO. irO nlng at 7:30 In Emanuel Lutheran ; at Thanksgiving. The chapter has Sfra. Kathleen S. .lohn.aton of R hospitals, church steenles. flag- Special Service (EIGHTEEN PAGES) from your dally food. YOU must feel better—look betterj^J MANCHESTOR. CONN.. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27. 19.57 (Cla»alfled Adrertlaing on Pago 16) Church. A film entitled "The Fam- participated in a similar drive for Box Mt. Dr., director of religious oles and theater lofts. Th. height When nothlniT aeema to he —work better and rest bettfr— "•J PRICE FIVE CEN19 lly Altar" will be shown. Tlie *•’* P"-’t three years. Mrs, Sanford utations will now apply only to On Tlianksgiving wronjf otherwiae, what you should be completely satisfied or your. i Chapel Choir, under the direction ; Plepler was chairman of the drive eduration at Center nuirch. gave ’1 under Article III of the sorting try if FKnniZAN—-the new won­ money back. Start taking of O. Albert Pearson, will sing I this year. a talk to members of .Soroptlmlst A special Thanksgiving Day derful loUine^lron reconatructivr KlJfUUZA.N this very day — lOG "Prayer o,f Thanksgiving.” IntemationnI last evening at the At aSpubllc hearing laat week, no worship service will be held at Tonic and dietary supplement Tablets only II ,RR. * Temple Chapter, No. ,%3, OES, home of Mrs. Lillian Gustahson, 28 opposition was e.xnressed to this Center Congregational Church on J. \V. HALE DEPART.MENT .STORE St. M argaret's Circle, No. 280, will hold a regular business meet­ Knmlln St. Mrs. .lolmston spoke X change. a\d the TPC said that the Thursday at 8:30 a.m. The Rev. R. Daughters of Isabella, will not ing tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at about the youth ronferenee last amendmeniNjvould be aiitomatiral- Russell Peery, as.sociate minister, ly approv have a meeting tonight. The next the Masonic Temple. Refreshments summer at Doane College, near will preach on the theme, "The meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 10, will be will be served by the officers of the Omaha. Neb., which was attended Zone Chiiqge Approved Dilemma of Abundance." Ike Eases B combined with the annual Christ­ chapter Members are reminded of hy more than 2,000 young people An Anplication^v Albert Knofla Choir music \vlll consist of a iiito Duties of Preside mas party of the organization. the Christmas fair on Dec. ,1. and tlieir religious advisors from for a chango to Business Zone II sextet sl.nging the anthem. all over the country Mrs. John­ f'-om nirnl. AA. And Industrial "Thanks Be to God," bv Diekson, The Ellington Purchasing Corp. ston. was accompanied by her son .>Irs. N adina Bryan Zones on property orKth" Tolland directed by Mrs. R. Russell Peery, will hold Its first official stock­ and several other delegates from Tnke. 2,30 feet west xif Oakland organist. SI. w as also annrovert holder’s meeting at the Red Em­ this town. She showed colored .Mrs. Nadina Bryan will be the Meml era of Center Church and ber Restaurant in Bolton at 8 slides of the various activities of contralto soloi.st with the Man- In granting the armiicat\n, the friends in the romriunlty are in­ Nixon STATIONERY ^ TPC said that it was a ‘‘naftiyal ev A AOtMAIL — NOTES o’clock tonight. On the agenda is the boys and girls, wlm repre.senled rhe.'ter Mc.'isiah C hon's Dec. 15. vited to begin Thanksgiving Day stitute for Ike ummit Confere d the presentation of the corpora­ tension of an existing Busfm\ji IT ____________________ J,.,. o r / ^ LEADING BRANDS ^ high school .seniors for the most .\!r.s Bryan wa.« contralto aolo- zone in th - area." by attending this s-rvice. tion’s by-laws, drawn up this part, and college frcslimen. oho.sen ist with I ho .Sprlngtield, Mass., month by Atty. Harold Garnty of hy their churches as best fitteri to Symphony in 1955 In Bach’s 106 An annllcation hv the IT and PLUS ^Arthar Dins Storss j Manche.ster and the group s board take the training program. Cnniata an i sin ' ith the quartet Constnictinn Cn. for'wfftTstlnn of a lA A A A A Ak dk d k A A A i i of directors. Preceding Mrs Johnston’s talk. 30-foot bo'lflinr line on TTath-r St. ir Bloch's "Israd Syi.’phony ” last to S.5 f-et, r-eeiv-d TPC apot-oval. Allies Seen ReadyA^^ Call Mrs. Gustafson .served a simper to' year. She is at pre.sent the soloist i 12 of the members who attemled. I However, the bo»'•,^ rt-rtd-d to ‘Progress Exlcellent’ A short business meeting followed I for the OU, First Clvrch in Spring- j write a letter to th- Board of Dlrec; ECLERC , A*:-.,- field. Sue has . .r‘'H(Jy given two j tors a«'tin«r an amendm ent to »he ■ "’Hfsrc ; sprulsr rcritBls .ncl one sacred re- ERAL HOME unnq’ the Christmas sea-son. cital. and is preparing to give an- build'n'^ ^'ee^ntiitions reonirm c that To Accept : ^ e moijey-raismg project «t pres-! „ther recinl in 'hauirv. the Rn’ldm" Department insn^rt EARN EXTRA MONEY _ I fonndatlbn form s before th#* hnlid* 1 p. m. BuU^tin Says ■ ent is the ssle of f.Tiristmns esn- FUNERAL Before .sinpinj: at the Old FiraM Hi- ]«, nn» im to prevent bnildHir j til®.'. Church. Mr.s, Brya* was the solo- Hm* vioHtions, FOR CHRISTMAS Mi-s. Elizabeth Uhert invited the SERVICE For An Expert Job Call P a r is , N o v . 27 (/P)— T h e ^ B u rg re s \vj»b is now in \Va.'<hing- ial at the Fir.n aiurch of -hrir.t Deef-ions on other annlications! .Soroptimists to hold their snnual W aiter N. PX LLV IN S l’RED—E.‘iT. 1915 United States'is willintr to * ! Washington, Nov. 27 (/P)— WabhitiRton. Nov, 27 (A>J 1 p>m. medical bulletin said to* Congregational in Longmeadow, | heard last wee?;*q nnhlH hearing, a h e a d with novt mnnih’c' not disclosed who in Christmss party. Monday. Dec, 9, rc Vice Pre.sident Ni.xon stepped day President Eisenhow'’er’jB rirecovery progfress so far is ex- We Are Hiring at her new home in Bolton. and at Hone C lurci and Final Bap- were d-'^ot-red until thi* T pr re-' V ATn * I W«J>fiington issued the imstructions tist Church. | tb^ minutes of the hearing rto r WM. DICKSON and SON sum m it conferenc&l ^ Xoltlng, Presumably thev came gingerly into the role of a cellent. / The contralto •: a soloist with and has a chanc« to stud” them. 2'* Mam Street. MiVi rhester PAINTING and DECOUA’nM } I’ONTRACTOR with Vice Pre.’tident NixohKrom secretary of S uu Dulles and part-time substitute for ailing .T!J5 by Maj.
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