Records Related to Climate Liability, Climate Lawsuits
~YOF · CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT VANCOUVER - Access to Information & Privacy File No.: 04-1000-20-2019-480 January 21, 2020 Dear s.22Tl Re: Request for Access to Records under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the "Act") ·I am responding to your request of July 25, 2019 for: Records rel~ted to climate liability, climate lawsuits, climate litigation, and climate accountability that the Council recently discussed and passed a motion on, including any information available where City staff or Council mentions or discusses these issues, or Councillor Christine Boyle· and Councillor Jean Swanson's, 'Accountability for Climate Change' motion, with each other or outside campaigners promoting the issues: 1. All types of correspondence (i.e. letters, emails, fax) sent or received by one or more of the addresses· [see City staff list below], whether to, from, cc: or bee: that include both i) "climate lawsuit, climate liability, climate litigation, climate accountability, class action climate lawsuits, recovering climate costs, fossil fuels" (in an·y usage), and ii) any pne of the following: "WCEL", "West Coast Environmental Law", "The Vancouver Foundation", "Pembina Institute", "Centre For Law and the Environment: Allard School of Law, UBC", and "Dan Fumano, Sun Reporter". 2. Entire thread(s) of all incoming and outgoing emails that were sent or . received by one or more of the addresses [see City staff list below], whether to, from, cc: or bee: ·and which contain any email address that includes;,,, or WCEL, West Coast Environmental Law, Georgia Strait Alliance, Anna Barford, My Sea to Sky, Andrew Gage, Anjali Appadurai, Gordon Cornwall, Claudia Cornwall, Jessica Clogg, Lisa Matthaus, Tracy Saxby, The Vancouver Foundation, the Pembina Institute, Stepan Wood, Centre For Law and the Environment: Allard School of Law USC, Dustin Klaudt, Jesse Firempong, Priyanka Vittal, Greenpeace Vancouver, Greenpeace Canada, and · Vancouver Sun Reporter Dan Fumano.
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