CZECH MYCOLOGY 71(1): 1–32, JANUARY 2, 2019 (ONLINE VERSION, ISSN 1805-1421) Butyriboletus regius and Butyriboletus fechtneri: typification of two well-known species 1 2 3 VÁCLAV JANDA *, MARTIN KŘÍŽ ,MIROSLAV KOLAŘÍK 1 Ondříčkova 29, CZ-130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic;
[email protected] 2 National Museum, Mycological Department, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic;
[email protected] 3 Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Vídeňská 1083, CZ-142 20 Praha 4, Czech Republic;
[email protected] *corresponding author Janda V., Kříž M., Kolařík M. (2019): Butyriboletus regius and Butyriboletus fechtneri: typification of two well-known species. – Czech Mycol. 71(1): 1–32. The paper deals with type material of two species of the genus Butyriboletus,whichwere described from the Czech Republic, originally as Boletus regius (Krombholz 1983) and Boletus fechtneri (Velenovský 1922). For both species lectotypes are designated, for B. fechtneri also an epitype. The authors present macro- and microscopic descriptions of these species based on the study of rich material including collections from the area of the type localities. Characters distin- guishing both species from similar taxa are discussed. Key words: lectotype, epitype, nomenclature, taxonomy, Czech Republic. Article history: received 21 August 2018, revised 13 November 2018, accepted 16 November 2018, published online 2 January 2019. Janda V., Kříž M., Kolařík M. (2019): Hřib královský – Butyriboletus regius ahřib Fechtnerův – Butyriboletus fechtneri: typifikace dvou dobře známých druhů. – Czech Mycol. 71(1): 1–32. Článek se zabývá typovým materiálem dvou druhů rodu Butyriboletus, původně popsaných z Čes- ké republiky jako hřib královský – Boletus regius (Krombholz 1832) a hřib Fechtnerův – Boletus fecht- neri (Velenovský 1922).