
"Best Architecture & Design in "

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4 Vorgemerkte Orte

Museo d'Arte Ebraica "Ein Volk, das kämpft"

Bei Besichtigung des Museums erhalten Sie auch Zutritt zur Synagoge. Zu den glanzvollen Exponaten gehören prunkvolle Kronen, Silbergegenstände und Thoras, Umhänge, die die Juden zum Gebet überziehen. In einer Abteilung ist eine Ausstellung über die Verfolgungen, die das jüdische Volk im Laufe von zwei Jahrtausenden erlitt. Zum by Public Domain Beispiel eine Kopie des päpstlichen Edikts aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, das den Juden die Ausübung verschiedener Tätigkeiten untersagte, und Zeugnisse aus den Konzentrationslagern der Nazi-Zeit. Die mächtige Synagoge neben dem Museum, die auf den blickt, wurde 1870 errichtet. Eintritt EUR4; Schulklassen EUR3

+39 06 684 0061 www.museoebraico..i [email protected] Lungotevere Cenci, Tempio t/ Maggiore di Roma, Rom

Museo dell'Ara Pacis "Museum for Peace Altar"

The Ara Pacis Museum is one of the most beautiful museums in Rome, dedicated to the ancient Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace). The altar itself is from the year 9 B.C. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier, who created a wonderful space of light and shadow. The central pavilion holds the Ara Pacis, which is illuminated by natural light filtered by Public Domain through 500 square meters of glass.

+39 06 0608 www.arapacis.it/ [email protected] Lungotevere in Augusta, a.it Rom

Casa dell'Architettura "Art & Architecture"

The Casa dell'Architettura came into being due to the efforts of the Municipality of Rome and the Association of Architects of Rome who recognized the need for an exclusive cultural space. Thus, this cultural space is now home to a variety of art events and festivities. Also, the venue seeks to further the cause of ancient and contemporary by Public Domain architecture and organizes events for the same. So, find a bevy of music concerts, exhibitions, literary meetings and conferences at this venue, alongside a passel of architectural conventions and discussions. Check website for more details.

+39 06 9760 4598 www.casadellarchitettura.i [email protected] Piazza Manfredo Fanti 47, t/ Rom by _Pek_ National Museum of the XXI Century Arts (MAXXI) "Promoting Contemporary Creations"

National Museum of the XXI Century Arts (MAXXI) stands with an aim to promote all the forms of contemporary art. This magnificent structure takes pride in housing the first national museum in architecture, housing all the products and documents involved in architecture as an entity. The MAXXI showcases artistic productions through conferences, documentaries, presentations of cinema and video series, concerts and dance performances. All in all, a great place that educates and enlightens every visitor, right from an art connoisseur to a layman.

+39 06 3 2810 www.fondazionemaxxi.it/ [email protected] Via Guido Reni 4A, Rom (Reservations)

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