Rostock 2025 Guidelines for Urban Development
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Guideline VI Guideline VII Guideline VIII Cross-sectional tasks Social city Urban planning and architecture in high quality Green city by the sea Relying on sustainable development Introducing city marketing As a cosmopolitan, child-, youth- and family-friendly city Rostock continually de- Urban development in Rostock aims at an energy-efficient urban structure that is viable Rostock will continue on a high level of environmental standards in the future and will Rostock embraces the targets of sustainabili- 21 council advises the lord mayor to this effect As a regiopolis Rostock performs functions keting supports changed conditions such as velops the integration of disadvantaged people into the community. Every form of for the future and produces little traffic. High-quality public spaces, a mix of functions, groom its image as a green city by the sea with high quality of life. This includes low noise ty as passed by the 1992 Rio Conference. Eve- in landmark decisions of the municipality. The that require an integral city and regional mar- infrastructure, tax and presentation issues in racism, discrimination and violence is resolutely combated. urban consolidation and removal of barriers are further objectives. Architectural heritage and air pollution, interlinked green spaces that are protected in their diversity, individual- ry commercial and political decision will involve monitoring of the implementation of the guide- keting. The Rostock brand is developed as a favour of the target groups, including an im- and modern architecture go hand in hand, with the water a determining element. ity and beauty and the protection of the Baltic Sea and of river Warnow. checking whether its consequences will harm lines for urban development shows whether Ros- quality feature. Hard and soft location factors proved, more citizen-friendly website of the the basis of life for future generations and ele- tock is developing sustainably and indicates the are directly dependent on the good name of Hanseatic City. mentary justice in the global society. The Agenda need for shifts in policy. Rostock beyond borders. The location mar- Improving the quality of life for children, youngsters and families Hanseatic city and seaside resort – Commitment to building culture Adjusting to climate change Rostock offers young people real pros- and playgrounds close to places of resi- The identity of Rostock that has been shaped and architecture guarantee a high standard. An Rostock develops a strategy for adjusting to heavy rain, wind, drought and variations in tem- Contributing to budget consolidation Modernizing the city council pects for the future. Social early warning dence. Young people are supported ac- by the Hanseatic League, its university, indus- efficient space management ensures a sustain- climate change. It will encompass, for instance, perature, the potential danger and measures for systems and prevention offers provide pro- cording to their needs and with their direct try, the port and its location by the water is to be able spatial development. Families in particular the analysis of consequences of storm surges, limiting the damage. The guidelines for urban development contrib- by friction, high efficiency, sinking costs. Ear- High cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the counting systems. The employees are pro- tection against risks and dangers in grow- involvement. The »local alliance for fami- preserved. Competitions on urban development benefit from an attractive city of short distances. ute to fiscal consolidation if everybody is guid- ly involvement leads to high acceptance and actions of the council, improved spatial condi- moted under an integrated HR development ing up. The city guarantees a network of lies« focuses on the compatibility of work, Creating a healthy local climate ed by the targets determined jointly: less loss identification. tions, transparency and control support in the concept and qualified young recruits are at- day care centres that is tailored to the de- profession and family. process of budget consolidation increase the tracted. The proven concept «Ortsamt 2000« mand as well as open spaces, sports fields Air and noise emissions are reduced to a lev- spect. Quiet areas are protected. The air ex- performance of the city council. This process [local authority offices] remains in place and Promoting a culture of dialogue and citizen involvement el harmless to health. Development and traffic change between the city and its environs is en- is supported by a complex system of control- will be further improved. planning make important provisions in this re- sured. Preventing poverty - enabling a self-determined life Rostock continuously improves its culture of di- ingly take place electronically (e-government) ling and the new municipal budgeting and ac- alogue in an open, transparent process. Various but will not replace personal contact. A guide The city‘s commitment to job opportunities offers of assistance are improved in qual- Preserving natural spaces and habitats bodies and platforms secure the involvement for public involvement is to provide orientation and future-oriented educational offers are ity. An integrated social and infrastructure of the widest circles. Participation will increas- for all interested parties. Making progress with environmental management the main measures to prevent poverty. New planning provides for a mixture of people Conservation and preservation of the land- enue and street trees are to be preserved and The city wants to act as a trailblazer in the awards and administrative decisions. All mu- companies are expected to provide jobs from different social backgrounds and dif- scape are taken into account on the basis of to be restored sustainably. Footpaths and cycle protection of resources and climate through nicipal organizations and companies strive for that secure people‘s livelihood and are to ferent generations in the city districts. Low- the landscape plan as part of the development paths are integrated even more into the network Coping with demographic change innovative management of buildings, eco- an EMAS validation (certified environmental be oriented on minimum wage. A new un- income households are offered housing ac- planning and other specialized planning in or- of green spaces. Avoiding interference with na- Rostock relies on integration and active partici- ageing in dignity. Solidarity between and with- logical waste management, sustainable mo- management system). Rostock is involved in derstanding of the role of education grants cording to their demands in cooperation der to secure the variety, beauty and recreation- ture takes precedence over compensation and pation of senior citizens and on self-determined in the generations is strengthened. bility and green procurement. The aim is a the environmental alliance of Mecklenburg- equal opportunities to families from under- with housing associations and apartment al value of nature and scenery. Endangered av- replacement measures. Shaping districts together with their inhabitants zero footprint city council. Increasingly envi- Vorpommern and promotes the dialogue be- privileged backgrounds. Counselling and owners. ronmental aspects are worked into contract tween the city council and private business. Specific concepts for the city districts strength- programme. Protagonists of the housing and Sustainable forest management Stepping up international cooperation en their identity and character, activate poten- real estate industry are to be won over as part- Strengthening welfare networks and health promotion Rostock is among the five largest municipal for- The management plan for the flora fauna hab- As a regiopolis Rostock will be involved on penhagen/Öresund, Hamburg and Szczecin. tials for development and bundle resources. The ners at an early stage. Problematic areas bene- Local implementation of global responsibility The self-help-friendly climate in Rostock is ent activities, exchange and participation. population will contribute to shaping the fu- fit from federal and state government subsidies est owners in Germany. The sustainable forest itat area (60 % of the forest area) is implemen- a much wider international scale in the future, Partnerships with cities around the world are maintained by individual support, financial There is a central advisory office for home ture of the quarters by initiatives of their own and are reshaped according to the targets of the management begun in the year 2000 according ted as a pilot project for the state of Mecklen- mainly in the Baltic Sea region and in the space deepened in all areas. Rostock considers itself part of the One nies and institutions that foster global edu- help, local initiatives as well as welfare and care. Preservation of health and prevention according to the example of the »Social City« city‘s integrated urban development concept. to the high standards of the Forest Stewardship burg-Vorpommern. delineated by the metropolises of Berlin, Co- World and embraces its responsibility for cation for future viability. It is a main area of health networks. The district and communi- as well as citizen involvement are promot- Council is continued and re-certified annually. sustainable management and a peaceful in- activity in the federal state for the days of teraction within the global balance. Sustaina- development policy and the national «Fair ty centres and the self-help plenum »Ros- ed through the programme »Growing older Developing the city by the water tocker