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West county boundaries A Geology by map unit Quaternary Modern Reservoirs

Qal Alluvium or Period LTP d LTP c LTP m Monongahela Group 0 25 50 MILES LTP a LTP pv Pottsville Group 0 25 50 KILOMETERS LTP k

40° LTP nr LTP p Period Mmc Mauch Chunk Group Mbp Bluestone and Princeton Formations Ce Obrr Omc Mh Obps Dmn Dbh Otbr Mbf LTP pv Osp Mg Smc Axis of Obs Mmp Maccrady and Pocono, undivided Burning Springs LTP a Mmc St Ce Mmcc LTP d Om Dh Cwy Mp Pocono Group Qal Dhs Ch Period Mp Dohl LTP c Dmu Middle and Upper Devonian, undivided Obps Cw Dhs Hampshire Formation LTP m Dmn Ct Dch Chemung Group Omc Obs Dch Dbh Dbh Brailler and Harrell, undivided Stw Cwy LTP pv Ca Db Obrr Cc 39° CPCc Dh Harrell St Dmb Millboro Shale Mmc Dhs Dmt Do LTP d Ojo Dm Dmn Onondaga Group Om Lower Devonian, undivided LTP k Dhl Dohl Do Oriskany Dmt Ot Dhl LTP m VIRGINIA Qal Obr Period Dch Smc Om Stw Tonoloway, Wills Creek, and Williamsport Formations LTP c Dmb Sct Lower Silurian, undivided LTP a Smc McKenzie Formation and Dhl Stw Ojo Mbf Db St Period Ojo Juniata and Oswego Formations Dohl Mg Om LTP nr Otbr Ordovician--Trenton and Black River, undivided

38° Mmcc Ot Trenton Group LTP k WEST VIRGINIA Obr Omc Ordovician, middle units

Mp Db Osp St. Paul Group Mh Beekmantown or Lower Ordovician Group Do Ob LTP nr Allegheney and Obps Pinesburg Station Dolomite Mmcc Monongahela Mg Obrr Basin Osp Obs Stonehenge Formation and pre-Cambrian Period Mbf Otbr Cc LTP p Mbp Dh Ob Mh Ce Dmt Kanawha- Cwy Mbp Sct Mmp Dm New River WEST Ct Basin VIRGINIA Ca Ob Dmu Ch LTP p Cw Weverton-Loudon Formation CPCc 37° Axis of the Burning Springs anticline Base from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:100,000, 1983, Geology from West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, 1998, Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 18 1:250,000, Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17, North American Datum of 1983; based on Cardwell and others, 1968, of West Virginia

Figure 3A. Major geologic formations in West Virginia.