Lntvrnatlonal Tractors Limited
lntvrnatlonal Tractors Limited 14•• rf Offit ~ ,. Pl-111 Viii~• I l1;i• (,'lffllfl P I ) 1'1jtl11n N1tlll M•1•"1ing ()ffll.• I, I l 11> ,,-,,.,~ I l'll~r,.lhqr fJnfld 11•"'~ rru• fJ't,) l dr.11// 11·"'1" ;,1,1 Yll J'hnnn , 01 IPII/ 'Vl))]f) \fl7IJI J ,., "ll tAA/ ',I.JIil;, l'I"" • ' I I I '> 4'ff',J',I/J r ,n:H V)f"l:,• 1, , a-h n:'lhl,;,, t]fn IT/,/// R/21117-1 H/STCL/366 24-Mur-lH TO H'/-IO!'vlSOEVER IT ~IA Y CONCERN T/11s is to cert((y that Mr. Har11wndeep Singh Saini student of MBA (/Warketin1:) from Acharya Institute of Technology, B""Kalore has succe.,·.~fully completed his Industrial TraininR ji·om Jan-2018 to Apr-20 I H in Our Company. JI ·e wish him all the best in his future ende(lvors. For ~7 wtio11a/ Tractors ltd. BA' Si11Kh Sr. G,\/- H11111a11 Resources , '9 ~··.l 1'--tl liMll'A h I fJ. t 01}1( t l'W[' I N! I 1~\hl[fl~\ l\ l~ I.., • JJ •-.,• J_ )• IAllGEST ,1 2 lMOt IN Ovl ~ .. µ ' 11 AJ rlJl( f ~, .. ,, .. ,.,.._ ,,, 6Lh~lt 100 COUNIRII S 1 ll\h1MI ~, .' '""' ACHARYA INSTITUTE OF TECH NOLOGY (Af1iliated to Visvesvaraya Te chnological University, Bela{)<lVI, Approve cl by AICTE, New Delhi ancJ Accredited by NBA and NAAC) Date: 25/05/2018 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Harmandccp Singh Saini bearing USN 1AZ16MBA85 is a bonafide student of Master of Business Administration course of the Institute 2016-18 batch, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
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