Examining Presence and Lightweight Messaging in a Social Television Experience
Examining Presence and Lightweight Messaging in a Social Television Experience CRYSTA METCALF, GUNNAR HARBOE, JOE TULLIO, NOEL MASSEY, GUY ROMANO, ELAINE M. HUANG, and FRANK BENTLEY Motorola Labs We report on a field evaluation of a prototype social television system (Social TV) that incorporates lightweight messaging as well as ambient awareness of user presence on the system. This evaluation was conducted over a two-week period and involved 27 the participation of ten households. Participants appreciated the ability to see their buddies’ presence on the system, the ability to see or suggest the programs they were currently watching, and the ability to send short messages to one another. The presence facilities available in Social TV also allowed participants to learn more about one another’s TV viewing habits and preferences, and fostered a sense of connectedness between them. However, they also felt constrained by the limitations of the communication options available to them and demanded free-form text or voice chat to be able to fully express themselves. Categories and Subject Descriptors: H5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces—User-centered design; Evaluation/methodology General Terms: Design, Experimentation, Human Factors Additional Key Words and Phrases: Social television, ambient displays, computer-mediated communication, awareness displays ACM Reference Format: Metcalf, C., Harboe, G., Tullio, J., Massey,N., Romano, G., Huang, E. M., and Bentley,F.2008. Examining presence and lightweight messaging in a social television experience. ACM Trans. Multimed. Comput. Comm. Appl. 4, 4, Article 27 (October 2008), 16 pages. DOI = 10.1145/1412196.1412200 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1412196.1412200 1.
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