Topics in Complex Analytic Geometry
version: February 24, 2012 (revised and corrected) Topics in Complex Analytic Geometry by Janusz Adamus Lecture Notes PART II Department of Mathematics The University of Western Ontario c Copyright by Janusz Adamus (2007-2012) 2 Janusz Adamus Contents 1 Analytic tensor product and fibre product of analytic spaces 5 2 Rank and fibre dimension of analytic mappings 8 3 Vertical components and effective openness criterion 17 4 Flatness in complex analytic geometry 24 5 Auslander-type effective flatness criterion 31 This document was typeset using AMS-LATEX. Topics in Complex Analytic Geometry - Math 9607/9608 3 References [I] J. Adamus, Complex analytic geometry, Lecture notes Part I (2008). [A1] J. Adamus, Natural bound in Kwieci´nski'scriterion for flatness, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130, No.11 (2002), 3165{3170. [A2] J. Adamus, Vertical components in fibre powers of analytic spaces, J. Algebra 272 (2004), no. 1, 394{403. [A3] J. Adamus, Vertical components and flatness of Nash mappings, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 193 (2004), 1{9. [A4] J. Adamus, Flatness testing and torsion freeness of analytic tensor powers, J. Algebra 289 (2005), no. 1, 148{160. [ABM1] J. Adamus, E. Bierstone, P. D. Milman, Uniform linear bound in Chevalley's lemma, Canad. J. Math. 60 (2008), no.4, 721{733. [ABM2] J. Adamus, E. Bierstone, P. D. Milman, Geometric Auslander criterion for flatness, to appear in Amer. J. Math. [ABM3] J. Adamus, E. Bierstone, P. D. Milman, Geometric Auslander criterion for openness of an algebraic morphism, preprint (arXiv:1006.1872v1). [Au] M. Auslander, Modules over unramified regular local rings, Illinois J.
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