eye THE SUNDAY EXPRESS MAGAZINE WHERE I AHMEDABAD,LATECITY BELONG NOVEMBER8,2020 Thejourney back home for 18PAGES,`5.00 festivals has been fraught with uncertaintythis year DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGE 14, 15, 16 TRUMP STILL KICKINGAND SCREAMING KAMALAHARRIS IS FIRSTBLACK WOMAN VICE PRESIDENT as Joe Biden elected 46th President of the UnFinally.ited States and firstofIndian descent, creates history Victoryinnative …Democracy beats deep in heart of America…It’stime to come together Modi sends congrats, Pennsylvania as anation. It’s time forAmericatounite. Andtoheal —Joe Biden takesBiden above relief in Delhi as known 270, Trumpfirst to lose re-election India ally is back in 25 years SHUBHAJITROY NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER7 BUSINESSASUSUAL BY UNNY SETTINGTHE stagefor anew RACE FOR chapterinIndo-US ties, Prime THE WHITE MinisterNarendraModi con- HOUSE gratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Saturdaynight, soon after EXPRESS the elections in US were calledin their favour. INTHEU.S. In aTwitter post, Modi con- gratulated Biden on his “spectac- ular victory” and said, “As the VP, your contribution to strengthen- KARISHMAMEHROTRA ing Indo-US relations wascriti- NEWYORKCITY,NOVEMBER7 cal and invaluable. Ilook forward Biden has been astrong ad- to working closelytogether once vocateofdeepening US ties with JOSEPH ROBINETTE Biden of the again to take India-US relations India, even before he became Democratic Partywas elected to greater heights.” Vice President in the Obama ad- the 46th President of the United In aseparatepostcongratu- ministration. States Saturdaysetting offa lating Harris, the Prime Minister He playedanimportant role, waveofrelief and cheer among said: “Your success is pathbreak- both as Chairman of the Senate his supporters in anation on ing, and amatter of immense Foreign Relations Committee edge and deeplydivided.
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