7/7/2016 THE OBJECTIVES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: •Discuss importance of calculations in a pharmacy practice. •Outline steps to avoid calculation errors 2016 ANNUAL MEETING •Explain importance of reading the prescription carefully then performing calculations PHARMACY CALCULATIONS •Explain importance of calculations in determining days supply •Describe consequences of calculation errors. •Perform calculations during the presentation 2016 ANNUAL MEETING 4 ADDITIONAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES •Understand how the concentration of electrolyte 2016 ANNUAL MEETING solutions are expressed and calculations of m.Eq. •Understand the importance of iso-tonicity in SUNIL S. JAMBHEKAR, B. PHARM.; M.S., PH.D ophthalmic solutions. PROFESSOR, PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES LECOM BRADENTON, SCHOOL OF PHARMACY •Perform calculations, using a prescription, to BRADENTON, FL34202 determine the quantity of a liquid product required
[email protected] to fill the prescription accurately. 2016 ANNUAL MEETING 5 ADDITIONAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES •Perform calculations, using a prescription, to 2016 ANNUAL MEETING determine the # of day supply for a specific DISCLOSURE product. I DO NOT HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN OR AFFILIATION •Perform calculations to determine m.Eq WITH ANY CORPORATE ORGANIZATION OFFERING FINANCIAL SUPPORT OR GRANT MONIES FOR THIS CONTINUING strength of an electrolyte solution. EDUCATION ACTIVITY, OR ANY AFFILIATION WITH AN ORGANIZATION WHOSE PHILOSOPHY COULD POTENTIALLY •Perform calculations to prepare an isotonic BIAS MY PRESENTATION ophthalmic solution. 2016 ANNUAL MEETING 6 1 7/7/2016 IMPORTANCE OF CALCULATIONS IN THE PHARMACY PRACTICE: •It is consistent with the practice and philosophy of pharmaceutical care. •Insurance companies will reimburse you or •Patient safety is of utmost importance. your employer only for the quantity written on the prescription and not for the quantity •Your pharmacy is the last check point for the dispensed.