Int. J. LifeSc. Bt & Pharm. Res. 2013 Sunil N Tidke and Sucheta S Tidke, 2013 ISSN 2250-3137 Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2013 © 2013 IJLBPR. All Rights Reserved Research Paper MORPHOLOGY OF KNEE JOINT - CLASS- AVES - GENUS - GALLUS, - SPECIES - DOMESTICUS (CHICKEN) TO MAMMALS (HUMAN BEING) Sunil N Tidke1* and Sucheta S Tidke2 *Corresponding Author: Sunil N Tidke
[email protected] In the present investigation, a detailed comparison is made between the human knee and the knee of chicken (Gallus domesticus), with the object of determining similarities or variation of structure and their possible functional significance, if any special attention has been paid to bone taking part in joint, the surrounding muscles and tendons, which play an important part in stabilizing these joints, the form and attachments of the intraarticular menisci, which have been credited with the function of ensuring efficient lubrication throughout joints movement, and to the ligaments, the function of which is disputed. Keywords: Bony articular part, Intra capsular and extra capsular structure and Muscular changes INTRODUCTION patella. A narrow groove on the lateral condyle of femur articulate with the head of the fibula and The manner in which the main articulations of intervening femoro fibular disc. The tibia has a the vertebrate have become variously modified enormous ridge and crest for the insertion of the in relation to diverse function has been patellar tendon and origin of the extensor muscle. investigated by many workers, notably, Parsons The cavity of the joint communicates above and (1900) and Haines (1942). The morphology of the below the menisci with the central part of joint knee joint of human has been studied in great around the cruciate ligament.