TEN-T Annual Programme Study on the implementation and Member States involved: establishment of Rail freight corridors

Austria including pilot interventions and Telematics

applications for TSI implementation Implementation schedule Start date: March 2013 End date: December 2015 2012-EU-94031-S

EU contribution: €6,222,106

Additional information: European Commission, DG MOVE http://ec.europa.eu/transport

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) http://inea.ec.europa.eu

Beneficiaries and Implementing bodies: RailNetEurope www.rne.eu DB Netz AG fahrweg.dbnetze.com ÖBB Infrastruktur AG www.oebb.at

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. www.rfi.it The Action promotes the European Corridor Concept for Freight as stipulated by Banedanmark Regulation (EU) 913/2010. The overall purpose of this Regulation is to increase www.bane.dk international rail freight’s attractiveness and efficiency, so that the rail sector Trafikverket can increase its competitiveness and market share on the European transport www.trafikverket.se market. Rede Ferroviária Nacional–REFER, EPE www.refer.pt The Action covers three main objectives: Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura, d.o.o. 1. General development of guidelines, central IT systems and support www.zsr.sk activities by the Infrastructure Managers and RailNetEurope (RNE) Infrastructure Limited 2. Establishment of Rail Freight Corridor 3 (RFC 3) "Stockholm-Palermo" www.networkrail.co.uk 3. Further developments in the framework of the Technical Specifications for SA Interoperability for Telematics Applications for Freight and Passengers www.infrabel.be (TAF and TAP TSI).

State of progress on 31 December 2015: The Action is closed. The guidelines are complete. Work was completed in the framework of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability for Telematics Applications for Freight and Passengers (TAF and TAP TSI). The Transport market study for RFC 3 (Scan-Med) was completed.

Update: October 2017