TRICHY 396 Metresmetres (758(758 Kc/S) Kc/S) Parkka Parkka Parkka Kambodikambodl 7.0 ACHUPRACHARAM a C H U PRA CH ARA M A.M

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TRICHY 396 Metresmetres (758(758 Kc/S) Kc/S) Parkka Parkka Parkka Kambodikambodl 7.0 ACHUPRACHARAM a C H U PRA CH ARA M A.M 111gTHE INbIANItifttAN usTENRALISTENER SSATURDAY A T U R D A Y, JJUNE U N E 99 MADRAS TRICHY 396 metresmetres (758(758 kc/s) kc/s) Parkka parkkaparkka KambodiKambodl 7.0 ACHUPRACHARAMA C H U PRA CH ARA M a.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION I Balagopala Bhairavi MADRAS 11 Talk in Tamil analysing Axix propagandapropaganda 7.45*7.45 * MUSICALMUSICAL PRELUDEPRELUDE t Evakai DeramanohanDevamanohari by RaoRao SahibSahib T.T. S.S. NATARAJA NATARAJA PILLAIPILLAI Biranavara Kalyani 211 metres (1,420 k c/3) PALGHAT RAMARAMA BHAGAVATARBHAGAVATAR Biranavara 211 metres (1,420 kc/s) Vin garvamgarvam Mohanam Valli manavala KapiRapt а.m.a.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION II 7.15 T. S. CHANDRASEKHARANC H AN D RASEK H ARAN 7.50 NEWS IN TAMILTAM IL 7.30*7.30 * SWAGATAMSW A G A TA M Fluteflu te 8.0 T. A. N A G A SA M I 5.40 TIRUMOZIIITIRU M O ZH I VILAKKAMV IL A K K A M 8.0 T. A. NAGASAMI Exposition in TamilTamil byby H. H. AZHAKIYA AZHAKIYA MANA- MANA­ Dhyaname—Dhyaname-Dhanyasi-AdiDhanyasi—Adi BHAGAVATAR f 7.45 NEWS IN TAM IL BHAGAVATAR VALA NAIDU; DevotionalDevotional songssongs 7.45 NEWS IN TAMIL Dorakuna Bilahari 7.40 VIJAYALAKSHMIV IJA Y A L AK SH M I f Ini ennaenna Sahana 8.0 K U N N AK U D I V E N K A T R A M A 6.0 T. S.S. SESHADRISESH ADRI Parama kripa;kripa; Kalimayilada; Kanniparuva- 8.0 KUNNAKUDI VENKATRAMA Ennagamanasuku NilambariNilombori Todi thile IYER Edu paramukhamparamukham Todi IYER 8.15 NEWSNEWS IN IN ENGLISH Tarunam SuddhasaveriStiddhasaveri V. GOVINDASWAMYGOVINDASWAMY NAICKER: ViolinViolin 8.30 M MORNING ORNING V VARIETY A R IE T Y ft Nadabrahmam Nadhabrahmam 7.50 NEWS IN TAMILTAM IL S. V. S. NARAYANAN:NARAYANAN: MridangarnMridangam “"RISHYA RISHYA SRINGAR”SHINGAR": : Subra Subra jyoti; Papapa-Papapa- Taye AnandabhaireviAnandabhaircvi 8.0 VADYAV A D Y A SANGITAMSAN G ITAM T. S. VILVADRIVILVADRI IYER: GhatamGhatam hart;hari; Yogigale; "MAHAMAYA":“MAHAMAYA” : Mahamaya;Mahamaya; Hetsarikagarara Yadukulakambodi SmaranesukhamSmaranesukham-Jananranijini-Adi—J ananran ij ini—Adi Yarivar; Kikiki; "PRABHAVATI":“ PRABHAVATI” : Tirimadu;Tirimadu; 6.30 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH 9.15* LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Kartikai; Usirai; “ USPAR” : Main apki Vanipondu-Kanada-RupakamVanipondu—Kanada—Rupakam 9.15 * LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Kartikal;Usirai;"USPAR": Main apki 6.40 A I R ARTIST 9.20 NEWS IN ENGLISH 9.0 * Close dow n 6.40 A I R ARTIST 9.20 NEWS IN ENGLISH 9.0 *Close down 6.50 LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.15 NEWS IN ENGLISH 9.30 B B C NEW S R E L A Y 6.50 LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.15 NEWS IN ENGLISH 9.30 BBC NEWS RELAY HAMSAVENI SISTERSSISTERS t 8.30 T.T. S.S. CHANDRASEKHARANCIIANDRASEKHARAN 9.45 LIGHLIGHT T AND COLOURCO LO U R (2)(2) p.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION II 7.0 FORFO R THETHE VILLAGESVILLAG ES Flute Light and colourcolour in nature;nature: TalkTalk inin English English 1.0*1.0 * PANDANAINALLUR M.M. Manamodu tudittom; The KangayamKangayam breedbreed Rama nipai-Kedaram-Adinipai—Kedaram—Adi Manamodu by SirSir C.C. V.V. RAMAN,RAMAN, N.L.N.L. MUTHIAIFMUTHIAH PILLAI: Violin of cattle: Talk in Tamil arranged by thethe Saravanabhava-Ifindolam-Ad1Saravanabhava—Hindolam—Adi Director of Agriculture.Agriculture, Madr-s;Madras: Kandavarkku:Kandavarkku: UUpachararriu-Bhairavi-Rupakam pacharamu—B hair avi—Rupakam Durusuga Saveri 10.0 OPERETTE t Buddhiradu Sankarabharanam Pushpappattu; KettayaKettaya sangathisangathi DRURYLANE THEATRETHEATRE ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA Tarunam idammaidamma Gaulipantu 9.0*9.0 * CloseClose downdown Three ballet tunestunes "The DancingDancing Years"Years” Nadupai Madhyamavati 7.307.30* * NALAIYA INDIAINDIA WEBSTER BOOTHBOOTH 1.30 NEWS IN ENGLISH Tozhil nalapalangal:nalapalangal: TalkTalk Inin Tamil by G.G. R.R. The Eglish rose “"Merrie Merrie England"England” 1.30 NEWS IN ENGLISH p.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION II The Eglish rose 1.40 BASS AND TEN OR + DAMODARAN on on labour labour welfare andand socialsocial JEANETTE MACDONALDMACDONALD 1.40 BASS AND TENOR t security in the IndiaIndia ofof tomorrow tomorrow 1.0* FORFOR CHILDRENCHILDREN (Tamil)(Tamil) Villa “"The The MerryMerry Widow"Widow” PAUL ROBESONROBESON (Bass)(Bass) , (Presented byby S. V. LAKSHMANAN)LAKSHMANAN) My oldold KentuckyKentucky homehome (Foster);(Foster); 01'Ol’ manman 7.45 NEWS IN TAMILTAM IL BARNABAS VON GECZY'SGECZY'S ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA song NallaNalia katru adikiduadikidu PattyPattu Waltz “"Count Count ofof Luxembourg"Luxembourg" river: (Show boat); The cobblers' song 8.0 AS ININ MADRASM A D R A S Pirandal kondattam; Vina vidai; Sirvar ANNE ZIEGLER andand WEBSTERWEBSTER BOOTHBOOTH (("Chuchin “ Chuchin chow”chow"); ); The blindblind ploughman 9.15 TIR TIRUPAMBURAM U PA M B U R A M SWAMINATHASW AM INATH A tapal; Veetil natakam; IranduIrandu kai'adigalktadai;karadigalKadai; Deep in my heart, deardear "The"The StudentStudent Prince"Prince” (Clarke) PILLAIPIL L A I t En appadi? NEW MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA RICHARD CROOKS (Tenor)(Tenor) NEW MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA Berceuse de joceiyn (Angels guard thee): 930 NEWS IN ENGLISH Selection “"Old Old Chelsea"Chelsea Berceusedejoce:yn(Angels 9:20 NEWS IN ENGLISH 1.30 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH FRENCH LANDON, GATRELLY and CARTENCARTEN Goddard en fermantfermant lesles year (With(With fancy'sfancy’s 9.30 B B B B C C NEWS RELAYR E L A Y 1.40 FILM FAREFARE f The StatelyStately homeshomes of EnglandEngland "Operetta"“ Operette" eye) 9.45 GGOTTUVADYAM O T T U V A D Y A M : Duets Dandanitten Tod{Todi K. MAHADEVAN:MAHADEVAN: Anbe dayagamdayagam 2.0 NEWS IN TAM IL Dandanitten M S.S. SUBBULAKSHMI:SUBBULAKSHMI: SukumaraSukumara 10.30 * Close downdow n 2.0 NEWS IN TAMIL Mayatita swarupiniswarup ini Mayamalavagaula KOTHAMANGALAM SRINIVASANSRINIVASAN 2.5 T. S.S. SESHADRISESHADRI VaditavikkumVadltavikkum Sobhillu JaganmohlniJaganmohini 10.0 ISAIISA I KADAMBAMK A D A M B A M t RAJARATNAM: Jagela MADRAS 22 Saravana Silangi MADURA MANIMANI IYER: KarunaiKarunai selvatseivai KANCHANAMALA: Dinadinamu Abhayam ArabhiArab hi HamsandhwaniHam sand hwani Behag SHANTASHASTA APTE:APTE: BalaBala jo Jojo а.m. TRANSMISSION II Madhavane N.N C. VASANTAKOKILAM:VASANTAKOKILAM: IrdIni oraloru kanamkanam a.m. TRANSMISSION Sriranjan!Sriranjani 60.98 m metres etres (4,920(4,920 k c/skc/s) ) 2.30 ** Close downdown 2.0 NEWS IN TAMILTAM IL KUMBAKONAM RAJAMANIKKAMRAJ AM ANIKKAM PILLAIPILLAI 7.30 toto 7.407.40 AS ININ MADRASM A D R A S 11 (Violin): AnupamagunambudhiAnupamagunambudhi Atana TRANSMISSION III TANJORE LAKSHMINARAYANA BRAGBHAGA­ A- 2.5 GOTTUVADYAMG O TT U V A D Y A M : :A AIR I R ARTISTARTIST 7.40 NEWS IN TELUGUTELUGU TRANSMISSION III TANJORE LAKSHMIN A RAYANA 5.0 ** PANDANAINALLUR M.M. VATAR: Abhayakarattai BehaaBehag 7.50 MORNING VARIETYVARIETY 1*t MUTHIAH PILLAI; Violin 10.30 * * CloseClose down 2.10 MELARCODEM ELARCODE VISWANATHANV ISW A N A TH A N ANUSUYA: Chalmohana MUTHIAH PILLAI: Violin Oraupuju-Rannadagoula-AdiOraupuju—Kannadagoula—Adi K. ASWATAMMA:ASWATAMMA: ArulvaArulva komala Bajaregopalam—Bajaregopalam-Hindolam-AdiHindolam—Adi 8.0 toto 9.09.0 AS AS IN IN MMADRAS A D R A S 11 2.30 S. TRIPURASUNDARITRIPU RA SU N DARI ADDITIONAL SOUTH INDIAN.INDIAN 9.0 * Close dow n ADDITIONAL SOUTH Rarnachandram-Vasanta-RupakamRamachandram—Vasanta—Rupakam 9.0 *Close down Ivasudha-Sahana-AdiIvasudha—Sahana—A di SERVICE Nadachi nadachi—Kharaharapriya—Adinadachi-Kharaharapriya-Adi p.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION II SERVICE 3.0 ST/' PARADE. + 3.5 STAR PARADE. 41.27 metres (7,270 kkc/s) c /s ) SadbhaktlyirSadbhaktiyu AnandabhairaviAnandahhairavi K. L. SAIGAL:SAIGAL: MIMi nahlnahi 1.0 to 2.02.0 ASAS ININ MADRASM A D R A S I a.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION I Ennallutaledira TodiTod! KHURSHID: DilDil bahan 2.0 GOTTUVADYAMG O TT U V A D Y A M : : A II RR ARTISTARTIST 30.99 metres metres (9,680(9,660 kc/s kc/s) ) MOTILAL: HamriHamri lari haihal 9.0 “IVARGAL INRI” (5) NEENA Dilnil ha,hai tho hai 2.5 NEWS IN TELUGUTELUGU 7.30 MUSICALM USICAL PRELUDEPRELUDE -I't 9.0 "IVARGAL INRF' (5) Taiyarkaran: Sketch inin TamilTamil SURENDRA: BadiBadi chaylchayi 2.10 to 3.303.30 AS ININ MADRASM A D R A S 11 Manasaetulortune MalayarnaratamMalay amarutam Taiyarkaran: KANAN DEVI:DEVI: O 0 chande chupnanhupna Bagayanayya Chandrajoti 3.30 * Close downdow n SingaramarbilanlSingaramarbilani 9.15 AA II RR ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA 3.30s.30 ** Close downdown 7.40 NEWS ININ TELUGUTELUGU Sund ranrasukumara; su ku mara ; AnandameJagati;Anandamejagati; TRANSMISSION III 7.50 NEWS IN TAMILTAM IL Ihaparasukham 41.27 metres (7,270 kkc/s) c /s ) TRANSMISSION III 8.0 ANANANTALAKSHMI AN T AL A K S HMI f t 9.30 MUSIC FOR DANCING + TRANSMISSION III 4.30 to 6.15 AS IN MADRASM A D R A S 11 Mayamalavagow/aMayamalavagowla 9.30 MUSIC FOR DANCING t 4.30* FOR CHILDREN (English) 4.30 to MayatitaswarupiniMayatitaswarupinl (With VICTORVICTOR SILVESTER andand hishis BALL-BALL­ 4.30 * FOR CHILDREN (English) Smaravaram varamvaram Sindhubhairavi Piano duets; Songs and poems;poems; Birthday Ritigowla ROOM ORCHESTRA)ORCHESTRA) 6.15 LOKAVARTAL O K A V A R T A Bale balendubalendu bhushinibhushinl My heart and I—from ‘Old Chelsea'Chelsea’ greetings; Letters and repliesreplies Bhajasibadukukela My heart andI -from 'Old NewsNews-talk -talk in MalayalamMalayalam Bhajasibadukukela Could it be you?—from the film 'Something‘Something 8.15 NEWSNEWS ININ ENGLISHENGLISH it be you? -from the 5.0 TEATEA-TIME -TIME MUSICMUSIC ft for the boys'boys’ , 6.22 K A L A C H A K R A 8.30 D. K IT T A P P A : : GottuvadyamGottuvadyam When you’re away—from the film ‘His'His but-but­ On the sentimentalsentimental sideside 6.22 KALACHAKRA 8.30D. KITTAPPA When you're away -from the film AMBROSE and his ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA NewsNews-talk -talk Inin KannadaKannada SudhamayiSudhamayl AmTitavarshaniAmritavarshani ler'sler’s sister'sister’ AMBROSE and Iniyagilum Mohanakalyani You'reYou’re the rainbowrainbow—from -from thethe film "Melody“ Melody I couldn'tcouldn’t sleep aa winkwink lastlast nightnight Rageswari DICK HAYMES andand the SONGSONG SPINNERSSPINNERS 6.30 toto 6.456.45 AS ININ MADRASM A D R A S 11 Mahadeva Rageswari Inn" 9.0 Thanks forfor the dream Stillman-CugatStillman-Cugat-- It can’tcan't bebe wrongwrong 6.45 COMMERCIALCO M M ERCIAL NEWNEWS S (Telugu)(T elu gu) 9.0 Close downdown Gongales VERA LYNN: One lovelove б.506.50 GEETAVALIG E E TA V A LI Caprice ViennnisViennofs Kreisler TURNER LAYTON: Lilli marlenemarlene p.m.
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