North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Appendices
Photo Source: Katie Manning / Unsplash 164 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report January 2019 | Preferred Alignment and Construction Technology 9. Appendices Appendices | January 2019 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report 165 Photo Source: Michael Hicks / Flickr 166 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report January 2019 | Appendices A. Citations 1 Eighth in the US in 2017, Inrix Global Conges- 8 MassDOT, The Offcial Website of The Mas- 16 Central Transportation Planning Staff, Boston tion Rankings, sachusetts Department of Transportation - Rail Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, los-angeles-tops-inrix-global-congestion- & Transit Division, http://www.massdot.state. Memorandum: MBTA Commuter Rail Passenger ranking/; 10th in the US in 2017, TomTom Traffc Count Results, Dec. 21, 2012. Index, 9 MassDOT, Tracker 2017: MassDOT’s Annual 17 Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organiza- dex/list?citySize=LARGE&continent=ALL&coun Performance Report, http://www.massdot.state. tion, Long-Range Transportation Plan – Needs try=ALL Assessment, 2 Ridership Trends presentation, MassDOT Offce management/Tracker2017.pdf 18 According to Reconnecting America, a national of Performance Management and Innovation, 10 MBTA, The New MBTA, nonproft that integrates transportation and February 27, 2017, about_the_mbta/history/?id=970 community development, “Transit-oriented edfles/About_the_T/Board_Meetings/M.%20 development… is a type of development that %20Ridership%20Trends%20Final%20022717. 11 includes a mixture of housing, offce, retail and/ pdf or other amenities integrated into a walkable 12 MassDOT, MBTA State of the Service: Com- neighborhood and located within a half-mile of 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Data muter Rail, https://d3044s2alrsxog.cloudfront.
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