Geoffroi de Charny,Richard W. Kaeuper,Elspeth Kennedy | 128 pages | 12 May 2005 | University of Pennsylvania Press | 9780812219098 | English | Pennsylvania, United States A 's Own Book of Chivalry

Other Editions 3. As for the over bearing message of throughout the text it, it was written in 13th century France, of course it's going to be filled with overt religious tones - everyone was then. Beware the "holier-than-thou". Geoffroi also goes on to describe ball games as a women's sport that men have wrongly taken from them! Kaeuper A Knights Own Book of Chivalry: Geoffroi De Charny. Geoffroi's fortitude and devotion become apparent almost immediately and I couldn't help but admire him. Thus, the great lords in particular must be temperate in their eating habits, avoid gambling and greed, indulge only in honorable pastimes such as jousting and maintaining the company of ladies, keep any romantic liaisons secret, and—most importantly—only be found in the company of worthy men. He says nothing about spiritual counseling, community service, or politics whatsoever. Lists with This Book. A neat article. Geoffroi isn't much for games, but knows that young men will inevitably play them. Once, when he was captured by the English, Geoffroi's captor actually released him, trusting him to go back home to raise money for his own ransom which, as far as we can tell, Geoffroi actually did. Books A Knights Own Book of Chivalry: Geoffroi De Charny Geoffroi De Charny. This is how I'm going to live the rest of my life. Home Publications About Us. In common usage, we say "chivalry is or isn't dead" solely in reference to some courtesies toward women, but this has as much relation to medieval chivalry as a calendar of inspirational quotes has to the Bible. Charny's book offers an exploration and explanation of the values and proper manner of life for Christian knights and men at arms by someone who was a knight himself. Geoffroi was a knight in the Geoffroi de Charny c. And he's talking about big, muscly, burly men men showing their arses about. Lastly, Charny emphasizes that women have no recourse to chivalry in order to achieve honorarguing the A Knights Own Book of Chivalry: Geoffroi De Charny for them to adorn themselves with the jewels and fine clothes so inappropriate for men. Even in an age where for wealth, titles, and position was the norm among men and women in Geoffroi's social circles, the good knight makes it clear that one who marries solely for material concern is attended by devils. Geoffroi de Charny. He was born around It was said that in his time he was known as a "true and perfect Knight". Geoffroi de Charny's most famous work is his ' Book of Chivalry ', written aroundwhich is, along with the works of Ramon Llull and Chretien de Troyes one of the best sources to understand how knights themselves described and prioritised chivalric values in the 14th century. Geoffrey de Charny, wounded and a prisoner of Edward III, after his attempt to take control of Calais miniature from a manuscript of Fleurs des chroniqueslate 14th century. Greg rated it it was amazing Dec 10, Abigail rated it really liked it Mar 29, Worthy men, rather, should be spending their leisure time on either games or the arts of singing, dancing, and conversation. It was in this same battle that Charny, along with many other French knights, died exemplifying the chivalric ethos that he described in his treatise. Bit different in structure than a modern treatment would be. On games, gambling, and the proper pastimes of men. Yes, it's always angry disenfranchised young men, often white though not always. Eric Brooks October 17, at PM. Krystal Johnson rated it really liked it Sep 13, As an aside, there's actually a really nice little bio before the text proper. Geoffroi de Charny c. Download as PDF Printable version. Ambrose lately and they would indeed be mortified by the general conduct of clerics. I cannot recommend this book to any one who prefers light fluffy reading. Advanced Search Help. In a section full of repetitive parallelismsCharny argues that the ancestors of contemporary rulers were chosen from among the people, not for a life of ease A Knights Own Book of Chivalry: Geoffroi De Charny corruption, but for service, , A Knights Own Book of Chivalry: Geoffroi De Charny piety. Author Information. A must read for all men, who wish to be men. Views Read Edit View history. Geoffroi de Charny's most famous work is his 'Book of Chivalry', written aroundwhich is, along with the works of Ramon Llull and Chretien de Troyes one of the best sources to understand how knights themselves described and prioritised chivalric values in the 14th century. What is the point of having a king? Wikimedia Commons. More filters. John Chandos. And as Geoffroi would say "he who does best is most worthy". Labels: chivalryknighthoodmasculinitymass shootings. Virtually every mass shooter is a young male who sees himself as a failure of some kind and has, therefore, decided to take his anger out on the society that booked him a one-way trip to involuntary celibacy, lousy employment, and unending pangs of inadequacy. Jun 27, Jesse Shelton rated it did not like it. There is excellent information, especially in the Historical Introduction. Sep 21, Mary Catelli rated it really liked it Shelves: history- medievalprimary-source. The editing of the text itself is lacklustre - the section headings are useful, but each section including ones that are six or eight pages long are presented as a solid block of text with no paragraph or line breaks and while I'm aware that this would betray the integrity of de Chary's text, it would have massively helped its readability. Your opening statements on gun control call to mind the excellent statements on human law in the Summa. Omerdecapitated him, quartered his body, and displayed it on the town gates. The medal shows the image of the Shroud [11] with very precise indications in spite of its small dimensions. Average rating 4. Sort order.