ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION Inc. (Founded 1932) ANNUAL REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENT SEASON 2007/08 OFFICE BEARERS, LIFE MEMBERS AND CLUBS 2007/08 President B.S.FRY Vice President R.W.WIGLEY Chairman R. BARBER Honorary Treasurer B. WEIDENHOFER General Manager R DARLING / W. PHILLIPS Board of Management T. COLE, G.GADE, R. GORDON, D. HEYZER, C. JONES, T. SARGENT, P. SMITH Auditors NRM BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING SERVICES Life Members J.F.CARNE, D.T.BARTLETT, M.J.DOLEY, C.W.BRITTON, G.T.GOULTER, L.B.TAYLOR, J.A.RAWES OAM., J.T.GUN, G.KOLENBERG, N.W.KEEN, R.W.WIGLEY, S.T.LANE, RK.COLE Honorary Life Members S.PARKINSON, M.BROCK, A.CROCKER, R.WILES, J.GALLINA, G.GOW -SMITH Affiliated Clubs Adelaide Goodwood Port Districts Adelaide HOS Grange Pulteney OS Adelaide Rockets Hectorville Reynella Adelaide University Hope Valley Rostrevor OC ATCÚA Ingle Farm District SHOC Athelstone Kensington District SPOC Brighton Kilburn Trinity College OS CBCOC Marion Unley Concordia OC Mercedes OC Walkerville Eastern Dragons Modbury Western Youth Elders/USA North Haven Woodville Rechabite Flinders Park Old Ignatians Woodviile South Flinders University Old Scotch Fulham PAOC Gaza Para Hills Gepps Cross Payneham Glenunga Pembroke OS Golden Grove FC Penfield / Elizabeth Golden Grove Pooraka 1 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Season 2007 -2008 has again been a challenge for the board.The exceptional drought has caused many problems for the association and the clubs and watering of ovals andpreparation of wickets has been successful with co- operation of councils, schools, colleges etc. The permitsobtained from SA Water enable our cricket to continue throughout the summer. Unfortunately junior Grand Finals were abandoned becauseof the heat policy which was extremely disappointing for our young members. I am sure the Board will approve a strategyto enable all finals to be played in the future. The pre - season activities of the Board were again hampered by beingunable to complete the programme before the season commenced. Problems arose with team nominationsand ovals and was compounded with withdrawal of teams at the last minute. Rick Darling, David Heyzerand Ron Barber spent many hours addressing the problem. The Board was altered to increase members from 5 to 7 alongwith new chairman (Ron Barber) and new treasurer (Brad Weidenhofor). The Board consistedof David Heyzer (Vice Chairman), Peter Smith, Rob Gordon, Tim Sargent and returning to the Board Greg Gadeand new members Chris Jones and Tom Cane. All have worked tirelessly in many areas to help achieve asuccessful and well organised Association. Our new Board members Chris, Brad and Tom are proving tobe a real asset and along with the addition of rule guru Greg Gade, the Board is in a strong position. Chairman Ron Barber who moved from the Board to theposition has been like pepper and salt and has worked like a beaver on all areas and is doing a fantastic job. Rick Darling who completed his two year contract in May2008, made giant strides for the Association in the area of sponsorship and arranged amajor sponsorship with Bianco Building Supplies which hasbenefited the clubs as well as the Association. The Board advertised the General Managers position asis required and had a huge response. The Board appointed John Winter, Jeff Emmell and David Heyzer to narrowthe field and the Board after considerable consultation appointed well known cricket identity, WaynePhillips for the next two years. I would like personally thank Rick for his endeavor as his tenure was through anextremely difficult era and unfortunately it has been hard for him to please the whole Association. Iwish Rick well in his future employment. Juniors have again progressed well and easing of qualificationrules is making it easier for some clubs to sponsor junior teams. At time ofwriting (June) moves are under way for the juniors to be underthe control of SACA within four geographic areas. The ATCA isstill determining their response. The ATCA held its 751 Anniversary Dinner in February,and while the response from some clubs was disappointing (obviously not interested in ATCA History orits future) the function, the venue, food and guest speaker Matthew Elliot was excellent and wasbrilliantly handled with his usual consummate skill byJeff Emmell. Congratulations to all team and individual winners and tothe countless workers and supporters from all clubs who give up so much of their spare time to providethe best possible facilities for their clubs. These people are the life blood of Amateur Associations andwithout them clubs and the ATCA would soon struggle tomaintain its standards. Looking forward to 2008 -2009 Barry Fry President 2 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT This season, 2007/08 was my first as Chairperson of the Adelaide Turf CricketAssociation (ATCA) Board of Management. It was also the 75th Anniversary of the Association, which wascelebrated with a dinner on 6 February 2008. This enjoyable night was attended by Life Members, past and presentplayers, officials and supporters of the Association. Our President, Barry Fry and his subcommittee are to be congratulated on organising a very successful event. As Chairperson, I have found the position challenging, rewarding and vastlydifferent to being a Board member. I thank my predecessor, Andrew Sinclair for leaving the Association in such a strongposition. Prior to the commencement of season 2007 /08, the Board of Managementresolved to continue with the umpires being sourced from the Adelaide Turf Cricket Umpires Association(ATCUA), and not have an arrangement with the South Australian Cricket Association (SACA).There will be ongoing discussions regarding this and the Association is keen to keep the lines of communication openthrough the ATCUA Umpires Director. The ATCUA has an ongoing recruitment programme. Togetherwith this and the training school, it is hoped there will be more umpires to officiate in the coming seasons. Wecontinue to enjoy a good working relationship with the ATCUA and I thank the Umpires Executive and SubCommittee for their cooperation throughout the season. After a somewhat indifferent start to the season due to compliance issues, I believe theAssociation has had a successful year. Player behaviour continues to be a cause for concern. The Boardwill continue to stress to all clubs /players that unsportsmanlike behaviour is unacceptable. Although the Association teams did not win this year's CUSA Cup, planning will beginearly in the next season, to ensure the best teams will be available toparticipate in the 2008/09 competition. Sadly, the low point of the season was the tragic death of Para Hills player Anthony Barnesduring a match. Our thoughts are with his family and club. The financial position of the Association remains sound and as always, theBoard is working very hard to keep affiliation fees to a minimum. Again we will be endeavouring to retain our sponsors,raise the level of sponsorship and seek new sponsors. We were able to pay a rebate to clubs who displayed ourmajor sponsor, Bianco's logo on their playing shirts. I thank all of our sponsors for their supportthroughout the season. During the off - season, the Board will be having discussions with SACA regardingthe Jeff Dry report and review of community cricket in SA. Questionnaires were sent to various clubs and welook forward to what recommendations are made in this report. All stakeholders in our Association will bekept fully informed on developments. The presentation night held in conjunction with ATCUA was successful. Congratulations toall award winners and premiership clubs. Thank you to all clubs and committees for their participations and support duringthe season. To the President and all members of the Board, I thank you for your contributionthroughout the season. Your support on various sub committees has been invaluable. We look forward topromoting the ATCA as an excellent Community Cricket Association open to all players and umpires. Ron Barber Chairperson 3 GENERAL MANAGER / EXECUTIVE OFFICERS REPORT I have much pleasure in tabling this report, my first as General Manager/Executive Officer of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Inc. Since my recent appointment, I have endeavoured to make contact with all of the clubs to gaina feel for the issues most important and relevant to their particular circumstances. This has beena most interesting and beneficial process and I am now much better informed as we move forward. For those of you who are not aware, the office of the ATCA Inc has relocated andwe now have our own home base in the western end- northern grandstand of the Memorial Drive complex. The offices have undergone the necessary refurbishments and now fully meet the immediate and proposed future requirements of the Association. My sincere thanks to those whowere involved in the relocation, particularly SACA and Tennis SA. Both of these organisations were very accommodating during the process and their ongoing support is much appreciated. We move into the 2008/09 playing season with high expectations with the Association on sound financial grounds and the promise of quality umpiring to enhance the playing of the game. My thanks to the members of the Board of Management who have made my transition into the role a very smooth process and to Sarah Fry who continues to provide valuable administrative assistance to the Association and has been wonderful support to me since my appointment. I would also like to record the efforts of Rick Darling during his time as General Manager of the Association and sincerely wish him all the best for his next innings. Wayne Phillips General Manager/Executive Officer 4 UMPIRES DIRECTORS REPORT In early July 2007, I started with preparatory work associated with the Umpires Winter Academy, comprising five training lectures covering the 42 Laws of Cricket and the Association By -Laws. These were held in August & September. The method of education was designed to combine the new umpire along with the experienced umpire and encourage interaction.
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