Modern Man in Search of a Soul

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Modern Man in Search of a Soul MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF A SOUL Downloaded from MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF A SOUL BY C. G. JUNG ''l'S'YCJIOLOGJCAL 'tYJ>Bs'', ''TBB l'SYCROLOGY OJ' THIE UJl'COHSC'IOUS'' ''CONTJIIBUTIOJl'5 ro ANALYTICAL l"SYCROLOGY'', arc i! LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER e- CO LTD, BROADWAY HOUSE, 68-74 CARTER LANE, EC 1933 Downloaded from Tramlt,ted by W. S. DELL AND CARY F. BAYNES Downloaded from CONTENTS I. DREAM ANALYSIS IN ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION II. PROBLBHS OF MODERN PsYCBOTBERAPY 32 Ill. AIMS OF PsYCBOTHERAPY 63 IV. A PsYcHOLOGICAL THEORY OF TYPES 85 V. Tim STAGES OF Lura 109 VI. FREUD AND JUNG-CONTRASTS l:J:2 VII. ARCHAIC MAN 143 VIII. PsYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE 175 IX. THE BASIC POSTULATES OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY 200 X. THE SPIRITUAL PROBLEM OF MODERN MAN 226 XJ PSYCHOTHERAPISTS OR THE CLERGY 255 Downloaded from TRANSLATORS' PREFACE WnBIN the last decade there have been many references from varied sources to the fact that the western world stands on the verge of a spiritual rebirth, that is, a funda. mental change of attitude toward the values of life After a long period of outward expansion, we are beginning to look within ourselves once more. There is very general agreement as to the phenomena surmundmg this increasing shift of interest from facts as such to their meaning and value to us as individuals, but as soon as we begin to analyse the anticipations nursed by the various groups in our world with respect to the change that is to be hoped for, agreement is at an end and a sharp confhct of forces makes itself felt. By those who uphold revealed rebgion, the rebirth that seems imminent is thought of as a renaissance of Catholicism or Protestantism, as the case may be. They see mankind streammg by the million back to the bosom of the Church, there to be comforted for the disill.US1onm.ents and disasters of our post-war world, there to be taught the paths that will lead out of chaos. Reoewal of faith in Christianity, they say, will bring us back to a sure way of life and restore the inspiration the world has lost Another great group of people think that the new attitude is to be attained by the total destruction of religion as it has up to now been understood. Rehgion is, they say, a relic of supentitiOU8 barbansm, and in its place must come vh Downloaded from viii TRANSLATORS' PREFACE a new and lasting period of " enlightenment ". Let man but apply lrls knowledge in tbe right way, especially lrls knowledge of economics and technology, and all tbe great bogies of poverty, ignorance, greed, etc., will vanish into tbin air and man will be restored to lrls lost paradise. To tbem the rebirth is to be in tbe realm of reason alone, and the intellect becomes the arbiter of man's fate. Between tbese two extremes of traditional faitb and militant rationahsm, every conceivable shade of opinion about tbis great problem of humanity's next step in psyohic evolution is to be found. It may be said that the middle pomtion is held by those people who know tbat tbey have outgrown tbe Church as exemphfied in Christianity, but who have not therefore been brought to deny the fact that a religious attitude to hfe is as essential to them as a behef in the authenticity of science These people experienced the soul as vividly as tbe body, tbe body as vividly as the soul. And the soul has manifested itself to tbem in ways not to be explained in terms eitber of traditional tbeology or of materiahsm. They do not wish to sever the real piety tbey feel within tbemselves from tbe body of scientific fact to which reason gives its sanction. They are convinced tbat if tbey can attain to more knowledge of the inner workings of theu own minds, more informatwn about tbe subtle but none the less perfectly delinite laws that govern tbe psyche, tbey can aclueve tbe new attitude tbat is demanded without having on the one hand to regress to what is but a tbinly veiled medizval tbeology, or on tbe otber, to fall victims to the illusions of nineteenth-century ideology. It is to tbis last group of people tbat Jnng speaks in convincing tenns He does not evade the difficult task of syntbesizing lDs knowledge of tbe soul, gamed in lDs many Downloaded from TRANSLATORS' PREFACE ix yeal'S of practice as psycluatnst and analyst, into a fund of information available and applicable to everyone. He gives those clues to the nature and functioning of the psyche for wluch the modem man is pmnfully groping. The point of view he lays before us is a challenge to the spuit, and evokes an active response in everyone who has felt within himself an mge to grow beyond his inheritance. With one exception.1 all the essays which make up this volume have been delivered as lectures. The Gennan texts of four of them have been brought out in separate publica­ tions • and the others are to be found m a volume• together with several other essays which have already appeared in Enghsh. We are indebted to Mrs. Violet de Laszlo for many helpful suggestions 1D regard to the essay, Psychotlurapssls o, the Clergy. Both Dr. Jung and Mrs Jung have been kind enough to read and cnbcize the translatrons in part CARY F. BAYNES. Zulll<:II, MM'UI 1933 Downloaded from MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF A SOUL DREAM-ANALYSIS IN ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION THP. use of drea.m-.analys1s in psychotherapy is still a much-debated question Many practitioners .find 1t mdts­ pensable 1n the treatment of neuroses, and ascnbe as much importance to the psycluc activity manifested m dreams as to consctousness 1tse1f Others, on the contrary, dispute the value of dream-analysis, and regard dreams as a negbgible by-product of the psyche Obvmusly. d a person holds the view that the uncon.scJ.ous plays a lea.dmg rOle 111 the fonnabon of neuroses, he will attnbute practical s1gru:ficance to dreams as direct ex­ pressJ.ons of the unconscious. If, on the other hand, he demes the unconscious or thmks that 1t has no part in the development of neuroses, he will nnnumze the :unportance of dream-analysis. It is regrettable that m this year of grace 1931, more than half a century since Carus formulated the concept of the unconscious, over a century Since Kant spoke of the " llllDleasura.ble . field of obscure ideas ", and nearly two hundred years since Leibniz postulated an • Downloaded from DREAM-ANALYSIS unconscious psychic activity, not to mention the achieve­ ments of Janet, Flournoy and Freud-that after all this, the actuality of the unconscious should still be a matter for controversy. Since it 1S my intention to deal exclusively with questions of practical treatment, I will not attempt in this place a deleoce of the hypothesis of the unconscious, though it is obvious enough that dream-analysis stands or falls with this hypothesis. Without it the dream appears to be merely a freak of nature, a meaningless conglomerate of memory-fr'l!meots left over from the happenings of the day. Were the dream nothmg more than this, there would be no excuse for the present discussion We must recogmze the unCODSC10us if we are to treat of dream-analysis at all, for we do not resort to it as a mere exercise of the wits, but as a method for uncovering hitherto unconscious psyclnc contents which are causally related to the neurosis and therefore of importance in its treatment. Anyone who deems tlus hypothesis unacceptable must simply rule out the question of the practicability of dream-analysis. But since, according to our hypothesis, the unconscious plays a causal part in the neurosis, and smce dreams are the direct expresmon of UDCOilSClous psychic activity, the attempt to analyse and mterpret dreams 1S entirely Justified. from a scientmc standpoint. Quite apart from therapeutic results, we may expect this line of endeavour to give us scientific insight mto psychic causality. For the praci:ttioner, however, scientific discoveries can at most be a gratifying by-product of his efforts in the field of therapy. He will nut feel called upon to apply dream-analysis to his patients on the chance that it may throw light upon the problem of psychic causality. He may believe, of course, that the inlicht so gained IS of therapeutic val11&-in wluch case Downloaded from DREAM-ANALYSIS he will regaxd dream-analysis as one of his professional duties. It is well known that the Freudian school is of the opinion that important therapeutic effects are achieved by throwing hght upon the unconscious causal fa.ctom-­ that IS, by explairung them to the patient and thus making bun conscious of the soun:es of 1us trouble. If we assume. for the time bemg, that this expectation is borne out by the facts, we can restrict omselves to the questions whether or not dream•analysis enables us to discover the unconscious causes of the neurosis, and whether it can do tins utl8lded, or must be used in conjunction with other methods. The Freudian answer, I ma.y assume, is common knowledge. My own experience confirms this view inasmuch as I have found that dreams not mfrequently bring to light 1n an unmistakable way the uncODSCious contents that are causal factors in a neurosis Most often it is the in1bal dreams that do this---1 mean, those dreams that a patient reports at the very outset of a treatment.

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