Pander Society Newsletter
Pander Society Newsletter S O E R C D I E N T A Y P 1 9 6 7 Compiled and edited by P.H. von Bitter and J. Burke PALAEOBIOLOGY DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL HISTORY, ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM, TORONTO, ON, CANADA M5S 2C6 Number 41 May 2009 Webmaster Mark Purnell, University of Leicester 2 Chief Panderer’s Remarks May 1, 2009 Dear Colleagues: It is again spring in southern Canada, that very positive time of year that allows us to forget our winter hibernation & the climatic hardships endured. It is also the time when Joan Burke and I get to harvest and see the results of our winter labours, as we integrate all the information & contributions sent in by you (Thank You) into a new and hopefully ever better Newsletter. Through the hard work of editor Jeffrey Over, Paleontographica Americana, vol. no. 62, has just been published to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Pander Society and the 150th Anniversary of the first conodont paper by Christian Pander in 1856; the titles and abstracts are here reproduced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithica, N.Y. Glen Merrill and others represented the Pander Society at a conference entitled “Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils”, sponsored by NAMS, the North American Micropaleontology Section of SEPM, in Houston, Texas, March 15-18, 2009; the titles of papers that dealt with or mentioned conodonts, are included in this Newsletter. Although there have been no official Pander Society meetings since newsletter # 40, a year ago, there were undoubtedly many unofficial ones; many of these would have been helped by suitable refreshments, the latter likely being the reason I didn’t get to hear about the meetings.
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