Bibliography of the Iroquoian Languages
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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la mithode. 1 SMITHSONIAN' I N H TI T U T I O N IHJREALT OF ErUNOLOGY: J. W. POWELL, DIUECTOU BIBLIOGRAPHY OK THK IROQUOIAN LANGUAGES BY JAMES CONSTANTINE PILLINO WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1888 liik 7/// / 7 14d^7 PREFACE. This work forms the third of a series of bibliographies which the Bureau of Ethnology is publishing, each relating to one of the more prominent groups of native North American languages. Its predeces- sors relate to the Eskimo and Siouau stocks, its successor, now nearly ready for the printer, to the Muskhogean; and next in order is to be the Athabasknn or the Algouquian, as circumstances may dictate. When first prepared for the printer this bibliography did not include the material pertaining to the Cherokee language, it being considered an open question whether that language belonged to the Iroquoian stock. At the request of the Director special attention was given to the snb- iect by a number of the members of the Bureau, and a comparative vocabulary was prepared. The examination of this led the Director to adopt the conclusion that the language does belong to t^e Iroquoian stock, and its literature has accordingly been incorporated herein. The aim has been to include in this catalogue everything, printed or in manuscript, relating to the subject—books, pamphlets, articles in magazines, tracts, serials, etc., and such reviews and announcements of publications as seemed worthy of notice. The dictionary plan has been followed to its extreme limit, the sub- ject and tribal indexes, references to libraries, etc., being included in one alphabetic series. The primary arrangement is alphabetic by authors, translators of works into the native languages being treated as authors. Under each author the arrangement is, first, by printed works, and second, by manuscripts, each group being given chronolog- ically, and in the case of printed books each work is followed through its various editions before the next in chronologic order is taken up. Anonymous printed works are entered under the name of the author when known and under the first word of the title, not an article or prep- osition, when not known. Anonymous works printed in Cherokee char- acters, on the title-pages of which no English appears, are entered under the word Cherokee. A cross-reference is given from the first words of anonymous titles when entered under an author, and from the first words of all titles in the Indian languages whether anonymous or not. Manu- III m IV PREFACE, scripts are entered under the author when known, under the dialect to which they refer when he is not known. Each author's name, with his title, etc., is entered m full but once, ». ft, in its alphabetic order. Every other mention of him is by surname and initials only, except in those rare cases when two persons of the same surname have also the same initials. All titular matter, including cross-references thereto, is in a larger type, all collations, descriptions, notes, and index matter in a smaller type. In detailing contents and in adding notes respecting contents, the spelling of proper names used in the particular work itself has been followed, and so far as possible the language of the respective writers is given. In the index entries of tribal names the compiler has adopted that spelling which seemed to him the best. As a general rule initial caps have l>eeu used in titular matter in only two cases: first, for proper names, and second, when the word actually appears on the title-page with an initial cap and with the remainder in small caps or lower-case letters. In giving titles in the German language the capitals in the case of all substantives have been respected. Each title not seen by the compiler is marked with an asterisk within curves, and usually its source is given. There are in the present catalogue 949 titular entries, of which 795 relate to printed books and articles and 154 to manuscripts. Of these, 856 have been seen and described by the compiler—751 of the prints and 105 of the manuscripts, leaving as derived from outside sources 44 printed works and 49 manuscripts. Of those unseen by the writer, titles and descriptions of more than three-fourtlis of the former and nearly half of the latter have been received from persons who liave actually seen the works and described them for him. In addition to these, there are given 64 full titles of printed covers, second and third volumes, etc., all of which have been seen and de- scribed by the compiler ; while in the notes mention is made of 134 printed works, 90 of which have been seen and 44 derived from other (mostly printed) sources.